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Mikrobiota usus manusia normal terdiri dari beberapa spesies bakteri yang berfungsi
sebagai pengatur penyimpanan lemak, merangsang regenerasi sel epitel, dan melindungi
terhadap infeksi pathogen seperti virus, jamur, parasite sehingga keberadaan bakteri tersebut
sangat menguntungkan. Spesies bakteri yang terdapat pada usus biasanya adalah Bacteriodes,
Bifidobacterium, Clostridium, Peptococus, Peptostreptococus, Lactobacillus, dan Ruminococus.
(1) In addition, strains of Gram-positive bacteria belonging to the Bacillus genus and some yeast
strains belonging to the Saccharomyces genus are commonly used in probiotic products. In
human species, probiotics have many beneficial features. Its main advantage is that the
microbiota that inhabits the organism is developed so that a correct balance between pathogens
and bacteria is ensured that it works normally.(9)(Paulina Markowiak, 2017). Parasites respond
to the microbial community and host, impact the equilibrium of the host and the food of
microbiota and influence the protection and immunomodulation functions of microbiota.(10)
Diare adalah pengeluaran feses dengan berat 200 gram per hari, sedangkan pseudo diare
adalah ketika berat feses< 200gr per hari. Diare dikarakteristikkan dengan peningkatan jumlah
cairan, volume dan frekuensi feses (4). Amoebiasis is a term employed to describe an infection
of the Entamoebahistolytica protozoan. Globally, up to 50 million people have been estimated to
be affected by E. histolytica is mainly liable for over 100,000 fatalities in developing nations
every year. (11) This review sumerized recent findings of the effect of probiotics in diarrhea
healing process.
Metode yang digunakan dalam pencarian ini diambil dari Google scholar, PubMed, Plos.
Pencarian terbatas pada study original article dengan subjek manusia dan dipublikasikan antara
tahun Januari 2015 sampai Agustus 2019 yang berbahasa Inggris.


Probiotik adalah mikroorganisme hidup yang dapat bermanfaat pada tubuh manusia jika
diberikan dalam jumlah yang cukup. Efek dari probiotik sebagai mikro flora dan antibakterial,
immunostimulator, antiinflamasi pada diarea kut, diare traveller, diare yang berhubungan dengan
antibiotik, inflamatory bowel diseases (IBD), dan irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (4). Probiotik
dapat membantu meningkatkan fungsi kekebalan melalui penguatan barrier mukosa usus,
mengurangi transfer mukosa organisme luminal dan metabolit ke inang, meningkatkan produksi
antibody mukosa, memperkuat integritas epitel dan antagonism langsung pathogen
mikroorganisme. (3) Salah satu bakteri yang berfungsi sebagai probiotik adalah Lactobacillus
casei dan E. Faecium yang memiliki potensi untuk menghambat proliferasi protozoa. Pada
penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukan bahwa probiotik tersebut memiliki peran penting
dalam menghambat proliferasi protozoa. Pada penelitian tersebut diketahui bahwa efek
penghambatan bakteri L. casei dan E. faecium yang tinggi terhadap pertumbuhan trofozoit
protozoa. Dari lima probiotik yang diteliti pada kultur bakteri Lactobacillus casei dan
Enterococcus faecium menunjukkan penurunan yang signifikan hingga 71% pada kelangsungan
hidup parasit. Ketika dua probiotik dikombinasikan, persentase kelangsungan hidup protozoa
secara bertahap berkurang sampai 80% pada CFU total 109sel / ml bakteri. (2).
Probiotik yang sering dikonsumsi adalah Lactobacillus dan Bifidobacterium. Beberapa generasi
bakteri, seperti Lactobacillus dan Bifidobacterium, dapat menstimulasi respon imun kemudian
meningkatkan produksi dan sekresi IgA karena menyebabkan perubahan dalam lingkungan
sitokin di mukosa usus, menginduksi ekspresi TGFβ dan IL-10 dan selepitel IL-6, yang dapat
mempotensiasi produksi IgA, dan menginduksi / meningkatkan ekspresi reseptor polimer Ig pada
permukaan basolateral sel epitel usus. Beberapa penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa dosis
terapeutik yang efektif untuk manfaat kesehatan adalah 5 miliar unit pembentuk koloni sehari (5
x 109 CFU / hari) selama setidaknya lima hari. (3). One kind of Lactobacillus is Lactobacillus
ruminus. This is major spesies in healthy gut microbiome which phagocytosed by E.histolytica.
It can be a potential probiotic to treat amoebiasis (O’donell 2015). Ditambah sehingga e

Selain terdiri dari bakteri, probiotik juga bias berasal dari jamur. Saccharomyces
boulardii adalah salah satu jenis jamur probiotik yang didapatkan dari isolasi buah leci dan
mangga. Pada penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan S.boulardii efektif untuk mencegah dan
mengatasi diare. Salah satunya pada diare yang disebabkan oleh Entamoeba histolytica.
Beberapa mekanisme dari fungsi S.boulardii untuk menyerang mikroorganisme pathogenic telah
diidentifikasi mulai dari regulasi hemostasis mikroba intestinal, kemampuan kolonisasi pathogen
untuk menginfeksi mukosa usus, modulasi respon sistem imun local dan sistemik (5). S.boulardii
menstimulasi pembentukan berbagai enzyme seperti enzim laktase yang mencerna laktosa, serta
meningkatkan absorbs nutrisi dan elektrolit. Probiotik jamur ini juga meningkatkan feedback
negative untuk menurunkan frekuensi diare (6). Pemberian Saccharomyces boulardii mengurangi
lamanya diare cair akut pada anak-anak dan memiliki efikasi lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan
suplementasi zinc. Hal tersebut membuat penyembuhan diare menjadi lebih cepat(7). Hal
tersebut sejalan dengan penelitian lain yang menyebutkan bahwa pemberian probiotik
Saccharomyces dapat mengurangi durasi, frekuensi, dan lamanya tinggal di rumah sakit pada
kejadian diare cair akut serta dapat mengurangi biaya pengobatan. (8)
One of kind caused diarhea is Entamoeba histolytica.alah satu penyebab diarea dalah
Entamoeba histolytica, is a protozoan that invades enteric. An infection caused by
entamoebahistolitika is called amoebiasis. Most infects of amoebain enteric are asymptomatic.
But, with weeks of cramping, abdominal pain,bloody diarrhea or watery, and weight loss, an
invasive intestinal disorder can happen. (11)
Protozoa are constantly interacting with the intestinal microbiota, but their possible
relationship to microbiota composition imbalances, called dysbiosis, is still uncertain. Infection
with giardia can cause long-lasting modifications in the spatial distribution of commensal
microorganisms, improving bacterial invasiveness and inflammatory reactions in the gut mucosa
during post-clearance.Concerning E. Histolytica, important changes in predominant gut
microbiota and depletion of certain predominant genera Bacteroides, Lactobacillus,
Eubacteriumin the intestine of infected patients. (10)
Gambar. (12)
E.histolytica initial infection happens after contaminated water or food containing E.histolytica
cysts has been ingested. These cysts then undergo excystation in the small intestine lumen. The
trophozoite phase of the amoeba then feeds on bacteria and on the intestinal mucosa in serious
instances. Extraintestinal amebiasis occurs when the amoeba goes into the intestinal mucosa and
into the blood stream (burgess et all 2016). Trophozoites may also spread through the systemic
circulation and reach the liver, forming abscess (Labruyere, 2017).
By characterizing the bacterial population phagocytized by E.histolytica, there are relationship
between amoeba and bacteria gut microbimes. The genus level indicated predominance of
Lactobacillus members followed by members of Bifidobacterium and Faecalibacterium being
preferentially phagocytized. Lactobacillus ruminus is phagocytized by the parasite and is not
attached to the surface of Entamoeba trophozoites. Phagocytosis of these bacteria can cause
dysbiosis of gut bacteria and creates conditions for the proliferation of the parasite in the lumen
of human intestinal (Iyer, 2016).
There are several factors that can explain the phenomenon as the parasite interacts with the
human colon. First, a change in bacterial flora structure that should occur at any moment. It is
known, for example, that co-infection with Enterobacteriaceae improves the parasite’s virulence.
Another plausible factor is the human immune response because the amoebae are chemoattratted
by pro-inflammatory moleculess such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and some intetinal cells
that are possibly activated at an early point of infection as a TNF reservoir (e.g mast cells)
(weber 2016). Ditambah sehingga menyebabkan lapisan mukus berkurang, inflamasi, diare

Menjelaskan perubahan mucus nya bagaimana

The first defense the parasite has to defense with inside the colon is the mucus barier. The
primary element of this mucus barrier is Mucin, a glycoprotein secreted from goblet cells. β
Parasite-secreted amylase breaks down this barrier allowing the parasite to reach the intestinal
epithelial cell (IEC) layer. The parasite triggers proinflammatory molecules such as interleukin
(IL)-1β), interleukin-8(IL-8), and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α after contact with IECs. These
pro-inflammatory molecules that attract neutrophils and macrophages contribute respectively to
the creation of ROS and reactive nitrogen species (Cornick and Chadee, 2017). If the
intracellular defense mechanisms do not control elevated concentrations of ROS, oxidative
damage to proteis, lipids, and DNA maay result in cell death. ROS manufacturing is a strong
element of the innate immune defense against microbial diseases, including amoebiasis. In the
presence of enterobacteria, changes in proteasome activity and glycolyis are engaged in the stress
response of E.histolytica (Varet 2018)
Menjelaskan perubahan sel-selnya
Human intestines also have protection mechanisms from the parasite. For example, oxaloacetate
(OAA) is a ketoacid produced by normal flora of bacteria that protects the parasite from
oxidative stress and enhances its virulence. Escherichia coli interaction with Entamoeba
histolytica boosts its oxidative stress virulence. There are secretes malate dehydrogenase (MDH),
an enzyme that converts malate into oxaloacetate (OAA). OAA detoxifies during inflammation
generated hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Alternatively, OAA present in Escherichia coli neutralizes
H2O2 before affecting Entamoeba histolytica (Shoulov,2018).
inflamasinya muncul dengan cara gimana, kapan, dan bagaimana

Menjelaskan tentang efek pemberian probiotik terhadap hal tersebut

1. Partida Rodrıguez, 2017, Human Intestinal Microbiota: Interaction Between Parasites
and the Host Immune Response
2. Sarjapuram, 2017, The Potential of Lactobacillus casei and Entercoccusfaecium
Combination as a Preventive Probiotic AgainstEntamoeba.
3. Ventura, 2018, Effect of probiotics on giardiasis. Where are we?.
4. Caramia et al, 2015.
5. Dash et al, 2016.
6. Pourjafar, 2015.
7. Hotiana 2015.
8. Hotiana 2015.
9. Markowiak, 2017. Effects of Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Synbiotics on Human Health
10. Lebba, 2016. Gut microbiota related to Giardia duodenalis, Entamoebaspp. and
Blastocystishominisinfections in humans from Côte d’Ivoire
11. Kantor,2018, EntamoebaHistolytica Updates in Clinical Manifestation
12. Coria, 2019. The delicate balance between Entamoebahistolytica, mucus and

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