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Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Materi Pokok : Giving Suggestion

Kelas : VII

Alokasi Waktu : 1 Pertemuan (2 X 30 menit)


 Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi ungakapan-ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait

himbauan/giving suggestion
 Siswa dapat memahami struktur teks ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
himbauan/giving suggestion
 Siswa dapat memahami unsur kebahasaan dari ungkapan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait himbauan/giving suggestion
 Siswa dapat menyampaikan kesimpulan atau is dari percakapan tersebut kepada teman kelas
 Siswa dapat membuat dialog berdasarkan situasi yang telah diberikan


Kegiatan Pendahuluan
 Guru memberikan ucapan salam, menyapa siswa (Greetings) dan mengecek kehadiran siswa.

Kegiatan Inti

 Guru menampilkan video pembelajaran kepada siswa

 Guru memberikan pertanyaan kepada siswa terkait video yang ditampilkan.
 Guru dan siswa berdiskusi mengenai video yang ditampilkan.
 Guru memutarkan audio percakapan terkait materi ungkapan-ungkapan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait himbauan/giving suggestion.
 Peserta didik dan Guru membacakan kembali teks percakapan terkait materi ungkapan-
ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait himbauan/giving suggestion.
 Guru menjelaskan fungsi sosial dan ekspresi yang digunakan terkait materi ungkapan-
ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait himbauan/giving suggestion.
 Peserta didik mendengarkan kembali audio percakapan terkait materi ungkapan-ungkapan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait saran dan tawaran. Mereka diminta untuk
memvisualisasikan percakapan tersebut.
 Peserta didik menceritakan kembali percakapan terkait materi ungkapan-ungkapan memberi
dan meminta informasi terkait saran dan tawaran kepada teman kelas.
 Guru meminta siswa membuat ringkasan terkait teks yang telah dibaca dengan bantuan
pertanyaan yang telah disediakan.
 Guru meminta siswa berpasangan untuk membuat teks spoken sendiri dibantu dengan situasi
yang telah disediakan. Lalu mempraktekan roleplay bersama pasangannya didepan kelas.
Kegiatan Penutup
 Guru memberikan umpan balik terhadap pencapaian siswa
 Guru memberikan pertanyaan untuk menguji pemahaman siswa
 Guru memberikan teks yang akan di bandingkan dengan mengeluarkan article yang ada pada
teks dan menuliskannya di dalam tabel yang telah disediakan.
 Mengucapkan rasa syukur atas apa yang telah di dapat selama proses pembelajaran.


1. Video Pembelajaran :

2. Audio Conversation

Conversation 1

Situation : Trisha and Mike are on their way home. Trisha doesn’t look well. She has a bad cough.
Mike give her a suggestion.

Mike : Hey, Trisha. What’s wrong?

Trisha : I have a really bad cough. I feel terrible

Mike : I’m sorry. Perhaps you should take some

cough medicine

Trisha : You’re right, I’ll do that. Thank you

Mike : No problem

(adapted from breakthrough plus 2 page 65)

Conversation 2

Situation : Jasmine and Harry are talking in the park. Jasmine has a terrible stomach ache. Harry give
her a suggestion.
Jasmine : I’m not feeling very well

Harry : I’m sorry. What’s wrong?

Jasmine : I have a terrible stomach ache

Harry : I see. Do you eat healthy food?

Jasmine : Well, I just ate spicy food last night

Harry : I think you should see a doctor

Jasmine : I think I’ll do that. Thanks anyway

Harry : That’s OK

(adapted from breakthrough 2 page 91)

3. Social Function and Expression

Social Function : To express what someone should do or what we think is a good idea when they are
in a bad situation or have a problem (TalkEnglish).

Expression of gifingsuggestion
Expression Responses

 You must........  I tried that but....

 You should.........  Thanks, I would.
 Perhaps you should.....  I think I'll do that. Thanks.
 I think you must/should....  Thanks for the suggestion
 I suggest that you should...  Thank you

Activity 1

Before you listen to and talk about the conversations on how to give suggestion, let’s watch the video
and discuss with your teacher.


From the vidio you've watched people give suggestion to others

 Have you ever given your suggestion to others?

 In what situation do you usually give suggestion?
 Have you ever also had health problems?
 Did your friend also give suggestion when you have a health problem?

Activity 2

Now, your teacher will read aloud the first part of the dialogue and the students will continue shouting
out the next.

Conversation 1

Situation : Trisha and Mike are on their way home. Trisha doesn’t look well. She has a bad cough.
Mike give her a suggestion.

Teacher's Part Students' Part

Mike : Hey, Trisha. What’s wrong? Mike :__________________
Trisha : __________________ Trisha : I have a really bad cough. I
Mike : I’m sorry. Perhaps you should feel terrible
take some cough medicine Mike :__________________
Trisha : __________________ Trisha : You’re right, I’ll do that.
Mike : No problem Thank you
Mike :__________________

Activity 3

Now, visualize the expression of gifing suggestion that you can remember. Use the pictures below to
help you.

Conversation 1

Situation : Trisha and Mike are on their way home. Trisha doesn’t look well. She has a bad cough.
Mike give her a suggestion.

Stick the expression of giving suggestion here! Stick the response here!
Now, tell the conversations you have listened to your friend. Use the following questions to help you
in making a summary!

Conversation 1 Summary

1. Who are the speakers in this ______________________

conversation? _______________________
2. Where are Trisha and Mike? _______________________
3. What’s wrong with Trisha? _______________________
4. What does Trisha feel? _______________________
5. What does Mike Suggest to _______________________
6. What does Trisha’s


Now, write the conversations based on the situation given. Use the conversations above to help you
find the appropriate expressions.

Conversation 1

Situation: Ansley has a bad flu. She has stayed in bed all day, but it hasn’t improved. Alex give her a

Alex Ansley

1. Asking about what’s wrong with 1. Tell the problem

Ansley 2. Say thanks
2. Give a suggestion about what
should Ansley do
3. Give a response

Now, perform the above conversation in front of the class. Use some properties to make your
performance alive. You can see the following pictures to inspire your role play.

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