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1. Follow the golden rule. Don’t do or say anything to others that you wouldn’t want done or said to you.
2. R-E-S-P-E-C-T! Derogatory or offensive comments will NOT be tolerated. Respecting others also means
respecting their stuff. This also means respecting the classroom – clean up after yourself each day!
3. All school rules will be enforced – this includes cell phones! If I see your cell phone or anything else
that should not be out during school hours, it is mine until the end of the hour.

1. Hall Passes. Students will be given five bathroom passes for the semester. They are to be used if they
forgot something in their locker or need to go use the restroom. In order to use a pass, they must ask to
go to their needed location in the target language. These will be worth two points of extra credit per
pass at the end of the semester. If a student has used up all of their bathroom passes, they will arrange
to make up 15 minutes of class time after school. Students should not be using hall passes in the middle
of a lesson or presentation. Only one student can be out of the classroom at a given time.
2. Sharpening Pencils & Throwing Trash Away. Students should not be getting up in the middle of the
lesson. If they need to sharpen a pencil or throw trash away, they should do so when working
independently or wait for an appropriate time during a break in the lesson.
3. Presentations and Lessons. Students should be faced forward with eyes on the speaker. They should
be listening. Students should not get up during this time to do unnecessary tasks. There should be no
electronics, books or other work out during this time.
4. Start of Class. Each day, there will be an assignment on the board for students to complete in the first
five minutes of class. Students are expected to be in their seats working when the bell rings. During this
time, I will collect homework assignments. Before class starts and during these first five minutes will also
be a time where I can chat with students a bit in Chinese.
5. Make-up Work. Students with an excused absence can find their makeup work in the crate by the
chalkboard. This crate will have work from the last week. Students are responsible to get the
assignments from the crate. Students should turn in their late work in the bin next to the crate.
6. End of Class. Students should not begin to pack up until the very last minute of class. This means that
students cannot line up at the door before the bell rings; students should stay in their seats until
dismissed. On most days, the lesson and activity will take all hour. However, if there is an extra 5 to 10
minutes at the end of class, students will use that opportunity to start working on their Chinese
homework. Reading a book or working on homework for another class will not be allowed.
7. Split Lunch. Before lunch, an assignment that is directly related to that days lesson will be explained.
This will be similar to bell work but instead of review or something fun, it will be used to help facilitate
learning something new. Students are expected to be back in class, in their seats and working on the
assignment when the bell rings.
8. Voice Levels. 1=Very little talking, room is almost completely silent. 2=Working together quietly.
Students should be using a soft indoor voice. 3=Voice levels are starting to get too loud, please
reevaluate your own volume and adjust accordingly. 4=Much too loud. When working independently in
some form, students should keep their voice levels low. If working individually, voice levels should be at
a ‘1’. If in pairs or in small groups, voice levels should be at a ‘2’. Students will discuss at the beginning of
the year what each voice level should sound like.
As students are in high school, I want them to treat each other respectfully and appropriately without
too many specific rules. I also feel that by having too many specific rules, my classroom will feel too
strict. I want students to be comfortable in the class because they are making themselves vulnerably
when they try to speak a new language. Respecting each other is really what is most important to me.
My list of procedures is compiled of my pet peeve situations, as well as common daily situations. I
believe that this list would allow the class to run more smoothly and thus, allow students to gain more
learning time in the classroom. Not all procedures will be explicitly explained to students; instead, they
will just be put in place from day one to form a habit.

All homework and projects are due a at the beginning of the hour. A limited amount of extra credit will
be available for students throughout the year. Each day that work is late will be minus ten percent on
the grade. For assignments that are more than five days late, they will be out of 50 percent. Each
semester, there will be a cutoff date for all late assignments. It will be in the form of going to Chinese
cultural events or watching Chinese movies. These opportunities will be announced as Ms. Wang sees fit.

Students, as stated in the school’s Code of Contact, will receive two days for each day absent to make up
work. This includes tests and quizzes. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain all necessary
makeup work. Assignments given to the student prior to the absence will be due upon a student’s return.
Students with an excused absence will have the opportunity to make up work for full credit. Students
with an unexcused absence will have the opportunity to make up work for half credit.

1. Verbal Feedback. There aren’t a ton of phrases used to give general positive feedback in Chinese but
below are a few that I can use.

When students answer questions incorrectly, I can say the following phrases.
2. Contacting Parents/Guardians. I will call or email home to parents and/or guardians to tell them
something positive about their child. This will also allow the start of a good relationship with parents.
3. Sandwiches. After each summative assessment, I will give students either verbal or written positive
4. The Great Wall. I will have a large, laminated photo of the Great Wall of China. When the class, as a
whole, does a good job of following procedures, a section of the Wall will be colored in. When it is filled,
we will have a cultural day in class.
Unless it is an extreme in bad behavior, such as physical violence, students will always get one warning.
The warning and first two steps will be said in Chinese. In Chinese, the phrase for one warning is “第一
次敬告” Also, I think the severity of the situation would be higher if I had to use step 3 to 5 so I would
like to switch to English then.
For other behavior, the following steps will be taken:
1. Student will stay after class for one minute. “下课以后要留一分钟”
2. Student will stay after class for two minutes. “下课以后要留两分钟”
3. Depending on where we’re at in the lesson, pull students into the hallway to talk with them.
4. Teacher will contact student’s parents/guardians via email or phone call.
5. Student will be sent to the principal’s office.
Students can skip steps depending on their choice of behavior.


1. I will count backwards from five in Chinese. I will also hold up one hand, putting down one finger at a
time to have a visual cue. This will likely be used more to bring the class back together when it goes off
on a tangent.
2. I will have some sort of musical instrument, like a rain stick, to signify bringing the class back together
after individual or small group work.
3. Saying “大家” [everyone] or “同学们” [students] to bring the class back together.
4. “If you can hear me, clap x times” in Chinese. “如果你听的到我, 拍 X 次.” – Even though this is
more elementary, I think it can still be effective because it is being done in a new language.
5. For the little ones only: I will say “一, 二, 三 木头人.” This means “1, 2, 3 -- freeze like you’re a
person made of wood.” When I say this, students need to freeze in whatever position they’re in while I
give directions.
6. For the little ones only: I will say “眼睛看_______.” This means “Put your eyes on______.” I would say
it once and have them repeat it after me as they place their eyes where they need to be.

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