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Reflection Questions:

1) Considering the development opportunities available to you this year, how have
you applied what you learned?

Yes, I took the chance to go for the National Honor Society. I think it has
bettered me as a person. This school takes the extra step making letting people
know they car. Some may do it in the wrong way but we still get the idea. So
yes, I have taken the opportunities

2) What strengths do you possess that you can use at a higher level next year?

More dedication to graduate. I have the dedication now, but it would be

higher, because I would now I have just a few months and I would graduate.
Also, leadership maybe I can say inspiring final lines of a speech that douche
bags will quote on there facebook profiles. I can give a great speech if I have it
written down and ready.

3) What obstacles must you work through so you can meet all your goals for this

I have to get through my procrastinative tendencies. If I didn’t procrastinate

so much I would be good in school. Also if I had the resources to do some things I
could achieve my goals quicker. Things like computers are a necessity these
days; however some people don’t have one. People don’t understand this.

4) Discuss what you have learned during the class and how it will assist you in
achieving further academic and work related goals.

I have learned to use several applications on the computer. The Windows

programs will be a great assent in the near future for me. Seeing how things are
mostly being used by computer I would have to learn to use WORD, EXCEL, or
ACCESS. So it’s a great thing that this class prepared me for that.

5) If you could do any assignment over this year, which one would it be and why?
Any regrets?

The Vocabulary, I could never do any of that in time. I think it was the only
thing I didn’t turn in, in this class. I do regret it because maybe my grade
would’ve been higher in this class.
6) What are 3 words you would use to describe this class?

Awesome firstly, because the things that we learn are pretty cool. Secondly,
fun, because we do great projects to get us to learn about the program faster.
Lastly, slightly laid back, because sometimes we just hang out when there is no
other work to do.

7) How did your computer skills grow or improve over the course of the year?

This course has allowed me to learn to type faster. I have also learned how to
make a website which I could never do. This course has helped me learn more
about computer in general.

8) What were your greatest challenges or lessons learned?

Just the confusion of some of the things. However I got through them and
now they are simple to me. It may not be easy to explain for me but its simple to
do it.

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