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Problems, Problem Spaces,

and Search

• Define the Problem


• Analyse the problem

• Isolate and represent the

task knowledge

• Choose the best problem-

solving technique

Chapter 2 1
Defining the Problem as a
State Space Search

Example - Water Jug


You are given two jugs, a 4-gallon

one and a 3-gallon one. Neither has
any measring markers on it. There
is a pump that can be used to fill
the jugs with water. How can you
get exactly 2 gallons of water into
the 4-gallon jug?

initial state (0,0)

goal state (2,n)

Chapter 2 2
1 if x<4 -> (4,y)

2 if y<3 -> (x,3)

3 if x>0 -> (x-d,y)

4 if y>0 -> (x,y-d)

5 if x>0 -> (0,y)

6 if y>0 -> (x,0)

7 if x+y>=4 and y>0 -> (4,y-(4-x))

8 if x+y>=3 and x>0 -> (x-(3-y),3)

9 if x+y<=4 and y>0 -> ((x+y),0)

10 if x+y<=3 and x>0 -> (0,x+y)

11 (0,2) -> (2,0)

12 (2,y) -> (0,y)

Chapter 2 3
Formal Description of a Problem

1- Define a state space

2- Specify initial states

3- Specify goal states

4- Specify set of rules that describe the

actions available

Chapter 2 4
Production System

• A set of Rules

• One or more databases

• A control stsretegy

• A Rule applier

Chapter 2 5
Control Strategies

The requirements of a good control

strategy are :

• it causes motion

• it is systematic

Chapter 2 6
Algorithm : Breadth-First Search

| |
(4,0) (0,3)
--------------- -----------------
| | | | | |
(4,3) (0,0) (1,3) (4,3) (0,0)

Algorithm : Depth-First Search


Chapter 2 7
Advantage of Depth-First Search

• Less Memory

• By chance, it may find a solution

without examining much of the
search space at all

Advantage of Breadth-First

It will not get trapped exploring a blind


If there is a solution then BFS is

guaranteed to find it

If there are multiple solution, a minimal

solution will be found

Chapter 2 8
Heurestic Search


The traveling Salesman Problem

A Simple motion-causing and systemic

control structure can solve the problem
in time propootional to:

(N-1) !

Applying nearest neighbor heurestic


A heurestic function is a function that

maps from problem state descriptions
to measures of desirability , usually
represented as numbers

Chapter 2 9
Problem Characteristics
Is the Problem Decomposable?
Integration, Blocks World

Can Solution Steps Be Ignored or Undone ?

Theorem Proving, 8-Puzzle, Chess

Is the Universe Predictable?

8-Puzzle, Bridge

Is a Good Solution Absolute or Relative ?

Answering question, Salesman Problem

Is the Solution a State or a Path?

NLUnderstanding, Water Jug

What is the Role of Knowledge?

Chess, newspaper story understanding

Does the Task Require Interaction witha

Theorem proofing, Medical Diagnosis

Chapter 2 10
Production System Characteristics
• A Monotonic Production System is a
production system in which the
application of a rule never prevents the
later application of another rule that
could also have been applied at the time
the first rule was selected
• A Nonmonotonic Production System
is one in which the above condition is
not true
• A Partially commutative Production
System is a production system with the
property that if the application of a
particular sequence of rules transforms
state x into state y , then any
permutation of those rules that is
allowable also transforms state x into
state y
• A commutative Production System is
a production system that is both
monotonic and partially commutative.

Chapter 2 11
Issues in the Design of
Search Programs
• Forward versus backward reasoning

• Matching rules against state

• Representing each node of the search


Additional Problems

The Missionaries and Cannibals Problem

The Tower of Hanoi

The Monkey and Banana Problem


Chapter 2 12

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