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An experiment in Sensory deprivation aiming to stimulate


Definition the ability to gain information about an object,

person, location or physical event through
means other than the known human senses

See also Telepathy

Anomalous cognition
Remote viewing

The term clairvoyance (from 17th century French with clair meaning "clear" and
voyance meaning "vision") is used to refer to the alleged ability to gain information about
an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known human
senses,[1][2] a form of extra-sensory perception. A person said to have the ability of
clairvoyance is referred to as a clairvoyant ("one who sees clearly").

Claims for the existence of paranormal and psychic abilities such as clairvoyance are
highly controversial. Parapsychology explores this possibility, but the existence of the
paranormal is not accepted by the scientific community.

• 1 Usage
• 2 Status of clairvoyance
• 3 Clairvoyance and related phenomena throughout history
• 4 Parapsychological research
• 5 Skepticism
• 6 Other related terms
o 6.1 Clairsentience (feeling/touching)
o 6.2 Clairaudience (hearing/listening)
o 6.3 Clairalience (smelling)
o 6.4 Claircognizance (knowing)
o 6.5 Clairgustance (tasting)
• 7 See also
• 8 References

• 9 Further reading

[edit] Usage
Within parapsychology, clairvoyance is used exclusively to refer to the transfer of
information that is both contemporary to, and hidden from, the clairvoyant. It is very
different from telepathy in that the information is said to be gained directly from an
external physical source, rather than being transferred from the mind of one individual to

Outside of parapsychology, clairvoyance is often used to refer to other forms of

anomalous cognition, most commonly the perception of events that have occurred in the
past, or which will occur in the future (known as retrocognition and precognition
respectively),[3][4] or to refer to communications with the dead (see Mediumship).

Clairvoyance is related to remote viewing, although the term "remote viewing" itself is
not as widely applicable to clairvoyance because it refers to a specific controlled process.

(Bruce Main-Smith writes):- It is unfortunate, indeed careless, that clairvoyance has

come to be indicative of all/most forms of purported mediumship. There are four primary
channels, clairsensing, trance, healing and physical plus a whole raft of others that do not
fit neatly into any one primary channel. Clairvoyance (seeing) and clairaudience
(hearing) for example are both kinds of clairsensing and belong in that main group. Many
mediums who are good clairvoyants may well have little or no clairaudient capability
even though both "gifts" belong in the primary channel of clairsensing. Remote viewing
is a facet of clairvoyance and usually appears in practitioners suffering from arrested
Trance is the ability to communicate with, and mainly to receive from, other entities,
incarnate & discarnate, and may sometimes be independent of time; it is usually divided
into deep trance (obliterative & so dangerous, where the operative abdicates the throne,
quite common) and light trance (a high or even total degree of awareness & thus safer for
the practitioner, and extremely rare when well-done).

Healing is the ability to induct health benefits from some usually unspecified higher
source where the healer can direct the effects to the beneficiary. Contact healing involves
the healer being in the closest proximity but not necessarily actually touching. Absent
healing is explained by its alternative name of distant healing and is independent of
spatial distance.

Physical mediumship includes events such as table turning, production of quasi-physical

objects (even personages) & sometimes involving so-called ectoplasm. It is often said to
require either total darkness are at the most a weak red light.

There are many further mediumistic events, still unfortunately too often dubbed
clairvoyance, which do not fit neatly into any of the four main channels. These include
psychometry (establishing the history of an object), slate writing (common in Victorian
times), extras appearing in photographs (seemingly no more; possibly since the advent of
compound camera lenses using plastic as well as quartz-glass) and a long list of other
curiosities too extensive to be dealt with here.

It is most unusual for a medium to have more than one primary channel "open" and under

[edit] Status of clairvoyance

Within the field of parapsychology, there is a consensus that some instances of
clairvoyance are verifiable.[5][6] There is also a measured level of belief from amongst the
general public, within a portion of the US population who believe in clairvoyance varying
between 1/4 and 1/3 over the 15 year period from 1990 to 2005.

Year Belief
1990 26%
2000 32%
2005 26%[4]

The concept of clairvoyance gained some support from the US and Russian governments
both during and after the Cold War, and both governments made several attempts to
harness it as an intelligence gathering tool.[7]

According to skeptics, clairvoyance is the result of fraud, self-delusion,[4] Barnum effects,

confirmatory biases, or failures to appreciate the base rate of chance occurrences. For
example, in a scientific experiment of clairvoyance, a purported clairvoyant participant
will inevitably make correct guesses some of the time (i.e., during some of the trials
within the same experiment), simply because of chance. Furthermore, because of the
nature of the statistical tests used by experimenters, a very small proportion of all
experiments conducted will yield an overall statistically significant result (suggesting that
clairvoyance took place at above-chance levels), again simply because of chance. A
proper summary of the experimental evidence on clairvoyance should include a summary
of all experiments that were conducted, taking into account their probabilities of turning
out false positive and false negative results, and making sure that studies are not included
in the review selectively. Some researchers on clairvoyance have tended to purposefully
exclude negative findings from their reviews [8], thus biasing their own conclusions.

[edit] Clairvoyance and related phenomena throughout

There have been anecdotal reports of clairvoyance and 'clear' abilities throughout history
in most cultures. Often clairvoyance has been associated with religious or shamanic
figures, offices and practices. For example, ancient Hindu religious texts list clairvoyance
amongst other forms of 'clear' experiencing, as siddhis, or 'perfections', skills that are
yielded through appropriate meditation and personal discipline. But a large number of
anecdotal accounts of clairvoyance are of the spontaneous variety among the general
populace. For example, many people report seeing a loved one who has recently died
before they have learned by other means that their loved one is deceased. While
anecdotal accounts do not provide scientific proof of clairvoyance, such common
experiences continue to motivate research into such phenomena.

The earliest record of somnambulistic clairvoyance is credited to the Marquis de

Puységur, a follower of Mesmer, who in 1784 was treating a local dull-witted peasant
named Victor Race. During treatment, Race reportedly would go into trance and undergo
a personality change, becoming fluent and articulate, and giving diagnosis and
prescription for his own disease as well as those of others. When he came out of the
trance state he would be unaware of anything he had said or done. This behavior is
somewhat reminiscent of the reported behaviors of the 20th century medical clairvoyant
and psychic Edgar Cayce. It is reported that although Puységur used the term
'clairvoyance', he did not think of these phenomena as "paranormal", since he accepted
mesmerism as one of the natural sciences.

Clairvoyance was a reported ability of some mediums during the spiritualist period of the
late 19th and early 20th centuries, and psychics of many descriptions have claimed
clairvoyant ability up to the present day.

Early researchers of clairvoyance included William Gregory (chemist), Gustav

Pagenstecher, and Rudolf Tischner. These were largely qualitative experiments in which
selected participants sought to identify a concealed target image, or to provide accurate
information about the history of a target object. Charles Richet, the noted physiologist
and, later, Ina Jephson, a member of the Society for Psychical Research, introduced more
quantitative methods. A significant development in clairvoyance research came when J.
B. Rhine, a psychologist at Duke University, introduced a standard methodology, with a
standard statistical approach to analysing the data, as part of his research into
extrasensory perception. Perhaps the best-known study of clairvoyance in recent times
has been the US government-funded remote viewing project at SRI/SAIC during the
1970s through the mid-1990s; at least those studies amongst these that did not involve
"agents" visiting or being otherwise aware of the target sites.

Some parapsychologists have proposed that our different functional labels (clairvoyance,
telepathy, precognition, etc.) all refer to one basic underlying mechanism, although there
is not yet any satisfactory theory for what that mechanism may be.[citation needed]

[edit] Parapsychological research

Parapsychological research studies of remote viewing and clairvoyance have produced
favorable results significantly above chance, and meta-analysis of these studies increases
the significance. For instance, at the Stanford Research Institute, in 1972, Harold Puthoff
and Russell Targ initiated a series of human subject studies to determine whether
participants (the viewers or percipients) could reliably identify and accurately describe
salient features of remote locations or targets. In the early studies, a human sender was
typically present at the remote location, as part of the experiment protocol. A three-step
process was used, the first step being to randomly select the target conditions to be
experienced by the senders. Secondly, in the viewing step, participants were asked to
verbally express or sketch their impressions of the remote scene. Thirdly, in the judging
step, these descriptions were matched by separate judges, as closely as possible, with the
intended targets. The term remote viewing was coined to describe this overall process.

Targ and Puthoff both believed that Uri Geller, retired police commissioner Pat Price and
artist Ingo Swann all had genuine psychic abilities.[9] They published their findings in
Nature[10] and the Proceedings of the IEEE.[11] Their work however met criticism from a
number of writers, such as psychologists David Marks and Richard Kammann in their
1980 book The Psychology of the Psychic.[12]

In order to explore the nature of remote viewing channel, the viewer in some experiments
was secured in a double-walled copper-screened Faraday cage. Although this provided
attenuation of radio signals over a broad range of frequencies, the researchers found that
it did not alter the subject's remote viewing capability. They postulated that extremely
low frequency (ELF) propagation might be involved, since Faraday cage screening is less
effective in the ELF range. Such a hypothesis had previously been put forward by
telepathy researchers in the Soviet Union.[13]

The first paper by Puthoff and Targ on psychic research to appear in a mainstream peer-
reviewed scientific journal was published in Nature in March 1974; in it, the team
reported some degree of remote viewing success.[14] One of the individuals involved in
these initial studies at SRI was Uri Geller, a well-known celebrity psychic at the time.
The research team reported witnessing some of Geller's trademark metal spoon-bending
performances, but admitted that they were unable to conduct adequately controlled
experiments to confirm any paranormal hypothesis about them.

Electroencephalography (EEG) techniques were also used by team to examine ESP

phenomena. In these investigations, a sender, who was isolated in a visually opaque,
electrically and acoustically shielded chamber, was stimulated at random by bursts of
strobe-light flickers The experimenters reported that, for one receiver, differential alpha
block on control and stimulus trials were observed, which showed that some information
transfer had occurred. In contrast, this person's expressed statements of when the stimulus
occurred were no different than that which would be expected by chance. The researches
were unable to identify the physical parameters by which the EEG effect was mediated.

After the publication of these findings, various attempts to replicate the remote viewing
findings were quickly carried out. Several of these follow-up studies, which involved
viewing in group settings, reported some limited success. They included the use of face-
to-face groups,[16][17] and remotely-linked groups using computer conferencing.[18]

The various debates in the mainstream scientific literature prompted the editors of
'Proceedings of the IEEE' to invite Robert Jahn, then Dean of the School of Engineering
at Princeton University, to write a comprehensive review of psychic phenomena from an
engineering perspective. His paper,[19] published in February 1982, includes numerous
references to remote viewing replication studies at the time.

Clairvoyance experiments involving Zener cards currently exist on the internet. One such
online system, the Anima Project[20], gathers user results into a master database which is
then analyzed using a variety of statistical techniques.

[edit] Skepticism
Parapsychological research is regarded by critics as a pseudoscience[21] In 1988, the US
National Research Council concluded that it "...finds no scientific justification from
research conducted over a period of 130 years, for the existence of parapsychological

Skeptics say that if clairvoyance were a reality it would have become abundantly clear.
They also contend that those who believe in paranormal phenomena do so for merely
psychological reasons. According to David G. Myers (Psychology, 8th ed.)

The search for a valid and reliable test of clairvoyance has resulted in thousands of experiments.
One controlled procedure has invited 'senders' to telepathically transmit one of four visual images
to 'receivers' deprived of sensation in a nearby chamber (Bem & Honorton, 1994). The result? A
reported 32 percent accurate response rate, surpassing the chance rate of 25 percent. But follow-
up studies have (depending on who was summarizing the results) failed to replicate the
phenomenon or produced mixed results (Bem & others, 2001; Milton & Wiseman, 2002; Storm,
2000, 2003).

One skeptic, magician James Randi, has a longstanding offer—now U.S. $1 million—“to anyone
who proves a genuine psychic power under proper observing conditions” (Randi, 1999). French,
Australian, and Indian groups have parallel offers of up to 200,000 euros to anyone with
demonstrable paranormal abilities (CFI, 2003). Large as these sums are, the scientific seal of
approval would be worth far more to anyone whose claims could be authenticated. To refute
those who say there is no ESP, one need only produce a single person who can demonstrate a
single, reproducible ESP phenomenon. So far, no such person has emerged. Randi’s offer has
been publicized for three decades and dozens of people have been tested, sometimes under the
scrutiny of an independent panel of judges. Still, nothing. "People's desire to believe in the
paranormal is stronger than all the evidence that it does not exist." Susan Blackmore,
"Blackmore's first law", 2004.

[edit] Other related terms

The words "clairvoyance" and "psychic" are often used to refer to many different kinds of
paranormal sensory experiences, but there are more specific names:

[edit] Clairsentience (feeling/touching)

In the field of parapsychology, clairsentience is a form of extra-sensory perception

wherein a person acquires psychic knowledge primarily by means of feeling.[23] The word
is from the French clair, “clear,” + sentience, “feeling,” and is ultimately derived from the
Latin clarus, “clear,” + sentiens, derived from sentire, “to feel”.

In addition to parapsychology, the term also plays a role in some religions. For example:
clairsentience is one of the six human special functions mentioned or recorded in
Buddhism. It is an ability that can be obtained at advanced meditation level. Generally
the term refers to a person who can feel the vibration of other people. There are many
different degrees of clairsentience ranging from the perception of diseases of other people
to the thoughts or emotions of other people. The ability differs from third eye in that this
kind of ability cannot have a vivid picture in the mind. Instead, a very vivid feeling can

Psychometry is related to clairsentience. The word stems from psyche and metric, which
means "to measure with the mind".

[edit] Clairaudience (hearing/listening)

In the field of parapsychology, clairaudience [from late 17th century French clair (clear)
& audience (hearing)] is a form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person acquires
information by paranormal auditory means. It is often considered to be a form of
clairvoyance.[24] Clairaudience is essentially the ability to hear in a paranormal manner, as
opposed to paranormal seeing (clairvoyance) and feeling (clairsentience). Clairaudient
people have psi-mediated hearing. Clairaudience may refer not to actual perception of
sound, but may instead indicate impressions of the "inner mental ear" similar to the way
many people think words without having auditory impressions. But it may also refer to
actual perception of sounds such as voices, tones, or noises which are not apparent to
other humans or to recording equipment. For instance, a clairaudient person might claim
to hear the voices or thoughts of the spirits of persons who are deceased. Clairaudience
may be positively distinguished from the voices heard by the mentally ill when it reveals
information unavailable to the clairaudient person by normal means (including cold
reading or other magic tricks), and thus may be termed "psychic" or paranormal.[citation

[edit] Clairalience (smelling)

Also known as Clairescence. In the field of parapsychology, clairalience [presumably

from late 17th century French clair (clear) & alience (smelling)] is a form of extra-
sensory perception wherein a person acquires psychic knowledge primarily by means of

[edit] Claircognizance (knowing)

In the field of parapsychology, claircognizance [presumably from late 17th century

French clair (clear) & cognizance (< ME cognisaunce < OFr conoissance, knowledge)] is
a form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person acquires psychic knowledge
primarily by means of intrinsic knowledge. It is the ability to know something without a
physical explanation why you know it, like the concept of mediums.

[edit] Clairgustance (tasting)

In the field of parapsychology, clairgustance is defined as a form of extra-sensory

perception that allegedly allows one to taste a substance without putting anything in one's
mouth. It is claimed that those who possess this ability are able to perceive the essence of
a substance from the spiritual or ethereal realms through taste.[citation needed]

[edit] See also

Part of a series
of articles on the


Wikisource has the text of the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica article clairvoyance.

• Anomalous cognition
• Astral projection
• Near-death experience
• Out-of-body experience
• Paranormal phenomena
• Parapsychology
• Plane (esotericism)
• Postdiction (retroactive clairvoyance)
• Precognition
• Spirituality
• Subtle body
• Third eye

[edit] References
1. ^ Merriam-Webster
Online dictionary, Retrieved Oct 5, 2007 "1: the power or faculty of discerning
objects not present to the senses 2: ability to perceive matters beyond the range of
ordinary perception: penetration"
2. ^ Britannica Online Encyclopedia, Retrieved Oct 7, 2007. The ESP entry includes
3. ^ a b Glossary of Parapsychological terms - Clairvoyance — Parapsychological
Association (2007-04-27)
4. ^ a b c Carrol, Robert (2003), "Clairvoyance" - Skeptics Dictionary, Wiley, ISBN
0471272426[page needed]
5. ^ "What is parapsychology?", FAQ - Parapsychological Association (2007-02-03)
6. ^ "What is the state-of-the-evidence for psi?", FAQ - Parapsychological
Association (2007-02-03)
7. ^ Waller, Douglas (December 11, 1995). "The Vision Thing i love curtis soo
much :) x". Time.,9171,983829,00.html. Retrieved
May 30, 2009.
8. ^ Tart, C. T. (1983). "Information acquisition rates in forced-choice ESP
experiments: precognition does not work as well as present-time ESP". Journal of
the American Society for Psychical Research 77 (4): 293–310. ISSN 0003-1070.
9. ^ Mind-Reach: Scientists Look at Psychic Abilities, by Russell Targ and Harold
Puthoff, Dell Pub Co., 1978
10. ^ R. Targ, and H,E, Puthoff, H.E "Information transfer under conditions of
sensory shielding," Nature, 251, 602-607. (1974).
11. ^ Puthoff, H.E. and Targ, R. "A Perceptual Channel for Information Transfer over
kilometer distances: Historical perspective and recent research." Proc. IEEE, Vol.
64, no. 3, 329-254. (1976)
12. ^ Marks, D. and Kammann, R., (1980) The Psychology of the Psychic, p26.
Prometheus Books. ISBN 1-57392-798-8
13. ^ Kogan I (March 1968). "Information theory analysis of telepathic
communication experiments". Telecommunications and Radio Engineering 23
(2): 122–125. ISSN 0040-2508.
14. ^ Targ, Russel; Harold Puthoff (1974). "Information transmission under
conditions of sensory shielding". Nature 251: 602–607. doi:10.1038/251602a0.
15. ^ Rebert, CS; Turner, A (April 1974). "EEG spectrum analysis techniques applied
to the problem of psi phenomena.". Behavioral neuropsychiatry 6 (1-12): 18–24.
ISSN 0005-7932. PMID 4468758.
16. ^ Hastings, A.C. (October 1976). "A confirmatory remote viewing experiment in
a group setting". Proceedings of the IEEE 64: 1544–1545.
17. ^ Whitson, T.W. (October 1976). "Preliminary experiments in group 'Remote
viewing'". Proceedings of the IEEE 64: 1550–1551.
18. ^ Vallee, J. (October 1976). "Remote viewing experiments through computer
conferencing". Proceedings of the IEEE 64: 1551–1552.
19. ^ Jahn, R.G. (February 1982). "The persistent paradox of psychic phenomena: An
engineering perspective". Proceedings of the IEEE 70: 136–170.
20. ^ "The Anima Project". Retrieved 2008-04-08.
21. ^ Marks, D.F. (2000). The Psychology of the Psychic (2nd Ed.) New York:
Prometheus Books. ISBN 1573927988[page needed]
22. ^ An Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and
Supernatural James Randi
23. ^ Parapsychological Association historical terms glossary, retrieved December
17, 2006
24. ^ Parapsychological Association website, Glossary of Key Words Frequently
Used in Parapsychology, Retrieved January 24, 2006
25. ^ Supernatural Glossary

[edit] Further reading

• "All that clairvoyant stuff – I don't see it myself: A new law against mediums
would not work" by Daniel Finkelstein, The Times, April 11, 2007.
• Mental Radio by Upton Sinclair, 1929. Preface by Albert Einstein.


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“To the present day, no one has come up with a persuasive experimental design
that can unambiguously distinguish between telepathy and clairvoyance....Based
on the experimental evidence, it is by no means clear that pure telepathy exists per
se, nor is it certain that real-time clairvoyance exists." The evidence "can all be
accommodated by various forms of precognition."--Dean Radin
Clairvoyance is an alleged psychic ability to see things beyond the range of the
power of natural vision or vision assisted by technology. Clairvoyance is often
associated with precognition (psychically knowing something will happen) or
retrocognition (psychically "seeing" something that has already happened).
Psychically seeing things at a distance is sometimes called remote viewing.

Since there is no way to distinguish direct communication with another mind from
communication with a present or past perception by that or some other mind,
there is no way to distinguish clairvoyance from telepathy or retrocognition. Since
there is no way to distinguish direct communication with another mind from
communication with a future perception by that mind, there is no way to
distinguish telepathy or clairvoyance from precognition. There is no way to
distinguish telepathy, clairvoyance, retrocognition, or precognition from a mind
perceiving directly the akashic record. There is no way to distinguish telepathy,
clairvoyance, precognition, or perceiving the akashic record from perceiving what
is directly placed in the mind by God (occasionalism). There is no way to
distinguish telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, retrocognition, perceiving the
akashic record, or having perceptions directly implanted in our minds by God
from perceiving the hidden record of all perceptions in the eleventh dimension
that is vibrating in the intersection between the tenth and twelfth dimensions. I
could go on, but it would be too annoying.

People can have visions or relate stream of consciousness perceptions or

feelings that can be interpreted as descriptions of places or things out of the
range of vision. The fact that such visions can be subjectively validated as
"accurate" does not imply that any clairvoyance has occurred. If a person could
provide accurate and detailed descriptions of remote events on a regular basis,
that person would be celebrated as truly clairvoyant. That no such person has
ever existed in recorded history is a sign that stories of people with second sight
are mythical exaggerations.

Anyone can throw out strings of words or sentences or draw pictures that other
people can find meaningful and apparently clairvoyant. This fact, however, is
irrelevant to establishing that clairvoyance is real. Subjective validation and
selective thinking, acting in concert with wishful thinking, ignorance of cognitive
biases, and occasional fraud can account for the widespread belief in the reality
of clairvoyance. (Depending on which poll one cites, between 25% and 40% of
us believe that clairvoyance is real.)

Attempts by scientists to establish the reality of clairvoyance have been going on

since the middle of the 19th century. So far, the overwhelming bulk of the
evidence indicates that clairvoyance does not exist. (For a short history of the
attempt to establish by scientific means the reality of clairvoyance and other
psychic abilities, click here. See also the entry on the ganzfeld experiments.)

See also Edgar Cayce, clairaudience, dermo-optical perception, dream, ESP,

extraordinary human function, medium, mentalist, Raymond Moody, paranormal,
parapsychology, psi, psi-missing, psychokinesis, telepathy, Zener cards, and
"What If Dean Radin is Right?" by Robert T. Carroll.

reader comments

further reading

books and articles

Alcock, James E. (1981). Parapsychology: Science or Magic? Pergamon Press.

Alcock, James E. Science and Supernature: a Critical Appraisal of

Parapsychology (Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1990).

Alcock, James E. (1995) "The Belief Engine," Skeptical Inquirer. 19(3): 255-263.

Alcock, James. 2003. "Give the Null Hypothesis a Chance," in Psi Wars - Getting
To Grips With the Paranormal. ed. James Alcock, Jean Burns and Anthony
Freeman. Imprint Academic, pp. 29-50.

Bem, Daryl J. and Charles Honorton (1994). "Does Psi Exist?" Psychological
Bulletin, Vol. 115, No. 1, 4-18.

Blackmore, S. J. (1980). "The extent of selective reporting of ESP ganzfeld

studies," European Journal of Parapsychology 3:3 , 213–220.

Blackmore, Susan. (2001.) "What Can the Paranormal Teach Us About

Consciousness?" Skeptical Inquirer, March/April.

Blackmore, Susan (2003). Consciousness: An Introduction. Oxford University


Christopher, Milbourne. ESP, Seers & Psychics (Thomas Y. Crowell Co. 1970).

Christopher, Milbourne. (1975). Mediums, Mystics & the Occult. Thomas Y.

Crowell Company.
Cole, Richard. "U.S. didn't foresee faults in psychic spies program," Associated
Press, Sacramento Bee, Nov. 29, 1995, A2.

Frazier, Kendrick. editor, Science Confronts the Paranormal (Buffalo, N.Y.:

Prometheus Books, 1986).

Frazier, Kendrick. editor. The Hundredth Monkey and Other Paradigms of the
Paranormal, (Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1991).

Gardner, Martin. Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science (New York: Dover
Publications, Inc., 1957).

Gardner, Martin. Science: Good, Bad and Bogus (Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus
Books, 1981).

Gardner, Martin. How Not To Test a Psychic: Ten Years of Remarkable

Experiments With Renowned Clairvoyant Pavel Stepanek (Buffalo, N.Y.:
Prometheus Books, 1989).

Gardner, Martin. On the Wild Side (Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1992).

Gordon, Henry. Extrasensory Deception: ESP, Psychics, Shirley MacLaine,

Ghosts, Ufos (Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1987).

Hansel, C. E. M. The Search for Psychic Power: ESP and Parapsychology

Revisited (Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1989).

Hansen, George P. (2001). The Trickster and the Paranormal. Xlibris


Hines, Terence. Pseudoscience and the Paranormal (Buffalo, NY: Prometheus

Books, 2003).

Hyman, Ray. The Elusive Quarry : a Scientific Appraisal of Psychical Research

(Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1989).

Hyman, Ray. (1995). "Evaluation of Program on Anomalous Mental

Phenomena," Journal of Scientific Exploration, Volume 10 Number 1.

Keene, M. Lamar. The Psychic Mafia (Prometheus, 1997).

Luckhurst, Roger. 2002. The Invention of Telepathy: 1870-1901. Oxford

University Press.
Marks, David. The Psychology of the Psychic (Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books,

Milton, Julie and Richard Wiseman. (1997). Guidelines for Extrasensory

Perception Research. University of Hertfordshire Press.

Neher, Andrew The Psychology of Transcendence (1980). This Prentice-Hall

book is out of print. Used copies may be available from It was
reissued in 1990 by Dover Books as Paranormal and Transcendental

Radin, Dean (1997). The Conscious Universe - The Scientific Truth of Psychic
Phenomena. HarperCollins.

Radin, Dean. (2006). Entangled Minds: Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum

Reality. Paraview Pocket Books.

Randi, James. Flim-Flam! Psychics, ESP, Unicorns, and Other Delusions

(Buffalo, New York: Prometheus Books,1982), especially chapter 13, "Put Up or
Shut Up," where he gives accounts of tests done on several psychics who have
tried to collect the $10,000 Randi used to offer to anyone who can demonstrate
any psychic power. So far, no one has collected, even though the offer is now

Reed, Graham. The Psychology of Anomalous Experience : A Cognitive

Approach (Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1988).

Sagan, Carl. The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark (New
York: Random House, 1995).

Scott, Christopher. (1988). Remote viewing. Experientia, 44, 322–326.

Steiner, Robert A. (1989). Don't Get Taken! - Bunco and Bunkum Exposed - How
to Protect Yourself Wide-Awake Books.

Steiner, Robert A. "Fortunetelling," in The Encyclopedia of the Paranormal edited

by Gordon Stein (Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1996) pp. 281-290.

Stein, Gordon. editor, The Encyclopedia of the Paranormal (Buffalo, N.Y.:

Prometheus Books, 1996).

Stenger, Victor J. (2002). "Meta-Analysis and the File-Drawer Effect." Skeptical

Vistica, Gregory. "Psychics and Spooks, How spoon-benders fought the cold
war," Newsweek, Dec. 11, 1995, p. 50.

Vyse, Stuart A. Believing in Magic: The Psychology of Superstition (Oxford

University Press 2000).

Wiseman, Richard and Matthew Smith, "Can Animals Detect When Their Owners
Are Returning Home?" British Journal of Psychology, 89:453, 1998.

Wiseman, Richard and Ciarán O’Keeffe. 2004. "Testing Alleged Mediumship:

Methods and Results," by (paper presented to the Parapsychological

Zusne, Leonard and Warren Jones. Anomalistic Psychology: A Study of Magical

Thinking 2nd edition. (Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc. 1989).


A History of Psi in the Ganzfeld by Andrew Endersby

The Best Case for ESP? (2000) by Matt Nisbet, Skeptical Inquirer

Science Frontiers on the Ganzfeld experiments (1993)

Security Measures in the Automated Ganzfeld

What's the story on "ganzfeld" experiments? (2000). The Straight Dope

Last updated

Clairvoyance is the art of 'seeing' beyond the five senses. Clairvoyance is often called the
'sixth sense' or esp. It is related to the images that are always present in our minds that
bring messages from other frequency and realms. These images can be archetypes,
colors, still frame, animations. They can be anything. They can remain on a few seconds
or much longer. Initially its easiest to see them with your eyes closed. As you develop
your psychic abilities will be able to look to higher frequency, with your eyes opened.

Rules to developing and trusting your increasing abilities.

• Heal your issues and thus you will want to heal others
• Create balance in your emotional and spiritual bodies or your messages will be as
jumbled as your thinking
• Your frequency will automatically raise and you will receive images
• Experience, test and explore what is shown to you
• The truth about reality will be given - your mission feeling here

In clairvoyance we 'see' with what is commonly called the third eye. In the human brain
there is a gland called the pineal gland. It is located in the back area of the brain almost in
the center of the head. This gland has degenerated from its original size comparable to a
ping pong ball to its present size comparable to a pea, because we forgot how to use it a
long time ago when our breathing patterns changed.
With our reality grid raising planetary frequency, people working out there issues,
developing psychic abilities becomes easier in time. This is the Master Plan to awaken
sleeping consciousness.

Some people become clairvoyant after a Near Death Experience, an alleged alien
abduction, serious illness or accident, such as a blow to the head area, or opening the
kundalini energies.

Some people use chemical stimulants or Psychedelics to heighten their awareness. This is
something I do not advise as the information may not be accurate and physical side
effects may occur later on.

Clairvoyance connects to the right side of the brain - the feminine, creative, and intuitive
aspects. That explains the reason some people feel physical sensations in on the left side
of their body. The energy enters in through the left side of your body so as to activate the
right side of your brain.

Children can display psychic abilities leading parents to believe they are Indigo or
Crystal Children.

Opening your clairvoyant gifts has to do with DNA activation of your encoded cellular
memories, activation of your chakras, raising your frequency, balancing your energy
bodies, your self esteem, the ability to trust in what you 'hear' and 'see', your emotional
state, and expanding your knowledge base in all areas of physical reality.
You can't do a reading for read someone on a subject, or understand symbols on a
specific subject, if you have no knowledge of that subject. The brain will have no way of
interpreting the archetypal symbolism into something you can understand. You can
explain what you see, but we meaning must accompany imagery.

Once you have opened your clairvoyant gifts, it is like any other exercise ... it gets easier
and easier. Meditation and yoga help.

For centuries the gift of clairvoyance was forbidden and hidden in cryptic messages that
few could interpret. People, and religious leaders feared the power of the gifted and the
truth these people would bring to an enlightened consciousness.

Humanity has returned to an age of enlightenment in which we are all activating or DNA
codes to discover who we are and why we are here. Clairvoyance is part of our total
experience, the spiraling evolution of consciousness through the alchemy of time.

Clairvoyance - a noun from late 17th century French [clair (clear) & voyant (seeing)] - is
defined as a form of extra-sensory perception whereas a person perceives distant objects,
persons, or events, including perceiving an image hidden behind opaque objects and the
detection of types of energy not normally perceptible to humans (i.e. radio waves).
Typically, such perception is reported in visual terms, but may also include auditory
impressions (sometimes called clairaudience) or kinesthetic impressions.

The term clairvoyance is often used broadly to refer to all forms of ESP where a person
receives information through means other than those explainable by current science.
Perhaps more often, it is used more narrowly to refer to reception of present-time
information not from another person, there being other terms to refer to other forms:
telepathy referring to reception of information from another person (i.e. presumably
mind-to-mind); premonition and precognition that refer to gained information about
places and events in the future. The terms clairsentience and remote perception are often
used in reference to psi phenomena falling under this broader context.

As with all psi phenomena, there is wide disagreement and controversy within the
sciences and even within parapsychology as to the existence of clairvoyance and the
validity or interpretation of clairvoyance related experiments.

Clairvoyance through history

There have been anecdotal reports of clairvoyance and claims of clairvoyant abilities on
the part of some throughout history in most cultures. Most of these episodes are
experienced during young adulthood. Often these have been associated with religious
figures, offices, and practices. For example, ancient Hindu religious texts list
clairvoyance as one of the siddhis, skills that can be acquired through appropriate
meditation and personal discipline. But a large number of anecdotal accounts of
clairvoyance are of the spontaneous variety among the general populace. For example,
many people report instances of "knowing" in one form or another when a loved one has
died or was in danger before receiving notification through normal channels that such
events have taken place. Similar presentiments that are not eventually fulfilled are soon
forgotten, however. While anecdotal accounts do not provide scientific proof of
clairvoyance, such common experiences continue to motivate research into such

Clairvoyance was one of the phenomena reported to have been observed in the behavior
of somnambulists, people who were mesmerized and in a trance state (nowadays equated
with hypnosis by most people) in the time of Franz Anton Mesmer. The earliest recorded
report of somnambulistic clairvoyance is credited to the Marquis de Puységur, a follower
of Mesmer, who in 1784 was treating a local dull-witted peasant named Victor Race.
During treatment, Victor reportedly would go into trance and undergo a personality
change, becoming fluent and articulate, and giving diagnosis and prescription for his own
disease as well as those of other patients, and forgetting everything when he came out of
the trance state. All this is in a manner reminiscent of the reported behaviors of the 20th
century medical clairvoyant and psychic Edgar Cayce. It is reported that although
Puységur used the term 'clairvoyance', he did not attribute any of this to the paranormal
since he accepted mesmerism as one of the natural sciences.

Clairvoyance was in times following a reported ability of some mediums during the
spiritualist period of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and was one of the aspects
studied by members of the Society for Psychical Research (SPR). Psychics of many
descriptions have claimed clairvoyant ability up to the present day.

While experimental research into clairvoyance began with SPR researchers, experimental
studies became more systematic with the efforts of J. B. Rhine and his associates at Duke
University, and such research efforts continue to the present day. Perhaps the best-known
study of clairvoyance in recent times was the US government-funded remote viewing
project at SRI/SAIC during the 1970s through the mid-1990s.

Results of some parapsychological studies, such as the remote viewing studies, suggest
that clairvoyance does not exist - the original "remote viewing" study was discontinued
by the Stanford Research Institute due to lack of evidence. However there are as yet no
satisfactory experiments designed that cleanly separate the various manifestations of
ESP. Some parapsychologists have proposed that our different functional labels
(clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition) all refer to one basic underlying mechanism,
although there is not yet any satisfactory theory for what that mechanism would be.

Clairvoyance as a term has its origins from the French word claire, which means "clear",
and voyance, "seeing". It literally means 'clear seeing' in French.

There is ongoing criticism and debate of all these results in the literature.

Developing clairvoyant abilities

Current thinking in clairvoyant circles posits that most are born with clairvoyant abilities
but then start to turn them off as children are brought up to adhere to demonstrable social
norms. Numerous institutes offer training courses that attempt to revive the abilities
present in those early years.

Another school of thought claims that our "sixth sense" grows when we do spiritual
practice. With regular spiritual practice done according to basic spiritual principles we
increase our spiritual level and are able to perceive and experience the subtle world to
greater degrees.

Clairvoyance Wikipedia

Looking Away Helps Concentration Live Science - September 12, 2006

To 'look away' when doing psychic work, helps the brain focus 'above.'








Spiritualists Medium &

Clairvoyance - A clairvoyant with the gift to see
beyond to see your future
Clairvoyance a wonderful gift. Genuine clairvoyant and
psychics to answer your questions on love, relationships,
work and money.

The paranormal gift of seeing visions of the present and future defines
what clairvoyance is. This special clairvoyance power is the gift that
enables our professional psychics and mediums to see things that
would be invisible to the naked eye of ordinary people. A clairvoyant
is a gifted advisor who has the ability of second sight. That is to see
clearly (clair) a distant event in time or space.

Past and future images is what our clairvoyants see. Similar to that of
the clairaudient, some images are seen within the head while other
claivoyants are able to see them as clearly as if they are watching a
movie on the television.

What is Clairvoyance?

The process of clairvoyance involves attuning to the waves or

vibrations of divine energy, or, getting plugged into it and be a part of

A clairvoyant psychic is a person who by definition can ignite a

spiritual phenomena so as to allow a shared vision of the unseen and
assist in guiding a person towards enhanced health, wealth and

Thank you for visiting our clairvoyance and psychic site. I believe and
hope that this will be the most beneficial clairvoyance site that you
visit. I would like to invite you to come along with me, as we embark
on a wonderful journey towards your future.

To have an Accurate Psychic Reading with the Best Psychics in

Australia, Please Click for an Australian Clairvoyants Reading.
Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed
love. ~ Jane Austen (1775 - 1817)

Phone Clairvoyant Readings Available

Australian Callers 1900 999 252 AUD

$3.96 p/min (mobile phones extra)

Australian credit card callers only,

1800 732 337 (1800 READER)

Service Provider: Access Positive. Mobile

callers extra charge apply.

USA callers free call 1877 891 3098 $2.30

p/min (credit card only)

New Zealand callers phone 0900 800

80 $3.50 p/min or use credit card 09 373

All others countries (your international

code) 00 618 6389 5533 $2.30 US

Similar to clairaudience, clairvoyance has itself rooted in the French
language. When literally translated, It means ' Clear-Seeing'. Using
a crystal ball usually helps our mediums to be more 'in-touch" with
their clairvoyant ability. The process of looking and interpreting from
a crystal ball is known as scrying.

Past and future images are what is seen by our clairvoyants. Similar to
that of the clairaudient, some images are seen within the head while
others are able to see them as clearly as if they are watching a movie
on the television.

To have an Accurate Psychic Reading with the Best Psychics in

Australia, Please Click for an Australian Clairvoyants Reading.

Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed

love. ~ Jane Austen (1775 - 1817)
Phone Clairvoyant Readings Available

Australian Callers 1900 999 252 AUD

$3.96 p/min (mobile phones extra)

Australian credit card callers only,

1800 732 337 (1800 READER)

Service Provider: Access Positive. Mobile

callers extra charge apply.

USA callers free call 1877 891 3098 $2.30

p/min (credit card only)

New Zealand callers phone 0900 800

80 $3.50 p/min or use credit card 09 373

All others countries (your international

code) 00 618 6389 5533 $2.30 US

| Clairvoyant Readings 1 | Clairvoyant Readings 2 |

More Clairvoyant readings

JOY: If you would like a credit card psychic reading and you
are calling from outside of Australia please see 1900 999
252 Overseas Credit Card Psychic Reading

I would like to introduce myself to you, and at the same time give you
a small insight into my life.

My name is Joy. My spiritual path has been very winding, since I was
propelled into it, some seven years ago after a near death experience.
It was followed shortly with the break up of my twenty year marriage.

In many ways I was given the push that I needed to start my Spiritual
Path, and thus move into the public domain. I started reading Tarot
for friends and family, and this lasted for about twelve months, before
I was given the opportunity to read in the public sector through a
Spiritual Shop where I worked three days a week as a reader.

During this time I was also given the gift of Clairvoyance, and
Clairesentience, which I now use in conjunction with the Tarot.

I am qualified in Reki 1,2,3 and also have taken an active part in many
workshops, some being Crystal Healing, Angel workshop and
Astrology to name but a few.

My aim for the future is to help as many people as I am able to, and in
doing this, I hope to help them as their going through their transition.

I feel blessed that I have discovered what my purpose is and I hope

that I can help you discover what your purpose is, and to better
understand the things that are happening to you to prepare you for

I now know I was not alone, I knew help was with me in every aspect
of my life. I meditated in my room, I prayed and felt the presence of
angels around me, filling me with strength and understanding. All of
my problems seemed to shrink , I felt I wanted to share this wonderful
experience with others and I promised my guides that I would help
other people to find this inner peace and acceptance that I now
possessed. This was the beginning of my new life, for I felt as though I
was reborn. Every minute of my day is a spiritual experience, with
miracles happening regularly.

If you feel that you would like to talk with me, you can be assured that
I take my work very seriously, it is my life, and I will always endeavor
to guide you in the right direction, and to help you to lift from the pain
or confusion that you may be experiencing. May I finish by asking that
the Golden White light of protection be placed around ourselves and
the people that you truly love.

With Love Joy

REMY: Please call 1900 999 252 (access code 00034)

$3.96 p/min (mobile phones extra)

Credit Card Psychic Reading

Remy is an International Clairaudient who works closely with her

Spirit Guides. She is Intuitive Prophetic so she knows when things are
going to happen. She sees herself as a question and answer service. If
you have questions to ask, Remy will ask her Spirit Guides to give her
the answers along with a sense of timing. We all know that in the
Spirit World there is no sense of time so this answer is always given as
a rough guide. She has read for people all over the world form all
walks of life from TV celebrities to everyday people.

Remy was born in England and comes from an extremely long line of
psychics. As a young child she remembers being woken from her sleep
urging her to wake her parents. The reason for this was there was a
gas leak downstairs. She truly believes that if she hadn't been woken
that she and her family would have died from gas inhalation. She has
always has this inner knowing that things are going to happen. She
would tell her mother who was coming over that day or who was going
to telephone. She also knows when there is anything wrong within her
family or around her close friends which urgers her to contact them to
make sure that they are ok.

Remy also teaches people to make contact with their own Spirit
Guides so that they too can converse with their own Angels. She holds
workshops and seminars on Angels and Colour Therapy she also
teaches people about Chakra healing. She is a Reiki healer and also
holds a Diploma in Therapeutic Massage.
Although Remy needs no outside tools to work with she will often use
Tarot cards to confirm what her Spirt Guides are telling her. She can
also read photographs or jewelley, but most of all she trusts what her
Spirit Guides tell her.

I am sure that if you choose to take your reading with Remy you will
not be disappointed. I feel you will leave your reading with a clearer
and more settled outlook on your life.

HEIDI: Please call 1900 999 252 (access code 00003)

$3.96 p/min (mobile phones extra)

Credit Card Psychic Reading

The Stars and Psychic Heidi

The stars had already written a path for Psychic Heidi in the Heavens,
she was destined to become a Clairvoyant. Being of European origin,
it enabled her to conduct studies at the University of Vienna, Austria,
where she began her career in Human Resources, as she had studied
English, Journalism, Italian, Spanish, German, and Human
Resources. The door to Human Resources was opened for Psychic
Heidi when she realized that she possessed the power to help people
in distress and provide them with Accurate Guidance. More about
Clairvoyant Heidi

GRETA GOLD: Credit Card Psychic Reading

You are now allowing Me, Greta Gold to introduce myself to you.

My Specialities are working with the energies of "MEDIUMSHIP" and

the "TRANCE STATES", (altered states of mind). Understanding and
interperting DREAMS, SYMBOLS, COLOURS, and reading the
AURAS. Searching for answers as to how the connection with the
spirit world works took me to look futher afield where I ended up
studing in England for a number of years, studying the art of
mediumship and how the energy works differently with everyone. I
have enjoyed blending with the spirit world all my live and have
worked as a Medium and run workshops for over 25 years. This has
taken me internationally from New Zealand, Australia, Europe and
the UK, which has now enabled me to underdstand how I work, which
has enhanced my linking with the spirit world therby enabling me to
help more people.

It would be my pleasure to work with you

GINA: Credit Card Psychic Reading

I am a third generation psychic and clairvoyant that have been

reading for over twenty years.I am a developed medium, who reads
clairaudiently with guides, as well as the ancient gypsy cards, tarot,
psycometry and interpretive dreams. I have studied the formal main
stream religions as well as the ancient "New Age Philosophy". My
guides will confirm what you know or feel. Who you are born to, when
and and where is fate but the rest of the life is about making good
choices. I encourage my friends online to make good life decision for
themselves and future. Rather than being helpless victims of fate, but
rather empowered individuals with options and choices. Through my
psychic guidance I can show you how to empower yourself in a
reading and I can show you the correct choices. I can show you the
correct pathways when at a cross road in life, bringing a better
outcome to a situation and learning to read the signs along life's way.

To have an Accurate Psychic Reading with the Best

Psychics in Australia, Please Click for an Australian
Clairvoyants Reading.

Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the

pangs of disappointed love. ~ Jane Austen (1775 -

Phone Clairvoyant Readings Available

Australian Callers 1900 999 252 AUD

$3.96 p/min (mobile phones extra)

Australian credit card callers only,

1800 732 337 (1800 READER)

Service Provider: Access Positive. Mobile

callers extra charge apply.

USA callers free call 1877 891 3098 $2.30

p/min (credit card only)

New Zealand callers phone 0900 800

80 $3.50 p/min or use credit card 09 373

All others countries (your international

code) 00 618 6389 5533 $2.30 US

Clairvoyant Psychic
The word psychic comes from psyche, which means ‘spirit’, and clairvoyant means 'to see clearly'.

Clairvoyance is an inalienable qualification of the psychics. It is inherent in them, a part of their psychic
nature. If you are a born psychic, or have inherited the psychic ability from your parents, it is to be taken for
granted that you are a clairvoyant also.

A psychic is usually blessed with multiple abilities such as intuition, clairvoyance, empathy, tarot reading,
crystal gazing, trance, mediumship and much more. Of all these abilities, clairvoyant psychic ability holds a
prominent position. A clairvoyant psychic also possesses the abilities of clairsentience and clairaudience.
She can not only see clearly, but can also hear and sense equally clearly. It should be understood that these
abilities of the clairvoyant psychic should not be taken in the literal sense. They are much more than physical
abilities. Being a part of the psychic’s nature, they are his/her spiritual abilities. They manifest themselves to
the psychic in form of images - visual, auditory and sensational.

The psychic interprets them for the benefit of his seeker clients. They work cumulatively and in tandem. For
example, if the psychic ‘sees’ an event-taking place in the future, he/she may also hear the sounds of the
event and the sensations that emanate from them. To substantiate it, if a person is to fall ill in the near
future, the clairvoyant psychic not only may ‘see’ the impending illness overtaking him, but also may also
‘hear’ his cries and ‘sense’ his pain. Any description of a malady remains incomplete without taking into
cognizance its constituents, or in other words, the nature of the malady, the vocal reaction of the afflicted
person-through his groans and cries- and also how much pain he/she is feeling.

A clairvoyant psychic has the powers to see, hear and sense beyond what appears obvious to an ordinary

To have an Accurate Psychic Reading with the Best Psychics in Australia, Please Click for an Australian
Clairvoyants Reading.

Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love. ~ Jane Austen (1775 - 1817)

Phone Clairvoyant Readings Available

Australian Callers 1900 999 252 AUD $3.96 p/min (mobile phones extra)

Australian credit card callers only, 1800 732 337 (1800 READER)

Service Provider: Access Positive. Mobile callers extra charge apply.

USA callers free call 1877 891 3098 $2.30 p/min (credit card only)

New Zealand callers phone 0900 800 80 $3.50 p/min or use credit card 09
373 4897

All others countries (your international code) 00 618 6389 5533 $2.30 US

Clairvoyant Reader
Clairvoyant means seeing clearly. A clairvoyant reader is the
psychic who sees clearly but also reads, understands and interprets
vividly. It is like reading clearly what is proverbially written on the
wall. The writing on the wall quite often remains invisible to the
ordinary persons, and they may come to harm if they do not consult a
clairvoyant reader. The writing may be a warning of an ominous
occurrence, or even a tiding of an auspicious happening in the future.

A clairvoyant reader becomes more clearly aware of what is in

store for the future than an ordinary person who may or may not have
even any vague feeling of it. It may also be noted that when the
clairvoyant reader describes what he reads, sees or hears, his mind is
uplifted to a super conscious state and is attuned to certain waves of
divine energy. The divine waves are informed with the auditory,
sensational and visual images. They carry the images of the future,
past and present.

The psychic interprets the images with his/her intuition and helps the
seeker to move forward with confidence because he/she knows in
advance what pitfalls, if any, are likely to be encountered and what
strategies he/she should adopt to over come them. Armed with the
power of fore knowledge and assurance of success, you are likely to
work with greater vigor and vitality. You make fewer mistakes and
achieve better results more conveniently in shorter span of time.

A clairvoyant reader not only foretells your future path, but also
advises about the changes in your direction from time to time to
ensure you a smooth journey to success. He/She can guide you what
areas you should focus on; what people around you to depend upon
and what people and situations to be cautious about; what choices to
make and what timings may be best or even worst in your interest.
Thus a clairvoyant reader can be your best guide, philosopher and

To have an Accurate Psychic Reading with the Best Psychics in

Australia, Please Click for an Australian Clairvoyants Reading.

Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed

love. ~ Jane Austen (1775 - 1817)

Phone Clairvoyant Readings Available

Australian Callers 1900 999 252 AUD

$3.96 p/min (mobile phones extra)

Australian credit card callers only,

1800 732 337 (1800 READER)

Service Provider: Access Positive. Mobile

callers extra charge apply.

USA callers free call 1877 891 3098 $2.30

p/min (credit card only)

New Zealand callers phone 0900 800

80 $3.50 p/min or use credit card 09 373

All others countries (your international

code) 00 618 6389 5533 $2.30 US

Clairvoyance Level
The clairvoyant psychics sometimes face very complex and challenging situations. In such cases, they refer
the cases to the highly developed spirits or angels that have much higher levels of clairvoyance. It is like
seeking the guidance and assistance of the guiding spirits who are omniscient, omnipotent, and

The psychics may develop this ability through different techniques. Conscious as they are of their humility
in comparison with the higher clairvoyance levels of the angels and gods who govern the galaxy, they
enter into a certain clairvoyance level before they retire to their beds. They try to sleep from that level and
program their consciousness to wake up at a certain time during the night or still better in the early morning
hours, when the whole world is asleep. They wake up automatically at the precisely programmed hour and re
enter into their level and wait for their turn to present their case to the powers with higher clairvoyance

When their turn comes, they bow their head in reverence and present their case in detail. It is obviously
assumed that some power with a higher clairvoyance and intelligence level is listening to their submission.
The basic essential to succeed in the process is to repose full confidence in the powers of the higher
intelligence, which is up above in the sky.

It may also be noted that while you explain your case, you should also present your suggestions for the
possible solution. Having done that you leave the rest in the hands of the powers with higher clairvoyance
levels. They will do the best for everyone involved. You have transferred your case for adjudication and
resolution in the best possible manner. It is advisable you should first try to resolve the matter on your own.
It is when you fail in your own efforts, you seek the divine help. Do not leave every thing to the divine powers
absolving yourself of every responsibility of effort. You will find that you get the best solutions and answers
to your queries.

To have a psychic reading please click Psychic Readers

To have an Accurate Psychic Reading with the Best Psychics in Australia, Please Click for an Australian
Clairvoyants Reading.

ESP Clairvoyance
ESP stands for extra sensory perception. While clairvoyance, or seeing clearly is primarily an
optical phenomenon wherein the psychic sees visions and images with his eyes open, in the case of ESP
Clairvoyance, the visual experience is also aided by the perception through other subtle senses such as
intuition, empathy, telepathy, and so on.

The extra sensory perception may also include:

• the senses of touching through hands

• hearing through the ears or
• tasting by the tongue

The situation is more like a doctor feeling the pulse of a patient. While he may be try to count the pulse rate,
its heaviness or lightness through his hands, he may be simultaneously using his intuition to analyze the
implications of the quality of the pulse beat leading to the root cause of the malady and also its remedy
through the touch of his hands. Similarly, while you may be hearing a kind of sound or noise through your
ears, the psychic may be hearing much more and beyond the physical sounds. She may sense the origin of
the sound, its peculiar quality and also its causes.

For example, while you may hear only the sounds, the psychic may hear the elements of fear, the
strangeness, and the ecstasy that may qualify the sound. A sound may appear to be what it is because the
person who is producing it may be haunted by some ghost at that time.

Another example of the ESP clairvoyance can be given in case of EVP analysis in the laboratory. While a
layperson may only hear the gibberish, the psychic makes sense out of the jumble of strange words by
organizing them into intelligible human language. Still, another example involves the understanding the
code language that is used to send the secret messages.

There may be certain situations, where the sounds or the messages may have no code and pattern at all. The
psychic with her ESP Clairvoyant tools like:

• intuition,
• empathy,
• telepathy and so on

can discern, analyze and organize the visions, images, sounds, feelings into an intelligible pattern and
interpret them for the benefit of her clients.

Tarot Clairvoyance
Clairvoyance is an extrasensory and divinatory ability to find out the truth. Clairvoyance and intuition are
the two basic abilities that help the psychics to use their tools to foretell the future. These tools consist of
tarot cards, crystal balls, astrological charts or horoscopes, aura reading, dream interpretation, and so on.

Tarot cards, as we now know them, are based on an Italian design of the sixteenth century. Therefore they
are also referred to as the Venetian or Piedmont Tarot. A pack of tarot cards contains a total number of
78 cards. Of these, the major cards consisting of 22 cards are called Major Arcane and the minor 56 cards
are called Minor Arcane. These cards have been used for divinatory purpose since the eighteenth century.

The tarot cards contain pictures or symbols that correspond to the twelve zodiac sings. The tarot reader,
after ascertaining the date of birth of the seeker client reads the cards pertaining to the sign and answers
their questions about various problems that they encounter.

It may be noted that the tarot cards made up of paper with pictures printed upon them are, by themselves,
inanimate objects and as such do not indicate anything about the future or even the present of any person.
Given in the hands of a layperson, they may not be anything more than playing cards. It is the clairvoyant
psychic who has developed the art of interpreting them with the help of his intuition and clairvoyance
that infuses them with meaning and importance. The clairvoyant psychic matches the tarot cards with the
corresponding birth signs of the seekers and interprets their divinatory significance.

It is like a musician who infuses life into the inanimate strings of a musical instrument by manipulating
them and creating the magical notes. No doubt the strings of the instruments and the pictures on the tarot
cards have the inherent potential to explode into life, but both require the expert touches of master artists to
be productive. A clairvoyant psychic tarot reader can alone predict the future events and answer all the
day-to-day questions that the seekers encounter.

Mediumship Clairvoyance
Mediumship or channeling is the art of surrendering the physical organs and also the consciousness to
the spirit of the dead people, the guiding spirit or the angel. The guiding spirit, having no physical organs
of its own, takes possession of the organs of the body of the medium and uses them to reveal the truths
hidden from the normal human perception. The process of mediumship is known as trance. A trance is a
sleep like condition, something akin to a transcendental state of mind, wherein the mind or the awareness
of a person transcends the physical plane and interfaces with the divine entities. These spiritual
interactions are manifested through the movements of the human organs, especially the speech organs. The
guiding spirit also interacts with the human beings through the speech organs of the medium and answers
their questions.

It may be noted that the guiding spirit is a clairvoyant and omniscient being except for the fact that it has not
physical organs of its own. When it comes into active contact with the human spirit, it imbibes it with its own
spiritual prowess so that the psychic medium also becomes clairvoyant.

It is not that the psychic medium has always to go into deep trance to become a clairvoyant. A
clairvoyant state itself is a state of mild trance, a subtle contact or mild mediumship, which materializes
whenever a psychic wants to communicate with her guiding spirit.

The first step to develop the mediumship clairvoyance and psychic development is to personally experience
the existence of spirits and the spirit world. This can be done by viewing a psychic medium going into trance
and answering some of your very private questions.

The next step is to seek the tutelage of a psychic guru and repose full confidence in his guidance and act on
her instructions in letter and spirit. The guru may suggest some apparently very simple exercises in
mediation, concentration and positive thinking. There may be some other exercises too, which
develop the empathy, telepathy and intuition and so on. Perseverance and dedication can bear rich
fruits in sort span of time.

Spiritualist Medium
Spiritualist mediums are usually engaged to communicate with the cross over spirits of the recently
deceased loved ones. Their death may have occurred suddenly and for some reason it becomes imperative
that you wish you could get some time to talk with them over the important family and business matters. Or,
you could be curious to know what they saw or felt during their last moments. Also, you may be curious
enough to know their life after death experiences.. There may be numerous such questions and doubts that
your spiritualist medium can resolve.

The word ‘spiritualist’ stands means that the psychic medium herself is a highly spiritual personality
and also that she can communicate with the spirits of the dead persons and the spirit guides and
masters. The successful contact with the cross over sprits conclusively proves the existence of life after the
death, or, though the human body is turned to ashes, the spirit continues to live.

The spiritual medium goes into a sleep like state called trance, which is self induced or induced by
another psychic. During the course of trance, the guiding spirit of the medium takes possession of the body
and the consciousness of the spiritual medium and uses them to provide the necessary information. The
medium may speak while lying on the bed or the sofa, or she may even walk and make gestures. The process
of trance involves direct communication with the spirit or seeing auditory and visual images and interpreting
them in intelligible human language. An interesting feature of the trance is that the medium is not aware of
what had transpired during the trance when she returns to her normal consciousness.

The spiritualist medium, besides trance, may also read tarot cards or crystal balls and other tools and
methods to provide solutions to the clients’ problems. Even while doing so, she remains in a state of subtle or
mild trance, which is invisible to the client seeker. In such cases, the trance is not a state of loss of
consciousness, but an attunement with the spiritual energy, which provides the vital clues in form of images
or symbolic language that the psychic medium alone can interpret.

Seance is characterized by a gathering of people with the purpose to investigate or experience supernatural
phenomena. It can also be defined as a meeting where a group of people attempts to contact a spirit and
communicate with it. When conducting a seance, the participants sit around a table and link their hands.
This linkage of hands is believed to boost the psychic forces which would encourage the paranormal

In the world of today, we usually term seance as 'sitting'.

In a seance, there is usually a medium who will enter a trance-like state and contact a 'spirit friend' or a
'spirit helper'. This 'spirit person' would then communicate with those in the gathering through the medium
herself or even through the voice of the medium.

One of UK's best known psychic, Colin Fry has his own TV show, Sixth Sense which is a popular and also an
integral part of Living TV's schedule. Besides his TV appearances, he also travels all around the world.

How He Does It
With the gift of clairsentience.

Clairsentience is the gift of interpreting thoughts from the supernatural realm. With this gift coupled with
his natural gift of the gab, he is able to evoke laughter and fun during these sessions.


From a very young age, Doris Stokes was aware of her gif of clairvoyance. Doris Stokes was able to see dead
relatives, as clearly as she could see live ones. A person who "visited" her regularly was her father. Doris
Stokes held him true to his promise of "All you've got to do is to put out your hand and I'll be there to take
hold". With each visit, he gave her many messages from the world of beyond. For example, he played an
integral role of her comforter and gave the correct information to those that had come to see her for advice.

Nostradamus was born in Provence in 1503. In his early age, he showed a great interest in astrology. He then
studied medicine and healed many people from sufferings caused by plague, which was at that time
widespread in Southern France.

While he was still a young man his prophetic powers began to manifest themselves. He produced a yearly
almanac aster year 1550, and by year 1555 he had completed the first past of his book of Prophecies that were
to contain predictions from his time to the end of the world.

It does not matter if you believe in God, because God believes in you.
-- Sylvia Browne

Known in the world for her psychic ability, Sylvia Browne is best loved for her dynamic and compassionate
attitude towards people and her psychic ability. With her psychic ability that she has been aware of since she
was three, she has appeared in many TV shows of which the most popular would be the "Montel" show. In
the 'Montel' show, she tells of the successes that her psychic abilities brought about in aiding the Police force.

Sylvia Browne grew up in a home where there were many generations of practicing psychics before her. Even
her son, has also been blessed with the same gift. In the year of 1973, Sylvia Browne began her professional
career as a psychic. Her career started off with humble beginnings, but within one year, her practice gained
recognition and became very large.

Sylvia Browne recognizes and accepts reincarnation as the focal point in her philosophy. She too relies on
spirit guides and believes in angels. With this vast knowledge and belief in the supernatural realm, she has
written many books on these subjects. Besides that, Sylvia Browne also believes that the reason behind
dreaming is to be precognitive and that dreams open ways for us to release negative thoughts.

"I've personally witnessed her bring closure to distraught families, help police close cases, and open people's
hearts to help them see the good within themselves."
Montell Williams


The word angel is derived from the Greek word "Angelos" which means "messenger of god".

Different religions term their godly messengers in their own languages, and they also rank their angels in
different heirarchies.

Angels surround us all the time, providing guidance and assistance when we need it.

God placed Angels on earth to act as messengers for him, delivering messages to all of humanity.

Angels are special beings with awesome powers, and are a phenomenon that were placed on earth to watch
over us. We should be greatful to have such power within our grasp.

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It is a known fact that pets often can mimic human behavior and they do at times display intelligent actions.

Parapsychologists, over the years have stated that pets are able to telepathically receive information from
thoughts or the mood swings from their owners. They have concluded that animals may be psychic.

A number of pet owners do believe that there is an ESP link between their pets and themselves. However,
only some people have the gift and are able to forge the telepathic link with their pets.

Free Clairvoyance
Free clairvoyance means free psychic information to the client. Clairvoyance means seeing
clearly the visual and sound images that are beyond the capabilities of the physical organs of the ordinary
persons. The psychics are blessed with the third eye, the sixth sense or highly charged intuition
that is capable of understanding the course of events accurately.
Free clairvoyance is offered to the skeptics or the fence sitters to convince them of the divinatory psychic
powers. It may be an act of charity for those who cannot or are unwillingly to pay for the psychic services.
Psychic clairvoyance is displayed in form of daily horoscopes of all the zodiac signs on the website pages of
the clairvoyant psychic, through the ezines, emails, or the columns of the newspapers or the magazines.
Free clairvoyance is not detailed. It is sketchy, but not inaccurate. It provides pointers, directions like the
milestones, which can go a long way to help the general clients.
Free clairvoyance contains warnings against the likely pitfalls on your way on a particular day and
recommendations, suggestions or advice on how to overcome them. It may also foretell the bright side of
your future and boost your morale as you start your hectic day. Free clairvoyance thus equips you with a
flashlight on the events hidden in the dark future, which may often erode your self-confidence and slacken
your gait.

Once your faith in the accuracy of the clairvoyant predictions is strengthened, you may like to seek detailed
guidance and predictions on crucial issues, which may have long time effects on your

• careers
• business decisions
• marriage
• divorce
• educational planning
• personal relationships
• health problems and much more

A timely clairvoyant warning and advice may thus prepare and protect you against the otherwise unexpected
future shocks that may unnerve you by their suddenness.

If you have any questions—who does not have? —feel free to contact us for a free clairvoyant advice. Our
expert clairvoyant psychics will be glad to take your calls and answer them to your satisfaction.

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Main Entry: clair·voy·ance

Pronunciation: \kler-ˈvȯi-ən(t)s\
Function: noun
Date: 1838
1 : the power or faculty of discerning objects not present to the senses
2 : ability to perceive matters beyond the range of ordinary perception :
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"clairvoyance." Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 2009.

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clairvoyance. (2009). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary.

Retrieved October 27, 2009, from

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