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Report Educational Metodelogy

Lecturer: Hizbullah, M.Pd

Written by
1. Setiawan Kurniajaya ( 190107085)

Class: V/C





Penelitian pendidikan merupakan suatu hal yang tidak mudah untuk dipelajari.
Pertama karena konsep penelitian itu sendiri rumit. Kedua karena banyaknya teori
pendidikan itu sendiri yang terkadang saling bertentangan. Ketiga karena penelitian
pendidikan melibatkan faktor manusia yang merupakan variabel yang sangat sukar
dikontrol, berbeda dengan sains di mana banyak variabel yang relatif mudah untuk
dikontrol, khususnya dalam eksperimen. Karena faktor manusia inilah maka penelitian
pendidikan sukar untuk diduplikasikan untuk membuat verifikasi dan karena faktor
manusia pulalah maka radius akurasi hasilnya lebar, kurang sempit dan kurang tajam
atau dengan kata lain ketepatan tembakannya adalah ketepatan menembak dengan mata
telanjang, bukan ketepatan menembak dengan teleskop.

Meski demikian penelitian pendidikan merupakan hal yang sangat penting untuk
dilakukan karena kita tidak dapat terus menerus bergantung pada intuisi dan pengalaman
saja untuk memperbaiki atau pun meningkatkan pendidikan. Mengingat intuisi merupakan
sumber pengetahuan yang timbul dari kesadaran terdalam pada diri seseorang terhadap
persoalan baru. Akan tetapi intuisi seringkali memberikan pengetahuan bias sehingga
tidak dapat dijadikan dasar yang memadai dan dapat diandalkan untuk mengambil keputusan
dalam menghadapi persoalan yang muncul. Begitu juga pengalaman antara satu orang
dengan yang lainnya berbeda, oleh karenanya penelitian tetap harus dilakukan.

Setidaknya ada tiga alasan utama mengapa penelitian pendidikan penting untuk dilakukan
sebagaimana dikutip oleh Ibnu Hadjar dari Mc Millan dan Schumacher dalam bukunya
Research in Education: A Conceptual Introduction (1989), yaitu: Pertama, penelitian dan
ilmu pengetahuan telah lama menjadi bagian penting dan utama dalam meningkatkan aspek
kehidupan di bidang lain, misalnya: di bidang kedokteran, penelitian telah memberikan
andil besar dalam menangani berbagai penyakit dan meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat.
Di bidang pertanian, penelitian telah banyak meningkatkan hasil- hasil pertanian baik dari
segi kualitas maupun kuantitas. Di bidang pendidikan, penelitian diharapkan juga mampu
memberikan dampak yang sama dalam meningkatkan praktik kependidikan sehingga
mempunyai dasar pijakan yang teruji secara empiris dan objektif dan bukan hanya
didasarkan pada intuisi, pengalaman maupun otoritas pejabat yang membidangi pendidikan

Kedua, penelitian pendidikan telah terbukti memberikan sumbangan terhadap

pengetahuan di bidang pendidikan. Sebagai contohnya adalah dalam pembuatan kebijakan
atau keputusan. Proses pembuatan kebijakan atau keputusan tentunya melalui beberapa
tahapan atau proses yang saling berkaitan satu sama lain, dimulai dari identifikasi masalah,
studi empiris, replikasi, sintesis hasil penelitian dan adopsi oleh praktisi serta evaluasi.
Misalnya kebijakan pemerintah terhadap penetapan uang kuliah tunggal (UKT) di perguruan
tinggi sejak tahun akademik

2013/2014 atau pun kebijakan pemerintah tentang penerapan kurikulum 2013 di sekolah-
sekolah atau madrasah-madrasah di Indonesia. Kebijakan tersebut tentunya telah dan
akan melalui beberapa tahapan atau proses di atas.

Ketiga, ulasan terhadap penemuan dan hasil-hasil penelitian pendidikan telah

memberikan implikasi praktis terhadap pembuatan keputusan yang bijaksana, sebagai
contohnya adalah penelitian terhadap metode ceramah dan diskusi di mana masing-
masing metode mempunyai pengaruh yang berbeda terhadap hasil belajar. Di samping hasil
penelitian tersebut dapat memberikan indikasi dalam mengidentifikasi masalah penelitian,
hasilnya juga dapat memberikan bimbingan dan masukan kepada pendidik yang tidak
mempunyai kesempatan untuk melakukan penelitian sendiri. Sehingga mereka dapat
melakukan perencanaan dan pengembangan program baru, mengukur hasil belajar dan
mendapatkan sumber-sumber yang diperlukan sesuai dengan kondisi masing- masing. Dari
sini, terlihat bahwa penelitian pendidikan telah memberikan informasi dan pengetahuan
yang valid tentang pendidikan yang diperlukan untuk membuat keputusan- keputusan yang
bijaksana. Metode penelitian eksperimen, survey dan naturalistik juga dapat ditempatkan
dalam satu garis kontinum. Metode penelitian eksperimen merupakan metode penelitian
yang digunakan untuk mencari pengaruh treatment (perlakuan) tetentu. Misalnya:
Pengaruh ruang kelas ber-AC terhadap efektivitas pembelajaran. Metode survey
digunakan untuk mendapatkan data dari tempat tertentu yang alamiah (bukan buatan
peneliti) tetapi peneliti melakukan perlakuan dalam pengumpulan data misalnya dengan
mengedarkan kuesioner, test, wawancara terstruktur dan lain sebagainya (perlakuan tidak
seperti dalam eksperimen). Metode penelitian naturalistik digunakan untuk meneliti pada
tempat yang alamiah, dan penelitian tidak membuat perlakuan karena peneliti dalam
mengumpulkan data bersifat emic, yaitu berdasarkan pandangan dari sumber data, bukan
pandangan peneliti.

Adapun contoh-contoh pendekatan penelitian yang menggunakan metode- metode

penelitian yang sudah dijelaskan di atas, menurut Sugiyono sebagai berikut: jenis
pendekatan penelitian yang menggunakan metode survey dan eksperimen adalah
pendekatan kuantitatif, sedangkan pendekatan kualitatif menggunakan metode naturalistik.
Basic research pada umumnya menggunakan metode eksperimen dan pendekatan kualitatif.
Sedangkan applied research menggunakan metode ekserimen dan survey. Adapun
penelitian pengembangan atau Research and Development (R & D) biasanya menggunakan
metode survey, eksperimen serta pendekatan kualitatif.

Hasil Penelitian dan Pembahasan

Metode penelitian eksperimen, survey dan naturalistik juga dapat ditempatkan dalam
satu garis kontinum. Metode penelitian eksperimen merupakan metode penelitian yang
digunakan untuk mencari pengaruh treatment (perlakuan) tetentu. Misalnya: Pengaruh
ruang kelas ber-AC terhadap efektivitas pembelajaran. Metode survey digunakan untuk
mendapatkan data dari tempat tertentu yang alamiah (bukan buatan peneliti) tetapi peneliti
melakukan perlakuan dalam pengumpulan data misalnya dengan mengedarkan kuesioner,
test, wawancara terstruktur dan lain sebagainya (perlakuan tidak seperti dalam eksperimen).
Metode penelitian naturalistik digunakan untuk meneliti pada tempat yang alamiah, dan
penelitian tidak membuat perlakuan karena peneliti dalam mengumpulkan data bersifat
emic, yaitu berdasarkan pandangan dari sumber data, bukan pandangan peneliti.

Adapun contoh-contoh pendekatan penelitian yang menggunakan metode- metode

penelitian yang sudah dijelaskan di atas, menurut Sugiyono sebagai berikut: jenis
pendekatan penelitian yang menggunakan metode survey dan eksperimen adalah
pendekatan kuantitatif sedangkan pendekatan kualitatif menggunakan metode naturalistik.
Basic research pada umumnya menggunakan metode eksperimen dan pendekatan kualitatif.
Sedangkan applied research menggunakan metode ekserimen dan survey. Adapun
penelitian pengembangan atau Research and Development (R & D) biasanya menggunakan
metode survey, eksperimen serta pendekatan kualitatif.

Berbeda dengan Sugiyono, Donald Ary, et. al dalam bukunya Introduction to

Research in Education yang diterjemahan ke dalam Pengantar Penelitian dalam
Pendidikan oleh Arief Furchan menyatakan terdapat empat kategori yang dipakai untuk
mengelompokkan penelitian pendidikan


Berdasarkan uraian di atas maka penulis menarik kesimpulan yang bahwa metode
penelitian pendidikan merupakan cara ilmiah untuk mendapatkan data yang valid dengan
tujuan dapat ditemukan, dikembangkan dan dibuktikan, berupa pengetahuan tertentu yang
dapat digunakan untuk memahami, memecahkan dan mengantisipasi masalah dalam bidang

Penelitian pendidikan secara metode diklasifikasikan menjadi penelitian dasar,

pengembangan (R&D) dan terapan, sedangkan berdasarkan tingkat kealamiahan tempat
penelitian, metode penelitian dibagi menjadi eksperimen, survei, naturalistik. Setiap
pendekatan penelitian mempunyai metode penelitian masing-masing, misalnya jenis
pendekatan penelitian yang menggunakan metode survey dan eksperimen adalah
pendekatan kuantitatif, sedangkan pendekatan kualitatif menggunakan metode naturalistik.
Basic research pada umumnya menggunakan metode eksperimen dan pendekatan kualitatif.
Sedangkan applied research menggunakan metode eksperimen dan survey. Adapun
penelitian pengembangan atau Research and Development (R & D) biasanya menggunakan
metode survey, eksperimen serta pendekatan kualitatif.
Meski beberapa tokoh di atas tadi membagi penelitian pendidikan ke dalam beberapa
metode, namun tak satu pun metode-metode tersebut selalu lebih baik dari pada yang lain
karena metode yang digunakan dalam suatu penelitian ditentukan oleh sifat persoalannya
dan jenis data yang diperlukan.

B. The Objective of IWCP 2

Based on the introduction above, the objective of IWCP 2 are to

improve the Students skill in writing and preparing itself to be master of
writing. Students can be presented totheir future as lecturer. To be Master of
writing, students of English Education need motivation, and get appear many
good ideas, even as medium information for people. writing is very benefit to
learn for students who want to be writer. So, students can share it’s

C. The Significances of IWCP2

The course of IWCP2 is expected to be useful for increasing the

student’s writing and benefit for itself and others. It is really necessary for
guide students to help resolve a problem in solve the problem. Because this
course is one of course that got improve student’s writing even speak and also
able to practices about speaking and writing.

D. Steps and Techniques of Activity


a. Lecture selects the book or other sources

Lecturer selects books or other sources which are related to the teaching
b. Lecturer presents new materials to the class
Lecturer delivers some theories in writing.
c. Lecturer asks students to respond what lecturer deliver
In this step, students can ask lecturer if they do not understand or just make
clarification about what lecturer delivers.
d. Lecturer asks students to practice the materials
The lecturer asks students to do the task individually, and then collect it.
e. The lecturer and students discuss the students answers
They discuss the answers to know the correct answers.
f. Lecturer gives students homework to the students and collect it next meeting.

Techniques of Activity

a. Dialogic presentation
b. Self-introduction


From explanation above, it can be concluded that teaching writing is

one of a way to find the students characters is truly that able to appear
student’s ability a way indirectly. Teaching writing able to create new ideas in
teaching processes and able to improve the more knowledge that conveying by

Teaching processes also got changed comprehension to be better in

student’s writing. The Lecturer has taught to use kind of strategies for
processing teaching writing and Lecturer also has taught for student’s about
how to covey the materials, accepting and comprehending. Teaching writing
alsois very important for student to got how to opinion, imagination and how
to deliver ideas ourselves.

Meeting I

a. The lecturer Demonstrated the understanding of goals, assessments of

the course and contract of the lecture.

Meeting 2

a. Opening

The meeting two was carried out on every Tuesday. It was started at
16:20 pm. Lecturer greeted the students for opening the lesson and checked
the students ‘attendances. He then delivered the topic of lesson to the students
and the objective of the lesson. The last step of opening class was explaining
the benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start.

b. Main Activities

Lecturer selected the books that or other course that lecturer presented
the new materials in the class. In this step, lecturer chose the books that
students used for study, then lecturer started to explain the materials and the
students listened it. In this step, lecturer discussed the materials, there were
“Introduction paragraph” Lecturer explained theIntroduction paragraph,
typesIntroduction paragraph, examples fromIntroduction paragraph.

After lecturer explained the materials, lecturer asked students’ that

they did not understand. If no one asked, lecturer asked students to practice the
materials, So the lecturer could know the level of understanding of students on
the materials that gave and the lecturer could give assignments to students.
After giving assignments the students collected their answers and discussed
the correct answers. The last lecturer gave the students homework to make
students more understand with the materials.

c. Closing

In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that he gave time
to students to ask question. There was three students who had question. Then,
lecturer answered their questions and gave some conclusions about the lesson.
The lecturer and students did reflection. He asked students about their feeling
during teaching and learning process.

After doing whole step, the writer knew what they felt when students
was implementing Self-Instruction. Then, lecturer again asked students to
analyze the text and try to understand it well at homes. lecturer closed the
meeting by saying ―Thankyou for your attention and see you next meeting,
good-bye‖. they didn‘t say Wassalamualaikumwr.wb.

Meeting 3

a. Opening

The meeting three was carried out on every Tuesday. It was started at
16:20 pm. Lecturer greeted the students for opening the lesson and checked
the students‘ attendances. Lecturer then delivered the topic of lesson to the
students and the objective of the lesson. The last step of opening class was
explaining the benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start.

b. Main activities
Lecturer selected the books that or other course that lecturer presented
the new materials in the class. In this step, lecturer chose the books that
students used for study, then lecturer started to explain the materials and the
studentslistened it. In this step, lecturer discussed the materials there were
“Thesis Statement” Lecturer explained the definitionThesis Statement, types
Thesis Statement, examples fromThesis Statement.

After lecturer explained the materials, lecturer asked students’ that they
did not understand. If no one asked, lecturer asked students to practice the
materials, So the lecturer could know the level of understanding of students on
the materials that gave and the lecturer could give assignments to students.
After giving assignments the students collected their answers and discussed
the correct answers. The last lecturer gave the students homework to make
students more understand with the materials.

c. Closing

In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that he gave time
to students to ask question. There was three students who had question. Then,
lecturer answered their questions and gave some conclusions about the lesson.
The lecturer and students did reflection. He asked students about their feeling
during teaching and learning process.

After doing whole step, the writer knew what they felt when students
was implementing Self-Instruction. Then, lecturer again asked students to
analyze the text and try to understand it well at homes. lecturer closed the
meeting by saying ―Thankyou for your attention and see you next meeting,
good-bye‖. they didn‘t say Wassalamualaikumwr.wb.

Meeting 4

a. Opening

The meeting four was carried out on every Tuesday. It was started at
16:20 pm. Lecturer greeted the students for opening the lesson and checked
the students‘ attendances. He then delivered the topic of lesson to the students
and the objective of the lesson. The last step of opening class was explaining
the benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start.

b. Main activities

Lecturer selected the books that or other course that lecturer presented
the new materials in the class. In this step, lecturer chose the books that
students used for study, then lecturer started to explain the materials and the
students listened it. In this step, lecturer discussed the materials, there were
“Body paragraph” Lecturer explained the definition Body paragraph, types of
Body paragraph, examples from Body paragraph.

After lecturer explained the materials, lecturer asked students’ materials

that they did not understand. If no one asked, lecturer asked students to
practice the materials, So the lecturer could knew the level of understanding of
students on the materials that gave and the lecturer could give assignments to
students. After giving assignments the students collected their answers and
discussed the correct answers. The last lecturer gave the students homework to
make students more understand with the materials.

In this section lecturer gave students assignments about sentences

structure, lecturer asked students to answer the question on slide, its how to
make good paragraph using types of sentence structure, and students tried to
answer it ,even though students’ answers were not all correct.

c. Closing

In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that he gave time
to students to ask question. There was three students who had question. Then,
lecturer answered their questions and gave some conclusions about the lesson.
The lecturer and students did reflection. He asked students about their feeling
during teaching and learning process.

After doing whole step, the writer knew what they felt when students
was implementing Self-Instruction. Then, lecturer again asked students to
analyze the text and try to understand it well at homes. lecturer closed the
meeting by saying ―Thankyou for your attention and see you next meeting,
good-bye‖. they didn‘t say Wassalamualaikumwr.wb..

Meeting 5

a. Opening

The meeting five was carried out on every Tuesday. It was started at
16:20 pm. Lecturer greeted the students for opening the lesson and checked
the students‘ attendances, and did not forget asked students’ homework last
week to collect it. Then lecturer delivered the topic of lesson to the students
and the objective of the lesson. The last step of opening class was explaining
the benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start.

b. Main Activities

Lecturer selected the books that or other course that lecturer presented
the new materials in the class. In this step, lecturer chose the books that
students used for study, then lecturer started to explain the materials and the
student listened it. In this step, lecturer discussed the materials there were
“Topic sentences in essay” Lecturer explained the definition oftopic sentences
in essay, types oftopic sentences in essay, examples fromtopic sentences in

After lecturer explained the materials, lecturer asked students’

materials that they did not understand. If no one asked, lecturer asked students
to practice the materials, So the lecturer could know the level of understanding
of students on the materials that gave and the lecturer could give assignments
to students. After giving assignments the students collected their answers and
discussed the correct answers. The last lecturer gave the students homework to
make students more understand with the materials.

c. Closing

In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that he gave time
to students to ask question. There was three students who had question. Then,
lecturer answered their questions and gave some conclusions about the lesson.
The lecturer and students did reflection. He asked students about their feeling
during teaching and learning process.

After doing whole step, the writer knew what they felt when students
was implementing Self-Instruction. Then, lecturer again asked students to
analyze the text and try to understand it well at homes. lecturer closed the
meeting by saying ―Thankyou for your attention and see you next meeting,
good-bye‖. they didn‘t say Wassalamualaikumwr.wb..

Meeting 6

a. Opening

The meeting six was carried out on every Friday. It was started at
15:10 pm. Lecturer greeted the students for opening the lesson and checked
the students‘ attendances. Lecturer then delivered the topic of lesson to the
students and the objective of the lesson. The last step of opening class was
explaining the benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start.

b. Main Activities

Lecturer selected the books that or other course that lecturer presented
the new materials in the class. In this step, lecturer chose the books that
students used for study, then lecturer started to explain the materials and the
students listened it. In this step, lecturer discussed the materials, there were
“unity, cohesion and coherence” Lecturer explained the definition ofunity,
cohesion and coherence, types ofunity, cohesion and coherence, examples
fromunity, cohesion and coherence.

After lecturer explained the materials, lecturer asked students’

materials that they did not understand. If no one asked, lecturer asked students
to practice the materials, So the lecturer could know the level of understanding
of students on the materials that gave and the lecturer could give assignments
to students. After giving assignments the students collected their answers and
discussed the correct answers. The last lecturer gave the students homework to
make students more understand with the materials.
c. Closing

In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that he gave time
to students to ask question. There was three students who had question. Then,
lecturer answered their questions and gave some conclusions about the lesson.
The lecturer and students did reflection. He asked students about their feeling
during teaching and learning process.

After doing whole step, the writer knew what they felt when students
was implementing Self-Instruction. Then, lecturer again asked students to
analyze the text and try to understand it well at homes. lecturer closed the
meeting by saying ―Thankyou for your attention and see you next meeting,
good-bye‖. they didn‘t say Wassalamualaikumwr.wb.

Meeting 7

a. Opening

The meeting seven was carried out on every Tuesday. It was started at
16 : 20 pm. The lecturer distributed links for meetings on Google Classroom
then told students to enter the linked links, and lecturer greeted students to
open learning and check students attendance. Then the lecturer conveyed the
topic of learning to students online through the meet application.

b. Main Activities

Lecturer opened the case of all students in the online meeting, the
lecturer presented the new material distributed online meetings. In this step,
lecturer discussed the materials there were “Paraphrase” Lecturer explained
the definition of paraphrase, types of paraphrase, examples from paraphrase.

After lecturer explained the materials, lecturer asked students’

materials that they did not understand. If no one asked, lecturer asked students
to practice the materials, So the lecturer could know the level of understanding
of students on the materials that gave and the lecturer could give assignments
to students. After giving assignments the students collected their answers and
discussed the correct answers. The last lecturer gave the students homework to
make them more understand with the materials.

c. Closing

In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that he gave time to
students to ask question. There was three students who had question. Then,
lecturer answered their questions and gave some conclusions about the lesson.
The lecturer and students did reflection. He asked students about their feeling
during teaching and learning process.

After doing whole step, the writer knew what they felt when students
was implementing Self-Instruction. Then, lecturer again asked students to
analyze the text and try to understand it well at homes. lecturer closed the
meeting by saying ―Thankyou for your attention and see you next meeting,
good-bye‖. they didn‘t say Wassalamualaikumwr.wb.

Meeting 8

a. Opening

The meeting eight was carried out on every Tuesday. It was started at
16 : 20 pm. The lecturer distributed links for meetings on Google Classroom
then told students to enter the linked links, and lecturer greeted students to
open learning and check students attendance. Then the lecturer conveyed the
topic of learning to students online through the meet application.

b. Main Activities

Lecturer opened the case of all students in the online meeting, the
lecturer presented the new material distributed online meetings. In this step,
lecturer discussed the materials there were “paraphrase task” Lecturer
explained the definition of paraphrase task, types of paraphrase task, examples
from paraphrase task.
After lecturer explained the materials, lecturer asked students’
materials that they did not understand. If no one asked, lecturer asked students
to practice the materials, So the lecturer could know the level of understanding
of students on the materials that gave and the lecturer could give assignments
to students. After giving assignments the students collected their answers and
discussed the correct answers. The last lecturer gave the students homework to
make them more understand with the materials.

c. Closing

In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that he gave time to
students to ask question. There was three students who had question. Then,
lecturer answered their questions and gave some conclusions about the lesson.
The lecturer and students did reflection. He asked students about their feeling
during teaching and learning process.

After doing whole step, the writer knew what they felt when students
was implementing Self-Instruction. Then, lecturer again asked students to
analyze the text and try to understand it well at homes. lecturer closed the
meeting by saying ―Thankyou for your attention and see you next meeting,
good-bye‖. they didn‘t say Wassalamualaikumwr.wb..

Meeting 9

a. Opening

The meeting nine was carried out on every Tuesday. It was started at
16 : 20 pm. The lecturer distributed links for meetings on Google greeted
students to open learning and check students attendance. Then the lecturer
conveyed the topic of learning to students online through the meet application.

b. Main Activities

This meeting was middle of the test, the task given at the previous
meeting then the lecturer explained about the midterm’s midterm test
assignment clearly so that students can work on the middle of the semester
examination more perfectly and get better results. Then the lecturer
immediately gave the middle semester exam assignment, which made one text
that contained all the types of sentences, compound sentences, complex
sentences, and compound – complex sentences.

Regarding the matter of mid-semester exam tasks, students can

immediately understand it and do the task better then the lecturer clarifies
related to the deadline for midterm’s midterm test collections, so that students
can regulate of optimal time. Then after completing the task, all students share
the task file to the class leader so that the folder is made for the class. Then the
class leader submitted the entire students files in a volume of one books and
finally the lecturer assessed the results of the students work.

c. Closing

This section, lecturer delivered the questions of middle test. Then

Lecturer gave time to student did it, Lecturer asked students about their feeling
during teaching and learning process and feeling of did the middle test.

Meeting 10

a. Opening

The meeting ten was carried out on every Tuesday. It was started at
16 : 20 pm. The lecturer distributed links for meetings on Google Classroom
then told students to enter the linked links, and lecturer greeted students to
open learning and check students attendance. Then the lecturer conveyed the
topic of learning to students online through the meet application.

b. Main Activities

Lecturer opened the case of all students in the online meeting, the
lecturer presented the new material distributed online meetings. In this step,
lecturer discussed the materials there were “Description essay” Lecturer
explained the definition of description essay, types of description essay,
examples from description essay.
After lecturer explained the materials, lecturer asked students’
materials that they did not understand. If no one asked, lecturer asked students
to practice the materials, So the lecturer could know the level of understanding
of students on the materials that gave and the lecturer could give assignments
to students. After giving assignments the students collected their answers and
discussed the correct answers. The last lecturer gave the students homework to
make them more understand with the materials.

c. Closing

In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that he gave time to
students to ask question. There was three students who had question. Then,
lecturer answered their questions and gave some conclusions about the lesson.
The lecturer and students did reflection. He asked students about their feeling
during teaching and learning process.

After doing whole step, the writer knew what they felt when students
was implementing Self-Instruction. Then, lecturer again asked students to
analyze the text and try to understand it well at homes. lecturer closed the
meeting by saying ―Thankyou for your attention and see you next meeting,
good-bye‖. they didn‘t say Wassalamualaikumwr.wb.

Meeting 11

a. Opening

The meeting eleven was carried out on every Tuesday. It was started at
16 : 20 pm. The lecturer distributed links for meetings on Google Classroom
then told students to enter the linked links, and lecturer greeted students to
open learning and check student attendance. Then the lecturer conveyed the
topic of learning to students online through the meet application.

b. Main Activities

Lecturer opened the case of all students in the online meeting, the
lecturer presented the new material distributed online meetings. In this step,
lecturer discussed the materials there were “Task” Lecturer explained the
definition of task, types of task, examples from task.
After lecturer explained the materials, lecturer asked students’
materials that they did not understand. If no one asked, lecturer asked students
to practice the materials, So the lecturer could know the level of understanding
of students on the materials that gave and the lecturer could give assignments
to students. After giving assignments the students collected their answers and
discussed the correct answers. The last lecturer gave the students homework to
made them more understand with the materials.

c. Closing

In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that he gave time to
students to ask question. There was three students who had question. Then,
lecturer answered their questions and gave some conclusions about the lesson.
The lecturer and students did reflection. He asked students about their feeling
during teaching and learning process.

After doing whole step, the writer knew what they felt when students
was implementing Self-Instruction. Then, lecturer again asked students to
analyze the text and try to understand it well at homes. lecturer closed the
meeting by saying ―Thankyou for your attention and see you next meeting,
good-bye‖. they didn‘t say Wassalamualaikumwr.wb.

Meeting 12

a. Opening

The meeting twelfe was carried out on every Tuesday. It was started at
16 : 20 pm. The lecturer distributed links for meetings on Google Classroom
then told students to enter the linked links, and lecturer greeted students to
open learning and check students attendance. Then the lecturer conveyed the
topic of learning to students online through the meet application.

b. Main Activities

Lecturer opened the case of all students in the online meeting, the
lecturer presented the new material distributed online meetings. In this step,
lecturer discussed the materials there were “Narrative Essay” Lecturer
explained the definition of narrative essay, types of narrative essay, examples
from narrative essay.

After lecturer explained the materials, lecturer asked students’

materials that they did not understand. If no one asked, lecturer asked students
to practice the materials, So the lecturer could know the level of understanding
of students on the materials that gave and the lecturer could give assignments
to students. After giving assignments the students collected their answers and
discussed the correct answers. The last lecturer gave the students homework to
make them more understand with the materials.

c. Closing

In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that he gave time to
students to ask question. There was three students who had question. Then,
lecturer answered their questions and gave some conclusions about the lesson.
The lecturer and students did reflection. He asked students about their feeling
during teaching and learning process.

After doing whole step, the writer knew what they felt when students
was implementing Self-Instruction. Then, lecturer again asked students to
analyze the text and try to understand it well at homes. lecturer closed the
meeting by saying ―Thankyou for your attention and see you next meeting,
good-bye‖. they didn‘t say Wassalamualaikumwr.wb.

Meeting 13

a. Opening

The meeting thirteen was carried out on every Tuesday. It was started
at 16 : 20 pm. The lecturer distributed links for meetings on Google Classroom
then told students to enter the linked links, and lecturer greeted students to
open learning and check students attendance. Then the lecturer conveyed the
topic of learning to students online through the meet application.

b. Main Activities
Lecturer opened the case of all students in the online meeting, the
lecturer presented the new material distributed online meetings. In this step,
lecturer discussed the materials there were “Argumentative Essay” Lecturer
explained the definition of argumentative essay, types of argumentative essay,
examples from argumentative essay.

After lecturer explained the materials, lecturer asked students’

materials that they did not understand. If no one asked, lecturer asked students
to practice the materials, So the lecturer could know the level of understanding
of students on the materials that gave and the lecturer could give assignments
to students. After giving assignments the students collected their answers and
discussed the correct answers. The last lecturer gave the students homework to
made them more understand with the materials.

c. Closing

In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that he gave time
to students to ask question. There was three students who had question. Then,
lecturer answered their questions and gave some conclusions about the lesson.
The lecturer and students did reflection. He asked students about their feeling
during teaching and learning process.

After doing whole step, the writer knew what they felt when students
was implementing Self-Instruction. Then, lecturer again asked students to
analyze the text and try to understand it well at homes. lecturer closed the
meeting by saying ―Thankyou for your attention and see you next meeting,
good-bye‖. they didn‘t say Wassalamualaikumwr.wb..

Meeting 14

a. Opening

The meeting fourteen was carried out on every Tuesday. It was started
at 16 :20 pm. The lecturer distributed links for meetings on Google Classroom
then told students to enter the linked links, and lecturer greeted students to
open learning and check student attendance. Then the lecturer conveyed the
topic of learning to students online through the meet application.
b. Main Activities

Lecturer opened the case of all students in the online meeting, the
lecturer presented the new material distributed online meetings. In this step,
lecturer discussed the materials there were “Task of argumentative essay”
Lecturer explained the definition of Task of argumentative essay, types of
Task of argumentative essay, examples from Task of argumentative essay.

After lecturer explained the materials, lecturer asked students’

materials that they did not understand. If no one asked, lecturer asked students
to practice the materials, So the lecturer could know the level of understanding
of students on the materials that gave and the lecturer could give assignments
to students. After giving assignments the students collected their answers and
discussed the correct answers. The last lecturer gave the students homework to
make them more understand with the materials.

c. Closing

In this section, lecturer summarized the lesson. After that he gave time
to students to ask question. There was three students who had question. Then,
lecturer answered their questions and gave some conclusions about the lesson.
The lecturer and students did reflection. He asked students about their feeling
during teaching and learning process.

After doing whole step, the writer knew what they felt when students
was implementing Self-Instruction. Then, lecturer again asked students to
analyze the text and try to understand it well at homes. lecturer closed the
meeting by saying ―Thankyou for your attention and see you next meeting,
good-bye‖. they didn‘t say Wassalamualaikumwr.wb.

Meeting 15

On 9june 2021, student went to Tanjung AAN Beach to tour task


Tanjung Aan Beach is one of the beautiful beaches on the island of
Lombok. This beach has a unique sand texture, even the texture of sand on the
island of Lombok is the same as Merica grains. If people walk on this beach
on foot, try to take off your footwear and feel like people are stepping on
pepper beads. Although the sand of Tanjung Aan Beach is textured like pepper
grains, it was considered fine sand. It is said that white textured sand like
pepper grains are coral fossils. If people touch your feet it will feel like you
are stepped on the sand and touch the nerves that are behind your feet and of
course it is very good for health.

This beach is perfect for who are looking for a perfect beach to swim
or snorkeling due to the smooth flowing wave with medium height. If people
do not bring people own equipment, people can get the high quality ones on
the area. In the late afternoon, when the wave is getting high, Tanjung Aan
Beach will be the rendezvous spot for surfers.

In this meeting, the writer would tell about the author's observations during
the study tour. The author choses Tanjung Aan as an object of study tourism because
Tanjung Aan is one of the closest tourist attractions. Besides being easy to visit, the
scenery of Tanjung Aan Tourism is very beautiful where the writer could saw two
large water bridges, the clear color of the water is very tempting to plunge and swim.

The author began to went to Tanjung Aan Tourism at 06.00. leaving for
Tanjung Aan takes about 15-20 minutes ride motor bike, which means that the
author arrived at Tanjung Aan at around 06.20 am. Before coming to Tanjung Aan
Tourism, the writer must first take some video. Then the author is in Tanjung Aan
Tourism, observed many things such as local and non-local visitors, what interested
things are there in Tanjung Aan Tourism? What interested things do foreigners like?

When made observed, the author did not forget to capture all the important
thoughts found in Tanjung Aan Tourism, from landscapes such as rice fields, high
cliffs, preety hills beside Tanjung Aan Tourism to people who come to Tanjung
Aan Tourism itself. After made observed and capturing many objects for a long time,
the writer then tries to found a beautiful scene to be recounted in a later report
The last thing the writer has to did before going home is to took a photo for
documentation there, where the photo would be put in the report that the author is
worked on.

Meeting 16

a. Opening

The meeting sixteen was carried out on Friday. It was started at 16:20-18:
00 am. Lecturer greeted the students for opening the lesson and checked the
students' attendances. He then delivered the topic of lesson to the students and
the objectives of the lesson. The last step of opening class was explaining the
benefit of the lesson to the students earlier to start.

b Main Activities

In this last meeting, lecturer conducted the final exam. Lecturer

instructed the students to make report text about IWCP 2. After completed the
assignments lecturer asked the students to collect it the students got the
assignment of final exam (UAS) from lecturer. The lecturer asked students to
make a report during learning online class process to apply all of material that
was given by him in this third semester.

Then the lecturer would give the score according to how well the
students made a report including how well they applied the grammatical
structured of their report.

c. Closing

In this section, lecturer conducted the final exam. Lecturer instructed the
students to make report text about IWCP 2 After completed the assigments
lecturer asked the students to collect it the lecturer provides of material in the
form of collecting reports and attachments that contain something like this.
student to asked about the unclear explanation about the final test. After
explaining all the materials the lecturer then closed the lesson by saying
―Thank you for your attention and see you next meeting, good-bye‖.
The first photo was example of the online class that students usually
did. Lecturer delivered the materials it's , then lecturer explained example the
materials it self, what's the understanding of Argumentative Essay, and how
writer can use the Types of Argumentative Essay and lecturer delivered some
theories in Google meet, after that the lecturer sends the file that was
explained for relearn at home

The last thing a writer did before going home was taking a photos from there
for documentation. When the writer has observed, the writer did not forget to
capture all the important thoughts found in Tanjung Aan Beach, from
landscapes such as high cliffs, preety hills beside Tanjung Aan Beach to
people who come to Tanjung Aan Beach itself.

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