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Open Ground Cavalry, Monstrous Cavalry, Chariots - Cavalry, Monstrous Cavalry, Chariots - Non-skirmish units - Dangerous Terrain
Charging unit starting turn w/majority uphill: Dangerous Terrain on marches, charges, Dangerous Terrain on charges, overruns, flees Cavalry, Monstrous Cavalry, Chariots -
+1 combat result overruns, flees or pursues through or pursues through Dangerous Terrain test fails on 1 or 2
Flyer begin/end flying move - Dangerous Terrain Cannot march through
ANVIL OF VAUL - Unit within 6" gains Magical Soft Cover for unit w/majority in or when Unit within can’t be steadfast or claim rank bonus EARTHBLOOD MERE - Unit w/majority
& Flaming Attacks shooting through. No affect for shooting out of within gains Regeneration (6+)
SCREE SLOPE - Models charging, marching, Unit w/majority within cannot be steadfast MYSTERIOUS RIVERS - Roll D6 KHEMRIAN QUICKSAND - Monster,
fleeing, pursuing or overrunning up, down or Skirmishers/Lone inf. w/maj. within - Stubborn 1. Normal Monstrous Infantry, Monstrous Cavalry
through a scree slope must take a Dangerous 2. Boiling Flood - Model within at end of turn removed on failed Dangerous Terrain test with
Terrain test. MYSTERIOUS FORESTS - Roll D6 suffers S4 hit with no armor saves. Immune to no saves
TEMPLE OF SKULLS - At the beginning of each 1. Ordinary flaming ignores this. MIST-WREATHED SWAMP - Unit w/majority
player turn, any character or champion on may 2. Abyssal Wood - Unit w/majority in gains Fear 3. Necrotic Ooze - Dangerous Terrain. Unit within gains hard cover. At end of movement
roll a D6. 3. Blood Forest - Any spell cast by (or at) model moving through gains Poisoned Attack until phase, unit must pass initiative test or lose D6
1 Remove model no saves. within: all units within forest suffer D6 S4 hits end of next players turn models.
2-6 One random characteristic goes up by D3 After, move forest 2D6" in random direction 4. Raging Torrent - Dangerous Terrain. Model
points. 4. Fungus Forest - Model within gains Stupidity. within:+3 Init
Goblin unit gains Stubborn 5. River of Blood - Unit that moves or charges
5. Venom Ticket - Dangerous Terrain. Model through causes Fear until end of next player's
within has close combat Poisoned Attacks. turn.
6. Wildwood - Unit within at end of turn, roll 6. River of Light - Unit entering hit by random
D6. On 4+, suffer D6 S4 hits. Light Spell

MYSTERIOUS - Roll once per game when 1st entered. MYSTERIOUS - Roll once per game when 1st entered.
DANGEROUS TERRAIN - If model marches, charges, DANGEROUS TERRAIN - If model marches, charges, DANGEROUS TERRAIN - If model marches, charges, DANGEROUS TERRAIN - If model marches, charges,
overruns, flees or pursues into or through roll D6. overruns, flees or pursues into or through roll D6. overruns, flees or pursues into or through roll D6. overruns, flees or pursues into or through roll D6.
On 1, wound (chariots D6) no armor save. On 1, wound (chariots D6) no armor save. On 1, wound (chariots D6) no armor save. On 1, wound (chariots D6) no armor save.

Cavalry, Monstrous Cavalry, Chariots - Treat as Impassible Terrain ENTER - non-marching infantry, monstrous Treat as Building or Impassible Terrain
Dangerous Terrain on marches, charges, ALTAR OF KHAINE: Unit <= 6" gains Frenzy infantry, war beast, monstrous beast & swarms ACROPOLIS OF HEROES - Unit <= 6" gains
overruns, flees or pursues over ARCANE RUINS: Wizard <= 6" can roll 1-4 dice enter by touching during move. Max 1 unit Stubborn Garrisoned unit +1 to hit in combat
Cover for units w/majority behind and in base to channel. If 3+ are 6s, roll on miscast. LEAVE - Put unit adjacent with at least 1 rear DWARF BREWHOUSE - Unit within 6" gains
contact. BANE STONE: +1 on wound rolls on unit <= 6” rank model 1” from building. No charges from. Immune to Psychology & Stubborn. Dwarfs
Firing models in base contact may ignore. CHARNEL PIT: Unit within 6" is -1 Leadership. Frenzied units must exit as close as possible to also gain Unbreakable & must pass Leadership
Units charging unit behind obstacle suffer Undead gains Regeneration (6+) enemy instead of charging. -3 test to move out of effect range.
penalty. ELVEN WAYSTONE: Wizard <= 6": +1 on chan. MAGIC - No protection from Magic attacks GRAIL CHAPEL - Unit from Forces of Order
IDOL OF GORK: Unit <= 6" at start of turn can SHOOT FROM - Measure from side of building, within 6" gains Regeneration (6+). Bretonnian
BLAZING BARRICADE - soft cover. chargers re-roll failed charge distance rolls. 360 degrees. Only 5 models per floor. also gain Stubborn.
take S4 hit on models in contact MAGIC CIRCLE: Unit <= 6" is Magic Resist(2) SHOOT AT - Unit inside has hard cover. HAUNTED MANSION - Units within 6" at end
BLESSED BULWARK - hard cover. chargers -1 SINISTER STATUE: Start of each player turn, Templates do D6 hits of shooting phase suffer D6 S1 hits no armor
to hit. models from Forces of Destruction halve roll for each unit <= 6". On 1-3, take D6 S4 hits CHARGE - With only 1 unit, No charge bonuses. saves. Unit inside causes Fear.
their initiative SORCEROUS PORTAL: Start of Magic phase, Defender can only hold or stand&shoot. NEHEKHARAN SPHYNX - At start of player
FENCE - soft cover. chargers -1 to hit. roll 2D6 & target closest unit. Ignore range, COMBAT - Each side chooses 10 models to turn, player can pick character within 6" to take
GHOST FENCE - soft cover. defender causes LOS, in combat, etc. fight. (Monstrous infantry/cavalry/beasts=3, initiative test. On fail, wound no armor save.
Fear in 1st round of combat 2-4 Soulblight (Lore of Death) Monsters=5). Up to half enemy models can On pass, randomly gain Devastating Charge,
WALL - hard cover. chargers -1 to hit. 5-6 Wyssan's Wildforms (Lore of Beasts) attack character/champions/etc. Casualties Heroic Killing Blow, or Loremaster (Death) for
7 Plague of Rust (Lore of Metal) taken from ‘back’ as normal. Challenges can be rest of game.
8-9 The Speed of Light (Lore of Light) fought only with one of 10 chosen models. SIGMARITE SHRINE - Unit from Forces of
10-12 Fireball (Lore of Fire) COMBAT RESULT - Combat result only based Destruction <= 6" re-rolls successful ward save
WYRDING WELL - Unit within 3" and not in on kills (musician wins a tie). Defender is TOWER OF BLOOD - Unit within 6" gains
combat may roll D6 at end of movement phase. steadfast. If defender fails break test, place on Hatred. Forces of Destruction also gain Frenzy.
1 No voluntary action until start of next turn opposite side of building from attacker. WIZARD'S TOWER - Wizard within 3" at start
DANGEROUS TERRAIN - If model marches, charges, 2-4 Unit recovers 2D6 wounds' worth of Attacker may then enter. If defender does not of magic phase knows all spells from his chosen
overruns, flees or pursues into or through roll D6. models, see spell Regrowth (Lore of Life). lose, only result is attacker moves back 1” lore that phase. If >1 wizard in range,
On 1, wound (chariots D6) no armor save. 5-6 Gains Stupidity & Unbreakable for game randomize who gains spells.
Warhammer 8ed Terrain Reference Cards v1.2 by RangerRob

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