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Political Science 5-2-2011

Osama ben Laden dead and buried.

Immigration: of the U>S> Unauthorized Immigrant Population, 2000-2010

2008, 12 million illigal aliens in the US. The economy collapsed so people
have left the country. The economy takes a don turn.

Colateral damage: when going after illegal immagrants. Anybody born in the
U.S. is a us citizen.

Is immigration the next big broblem? first problem, economy, second, wars
and homeland security; and three, immagration.

American and British attitudes towards aiding illegal immigrants.

Dimensions of illegal immigration

Estimate: 12 million illegal immigrants in the us in 2pp6

This has fallen to 11.2 million because of hard times.

10 percent of Mexican nationals live in the United States.

Two-thirds of immigrants are not Mexican.

Mexican is a minority

1 of 7 workers is an immigrant. We still are the nation people want to come


Immigration threats


will immigrants take my job?

will immigrants increse my taxes?


will immigrants change the culture of the country, particularly

the Anglo-Saxon Culture?

will immigration lead to increased crime?

will immigration lead to increased terrorism?


will immigration create shortages in public goods and services?

like Poland they fludded Brittain, most comments are about the
scarsity of resources.

Economic fears

are legal immigrants admitted because of skills?

High tech,engineering, financial nnd medical sectors ofter seek

admission of the technically proficient. Approximately 1/8 of legal
immigrants get in this way.

Two-thirds of admitted legal immigrants admitted because of family

members who reside in the US.

Critics fear that legal immigration is aditting dependents and fewer

skilled orkers.

Other fears

Cltural fear results in English-only initiatives.

Is there racist motivation?

Security fears?

does immigration result in a rise in crime? Yes, when the

immigrants are poor.

A rise in terrorism? Doctors on the border.

Scarcity argument emerging in US and the UK.

can we afford additional resources to care for illegal immigrants?

US policy is occasionaland unforcused

1882 - US stops Chinese immigration. brought inChinese in to work the gold


building of the railroads was irish and afrian americans.

1924 - US adopts quota restrictions on immigration by country.

1960 - the influx of Mexican and CentralAmerican illegal immigrants begins.

Simpson-Mazzoli Act - 1986

Immigrants in the USin 1982 can enter "path to citizenship" if they

learn English and are not a criminal.

Border are tightened to keep out lillegal immigrants.

Employers are anned from hiring illegal immigrants, but cannot challenge
presented documentation.

Why no further reforms?

immigration persistently shows up as the third most important issue to


Rising Hispanic voting power precludes quickhit solutions that would

cost parties at the polls.

There is no consensus on how to address the issue within either party.

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