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Kumpulan Soal LatihanAcEPT UGM

Belong toUswah
“Reaching a dream is the studying’s process, and it is not easy at all,But if you struggle, you
can pass it.”
Soal AcEPT UGM Listening Comprehension
1. Sebelum anda mendengarkan pernyataan dari tape recorder/suara narator, sebaiknya
andamelihat terlebih dahulu jawaban/pilihan A,B,C,D pada lembar soal.2.
2. Bacalah sepintas lalu (scanning) setiap kalimat pada pilihan A,B,C,D.3.
3. Perhatikan secara seksama, ada beberapa kata dari setiap pilihan A,B,C,D yang
tulisannyasama/diulang lebih dari satu kali.4.
4. Kata-kata yang diulang itu merupakan TOPIK PEMBICARAAN.
5. Arahkan/fokus pikiran anda pada topik itu.
6. Dengarkan pernyataan pada tape recorder/narator.
7. Ada kata/kelompok kata yg merupakan KATA KUNCI dari pernyataan narator.8.
yang mempunyai makna yang mirip/sama dengan kata kunci itu.9.
9. Kesimpulan/kata lain/pernyataan lain/sinonim dari kata kunci itu merupakan jawaban
yg benar.

Perhatikan contoh berikut : Anda akan mendengarkan pernyataan dari

narrator/taperecorder sbb:
1. The assignment is due the day after tomorrow. No extension will be given for this.
A. Simon is doing his job well, and they mentioned it.
B. You must do the assignment the day after tomorrow.
C. No sanction is given if you do the assignment the day after tomorrow.
D. It’s better for you to complete the task right away.

Dari contoh di atas, dapat kita simpulkan bahwa topik dari pernyataan narrator
adalahtentang ASSIGNMENT. Perhatikan kata assignment pada pilihan B dan C diulang dua
kali.KATA KUNCI pada pernyataan narrator adalah assignment (tugas), due (jatuh tempo)
theday after tomorrow, No extension (tdk ada perpanjangan waktu). Maka pilihan yang
paling tepat adalah (D) It’s better for you to complete the task right away.
Alasannya, kata “assignment” (tugas) pada pernyataan narrator mempunyai makna
ygsama dengan “task” (tugas) pada pilihan (D). Selain itu, kelompok kata “due the day after
tomorrow” dan “No extension” dapat kita simpulkan dgn pernyataan lain yakni “It’s betterfor
you to complete the task right away” (sebaiknya dikerjakan sekarang). Tips ini berlaku untuk
Tes AcEPT Part 1 Listening Comprehension (NOMOR 1-10). Mudah–mudahan tips saya ini
dapat bermanfaat bagi teman–teman semua. Tips yang lain akan saya bahas dilain
Section A
Directions : In this section, you will hear 10 short statements. The statements will
bespoken just once. They will not be written out for you, and you must listen carefully in
orderto understand what the speaker says.When you hear a statement, you will have a period
of 15 to 20 seconds to read the foursentences in your test book and decide which one is
closest in meaning to the statement youhave heard. Then, on your answer sheet, find the
number of the problem and mark youranswer by drawing with
 a pencil a short bar across the corresponding letter in the brackets.Listen to the following
example:You will hear:
“He is no longer living in Beijing.”
 You will read:
[A] He’s been living in Beijing for a long time.
 [B] He used to live in Beijing.
[C] He’s gone to Beijing for a short visit.
 [D] He should stay longer in Beijing,
Sentence [B] “He used to live in Beijing” is closest in meaning to the statement “He is
nolonger living in Beijing.” Therefore you should choose answer [B].

Tips menjawab pertanyaan Listening AcEPT bagian pertama.

Soal no 1 – 10 menguji kemampuan Anda memahami pernyataan pendek dalam
bahasaInggris. Masing-masing pernyataan akan dibacakan sekali saja. Pernyataan yang Anda
dengartidak akan ditulis dalam tes. Anda tidak diperkenankan membuat catatan apapun dalam
 Lihatlah secara sepintas pernyataan yang ada pada pilihan A, B, C, dan D.
 Arahkan pikiran Anda pada topik pembicaraan yang akan disampaikan
pada pernyataan pendek.
 Pahami makna/maksud yang tersirat pada pernyataan pendek tersebut.
 Pilihlah jawaban yang memiliki makna yang sama/mirip dengan pernyataan tersebut.
Pada contoh di atas kita mendengarkan sebuah pernyataan pendek yakni“He is no longerliving
in Beijing(Dia tidak lagi tinggal di Beijing). Pada pilihannya terdapathanya satupernyataan
yang memiliki makna yang sama dengan pernyataan pada soal yakni[B] Heused to live
in Beijing(yang artinya, dulu dia tinggal di Beijing dan sekarang tidak).
Kunci untuk memilih jawaban yang tepat pada Listening bagian pertama adalah memilih
sinonim/memilih pernyataan yang memiliki makna yang sama/mirip denganpernyataan
pada soal.
[A] Tom is riding a bike.
[B] The bike is upside down.
[C] Tom is repairing the bike.
[D] Tom is cleaning his bike.
[A] Professor Graff doesn’t usually write on the blackboard.
[B] Students are rarely bored in Professor Grafts class.
[C] The professor uses graphs when she lectures.
[D] Students in the graphic arts course don’t take notes.
3.[A] They are with them.
[B] It is with them.
[C] They are with her.
[D] He is with her.
[A] I passed the test because I studied hard.
[B] I won’t do well on the test if I don’t study. 
[C] I failed the test because I didn’t study enough. 
[D] I’ll study hard so I can pass the test. 
[A] How long is the school term?
[B] Why did you turn over the stool?
[C] I wish I know how to get to the dormitory.
[D] I want the term to end soon.
[A] The boat owner must be rich.
[B] This man must be the owner.
[C] Those men are both rich.
[D] The boat has a monkey on it.
[A] Alice answered Jean’s question.
[B] Alice allowed Jean to respond.
[C] Jean’s response was questionable. 
[D] Alice accepted the answer.8.[A] Bob bought a new pair of sandals.[B] Bob’s sandals
were fixed. [C] The shoemaker only made sandals. 5[D] The shoemaker wore sandals.9.[A]
We have to go to a party after work.[B] We are going to have a party when the house has
been painted.[C] We went to a huge party after the house was painted.[D] We’ll go to the
party if the house is painted. 10.[A] They read about the invention in the news report.[B] The
inventor wrote an interesting news report.[C] A reporter asked the inventor some questions.
[D] The reporter was watching the news. 
Soal AcEPT UGM Vocabulary Test
Bagian kedua tes AcEPT, yakni Vocabulary menguji pengetahuan Anda
tentangkosakata bahasa Inggris yang lazim digunakan dalam dunia akademik. Bagian tes
yang diberilabel nama Vocabulary ini dibagi ke dalam dua bagian, yakni Bagian A dan
Bagian B.Bagian A menguji kemampuan Anda menggunakan kosakata dalam konteks
bacaan, berupaCloze Test; sementara Bagian B menguji kemampuan Anda tentang pasangan
kata dalamkonteks kalimat (ko-lokasi).

Pada tes bagian A Anda akan diberi paparan teks bacaan yang di dalamnya
terdapat bagian yang dihilangkan, dan tugas Anda adalah memilih opsi yang paling tepat (A,
B,C, atauD) untuk bisa mengisi bagian kosong dalam bacaan tersebut. Sementara pada bagian
B Andaakan diuji memilih kata yang secara tepat mengisi pasangan kata lainnya yang telah
diberigaris bawah.

Perhatikan contoh berikut:

Contoh soal VOCABULARY (Bag A)
For questions 1 –  15, choose the word or phrase in A, B, C, or D which best completes
each blank space in the text.
This research aims at (1) —— - the correlation between the time spent between children
and parents and the choice of the language made by the children in their daily interaction with
theneighboring children in a multicultural community. The major source of (2) ———–  is
thelongitudinal report of the language use between the family in their daily interaction
from2005 –  2010. Etc
A. knowing
B. comprehending
C. admitting
D. investigating 
A. knowledge
B. supply
C. data
D. entry

Contoh soal VOCABULARY (Bag B)
Choose the word or phrase in A, B, C, or D that best collocates (combines) with each of
theunderlined words or phrases in the following sentences.
1. Mr. Young looked at my first two printouts and ———–  to the conclusion that I
wasarguing for Method A. In reality though, I think Method B is better.
A. jumped
B. ran
C. drew
D. pulled
2. Almost everybody takes a very strong interest ——  her method of raising her
A. in
B. with
C. on
D. at

Perhatikan bahwa semua kata yang disediakan sebagai pilihan jawaban pada contoh
soal nomor 1, merupakan kata kerja berbentuk – ing. Ini berarti, dari segi gramatika,
semua pilihan ini tidak perlu dipersoalkan. Artinya, untuk mengerjakan soal jenis ini, Anda ti
dak dapat menggunakan analisis gramatika sebagai strategi Anda untuk mengatasi persoalan
ini.Yang harus Anda lakukan untuk mengatasi soal-soal seperti ini adalah analisis
‘semantik’(analisis makna) dengan membaca teks secara cepat tapi hati-hati, dan
mempertimbangkankonteks yang ada. Amat disarankan, Anda seintensif mungkin membaca
artikel-artikel ilmiahyang ditulis dalam jurnal internasional berbahasa Inggris seraya
mempelajari kata-kata yang biasa digunakan dalam penulisan tersebut. Pertimbangannya
adalah karena materi tes ini amat bernuansa akademik dan lebih banyak berkiblat ke artikel-
artikel jurnal seperti itu sehingga 8 peserta yang terbiasa dengan bacaan jurnal-jurnal internas
ional kemungkinan besar akanterbantu dengan ‘famililiaritas’ yang bersangkutan dengan
kata-kata yang lazim dipakaidalam penulisan jurnal.
Dalam contoh latihan di atas, nuansa ilmiah tergambar dalam pilihan-pilihan kata
yangdigunakan dalam teks tersebut. Perhatikan bagian berikut:
This research aims at (1) ——>
Kata-kata yang mengawali teks di atas, yakni mengarahkan pembaca pada pilihan kata-
kata tertentu lainnya yang lazim digunakan dalam laporan penelitian. Dengan melihat
bagianlanjutan dari kalimat tersebut, yakni :seorang peserta tes akan dapat memilih kata yang
secara tepat konteks mengisikekosongan yang ada pada bagian kalimat tersebut. Tentu, bagi
yang terbiasa menulis ataumembaca laporan penelitian atau jurnal ilmiah internasional, kata-
kata yang dapat masukdalam slot kalimat di atas sudah dapat diprediksi. Bagi peserta tes
yang tidak memiliki pengalaman sama sekali dalam hal membaca jurnal-
jurnal berbahasa Inggris, disarankanuntuk mempelajari karakter penulisan jurnal ilmiah
berbahasa Inggris. Ini adalah sisi positifdari tes ini; kita dapat belajar untuk persiapan tes
AcEPT sekaligus belajar mengenal atau bahkan menulis teks-
teks ilmiah berbahasa Inggris.Untuk contoh soal nomor 1, pilihan yang secara tepat mengisi
bagian kosong pada soalnomor 1 adalah D. investigating. Alasannya pilihan kata ini secara
kontekstual paling tepatmengisi bagian yang kosong tersebut. Agar kita mampu secara tepat
memilih opsi, kita harusmengenal betul kata-kata yang lazim digunakan dalam konteks
bernuansa akademik. Pesertates dapat pula mencermati hubungan antar kata dalam kalimat
yang didalamnya terkandungkata yang dipersoalkan, seraya memastikan maksud penulis teks
tersebut.Dari konteks yang ada, jika kita menghubungkan bagian-bagian yang bergaris
bawah,yakni source dan the longitudinal report, kita dapat meyakini bahwa kata yang tepat
mengisi bagian kosong tersebut adalah kata data. Kata-kata (pilihan) yang lain seperti (A)
knowledge,(B) supply, dan (D) entry tidak memenuhi keserasian
N BApabila dicermati, soal Vocabulary bagian B tampak jelas menguji kemampuan
pesertates menghubungkan satu kata yang tersedia dalam pilihan A, B, C, atau D dengan kata
yang bergaris bawah. Inilah yang disebut COLLOCATION atau kolokasi. Kolokasi adalahse
pasang kata atau kelompok kata yang saling sesuai satu sama lain karena kecocokan
katadengan pasangan kata tersebut. Beberapa kolokasi merupakan pasangan kata yang ‘fixed’
tak bisa diganggu gugat; beberapa lainnya terbuka dengan pasangan lain yang jumlahnyaterb
atas.Contoh pasangan yang ‘fixed’: Satu-satunya kata kerja yang dapat mendampingi
kata‘photo’ adalah kata‘take’. Kita bisamengatakan bahwa kata‘photo’ berkolokasi dengan
kata ‘take’. Tidak ada kata lain
yang bisa masuk mengganti sebuah kata dalam ‘hubungan intim’ kedua kata tersebut (lihatM
cCharty and O’Dell, 2000). Contoh pasangan yang‘terbuka’ dengan kata (terbatas)
lain: Contoh di atas menunjukkan bahwa frasa the rule dapat berkolokasi dengan kata keepata
u stick.Kata-kata yang berkolokasi tidak dapat dipaksa untuk bisa dipasangkan dengan kata-
kata lainyang tidak berkolokasi. Perhatikan bahwa kata ‘fast’ dalam frasa “fast
food” tidak bisadiganti dengan kata ‘quick’ untuk membentuk frasa “quick food”. Frasa
‘quick food’ tidak bisa diterima dalam kontruksi frasa bahasa Inggris karena kedua kata yang
membangun frasatersebuttidak berkolokasi. Sebaliknya, kata ‘quick’ dalam frasa ‘quick
glance’ tidak bisadiganti dengan kata ‘fast’ untuk membentuk frasa ‘fast glance’. Frasa ‘fast
glance tidak dapatditerima dalam konsttruksi frasa bahasa Inggris karena kedua kata yang
membangun frasatersebut tidak berkolokasi.Perhatikan kembali contoh soal nomor 1 di
atas:1. Mr. Young looked at my first two printouts and ———–  to the conclusion that I
wasarguing for Method A. In reality though, I think Method B is better.A. jumped

10B. ranC. drewD. pulledYang diberi garis bawah dalam kalimat soal adalah frasa to the
conclusion. Kata yang berkolokasi dengan frasa tersebut adalah (A). jumped, sehingga
keduanya jika dihubungkanakan membentuk frasa jumped to the conclusion. Kata-kata yang
lain seperti (B) ran, (C)drew, atau (D) pulled tidak ada yang berkolokasi dengan frasa to the
conclusion. Kita tidak bisa mengatakan (B) ran to the conclusion, (C) drew to the conclusion,
atau pun (D) pulledto the conclusion.Perhatikan juga contoh soal nomor 2 di atas.2. Almost
everybody takes a very strong interest ——  her method of raising her rowdychildren.A. inB.
withC. onD. atKata yang bergaris bawah dalam kalimat tersebut adalah interest. Kata tersebut
berkolokasidengan kata in. Jadi jawaban yang terpat untuk contoh soal nomor 2 adalah (A)
in. Dalam bahasa Indonesia orang bisa mengatakan“Saya tertarik dengan pilihannya.
Sekalipundemikian, saat kita menterjemahkan kaliamat tersebut ke dalam bahasa Inggris, kita
tidak bisamengatakan I am interested with her choice karena kata interested tidak berkolokasi
dengankata with. Kalimat di atas bisa kita terjemahkan menjadi I am interested in her
choice.Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan memasangkan kata dalam ‘kolokasi’
diperlukan pengetahuan memadai tentang kata-kata yang berkolokasi. Cara yang
dapat digunakan untukmeningkatkan pengetahuan kolokasi ini adalah dengan cara (1)
membaca teks berbahasaInggris seintensif mungkin, yakni dengan memperhatikan kata-kata
yang digunakan dalamteks bacaan; atau (2) mempelajari/menghafal kata-kata yang
berkolokasi dalam buku-bukuVocabulary yang membahas kolokasi.
 11Latihan Soal AcEPT UGM (Part
II. Vocabulary)A. For questions 1 – 15, choose the word or phrase in A, B, C, or D which
best completes eachblank space in the text.T e x t 1 The shark has senses specially
(1)_____ the animal's life underwater. Smell is a shark's mostacute sense. Approximately 70
percent of the shark's brain is used for smelling functions.Experiments have shown that
sharks can detect prey (2)_____ by smell, and the hungrier theshark, the less stimulant
needed to elicit a reaction.Sharks are sensitive to light and can detect certain objects even in
murky water. Some have amirror-like layer under the retina that reflects incoming light and
increases the (3)_____ lightavailable to the eye.Sharks can also sense electric and
magnetic fields. Sensory pores located on the shark's headcan detect a prey's bioelectric field
(4)_____ if the prey is buried in sand. A shark can alsodetect the Earth's magnetic field.
Open-ocean sharks may use this information to (5)_____ ando r i e n t
t h e m s e l v e s . 1. A. appointed by C. figured outB. invented for D. designed for2 .  
A .   t i m i d l y   C .   s o l e l y B. hardly D. disorderly
123. A. prominence of C. odor ofB. disposal of D. amount of4 .   A .   e v e n   C .   h o w
everB. as D. even though5. A.sink C. crawlB. navigate D. thrustKunci J
a w a b a n : 1 . D , 2 . C , 3 . D , 4 . A , 5 . B B. Choose the word or phrase in A, B, C, or D that
best collocates (combines) with each of theunderlined words or phrases in the following
sentences.1. In medieval days, entire communities united to build churches that would not
only glorifyreligion but that would also be a credit ........ their
cities.A .   f o r   C .   t o B .   o n   D .   i n 2. Accounting information can be classified ........
two categories: financial accounting andmanagerial
accounting.A .   t o   C .   b y B .   i n t o   D .   o n
133. Amelia Earhart was greatly interested ........ the development of commercial aviation
andtook an active role in opening the field
to women.A .   i n   C .   w i t h B .   a t   D .   a b o u t 4. Since independence,
African governments have tried to diversify their exports so theirincome does not
depend ........ just one item.A .   i n   C .   a t B .   w i t h   D .   o n 5. Physical
anthropologists often rely ........ rigorous medical scientific methods for theirresearch, in
addition to more general
observational methods.A .   a b o v e   C .   o n B .   u n d e r   D .   w i t h K u n c i   J a w a b a n : 1.A,
2.B, 3.A, 4.D,
14PART IIISoal AcEPT UGM Grammar and Structure: Cloze TestUntuk soal nomor 16 –  25,
pilihlah kata atau frasa pada pilihan A, B, C, dan D yangsecara tepat melengkapi bagian-
bagian yang kosong dalam teks bacaan.A cloze test (also cloze deletion test) is an exercise,
test, or assessment consisting of
a portion of text with certain words removed (cloze text), where the participant is asked torepl
ace the missing words. Cloze tests require the ability to understand context andvocabulary in
order to identify the correct words or type of words that belong in the deleted passages of a
text. This exercise is commonly administered for the assessment of native andsecond
language learning and instruction.Here’s an example, using a paragraph from Facebook’s
privacy policy:Site activity information. We keep {1}______ of some of the actions
{2}______ take onFacebook, such as {3}______ connections (including joining a group
{4}______ adding afriend), creating a {5}______ album, sending a gift, poking {6}______
user, indicating you“like” a {7}______, attending an event, or connecting {8}______ an
application. In somecases {9}______ are also taking an action {10}______ you provide
information or content{11}______ us. For example, if you {12}______ a video, in addition
to {13}______ theactual content you uploaded, {14}______ might log the fact that
{15}______ shared it.Here are the missing words from the sample paragraph:
{1} track {9} you{2} you {10} when{3} adding {11} to{4} or {12} share{5} photo {13} sto
ring{6} another {14} we{7} post {15} you{8} with 15Exercise:The strict version of the test
requires that students provide the correct term for each blank,while a looser version has also
been used that accepts “partially correct” answers, such asthose that are the correct part of
speech (verb, noun, pronoun, etc.). These answers indicatethat students are learning the
syntactic rules of language, but are as yet unable to translatethese into a semantic
comprehension of the text.The answers for the spaces are as follows:To jump to a scene,
click __on__  Henry’s shirt pocket. The note padappears. Then, click onthe options
tab.The options page appears. Then, click onthe arrows on the right and leftside of the scene
pictured near thebottom of the page toflip through the scenes. When you findthe
sceneyou want, click the picture to gothere.Henry’s friend Ginger has auseful item that will
help you pinpointthe number of jellybeansin Mr. Sherman’s jar.It is called the solution
tester,and Ginger will let you use itwhenever you would like. You have tofind some clues to
put into thesolution tester before you use it.Gingerhangs out in Henry’s tree house,
whereshe works on her own guesses forthe Jellybean Contest. You can get tothe tree house
using Henry’s note pad.Go to the options page and clickon the tree house.Soal AcEPT, Part III
Grammar and Structure (Sentence Completion).Bentuk soal seperti ini artinya peserta
disuruh/diminta untuk melengkapi kalimatselanjutnya yang sesuai atau cocok dengan konteks
kalimat yang berada pada soal. Ataudenga kata lain, peserta diminta untuk melengkapi
kalimat pada soal tes dengan pilihan kataatau frasa (A,B,C,D) yang nyambung dengan
kalimat asli pada soal. Bentuk soal seperti ini pada umumnya
sulit karena peserta harus mempunyai perbendaharaan kata/vocabulary yangcukup banyak.
Namun peserta bisa menebak kata atau frasa (yang paling relevan maknanya)yang berada
pada pilihan A, B, C, D.Misalnya: A person who feels persecuted in his/her home country
may apply for political_________ .A.appellationB.appraisal  16C.asylumD.
ascendanceArtinya: Seseorang yang merasa dianiaya dinegara asalnya dapat
meminta/mengajukan……. politik  A. panggilanB. penilaianC. suakaD. kenaikanJawaban
yang tepat adalah “C” yakni “asylum” atau “suaka“. Kata asylum memiliki maknayag
sangat relevan dengan kalimat pada soal yaitu political asylum (suaka politik). Latihan Soal
AcEPT UGM (Part III. Grammar and Structure)A . S e n t e n c e C o m p l e t i o n Choose
the word or phrase in A, B, C, or D which best completes each of the following sentences.1.
Traditionally, __________in New England on Thanksgiving Day.(A) when served
is sweet cider(B) when sweet cider is served(C) is served sweet cider(D)
sweet cider is served2. Lillian D. Wald, public health nurse and __________, was born in
Cincinnati Ohio, in 1867.( A ) reforming society
17( B ) s o c i a l r e f o r m e r (C) who reformed society( D ) h e r s o c i a l r e f o r m 3. In
1964__________of Henry Ossawa Tanner's paintings was shown at
the SmithsonianI n s t i t u t i o n . ( A ) w a s a m a j o r c o l l e c t i o n (B) that a major
collection( C ) a c o l l e c t i o n w a s m a j o r ( D ) a m a j o r c o l l e c t i o n 4.
__________irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has
beenl a r g e l y discontinued.( A ) I t s (B) Where its(C) Since
i t s ( D )   B e c a u s e o f   i t s 5. In order to remain in existence,__________must produce
something consumers consider usefulo r d e s i r a b l e . (A) a profit-
making organization 18(B) a profit-making organization which(C) therefore a
profit-making organization(D) whichever a profit-making organizationK u n c i
J a w a b a n ( P a r t A ) 1 . D , 2 . B , 3 . D , 4 . D , 5 . A B. Cloze Test Choose the word or
phrase in A, B, C, or D which best completes each blank space in the text.T e x t   1 When
he was 21 years old, Thomas Edison (1)_____ his first patent. It was for an electric
votecounter (2)_____ in the United States House of Representatives. The machine worked
perfectly,but the congressmen (3)_____ it. They did not want vote counting to be done
quickly.This experience (4)_____ the young inventor a lesson. He decided to follow a simple
rule:“First,   b e sure a thing (5)_____ or needed, then
goahead.” 1. A. take out C. was taken outB .   t o o k   o u t   D .   h a d   t a k e n   o u t 2. A. use
d to be C. had usedB .   u s e d   D .   t o   b e   u s e d  193. A. not buy C. had not buyB. wou
ld not buy D. was not bought4. A. were teaching C. taughtB. has taught D. was ta
ught5 .   A .   i s   w a n t e d   C .   w a n t e d B .   w a n t s   i t   D .   h a d   w a n t e d K u n c i Jawaban
( P a r t B ) 1 . D , 2 . D , 3 . B , 4 . C , 5 . A C . E r r o r I d e n t i f i c a t i o n Choose the word or
phrase A, B, C, or D which is wrong.1. It is supposed [A] that early people got
fire accidentally [B] from trees set ablaze by lightning orfrom spouting volcanoes. Then they
[C] carefully kept them [D] burning in huts or caves.2. Too much [A] electric current may
flow [B] into a circuit as a result either of a fault [C] in thecircuit and [D] of an outside
event such as lightning.3. The Appalachian Trail, extending [A] approximately 2,020
miles [B] from Maine to Georgia, is 20the longer [C] continuous [D]marked footpath
in the world.4. In his speech, Abraham Lincoln spoke [A] about“government of the people,
by the people, andfor thepeople.” This [B] phrases imply [C] that government
was operated for the good of [D] allc i t i z e n s . 5. For years, elephants were hunted [A] for
food and ivory, and as a result theirs [B] numbers [C]have been greatly [D]
reduced.K u n c i J a w a b a n ( P a r t C ) 1.D, 2.D, 3.C, 4.B, 5.B  21PART IVSoal AcEPT
UGM Reading Comprehension TestREADING COMPREHENSION TESTTes Reading
Comprehension dalam tes AcEPT memiliki kesamaan dengan tes TOEFLsekaligus juga
perbedaan. Kesamaan kedua tes ini terletak pada tren soal dan tingkatkesulitannya; sementara
perbedaannya terletak pada orientasi bacaan. Jika teks bacaan dalamtes TOEFL lebih
menitikberatkan pada informasi yang condong ke Amerika dan Kanada,maka AcEPT lebih
bersifat global, yakni dapat berisi informasi tentang hal-hal yang berhubungan
dengan Amerika, Kanada, Inggris, Australia, Asia, ataupun Afrika.Tes Reading
Comprehension dalam AcEPT berisi 40 butir pertanyaan dengan
waktu pengerjaan 40 menit. Waktu yang terbatas ini harus digunakan
untuk membaca empat buahteks akademik dari disiplin ilmu yang berbeda-beda yang
masing-masing tersusun atas 400 –  500 kata. Setiap teks bacaan diikuti oleh 10 butir
pertanyaan. Gambaran ini
menunjukkan betapa perlunya seorang calon peserta tes mempersiapkan langkah-langkah takt
is untukmengerjakan Reading Comprehension ini.Rahasia Reading Comprehension Jika
Andaingin sukses mengerjakan bagian ini maka Anda harus mengetahui ‘Rahasia’Reading
Comprehension. Pada bagian ini anda akan ditunjukkan rahasianya, yakni ‘apa yangdiujikan’
dan ‘bagaimana mempersiapkan diri menghadapi tes ini’. Tidak banyak orang tahu bahwa
tes Reading Comprehension, entah itu tes TOEFL, EPT,ataupun AcEPT sebenarnya
mengujikan hal yang tidak jauh berbeda, yakni tentang simpul-simpul penting dalam sebuah
teks bacaan. Jadi sekalipun teks bacaan yang harus Anda hadapitidak sesuai dengan bidang
Anda, tidak ada alasan bagi Anda untuk menyerah saatmenghadapi tes ini. Yang Anda
perlukan adalah mengetahui simpul-simpul bacaan.Materi Uji
Reading Comprehension No. Soal-Soal
Diujikan:1 Main Idea Questions2 Vocabulary Questions3 Factual Questions 224 Inference Q
uestions5 Reference Questions6 Paragraph Organizations Questions7 Analogy Questions8 Vi
ewpoint QuestionsSebelum Anda mengikuti tes AcEPT yang sebenarnya alangkah baiknya
Andamempersiapkan diri dengan sebaik-baiknya karena tes AcEPT ini memiliki tingkat
kesulitantinggi. Persiapan yang terlalu singkat tidak akan membuahkan hasil optimal. Saran
ini tidakhanya berlaku untuk tes AcEPT tapi untuk semua tes bahasa Inggris yang Anda
hadapi.LATIHAN-1 READING READING TEXTChoose the best answer to each question
based on the information which is stated or impliedin the
text. No student of a foreign language needs to be told that grammar is complex. By changing
word sequences and by adding a range of auxiliary verbs and suffixes, we are able
tocommunicate tiny variations in meaning. We can turn a statement into a question,
statewhether an action has taken place or is soon to take place, and perform many other
wordtricks to convey subtle differences in meaning. Nor is this complexity inherent to the
Englishlanguage. All languages, even those of so-called ‘primitive’ tribes have clever
grammaticalcomponents.The Cherokee pronoun system, for example, can distinguish
between ‘you andI’, ‘several other people and I’ and ‘you, another person and
I’. In English, all thesemeanings are summed up in the one, crude pronoun ‘we’. Grammar
is universal and plays
a part in every language, no matter how widespread it is. So the question which has baffledm
any linguists is –  who created grammar?At first, it would appear that this question is
impossible to answer. To find out how grammaris created, someone needs to be present at the
time of a language’s creation, documenting itsemergence. Many historical linguists are able
to trace modern complex languages back toearlier languages, but in order to answer the
question of how complex languages are actuallyformed, the researcher needs to observe how
languages are started from scratch. Amazingly,however, this is possible.Some of the most
recent languages evolved due to the Atlantic slave trade. At that time,slaves from a number of
different ethnicities were forced to work together under colonizer’srule.Since they had no
opportunity to learn each other’s languages, they developed a make-shift language called a
pidgin. Pidgins are strings of words copied from the language of the 23landowner. They have
little in the way of grammar, and in many cases it is difficult for alistener to deduce when an
event happened, and who did what to whom. [A] Speakers needto use circumlocution in order
to make their meaning understood. [B] Interestingly, however,all it takes for a pidgin to
become a complex language is for a group of children to beexposed to it at the time when
they learn their mother tongue. [C] Slave children did notsimply copy the strings of words
uttered by their elders, they adapted their words to create anew, expressive language. [D]
Complex grammar systems which emerge from pidgins aretermed creoles, and they are
invented by children.Further evidence of this can be seen in studying sign languages for the
deaf. Sign languagesare not simply a series of gestures; they utilise the same grammatical
machinery that is foundin spoken languages. Moreover, there are many different languages
used worldwide. Thecreation of one such language was documented quite recently in
Nicaragua. Previously, alldeaf people were isolated from each other, but in 1979 a new
government introduced schoolsfor the deaf. Although children were taught speech and lip
reading in the classroom, in the playgrounds they began to invent their own sign system,
using the gestures that they used athome. It was basically a pidgin. Each child used the
signs differently, and there was noconsistent grammar. However, children who joined the
school later, when this inventive signsystem was already around, developed a quite different
sign language. Although it was basedon the signs of the older children, the younger children’s
languagewas more fluid andcompact, and it utilised a large range of grammatical devices to
clarify meaning. What ismore, all the children used the signs in the same way. A new creole
was born.Some linguists believe that many of the world’s most established languages were
creoles atfirst. The English past tense –
ed ending may have evolved from the verb ‘do’. ‘Itended’mayonce have been’It end-
did’. Therefore it would appear that even the mostwidespread languages were partly created
by children. Children appear to have innategrammatical machinery in their brains, which
springs to life when they are first trying tomake sense of the world around them. Their minds
can serve to create logical, complexstructures, even when there is no grammar present for
them to copy.1 In paragraph 1, why does the writer include information about the
Cherokee language?(A) To show how simple, traditional cultures can have complicated
grammar structures.(B) To show how English grammar differs from Cherokee grammar.(C)
To prove that complex grammar structures were invented by the Cherokees.(D) To
demonstrate how difficult it is to learn the Cherokee language.2What can be inferred about
the slaves’ pidgin language? (A) It contained complex grammar.(B) It was based on many
different languages. 24(C) It was difficult to understand, even among slaves.(D) It was
created by the land-owners.3 All the following sentences about Nicaraguan sign language are
true EXCEPT:(A) The language has been created since 1979.(B) The language is based on
speech and lip reading.(C) The language incorporates signs which children used at home.(D)
The language was perfected by younger children.4. In paragraph 3, where can the following
sentence be placed?It included standardised word orders and grammatical markers that
existed in neither the pidgin language, nor the language of the colonizers.(A) A(B) B(C) C(D)
D5’From scratch’ in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to: (A) from the very beginning(B) in
simple cultures(C) by copying something else(D) by using written information6’Make-shift’
in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to: (A) complicated and expressive(B) simple and
temporary(C) extensive and diverse(D) private and personal7 Which sentence is closest in
meaning to the highlighted sentence?Grammar is universal and plays a part in every
language, no matter how widespread it is.(A) All languages, whether they are spoken by a
few people or a lot of people, containgrammar.(B) Some languages include a lot of grammar,
whereas other languages contain a little. 25(C) Languages which contain a lot of grammar are
more common that languages that containa little.(D) The grammar of all languages is the
same, no matter where the languages evolved.8 All of the following are features of the new
Nicaraguan sign language EXCEPT:(A) All children used the same gestures to show
meaning.(B) The meaning was clearer than the previous sign language.(C) The hand
movements were smoother and smaller.(D) New gestures were created for everyday objects
and activities.9 Which idea is presented in the final paragraph?(A) English was probably once
a creole.(B) The English past tense system is inaccurate.(C) Linguists have proven that
English was created by children.(D) Children say English past tenses differently from
adults.10Look at the word ‘consistent’ in paragraph 4. This word could best be replaced by
whichof the following?(A) natural(B) predictable(C) imaginable(D) uniform 26Latihan Soal
AcEPT UGM (Part IV. Reading Comprehension)The planet Mars has always captured the
human imagination. There is its redness. We knownow that the color comes from chemical
reactions that long ago locked up Mars's oxygen inreddish minerals on its surface, causing the
"rusting" of the planet. To the ancient people, thered color meant only one thing: blood. From
the earliest times, Mars has been associated withbloodshed. Even the astronomical symbol for
Mars, a circle with an arrow pointing at 2 o'clock,is supposed to represent a shield and
a spears.As astronomers used telescopes, Mars mythology grew. It was the Italian astronomer
GiovanniSchiaparelli who, in 1877, produced the most lasting bit of Martian folklore. He saw
what hetook to be long, thin, unnaturally straight lines on the Martian surface. He called them
canali, aword that can translate into English either as "channels" or "canals." Unfortunately,
the lattertranslation was used, and the canals of Mars were born. Of course, if there were
canals, therehad to be canal builders, so once more Mars was peopled with all manner of
intelligent lifef o r m s ! In 1965 Mariner 4 sent back first close-up pictures of the Martian
surface. Not only were thereno canals, but Mariner 4 and the spacecraft that followed
revealed a planet that was acratered, lifeless desert. We have subsequently learned that Mars
is home to Olympus Mons,the largest volcano in the entire solar system, and to a
canyon system stretching for almost3,000 miles around the Martian equator. The atmosphere
is extremely thin (equivalent to thatat 130,000 feet above Earth) and made up almost entirely
of carbon dioxide. The surface iscold, almost never getting above freezing even at the
summertime equator.Perhaps the greatest surprise were the photographs from Mariner 9 in
1971 and 1972 thatshowed channels on the surface. Now these were not Schiaparelli's canali
there's, no way
27these channels could be seen by even the most powerful earthbound telescope. They
areunmistakable water courses, however. There is no water in them now, but they trace out
thepath of water that flowed in the past. They are like the dry river of the American West,
throughwhich water from rain flows, but which are dry most of the time. Water once ran on
the surfaceo f M a r s . New explorations on Mars by the spacecraft Pathfinder, due to
arrive on the planet's surface in1997, are planned to give scientists more information about
possible past life on Mars. One ofPathfinder's missions will be to lay the foundation for
future efforts to find fossil remains ofliving things. The landing site for the Mars Pathfinder is
going to be the mouth of a floodchannel called Ares Vallis.1. It can be inferred from the
passage that myths about Mars(A) are widely believed today(B) have been dispelled
by current space exploration(C) are based on scientific facts(D) depict it as a lifeless
planet2. Which of the following have NOT been a source of information about Mars?
(A) Spacecraft(B) Telescopes(C) Conjecture(D) Astronauts
283. The phrase "the latter" in line 21 refers to( A )   c a n a l s ( B )   c a n a l i ( C )
c h a n n e l s (D) unusual straight lines4. Where in the passage does the author give
information about the topography of Mars?( A ) L i n e s 2 - 6 ( B )   L i n e s   2 6 -
3 2 ( C )   L i n e s 3 8 - 4 6 ( D )   L i n e s 5 8 - 6 2 5. The word "powerful" in line 46 is closest in
meaning to( A )   e x p e n s i v e ( B ) d o m i n a n t (C) influential( D ) strong
296. According to the passage, the redness of Mars is a result of(A) a chemical reaction on
the planet surface(B) the old age of the planet(C) the reflection of the Sun(D) an
abundance of oxygen in the planet's atmosphere7. Why do scientists think that the channels
of Mars were waterways?(A) Bones have been found there.(B) They still have a
little water in them.(C) They resemble a similar system on Earth.(D) They are
straight and narrow.8. According to the passage, Pathfinder's mission to Mars includes(A)
preparing for future fossil-finding expeditions(B) placing specialized equipment on the
planet's surface(C) checking for flood damage(D) bringing back fossils for further
studyK u n c i   J a w a b a n 1.B, 2.D, 3.A, 4.B, 5.D, 6.B, 7.C,
VSoal AcEPT UGM Composing SkillComposing Skills merupakan salah satu bagian penting tes
AcEPT karena kemampuanmengerjakan bagian ini akan memberikan gambaran kepada
peserta tes tentang potensikemampuan menulis dalam bahasa Inggris, dan secara pragmatis,
kemampuan mengerjakan bagian ini akan memberikan kontribusi signifikan dalam scoring  .
Agar peserta tes dapatmengantisipasi soalComposing Skills, berikut digambarkan tentang apa
yang diujikan dalamComposing Skill  dan bagaimana mempersiapkan diri menghadapi tes
ini. Rahasia Composing Skills Composing Skills mengujikan kemampuan menyusun kalimat
dalam bahasa Inggris. Yangharus diperhatikan peserta tes dalam uji kemampuan ini adalah:
(1) bagaimana kalimat itu tersusun, dan (2) bagaimana kalimat-kalimat itu disusun
menjadisebuah paragraf. Secara kongkrit,Composing Skills mengujikan hal-hal yang
berhubungandengan:[A] kemampuan me-rekomposisi atau memparafrasa kalimat
(  Paraphrasing sentences),[B] membetulkan atau mengedit bagian yang secara gramatik
dianggaperror  (editing ),[C] menentukan konstruksi kalimat yang berterima (correct
sentences), [D] menyusunkalimat secara logis (logical order ), dan[E]
menyusun paragraf dengan cara mengurutkan kalimat-kalimat yang disediakan secaraacak
(  jumbled sentences).Agar Anda tahu apa yang harus Anda lakuka untuk soal jenis ini,
pelajari instruksi soaluntuk bagian A ini sebagaimana tertulis berikut ini:Bagian
A –  Paraphrasing Sentences Numbers1 –  10 contain complete and correct sentences. For
each number, you are requiredto choose the most appropriate paraphrased sentence closest
in meaning to the original one. Soal nomor 1 –  10 berisi kalimat yang telah lengkap dan
benar. Untuk masing-masing nomorAnda diminta memilih parafrasa kalimat A, B, C, dan D
yang paling dekat artinya dengankalimat asal. 31Contoh soal: 1. Fredy has decided to quit
her job. I have to turn in his room key.(A) Fredy, who turned in his room key, has decided to
quit his job.(B) Fredy, whose room key I have to turn in, has decided to quit her job.
(C) Fredy, who had turned in his room key, decided to quit his job.(D) Fredy, whose room
key I have to turn it, he has decided to quit his job.2. The snapping turtle is actually quite
docile. It is believed by many to be an aggressiveanimal.(A) The snapping turtle, is believed
by many to be an aggressive animal, is actually quitedocile.(B) The snapping turtle, which is
believed by many to be an aggressive animal, which isactually quite docile.(C) The
snapping turtle, believed by many to be an aggressive animal, is actually quitedocile.(D) The
snapping turtle, which is believed by many to be an aggressive animal, actually
quitedocile.Yang harus Anda lakukan untuk mengerjakan soal jenis ini adalah dengan
mengubahkalimat sedemikian rupa (dalam pikiran Anda) sehingga kalimat itu dapat berubah
menjadikalimat lain yang susunan katanya berbeda tetapi memiliki makna yang sama. Itu
tugas beratyang harus dilakukan peserta tes; namun tugas berat ini telah diperingan dengan
adanya pilihan-pilihan jawaban yang sudah disediakan, sehingga Anda cukup
melihat mana kalimatyang ditawarkan dalam opsi jawaban itu yang memiliki makna sama
dengan kalimat soal,dengan struktur gramatika yang berterima dalam bahasa
Inggris. 32Latihan Soal AcEPT UGM (Part V. Composing Skills)In this section of the
test, you are required to demonstrate your ability to paraphrase sentencesand to recognize
language that is not appropriate for standard written English. There are fiveparts to
this section, with special direction for each part.A. Numbers 1 – 10 contain complete and
correct sentences. For each number, you are requiredto choose the most appropriate paraphrased
sentence closest in meaning to the original one.1. There are probably more than 10 billion trees
under cultivation on the coffee plantations of theworld.(A) More than 10 billion people
cultivated coffee in plantation around the world.(B) May be more than 10 billion trees are
cultivated on the coffee plantations in the world.(C) More than 10 billion coffee trees in the
world are planted under supervision.(D) Cultivating more than 10 billion trees on the coffee
plantation is probably not an easy thing todo.2. Some 20 years after the end of World War I,
lingering disputes erupted in an even larger andbloodier conflict—World War II.(A) 20 years
since the end of World War I, a volcano erupted and became an even larger andbloodier
disaster like the World War II.(B) New disputes erupted in an even larger and bloodier
conflict during World War I although theWorld War II also broke for 20 years.(C) Many 20-
year conflicts may cause lingering disputes that will erupt in an even larger andbloodier war
such as World War I.(D) Around 20 years after World War I ended, the remaining conflict
became an even moremassive and worse war, namely World War II.3. Representative
democracy was practiced in the countries in Europe, where the great numberof citizens made
it impossible for all of them to meet in one place.(A) Because the great number of citizens
made it impossible for all of them to gather in a singlearea, then Representative democracy is
neither a practical nor best choice for countries inEurope.(B) Because the great number
of citizens made it impossible for all of them to meet in one place,Representative democracy
was only suitable for the countries in Europe.(C) Because the large number of people in
the countries made it impossible for the entire of themto gather in an area, Representative
democracy was adopted in the countries in Europe.(D) Representative democracy was
practical for the European countries because the greatnumber of citizens made it possible for

all of them to meet in one place.  

33Soal-soal nomor lainnya ada disini!B. Numbers 11 – 20 contain incorrect sentences. The
incorrect part of the sentence has beenidentified for you. You are required to find the correct
option to replace the underlined part.4. Warner Brothers became knows for its tightly
budgeted, technically competent
entertainmentfilms.A. was knowing C. to knowingB. known D. had known5. A vaccine is a
substance administered to humans or animals protect them from
seriousdiseases.A. to protect C. protectedB. protects D. which protecting6. The size
of Tyrannosaurus’ forelimbs have puzzling paleontologists, who have tried todetermine their
use for such a powerful
animal.A. puzzle C. has puzzledB. had been puzzling D. puzzledSoal-soal nomor lainnya
ada disini!C. Numbers 21 – 30, Choose the most appropriate and correct sentence.7. A. The
first scientist to recognize and use the power of the lever was Archimedes.B. The
first scientist to recognized and used the power of the lever was Archimedes.C. The
first scientist recognized and used the power of the lever were Archimedes.D. The
first scientist recognizes and uses the power of the lever was Archimedes.8. A. The most used
system commonly of writing by and for blind persons is Braille called.B. The
most commonly used system of writing by and for persons blind is called Braille.C. The most
used system commonly of is writing by and for persons blind is called Braille.D. The most
commonly used system of writing by and for blind persons is called Braille. 349. A. Although
cholera is usually not life-threatening, the symptoms produces it can
extremelyuncomfortable.B. Although cholera is usually not life-threatening, the symptoms it
produces can be extremeuncomfortable.C. Although cholera is usually not life-threatening,
the symptoms it produces can be extremelyuncomfortable.D. Although cholera is usually not
life-threatening, the symptoms produces it can be extremelyuncomfortable.Soal-soal nomor
lainnya ada disini! D. Numbers 31 – 36 contain jumbled sentences. One of the sentences has
been underlined. Youare required to choose the next sentence which logically follows the
underlined one.10.1. If an object held near the surface of the earth is released, it will fall and
accelerate, or pick upspeed, as it descends.2. The weight of an object is equal to the mass
of the object multiplied by the acceleration due togravity.3. The force of gravity on an object
is also called the object's weight.4. This acceleration is caused by gravity, the force of
attraction between the object and the earth.5. This force depends on the object's mass, or the
amount of matter in the object.A. 2 C. 4B. 3 D. 511.1. Internet is composed of many
interconnected computer networks.2.Instead, an individual who has Internet access can
communicate directly with anyone else onthe Internet, post information for general
consumption or retrieve information.3. Each network may link tens, hundreds, or even
thousands of computers, enabling them toshare information and processing power.4. The Internet
has made it possible for people all over the world to communicate with oneanother
effectively and inexpensively.5. Unlike traditional broadcasting media, such as radio and
television, the Internet does not havea centralized distribution
system.A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 3512.1. Pregnancy starts when a male’s sperm fertilizes a female’s
ovum, and the fertilized ovumimplants in the lining of the uterus.2. By the 12th week of
pregnancy many of these symptoms have subsided, but others appear.3. Some women also
experience cravings for unusual substances such as ice, clay, orcornstarch; this condition,
called pica, can indicate a dietary deficiency in iron or other nutrients.4. Other symptoms
include breast tenderness and swelling, fatigue, nausea or sensitivity tosmells, increased
frequency of urination, mood swings, and weight gain.5. Because pregnancy changes a
woman’s normal hormone patterns, one of the first signs ofpregnancy is a missed menstrual
period.A. 2 C. 4B. 3 D. 5Soal-soal nomor lainnya ada disini! E. Numbers 37 – 40 contain
jumbled sentences. You are required to identify the correct order toform a good paragraph.13.1.
Thorough chewing cuts food into small pieces that are more easily attacked by
the saliva,which moistens the food so it can be swallowed easily.2. Digestion begins in the
mouth, where the food is cut and chopped by the teeth.3. From the mouth the food is
swallowed into the tubelike esophagus, or gullet.4. The saliva also contains the enzyme
amylase, which changes some starches into simplesugars .5. The tongue helps mix the food
particles with a digestive juice called saliva, which is secretedby glands in the mouth.A. 2-3-
1-4-5 C. 2-5-1-4-3B. 2-5-4-3-1 D. 2-3-5-1-414. 1. As it lays the eggs, it may or may not
fertilize them with sperm from its sperm sac.2. The female eggs develop into fertile queens,
sterile workers, or soldiers.3. Most of the ants in a colony are workers.4. A queen ant digs a
hole where it lays its eggs and waits until the first ants emerge.5. Fertilized eggs result in
females, while unfertilized eggs produce males.A. 4-1-5-2-3 C. 4-5-2-3-1 36B. 4-3-5-2-
1 D. 4-2-1-5-315. 1. The exercise which involve physical effort such as walking, swimming,
bicycling, and jogging is known as active exercise.2. It includes many physical therapy
techniques.3. Physical training of the human body to improve the way it functions is known
as exercise.4. On the other hand, the exercise which involves a machine or the action of other
people iscalled passive exercise.5. The exercise can be categorized as either active or
passive.A. 3-2-1-4-5 C. 3-1-4-2-5B. 3-5-2-4-1 D. 3-5-1-4-2Soal-soal nomor lainnya ada disini!
Kunci Jawaban:1.B 9.B2.D 10.B3.C 11.D4.B 12.A5.A 13.A6.C 14.D7.D 15.B8.C 37Soal
ACEPT UGM Composing SkillJumbled SentencesSoal nomor 37 –  40 berisi kalimat-kalimat
yang tidak disusun dengan urutan yang logis.Anda diminta untuk memilih opsi yang
menujukkan urutan kalimat logis yang membentuk paragraph.Exercise 1 Look at the following
text about growing cotton in India. The paragraphs have not been printed in the correct order.
Arrange the paragraphs in the correct order. Remember that thetopic of one paragraph should
follow logically from the topic of the last paragraph and shouldlead on to the topic of the next
paragraph.(A) Most of the farmers are extremely poor. Attracted by cheap loans from
pesticides tradersand the prospect of a quick buck, they borrowed heavily to raise cotton on
small plots of land.(B) According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the crop losses and
destruction in AndhraPradesh arose from the repeated application of excessive amounts of
chemicals –  a practiceactively encouraged by pesticides traders.(C) The suicide of Samala
Mallaiah in Nagara village grabbed media headlines. He ownedone acre of land, leased two
more and grew cotton on all three. After making a loss in thefirst year, he leased yet more
land in an attempt to recover. Confronted with falling prices,mounting debts and pest attacks,
he committedharakiri.‘Cotton has given us shattereddreams,’ said one old farmer in Nagara
village. (D) As many as 60,000 small farmers in the region of Andhra Pradesh, southern India,
havetaken to farming cotton instead of food crops. Some 20 of them have recently
committedsuicide by eating lethal doses of pesticide.(E) Whitefly, boll weevils and
caterpillars multiplied and destroyed their crops, despite theconstant application of pesticides.
The average yield of cotton fields in Andhra Pradesh fell by more than half in just one year.
Now the farmers are in no position to repay the loans orfeed their families.(F) Nearly half the
pesticides used in India go into protecting cotton, the most importantcommercial crop in the
country. However, pests have shown increased immunity to a rangeof pesticides. Last year
there were heavy crop losses due to leaf-curl, which is caused by thedreaded whitefly. This
nondescript, milky-white fly sucks sap from the cotton leaves, makingthem curl and dry up.
The fly struck first in Pakistan and north-western India. Then it turnedsouth.( New
Internationalist , June 1998, p. 13)A) A C F E B DB) D A E C F BC) E A C F B DD) C D A E
F BE)B D A C F E 38Paragraphs –  answers (berikut adalah urutan kronologis bacaan yang
benar) Jawaban yang benar adalah (B)D A E C F BAs many as 60,000 small farmers in the
region of Andhra Pradesh, southern India, have takento farming cotton instead of food crops.
Some 20 of them have recently committed suicide byeating lethal doses of pesticide.Most of
the farmers are extremely poor. Attracted by cheap loans from pesticides traders andthe
prospect of a quick buck, they borrowed heavily to raise cotton on small plots of
land.Whitefly, boll weevils and caterpillars multiplied and destroyed their crops, despite
theconstant application of pesticides. The average yield of cotton fields in Andhra Pradesh
fell by more than half in just one year. Now the farmers are in no position to repay the loans
orfeed their families.The suicide of Samala Mallaiah in Nagara village grabbed media
headlines. He owned oneacre of land, leased two more and grew cotton on all three. After
making a loss in the firstyear, he leased yet more land in an attempt to recover. Confronted
with falling prices,mounting debts and pest attacks, he committedharakiri.‘Cotton has given
us shattereddreams,’ said one old farmer in Nagara village. Nearly half the pesticides used in
India go into protecting cotton, the most importantcommercial crop in the country. However,
pests have shown increased immunity to a rangeof pesticides. Last year there were heavy
crop losses due to leaf-curl, which is caused by thedreaded whitefly. This nondescript, milky-
white fly sucks sap from the cotton leaves, makingthem curl and dry up. The fly struck first
in Pakistan and north-western India. Then it turnedsouth.According to the Ministry of
Agriculture, the crop losses and destruction in Andhra Padresharose from the repeated
application of excessive amounts of chemicals –  a practice activelyencouraged by pesticides

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