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Dr. Syaparuddin, S.E., M.Si.


Riska Indirawati (C1A019002)

Aldino Saputra (C1A019181)





Isadora Nascimento Della-Sávia Braga

Department of Physics (DFI) Faculty of Natural Sciences (FCN) Federal University of Lavras
(UFLA) PObox 3037, Zip code: 37200-900, Lavras-MG, Brazil,

Silvia Costa Ferreira School of Engineering(EE),

Department of Automation(DAT), Federal University of Lavras (UFLA) PObox 3037, Zip code:
37200-900, Lavras-MG, Brazil,

Marcelo Arriel Rezende

Directorate of Projects and Supervision of Building Works, Project Coordination, Federal
University of Lavras (UFLA) PObox 3037, Zip code: 37200-900, Lavras-MG, Brazil,

Joaquim Paulo da Silva

Department of Physics (DFI) Faculty of Natural Sciences (FCN) Federal University of Lavras
(UFLA) PObox 3037, Zip code: 37200-900, Lavras-MG, Brazil,

A. Tujuan
Tujuan dari makalah ini adalah untuk menyajikan tindakan yang diambil oleh Federal
University of Lavras untuk mencapai pembangunan berkelanjutan dan tujuan yang digariskan
dalam rencana lingkungan. Untuk memenuhi tujuan ini dan sebagai kontribusi utama, kami
menyajikan sebuah studi indikator energi sebagai alat untuk manajemen daya dan pengambila n
keputusan. Dalam pekerjaan ini, kami juga menerapkan indikator- indikator ini untuk memandu
tindakan mengurangi konsumsi energi dengan sarana Program Efisiensi Energi (PEE) nasional
dengan rasio biaya-manfaat yang sangat baik.
Sebagai kontribusi pelengkap, kami mengusulkan untuk memodelkan jaringan lokal
sebagai jaringan mikro kecil. Makalah ini mengusulkan penggunaan konsep microgrid untuk
memecahkan kemungkinan masalah yang disebabkan oleh intermitensi sumber-sumber
terbarukan. Selain itu, kami menyajikan desain detail solar sistem fotovoltaik (PV). Namun,
konsep microgrid dan implantasi sistem PV masih berlangsung
B. Metode penelitian

Penelitian ini telah dilakukan di kampus Universitas Federal Lavras, negara bagian
Minas Gerais, Brasil. Konstruksi dan fasilitas kampus beragam dan melibatkan akomodasi siswa,
gym multi-olahraga, lapangan dan stadion sepak bola, restoran universitas (UK), kafetaria, pusat
komunitas, pusat integrasi universitas, yayasan pendukung, 21 departemen didaktik-ilmiah, dan
Semua data yang diperlukan untuk pekerjaan ini dikumpulkan dari tagihan listrik, laporan
memori massal data dari meter energi UFLA dan portal Universitas, seperti yang dijelaskan
sebelumnya. NS informasi fisik dari area fasilitas kampus tersedia dari utama administrasi. Kami
menganalisis data dari periode minimum 24 bulan yang bertujuan untuk mempertimbangk a n
musiman konsumsi energi. Definisi jendela waktu ini didasarkan pada manual pedoman umum
untuk konservasi listrik pada bangunan umum.

C. Kesimpulan
Indikator energi berdasarkan area terbangun, pengguna setara, dan keuangan
memungkinkan pembentukan prioritas dalam investasi efisiensi energi dalam Rencana
Pengembangan Kelembagaan UFLA. Karena pelaksanaan proyek efisiensi energi yang memilik i
manfaat biaya
rasio, pengembalian investasi uang publik adalah sekitar 3 sampai 4 tahun.
Sampai saat ini, tidak ada data pembangkitan yang signifikan di UFLA, dengan masuknya
ke dalam pengoperasian Solar Parking dan sistem di lapangan. Di masa depan, itu akan memilik i
ekspresif jumlah energi yang dihasilkan dalam microgrid. Ini akan membawa kompleksitas yang
lebih besar dalam pengoperasian dan perlindungan sistem kelistrikan Universitas. Selain
berdampak besar pada operasi Universitas, mungkin diperlukan untuk menerapkan praktik kerja
yang aman dan pelatihan khusus untuk tukang listrik dan pekerja. Pelaksanaan proyek
percontohan microgrid akan memungkinkan penilaian layanan tambahan dalam infrastruktur
jaringan listrik yang direncanakan untuk melayani kota cerdas dan manusiawi.
Qiyam Maulana Binu Soesanto
Sekolah Pascasarjana Teknik Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknik Lingkungan, Universitas
Kitakyushu, Jepang,

Laksamana Rayhan Utomo

Sekolah Pascasarjana Teknik Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknik Lingkungan, Universitas
Kitakyushu, Jepang,

Indriyani Rachman
Sekolah Pascasarjana Teknik Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknik Lingkungan, Universitas
Kitakyushu, Jepang,

Toru Matsumoto
Sekolah Pascasarjana Teknik Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknik Lingkungan, Universitas
Kitakyushu, Jepang,

Hasil Dan Pembahasan

Kota Cimahi terletak di Provinsi Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Dengan populasi setengah juta
dan timbulan sampah per kapita tahunan mencapai 0,48 kg/hari, pengelolaan sampah kota
menjadi semakin menantang. Hingga saat ini, biaya pengelolaan sampah di Kota Cimahi telah
belum ditangani secara khusus. Selain total biaya, ada juga rencana pindah tempat pembuangan
akhir dari TPA Sarimukti, yang terletak sekitar 34 km dari kota pusat ke tempat pembuangan akhir
baru di TPA Legok Nangka, yang terletak sekitar 56 km dari Kota Cimahi. Langkah ini akan
menyebabkan peningkatan biaya ke Cimahi Kotamadya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
menganalisis strategi pengelolaan sampah yang optimal untuk Kota Cimahi sesuai dengan dampak
lingkungan dan biaya-manfaat dari lokasi TPA pindah. Kami menggunakan penilaian siklus hidup
dan analisis biaya-manfaat untuk menentukan yang optimal solusi strategi pengelolaan sampah
Kota Cimahi. Empat skenario, termasuk penambahan bank sampah, dibandingkan sebagai strategi
pengelolaan sampah kota. NS beralih dari tempat pembuangan sampah tidak memberika n
kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap total CO 2 yang setara dipancarkan. Menambah jumlah bank
sampah bisa menjadi alternatif untuk menekan biaya sampah pembuangan di tempat pembuangan
akhir. Skenario (SC)-2 skenario dengan tambahan bank sampah pemerintah ditetapkan, dengan
ketentuan nilai sekarang bersih tertinggi sama dengan Rupiah (IDR) 1.428.622 per ton sampah
yang dikelola dan dianggap paling menguntungkan dalam hal rasio biaya-manfaat. Oleh karena
itu, SC-2 paling disukai untuk diterapkan di Kota Cimahi .


Kevin Riandi
Jurusan Fisika, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Udayana, Bali,

Sebuah studi tentang dosis penyerapan pasien menurut kelompok umur

dilakukan. Jumlah yang diserap Sebuah studi tentang dosis penyerapan pasien menurut
kelompok umur dilakukan. Jumlah yang diserap dosis radiasi sinar-X mempengaruhi sel-sel
tubuh. Rumah sakit perawatan kesehatan seperti klinik, lingkungan yang menggunakan radiasi
pengion. Berdasarkan tata cara penggunaan radiasi pengion untuk keperluan medis Untuk itu,
Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir Indonesia merekomendasikan pemantauan radiasi
dosis bagi tenaga kesehatan di lingkungan pelayanan kesehatan. Begitu juga dengan pasien,
karena pasien secara langsung terkena radiasi pengion. Beberapa penelitian menjelaskan bahwa
probabilitas efek stokastik terbesar pada prosedur kardiologi intervensi dengan sinar-X pasien
muda yang dosis radiasinya telah diukur adalah terjadinya leukemia, dalam penelitian lain
ditemukan pasien bayi dan balita bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam dosis serap di
masing- masing kelompok usia pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan
dosis serapan sinar-X pada pemeriksaan toraks yang diterima oleh pasien pada tiga kelompok
umur termuda dan tertua. Data yang dukung perhitungan dosis yang diserap terlebih dahulu
temukan perhitungan dosis paparan dengan nilai yang ditetapkan pada panel kontrol mesin sinar-
X untuk setiap pasien diperiksa adalah tegangan, arus, focus panjang bidang sinar-X pasien, dan
usia pasien. Penentuan dosis serap dilakukan dengan menggunakan persamaan yaitu satuan
milliroentgen. Dosis paparan, milliRoentgen, diubah menjadi unit dosis yang dapat diserap,
mGy. Dosis penyerapan rata-rata per usia dibandingkan dengan analisis statistik ANOVA satu
arah. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa dosis serap rontgen pasien di Klinik Quantum Diagnostik
untuk setiap kelompok umur memiliki nilai perbandingan. Dosis yang diserap pada masa remaja
akhir dan dewasa awal tidak memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan. Dosis antara remaja awal dan
dewasa akhir juga tidak memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan. Jadi, di Klinik Quantum Denpasar,
dosis radiasi yang diserap diterima pada pasien muda relatif aman dibandingkan dengan
kelompok usia yang lebih tua. Tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam nilai dosis serap
antara satu kelompok umur dengan kelompok umur lainnya.

Menilai saling ketergantungan antara energi terbarukan dan tidak

terbarukan, pertumbuhan ekonomi, dan emisi CO2 di Meksiko tahun 2021
Penulis :
Héctor F. Salazar-Núñez ,
Francisco Venegas-Martínez &
Jose Antonio Lozano-Díez
Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji hubungan jangka pendek dan jangka panjang antara
konsumsi energi terbarukan dan tidak terbarukan, pertumbuhan ekonomi, dan emisi CO2 di
Meksiko selama periode 1973–2018. Data diperoleh dari Bank Dunia dan Perusahaan Minyak
Inggris BP. Model kointegrasi bersama dengan kuadrat terkecil biasa yang dimodifikas i
sepenuhnya (FMOLS) digunakan untuk memperkirakan kemungkinan asosiasi di antara semua
variabel. Selanjutnya, uji kausalitas Granger diterapkan untuk memverifikasi secara empiris
hipotesis kurva Kuznets lingkungan (EKC). Hasil empiris utama adalah bahwa variabel yang
diteliti menjelaskan emisi CO2 dalam jangka pendek dan panjang, dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi
memiliki pengaruh terbesar pada emisi CO2, yang memberikan bukti empiris EKC untuk
Meksiko. Selain itu, konsumsi energi terbarukan dan tidak terbarukan serta pertumbuhan ekonomi
menyebabkan Granger merasakan tingkat emisi CO2 saat ini. Selain itu, PDB tertinggal dan
konsumsi energi tak terbarukan tertinggal memang mempengaruhi (penyebab Granger) emisi CO2
saat ini. Kebijakan jangka panjang harus mendorong penggunaan energi terbarukan di sektor
listrik, transportasi, manufaktur, dan konstruksi.
Desain numerik dan simulasi solusi surya termodinamika untuk bangunan
tempat tinggal percontohan di tepi wilayah sabuk matahari
Penulis :

 Nurhane Merabet ,
 Lina Chouichi &
 Kaouther Kerboua

Makalah ini terdiri dari merancang, memodelkan, dan mensimulas ika n

konsentrator fototermal Dish-Stirling. Sistem yang dikembangkan bermaksud untuk
memenuhi kebutuhan listrik dari bangunan tempat tinggal kecil di kota pesisir Aljazair
yang terletak di tepi wilayah sabuk matahari, dengan perspektif bergerak menuju
aglomerasi berkelanjutan skala kecil. Pendekatan yang diadopsi terdiri dari dua
langkah. Pada langkah pertama, keseimbangan energi ditetapkan pada kolektor, penerima,
penyerap, dan mesin Stirling, dengan menganggap hidrogen sebagai fluida kerja. Aliran
energi dilaporkan ke unit permukaan bidang optik reflektor dengan tiga varian rasio
konsentrasi, yaitu 500, 1000, dan 1500. Langkah kedua terdiri dari analisis parametrik efek
optik, termal, dan sifat mesin Stirling. Pendekatan ini memungkinkan kami untuk
merancang sistem Pengaduk Piring berdiameter 10,52 m, dengan faktor konsentrasi 1000,
dan menggunakan hidrogen sebagai fluida kerja. Studi parametrik mengungkapkan bahwa
efek tertinggi adalah karena efisiensi regenerasi; peningkatan urutan 10% mengind uks i
peningkatan daya yang dikirim melebihi 40%. Sistem yang dirancang menunjukka n
kinerja yang baik selama bulan April, Juni, Juli, Agustus, dan September, dibandingka n
dengan permintaan lokasi. Terbukti mencapai 23 kW pada bulan Juli sekitar siang hari,
yang setara dengan pemenuhan kebutuhan rumah tangga sekitar 153%.
Mengukur efisiensi penggunaan sumber daya air di DAS Dong Nai
(Vietnam): penerapan analisis data envelopment (DEA) dua tahap
Penulis :

 Nguyen Truc Le ,
 Nguyen An Thinh ,
 Nguyen Thi Vinh Ha ,
 Nguyen Dinh Tien ,
 Nguyen Duc Lam ,
 Nguyen Van Hong ,
 Nguyen Tat Tuan ,
 Ta Van Hanh ,
 Nguyen Ngoc Khanh ,
 Nguyen Ngoc Thanh &
 Luc Hens

Pertumbuhan pertanian, industri dan daerah perkotaan baru-baru ini di Vietnam

membutuhkan konsumsi air dalam jumlah besar sebagai faktor produksi. Makalah
ini mengeksplorasi efisiensi penggunaan sumber daya air (WRUE) DAS Dong
Nai Vietnam selama 2010–2017. Dua puluh sembilan sub-cekungan dari DAS
Dong Nai dipilih sebagai unit pengambilan keputusan untuk mengkarakterisasi
WRUE. Hubungan antara penggunaan air dan pembangunan sosial ekonomi
dianalisis menggunakan WSUE dalam subsistem sosial dan ekonomi. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) sebagian besar air digunakan untuk pertanian
(72% dari konsumsi sumber daya air), di samping industri (12%) dan jasa
(9%); (2) Pada WRUE baik pada subsistem sosial dan ekonomi, sub DAS Phuoc
Hoa dan Sai Gon memiliki efisiensi yang optimum. Penggunaan air di Can Don
secara teknis efisien. Sub-cekungan Dong Nai 1–8 memiliki efisiensi teknis
terendah; (3) DAS Dong Nai memiliki perubahan positif dalam produktivitas
faktor total dari waktu ke waktu, namun WRUE menurun secara bertahap; dan (4)
Daerah perkotaan menggunakan lebih sedikit air daripada daerah
pedesaan. Peningkatan WRUE adalah cara penting untuk mempertahankan
penggunaan air di sub-cekungan kekurangan air yang parah seperti Phuoc Hoa,
Sai Gon, dan Can Don. Temuan studi menyiratkan bahwa DEA dua tahap berguna
bagi pembuat kebijakan untuk membuat keputusan yang tepat untuk pengelolaan
sumber daya air dan peningkatan WRUE.

Apakah kepedulian lingkungan gagal memprediksi perilaku hemat

energi? Sebuah studi tentang perilaku hemat energi kantor karyawan
perusahaan Internet Cina

 Xingjun Ru ,
 Min Chen ,
 Shanyong Wang &
 Zhenling Chen

Sementara kepedulian lingkungan umumnya dipandang sebagai pendahulu langsung untuk

perilaku pro-lingkungan (PEB), penelitian empiris yang mendukung asosiasi ini paling
beragam. Perilaku hemat energi karyawan di tempat kerja berkontribusi pada penguranga n
polusi udara dan emisi karbon, dan pada dasarnya tidak perlu mempertimbangkan faktor
utilitarian individu dalam penelitian terkait PEB. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menyelid ik i
efek langsung dan tidak langsung dari masalah lingkungan pada niat perilaku karyawan untuk
menghemat energi di kantor perusahaan Internet Cina untuk lebih memahami hasil yang tidak
konsisten yang ditemukan untuk kepedulian lingkungan dan PEB. Sebuah studi dari sampel
364 karyawan di tiga kota maju Cina menunjukkan bahwa kontrol perilaku yang dirasakan
memiliki dampak langsung terbesar pada perilaku hemat energi karyawan di kantor, diikuti
oleh sikap hemat energi, norma moral pribadi dan norma deskriptif subjektif. Efek langsung
dari kepedulian lingkungan dan norma subjektif pada niat perilaku untuk menghemat energi
ditemukan kecil. Namun, kepedulian lingkungan, sebagai variabel anteseden untuk elemen di
atas, dapat memiliki dampak yang signifikan pada perilaku hemat energi kantor karyawan
melalui peran mediasi elemen-elemen ini, sehingga menjadikan kepedulian lingkunga n
karyawan layak mendapat perhatian lebih. Studi ini meningkatkan pemahaman tentang
perilaku hemat energi karyawan di tempat kerja dan memberikan beberapa wawasan bagi
peneliti dan praktisi.
Pajak karbon sebagai sarana untuk mendorong pengelolaan hutan dan kebakaran

Penulis :

 Renata Martins Pacheco

Kebakaran hutan semakin menjadi perhatian utama bagi banyak negara Eropa,
mempengaruhi ekosistem dan masyarakat, dan diperkirakan akan menjadi lebih umum di
masa depan karena perubahan iklim. Hutan menyediakan berbagai jasa ekosistem yang
tidak dihargai oleh pasar tradisional, seperti penyerapan karbon. Baru-baru ini, Portugal
telah membuat kebijakan lingkungan baru yang menangani perubahan iklim, pengelolaa n
kebakaran, dan konservasi keanekaragaman hayati melalui skema pembayaran untuk jasa
ekosistem. Dalam konteks ini, tujuan studi ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi pajak karbon
yang baru dibentuk di Portugal untuk mendorong restorasi hutan dan langkah-langka h
pengelolaan kebakaran. Dengan menggunakan data yang tersedia untuk umum, hal ini
dilakukan dengan membandingkan penghematan emisi karbon dengan kebakaran yang
dihindari dan pendapatan pajak karbon dengan biaya pembayaran untuk skema jasa
ekosistem dan pembakaran yang ditentukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
berinvestasi dalam pengelolaan hutan untuk menghindari kebakaran memberikan manfaat
bagi penyimpanan karbon dan ekonomi. Insentif skema pembayaran jasa ekosistem
berkisar antara 5–20 euro per hektar, sedangkan manfaat penyerapan karbon dapat
bervariasi antara 75 dan 671 euro per hektar. Kebijakan Program Pembakaran yang
Diresepkan Nasional mampu mengurangi emisi kebakaran hutan secara keseluruhan, yang
dapat sesuai dengan manfaat sekitar 134–2476 euro per hektar, sementara biayanya berada
di urutan 120 euro per hektar. Akhirnya, hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan-
kebijakan ini dapat bekerja secara sinergis, baik secara ekonomi maupun lingkunga n,
seperti yang direkomendasikan oleh agenda-agenda pembangunan, seperti Tujuan
Pembangunan Berkelanjutan. Kerangka analisis ini mungkin berguna untuk negara lain,
terutama di Cekungan Mediterania.
Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development

Volume 4 Article 7
Issue 1 July



Isadora Nascimento Della-Sávia Braga
Department of Physics (DFI) Faculty of Natural Sciences (FCN) Federal University of Lavras (UFLA) PObox
3037, Zip code: 37200-900, Lavras-MG, Brazil,

Silvia Costa Ferreira

School of Engineering(EE), Department of Automation(DAT), Federal University of Lavras (UFLA) PObox
3037, Zip code: 37200-900, Lavras-MG, Brazil,

Marcelo Arriel Rezende

Directorate of Projects and Supervision of Building Works, Project Coordination, Federal University of
Lavras (UFLA) PObox 3037, Zip code: 37200-900, Lavras-MG, Brazil,

Joaquim Paulo da Silva

Department of Physics (DFI) Faculty of Natural Sciences (FCN) Federal University of Lavras (UFLA) PObox
3037, Zip code: 37200-900, Lavras-MG, Brazil,

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Recommended Citation
Della-Sávia Braga, Isadora Nascimento; Ferreira, Silvia Costa; Rezende, Marcelo Arriel; and da Silva,
UNIVERSITY OF LAVRAS. Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development, 4(1), 137-159.
Available at:

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Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development
Volume 4, Issue 1, Page 137-159
ISSN: 2655-6847



Isadora Nascimento Della-Sávia Braga1*, Silvia Costa Ferreira2, Marcelo Arriel

Rezende3, Joaquim Paulo da Silva1
Department of Physics (DFI) Faculty of Natural Sciences (FCN) Federal University of
Lavras (UFLA) PObox 3037, Zip code: 37200-900, Lavras-MG, Brazil,
School of Engineering (EE), Department of Automation (DAT), Federal University of
Lavras (UFLA) PObox 3037, Zip code: 37200-900, Lavras-MG, Brazil
Directorate of Projects and Supervision of Building Works, Project Coordination, Federal
University of Lavras (UFLA) PObox 3037, Zip code: 37200-900, Lavras-MG, Brazil

*Corresponding author:

(Received: 7 September 2020; Accepted: 18 June 2021; Published: 30 July 2021)


Considering that most of the world electrical matrix is made up of non-renewable sources, the
search for safer and more sustainable energy generation solutions has grown. In view of this
scenario, there is an increase in the use of renewable energy sources integrated with electrical
systems. In this context, Universities have an important role in research development,
implementation of environmental plans aimed at sustainability, optimization in the use of
electric energy and development of the use of renewable energies. The Federal University of
Lavras has an environmental plan with goals related to carbon emissions, solid waste
management, rainwater collection and reuse, among others, are established. In order to
achieve the goals related to sustainable electricity management practices on campus, the
University has acted in several ways, resulting in approximately 30% electricity savings. This
article presents the actions of the University in obtaining this result. First, we present a study
on the application of energy indicators as a strategic tool to assist in the management process
at the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA). Next, we discuss the energy efficiency projects
developed in conjunction with the local concessionaire (CEMIG) and their impact on energy
consumption. Finally, we present the proposal for the implantation of a microgrid in the
internal distribution network and detail the photovoltaic generation system already installed.
The evaluation of the energy indicators allowed the definition of priorities for the allocation
of investments in the energy efficiency program. In addition, the results were compared to the
goals outlined in environmental plan of the university. Finally, the ongoing microgrid project
is presented but, to date, there are no significant data on the generation of UFLA's Solar

Keywords: Energy efficiency projects; Energy indicators; Grid-connected photovoltaic

system; Microgrid.

DOI: 137

Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 137-159

1. Introduction
The concept of sustainable power management can be understood as a planned search for
minimizing the use of non-renewable power resources, using the generated energy in a more
efficient way and reducing the losses (Aduda et al., 2016; Fathi & Bevrani, 2017; Onat &
Bayar, 2010). Therefore, a sustainable development is directly correlated to the use of
efficient and renewable resources (Claudia Roldán et al., 2014; Güney, 2019; Østergaard et
al., 2020).
The use of distributed renewable sources brings additional challenges in power planning
mainly due to the intermittent power generation (Hou et al., 2020; Mer & Patel, 2016). When
the level of penetration of these systems reaches or exceeds the hosting capacity of the grid,
the effective integration of these energy resources is indispensable. The concepts of
microgrids and smart-grids are considered promising solutions to these problems (Jirdehi et
al., 2020; Kathirgamanathan et al., 2020; Yoldaş et al., 2017).
There are several initiatives around the world, where these concepts have been applied in
pilot projects (Bianchini et al., 2017; Jirdehi et al., 2020; Sharma et al., 2017), such as by
looking for efficiency and power quality. In Brazil, initiatives for implementing smart grids
and microgrids are still growing, and the investment in the implementation of pilot projects
had increased in the past years. Dranka & Ferreira (2020) presented an overview of the
challenges for smart grids implementation in Brazil.
In this context, the interest of Universities in sustainable management is noticeable by
their projects and research related to energy sustainability and efficiency (Ávila et al., 2017;
Machado, 2019; Moura et al., 2019; Rebelatto et al., 2020). In fact, these institutions play an
important role in the dissemination of technical knowledge of sustainable practices and
technologies. However, many barriers have yet to be overcome to create efficient sustainable
management strategies at universities. According to Ávila et al., (2017) the main problems
identified in relation to sustainability were lack of support from administrative sectors, lack
of technology and awareness, and absence of environmental committees.
On the other hand, there are several tools to assist Universities in the management and
improvement performance related to social and environmental responsibility. Sustainable
initiatives related to LiFE index (Learning in Future Environments) has been reported by
Rebelatto et al., (2020), where an analysis of 100 articles related to the aforementioned
themes was presented. The LiFE index was developed by the Environmental Association for
Universities and Colleges and four areas stand out when educational institutions are

DOI: 138

Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 137-159

considered. The first area is leadership and governance which analyzes the commitment and
financial support to sustainable activities and initiatives. The second is partnership and
engagement which correlate the events and partnerships between universities and the private
sector. The third is teaching and research which mainly considers the sustainable disciplines
and extension projects. Finally, the fourth is facilities and operation which considers
infrastructure, waste management and energy efficiency.
In view of this scenario and based on the UFLA`s Institutional Development Plan (PDI), it
is worth to mention the initiatives related to UFLA´s energy management cover most
previously mentioned areas of the LiFE index. For example, we have a committee to deal
specifically with environment issues and policies for the efficient use of water and electricity
(Environmental Committee). This committee has a coordination for power planning and
management, responsible for actions that minimizes the power consumption and waste, as
well new propositions for using alternative and sustainable energy sources.
Moreover, the Institutional Development Plan (PDI) and the Sustainable Logistics Plan
(PDS) of the institution include several actions aimed at the efficient use of electricity
(UFLA-DMA, 2019; UFLA, 2014). It worth to cite the implementation of a new internal
electric grid with an exclusive feeder, seeking to reduce the number of interruptions not
programmed by the electricity supply concessionaire; the implementation of energy
efficiency projects; a survey of the institution's energy consumption indicators and the
installation of photovoltaic solar energy generation systems.
Other tools that can be used to assist Universities in energy management, in the path of
sustainability, are the energy indicators. The energy indicators are commonly used as
instruments for assessing energy use in order to identify the relationship between
administrative or physical information, and electrical or cost quantities (Fernandes, 2004;
Kathirgamanathan et al., 2020). Their results are generally used for awareness and guidance
of users and also for comparison with other similar units (Li & Tao, 2017; Mardani et al.,
2017; Pitt & Michaud, 2015; Vigna et al., 2018; Yu et al., 2020).
Given the above, the aim of this paper is to present the actions taken by the Federal
University of Lavras to achieve sustainable development and the goals outlined in its
environmental plan. To fulfil this objective and as the main contribution, we present a study
of energy indicators as a tool for power management and decision-making. In this work, we
also apply these indicators to guide the actions for reducing the energy consumption by
means of the national Program of Energy Efficiency (PEE) with excellent cost-benefit ratio.

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As a complementary contribution, we propose to model the local grid as a small microgrid.

This paper proposes the use of microgrid concept to solve the possible problems caused by
the intermittency of renewables sources. In addition, we present the detailed design of solar
photovoltaic system (PV). However, the microgrid concept and the PV system implantation
are still ongoing.

2. Methods
This research has been conducted in the campus of Federal University of Lavras, state of
Minas Gerais, Brazil. The constructions and facilities of the campus are diverse and involve
students’ accommodation, multi-sport gym, soccer courts and stadium, university restaurant
(UK), cafeterias, community center, university integration center, support foundations, 21
didactic-scientific departments, and others.
According to the University's portal, the campus has an area of 500 hectares, that is six
million square meters, with approximately 237250 square meters of built area. In addition, in
the first period of 2019, there were 11100 undergraduate students, 1850 graduate students,
766 teachers, 581 administrative technicians, totaling 14941 individuals who used the
institution's spaces.
All data needed for this work were collected from electricity bills, the mass memory report
data from UFLA energy meters and the University's portal, as previously described. The
physical information of the campus facilities areas were available from the main
administration. We analyze data from a minimum period of 24 months aiming to consider the
seasonality of energy consumption. This definition of this time window was based on the
manual of general guidelines for the conservation of electricity in public buildings.
The methods were divided into three main parts: the energy indicators formulation and
definition, energy efficiency projects and microgrid modelling. Each one will be described in
the following details.

2.1. Methods for energy indicators

The energy indicators used in this work were based on Morales (2007) and could be divided
into global, specific and financial. Global indicators use technical information to characterize
the unit. They are responsible for pointing out the efficiency in the use of electricity in
general. They are used in the early stages of characterization, indicating technical or
behavioral flaws. The specific indicators take into account physical information, occupation

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and end uses in order to assess the behavior in the use of electricity. Financial indicators
demonstrated how resources are distributed and used within the institution.
In this work we linked the habits of energy usage to information such as: area and purpose
of use, equipment used, number and type of users, time of use, among others. These types of
data were necessary for the initial characterization of the units. In addition, they were
essential for the elaboration and choice of the indicators used and the most efficient action
plan. The energy indicators proposed for evaluation of UFLA scenario were the percentage
consumption ratio of reserved hours, average monthly consumption by users, the
consumption indicator by built area, the financial indicators by built area and the financial
indicators by total number of users. They will be described below.

2.1.1. Percentage consumption ratio

The indicators of energy consumption by time of use takes into account the seasonality of
consumption. This indicator was called PCR (Percentage Consumption Ratio in the Reserved
Period) and aims to characterize the energy consumption in reserved period of the consumer
unit in relation to its total consumption (Saidel et al., 2005).


For this indicator, consumption information should be separated by time of use. According
to ANEEL Normative Resolution No 414/2010 (ANEEL, 2010), Brazilian distributors can
define 3 consecutive daily hours where there is greater consumption. This set of hours is
called peak hour, at that time the amount charged per kilowatt (kWh) hour is higher. The rest
of the day is off-peak.
Thus, the PCR indicator was used to assess consumption during peak and off-peak hours
or at specific times. Through its use, it is possible to ascertain the energy consumption at a
specific time of interest, providing data for decision making to manage energy use during
peak hours, for example. For the seasonality to be considered, the period from August 2016
to August 2018 was used.

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2.1.2. Average monthly consumption by users

The average monthly consumption by users (ACU) evaluated the energy consumption per
user. The users were separated into specific groups for better evaluation of the indicator
(Saidel et al., 2005). The ACU was characterized by the ratio between the average monthly
consumption and the number of users in the group under evaluation:

where, is the average monthly energy (kWh / month) and N is the number of people who
fall into the group under analysis.

At UFLA, for the calculation of the , the information present in the Institutional
Development Plan (IDP) (UFLA, 2016) was considered. The groups considered were:
students (ACUS), professors (ACUP), administrative technicians
(ACUAT) and total users (ACUTU). Each of the indicators by group was calculated considering
the University's total energy consumption in the month and the number of individuals in each
group, as previously described.

2.1.3. Consumption indicator by built area

The consumption indicator per built area is obtained by means of the ratio of energy
consumption in a given period, by the product of the total useful area of the unit and the
desired time interval:

where, is the average monthly energy (kWh / month) and is the total useful area (m²).
To calculate the indicator by area built at UFLA, values of the institution's built area were
obtained through the Institutional Development Plan – IDP (UFLA, 2016) and were used in
the management reports. The evaluated period was from January 2018 to August 2018.

2.1.4. Financial indicators

Financial indicators can be classified in relation to several variables, here we consider the
financial indicator by build area ( ) and financial indicator by number of users ( ),
given by:

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where, is the monthly cost of electricity (R$), is the total useful área and is the total
number of users.

2.2. Methods in energy efficiency projects

UFLA's energy efficiency plan includes, among other sustainability projects, a project to
reduce electricity consumption and implement process automation through equipment
efficiency, energy management and the use of energy generation from renewable sources.
One of the first solutions to reduce electricity costs is the replacement of fluorescent lamps
for LED lamps. The use of LED lamps can reduce energy consumption by up to 50% and it
has been a very common practice in energy efficiency projects (Napitupulu & Mawengkang,
Between 2016 and 2018, seeking to achieve energy efficiency goals, the university
submitted projects annually for the Program of Energy Efficiency (PEE) funded by the local
energy concessionaire (CEMIG). The Brazilian concessionaires release project calls for
energy efficiency every year in order to comply with regulations established by Brazilian
National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL). These regulations require the concessionaires to
allocate a portion of their revenue to Energy Efficiency Projects (CEMIG, 2012; Dranka &
Ferreira, 2020; Silva et al., 2017).
The project is accompanied by Measurements and Verifications in order to confirm the
projected consumption and savings. The entire process was prepared in accordance with the
provisions of Energy Efficiency Program Procedures - PROPEE and the International
Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol - PIMVP - January 2012 - EVO 10000 -
1: 2012. Another important step in the process is correct disposal of materials that have been
replaced. For lighting and air conditioning equipment, disposal must be guaranteed and
follow Brazilian solid waste management policies.

2.3. Microgrid pilot

The UFLA’s coordination for power planning and management aims to create a microgrid in
the campus. The main idea was to isolate a portion of the distribution grid which would be

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managed individually. This microgrid will be composed by critical loads and distributed
generation units allowing proper monitoring of main electrical variables.
A long-term prospect of this microgrid is presented in Figure 1. The proposed microgrid
will be formed by:
a. Photovoltaic Generation Systems: its operation is connected to main grid in order to
reduce energy bills according to Brazilian regulations. In the future, they can be used
to increase the available energy in the microgrid and consequently its reliability and
autonomy (ITEM 1);
b. Energy storage systems aim to reduce the consumption in peak hours where energy is
more expensive and even supply the demand for this microgrid under conditions of
island operation (ITEM 2);
c. Grid-forming converters: used to provide voltage and frequency reference for the
microgrid when operating islanded and coordinate the connection and disconnection
of the microgrid to main grid (ITEM 3);
d. Synchronous generators: powered by alternative energy sources such as ethanol or
biofuel, and used to complement the power generated by photovoltaic systems (ITEM
e. Critical Loads: they are chosen based on criteria defined by UFLA’s coordination
and previous information of demand, such as energy indicators. Now the veterinary
hospital, the engineering department and the illumination strategic areas represent
them (ITEMS 5, 6 e 7);
f. Center for data, supervision and control, training and research: its objective is to
maintain an exclusive server for assessment of distributed generation and the
microgrid status, enabling the real-time execution of innovative power quality and
energy efficiency algorithms, detection of load centers and defining the priority places
for allocation of loads, among others. Summarizing, it will be the center of
information for sustainable power management (ITEMS 8, 9 e 10);
g. Exclusive feeder: aims to supply the crescent demand of the University, with the
possibility of meeting up to 6000 kW of contracted demand (ITEM 11); and
h. Smart meters and switches: they will allow the data collection of energy consumption
for feeding the algorithms of power management and control the power flow into the
microgrid (ITEM 12, 13).

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Figure 1. Prospect of a microgrid in UFLA distribution power system

For now, only the exclusive feeder and the photovoltaic system are already installed in
the campus distribution grid. The exclusive feeder has been installed in 2015 in order to
provide more reliability because it had more direct path between the Lavras substation and
the University. The modernization of the system concludes with the installation of two
feeders for contingency situations and protections through automatic reclosers and
telecontrol. On the other hand, the photovoltaic system will be described in detail in the

3. Results and Discussions

3.1. Energy indicators
Figure 2 and 3 show the daily UFLA’s profile of electricity consumption, also known as load
profile, in the school period of 2018, collected from mass memory report data from UFLA
meters. These data were analyzed for two periods with different load profile, the school
period (November 24, 2018 to November 30, 2018) and school holidays (February 3, 2019 to
February 9, 2019). The mean values and standard deviation for each of the weeks evaluated
are shown in Table 1. During weekdays, between 7 am and 5 pm, there is a greater standard
deviation. At these times, most of activities on campus are developed.

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Figure 2. Profile of electricity consumption at UFLA in the school period of nov/2018

Figure 3. Profile of electricity consumption at UFLA in the school holidays of feb/2019

Table 1. Average and standard deviation of energy consumption in the school period and
Weekdays Weekends
School period Holidays School period Holidays
Average (kWh) 272.53 228.91 170.08 183.65
Standard deviation (%) 30.85 27.75 6.9 7.45

Another point is the considerable difference in the average consumption during the studied
periods. During the holiday period, there is a decrease in the average consumption of
weekdays (Monday to Friday) of approximately 16% and on weekends, it is approximately
7.4% lower compared to the school term. For one month, this difference is equivalent to

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approximately 760 kWh of savings. This period can be strategic to implement saving
measures, e.g., maintenance and overhaul of equipment for improvements in relation to
energy consumption.
Regarding to the energy indicators, the first analyzed result is the percentage consumption
ratio of reserved hours ( ). Figure 4 shows the results of applying the PCR indicator in
two intervals: peak hours, from 5 pm to 8 pm, and off-peak hours, remaining hours of the
day. Table 2 shows the average and standard deviation of the PCR for off-peak hours
( ) and peak hours ( ).
The indicates that on average approximately 90% of the total electricity is
consumed during off-peak hours. This indicator and its variations were used to assist in the
choice of the tariff modality, since UFLA's facilities fall into group A4.

Figure 4. Percentage consumption ratio ( ) at UFLA, off-peak hours and peak hours

Table 2. Average and standard deviation of PCR for off-peak hours and peak hours
Average Standard deviation (%)
0.896 0.01
0.104 0.01

Next indicator analyzed was the average monthly consumption by users. The average
values and standard deviation of the indicators of average monthly consumption ( ) for
each evaluated group are shown in Table 3.

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Table 3. Average monthly consumption by users

Average (kWh/month/user) Standard deviation (%)
48.62 17.00
813.31 13.32
1038.06 15.65
44.01 16.85

The relationship between the total number of users and the institution's annual energy
consumption in the year of 2016 to 2018 is shown in Figure 5. It shows that when there is an
increase in the number of significant users, the same increase does not happen for
consumption. At UFLA, for an increase of approximately 13% in the group of users, there
was an increase of approximately 1% in the annual consumption of electricity.

Figure 5. Annual energy consumption and UFLA community

The third indicator discussed was the consumption of energy by built area. The global
results for the consumption related to the total built area of UFLA's campus are shown in
Table 4. Considering the different physical structures of UFLA, the calculated indicator is a
source of data that can assist in the projects of new buildings in the Institution, with the
implementation of sustainable installations with the use of solar energy, rainwater capture, for

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Table 4. Consumption by built area

Built area (m²) (kWh/month/m²) Standard deviation (%)
UFLA 237,250 2.72 9.85

Considering the diversity of constructions, based on the analysis of representativeness

within the university, the places chosen for calculating the were students’
accommodation, classrooms, university library, community center, university restaurant,
didactic-scientific departments and pro-rectories. The results of by places are presented
in Table 5 and Figure 6. In this case, it is worth mentioning that these indicators should not be
evaluated alone because the differences between the places are not taken into account in this
indicator. The key point is the built area and not the final use of electricity in each area.
However, it is possible to obtain results that signal an order of priority for actions of
sustainability and energy efficiency.

Table 5. Consumption by built area in the specific places at UFLA

Place Built area Standard
(m²) (kWh/month/m²) deviation (%)
Didactic-scientific 135,418 4.77 9.85
Classrooms 16,960 38.10 9.85
Students’ accommodation 9,078 71.18 9.85
Community center 6,621 97.60 9.85
University library 5,024 128.62 9.85
Pro-rectories 4,269 151.37 9.85
University restaurant 3,311 195.17 9.85

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Figure 6. Consumption by built area in the specific places at UFLA

From the results of indicators by specific areas of UFLA, an order of actions priority can
be defined: university restaurant, pro-rectories, university library, community center,
accommodation, classrooms and didactic departments scientific. This ranking provides a
parameter for initiating actions, but as previously discussed, it is not possible to disregard the
particularities of each environment, such as the university restaurant that uses many industrial
equipment. For other locations, educational campaigns can bring good results.
After obtaining monthly electricity costs for the year of 2018, the average of the period
was used to calculate the financial indicators (Table 6). Through them, it is possible to point
out the contribution portion of each specific variable with the total cost of electricity, in
addition to making a direct link between the amount spent on energy and total costs of the

Table 6. Financial indicators per built area and user

Average Standard deviation (%)
(R$/month/m2) 1.23 13.74
(R$/month/user) 21.48 17.83

Financial indicators make it possible to associate the amount spent by the institution in
relation to its total cost. Associated with the consumption indicator by built area ,
is also an aid tool for decision making in relation to projects to be built, exchange and
maintenance of air conditioning and other devices, updating of the lighting system, among

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In order to enrich the analysis of indicators by area built in specific locations of UFLA, the
financial indicators were calculated and shown in Table 7 and Figure 7.

Table 7. Financial indicators of monthly cost per m² built at the specific locations of UFLA.
Place Built area (m²) Standard
(R$/mês/m²) deviation (%)
Didactic-scientific departments 135,418 2.29 13.82
Classrooms 16,960 18.31 13.82
Students’ accommodation 9,078 34.21 13.82
Community center 6,621 46.91 13.82
University library 5,024 61.82 13.82
Pro-rectories 4,269 72.75 13.82
University restaurant 3,311 93.80 13.82

Figure 7. Financial indicators per built area specific locations of UFLA

Therefore, with the results obtained, it is possible to establish a monetary relationship for
each chosen space in addition to pointing out the monthly contribution portion of each
location in relation to the total energy cost of the campus. Having the same priority list of the
indicator by area constructed and as previously discussed, it is not possible to disregard the
particularities of each studied area.

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3.2. Energy efficiency projects

The first stage of the PEE UFLA-CEMIG was approved in 2016. During the execution of the
project, LED lamps replaced 7,349 conventional lamps and 33 old air conditioners were
replaced by more efficient ones. The institutional coordination of power planning and
management chose the locations of its installation strategically to serve areas of higher
energy consumption based on UFLA’s energy indicators. The energy indicators are detailed
discussed in the next section and has been used for decision-making of investments directed
for electricity.
Figure 8 shows a night aerial photo of the UFLA University Restaurant and Community
Center, one of the places where the exchange for LED lamps was implemented in the first
stage of the project. It is observed the region of greater circulation of people already with
LED lighting (lighter lamps) and still others with traditional lighting. In the first stage, the
total investment was R$1,561,712.03. 983.99 MWh/year. The second and third stages of the
project, approved in 2017 and 2018, has provided for the exchange of 17,329 and 8,886
lamps with LED technology respectively. Investments were R$ 1,737,886.13 and R$
1,117,088.98 for the second and third stages, respectively.

Figure 8. Superior Night View of the Community Center of the Federal University of Lavras
(Source: UFLA-DMA, 2019)

At the end of the execution of three stages of PEE, the institution estimated a decrease in
the peak demand of 433.24 kW and a decrease in electricity consumption of
2,264.22MWh/year. Figure 9 presents a night aerial photo of UFLA, where it is already
possible to observe that most of the public lighting in the most frequented areas already has
lighting with LED technology.

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Figure 9. Superior Night View of the Federal University of Lavras at the end of the three stages of the PEE
(Source: UFLA-DMA, 2019)

The implementation of these energy efficiency projects resulted in a 30% reduction in

installation consumption. This saved electricity serves more than 100 days of UFLA total
consumption. It still needs to be considered that the University continues to grow and
inaugurate new works. The installed equipment and lamps are more energy efficient and do
not contain heavy metals or polluting gases that cause damage to the atmosphere. In addition,
a specialized company carried out the replacement of the lamps, minimizing environmental
impacts as much as possible. At the end of each stage of the project, training was given at
UFLA on the conscious use of electric energy, aiming to reinforce the importance of the
participation of academic community for the project success.

3.3. Microgrid pilot and grid-connected photovoltaic system

Currently, UFLA is powered by a voltage of 13.8 kV through an exclusive feeder direct from
the substation of local Energy Distribution Company of Minas Gerais State– CEMIG-D,
located in the City of Lavras, as previously described. This feeder allows the possibility of
being served by two other non-exclusive feeders as a contingency, and the opening and
closing electrical networks can be performed remotely by CEMIG-D through 5
At the connection point between Energy Distribution Company and UFLA, there is a
sheltered substation containing indirect measurement, a 15 kV circuit breaker operated via an
indirect relay of SEG MRI1 model with timed overcurrent protection and phase and neutral
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instantaneous (ANSI 50, 50N, 51, 51N). There is no remote activation of this internal circuit
breaker, which is a problem in the case of temporary power outages that require the
displacement of a professional to reset the circuit breaker.
The own electricity distribution network at the University basically consists of a compact
protected 15 kV network, pole transformers located close to the consumption points and a
low voltage underground network. On campus, there are 5 ecobicycles with single-phase
inverters of 5 kW each, connected to the electrical network through the low voltage 220V
circuits in 4 transformers, with the structure showed in Figure 10.

Figure 10. Ecobicycle – 5kW

(Source: UFLA, 2016)

UFLA currently has 10 grid-connected inverters powered by photovoltaic panels and in

full operation. There are 7 three-phase inverters of 36 kW connected to an exclusive
13.8/0.38kV transformer installed on UFLA's solar parking lot, two inverters of 5kW and one
inverter of 4kW around the campus. In the implementation phase, twenty-seven more
inverters of 36 kW will be installed on the ground next to the solar parking lot, as shown in
Figure 11, totaling an installed power of 1.263 kW inverters.

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Figure 11. Solar Parking and Solo Plant – 1.263 kW

(Source: UFLA, 2016)

Figure 12. UFLA's consumption history in 2019 x Simulation of the generation of the system being

In accordance with Normative Resolution Nº 482/2012 (ANEEL, 2012), the power of the
PV on-Grid Systems to be installed can have maximum contracted demand, which in the case
of UFLA is 2.600 kW, currently. Within 4 years, the expectation is to have at least 2600 kW
of installed inverter power, and therefore exceed 50% of UFLA's total consumption, as
shown in Figure 13. This far, there is no power injection into CEMIG-D electrical network,
since the installed power in operation is very small in relation to the University's demand,
even with the solar parking system coming into operation. The forecast is that there is no
power injected into the network.

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4. Conclusion
The energy indicators by built area, equivalent user, and finance allow the establishment of
priorities in the investment in energy efficiency within the Institutional Development Plan of
UFLA. Because of the implementation of energy efficiency projects that has a cost benefit
ratio, the return on investment of public money is around 3 to 4 years.
To date, there are no significant generation data at UFLA, with the entry into operation of
the Solar Parking and the system on the ground. In the future, it will have an expressive
amount of energy generated in the microgrid. This will bring greater complexity in the
operation and protection of the University's electrical system. Beside a great impact on the
operation of the University, it is may be required to implement the safe work practices and
specific training for electricians and workers. The implementation of a microgrid pilot project
will allow an assessment of ancillary services in an electrical grid infrastructure planned to
serve smart and human cities.

The energy efficiency project described in this paper was financed through the 2016, 2017
and 2018 calls of Energy Efficiency Program carried out by CEMIG distribution S.A. and
regulated by National Electric Energy Agency - ANEEL.

Author Contribution
Isadora Nascimento Della-Sávia Braga do a conceptualization and validation. 1*, Silvia
Costa Ferreira are responsible with the methodology and analysis. Marcelo Arriel Rezende
doing a data curation. The whole authors writing original draft preparation and Isadora
Nascimento Della-Sávia Braga doing a review before article publishes.

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DOI: 159

Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development

Volume 4 Article 5
Issue 1 July



Qiyam Maulana Binu Soesanto
Graduate School of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, The University of
Kitakyushu, Japan,

Laksamana Rayhan Utomo

Graduate School of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, The University of
Kitakyushu, Japan,

Indriyani Rachman
Graduate School of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, The University of
Kitakyushu, Japan,

Toru Matsumoto
Graduate School of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, The University of
Kitakyushu, Japan,

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Soesanto, Qiyam Maulana Binu; Utomo, Laksamana Rayhan; Rachman, Indriyani; and Matsumoto, Toru
STRATEGIES. Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development, 4(1), 69-96.
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Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development
Volume 4, Issue 1, Page 69-96
ISSN: 2655-6847



Qiyam Maulana Binu Soesanto1*, Laksamana Rayhan Utomo1, Indriyani Rachman1,

Toru Matsumoto1
Graduate School of Environmental Engineering, The University of Kitakyushu, Japan

*Corresponding author:

(Received: 2 May 2021; Accepted: 28 July 2021; Published: 30 July 2021)


Cimahi City is located in West Java Province, Indonesia. With a population of half a million
and the annual waste generation per capita reaching 0.48 kg/day, managing municipal waste
has become increasingly challenging. To date, waste management costs in Cimahi City have
not been specifically addressed. In addition to the total cost, there is also a plan to move the
final landfill site from TPA Sarimukti, which is located approximately 34 km from the city
center to a new final landfill site in TPA Legok Nangka, which is located approximately 56
km from Cimahi Municipality. This move will cause an increase in the cost to Cimahi
Municipality. This study aims to analyze the optimum waste management strategies for
Cimahi City according to the environmental and cost-benefit impacts of the landfill site
move. We used life cycle assessment and cost-benefit analysis to determine the optimum
solution for waste management strategies of Cimahi City. Four scenarios, including the
addition of waste banks, were compared as municipal waste management strategies. The
switch of landfills did not contribute significantly to the total CO2 equivalent emitted.
Increasing the number of waste banks could be an alternative to reducing the cost of waste
disposal in landfills. Scenario (SC)-2 the scenario with additional government waste banks
established, provided the highest net present value equal to Indonesian Rupiah (IDR)
1,428,622 per tonne of waste managed and was considered the most profitable in terms of the
cost-benefit ratio. Hence, SC-2 was the most preferred for implementation in Cimahi City.

Keywords: Waste management; Waste Bank; Life cycle assessment; Cost-benefit analysis.

1. Introduction
Waste is one of the products of human activities that have an impact on the environment.
Municipal waste is defined as waste collected or treated by or for municipalities. It domestic
waste, such as bulky waste, as well as similar waste from commerce and trade, office
buildings, institutions, and small enterprises, as well as yard and garden waste, street
sweepings litter containers contents, and market cleansing waste if managed as household
waste (OECD, 2021). Further, municipal solid waste (MSW) covers wastes from residential

DOI: 69
Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 69-96

areas including multifamily housing and waste from commercial and institutional locations,
such as businesses, schools, and hospitals. (Schneider, 2017). Within the complexities of
municipal solid waste management, the cost to handle the municipal waste is not small and
increasing from time to time depending on the situation of every region. Waste management
is a specific practice aimed at reducing the effects of waste materials on the environment and
increasing material and energy recovery (Liu et al., 2017). Countries will likely always
produce waste and they have to eliminate it in conjunction with their cultural context and the
rate and way the society has approached modernity (Brown, 2015).
The city of Cimahi experiences an increase in population each year. In addition to the
relatively small area, Cimahi has its charm, and because it is directly adjacent to Bandung
City and Bandung Regency, it serves as an alternative strategic location. An infamous
disaster due to the poor management of MSW was the landslide at the Leuwigajah dumpsite
in 2005, in which 147 people lost their lives (Damanhuri, Handoko, & Padmi, 2014). Cimahi
has a vision and mission of waste management, namely the innovative program “Cimahi
Zero Waste City 2037.” This innovation implemented by the Cimahi City government aims
to change the old paradigm of waste management in which waste is managed only by the
government. The new paradigm, based on Law No. 8 of 2008, states that the community has
a role in managing their waste at their respective sources. The foundation of the Cimahi City
waste management policy in the medium term (2021–2025) is to strengthen the operational
performance of the institutional and community-based waste management system to reduce
waste by up to 50% at the waste source by the end of the medium term. Waste processing in
Cimahi City began to shift to the Legok Nangka regional landfill at the beginning of the
medium term. The limited land for waste disposal will cause an issue for the municipality
shortly. Analysis regarding waste management needs to be conducted to optimizing the
strategies for extending the age of landfill use for waste disposal.
Life cycle assessment (LCA) and cost-benefit analysis (CBA) can be used to analyze the
effectiveness of waste management. In a previous LCA study in Macau, several likely
scenarios were evaluated to explore the potential for reducing the environmental impacts of
different MSW management strategies (Song, Wang, & Li, 2013). As part of the valuation
method, CBA is a measurement method that aims to determine the value of the benefits of
activity from an overall perspective. The CBA can be used as a tool to show the
environmental benefits and costs that are usually not included in typical project analyses

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Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 69-96

(Dobraja, Barisa, & Rosa, 2016). The development of waste processing facilities in
Pekanbaru was evaluated using CBA (Chaerul & Rahayu, 2019). In Bandar Lampung, CBA
was used to determine efficiency in terms of economic costs as well as service areas and
future developments to focus on planning in the solid waste sector (Phelia & Damanhuri,
2019). In Romania, cost analysis has been performed to analyze the best scenario for MSW
(Ghinea & Gavrilescu, 2016).
Life cycle costing of waste management systems was used to propose a cost model that
offers a coherent framework for assessing both the economic and environmental aspects of
waste management systems by providing detailed cost calculations for individual waste
technologies (Martinez-Sanchez, Kromann, & Astrup, 2015). According to a study in Medan
City, solid waste recycling has the potential for recycling or composting of up to 91.69% of
the waste generated from Medan City (Khair, Rachman, & Matsumoto, 2019a). Waste banks
have also become a tool for bringing together stakeholders, including local government,
public (communities), private sectors, non-government organizations, and mass media
(Wijayanti & Suryani, 2015). Based on a previous study, Cimahi waste banks have the
potential to manage waste up to 50% of total waste disposal (Putri & Sembiring, 2018). An
economic analysis conducted by previous research in Cimahi city concluded that waste
management by waste banks is beneficial for all parties, including the government (Syamsu,
The environmental and cost assessment of municipal waste management in Cimahi City
needs to be more explored. According to the previous study using LCA and CBA methods to
determine the optimum solution of waste management, this study investigated the moving
landfill site and waste bank employing those methods to support the vision of Cimahi City
regarding municipal waste management strategies. This study aimed to analyze the
environmental assessment and cost-benefit impact from the move of the landfill site from
TPA Sarimukti, which is located approximately 34 km from the city center to a new landfill
site in TPA Legok Nangka, which is located approximately 56 km from Cimahi City. The
moving of the landfill site will cause an increase in costs. In addition, the impact of the
addition of waste banks to the management of municipal waste in Cimahi City was

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Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 69-96

2. Methods
2.1. Study location overview
Cimahi is one of the supporting cities in West Java, as it is located near the center of activity
of the capital West Java Province, Bandung City. Cimahi is about 20 kilometers from the
center of Bandung City. North Cimahi, Central Cimahi, and South Cimahi are the three
districts that make up Cimahi. Cimahi has an area of 40.37 km2 and a population of 554,755.
Based on the data from the environmental agency of Cimahi Municipality, the average
waste generated in Cimahi per capita is 0.486 kg/day (DIKPLHD Kota Cimahi, 2018).
According to the data, about half of the waste generated in Cimahi is organic waste, followed
by plastic waste. Generally, the waste management method in Cimahi city is divided into two
primary methods based on the type of waste. For organic waste, treatments used are
composting and Waste-to-energy. Inorganic waste is treated using TPS 3R and Waste Bank.
Composting in a centralized plant has the highest potential for success in handling wastes
from traditional markets in cities of Indonesia (Aye & Widjaya, 2006). The mass flow
diagram of the waste in Cimahi City is presented in Figure 1. The data used in this diagram
are adapted from the annual report of the Environmental Agency of the Cimahi Municipality
(DIKPLHD Kota Cimahi, 2018).

Figure 1. Mass flow diagram for waste in Cimahi City

Facilities developed to reduce inorganic waste disposal to the final landfill consist of TPS
3R and Waste Bank. One of the community-based waste management solutions, the waste
bank, allows the public to actively participate in environmental management (Wijayanti &
Suryani, 2015). Combining the application of waste bank and 3R-transfer station is also
DOI: 72
Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 69-96

good for the environment especially in reducing greenhouse gas emission (Raharjo et al.,
2016). The way waste bank enables public is by giving them financial stimulus from
monetizing their waste. Currently, there are 63 waste banks spread through all of Cimahi
In Cimahi, there is only one central waste bank with an average capacity is 356.09
tonnes/year; the rest of the waste bank is a subsidiary of the central waste bank with an
average capacity is 119.90 tonnes/year. All subsidiary waste banks will send their waste to
Cimahi central waste bank. Thus, gateways of selling recyclable products are done only via
the central waste bank.
Until 2019, waste from Cimahi city, Bandung metropolitan area, and several regions close
by areas brought their waste to a regional landfill named TPA Sarimukti, which is located 23
km away from the center of Cimahi city. TPA Sarimukti has an area of 25.2 ha and has been
operating since May 28th 2006. Due to the contract on landfilling in TPA Sarimukti is
finished by 2020, Cimahi has to discharge the waste to another landfill. Currently, Cimahi
did not have its landfill. Thus, people need to transport the waste to province-owned new
landfill site, TPA Legok Nangka. Map of TPA Sarimukti, Cimahi City, and TPA Legok
Nangka is shown in Figure 2.

2.2. Life Cycle Assessment

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a method to determine the effects of a process or series of
processes in producing products to the environment. The limitations of the process assessed
should be first defined, then using the LCA method the impacts could be inferred. The first
and mandatory step consists of assessing the sensitivities of the LCA results to all main
assumptions by scenario analysis (Laurent et al., 2014). According to ISO 14040:1997/2006,
there are four steps to conduct LCA, goal and scope definition, Life-cycle inventory (LCI),
Life-cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA), and interpretation (International Organization for
Standardization, 2006). Efforts to synchronize LCA with the economic value of projects are
also done in various research.

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Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 69-96

Figure 2. Map of Cimahi City among Sarimukti landfill and Legok Nangka landfill

The results of the collected and estimated inventory data were categorized. In this study,
the emissions considered were CO2, CH4, and N2O. Avoided landfilling consisted of
inorganic materials that were sold by the waste bank to the recycling industry. These
inorganic materials have the potential to reduce the use of raw materials in the respective
industries. The calculation of these emissions used the waste reduction model (WARM),
which also adopts LCA methodologies (US EPA, 2020). The emission factors used in this
study for CO2, CH4, and N2O were obtained from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC). The environmental effects from collection and transportation were estimated
based on fuel consumption, the number of vehicles used, and the distance traveled. The
general equation used to estimate the emissions was adopted from the IPCC (IPCC, 2006).

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Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 69-96

The boundary of the study is from the collection phase of waste until the final treatment of
municipal waste.
E = emission (kg), Fuel = fuel consumed (TJ), EF = emission factor (kg/TJ).

2.3. Cost-benefit analysis

The costs and benefits of the management scheme should be considered to evaluate the
economic aspects of municipal waste management in Cimahi City. Subsequently, we can
compare and decide which waste management scheme is profitable and suitable for Cimahi.
CBA was used in this study to determine the value of the benefits of activity from an overall
perspective. According to Hylton (2016), the total cost and benefit of projects are defined in
two components presented in the following equation:

An internal benefit included in this study was the retribution fee from waste management
for every resident in Cimahi. Other internal benefits are realized from selling the recovered
items collected by the waste bank. From the waste treatment process, waste collection and
transportation produce emissions, which indirectly harm the environment and could be
considered as external costs. In contrast, the avoided use of raw material because of the use
of recovered material resulted in less CO2 emitted owing to the material collecting process.
This process is an external benefit. Externality should be converted to a comparable value to
understand the external costs and benefits resulting from those actions. To convert those
externalities, this study employed the social cost of carbon (SCC) to monetize CO2. External
cost and benefit in this study are estimated using an SCC value of 37 USD per tonne CO2 or
Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) 539,534 per tonne at a 3% discount rate. The functional unit used
for environmental assessment is CO2 equivalent (CO2e) per tonne waste managed and will be
hypothetically monetized using Social Carbon Cost (SCC) Conversion Factor. Functional
unit for cost analysis is Rupiah per tonne of waste managed. The detailed cost-benefit
component shows in Table 1.

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Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 69-96

Table 1. Cost component and benefit component

Type Component Code
Cost component
Direct cost (internal) Collection C1
Transfer point C2
Transportation C3
Landfilling C4
Government supported waste bank operational cost C5
Cost of buying waste C6
Private waste bank operational cost C7
Indirect cost (external) Collection (emission) C8
Transportation (emission) C9
Environmental (emission) C10
Benefit component
Direct benefit (internal) Retribution fee B1
Selling from government waste bank B2
Selling from private waste bank B3
Indirect benefit Environmental (emission) B4

Cost component analysis is performed by adding up the cost values of a scenario such that
the total cost (net cost) of each planned scenario is obtained. Benefit component analysis is
performed by adding the benefit values of each scenario to obtain the total benefit (net
benefit). Based on Table 1, the net cost and net benefit equations are:

3. Results and Discussions

3.1. Municipal waste management scenario
Data used in these scenarios are provided by the environmental agency and central waste
bank of Cimahi City. Due to the limitation of availability of data, this study also adapted
some data from previous research conducted in Cimahi City and from cities that conducted a
study about CBA in the waste bank, in this case, the researchers involved Pekanbaru waste

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Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 69-96

bank for waste bank operational cost. All the scenarios below are using similar set of
databases, which is 2018 waste generated. The component and compositions of the managed
waste are presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Composition of managed waste

Component Composition Weight (tonne/year)
Organic 48.06% 52,507.5
Paper 8.58% 9,374.0
Plastic 16.18% 17,677.3
Steel 3.46% 3,780.2
Glass 3.42% 3,736.5
Fabric 5.92% 6,467.8
B3 1.34% 1,464.0
Others 13.04% 14,246.7
Total 100.00% 109,254

The collection phase included every method of collecting waste from the waste source all
over Cimahi City. The first collection phase was collecting waste in concrete garbage bins
around residences and bringing these to temporary transfer points. This phase also included
transferring the waste from subsidiary waste banks or smaller waste banks to the central
waste bank. Transfer points aggregated waste from various sources, primarily from
households. The waste was stored temporarily until the container was full and then
transported to the final landfill using an arm-roll truck. Waste from the transfer points was
then brought to the final landfill site using two types of trucks.
The first was an arm-roll truck, mentioned previously. This type of truck can hold
different amounts of waste depending on the volume of the container. The second type was
dump trucks that were used to collect waste from institutions, commercial areas, and
markets. Dump trucks were also of different types depending on their capacity. Waste
collected by waste banks was then aggregated in the central waste bank, where it would be
sold to recycling industries. These industries came to the central waste bank and then
collected the waste material themselves. These aggregated inorganic wastes are used as

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Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 69-96

substitutes for raw materials. For example, used plastics could be reused as materials for new
plastic products instead of being made into plastic pellets.
The current landfill to which the waste from Cimahi City is disposed of is not municipally
owned but is private or province owned. Therefore, the Cimahi government has to pay a
landfill fee for each tonne of waste disposal. For the Sarimukti landfill, the landfilling fee is
IDR 50,000 per tonne, whereas for the Legoknangka landfill, the landfilling fee is IDR
270,200 per tonne of waste. Landfilling fees at the Legoknangka landfill were IDR 500,000
per tonne after negotiating with the Governor. The city received subsidies and had to pay
only IDR 270,300 per tonne of waste.
The anticipated environmental impacts depend on several factors such as characteristics
and composition of waste, the efficiency of the waste collection, and the processing systems
required by different waste management practices (Elagroudy, Elkady, & Ghobrial, 2011).
In this study, we conducted four scenarios to assess the waste management strategies of
Cimahi City.

A. Scenario 0 (existing condition/SC-0)

In the SC-0 scheme, the landfill site is still in the Sarimukti landfill. The proportion and
capacity of waste management were calculated on a wet weight waste basis, which is the
proportion that was used in the 2018 government database. The waste bank used in this
scenario is similar to the previously explained process of waste treatment in Cimahi City.
The waste bank capacity in this scenario is 0.35% of the total waste generated annually in the
Cimahi municipality, with 1 government or central waste bank and 62 subsidiary waste
banks that are centrally managed by the government waste bank. This scenario was evaluated
to determine potential differences between scenarios.

B. Scenario 1 (SC-1)
SC-1 was similar to that of SC-0 except that a new landfill, TPA Legok Nangka, was used in
this scenario.

C. Scenario 2 (SC-2)
In SC-2, new waste banks were established that together accounted for a total of 3% of the
treated waste or equal to 10 government waste banks as an alternative means to reduce

DOI: 78
Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 69-96

inorganic waste disposal to the landfills. In this scenario, these newly established waste
banks are subsidiaries of government-supported waste banks. These waste banks are
established under local government policy; therefore, the waste is collected and treated in a
manner similar to that at the previously established waste bank. Inorganic waste is separated
by residents and brought to the waste bank. After the waste is sold, the money is deposited
into each of the residents’ bank accounts. The money from selling recovered items is
managed by the central waste bank unless the resident collects it from their account. As a
subsidiary, the newly established waste bank becomes a place that only receives waste, and
all financial management responsibility is borne by the central waste bank.

D. Scenario 3 (SC-3)
The SC-3 scheme had a solution similar to that of SC-2, the establishment of 10 new waste
banks, with some modifications. The difference is who supports the waste banks. In SC-2,
the waste banks are supported by the government. In SC-3, the newly established waste
banks are based on residents’ initiatives or private waste banks, which implies they are not
subsidiaries of the central waste bank. These waste banks operate on their own, and
therefore, financial management responsibilities are borne by the residents themselves.
Establishing these 10 new waste banks equals redirecting 2.66% of the total waste generated
from direct disposal to recycling industries, where if added to the established waste banks
will total to approximately 3% of the total waste treated. The waste flow in all the scenarios
is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Scenarios of waste management in Cimahi city

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Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 69-96

3.2. Life cycle assessment

A. SC-0
According to the result of the existing condition (SC-0) estimation, final waste management
resulted in the highest CO2e emission. The CO2e emitted to the environment due to the
landfilling process of total waste in the landfill is written as an environmental indicator in the
graphs. Hence environmental sector contributed 99.17% of CO2e emitted. Organic waste
itself contributed 49% to total CO2e emitted or equal to 0.392 tonnes CO2e per tonne waste
managed. The collection phase produced 0.00041 tonnes of CO2e per waste managed and
transportation emitted 0.00602 tonnes CO2e per tonne waste emitted. Emission emitted from
Scenario SC-0 is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Emission emitted SC-0

There are saved CO2e from the previously established waste bank and recycling activity
which enable to avoid emission. Saved CO2e estimated from the avoided raw material were
substituted by recycled material in the manufacturing process and gives better impact to the
environment rather than disposed to landfill. Recycling materials could reduce potential
emissions caused by transportation and the acquisition of raw material. If those materials are
not treated by the waste bank, then it will add to the number of wastes disposed to the

B. SC-1
Environmental impacts from scenario SC-1 are quite similar to SC-0. The only difference is
DOI: 80
Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 69-96

the increase of CO2e emitted from the transportation sector by 62.6%, since the change of
landfill used affects the distance of travel. The change in distance of travel will also increase
the fuel used by trucks. CO2e saved is similar because the amount of waste disposal nothing
changes. Annual CO2e emitted of SC-1 compared with SC-0 is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Annual CO2e emitted of SC-1 compared with SC-0

C. SC-2
SC-2 resulted in lower CO2e emitted from the transportation and collection sector compared
with SC-1 since the amount of waste collected and transported to landfills is reduced. CO2e
emitted from the final waste management was reduced by 2.86% and emission from the
collection phase was reduced by 25.1%. The decrease is caused by residents that brought
their sorted inorganic waste directly to waste banks. This reduction is in line with the increase
of saved CO2e by 104.05% because the amount of raw material used in the recycling industry
was also reduced. The reduction seems not significant since the amount of organic waste that
contributes to the environmental impacts on landfilling is relatively high. A comparison of
CO2e saved and emitted between scenario SC-1 and SC-2 are shown in Figure 6.

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Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 69-96

Figure 6. Annual CO2e emitted of SC-1 compared with SC-2

D. SC-3
In SC-3 greenhouse gas emitted due to final treatment and collection decreased by 2.86% and
25.1% respectively, compared to scenario SC-1. Meanwhile, CO2e saved increased by
104.05%. The reduction of CO2e emitted and saved CO2e in SC-3 is slightly different from
SC-2 since the overall waste management system is similar, especially the amount of waste
disposal to the landfill and treated in final treatment. Comparison of CO2e emitted and saved
between scenario SC- 1 and SC-3 is shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7. Annual CO2e emitted of SC-1 compared with SC-3

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Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 69-96

3.3. Cost-benefit analysis

A. SC-0
Cimahi city is not considered as a large city with high a population like Jakarta city,
Bandung city, or Medan city. This affects the costs and benefits resulted from waste
management. One of the similarities with those big cities is the retribution fee. Retribution
fee is considered as income for the municipality because every household, institution, and
any type of commercial area has to pay the various amount of retribution fee depends on
their scale. The average retribution fee per tonne waste managed equals IDR 12,941 per
tonne annually. Another benefit acquired by SC-0 or existing waste management is from
selling the recovered waste, which has been collected by waste banks.
Residents brought their sorted waste to the nearest waste bank, then the government-
supported waste bank will collect it. Waste bank members did not receive their money
directly, but they get informed about it by the end of the month. On average, the annual
benefit per tonne of waste in Cimahi City is IDR 2,546,417 per tonne. Details of the cost-
benefit SC-0 are presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Cost and benefit SC-0

Aspects Cost Benefit Total Cost Total Benefit
(IDR / year.tonne)
Internal Retribution fee 12,491
Operation and Collection 36,857
Maintenance Transfer Point 308
MSW Transportation 35,703 503,642 2,526,320
Landfilling 50,000
Waste Bank Selling Recyclable Items 2,513,829
Operational cost 380,774

External Collection (emission) 219

Transportation (emission) 3,248 417,637 20,098
Environmental 414,170 20,098
Total 921,279 2,546,417

Operation and maintenance of municipal solid waste management consist of collection

cost, transfer points maintenance, transportation cost, and landfilling cost. Collection costs

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Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 69-96

are affected by the number of households that need to be picked up, which also correlates
with fuel, wage, and service fees. In the current scenario, collection costs IDR 36,857 per
tonne, or about 7% of total internal costs annually. Transfer point maintenance fee does not
contribute much to waste management costs since it does not need a lot of maintenance every
year. Factors affecting transportation costs are the amount of waste disposal, since it will
indirectly affect other factors, such as the number of trucks utilized, fuel consumed, wage,
and service fee. In this scenario, it is assumed that all vehicles owned by the municipality for
collecting and transporting waste are used.
Waste disposal to landfill annually reached 102,360 tonnes and costs IDR 35,703 per
tonne. The landfill cost depends on the agreement between the regional government and the
owner of the landfill, which is the provincial government. The operational cost of the waste
bank was adapted from a previous study on the Pekanbaru waste bank and is equal to IDR
380,774 per year per tonne (Chaerul & Rahayu, 2019) because the data for the Cimahi waste
bank are not available.

B. SC-1
In SC-1 the increase of transportation cost is 45% or IDR 15,994 per tonne. The landfilling
cost increased by a higher margin equal to IDR 220,200 per tonne. External cost from
transporting waste increased by 62%. It could be inferred that if there is no change in waste
management, due to the change in landfill site the cost of solid waste management will
increase by 25.9% or IDR 238,227 per tonne. The benefit to cost ratio (BCR) for SC-1 is
2.19. Details of the cost-benefit SC-1 are presented in Table 4.

Table 4. Cost and benefit SC-1

Aspects Cost Benefit Total Cost Total Benefit
(IDR / year.tonne)
Internal Retribution fee 12,491
Operation and Collection 36,857
Maintenance Transfer Point 308
MSW Transportation 51,697
Landfilling 270,200
Waste Bank Selling Recyclable 2,513,829 729,835 2,526,320

DOI: 84
Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 69-96

Aspects Cost Benefit Total Cost Total Benefit

(IDR / year.tonne)
Operational cost 380,774

External Collection (emission) 219

Transportation 5,282 419,670 20,098
Environmental 414,170 20,098
Total 1,159,506 2,546,417

C. SC-2
SC-2 compared to SC-1, collection cost is decreased by 10.4%, while transportation cost
decreased by 8.7%. The decrease in cost is caused by the lower number of motor trucks
utilized, which also affects the wage, fuel, and other fees related to the collection. Collection
emission cost is decreased by 25.1%. The cost of transportation also decreased by 10.5% due
to similar reasons with the decrease of collection cost. The avoidance of emission from the
use of recovered material in the recycling industry increases the value of external benefit by
IDR 20,910 per tonne of waste annually. BCR for scenario SC-2 is 2.25, slightly higher than
SC-1. Details of the cost-benefit SC-2 are presented in Table 5.

Table 5. Cost and benefit SC-2

Aspects Cost Benefit Total Cost Total Benefit
(IDR / year.tonne)
Internal Retribution fee 12,491
Operation and Collection 33,008
Maintenance MSW Transfer Point 319
Transportation 47,189
Landfilling 270,200
Waste Bank Selling Recyclable 2,513,829 731,491 2,526,320
Operational cost 380,774

External Collection 164

Transportation 4,729 407,215 41,008

DOI: 85
Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 69-96

Aspects Cost Benefit Total Cost Total Benefit

(IDR / year.tonne)
Environmental 402,322 41,008
Total 1,138,706 2,567,328

D. SC-3
SC-3 resulted in collection cost of IDR 33,213 per tonne, and transportation cost of IDR
45,977per tonne. In this scenario, there is a new internal cost added, due to the addition of
new private waste banks. Private waste banks buy the inorganic waste from the residents and
sell it again for profit. Since the gateway of selling waste is only via a central waste bank,
they have to transfer their waste there. Private waste banks buy the waste from residents and
often pay them directly, then sell the waste slightly higher than buying price to get some
profit. Those profits are also used to pay operational costs. The table below the private waste
bank and the government-supported waste bank are separated, and this resulted in a total cost
of IDR 3,838,451 per tonne and benefited IDR 5,081,159 per tonne. BCR for this scenario is
1.32. Details of the cost-benefit SC-3 are presented in Table 6.

Table 6. Cost and benefit SC-3

Aspects Cost Benefit Total Cost Total Benefit
(IDR / year.tonne)
Internal Retribution fee 12,491
Operation and Collection 33,213
Maintenance MSW Transfer Point 319
Transportation 45,977
Landfilling 270,200
Government Selling recyclable 2,513,829 3,431,377 5,040,149
supported waste items
bank Operational cost 380,774

Private waste bank Selling recyclable 2,513,829

Cost of buying 2,321,561
Operational cost 380,774

DOI: 86
Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 69-96

Aspects Cost Benefit Total Cost Total Benefit

(IDR / year.tonne)
External Collection 168
Transportation 4,561 407,074 41,011
Environmental 402,345 41,011
Total 3,838,451 5,081,159

3.4. Comparison between scenarios

According to the environmental assessment, the comparison between SC-0 and SC-1 has
increased slightly. The switch of landfill did not contribute significantly to the total CO2e
emitted, despite the distance is almost twice the previous distance. If we compare SC-1 with
SC-2 and SC-3, there is a reduction equal to 0.06 tonnes CO2e per waste managed. This
happened due to the lower amount of waste disposal in the landfill. Increasing capacity of
waste managed by the waste bank from 476 tonnes per year to 4122 tonnes per year affects to
the reduction. The main emitter of CO2e is organic waste, which reached 48,337 tonnes
annually in SC-2 and SC-3 scenarios.
This finding is in line with previous research that the waste bank has the potential value to
reduce CO2 emissions from recyclable items (Khair, Rachman, & Matsumoto, 2019b). In
order to decrease more CO2e emissions, the Cimahi municipality local government has to do
policy that supported composting or waste-to-energy. In order to do that, Cimahi city will be
able to reduce the waste disposal to landfills and also reducing the CO2e caused by the
landfilling process. Graphic of CO2e emitted comparison all scenarios show in Figure 8.
In all scenarios, the total benefit per tonne of waste managed weighs more than the total
cost. The move to a new landfill, TPA Legok Nangka, caused an increase of total cost by IDR
238,227 per tonne, or equivalent to 26%. To prevent the increase in cost, it is proposed to
establish more waste banks in Cimahi, either by government-supported or private waste
banks. In SC-2, the waste bank is government supported waste bank, therefore there is not
much difference with SC-1 except the cost becomes slightly lowered. In SC-3, the added
waste banks are private. Thus, the waste bank needs to buy the waste from residents. A
similar thing also happened in private waste banks in Batu City, East Java (Apriliyanti,
Soemarno, & Meidiana, 2015).

DOI: 87
Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 69-96

Figure 8. Comparison of CO2e emitted all scenarios

Due to buying the waste then the cost is significantly increased, but so does the benefit.
However, even the benefit has increased the benefit to cost ratio, which the bigger the
number indicates whether the project is more profitable, is lower than SC-2. This has
happened because the cost of operation is being borne to the private waste banks, and since
they have to deliver the waste to the central waste bank, the collection cost is also borne to
the private waste bank. Different from SC-2, in which those costs are borne by the
government, therefore the operation of the waste bank could be more profitable. Comparison
of cost and benefit for all scenarios are shown in Table 7 and Figure 9.

Table 7. Comparison of costs and benefits among all scenarios

Code SC-0 SC-1 SC-2 SC-3

Cost Benefit Cost Benefit Cost Benefit Cost Benefit

B1 - 12,491 - 12,491 - 12,491 12,491

C1 36,857 - 36,857 - 33,008 - 33,213 -
C2 308 - 308 - 319 - 319 -
C3 35,703 - 51,697 - 47,189 - 45,977 -
C4 50,000 - 270,200 - 270,200 - 270,200 -
B2 - 2,513,829 - 2,513,829 - 2,513,829 - 2,513,829
C5 380,774 - 380,774 - 380,774 - 380,774 -
B3 - - - - - 2,513,829
C6 - - - - - 2,321,561 -
C7 - - - - - 379,332 -
C8 219 - 219 - 164 - 164 -

DOI: 88
Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 69-96

Code SC-0 SC-1 SC-2 SC-3

Cost Benefit Cost Benefit Cost Benefit Cost Benefit

C9 3,248 - 5,282 - 4,729 - 4,729 -

C10 & 414,170 20,098 414,170 20,098 402,322 41,008 402,322 41,008
Total 921,279 2,546,417 1,159,506 2,513,829 1,138,706 2,567,328 3,838,451 5,081,159

Figure 9. Cost and benefit comparison all scenario

Net present value (NPV) is used as a decision-making technique to select between

alternative capital investments (Smith, 2002). NPV is the summation of the present value of
cost and benefit of a project. As long as the NPV is not negative, then the project is
acceptable. This means the higher NPV of an alternative, it is more preferable to implement
the city waste management strategies. In this study, it is clear that among three alternative
scenarios, SC-2 resulted in the highest NPV per tonne. NPV comparison all scenarios
presented in Figure 10.

DOI: 89
Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 69-96

Figure 10. NPV comparison all scenario

3.5. Discussion
In 2016, Cimahi Municipality budgeted their waste management costs at IDR 188.625 per
tonne of waste. Compared to the estimated cost per tonne, this amount is significantly lower
than the required amount. The Cimahi government needs to reallocate its budgeted funds and
pay more attention to waste treatment. By utilizing more waste banks, it would be possible to
spend less and gain both environmental and economic benefits. The municipality should
prioritize waste treatment rather than waste disposal, as this approach has a higher total
benefit, and the measure is in line with the national policy on waste management (Chaerul &
Rahayu, 2019).
According to this study, increment of waste treated by the government-supported waste
bank to 3% (SC-2) will lower the overall cost per tonne of waste by IDR 20,800 compared to
that with SC-1, and simultaneously increase the total benefit per tonne of waste managed by
IDR 20,911. Compared to SC-1, SC-3 obtained the highest benefit per tonne by
approximately 70% or IDR 2,678,945, while increasing the overall cost by 231% or IDR
2,678,945 per tonne of waste managed because of the need to buy waste from the
community. According to the NPV comparison for all scenarios, SC-2 provided the highest
NPV value equal to IDR 1,428,622. The addition of a waste bank provided an increased
benefit, although the amount was not significant. This finding is in line with a previous study
that although the number of people who benefit from such waste banks is not large, their

DOI: 90
Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 69-96

impact is felt directly and the surroundings become clean and green (Wulandari, Utomo, &
Narmaditya, 2017).
Efforts in waste management that require participation from residents should receive
support from and be coordinated with the local government to ensure that they persist
(Puspasari & Mussadun, 2017). Subsidiary waste banks can be established in the
neighborhood or be institution- or community-based (Yustiani, 2019). Utilizing institutions
to establish a waste bank has a downside, which is that the flow of waste is not constant, and
the amount will be less than that from a community-based waste bank. Promoting at-source
waste sorting is important; however, appropriate end-of-pipe technologies for the treatment
of MSW are also required (Aprilia, Tezuka, & Spaargare, 2012). According to studies on
waste utilization, recycling through waste bank activities can reduce waste disposal to
landfills and extend the lifetime of landfills (Isharyati, Prasetya, & Cahyono, 2019). This will
affect the investment reduction cost for landfills. In Indonesia, scavengers also play a major
role in solid waste management in cities and can be promoted to store solid waste for
recycling by assisting the government in the appropriate management of solid waste
(Prasetyanti, 2014).
Furthermore, waste banks can become more efficient and capable of managing large
quantities of wastes by incorporating innovative tools because of the vast potential for
recyclable wastes (Khair, Siregar, Rachman, & Matsumoto, 2019). According to the findings
of this study, the addition of a waste bank could be an alternative to reduce the cost of waste
disposal and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It is easier to establish a waste bank through
local government policy rather than depend on the initiatives of the residents. The Cimahi
City government and every region in Indonesia should consider building community-based
waste management resources because of their wide benefits.

4. Conclusion
In this study, we found that the switch from TPA Sarimukti to TPA Legok Nangka as the
landfill site contributed to an increase in the total CO2e emitted, although this difference was
not significant despite the distance being nearly twice that of the previous site. The primary
contributor to CO2e emissions from the final treatment is organic waste. The addition of
waste banks only contributes to reducing emissions from fuel consumed by the collection and
transportation steps. SC-2 and SC-3 resulted in a similar reduction in terms of CO2e emission

DOI: 91
Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 69-96

in the environment compared to that with SC-1. Increasing the number of waste banks could
be an alternative to reduce the cost of disposing waste to landfills. Increment of waste treated
by the government-supported waste bank to 3% (SC-2) will lower the overall cost per tonne
of waste and simultaneously increase the total benefit per tonne of waste managed. Compared
to SC-1, SC-3 which is addition of private waste bank obtained the highest benefit per tonne
by approximately 70%, while increasing the overall cost by 231% per tonne of waste
managed because of the need to buy waste from the community. According to the NPV
comparison for all scenarios, SC-2 with the government waste bank addition provided the
highest NPV value equal to IDR 1,428,622.
Considering the environmental and economic aspects, SC-2 is preferable for
implementation in Cimahi City. The government needs to be more concerned about waste
treatment. By utilizing more waste banks, it would be possible to spend less and gain both
environmental and economic benefits. Increasing the number of waste banks should be
followed by educating the residents on the importance of recycling waste. This study has a
limitation in that it only considers waste banks as an alternative recycling activity. Future
research should investigate the potential environmental and economic aspects of other waste
treatment options.

The authors would like to acknowledge Cimahi City government for providing the dataset
presented in this article.

Author Contribution
Qiyam Maulana Binu Soesanto, Laksamana Rayhan Utomo, and Indriyani Rachman gave an
idea and conceptualization regarding municipal waste management strategies in Cimahi City,
then discuss with Prof. Toru Matsumoto. The methodology used life cycle assessment and
cost-benefit analysis improved by Qiyam, Laksamana, Indriyani and Prof. Matsumoto. Data
input and calculation in work sheet were done by Qiyam and Laksamana. Formal analysis
output of life cycle assessment and cost-benefit analysis were done by Qiyam, Laksamana,
and Indriyani. Original draft and preparation were done by Qiyam and Laksamana. Editing
and visualization by Qiyam. All the manuscript preparation process and review under the
supervision of Prof. Matsumoto.

DOI: 92
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Kevin Riandi
Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Udayana, Bali,

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Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development
Volume 4, Issue 1, Page 51–68
ISSN: 2655-6847



Kevin Riandi1*
Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Udayana,
Bali, Indonesia

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(Received: 12 September 2020; Accepted: 29 July 2021; Published: 30 July 2021)


A study on patient absorption dose according to age group was carried out. The amount of absorbed
A study on patient absorption dose according to age group was carried out. The amount of absorbed
dose of X-ray radiation affect the body cells. Health care hospitals such as clinics, environments
that use ionizing radiation. Based on the procedure for using ionizing radiation for medical
purposes, the Indonesian Nuclear Energy Supervisory Agency recommends monitoring radiation
doses for health workers on health service environment. Likewise with the patient, because the
patient is directly exposed to the ionizing radiation. Some researh explained that the probability of
the greatest stochastic effect on interventional cardiology procedures with X-rays of young patients
whose radiation dose has been measured is the occurrence of leukemia, in other research found on
baby and toddler patient that there was a significant difference in the absorbed dose in each
patient's age group. This study aims to determine the comparison of the absorbed X-ray doses on
thorax examination received by patients in the three youngest and oldest age groups. The data that
support the calculation of the absorbed dose first find the exposure dose calculation by set value on
the control panel of the X-ray machine to each patient is checked are the voltage, current, focal
length of the patient's X-ray field, and the age of the patient. Determination of the absorbed dose
was carried out using an equation, namely the milliroentgen unit. The exposure dose,
milliRoentgen, was converted to an absorbable dose unit, mGy. Average absorption dose per age
was compared by one-way ANOVA statistical analysis. The results showed that the absorbed dose
of X-rays of patients at the Quantum Diagnostic Clinic for each age group had an insignificant
comparison value. The absorbed dose in late adolescence and early adulthood did not have a
significant difference. Dosage between early adolescence and late adulthood also did not have a
significant difference. Thus, at the Denpasar Quantum Clinic, the absorbed dose of radiation
received on young patients is relatively safe compared to the older age group. There was no
significant difference in the value of the absorbed dose between one age group and another.

Keywords: X-rays; Absorbed Dose; Radiation; Age Group.

1. Introduction
Radiation is the emission and propagation of energy through matter or space in the form of
electromagnetic waves or particles. Radiation is classified into two types, namely ionizing radiation
and non-ionizing radiation. When interacting with matter, ionizing radiation can cause ionization,
DOI: 51
Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 51–68

while non-ionizing radiation does not cause ionization (Sari, Sutapa, & Gunawan, 2020). The use of
X-rays in the health sector is one way to improve public health (Ratnawati, Suandayani, & Sutapa,
2019). When the electrons hit the target, X-rays that occur over two processes at the atomic level,
Characteristic Radiation and Auger Effect (Podgoršak, 2016). X-rays can be produced by shooting
their way at a metal target with fast electrons in X-ray tube cathode. When the electrons reach the
target, most of the electron energy is transformed in the form of heat, and some of the energy is
transformed to produce X-rays (Miniati, Sutapa, & Sudarsana, 2017). The interaction of photons
with particles consists of three ways, the Photoelectric Effect, the Compton Effect and Rayleigh
Scattering (Leroy & Rancoita, 2016). In the early decades of using W.H Roentgen's X-rays, the
effects of radiation on burnt skin were reported, and cases of cancer were found within seven years
after exposure to high-dose X-ray radiation (Muqmiroh et al., 2018). Radiobiological investigations
started immediately after the discovery of X-rays, the qualitative approach dominated until the end
of World War II. After 1945, the nuclear weapons race and nuclear energy programs initiated
quantitative radiobiological research. Radiation protection biology does not provide results from
which radiation risks can be directly derived (Wojcika & Harms-Ringdahl, 2019). The safety factor
is important to minimize the risks and impacts that arise from using X-ray radiation. The
application of radiation safety management aspects is an action to protect patients, workers, and
community members from radiation hazards (Hadinata & Rupiasih, 2020).
The medical imaging system is becoming increasingly important in line with policy, with more
emphasis on preventive and promotive efforts rather than curative health efforts. The goal is to
protect and improve healthy people to be healthier and more productive and to be able to detect
disease as early as possible (Kartawijaya, 2002). A fairly reliable and sensitive diagnostic technique
for soft tissue is ultrasound imaging (Ulum et al., 2013). Ultrasonography (USG) is a non-invasive
diagnostic technique that provides a detailed structural description (Noviana, Widyananta,
Parnayoga, & Zaenab, 2013). New medical devices such as the X-ray machines, tomography,
magnetic resonance imaging, radiation scans, etc. are present to support professional works of
clinicians (Ngan et al., 2016). The on-going development of imaging technology helped to solve
many challenges in medical imaging today (Ali, Son, Khan, & Tung, 2017). X-ray radiography has
experienced a development towards digital X-ray radiography where the imaging technique uses
digital sensors to capture images (Louk & Suparta, 2016). X-rays and gamma rays are ionizing
waves. X-rays has to be catch and process into image information to create an image from an
attenuated X-ray beam (Suetens, 2009). The thorax is a conical cavity that extends from the neck to

DOI: 52
Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 51–68

the diaphragm, with the size of the bottom being larger than the top and the back being longer than
the front (Hadinata & Rupiasih, 2020).
The X-ray examination technique is carried out in several kinds of projections, Postero-Anterior
projection is performed where the X-ray source is directed from behind the patient. Lateral
projection is performed where the X-ray source is directed from the left or right side of the patient
(Miniati, Sutapa, & Sudarsana, 2017). Several studies have shown the relationship between X-ray
examinations performed in various projections with the patient's absorbed dose showing that the
patient's dose in the three chest projections exceeds the dose recommended by the IAEA and the
European Commission reference dose levels (Rasuli et al., 2016). Another function of the chest X-
ray examination is as a standard general examination to see the overall condition of the body, assist
in diagnosis, and assist in the evaluation process. Studies show that children under the age of ten are
more sensitive to ionizing radiation than adults (Widiyati, 2013). The interaction of radiation with
the human body will cause health effects. These health effects, which begin with events that occur
at the molecular level, develop into clinical symptoms (Hiswara, 2015). Radiation can cause
immediate effects but also long-term effects that can occur years or generations later. The biological
effects of radiation result from the direct and indirect action of radiation. There are two types of
biological effects, deterministic and stochastic (Choudhary, 2018).
The amount of X-ray radiation used will affect cells. Anatomical and physiological differences
between children and adults make them more sensitive to radiation (Muqmiroh et al., 2018). In
general, children have a longer life expectancy, increase the risk of long-term radiation effects than
adults (Widiyati, 2013). In hospital environment, has radiology room, base on statement above, it's
important to measure radiation dose on hospital because person at young age might be at hospital at
some moment. Every radiology installation must pay attention to radiation protection on hospital
environment, especially protection for radiology rooms. This radiation needs to be protected to
reduce the possibility of bad effect that may not occur (Ancila & Hidayanto, 2016). The problem of
radiation exposure in the natural environment affects human life that is exposed to ionizing
radiation from the natural environment. The environments that often use ionizing radiation are
hospitals and clinics. Health care worker exposure to ionizing radiation is important to put attention
because of the health risks involved. Health care workers in charge of radiology who are exposed to
this type of radiation need to be monitored every day (Garcia-Sanchez et al., 2018).
The reason is, in a hospital environment, health workers need to measure their radiation
exposure, as well as their patients. The patient also needs to be measured the exposure dose and the
absorption dose of ionizing radiation, because the patient is directly exposed to ionizing radiation.

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Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 51–68

Radiation doses also referred to as absorbed radiation dose, is the amount of energy deposited in a
given mass of a medium by ionizing radiation (L’Annunziata, 2012). In the past, various quantities
have been used for specification of the dose in diagnostic radiology and there has been ambiguity
because the same name has been used for different quantities (Pernicka & McLean, 2007).
Regarding the effect of radiation on the hospital environment, research conducted by Lailatul
Muqmiroh in 2018, explained that the greatest possibility of a stochastic effect on interventional
cardiology with X-rays of young patients whose radiation doses were measured was the occurrence
of leukemia.
The potential for DNA damage in the hospital environment due to radiation at the age below and
above 45 years was carried out by Darlina's research in 2018, showing that there was no
relationship between the parameters under investigation as an indication of DNA damage with the
type of work, age, and gender. Reginald Maleachi, in 2018 revealed the conclusion of his research
that radiation investigations in medical practice need to be accurate. The radiation dose should be in
the more recommended dose (Maleachi & Tjakraatmadja, 2018). Then, the purpose of this research
to determine the comparison of the absorbed dose of patients base the age group of late teens, early
adults and late adults. Threshold dose can be defined as a dose under which there is no specific
tissue reaction (Sminia et al., 2020). On this case, the 'threshold dose' is defined as the estimated
dose required to cause a specific, observable effect in the exposed individual. The estimated
recommended threshold dose on PA and LAT chest examinations is 0.14 mGy. Although it is not a
'correct' threshold, it is of practical value to be used as a guideline in radiation protection, it does not
mean that no biologic effects occur at lower doses (Oakley, Cuttler, & Harrison, 2018). In this
study, to determine the patient's absorbed dose, it is first necessary to determine the exposure dose
from the control panel of the X-ray machine. The relationship between the voltage used and the
absorbed dose obtained is that if the voltage (kV) used is greater, the absorption dose produced will
also be greater but also depends on several factors, consists of current (mA), distance (cm) and time
(s) (Muliyono & Subagiada, 2020).
It is important to know the dose of X-ray radiation the patient receives. The younger the patient
is, the absorption dose of X-ray radiation should not get dose that one day will harm the patient in
the living cells in their body.

2. Methods
In this study, the dosage comparison of patients at the Quantum Diagnostic Clinic was carried out.
Comparisons were made using the Oneway Anova statistical analysis method between adolescence,

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Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 51–68

early adulthood, and late adulthood. The study starts August until October 2019. Comparing the
dosage by look at the significant difference with the patient's age group because younger ages are
more susceptible to radiation, in this case X-ray radiation. In the end, it is very important to
determine the dose in each patient group.
The equipment used was an X-ray machine with the brand "MIS", namely a control panel to
regulate the radiation of the X-ray machine. Data are processed by write on a table consisting of the
number, patient age (years), X-ray field voltage (kV), X-ray current machine (mAs), patient
exposure dose (mR), and patient absorption dose (mGy).
Patients were categorized based on age according to the age categorization of patients from the
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, namely late adolescence (seventeen to twenty five
years), early adulthood (twenty-six to thirty-five years), late adulthood (thirty-six to forty-five
years). X-rays and other supporting devices for X-ray radiation are prepared. At first set the focus
distance to the film at a distance of 150 cm. Adjust the patient's position for thoracic examination
according to the examination procedure. Exposing and inspections are held from the X-ray machine
operating room through the control. The results of voltage (kV), current (mAs), time (t) and
distance (cm), as well as the patient's age, are recorded every examination were held. The number
of patient data obtained was one hundred and twenty one people. Consist of late adolescence,
seventy-seven data, early adult thirty-four data, late adult ten data. The results obtained from the
calculation in units of milliRoentgen (mR) based on the equation below (Ayad et al., 2002):

X (mR) = (1)

Then the milliRoentgen (mR) unit is converted into the absorption dose unit, namely milliGray
(mGy). For each age where there is more than one respondent, the average value of the respondent's
data at that age is taken. Each dose value in the late adolescent, early adulthood, and late adult
groups had an absorption dose ratio.
The statistical analysis applied to the data was one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Analysis
of Variance (ANOVA) is used to determine whether the mean of three or more value distributions
(groups) is significantly different from one another (Anas, 2019). It is called one-way analysis of
variant because the analysis uses variance and the observed data is the influence of one factor. The
purpose of the one-way ANOVA test is to compare by signification on more than two averages
(Setiawan, 2019). With a significance of 0,05. The hypothesis tested are, H0, there was no
difference in the X-ray absorption dose for each age group, and H1, there was a difference in the X-
ray absorption dose for each age group.

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Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 51–68

3. Results and Discussions

Comparison of the dose absorbed by patients was carried out by classifying three types of age,
namely late adolescence, early adulthood and late adult. Late adolescence ranges in age from
seventeen to twenty-five years, early adulthood ranges from twenty-six to thirty-five years and late
adulthood ranges from thirty-six to forty-five years.

3.1. X-ray absorption dose data for each patient age group
3.1.1. Characteristics of X-ray absorption dose data for each patient age group
The data obtained on the group of late adolescents are quite diverse. Characteristics of absorbed
dose data explained after get process by method above. The average exposure dose and absorbed
dose of patients in the late adolescent age group can be shown in Table 1. Table 1 consists of data
late adolescence such as age group of 17 years were eight, the data obtained in the age group of 18
years were four, the data obtained in the age group of 19 years were four, the data obtained in the
age group of 20 years were eight, the data obtained in the age group of 21 years were five, the data
obtained in the age group of 22 years were seven, the data obtained in the age group of 23 years
were twelve, the data obtained in the age group of 24 years were sixteen, the data obtained in the
age group of 25 years were five. The youngest age, namely seventeen years, obtained the highest
absorption dose value in the late adolescent group. Then it dropped dramatically at the age of
eighteen. After the age of eighteen, the more the patient gets older, the absorbent dose of the patient
also increases. But at the age of twenty-two, the absorbed dose decreases. The X-ray absorption
dose value rose again at the age of twenty-three and the absorption dose value decreased with age.
The age that got the highest dose in the late adolescent group was seventeen years old and the
lowest was nineteen years old.

Table 1. Data on Average Absorbed Dose and Exposure of Late Adolescence (17-25 years)

No. Patient Age Average Patient Exposure Dose Average Patient Absorbed Dose
(years) (mR) (mGy)

1 17 10.58 0.0916

2 18 10.687 0.092

3 19 9.505 0.0817

4 20 10.686 0.0923

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Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 51–68

No. Patient Age Average Patient Exposure Dose Average Patient Absorbed Dose
(years) (mR) (mGy)

5 21 12.24 0.1062

6 22 10.678 0.0924

7 23 12.245 0.1055

8 24 11.605 0.0998

9 25 10.589 0.0916

The data obtained from the group of early adulthood is quite diverse. The average exposure
dose and absorbed dose of patients in the early adulthood age group can be shown in Table 2. Table
2 consists of data early adulthood such as age group of 26 years were three, the data obtained on the
age group of 27 years were six, the data obtained in the age group of 28 years were three, the data
obtained in the age group of 29 years were three, the data obtained in the age group of 30 years
were three, the data obtained in the age group of 31 years were one, the data obtained in the age
group of 32 years were five, the data obtained in the age group of 33 years were three, the data
obtained in the age group of 34 years were two, the data obtained in the age group of 35 years were
five. The youngest age obtained a dose value that was close to the mean absorption dose of the
initial adult patient. Then it decreases with age until the age of twenty-eight. The age of twenty-nine
went up and the age of thirty went down again. The age of thirty-one rises again to the age of thirty-
two. The age of thirty-three declines and rises again at the age of thirty-four. The oldest age in the
group of early adulthood, the absorbed dose has a decreased value. The age with the highest
absorption dose value was thirty-two years, and the age with the lowest score was twenty-eight

Table 2. Data on Average Absorbed Dose and Exposure of Early Adulthood (26-35 years)

No. Patient Age Average Patient Exposure Dose Average Patient Absorbed Dose
(years) (mR) (mGy)

1 26 11.91 0.10311

2 27 11.18272 0.09717

3 28 10.24484 0.08902

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Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 51–68

No. Patient Age Average Patient Exposure Dose Average Patient Absorbed Dose
(years) (mR) (mGy)

4 29 12.0608 0.10442

5 30 11.16097 0.09698

6 31 12.4416 0.10811

7 32 14.06193 0.1219

8 33 11.086 0.0959

9 34 12.0986 0.1051

10 35 11.1779 0.0968

The data obtained from the group of late adulthood is quite diverse. The average exposure dose
and absorbed dose of patients in the late adulthood age group can be shown in Table 3. Table 3
consists of data late adulthood such as age group of 37 years were one, the data obtained in the age
group of 38 years were two, the data obtained in the age group of 40 years were two, the data
obtained in the age group of 41 years were one, the data obtained in the age group of 43 years were
one, the data obtained in the age group of 45 years were three. The youngest got the highest dose
value of all ages. Then the age of thirty-seven years got the absorption dose value that decreased
from before, then the absorption dose value decreased again at the age of thirty-nine years. The
dose value rises again with age, up to forty-two years. Then the absorption dose value decreases
until the oldest age is forty-five years. The youngest age got the highest dose value and the age who
got the lowest dose value was thirty-nine years.

Table 3. Data Classification of Late Adulthood (36-45 years)

No. Patient Age (years) Patient Exposure Dose (mR) Patient Absorbed Dose (mGy)

1 43 11.9 0.103

2 45 9.55 0.082

3 37 31.6 0.27

4 45 12.21 0.105

5 38 11.9 0.103

6 41 11.76 0.1

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Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 51–68

No. Patient Age (years) Patient Exposure Dose (mR) Patient Absorbed Dose (mGy)

7 40 11.98 0.1

8 45 11.76 0.1

9 40 9.19 0.079

10 38 15.84 0.13

3.1.2. X-ray absorption dose values for each patient's age group
The mean value of the late adolescent patient absorption dose in the figure shows that the youngest
age, seventeen years, is the largest relative absorption dose. The graph in the Figure 1, shows that
the absorbed dose for the younger age group is higher. From the graph Figure 1, it can also be seen
that with increasing age the value of absorbed dose decreases and than varies, sometimes up and
down. The value obtained for the age of seventeen was 0.23 mGy, which is greater than that of the
ages of eighteen to twenty-five. The second largest absorption dose was twenty-one years of age,
touching 0.106 mGy. Eighteen years got 0.09 mGy, nineteen years got 0.08 mGy, twenty years got
0.09 mGy, twenty-two got 0. 09 mGy, twenty and three got 0.1 mGy, age twenty-four gets 0.09
mGy, and age twenty-five 25 gets 0.09 mGy. The average absorption dose received by the late
adolescent group was 0.1 mGy.

Absorb Dose (mGy)



17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Patient Age (years old)

Figure 1.Graph of late adolescent patient age with X-ray absorption (mGy)

Early adulthood indicates that the youngest does not score relatively high. The graph in the
Figure 2, shows that the absorption dose for the 32-year-old group is higher. From the graph Figure
2, it can also be seen that with increasing age the value of the absorbed dose also varies, sometimes
up and down. However, the highest score was at age thirty-two, with 0.12 mGy. Then followed by
the age of thirty-four years 0,1 mGy. Twenty-six years old got 0.1 mGy, age twenty-seven got 0.09

DOI: 59
Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 51–68

mGy, age twenty-eight got 0.08 mGy, age twenty-nine got 0.104424942 mGy, age thirty got 0,09
mGy, age thirty-one got 0.1 mGy, age thirty-three got 0.09mGy, age thirty-five got 0.09 mGy. The
average absorption dose received by the early adulthood group was 0.1mGy.

Absorb Dose (mGy)



26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
Patient Age (years old)

Figure 2.Graph of early adult patient age on X-ray absorption (mGy)

Increasing age has a relatively low developmental graph compared to the youngest age, late
adolescence. The graph in the Figure 3, shows that the absorption dose for the 37-year-old group is
higher. From the graph Figure 3, it can also be seen that with increasing age the value of the
absorbed dose also varies, sometimes up and down. But it does not approach and exceed the age
bracket of late adolescence, that is, age thirty-seven with an absorbed dose of 0.27 mGy. Thirty-
eight years of age get 0.12 mGy, age forty 0.09 mGy, age forty-one gets 0.1 mGy, age forty-three
gets 0.1 mGy, age forty-five gets 0.09 miliGrey. The average absorption dose received by the
elderly adult group was 0.1 mGy.

Absorb Dose (mGy)



37 38 40 41 43 45
Patient Age (years old)

Figure 3.Graph of the age of the final adult patient using X-ray absorption (mGy)

3.2. Determining the absorption dose value of each age group and comparison results
Knowing the patient's absorption dose can be done by knowing the dose of exposure to X-rays in
advance. The component for determining the exposure dose is the effect of tube current (mA). The
tube current comes from heating the filament, if the heating of the filament is increased then the

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Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 51–68

current in the X-ray tube also increases. All X-ray intensities or degrees of light (brightness) will
increase according to the increase in the X-ray radiation intensity at the focal point. The tube
currents determine the number of electrons that will pass through the target (anode). Then, X rays
are produced that have sufficient intensity and energy to penetrate certain organs. Effect of voltage
The tube voltage affects the quality of the radiation or the penetrability of the X-rays produced.
Thus it will also affect the formation of the picture because the change in kV will cause a total
change in the intensity of the X-ray beam. Then the effect of distance (cm). In the X-ray shooting
process, there is a distance setting known as FFD (Focus Film Distance) which is the focal distance
of the X-ray tube to the surface of the film; The smaller the FFD value, the film density will
increase due to the increased X-ray intensity. The distance setting can be done by moving the tube
stand away from or near the object, affect the intensity of the X-ray beam which in turn will also
affect the formation of radiographic images (Musfira, 2016). The equations used to determine the
dose of exposure are (Ayad et al., 2002):

X (mR) = (2)

Where X is the dose of exposure, has milliroentgen units (mR), P is 15, tube voltage has units of
kiloVolts (kV), then squared, tube current strength has milliampere units, then multiplied by time
units, namely seconds, then it becomes milliAmpere second (mAs) ). The distance from the tube to
the patient in centimeters (cm) is represented by the symbol "R", then the distance is squared.
The absorption dose value that has been obtained in milliroentgen (mR) units, is converted to
milliGrays (mGy) absorption dose units. The exposure dose in mR is converted into the absorbent
dose unit of mGy by comparison, where 1 mR is equal to 87.7 mGy (Hendra Hadinata I Made,
2020). Distribution of each patient by age category. Age is the life span measured in years, it is said
that the end is the age range of 17-25 years, adulthood is the age range of 26-35 years, late
adulthood is the age range of 36-45 years. Age is life in years calculated from birth. Age is a
person's age which is calculated from birth to his birthday. As shown in the following Table 4. (Adi,

DOI: 61
Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 51–68

Table 4. Patient Age Category

No. Age Group Age

1. Toddler Mass 0–5

2. Childhood Mass 5 – 11

3. Early Teenage Mass 12 – 16

4. Late Teenage Mass 17 – 25

5. Early Adult Mass 26 – 35

6. Late Adult Mass 36 – 45

7. Early Elderly Mass 46 – 55

8. Late Elderly Mass 56 – 65

9. Old Age 65 – top

(Source: Adi, 2015)

Comparison of absorbed dose for each age was carried out to determine differences in X-ray
absorption doses obtained in late adolescence, early adulthood and late adulthood at Quantum
Sarana Medik Clinic, Denpasar. Knowing the ratio of the X-ray absorption dose to the age group
needs to be done because the youngest patient age group has the longest life expectancy. The value
of the absorbed dose obtained is expected not to exceed the age of the older patient and endanger
the patient. So, the need for X-rays for medical health examinations and diagnosis of patients'
diseases can be achieved without harming the patient's body. So, it is important to know the X-ray
absorption dose for that age group.
Looking for literature studies related to electromagnetic waves, X-ray irradiation, the dangers of
X-rays to humans, getting the dose of X-ray exposure to humans and the absorption dose of X-rays
for humans, was carried out support the results of this study. Data retrieval is adjusted to the
literature study conducted. The data used to support obtaining X-ray absorption doses are exposure
dose and exposure dose equation with absorption dose. Getting the absorption dose required data on
the X-ray machine tube current, the X-ray machine tube current voltage and the X-ray machine tube
distance to the patient. Knowing the comparison, it is necessary to have the patient age
classification literature, the patient's age data. Finally, comparisons were carried out with a one-way

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ANOVA statistical analysis of the absorption dose for late adolescent, early adult and late adult

3.3. Comparison of X-ray absorption doses for each age group

Each age group is looked for the average of each age. The mean age is seventeen to the mean age of
twenty-five of the late adolescent group. The mean age is twenty-six to the mean age of thirty-five
of the early adulthood group. The mean age was thirty-six to the mean age of forty-five of the final
adulthood group.
Comparison of absorption dose values by age group, with a significance of 0.05. The hypothesis
that was applied was, H0, there was no difference in the absorption dose of X-rays for each age
group, and H1, there was a difference in the X-ray absorption dose for each age group. Comparison
of late adolescence with early adulthood through one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with a P-
value of 0.5, which means that hypothetical H0 is accepted. So, there is no significant difference in
the X-ray absorption dose of late adolescence. and early adulthood. Comparison of early adulthood
and late adulthood through a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with a P-value of 0.2 which
means that hypothetical H0 is accepted. So, there is no significant difference in the absorption dose
of X-rays in early adulthood. Comparison of late adulthood and late adolescence through one-way
analysis of variance (ANOVA) with a P-value of 0.5, which means that hypothetical H0 is accepted.
So, there is no significant difference in the absorption dose on late adult and late adolescence.
Comparison of all age groups from late adolescence, early adulthood and late adulthood through
one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with a P-value of 0.4, which means that hypothetical H0 is
accepted. So, there is no significant difference in the dose of light absorption X-ray in all ages of
late adolescence, early adulthood and late adulthood at the Quantum Diagnostic Clinic from August
to October.
The statistical approach used in analyzing the patient's absorbed dose data in each age group
obtained results, accepted the initial hypothesis or H0, which means that there is no significant
difference in the X-ray absorbed dose. In general, the surface of the skin on X-ray examination of
the chest or thorax is the most extensive of any examination of other body parts. Examination of the
chest or thorax has the most extensive skin surface applicable to all age groups, in this case the
absorbed dose obtained in the late adolescence, early adult, and late adult age group, obtained a
dose value below the standard absorbed dose threshold on the skin surface, which has been
determined by the Nederlandse Commissie Voor Starlings Dosimetry in 2016. Although the early
teens received an absorption dose that was not much different from early adulthood and late

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Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 51–68

adulthood with the acceptance of hypothesis H0, in this study the absorbed dose of the youngest age
group, namely late adolescence, did not have different absorbed dose values with older age groups,
namely early and late adulthood.
Likewise, early adulthood, which is a younger age group than the late adult age group, did not
get a different absorbed dose value from the late adult age group. In the clinical environment, for
younger patients, even though they have anatomical and physiological differences between younger
and older ages, make young people more sensitive to radiation, and young people have a longer life
expectancy, making long-term risks also greater, the absorption dose obtained at a young age is
relatively safe compared to the absorption dose of radiation in the older age group. Although the
absorbed dose received by younger patients did not have a different value with older patients in this
study, the absorbed dose received by each age group of patients was still below the X-ray threshold
dose on the skin surface set by the Nederlandse Commissie Voor. Starlings Dosimetry in 2016.

4. Conclusion
Each age group also shows a declining graph. It also shows that the youngest age in each age group
has the highest absorption dose value. The smallest absorption dose is the early adult age group
with a value of 0.101875223236667 mGy, then the late adolescent group is 0.111644909014332
mGy, and the largest absorption dose value is the late adult group with a value of
0.130658033138889 mGy.
Statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA) test conducted on late adolescents and early adulthood
did not show any differences. Early adulthood and late adulthood showed no difference. There is no
significant diffrence to late adolescence and early adulthood. Thus, the ratio of X-ray uptake dose at
the Quantum Diagnostic Clinic from August to October 2019 in each age group, late adolescence,
early adulthood, and late adulthood was no significant difference. This means that in the youngest
age group, late adolescents do not get the absorption dose value that far exceeds the dose in the
older age group, namely early adulthood and late adulthood. The early adult group also did not get
absorption dose values that far exceeded or exceed the absorption dose values for the final adult
group. In the health center environment, in this case the Quantum Clinic, Denpasar, the absorption
dose of X-ray radiation for the young age group does not exceed the older age. So, the absorption
dose of radiation in young patients has not significant diffrence to older patient, despite having
anatomical and physiological differences between children and adults makes them more sensitive to
radiation, and younger patient age have a longer life expectancy, making them the long-term risk of
the radiation absorb dose is also greater. Although there was no significant difference, the absorbed

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Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 4(1): 51–68

dose value obtained by each age group was still below the standard dose threshold recommended by
the Oakley, Cuttler and Harrison in 2018. Based on this statement, it can be concluded that the
absorbed dose of patients in the late teens, adults Early and late adulthood in the Quantum
Diagnostic Clinic environment from August to October 2019 were classified as safe. Based on
Lailatul Muqmiroh's statement in 2018 and Widayati in 2013 regarding X-ray radiation will affect
body cells, which in children or younger age patient, they have a longer life expectancy. So, the
long-term effects of radiation are also greater than those of older age. Not to forget also the
anatomical and physiological differences between children and adults make them more sensitive to
radiation. So, based on statements before, the absorbed dose of X-ray radiation obtained based on
the age range in the Quantum Diagnostic Clinic environment from August to October 2019 on this
research was considered safe.
The age ranges worked on in this study were late adolescence, early adulthood and late
adulthood. The youngest age in this study was the late adolescent age group. Anatomically, the late
adolescent group has experienced puberty which is the same body shape until it grows up. The
value of the absorbed dose should not exceed a predetermined threshold dose. Patients with young
age, have a longer life expectancy. So, the long-term effects of X-ray radiation on younger patients
will be more impactful than older patients. It is recommended that developments in similar research
with this study further develop the categorization of younger patient ages and measurement of
absorbed dose using radiation other than X-rays, such as gamma (ℽ) rays.

Thank you to the Quantum Sarana Medik Main Clinic for providing permission and facilities in
conducting research and to the lecturers at the Physics Study Program, FMIPA, Udayana University
for the guidance that has been given to make this publication a reality.

Author Contribution
Kevin Riandi looks for problems that can be studied from the Quantum Diagnostic Clinic,
especially in the radiology department. Looking for a suitable reference to solve the problem and
process it and helps translate sentences to better fit the context. Also, using a statistical approach in
processing data.

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