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Notasi Ilmiah

1. Kutipan

a. Kutipan-kutipan yang dimuat di dalam thesis harus sama dengan aslinya,

baik mengenai susunan kata-katanya maupun mengenai tanda bacanya.

b. Kutipan yang panjangnya tiga baris atau lebih diketik berspasi satu dan

menjorok sama seperti baris pertama paragraf dari garis marjin kiri.

c. Kutipan yang panjangnya kurang dari tiga baris dimasukkan ke dalam teks

dan diketik sebagai teks biasa, tetapi harus diberi tanda petik pada awal

dan akhir kalimat kutipan.

d. Karena perbedaan harkat dan tujuan, catatan kuliah tidak dapat digunakan

sebagai sumber informasi untuk dikutip dalam thesis.

e. Setiap kutipan harus disertai dengan nama belakang penulis, tahun, dan

halaman, seperti: (Savignon, 2007: 31).

f. Sumber kutipan selain berbahasa Inggris boleh digunakan dengan

menambahkan terjemahan dalam bahasa Inggris di dalam kurung kotak

setelah teks kutipan dan menjadi bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari

kutipan itu sendiri. Jika teks kutipan beserta terjemahannya lebih dari 3

baris, maka diperlakukan seperti kutipan panjang.

g. Jika informasi dikutip dari sumber kedua, sebelum nama penulis sumber

kedua ditambahkan kata qtd. in (quoted in).

Contoh kutipan pendek:

When the audience wants to see the stand-up comedy, they have to feel

relaxed first in order to get the intention and avoid the misunderstanding. It is

supported by Lewis (1999: 11) that “humor is a playful, not a serious in response

to the incongruous.” Below the writer gives some examples of the incongruity that

consists of set up and punch line.

Contoh kutipan panjang:

Generally, the function of social and communication humor unconsciously

used to impress others with their antics and cleverness so that they get attention

and prestige, or approval from their surroundings. Mulkay, a sociologist, argues


The humor may be viewed as a mode of interpersonal communication that

is frequently used to Convey implicit messages in an indirect manner and
to influence other people in various ways .... Often humor is also used to
Convey critical or disparaging messages that might not be well received if
communicated in a more serious manner. (1998: 123)

Contoh kutipan pendek dengan terjemahan:

Kosasih in his book Cerdas Berbahasa Indonesia notes that “latar ialah

keterangan mengenai tempat, ruang, waktu dan suasana cerita di dalam drama

[Setting is a description of the place, space, time and atmosphere of the story in a

drama]” (2014: 136). In line with this, ...

Contoh kutipan panjang dengan terjemahan:

Characterization is a literary device that is used step by step in literature to

highlight and explain the details about a character in a story. Hamzah (2005: 51)

highligts the important role the characterization plays in a story. He notes that:

Perwatakanlah yang paling utama dalam lakon. Tanpa perwatakan

tidakakan ada cerita, tanpa perwatakan tidak bakal ada plot. Padahal
ketidaksamaan watak akan melahirkan pergeseran, tabrakan kepentingan,
konflik yang akhirnya melahirkan cerita [The characterization is the most
important one in a play or drama. Without characterization there will not be

a narrative, there will not be a plot. Whereas, the inequality of character will
create a mutation, the collision of interests, and the conflict that creates a
story eventually].

Contoh kutipan dari sumber kedua:

Freud as quoted in Madison describes defense mechanisms as “all forms ofego-

protection against dangerous impulses” (196: 181).

The Loss of Narcissistic Supplies according to Fenichel is described as follows:

At some point or points during early development, the infant experiences a

cessation of (narcissistic) supplies from an important external person-for
example, mother. The infantile ego experiences this loss of narcissistic
supplies as hunger or as a fear of the loss of certain pleasurable feelings,
such as well-being, protection, and security-feelings that regulate self-
cohesion and, later, self-esteem. The loss of narcissistic supplies threatens
self-cohesion. In its most extreme form, this loss is experienced as a
feeling of annihilation (qtd. in Cramer,1999: 6).

2. Kutipan tidak langsung

Kutipan tidak langsung adalah kutipan informasi dari suatu sumber yang

ditulis degan kata-kata penulis sendiri. Kutipan tidak langsung disebut juga

parafrasa. Informasi yang berasal dari sumber bukan berbahasa Inggris yang

langsung diterjemahkan ke dalam thesis juga merupakan kutipan tidak langsung.

Kutipan tidak langsung tidak mengenal istilah panjang-pendek dan oleh karena itu

semua kutipan tidak langsung ditulis secara terintegrasi di dalam sebuah paragraf.

Contoh kutipan tidak langsung:

Children have many needs that are not always met, even with the best of

parenting. However, each need must be filled if parents are to expect "good"

behavior. As Solter in Why Do Children "misbehave"? explains, obvious needs

are those for food, clothing, shelter, and love. Additional needs are for physical

closeness, individual attention, an intellectually stimulating environment,

meaningful activities, and respect. When children's needs are not filled, they do

whatever to get attention from people around them (1988:1).

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