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Department of Electrical Engineering

EEM16 – Spring 2011
Homework 1 Solutions

1. Number Representation:
a. (2750)8
= (010 111 101 000)2
= (0101 1110 1000)2
= (5E8)16
w = 5E8

b. (3E5F)16
= (0011 1110 0101 1111)2
= (0 011 111 001 011 111)2
= (37137)8
x = 37137

c. (241)5 + (312)7 = (y)9

(241) 5 = 2x25 + 4x5 + 1 = 50 + 20 + 1 = (71)10
(312)7 = 3x49 + 1x7 + 2 = 147 + 7 + 2 = (156)10
71 + 156 = 227
227/9 => Q: 25 R: 2
25/9 => Q: 2 R: 7
2/9 => Q:0 R: 2
(227)10 = (272)9
y = 272

(0.10011)2 = (z)10
= 1/2 + 1/16 + 1/32
= (0.59375)10 or (19/32) 10
z = 0.59375 or 19/32

2. Boolean Algebra:
a. x’y’z + yz + y’z = z
LHS = z(x’y’ + y + y’) [distributivity]
= z(x’y’ + 1) [complement]
= z(1) [a + 1 = 1]
=z [identity]

b. (x+y)(x+z) = x + yz
LHS = (x+y)x + (x+y)z [distributivity]
= xx + yx + xz + yz [distributivity]
= x + yx + xz + yz [idempotency]
= x + xz + yz [absorption]
= x + yz [absorption]
3. Boolean Simplification: Simplify the following functions using the postulates and
theorems of Boolean Algebra. Write the particular law or theorem you are using
in each step.
a. F(x,y) = xy + xy’
= x(y + y’) [Using distributive law]
= x.1 [Using complement]
= x [Using identity]

b. F(x,y,z) = y’z + x’yz + xyz

= y’z + yz(x’ + x) [Using distributive law]
= y’z + yz.1 [Using complement]
= y’z + yz [Using identity]
= z.(y’ + y) [Using distributive law]
= z.1 [Using complement]
= z [Using identity]

c. F(x,y,z) = (x + y)(x’ + y + z)(x’ + y + z’)

= (x + y)(x’ + y + z.z’) [Using distributive law]
= (x + y)(x’ + y) [Using complement and identity]
= y + x.x’ [Using commutative and distributive laws]
= y [Using complement and identity]

d. F(w,x,y,z) = (x + xyz) + (x’yz + x’y) + wx + wx’

= x + x’y + wx + wx’ [Using absorption twice]
= x + y + w.(x+x’) [Using simplification and distribution]
= x + y + w [Using complement and identity]

4. Boolean Simplification and Canonical Forms: Consider the function –

F(a,b,c) = (a + ac)[b’(c + b)]

a. Draw its schematic using AND, OR, and NOT gates.

b F

b. F = (a + ac)[b’(c + b)]
= a(b’(c + b)) [absorption]
= a(b’c + b’b) [ditributivity]
= a(b’c + 0) [complement]
= a(b’c) [identity]


c. Write this function in its canonical minterm form.

F = ab’c = m5

d. Rewrite the expression in canonical maxterm form.

F = m5, taking the complement of this set we get
F = M0M1M2M3M4M6M7
F = (a+b+c)(a+b+c’)(a+b’+c)(a+b’+c’)(a’+b+c)(a’+b’+c)(a’+b’+c’)

e. Write the complement of F in “little m” notation and as a canonical

minterm expression.
F’ = (m5)’
F’ = Σm(0,1,2,3,4,6,7)
F’ = a’b’c’ + a’b’c + a’bc’ + abc + ab’c’ + abc’ + abc

f. Write the complement of F in “big M” notation and as a canonical

maxterm expression.
F’ = M5
F’ = (a’+b+c’)

5. Combinational Logic Design: Write the (i) high-level description, (ii) truth table,
and (iii) one-set and zero-set for each of the three functions described by the
following specifications.
a. A 2-bit-wide shifter takes two input signals, i0 and i1, and shifts them to
two outputs, o0 and o1, under the control of a SHIFT signal. If this signal
SHIFT is false, then the outputs are equal to their corresponding inputs. If
SHIFT is true, then o1 is equal to i0, and o0 is set to 0.

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