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Agnostic Capability (324) How can multi- Compatible Change (465)

purpose service logic be made effectively How can a service contract be modified
consumable and composable? without impacting consumers?

Agnostic Context (312) How can multi- Compensating Service Transaction (631)
purpose service logic be positioned as an How can composition runtime exceptions be
effective enterprise resource? consistently accommodated without requiring
services to lock resources?
Agnostic Sub-Controller (607) How can
agnostic, cross-entity composition logic be Composition Autonomy (616) How can
separated, reused, and governed independently? compositions be implemented to minimize loss
of autonomy?
Asynchronous Queuing (582) How can a
service and its consumers accommodate Concurrent Contracts (421) How can a
isolated failures and avoid unnecessarily locking service facilitate multi-consumer coupling
resources? requirements and abstraction concerns at the
same time?
Atomic Service Transaction (623) How can
a transaction with rollback capability be Contract Centralization (409) How can
propagated across messaging-based services? direct consumer-to-implementation coupling
be avoided?
Brokered Authentication (661) How can a
service efficiently verify consumer credentials if Contract Denormalization (414) How can a
the consumer and service do not trust each service contract facilitate consumer programs
other or if the consumer requires access to with differing data exchange requirements?
multiple services?
Cross-Domain Utility Layer (267) How can
Canonical Expression (275) How can redundant utility logic be avoided across
service contracts be consistently understood domain service inventories?
and interpreted?
Data Confidentiality (641) How can data
Canonical Protocol (150) How can services within a message be protected so that it is not
be designed to avoid protcol bridging? disclosed to unintended recipients while in
Canonical Resources (237) How can
unnecessary infrastructure resource disparity Data Format Transformation (681)
be avoided? How can services interact with programs that
communicate with different data formats?
Canonical Schema (158) How can
services be designed to avoid data model Data Model Transformation (671) How can
transformation? services interoperate when using different data
models for the same type of data?
Canonical Schema Bus (709)
Data Origin Authentication (649) How can
Canonical Versioning (286) How can service a service verify that a message originates from a
contracts within the same service inventory be known sender and that the message has not
versioned with minimal impact? been tampered with in transit?

Capability Composition (521) How can a Decomposed Capability (504) How can a
service capability solve a problem that requires service be designed to minimize the chances of
logic outside of the service boundary? capability logic deconstruction?

Capability Recomposition (526) Decoupled Contract (401) How can a service

How can the same capability be used to help express its capabilities independently of its
solve multiple problems? implementation?

(pattern list continued on inside back cover)

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Direct Authentication (656) How can a Legacy Wrapper (441) How can wrapper
service verify the credentials provided by a services with non-standard contracts be
consumer? prevented from spreading indirect consumer-
to-implementation coupling?
Distributed Capability (510) How can a
service preserve its functional context while also Logic Centralization (136) How can the
fulfilling special capability processing misuse of redundant service logic be avoided?
Message Screening (381) How can a service
Domain Inventory (123) How can services be protected from malformed or malicious
be delivered to maximize recomposition when input?
enterprise-wide standardization is not possible?
Messaging Metadata (538) How can services
Dual Protocols (227) How can a service be designed to process activity-specific data at
inventory overcome the limitations of its runtime?
canonical protocol while still remaining
standardized? Metadata Centralization (280) How can
service metadata be centrally published and
Enterprise Inventory (116) How can services governed?
be delivered to maximize recomposition?
Multi-Channel Endpoint (451) How can
Enterprise Service Bus (704) legacy logic fragmented and duplicated for
different delivery channels be centrally
Entity Abstraction (175) How can agnostic consolidated?
business logic be separated, reused, and
governed independently? Non-Agnostic Context (319) How can
single-purpose service logic be positioned as an
Event-Driven Messaging (599) How can effective enterprise resource?
service consumers be automatically notified of
runtime service events? Official Endpoint (711)

Exception Shielding (376) How can a service Orchestration (701)

prevent the disclosure of information about its
internal implementation when an exception Partial State Deferral (356) How can services
occurs? be designed to optimize resource consumption
while still remaining stateful?
Federated Endpoint Layer (713)
Partial Validation (362) How can
File Gateway (457) How can service logic unnecessary data validation be avoided?
interact with legacy systems that can only share
information by exchanging files? Policy Centralization (207) How can
policies be normalized and consistently
Functional Decomposition (300) How can a enforced across multiple services?
large business problem be solved without
having to build a standalone body of solution Process Abstraction (182) How can non-
logic? agnostic process logic be separated and
governed independently?
Intermediate Routing (549) How can
dynamic runtime factors affect the path of a Process Centralization (193) How can
message? abstracted business process logic be centrally
Inventory Endpoint (260) How can a service
inventory be shielded from external access while Protocol Bridging (687) How can a service
still offering service capabilities to external exchange data with consumers that use different
consumers? communication protocols?
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Proxy Capability (497) How can a service Service Layers (143) How can the services in
subject to decomposition continue to support an inventory be organized based on functional
consumers affected by the decomposition? commonality?
Redundant Implementation (345) How can Service Messaging (533) How can services
the reliability and availability of a service be interoperate without forming persistent, tightly
increased? coupled connections?
Reliable Messaging (592) How can services Service Normalization (131) How can a
communicate reliably when implemented in an service inventory avoid redundant service logic?
unreliable environment?
Service Perimeter Guard (394) How can
Rules Centralization (216) How can
services that run in a private network be made
business rules be abstracted and centrally
? available to external consumers without
exposing internal resources?

Schema Centralization (200) How can Service Refactoring (484) How can a service
service contracts be designed to avoid be evolved without impacting existing
redundant data representation? consumers?

Service Agent (543) How can event-driven State Messaging (557) How can a service
logic be separated and governed independently? remain stateless while participating in stateful
Service Broker (707)
State Repository (242) How can service state
Service Callback (566) How can a service data be persisted for extended periods without
communicate asynchronously with its consuming service runtime resources?
Stateful Services (248) How can service state
Service Data Replication (350) How can data be persisted and managed without
service autonomy be preserved when services consuming service runtime resources?
require access to shared data sources?
Termination Notification (478) How can
Service Decomposition (489) How can the the scheduled expiry of a service contract be
granularity of a service be increased subsequent communicated to consumer programs?
to its implementation?
Three-Layer Inventory (715)
Service Encapsulation (305) How can
solution logic be made available as a resource of Trusted Subsystem (387) How can a
the enterprise? consumer be prevented from circumventing a
service and directly accessing its resources?
Service Façade (333) How can a service
accommodate changes to its contract or UI Mediator (366) How can a service-
implementation while allowing the core service oriented solution provide a consistent,
logic to evolve independently? interactive user experience?

Service Grid (254) How can deferred service Utility Abstraction (168) How can common
state data be scaled and kept fault-tolerant? non-business centric logic be separated, reused,
and independently governed?
Service Instance Routing (574) How can Validation Abstraction (429) How can
consumers contact and interact with service service contracts be designed to more easily
instances without the need for proprietary adapt to validation logic changes?
processing logic?
Version Identification (472) How can
consumers be made aware of service contract
version information?

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