Anda di halaman 1dari 210
Grant them and Kyrie. (Requiem e Kyrie.) Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano, Tenor, Bass and Chorus. Revised by H. W. NICHOLL. G. VERDI. Andante. SOPRANO. CONTRALTO. 5 es 5 s TENOR. 2} BASS. Andante. (¢~ 80.) PIANO. PP 1 it pik p possible. b sotto vece. ic ———— # =Es daz += # =: e = Je Sj Grant them rest, grantthemrest e - ter- nal, Re-qui-em, Re-qui-em ae - ter-nam, + £ —— f + ——- == + =] ees ze, 0 2% FF Sotto voce. i] pid p possible. + — ——=—— = SS = Grant them rest, grantthem rest e - ter-nal, Re -qui - em, Re-qui-em ae - ter-nam, SS — | = ooo ig = Fer Oe cn Copyright, 1895, by G. Schirmer. (Four Sopranos only.) t = grant them, grant them, do - na, do - na con espressione. LY, Tutti sempre pp and light et lux and light et lux Ppp dolciss. 10847 —— — grant e them, pet-n-al, pe-tu-a, pet-u-al, pe-tu-a, Lord, Thy rest, Do - mi - ne: STS and light per-pet - u-al et lux per-pe - tu-a and light per-pet- u-al et Inx_ per-pe - tu-a By ppp shinedown up - on them, lu-ce- at e-is, PrP shine down up - on them. lu -ce-at e-is, shine down up- lu - ce - at Ppp__—_—_——__ shine down up - on them. Iu -ce - at e-is. LL, P — 4, Poco pitt mosso. - onthem. e-is. shine down up lu- ce - at St There shall be Te de-cet Sf _ >> Thereshall be singing to Thee in e-is. Te deoet hymnus, De- us, in f= > >> ‘There shallbe singing un - to Theein Si - on, and Te de-cet hymnus, De - us, in Si -on, et Poco pili mosso. (#= 88.) Ree rir te Senza accomp. t 104a7

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