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TAHUN 2021

1. Kegiatan tutorial pada blok B3 sebanyak 5 skenario dilaksanakan secara daring. Tiap
skenario terdiri atas dua kali pertemuan dengan tutor (daring).
2. Setiap skenario mahasiswa akan dinilai:
a. Keaktifan dan kesesuaian dengan topik tutorial pada pertemuan I (30%).
b. Keaktifan dan kesesuaian dengan topik tutorial pada pertemuan II (30%).
c. Laporan individu (40%).
3. Tutorial dilaksanakan menggunakan pendekatan 7 langkah (7-jumps). Pertemuan
1 mengimplementasikan langkah 1 hingga langkah 5. Di akhir pertemuan I, Tutor
melengkapi daftar pertanyaan yang dibuat oleh mahasiswa sesuai daftar pertanyaan yang
tersedia (lihat Tabel 1) Pada step 6 mahasiswa mencari jawaban pertanyaan tersebut.
Jawaban pertanyaan dikirimkan satu hari sebelum pertemuan II ke tutor via email atau
4. Jawaban pertanyaan didiskusikan pada pertemuan II.
5. Berdasarkan pertemuan II, mahasiswa dapat memperbaiki jawaban pertanyaannya dan
diupload ke GAMEL untuk dinilai untuk Tutor (40%).
6. Tutor bertugas untuk mendampingi diskusi dan mengawal pencapaian tujuan
pembelajaran yang ditetapkan (learning objectives), juga memberikan penilaian untuk
setiap pertemuan dan juga laporan setiap skenario yang diupload ke GAMEL (form
penilaian terlampir).
7. Ketua kelompok (pemimpin tutorial) menghubungi Tutor untuk janjian
penggunaan aplikasi daring.
8. Apabila Tutor berhalangan pada waktu yang sudah ditentukan, bisa mencari waktu lain
dalam hari sama atau satu hari berikutnya. Tutor dapat berkoordinasi langsung dengan
kelompok untuk menetapkan waktu.
9. Tutor menilai laporan individu tiap kelompok kemudian mengirimkan nilainya ke
pelaksana Regular Ervana Lisdiyanto (08562925450,
dan pelaksana Internasional Desinta Mindaryanti (081931777332,
10. Jika tutorial telah terlaksana, tutor mengirimkan screen shoot pelaksanaan tutorial pada
Whatsapp group tutor.

Tabel 1. Daftar pertanyaan untuk diinformasikan kepada mahasiswa pada akhir

pertemuan I tutorial
Skenario Daftar Pertanyaan
1. Cramp 1. Describe some diseases with symptoms of acute abdominal pain!
Abdominal Pain 2. How are the pathophysiologic mechanismsnof visceral and somatic pain
in abdomen?
3. How are the physical examination of visceral and somatic pain in
4. Describe the common causes of acute abdominal pain according to the
quadrant in which the pain is located, the radiation of the pain, the age and
the gender of the patient!
5. Mention the key diagnostic criteria for common causes of abdominal pain,
based on a history, physical examination and supporting examination!
6. What kind of drugs for common causes of abdominal pain?
7. Explain the importance of involving a surgeon as soon as possible when a
patient is identified as having an acute abdomen!
8. Is there any clinical manifestations difference of appendicitis in adult and
9. What are your plans for the patient
10. Explain the informed consent procedure in surgical management of acute
abdominal pain

2. Recurrent 1. What are the etiologies and pathogenesis of upper abdominal pain? Can
Abdominal Pain certain drugs cause upper abdominal pain?
2. Describe the diseases of upper gastrointestinal tract according to upper
abdominal pain.
3. Describe the pathogenesis of each disease of upper gastrointestinal tract!
4. How to diagnose the diseases of upper gastrointestinal tract and what are
symptoms and signs for each disease (gastritis, peptic ulcer, GERD and
NSAID gastropathy?
5. What are the complications of gastritis, peptic ulcer, GERD and NSAID
6. What is the management for each disease of upper gastrointestinal tract?
7. Describe the differential diagnosis of these symptoms (pancreatitis,
cholelithiasis, cholecystitis)!
8. Describe drug induced liver diseases, particularly anti tuberculosis drugs,
anti conclusion drugs (carbamazepine, dilantin), paracetamol and PTU!
9. What are the common causes of gastroenteritis
10. What any differences between infectious diarrhoea and non infectious
3. Coffee Grounds 1. Explain the pathophysiology of hematemesis
Colored Vomit 2. Explain the pathophysiology of melena
3. Explain the pathophysiology of hematochezia
4. Explain the pathophysiology of bleeding in NSAID gastropathy
5. Explain the pathophysiology of esophageal varices and portal

6. Explain the algorithm of upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding

7. What are you plans for the case in the scenario?
8. Explain the pathophysiology of drug induced liver hepatitis
9. Explain the etiopathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease
10. What is colorectal cancer (clinical, site, tumor marker, microscopic,
staging and grading, features)
4. Less Urinating 1. What are the risk factors of glomerulonephritis?
2. What are risk factors of pyelonephritis?
3. What are risk factors of renal fairlure?
4. What are the symptoms and signs of glomerulonephiritis?
5. What are the symptoms and signs of pyelonephritis?
6. What are the symptoms and signs of renal failure?
7. How to diagnose the disease and what are the differential diagnoses of the
8. Describe the complications of glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, and
renal failure?
9. What kind of renal function test that should be performed for the p atient
in scenario?
10. What investigation are you going to plan to support the diagnose?
(physical, laboratory, imaging and radiology examination)
5. Colic Pain 1. What are the possible cause and pathophysiology of flank pain?
2. What are the possible cause and pathophysiology of colicky pain?
3. What are the symptoms and signs of urolithiasis?
4. How are the mechanism of stone formation in urinary tract?
5. What are the risk factors of urolithiasis?
6. How to diagnose the disease and what are the differential diagnoses of the
disease of the case in the scenario?
7. How are the mechanism of the drugs for the case?
8. Describe the complications of urolothiasis?
9. What kind of renal function test that should be performed for this patient?
10. What investigation are you going to plan to support the diagnose?
(physical examination, urinalysis, biochemistry, radiology)

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