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The Incomplete

Manifesto for Global Inter-dependence

Future generations may well ask:

“What were our parents thinking?”

“Why didn't they wake up when they had a chance?”

We have to hear that question from them, now. Because, what we take for
granted today, might just not be here for our children.

Read our manifesto and join our grassroots movement.

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Planet By Design
(the heart of the manifesto)

Focus: Manifesto for Global Inter-dependence:

Our imperative is to first imagine, and then act to design a planet where:

1. Every one of us has equal rights, education and opportunities

2. True freedom of thought, speech and travel
3. Real innovation is brought to fruition, unhindered by agendas
4. There are no limits on technology, anything sustainable is made possible
5. We are all united in designing sustainability for our future generations
6. We can all breathe clean, fresh air, drink pure water and eat healthy tasty food
7. The old forests are respected as one of our most precious resources left
8. All animals are respected, they too want to live
9. All the energy and power that we use is renewable, free, and without pollution
10. We focus on resources that are not limited, thereby removing competition and conflict
11. Our population is sustainable, we are able to live free, in open spaces, in harmony
12. We all have enough, and that is more than enough

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Suspend your disbelief, and imagine a better world:

● With zero carbon emissions
● With zero hazardous waste and pollutants
● Free from the dependence on oil and coal
● Amazing technologies that preserve and protect our planet rather than sacrifice it
● Free, natural and renewable electricity, accessible to everyone, in every global village
● Access to new forms of free energy fuel for non polluting transportation
● Economies that celebrate sustainability and biodiversity
● Revering our natural inheritance not as a right to use, but as a gift to future generations

“If future generations are to remember us more with gratitude than

sorrow, we must achieve more than just the miracles of technology.
We must also leave them a glimpse of the world as it was created,
not just as it looked when we got through with it.”
Lyndon B. Johnson

After reading all of the above, you’re either:

(A) YES, this IS possible!
(B) Whether possible or not, this is a future I want be part of!
(C) It might be nice, but there’s no way that will ever happen.
(D) I’m not inspired by that, and it won’t ever happen anyway.

If you’re an A or B - this manifesto is for you. Keep reading.

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Bold New Plan

3 Steps to initiate a bold plan:

1. Take the necessary steps, without waiting for government or mainstream industry
2. Form a grass roots global tribe, in order to make environmental awareness mainstream
3. Create a structure that enables everyday people anywhere, to get behind, support and
deliver to market: new clean, green renewable technologies that change our planet

3 Strategies to initiate projects to create change:

1. Inventing new technology
2. Influencing public opinion through arts, media and film
3. Assisting communities around our planet

10 Ways our new projects will make this happen - mainstream:

1. Design technology and innovation that ends pollution – with zero carbon emissions
2. With a focus on new ways to generate free renewable energy, for everyone
3. Innovative sustainable building for housing, urban and city design
4. Demonstrate new ways to inspire equal opportunities and equal rights for everyone
5. Start initiatives that actually protect our old forests
6. Start initiatives that actually protect the oceans and ocean life
7. Create inspiring ways to plant new trees
8. Inspire compassion for animal protection and respect for all living creatures
9. Innovate new ways to live with zero waste and zero hazardous pollution
10. Create green sustainable economies, governments and communities

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Green Action: It’s Time

Assert that all of us need fundamental changes in our values, attitudes, and ways of living

Declare the 21st century is our defining moment to begin this transformation

Affirm our responsibility to each another, our community, and future generations

Commit ourselves to live by these principles and inspire others to also

Resolve deeply to live a life of sustainability that:

1. balances the common good with individual needs and interests

2. acknowledges all social, economic and ecological processes are interrelated
3. encourages diversity within unity
4. balances short term objectives with long term goals
5. balances freedom with responsibility
6. ensures future generations have the same rights as us to an unpolluted world
7. celebrates biodiversity and sustainability at the centre of our societies

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Getting Personal

20 Planet-enhancing actions you can take right now:

1. Focus on recycling and using recycled materials
2. Compost and reduce my garbage (worms are great for eating up food scraps!)
3. Walk more often every week
4. Use fuel efficient vehicles, car pool, and public transport more often
5. Use eco-friendly biodegradable products
6. Use energy saving lighting and other devices
7. Buy local more often with re-usable shopping bags
8. Grow some of my own food, even if it’s just herbs
9. Focus on the solutions, not the problems
10. Keeping positive and healthy in both mind and body
11. Significantly reduce my use of animal products, eat vegetarian more often
12. If eating animal products, choose those where the animals have been treated ethically
13. Donate regularly to projects that will make a real difference to our planet
14. Get informed and inspired, learn something new each week
15. Speak up and share what I’ve learned and what I really think
16. Focus on becoming a person of influence, even if that’s only to a few
17. Collaborate with others on ideas, actions, projects and help push them to fruition
18. Believe that I can make a difference & that the future most of us want is really possible
19. Become part of a team that’s making a difference
20. Love my life and the way I help and contribute to others

“To cherish what remains of the Earth and to foster its renewal is our
only legitimate hope of survival.” Wendell Berry

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The Problem
7 Billion, Desperate Hungry People

Homo Sapien (Sapien taken from the Latin ‘Wise Man’),

take a look at what our species is doing:
Our species has succeeded in its quest to dominate every continent on Earth, but even that has
never been enough. The human species has secured power over the land, skies, seas - and
always, over each other. For many ten’s of thousands of years, less than one billion human
beings managed to co-exist with 50 million other species.

And now?

Since the Industrial Revolution and our dependence on oil, the worldwide human population
has skyrocketed from around one billion in 1800, to more than SEVEN billion today.

We focus on the technologies that make the highest profits - without care for the
consequences, and this has unwittingly handed us huge influence over the entire biosphere.

It has become clear that our planet is facing its 6th Mass Extinction, but something is different
this time. This time, WE are the cause of the mass extinction. Although scientists disagree
whether the problem arouse 10,000 years ago when we started expanding our domain, 200
years ago with the Industrial Revolution or in more recent times, one thing is increasingly clear.
Species are going extinct, and it is happening at an ever increasing speed.

How do we kill so many species? Through continual and escalating deforestation, over-hunting,
over-fishing, pollution and the decrease of natural habitat. Right now there only about 10 million
species left, and they live at the mercy of our actions.

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The Problem
Your right to pollute and consume:
Like it or not, your own personal consumption contributes to all of this, as well as to the
destruction of your own habitat. So why do we each do this? Because each of us innately
believes we have a right to pollute and consume. Coupled with a denial that any of it makes an

Did you know that on average, YOU personally consume over:

○ 4,213 litres of water per week

○ 18,253 gallons of crude oil per week
○ Over 1800 kilowatt hours of coal driven electricity per week
○ More than 4.2 pounds of meat per week
○ More than 4500 calories every week... that you do not need
○ And you throw out 4.5kg of edible food ever week

Choose to look:
You might never think about this, hardly any of us do. Or you might think that none of this really
makes a difference. Hey, today looks pretty much the same as yesterday, doesn’t it. But when
you DO consider all of this, when you DO choose to see what you and the rest of us are doing
to our planet, every day, doesn’t it make you think?

Do you scream, “It’s too big! I can’t make a difference!”

STOP... I know who you are. You are one of the tiny, but extraordinary powerful elite. How do I
know? Because you are reading this.

Out of more than 7 billion humans, about 29% have Internet access, but only 1% actually have
a computer. I bet you do. And how many of those who have one would really think about how
they were going to make a difference. You do. You’re 1 in a million.

Looking for proof?

You’d only have read this far if, deep down, you knew you could make that difference.

But you’ve just been scared. Scared because you were alone.
Well you’re not alone. Not anymore.

Do you know how many people it takes to really make something happen that has an impact?

Less than 1,000. Spread the word.

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Taking Responsibility
If you get discouraged, remind yourself...

● That I share this planet with others

● We all deserve life and freedom
● Everything wants to thrive
● I am powerful
● Being a human, I am a custodian of life itself
● I can use this power for good, and...
● Together we can preserve, nurture & grow our resources
● Because our next generations depend upon it

You have no power without claiming responsibility. And when you

claim responsibility, you claim power, not guilt, for yourself.

“To leave the world a bit better ... to know that one life has breathed
easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

I invite you to read this declaration out loud, now:

Today, I will acknowledge what I could not take responsibility for before:

That this is my planet and it’s the only one I have.

That it’s beauty lies in it’s diversity, and I am thankful for the gift it offers me every day when I
wake up: the warmth from the Sun, the air that I breathe, the water that I drink, the food that I
eat and the earth that I walk on.

Deep down, I realise the things I want most are: clean, fresh air to breathe; easy access to
clean, fresh water every day; safe, healthy and delicious food to sustain me; and the
confidence and freedom to travel wherever I want to go, with a warm loving home to return to.

And so does everyone else.

It is now clear to me, that my future is forever linked to the success and proliferation of my
planet. I also realize that it is the same for all my friends, my family, my children and my

Now I realize just how privileged I am.

Today, I resolve to make a difference.

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First, let’s confirm what’s been going on:
1. For over 100,000 years there was less an 1 billion of us

2. In less than 100 years there are 7 billion of us, while over 50,000
species have been wiped out (1000 X the natural extinction rate).
Co-incidence that our population & extinctions are both going up?

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3. 1930, at the time our population exploded, so did oil consumption
Increase in the number of millions of barrels of oil per day globally

4. Since this time we’ve seen an increase in global sea levels

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4. And an increase in global temperatures
Increase the average global temperatures and carbon dioxide levels

6. And... an increase in global earthquakes and tsunamis

After decades of continual deep oil drilling, might there be an effect to Earth’s tectonic plates?

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It’s Your Move

What does it take to change things:

Does it take 1000 words to change things?
Probably not. It probably takes less than a hundred, plus one secret ingredient. You.

The secret ingredient is you, and your desire to actually do something about it. To take action,
to believe that it’s worthwhile, to confront what feels like a risk, but really isn’t. The secret
ingredient is to ignore excuses, abandon procrastination, stop looking for proof, and to trust
what feels right in your heart.

So, decide. Decide before the end of the day.

If you reject any of the thoughts above, replace them with your own.

But don’t settle for the status quo. Make something happen.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can

change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
Margaret Mead

Right now:
The powers that currently rule over our world would also never publish and encourage this
message to spread. But you can.

It’s time to step up.

Let’s do it together in ways that have never been considered, or were even possible.

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Now We’re Working Together
Your next step to make a difference:
Do you want to be part of this?
To help change our planet for the better?
To help create the future we have envisioned here?

Then join our grassroots movement.

First step - What you can do right now:

We’d love to get you started straight away making a difference.
So we’ve got a simple set of energy saving tips for you.

Just download the free eBook that shows you how to conserve energy with simple strategies
and ideas that at the same time save you money. It’s good for you, as well as our planet!

To get started, register your support and get the energy saving guide.

Go here:

Remember, even the smallest changes can make the biggest difference.
You can make that difference.

Get ready…

What we’ve got coming is going to rock the word!

Prepare for the launch our Secret Green Projects Initiative!

We’ve nearly finished building a new online platform where anyone with a green project can
launch, raise awareness and get the backing to make their project a mainstream reality.

We can’t wait to show to show it to you, and to get you involved.

Register your support and stay tuned :)

“Future generations are not going to ask us what political party were
you in. They are going to ask what did you do about it, when you
knew the glaciers were melting.”
Martin Sheen

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