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Seorang wanita usia 40 tahun datang ke praktek anda dengan keluhan jari-jari tangan kanan
terasa nyeri dan kesemutan.

Riwayat penyakit sekarang:

Pasien merasakan keluhan sejak 1 tahun yang lalu, makin lama makin memberat. Keluhan nyeri
muncul sejak 1 bulan terakhir (VAS 3-4), terutama dirasakan saat malam hari (VAS 8-9). Nyeri
ini membuat pasien beberapa kali terbangun saat tidur.

- Reumatoid Arthritis
- Carpal Tunnel syndrome
- Neurpati karna diabetes
- Pronator teres syndrome
- N. Radialis …. (gatau nama penyakitnya)
- Ganglion cyst

Faktor resiko
- Obesitas
- Pekerjaan
- Kehamilan (karena retensi cairan)

Penegakan diagnosa
Pemeriksaan Fisik:
- Inspeksi: Melihat case baru atau lama dari atrofi otot bawah jempol (tenar hipotenar)
- Palpasi:
- Pemeriksaan penunjang: EMG
- Injeksi steroid
- Anti nyeri

1. DD telapak tangan kanan kesemutan dan nyeri (monica)
2. Faktor resiko kerusakan saraf (monica)
3. Patofisiologi terjadinya saraf rusak (hana)
4. Struktur pergelangan tangan (anatomi) (angela)
5. Definisi CTS (devina)
6. Etiologi CTS (devina)
7. Factor resiko CTS (devina)
8. Gejala klinis (firda)
9. Penegakan diagnose (anamnesa – penunjang) (madeline)
10. Komplikasi (michelle)
11. Tatalaksana (aldy)
12. Prognosis (aldy)
13. Pencegahan (Catherine)
14. Dampak social ekonomi (aurel)

 Tortora GJ, Derrickson B, 2017, Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 15 th edition,
John Wiley and Sons, Inc
 Kumar V, Abbas AK, Aster JC, 2015, Robin and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 9 th
edition, Elsevier Saunders
 Guyton AC, Hall JE, 2006, Guyton & Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11 th
edition, Elsevier Saunders
 Brust JCM, 2019, Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Neurology, 3 rd edition, Mc
Graw Hill
 Baehr M, Frotscher M, 2012, Duus’ Topical Diagnosis in Neurology, 5 th edition,
 Archer PA, Hutchings R, et al, 2000, Aids to The Examination of The Peripheral Nervous
System, 4 th edition, WB Saunders
 Cifu DX, 2016, Braddom’s Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 5 th edition, Elsevier
 Kleopa KA, 2015, Annals of Internal Medicine: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, American
College of Physicians
 Chang MH, Ger LP, Hsieh PF, Huang SY, 2002, A Randomized Clinical Trial of Oral
Steroids in The Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: a Long Term Follow Up, J
Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry; 73: 710-714
 Connor D, Marshall SC, Massy-Westroppp N, Pitt V, 2012, Non-surgical Treatment
(Other Than Steroid Injection) for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Systematic Review, The
Cochrane Collaboration, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
 Kuks JBM, Snoek JW, 2018, Textbook of Clinical Neurology, Bohn Stafleu van Loghum
 Rostkowski SM, 2016, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome’s Societal Induced Psychological,
Sociological, and Psychosomatic Workplace Effects, Future Technologies Conference:
 NINDS, 2020: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Fact Sheet. Acquired at July 27th 2020 from:
 Osbourne A, 2007, Peripheral Nerve Injury and

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