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Pengaruh Infeksi Jamur Entomopatogen Metarhizium anisopliae

Terhadap Mortalitas dan Respon Imun Oxya japonica

(Orthoptera : Acrididae)

Mahasiswa: Melanie
Program Studi Magister Biologi SITH, email:

Pembimbing: Dr. Tjandra Anggraeni1 dan Dr. Wardono Niloperbowo2

SITH-ITB, email:
SITH-ITB, email:
Gelar: Magister Sains (M.Si), Wisuda Juli 2008


Saat ini resistensi akibat penggunaan insektisida sintetik menjadi masalah utama di
bidang pertanian. Hal ini mendorong diaplikasikannya pengendalian hama terpadu
diantaranya melalui metode pengendalian secara biologis. Salah satu agensia hayati yang
diketahui berpotensi besar dalam mengendalikan populasi hama adalah Metarhizium
anisopliae. Jamur entomopatogen ini yang dikenal sebagai musuh alami serangga.
Dalam upaya pengembangan M. anisopliae varietas lokal sebagai pengendali hama
dibutuhkan informasi mengenai patogenesitasnya dan respon pertahanan serangga hama
dari serangan patogen. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, dilakukan penelitian patogenesitas M.
anisopliae dan respon imun Oxya japonica (Orthoptera : Acrididae) terhadap infeksi M.
anisopliae. Penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL)
dengan satu faktor, yaitu dosis infeksi. Hasil penelitian diketahui infeksi M. anisopliae
mengakibatkan mortalitas terhadap O. japonica, namun dosis infeksi tidak berpengaruh
terhadap tingkat mortalitas. Seluruh taraf dosis infeksi yang diaplikasi (1.5 x 102, 1.5 x
103, 1.5 x 104, 1.5 x 105 spora/ekor) mengakibatkan mortalitas 100%. Dosis infeksi
diketahui berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap rata-rata waktu kematian O. japonica
(P<0.05), yaitu waktu kematian paling singkat terjadi pada infeksi dosis tertinggi.
Melalui pengamatan sayatan histologis diketahui, perkembangan infeksi jamur
mengakibatkan degradasi kutikula pada daerah penetrasi hifa. Perkembangan hifa dan
miselium dalam hemosol mengakibatkan kerusakan struktur dan jaringan dalam hemosol.
Infeksi M. anisopliae berpengaruh terhadap sistem pertahanan seluler dan humoral O.
japonica. Tingkat dosis infeksi tidak berpengaruh terhadap perubahan jumlah hemosit,
namun berpengaruh terhadap kecepatan penurunan jumlah hemosit dan perubahan
persentase Granulosit - Plasmatosit. Persentase Granulosit meningkat pada 0 jam – 12
jam, selanjutnya menurun pada 12 jam - 24 jam dan 48 jam. Persentase Plasmatosit
menurun pada 0 jam – 12 jam dan meningkat pada 12 jam – 24 jam dan 48 jam. Infeksi
M. anisopliae berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap respon imun humoral pada O. japonica
yang ditunjukkan melalui terjadinya peningkatan unit aktivitas phenoloksidase (P<0.05).

Kata kunci : Metarhizium anisopliae, Oxya japonica, patogenesitas, mortalitas, respon

imun, hemosit, phenoloksidase
The Infection Effect of Entomopathogenic Fungi Metarhizium
anisopliae to the Mortality and Immune Response of Oxya japonica
(Orthoptera : Acrididae)

Student: Melanie
Master’s program In Biology, School of Life Sciences and Technology-ITB,

Advisors: Dr. Tjandra Anggraeni1 and Dr. Wardono Niloperbowo2

School of Life Sciences and Technology ITB, email:
School of Life Sciences and Technology ITB, email:
Degree: Magister Sains (M.Si), Conferred July 2008

Pest resistancy to chemical insecticides has become major problem in agriculture. To
overcome this problem, an integrated pest management was introduced with biocontrol as
a part of the pest control methode. One of the biocontrol agent that exhibit a great
potensive to control insect pest population is Metarhizium anisopliae. This
entomopathogenic fungus is a natural enemy of insect. The information of fungus
pathogenicity and insect immune response are the key factors in developing indigenous
M. anisopliae as biocontrol agent. This research was conducted to study the pathogenicity
M. anisopliae against to Oxya japonica (Orthoptera: Acrididae) and to determine the
immune response of O. japonica to M. anisopliae infection. The research was conducted
using Completely Randomize Design, with dose infection as the single factor. The result
showed that M. anisopliae infection cause O. japonica mortality. However, dose of
infection was not influence the mortality rate of infected O. japonica. All of the dose of
infection applied (1.5 x 102, 1.5 x 103, 1.5 x 104, 1.5 x 105 spore/individu) led to 100% of
mortality. Futhermore, it was found that the dose of infection is significantly influence
the mean of lethal time (P<0.05), where it tends to decrease as the dose of infection
increase. Histological study was indicated that the development of the fungus led to
cuticle degradation in the area of hyphae penetration. Further study was showed that
development of hyphae and micellium cause the degradation of tissue structure in insect
hemocoel. Study on insect immune response was showed that the infection of M.
anisopliae influence the celluler and humoral immune response of O. japonica. The
infection dose was not significantly change the number of hemocyt, but it influenced
significantly the rate of hemocyt reduction, and also the changed of Granulocyt and
Plasmatocyt ratio over total hemocyt. The ratio of Granulocyt increased at 0 – 12 hours
after infection then decreased at 12 – 24 and 48 hours. The Plasmatocyt ratio decreased at
0 –12 hours after infection then increased at 12 – 24 and 48 hours. The humoral immune
response of O. japonica was induced by M. anisopliae infection, and it showed by the
increase of phenoloxidase activity significantly (P<0.05),

Key words : Metarhizium anisopliae, Oxya japonica, pathogenicity, mortality, immune

response, hemocyt, phenoloxidase

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