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Answers for the “brand new Foundation paper” from PiXL

1. 28.38461538 or 28.3846154 (all decimal places must be shown) 2 marks

(even with no working) , or 1 mark for both 107.01 and 3.77 shown in

2. -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 (2 marks for all correct values, 1 mark for at least four correct
and no more than one incorrect answer)

3. 475 x 1.96 1 mark for working out shown, $931 1 mark for answer

4. 700 x 1.2 (or 700 + 140) 1 mark for working out, £840 1 mark for answer

5. a) 10 + 10x7 1 mark for working out, 80 1 mark for answer

b) -2.5 + 10x3.2 1 mark for working out, 29.5 1 mark for answer

6. a) 4 squares drawn in a vertical line 2 marks

b) 2 squares to make a rectangle in either orientation 2 marks

7. i) 120˚

ii) corresponding angles (are equal) 1 mark

8. 15 x π or 15 x 3.14 1 mark, 47.1... 1 mark (any number of decimal places),

47.1 1 mark for rounding to 1 decimal place

9. Large 1.9 pence per g, Regular 2pence per g so large is better value for
Or, Large you get 52.6... grams per pound, Regular you get only 50grams per
pound so large is better value for money. 2 marks for large and a correct
comparison of the same amount in weight/price (comparing a large amount
e.g. 1400g is okay too, this would give Large £26.60 and Regular £28)
10. 24.80 ÷ 8 1 mark, 9.3 (or £9.30) and 15.5 (or £15.50) 1 mark, £6.20 1 mark
for answer
Or 24.80 ÷ 8 1 mark, that answer (3.1) x 2 1 mark, £6.20 1 mark for answer

11. 3 marks for all correct, 2 marks for 4 or 5 correct, 1 mark for 2 or 3 correct
xxxxxxxx Boys Girls Total
Meat eating 12 10 22
Vegetarian 2 5 7
Vegan 0 1 1
Total 14 16 30

12. 3 gives 24, too small 4 gives 64, too big I mark
3.5 gives 39.375, too big 3.2 gives 29.568, too small 3.3 gives 35.937,
too big
Do 3.2, 3.3 and one other 2 marks
So x = 3.2 to 1 decimal place 1 mark

13. a) both points plotted correctly 1 mark

b) positive correlation 1 mark
c) line of best fit drawn (follows points, roughly same above and below) 1
mark, answer 38 (allow anything between 36 and 40 inclusive)

14. Line drawn from Blackport correctly 1 mark, line drawn from Clancy Bay
correctly, 1 mark, where the lines cross marked with a P 1 mark (ask a friend
or teacher to check!)

15. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 36 1 mark, answer 4 1 mark

Or 24 and 22x32 1 mark, answer 4 1 mark

16. Angles OBA and OCA 90˚ (tangent/radius are perpendicular) 1 mark, 360˚ -
90˚ - 90˚ - 130˚ 1 mark, 50˚ 1 mark for answer
Or, use triangle OBA (or similarly for OCA): OBA = 90˚ 1 mark, (180 – 90 – 65)
x 2 1 mark, 50˚ 1 mark for answer

17. 0.5 x 10-2 1 mark (optional working out) or 0.005 1 mark (optional working
out), 5 x 10-3 2 marks for answer (or 1 mark is working out mark awarded –
maximum of 2 marks for whole q)

18. a) 2x+9 + 4x+5 + 2x-3 1 mark (optional working out), 8x+11 2 marks (or 1
mark if working out mark given)
b) 8x+11 = 39 1 mark working out, 3.5 or 3 ½ (or equivalent) 1 mark for
19. 122 + 142 or 144 + 196 1 mark, answer square rooted, 1 mark (or 18.4...
seen), 18.4 1 mark for correctly rounded answer

20. 10 ÷500 1 mark, y = 0.02x or y=x/50 2 marks (if incorrect allow an

additional working out mark for y=kx)

21. 40 ÷100 x 30 (or equivalent e.g. 40 x 0.3) 1 mark, 12 1 mark for answer

22. ¾ x ¾ x ¼ (in any order i.e. the ¼ can be at the start or middle) or ¾ x ¾ x
¾ 1 mark (for either), 1 mark for multiplying ¾ x ¾ x ¼ by 3 and adding ¾ x
¾ x ¾ or for ¾ x ¾ x ¼ + ¾ x ¼ x ¾ + ¼ x ¾ x ¾ + ¾ x ¾ x ¾, 27/32 1
mark for answer (or 0.84...)
Or, similar marking for a method calculating no or one Heads and subtracting
from one.

23. a) 623 + 640 + 639 or 1902 1 mark, 634 1 mark for answer
b) The trend is that the number of births are increasing.

24. 3x(2x+1) 1 mark, (2x+1)(2x-1) 1 mark, 1 mark for answer

25. a) ½ x5 x 8 x sin 75 1 mark, 19.3 1 mark for answer rounded to 3sf

b) 52 + 82 – 2x5x8xcos75 1 mark, square rooting 1 mark, 8.26 1 mark for
answer rounded to 3 sf

26. Histogram with correct scale on y axis and frequency densities of 0.8, 1.2,
1.4, 1.6 and 0.3 respectively 3 marks

27. a) 150 ≤ h < 160 1 mark

b) 125 x 8, 135 x 16, 145 x 25, 155 x 30, 165 x 21 1 mark (allow 1 error or
omission), 1 mark for totalling (gives 14900), 1 mark for dividing by 100 (total
frequency), 149 1 mark for answer

28. i) QP = -q + p so QS = - ½ q + ½ p and OS = ½ q + ½ p (2 marks for any

correct method leading to correct answer, in any order)
ii) RS = RO + OS = - ½ p + ½ q + ½ p = ½ q 2 marks (or for any other
correct method leading to ½ q), since RS is a multiple of OQ they must be
parallel (or similar) 1 mark

29. a) x2 + 2x – 15 2 marks for correct answer (if incorrect, 1 mark for x2 + 5x –

3x – 15 in any order)
b) 29 – x = 4x + 20 1 mark, 29 = 5x + 20 or 9 = 5x 1 mark, x = 1.4 or 1
4/5 or equivalent 1 mark for answer
30. 14 + 7√3 - 2√3 – 3 2 marks (1 mark for any 3 correct terms), 11 + 5√3 1
mark for answer

31. maximum v: = 1.080... 2 marks, minimum v: = 1.079... 2 marks,

so 1.08 as the answer will always round to this to 2 dp 1 mark.

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