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NIM : 041132154

1. Tuliskan 5 buah kalimat kemudai pilih satu kata pada masing2 kalimat untuk diidentifikasi
sebagai part of speech dan beri penjelasan.


Do you want to come to the playground with us? Kata "Playground" adalah Noun karena kata
tersebut menunjukkan sebuah tempat yang diaktegorikan sebagai kata benda.

2. Tulis 5 buah  kalimat yang didalamnya  terdapat Modal Auxiliaries yang berbeda kemudian
kemukakan apa yang saudara ketahui tentang kalimat2 tersebut yang kaitannya dengan modal

3. Tulis 5 buah kalimat langsung dengan bentuk kalimat yang berbeda kemudian ubah kalimat
tersebut menjadi tidak langsung. Beri penjelasan masing2 kalimat tersebut mengenai apa yang
sauadara ketahui mengenai Direct and Direct Speeech


1. 1. She has a beautiful girl.

Beautiful adalah adjective karena kata tersebut menjelaskan kata benda, yaitu kata "girl"
yang merupakan kata benda.

2. My mother gave me a new purse.

Gave adalah verb karena kata tersebut menunjukkan suatu aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh

3. We sometimes come late to school.

Late adalah adverb karena kata tersebut menjelaskan kata kerja, yaitu kata "come".

4. She puts her books on the table.

On adalah preposition karena kata tersebut menunjukkan letak suatu benda, yaitu kata "her

5. They play football every Sunday morning.

They adalah noun karena kata tersebut menunjukkan orang yang berfungsi sebagai subjek.

Noun adalah kata benda, yang menunjukkan posisinya sebagai benda.

Adjective adalah kata sifat, yang berfungsi menerangkan kata benda.

Adverb adalah kata keterangan, yang berfungsi menerangkan kata kerja.

Preposition adalah kata depan.

Verb adalah kata kerja, yang berfungsi sebagai predikat.

2. I will go back to Solok Makassar next week.

I shall not resend your massage today.
You should not forget to study before the test.
You should tell me where he will go.
He may be late because of the traffic jam
You may eat after you take a bath
She can jump across this fence
She could jump across this femince when she was a child
They must run for 30 minutes and they must be tired after that.
You must do it now!
3. Direct Speech
When we want to describe what someone said, one option is to use direct speech. We use
direct speech when we simply repeat what someone says, putting the phrase between
speech marks:

Paul came in and said, “I’m really hungry.”

It is very common to see direct speech used in books or in a newspaper article. For

The local MP said, “We plan to make this city a safer place for everyone.”
As you can see, with direct speech it is common to use the verb ‘to say’ (‘said’ in the past).
But you can also find other verbs used to indicate direct speech such as ‘ask’, ‘reply’, and
‘shout’. For example:

When Mrs Diaz opened the door, I asked, “Have you seen Lee?”
She replied, “No, I haven’t seen him since lunchtime.”
The boss was angry and shouted, “Why isn’t he here? He hasn’t finished that report yet!”
Indirect Speech
When we want to report what someone said without speech marks and without necessarily
using exactly the same words, we can use indirect speech (also called reported speech).
For example:

Direct speech: “We’re quite cold in here.”

Indirect speech: They say (that) they’re cold.
When we report what someone says in the present simple, as in the above sentence, we
normally don’t change the tense, we simply change the subject. However, when we report
things in the past, we usually change the tense by moving it one step back. For example, in
the following sentence the present simple becomes the past simple in indirect speech:

Direct speech: “I have a new car.”

Indirect speech: He said he had a new car.

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