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FEMS Microbiology Letters 218 (2003) 359^364

Evidence for limited species diversity of bacteriochlorophyll

b-containing purple nonsulfur anoxygenic phototrophs in
freshwater habitats

Gerrit J. Hoogewerf, Deborah O. Jung, Michael T. Madigan
Department of Microbiology and Center for Systematic Biology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901-6508 USA

Received 8 October 2002; received in revised form 26 November 2002; accepted 26 November 2002

First published online 7 January 2003


Thirteen new isolates of bacteriochlorophyll b-containing purple nonsulfur bacteria were isolated from four freshwater habitats using
specific enrichment methods including the use of long wavelength filters and extincting dilution of the inoculum. The new isolates were
compared with the type strain of Blastochloris viridis, strain DSM 133T , as regards pigments, morphology, carbon nutrition, and
phylogeny. All new isolates were budding bacteria, and phototrophic mass cultures were green, brown, or brown^green in color. The
pattern of carbon sources photocatabolized were similar in all strains; however, sugars, both mono- and disaccharides, were widely used
by the new isolates while they did not support growth of strain DSM 133T . Phylogenetic analysis showed all new strains to cluster tightly
with the type strain with the exception of one brown-colored strain and a mildly thermophilic strain. The results suggest that in contrast
to purple nonsulfur bacteria containing bacteriochlorophyll a, those containing bacteriochlorophyll b may not be morphologically or
phylogenetically diverse, and group into a tight phylogenetic clade distinct from all other anoxygenic phototrophs.
2 2003 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords : Anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria ; Purple bacteria; Blastochloris ; Bacteriochlorophyll b

1. Introduction than currently recognized but that either inherently low

population numbers or an inability to compete with Bchl
Over 50 species of purple anoxygenic phototrophs have a-containing species bias their development in enrichment
been described and the majority produce bacteriochloro- cultures. To test this hypothesis we set up a series of en-
phyll (Bchl) a as their chlorophyll pigment [1]. Within the richment cultures using a light ¢lter that eliminated Bchl
purple nonsulfur bacteria, only species of the genus Blas- a-containing phototrophs. The results of our study, based
tochloris (formerly Rhodopseudomonas) [2], contain Bchl b on the morphology, pigments, carbon nutrition, and phy-
[3^6]. The genus Blastochloris consists of two species, logeny of 13 new isolates of freshwater Bchl b-containing
B. viridis and B. sulfoviridis, both nutritionally diverse purple nonsulfur bacteria, indicate that species diversity
phototrophs [4,7,8] and excellent nitrogen-¢xers [9,10]. In within this group may indeed be quite low, and that cul-
addition to Blastochloris, four species of purple sulfur bac- turable representatives form a tight phylogenetic clade
teria, Halorhodospira halochloris [11], Halorhodospira ab- within the alpha Proteobacteria.
delmaleki [12], Thiococcus pfennigii [13,14], and Thioalka-
licoccus limnaeus [15], also produce Bchl b. Thus, of
cultured purple bacteria, those containing Bchl b are a 2. Materials and methods
distinct minority.
We hypothesized that diversity among Bchl b-contain- 2.1. Enrichment and isolation
ing purple nonsulfur bacteria might actually be greater
All new isolates of Bchl b-containing phototrophs were
obtained from enrichment cultures that employed a light
* Corresponding author. Tel./Fax : +1 (618) 453 5130. ¢lter (Kodak Wratten Filter 87A) that transmitted less
E-mail address : (M.T. Madigan). than 1% of wavelengths shorter than 900 nm (Bchl a ab-
0378-1097 / 03 / $22.00 2 2003 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

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360 G.J. Hoogewerf et al. / FEMS Microbiology Letters 218 (2003) 359^364

sorbs strongly near 800 and 850 nm) [16]. Water or mud^ ously described [18] and approximately 1400 nucleotides
water slurries were suspended in dilute phosphate bu¡er were used to generate the phylogenetic tree. Sequence
and transferred to tubes of medium Enrich 1; inoculated alignments were veri¢ed against the secondary structure
tubes were incubated in a light tight plastic tray under the of the 16S rRNA gene of B. viridis DSM133T , exported
¢lter (32‡C). Illumination was from an incandescent spot- into PAUP [19], and a phylogenetic distance tree gener-
light bulb providing ca. 1500 lux at the ¢lter surface. Pure ated using the Jukes^Cantor correction and a heuristic
cultures from liquid enrichments were obtained on Petri search pattern. All sequences have been deposited in Gen-
plates incubated phototrophically in un¢ltered incandes- Bank under the accession numbers listed in Fig. 2.
cent light.
Medium Enrich 1 contained the following (per liter of
distilled water): MgSO4 W7H2 O, 200 mg; CaCl2 W2H2 O, 50 3. Results
mg; NaCl, 0.4 g; NH4 Cl, 0.5 g; sodium succinate, 0.75 g;
sodium acetate, 0.75 g; yeast extract, 0.1 g; sodium lac- 3.1. Enrichment, morphology, and pigments
tate; 0.05%; KH2 PO4 , 0.2 g; K2 HPO4 , 0.3 g; trace ele-
ments [17], 1 ml. The ¢nal pH was adjusted to 7 and the Enrichment cultures for purple nonsulfur bacteria em-
medium sterilized by autoclaving. ploying a ¢lter to exclude Bchl a-containing species readily
yielded new isolates containing Bchl b from four fresh-
2.2. Characterizational studies water habitats (Table 1). Some isolates were obtained
from undiluted inocula while others were obtained from
All isolates were characterized as to their morphology, extinction culturing of the original inoculum. However,
pigments, carbon nutrition, and phylogeny. Microscopy the highest dilution that yielded positive cultures was
was performed on an Olympus B-Max 60 photomicro- only 1032 , indicating that populations of Bchl b-contain-
scope. Absorption spectra were obtained from intact cells ing purple nonsulfur bacteria, at least those capable of
suspended in 30% bovine serum albumin. Carbon nutri- growth under our enrichment conditions, were low, 102
tion was determined using medium Enrich 1 in which in- per ml or fewer.
dividual carbon sources were substituted for succinate/ace- A distinct variation in color was obvious in phototroph-
tate/lactate at the concentrations indicated in Table 2. ically grown colonies of the di¡erent isolates. Colonies and
Growth was monitored turbidimetrically using a Klett- subsequent phototrophic liquid cultures varied from
Summerson colorimeter (66, red ¢lter) versus no substrate brown or brown^green to distinctly olive-green in color.
negative controls. These color di¡erences formed the basis for strain desig-
The phylogeny of newly isolated Bchl b-containing pho- nations (G, green; B, brown, see Table 1). In addition to
totrophs was determined by 16S ribosomal RNA gene pigmentation, cell morphology varied somewhat between
sequencing. Sequencing methods were basically as previ- strains. All strains showed budding cell division, typical of

Table 1
Strains of B. viridis used in this study
Strains Origin Description In vivo Abs. maxima (nm)
Previous isolates
DSM 133T (type strain) Freiburg, Germany Green colonies, budding rods 1014, 833, 603, 483, 452, 424, 403
UN Campus Lake Carbondale, IL, USA Green colonies, budding rods 1014, 833, 604, 483, 452, 423, 403
GI Soda Dam hot spring Santa Fe National Green colonies, budding rods; thermophile 1012, 840, 605, 432, 450, 400
Forest, New Mexico
New isolatesa
G2 (ud) Crystal Lake Park, Urbana, IL, USA Brownish-green colonies, budding rods 1014, 832, 604, 481, 449, 397
G3 (ud) Crystal Lake Park, Urbana, IL, USA Brownish-green colonies, budding rods 1015, 833, 604, 483, 452, 425, 400
G5 (ud) Ramsey Lake, Ramsey, IL, USA Brownish-green colonies, budding rods 1016, 833, 604, 483, 452, 425, 403
G6 (1031 ) Allerton Pond, Monticello, IL, USA Dark green colonies, budding rods 1015, 832, 604, 483, 452, 427
G7 (1031 ) Allerton Pond, Monticello, IL, USA Light green colonies, medium sized budding 1015, 830, 603, 482, 451, 422, 401
G8 (ud) Crystal Lake Park, Urbana, IL, USA Dark green colonies, budding rods 1015, 832, 604, 483, 452, 425, 404
G10 (1032 ) Ramsey Lake, Ramsey, IL, USA Dark green colonies, budding cocci to rods 1015, 831, 604, 483, 452, 428
G11 (ud) Campus Lake, Carbondale, IL, USA Green colonies, budding rods 1016, 832, 603, 483, 452, 423, 402
G12 (ud) Allerton Pond, Monticello, IL, USA Dark green colonies, budding rods 1015, 833, 604, 483, 452, 424, 401
B4 (1031 ) Ramsey Lake, Ramsey, IL, USA Brown colonies, budding rods 1015, 833, 604, 483, 452, 427
B5 (1031 ) Ramsey Lake, Ramsey, IL, USA Brown colonies, budding rods 1014, 830, 604, 482, 451, 422, 400
B7 (ud) Campus Lake, Carbondale, IL, USA Dark brown colonies, budding rods 1015, 832, 604, 483, 452, 428
B9 (1031 ) Campus Lake, Carbondale, IL, USA Light brown colonies, budding rods 1016, 830, 604, 483, 452, 423, 401
Numbers in parentheses indicate the dilution of the original inoculum in which liquid enrichments yielded a positive culture (that is, higher dilutions
did not yield positive enrichments over 6 weeks of incubation) ; ud, undiluted inoculum.

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near 480, 450 and 425 nm. The latter peaks indicated that
all strains contained the carotenoid neurosporene, charac-
teristic of B. viridis [3,6]. However, subtle di¡erences in
carotenoid absorption maxima and the ratio of these max-
ima were observed in distinctly di¡erent colored strains
(Fig. 1). A summary of the source, cell morphology, and
absorption properties of the new Bchl b-containing isolates
is shown in Table 1.

3.2. Carbon nutrition

In tests of carbon nutrition it was readily apparent that

the new Bchl b-containing isolates were nutritionally ver-
satile. Three previously characterized strains of B. viridis
including the type strain were also tested in this connec-
Fig. 1. Absorption spectra of intact cells of B. viridis strain DSM 133T
and Bchl b-containing strain B5. For recording spectra, cells were sus-
tion and the results are summarized in Table 2. A variety
pended in 30% bovine serum albumin. of alcohols and short chain fatty and organic acids sup-
ported photoheterotrophic growth of the new isolates.
Particularly good growth was obtained on malate, while
Blastochloris species [6,7]. However, although cells of one-carbon substrates (methanol, formate) were not used
green-colored strains were typically small and coccus to by any strain (Table 2). Surprisingly, however, a number
egg-shaped, like those of the type strain, DSM 133T [6], of substrates supported growth of the new isolates that
cells of brown or brown^green strains were somewhat were not used by the type strain of B. viridis. Propionate
larger and more irregularly rod-shaped (Table 1). Other and lactate, for example, supported good growth of all
morphologies, such as non-budding rods or spirilla, were newly isolated strains but not of the type strain (Table
not observed in cultures of the new isolates. 2). Even more surprising were the results on sugars.
Despite visible di¡erences in color among strains, their Although none of the sugars tested supported growth of
in vivo absorption spectra were quite similar (Table 1 and the type strain, the vast majority of green and brown-col-
Fig. 1). Absorption maxima were obtained between 1012 ored strains photocatabolized sugars, including glucose,
and 1016 nm, due to Bchl b, and in the carotenoid region fructose, sucrose, lactose and ribose; sucrose and lactose

Table 2
Carbon nutrition of new and established strains of B. viridisa;b
Strain Glucose Fructose Sucrose Lactose Ribose Lactate Propionate Mannitol
(10 mM) (10 mM) (10 mM) (10 mM) (10 mM) (20 mM) (10 mM) (10 mM)
DSM133T 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
UN 3 3 3 3 3 + + 3
G2 3 3 3 3 3 + ++ +
G3 ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
G5 ++ ++ ++ ++ + +++ + ++
G6 ++ ++ ++ ++ + ++ ++ ++
G7 ++ ++ +++ +++ ++ ++ + ++
G8 + ++ ++ +++ 3 +++ ++ ++
G10 + + + + + ++ ++ ++
G11 +++ ++ ++ +++ 3 ++ + +++
G12 3 3 ++ 3 + + + 3
B4 + 3 ++ + ++ +++ + ++
B5 + 3 3 3 3 + ++ ++
B7 ++ + + +++ + +++ ++ ++
B9 ++ ++ ++ ++ + +++ + ++
GI + ++ n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
Phototrophic growth in all cases in medium Enrich 1 containing the substrate indicated as sole carbon source. Growth was scored after 10 days as fol-
lows: 3, 0^50 photometer units (p.u.) ; +, 51^150 p.u.; ++, 151^250 p.u.; +++, 251^350 p.u.; n.d., not determined. For strain DSM133T , 100 p.u. was
equivalent to approximately 0.2 mg bacterial dry weight ml31 of culture. Negative controls lacking a substrate were less than 50 p.u. in all cases.
The following substrates supported growth of each strain to approximately the same extent; ethanol (10 mM, ++); propanol (10 mM, +); butanol
(10 mM,+); pentanol (5 mM, +); acetate or butyrate (10 mM, ++), valerate (5 mM, ++); caproate (5 mM, ++); malate or succinate (20 mM, +++);
fumarate, pyruvate, or K-ketoglutarate (20 mM, ++); glutamate (20 mM, +). Strains UN, G3, and G11 grew weakly (+) on benzoate (5 mM). Strains
G15 and B9 grew weakly (+) on citrate. Methanol (10 mM) and formate (20 mM) did not support growth of any strain. Aspartate (20 mM) supported
weak growth (+) of strains G3, G11, and B9 only.

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were particularly well used (Table 2). Only three newly the new isolates, both brown and green, are strains of
isolated strains showed a similar pattern concerning the species B. viridis. A more distant relative was strain
growth on sugars as did strain DSM 133T (Table 2). How- GI, a moderately thermophilic hot spring isolate [21] that
ever, only strain G2 showed the same negative pattern on di¡ered from both B. sulfoviridis and B. viridis by about
all sugars as did strain DSM 133T (Table 2). The sugar 2% in 16S rRNA gene sequence (Fig. 2). Phylogenetic
alcohol mannitol also supported good growth of most new analysis using parsimony (data not shown) showed the
strains but not of the type strain (Table 2). Interestingly, same branching order and tight grouping of new strains
the aromatic compound benzoate, whose photocatabolism as did the distance analyses, and also showed strains B9
is restricted to only a few purple nonsulfur bacteria [20], and GI to be distinct from the main clade of B. viridis
was used by a few of the new strains of B. viridis but not isolates.
by the type strain (Table 2).

3.3. Phylogeny 4. Discussion

The phylogeny of the new isolates was determined by The major objective of this study was to test the hypoth-
16S rRNA gene sequencing. The 16S rRNA gene of strain esis that hidden diversity existed among culturable Bchl
DSM 133T previously had been sequenced [2] but was b-containing purple nonsulfur bacteria from freshwater
sequenced here as an internal control on our methods. habitats. However, the results suggest that the diversity
The sequence of strain DSM133T generated herein was of these phototrophs is indeed quite limited, perhaps just
identical to that of the published sequence, thus con¢rm- to the species known at present. Our results certainly do
ing the previous sequence and indicating that our sequenc- not preclude the existence of other genera or species of
ing error rate was very low. Bchl b-containing anoxygenic phototrophs. But if such
Phylogenetic analysis using evolutionary distance species exist, they were either absent in the habitats we
showed the new isolates to group tightly with the B. viridis sampled, unable to grow in the media employed, or were
type strain (Fig. 2). In fact, the 16S rRNA gene sequences unable to compete with B. viridis-type organisms under
of the new strains were nearly identical to that of the type our enrichment conditions. However, our data, coupled
strain, varying by at most, ¢ve base substitutions over the with the fact that even metabolically unusual Bchl b-con-
approximately 1400 bases analyzed for each isolate (Fig. taining purple nonsulfur bacteria, such as those capable of
2). Green and brown strains were phylogenetically indis- photocatabolizing toluene and crude oil, still cluster
tinguishable from the type strain, with the exception of the tightly within the Blastochloris clade [22], suggests that
brown strain B9 (Fig. 2); however, the latter was still phylogenetic diversity is not a hallmark of this group.
99.5% identical to the type strain. It thus appears that Color variation among strains of B. viridis has been
previously observed [3] but the basis for this is unknown.
Slight di¡erences in absorption maxima and clear di¡er-
ences in the ratios of spectral components in olive green
versus brown strains (Fig. 1) suggest that pigment di¡er-
ences may indeed exist between these strains. However,
only detailed analyses of the carotenoid content of these
strains could resolve this question. The di¡erences in ab-
sorption properties that we observed are unlikely to be due
to growth conditions, since for spectral analyses care was
taken to grow all strains at the same light intensity and in
the same medium ; cultures were also grown to approxi-
mately the same densities (late exponential phase) in each
case. Therefore, further work on the carotenoid composi-
tion of di¡erent colored B. viridis strains could be enlight-
A major surprise emerging from this study was how the
carbon nutritional properties of the new isolates were so
distinct from that of the type strain. For example, as re-
gards sugar utilization in B. viridis, the pattern displayed
by the type strain (DSM 133T ) [7] (Table 2) is clearly the
Fig. 2. Phylogenetic distance tree of Bchl b-containing purple nonsulfur
exception rather than the rule. In addition, our results that
bacteria and closely related phototrophic species containing Bchl a.
GenBank accession numbers are listed in parentheses following each
showed growth of the type strain on C4 ^C6 fatty acids are
strain designation. Rhodopseudomonas acidophila (Rhodoblastus acidophi- contrary to published reports [4,7,23]. The reason for the
lus), Rhodospirillum rubrum, and Rhodobacter capsulatus contain Bchl a. latter discrepancy is unclear, but in the present work sub-

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strate concentrations were kept quite low (Table 2) and References

this may be why growth on these fatty acids was observed
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nov., an alkaliphilic rod-to-coiled-shaped phototrophic heliobacte-
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