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Mtrcykurst College Lito^* fj$


Vol. XXXII, No. 6


Honors Convocation Day

Will \be Held on May 24
The traditional Honor's Convocation Day ceremonies will take
place in the Little Theatre on May 24 at 3:15. The Very Reverend
Monsignor Edward H. Latimer, Superintendent of Schools of the Erie
Diocese, will deliver the opening address.
Senior class officers will then officiate at the moving!up cere-
monies, turning the tassels of under-class officers while fthe members
Rita Gazarik, Liz Filicky, Trudy Friant, and] Ahern prepare of the respective classes, standing in a body, will turn their own.;'
the decorations for an "Old Fashioned Walk." After a performance by the Glee Club, awards will be presented
to members of the graduating class. The greatest honor, the Carpe
Diem! award, is given by Dr. J.|A. Donatelli to the student who best Msgr. Joseph Schieder
Junior Prom Centers I exemplifies the college motto, Carpe Diem, by her Jpersonalt integrity,
j social competence, and outstand-
Msgr. Schieder
fng intellectual habits, interests,
a H rst and achievements. Other awards
O n O l d Fashioned W a l k ! ? l ' " II H include:{the prize for general ex-
To Address Grads
|The junior class has selected "turn of the century" atmo-1 To Attend Meets
cellence in academic perform-
ance, the Marian prize donated
"An Old ^Fashioned Walk" to be sphere. A special feautre has been
the theme |of |this year's prom arranged as a; surprise for the
This summer, Mercyhurst stu- by the Redemptorist Fathers of
dents will attend three national, St. Mary's College in North East
At Commencement
tojbe held at Rainbow Gardens regular intermission. organizational congresses in sev- for outstanding devotion to Our Monsignor Joseph E. Schieder
onf May 20, from 9 to 1 with Other committee chairmen in- eral cities. Lady, and eight leadship awards. will be the principal speaker at j
music by Don Prescott and his clude: Pat McMullen, general The conferences | t o be held If any members of the senior commencement excercises to be
orchestra. chairman; Ann Fondy, chaper- are: the fourteenth national con- class have been exceptionally held inJ Christ the King Chapel
The d e c o r a t i o n committee, ones; Marilyn Millard, band; ference of the National Student co-operative in promoting the on June 4 at 3:30 p.m.
under the chairmanship of Julie Patsy Sue Richards, reception; Association at the University of interests of Sodality, YCS, or A native of Buffalo, New York,
Ahearn, will take, the dancers Mary Weigand, ^publicity; and Wisconsin in Madison, Wisconsin DSO, they \ will received recogni- M s g r . Schieder received his
I through-, an old fashioned garden Mary Lee Stadfer, programs. in August; the nineteenth na- tion from these organizations.! degree in E d u c a t i o n from
gate.fpast live trees and shrub- tional convention of the NFOCS |Seniors included in the nation- Niagara fUnfrexisity. Hie earned
bery, toward*! a sidewalk cafe. A Tickets are $5.75. They will at the Pitt Sheraton in Pitts- al publication, Who's Who Among his M. A. from St Bonaventure
bicycle-bullt-for-two, and! musi- continue to be on sale^ in the burgh, Pennsylvania from August Students in American (Universities University, and was ordained in
cians, attired in straw skimmers cafeteria. Sellers are?} Mary Cos- 28 to September 3; a Sodality and College's, Gretcfien Malley, the same year. He obtained his
I and seated fcin a canopied, park- tello, Carolyn Schehrer, I Carolyn conference, the Summer School Sue|Hall, Elaine Curtis, Eleanor doctorate from&the University of
' I side-i bandstand will complete the Kaczmarek, and? Kay Dwyer.
: of Catholic {Action, in Chicago. Hertel, Susette Cassidy, Sue Av- Ottawa and was honored with
Planning to attend are Sondra ery, and Virginia Rossoni willfalso title of Monsignor in 1950.
Konkoly, Margaret Lynch, Denise receive honor on this day.|
Concert-Lecture^ to Begin Dwyer, ^Maryanne Brennan, Ei- A limited number of seniors
leen Motsay, Jean Layer, Bert who have! excelled in scholarship
Msgr .j Schieder is presently the
Director of | t h e jYouth JDepart-
Donohue, and Dodie Smiths -*| -will be ^received Hn Kkppa Ganf* -rnent^ of -%ie ^National Catholic
With Michael de la Bedoyere ma Pi, a national honor society Welfare Council and has pre-

The Concert and Lecture Series for 1961-62 presents an imposing College to Give for Catholic graduates, or in
Delta Epsilon* Sigma, a society
viously been an advisor to the
Secretary of Labor, a-presidential
list of interesting speakers and guest artists. Beginning onf Oc- for liberal arts graduates of^ ^ ^ex-
tober 22, it will feature a lecture by Michael de la Bedoyere, the Edi-
tor-Founder of the Catholic-Herald of London. His topic is tentatively 56 Degrees ceptional scholarship.
j | Kappa Gamma Pi also presents
appointee to the Citizens' Ad-
visory, the People-to-People Pro-
set as "Factors in a Living Christianity." Graduation excercises for the the St. Catherine Medalf to a gram, and presidential advisor to
Class of 1961 will t'ake|place on member of ithe sophomore class youth. He has also served on a
On November 8, a lecture concerning education and science will June 4.* as an achievement award to in-
be delivered by Thomas P. Carney, Vice-President in charge of re- spire higher ideals of education special State Department anc
p Among the 56 seniors who will
search, [development, and control of Eli Lilly and Co., Indiana, and graduate, 24 are Erie residents during the college years. For out- UNESCO mission to Japan.
on November 17-19, Sara Lee Stadelman, a |< noted {choreographer, and 32 fare from Pennsylvania standing work |in ^mathematics
directress, actress,! will give aj week end program culminating in a Besides dedicating himself tc
and} surrounding states. Twenty- and chemistry, two freshmen - will
workshop demonstration with severalfMercyhurst students. one graduates will receive Bache- receive awards from the Chemi- various other youth! group ac-
lor of Arts degrees in the follow- cal Rubber Company, Cleveland^ tivities, Msgr. SchiederJ is the
The following month, on De- ing fields: English, 5; Chemistry, Ohio. I author of "Talks to Parents," and
Priest-Director cember 7-8, Father William Pe-
treck will speak at an assembly
3; f Sociology, 5; History, 1; Art,
5; and Biology, 2. The remain-
"Spiritualj LIFTS for Youth."

To Moderate
and at the Sodality Breakfastlby ing 35 seniors will receive Bache-
lor of Science degrees: 22 in
Faculty Members In 1955 Msgr. Schieder, by
direction of the president of Italy,
request of several students who
heard him talk at the 1960 Ad-
Receive j Grants was honored with the "Stella

Senior Day vent Symposium at Notre Dame

University. Two faculty members have re-
della Solidaritea" award and in
1947, )he was the recipient; of
The senior day of ^recollection ceived tuition grants for summer the ; Christian Brothers Award.
is one of Mercyhurst's oldest and study.
March 7 will feature the an- Sr. M. Gabriel has received a A member of the University
finest traditions. On this day, nual St. Thomas Day Program, tuition grant to participate in the Club, Msgr. Schieder is listed in
the seniors think over their four and£Marchtl4 will bring tojcam- Institute Ifor Teachers of French I t h e "Catholic Who's Who" and
years |of training at Mercyhurst,
pus a renowned pantomimist, Mr. at Iona College, New JRochelle,
recalling their aspirations| and New York. also in "Who's&Who in America.''
their accomplishments. T h e y Henry Barton, whose program
will include a special session This grant, made available by
thank God for past progress and the National Defense Act Pro-
ask for His help in future en- with the drama class. gram, will carry Sister through a
deavors. seven-week period of study from
Finally, on April 8, Dr. Daniel
Moderator for the day will be McDonald, a noted magician, will July 8 to August 23. On her re- May
Rev. James W. ?; Peterson, director Rev. {Charles A. Ward turn,! Sister Gabriel will organize 19—Sophomore class party
perform and then will give aftalk Elementary Education; 7 in Com- a series of courses at Mercyhurst 20—Junior Promt
of Gannon's theology department
and vocational! director of the on|the psychology of magic. mercial Education; and 6 in to prepare elementary education 24—Honors Convocation\ at 3:30
Home Economics. 1 students for teaching French in
Diocese off Erie. The day will be- Other speakers, whose dates 26—Senior exams begin ^
The traditional Baccalaureate the lower grades.
gin with two morning confer- are pending,|include Father Cyril Sr. M. Celine has been awarded 29—Exams begin for underclass-
Mass will I be offered] at 9:00 in
ences; its highlight is to be a Vollert, S.J., on "Evolution and Christ the I King Chapel. Rev. a National Science Foundation men
Mass said facing the congrega- the Bible;" Dorothy Day, editor Charles A. Ward, pastor of St. grant covering tuition, fees and June
tion. Time will be set aside for of the Catholic-Worker; Mr. Mark's parish in Lawrence Park, traveling allowance to Mont'clair
meditation and spiritual reading, Pa., will address the graduates. State College in New Jersey. 2—Senior Day of Recollection
Pierre! Cornell-d'Echert, an ex- The summer conference, estab-
and after luncheon another con- The members- of the graduating 3—Garden Party 1
pert in foreign languages; and class are to receive their di- lished for training college pro-
ference will be held. Holy Hour 4—Baccalaureate Mass at 9:00
and Benediction in t h e | late the Tamburitzans, a famous plomas at the Commencement fessors of {prospective teachers of Commencement at 3:30
afternoon will complete this musical group from Duquesne ceremony at 3:30 the same after- mathematics, will be held from
University. noon. July 11 to August 3.
The MERCIAD **** H, 196]
Page Two

Growing! in Wisdom Letters t o t h e Editor Instrument for Peace

While the world wrestles with the problem
The Merciad Staff requested Dr. Donatelli of peace and how to attain it, Catholic*
to write this "Growing in Wisdom" farewell 'DceuiiSdtt** stand by selfishly concealing the answer.
to the seniors. I Recently a strange, unpleasant coincidence occurred at Mercy- The solution f is not based upon a system of
* * * hurst. During the course of one week two girls were astonished to government, but upon love. Until the true
discover money missing from their wallets. Both girls had left their peace of Christ permeates the hearts of the
Dear Seniors of the Class of 1961, purses unguarded for only a few minutes and both had about the world, men cannot be expected to live in
This is not a message. Neither is it a same amount taken. mutual charity—to renounce their greed for
packet of advice. It is simply an open letter, We are wondering what the power in consideration for the dignity of
addressed to a I group fof collegians with motive Ifor this could have been. others. |
whom I have lived, thought, and conversed
happily for four years; from whom I have -As We See St The amount of money certainly
couldn't have ^helped anyone In The Church is^truly both the ^instrument
learned much, as I hope they have learned Your Editorsg Congratulate: real financial need. Is it possible and the embodiment of peace. But does this
Isomewhat from me. I am happy to find them . . . All new officers and wish |that the! incidents were just a instrument lie idle in apathetic hands? The
readying themselves to lead their own lives them a successful year of case of mistaken purses? Catholic "attack" upon the world can only
^although I deeply regret the inevitable fare- good leading. be as aggressive? as its members. Through
Iwells which will| sunder our traditional and . . . 'Hurst nine on their victory Virginia Gamble prayer, millions of men and women unable
rewarding daily associations. £ over \the Gannon's "eighty - to become active apostolates may transmit
Fbr the whole world, jitJis the month of one.
tremendous power to theh missionary mem-
May. And as I walk among the buds, the Your Editors Thank:
T^eaviScUt&i: bers of the Mystical Body. |
shoots, and the blooms, I am impressed by . . . All Merciad contributors in Catholicism versus patriotism
the realization that Gardening and Education the past year. But in order for prayer to be genuine, it
in their ultimate, (if I may? borrow the is especially debated today in re-
. . . Those i who gave their serv- lation to political issues. Many must consist of more than a few hasty ejacu-
language of the Higher Learning), tran- ices for the Glee Club con- question the loyalty of the church lations and a rapid rosary rattled off in fear.
scendental aspects, converge, commingle, It must be a sincere desire to seegthe Church
and come to the same thing. cert. to the State, and I particularly
French Club for offering have wondered about Mercy- triumph because fwe want the enemy to be
Both are concerned, each shearing in its cultural entertainment to hurst' students' attitude toward saved, not be simply preventive medicine for
own way upon its proper material, with a surprise attack. |
the^city schools. their couwtry; I had been in
Being: with its Existence, and the elabor- Your Editors Wish: doubt until the recent "Loyalty
ation of new Existences out of Existences; The day for Catholics in name only has
. . . Good studying to all for on- Movement." passed. Love inspires unselfish action.
with its Integrity, the very Harmony among coming exams.
the fundamental overtones of Being by Just how spontaneous!this ac- Catholics may take action by supernatura-
. . . That spring would arrive tion was, perhaps none?but those lizing each thought and effort of each da>.
which it achieves Unicity and f Uniqueness; before July.
with its Truth, by which it becomes all that instigating? it will ever realize. The Mystical Body of Christ, a reservoir of
it is, being flooded, so to speak, | with its . . . Best luck to all those sum- potential ^power for peace, can fully open
mer school sufferers. And yet those students, myself her floors to rinse the world in a laver of
own Being; with its GoodnessJfrom which included, who asked studentSsup-
proceed Wholesomeness and Perfection; and Your Editors Remind: love only;'when each I member purifies him-
portlfor President fKennedy's ad- self through genuine prayer. It is never too
with its Beauty, by which it becomes Radi- . . . AU students *to follow the ministration policies toward Cuba
ant, Transfigured with Self-Fulfillment. national situation, keeping were both thrilled and \ amazed late to pray.
t h e "Loyalty Movement" at the enthusiastic response.
So it is that Gardening ministers to the alive in summer months.
Rose; and Education to the Human|Person,
each working* its own! creative wonders
. . . Everyone of the prom, Never before has Mercyhurst
which | is fast approaching. taken such action as it did in
A] Question of Love
within the Earth and upon the Soul. . . . Big and little sisters that pledging! its prayers and loyalty Someday most of us will be mothers. We
It has been a wonderful four fyears! contact does not die in June. in the telegram sent to the Presi- will have children of our own, children who.
Already, happy memories begin to swarm as . . . Vacationers t h a t beach- dent; never before has it shown like us, will be wondering about God's plan
high and cordial hopes for.your future rise combing and good books for their futures. When they ask about the
and multiply in our hearts". And it befits the make for a fascinating sum- such interest' and awareness in religious vocation, what will we tell them—
occasion to express our joy in your achieve- mer. national events. that they'll |be happier getting married and
ments and your promise, rather |than dwell Your Editors fRequest: if want to thank all those who living in ?the world, that the religious life
on sorrows oflparting. So with David the . . . Constructive criticism, sug- have given whole-hearted sup- is only for those who can'ttfind husbands or
Psalmist,!we say to each of you:* gestions, and opinions of the port t'o this endeavor,; forfby do- who are running awayifrom people?
"With thy perfection and thy beauty, go Merciad.
. . . End of the year consider- ing! so, they have f not only dis- That's the kind of answer many American
forth with good fortune, pursue your goals
in the name of justice and clemency so that ation for \ the librarian by played maturity and intellectual Catholics, especially girls, are getting today
you may reign as Queen . . . and let your taking all the books back curiosity, but also have cast aside fromlpeople who ought to know better —
delight and*your will be in the law of the early. any doubts which might remain their parents. Such answers show a terrible
Lord;|and you will become as a tree that is . . . One last reign of quiet dur- as to the patriotic spirit of$ a failure to grasn the value of religious life.
planted near the running waters, and you ing study hours for the stu- Will we do better? E |
dious freshmen in Egan Catholic college.
will bring forth your fruit in due season,
and your leaves will snot wither, and that Hall Gretchen Malley So* we realize ^that a religious vocation is
whichsoever you will do shall prosper." something precious, something given by God
^ _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ ^ ^ _ _ Dr. J. A. Donatelli Year fin Retrospect to those He has chosen especially for Him-
self. Has it struck us that when a girl enters
| | | Nature and tradition have taken the seasons of the year the convent, it|is because she is in love?j
To New Officers and made universal symbols of them. To men of all places
and all ages, spring has meant rebirth; autumn has meant
God doesn't send a bolt of lightening or a
bouquet of i roses. Like any earthly lover,
In the hands of the incoming officers lie the harvest the gathering of the fruit; winter has meant the
time of dormancy, of barrenness. Paradoxically, to the He says, "Will you come with Me, will you
the trust and confidence of the students, be Mine alone?" %
teachers and administration. Whether these students of| Mercy hurst, autumn was theltime of new be-
leaders? will perform satisfactorily remains ginning; winter, a busy season of growth and development;
to be seen. But, they assure us, by the very and spring, the harvest. The time has come to gather the A nun doesn't stay 'in the worldibecause
fact of their election, that! they possess fruits of the past year, to examine the harvest and to see if God is a jealous lover land wants all. The
certain indispensable qualities of leadership, it is a good one. \;_ *
things of this world would otherwise claim
responsibility, Christian -motivation, and Looking back, we remember what! seemed to be an end- part of her heart, so she takes vows of pov-
willingness to work. C| less progression of classes and lecturers, papers and exams.
We think nowj:of problems we met ancTwbnder how we'll erty, chastity and obedience. She gives up
Yet, Mercyhurst officers must exercise we've faced them—the validity of the honor system, the pos- whateis her own because her Lover possesses
more than these qualities. In this community sibilities of a cut system, the responsibility of student leaders. a world of all things—people, animals, the
it is imperative that each leader inspire in We remember, with fear and hope, news reports, lectures, trees, the stars above — everything, and
her fellow students a keen sense of honor and discussions, as we, along with the nation, grappled with
andlmirror that honor to them. these He shares with her. She "knows no
the problems of electing a president and dealing wisely with man" because her body and soul belong to
Since the innovation of the Student Board situations in Laos and Cuba. We look back, too, to other striv-
of Discipline, particularly, a need for suffi- ings—daily Mass, Lenten fasts and rosaries, the? litanies of her Lover and she gladly^urrenders to Him.
cient support has arisen. The |key to effec- May, the introspection of IRetreat. •*} | Being in love with God, a girl gives herself)
tive realization of this need was, and still is, With altouch of wry humor and a certain grimness we whole heartedly, but the love He gives in re-
expressed by one word—honor. The right know that we can never forget the search for funds, more turn more than balances her share. I J
attitude regarding tests and assignments re. commonly termed ticket campaigns. The first ruslfof enthu-
quires honor. In fact, honor ultimately impels siasm as 'Hurst girls migrate en masse to strange places and
the conscientious to fulfill his responsibilities Would we tell| this to our daughters ifj
strange faces with the glint of determination in their eyes, they asked about the religious life? Would
to himself,(his homeland country, and his the discouragement of the too frequent "No", the final re-
God. I •£, g* lief and reciprocal pat-on-the-back at a job well done and final- we understand jourselves that this is the
Will your officers apply honor pertinent- ly finished—until the mustering of new enthusiasm and new glory and the sacrifice in their following the
ly in each instance? Are they capable of re- determination for the next campaign. SjSi | | road God has planned for them? Would we
newing the individual student's adherence | As we look back at the year, we think of these and more. remember that it was He Who gave them to
to honor? Finally, will their honor be a heri- We have worked together and individually; now it is time to us and to Whom we must answer if we keep
tage to future classes ? i % measure the harvest. W them from Him? *
MM V. l&M
The MERCIAD Page Three

Sen/iiors' Plans Include

Students Say Good-bye
Study Weddings But Pixes to Remain /

By Elaine Curtis I They made ferris wheels out of

In Immediate Future When we first drove through hula hoops, and they kept us
the awesome iron gates, Mercy- awake all night playing pounce.
t By Helen Bundy hurst appeared impressively som- Even with gay anticipation of a
Amid plans and interviews, contracts and exams, many seniors ber. i Little did we imagine that summer at the seashore, there
|nave emerged with definite future plans. There are trips in store for somewhere, in the nooks and was a bit of nostalgic regret
some, more hard work for others, and yes, wedding bells. V$M I crannies of the Gothic architec- as we left the apartments, and
Summer plans for Louise Rubino include a trip to Bermuda!.and ture, in the eave troughs, per- said good-bye to Grace and Stella
a tour of Europe. In the fall she will teach in Montgomery County, haps, there lurked a family of and the Jellybeans, to line-up,
Maryland. $ j^ f leprechauns who kept alive the and to seniority rights. We didn't
I Wedding bells will ring on August 26 for Pat Bosworth. Pat will Mercyhurst spirt of fun. know then if we'd still be friends
reside in Ithaca, New York, where she will teach handicapped chil- with the lively elves we had come
dren. ||: | I I M Impishi Mystery to love.
Betsy Naples is in for more hard work. She plans to do further It seems to us that the lep-
study at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, after which rechauns have been especially In the new McAuley Hall,
fond of the class of 1961 . . P everything was so modern and
she will go into physical therapy.
from the very beginning, when streamlined that there weren't
Gail Ahldrs will work at a
we casuallyjbut unknowingly sat many crevices in which the lep-

Grads Review Symbol icTree camp for handicapped children

in Pittsburgh this summer. In the
and smoked in the Blue Room, rechauns could hide. But Jthey
until today, when we look back weren't' altogether gone. Who
fall, Gail and Mary Alice Sedel-
and ask—did we getlour "$2.00 else could have hung that huge
To Be Planted

meyer will teach third grade at

worth for every 50c?" sign in the window saying, "Wel-
College Days By Elaine* Wujcik
Springfield Elementary School in
Fairfax County, Virginia. Even for leprechauns, it takes come Yonkers!"? And it must
On Honor's Convocation Day, Carol! Allen will teachj plane a while to make friends {with have been those pixies who stole
By Virginia Rossoni absolute strangers.MWe always our jack ball while we were away
May 24, the senior class will add geometry this summer at Grand
another chapter to Meroy hurst Valley Local High School in Or- wondered what part' they played teaching. Just last weekpthey
During the past months some- in sifting lout the "rough ele- were j around again—our Jump-
thing, at first vague, has be- tradition by planting the class well, Ohio and c o n t i n u ethere ]^^^ rope's gone.
tree which| symbolizes each in the fall* | ment," but we could never find
come a istrong, sharp realization. out. Surely they instigated the
"I am a senior. In June I will be senior's hopes for the future and Peg Ragley will work as a sec- animal parade the night before
all her memories of the past. It retary in Cleveland; Meg Sullivan Sad Farewell
graduated and will I be an alumna Thanksgiving vacation. Maybe Now we are preparing t'o
of Mercyhurst." signifies four years of fgrowth, will teach in New Kensington,
both intellectual and spiritual. Pa., Gretchen Malley in the New it wasn't a pet mouse that Maria say so long to the leprechauns.
How quickly it & has happened. Each girlghas gathered the knowl- York City area, and Joan Ma- Callan had . . . Our farewells echo to the strains
It seems only yesterday* that we edge of how to love and serve loney in Dubois Pennsylvania. Constant Companions of "Danny Boy" and "Red Sails
were timid frosh wearing dinks, God and has learned the mean- The little imps were really ac- in the Sunset." Each of us would
name cards, and somewhat be- Ann Durfy plans to do social tivated when we had a chance
ing of the good life. work in Niagara County, New to know each other better. Sat- like to take a leprechaun away,
wildered expressions, whose ma- to cherish always; we believe that
jor \problems concerned which At the ceremony, the student York. She will also take courses urday nights they took us} to the spirit of fun on Mercyhurst's
field of concentration to choose, body will assemble along the in education and history at' Alliance and sat' on the side- campus will be increased by being
which clubs *-to join, and whether Library Road, and while the tree Niagara! University. lines watching us learn to polka. divided and!shared.
is blessed, the Glee Club will sing Connie Musi will attend Clar-
or notito go to the Gannon Fri-
the traditional "Halls of Ivy.' ion State College to obtain certi-
fication. She will later teach jun-
our problems center around J sal- • \ m • '•"&:
ior and senior high school in the
ary schedules, teaching contracts, :.|
Southern Lancaster County? area.
and wedding dates. Betty Petite will intern at
| Were it not for {the graduation G e o r g e Washington University
announcements |tucked| away in Hospital, and also plans to do
our bureau drawers and the postgraduate 'work in sociology at
event's held in lour honor, we Georgetown University in Wash-
could scarcely convince ourselves ington.
that we are the "solemn seniors" "After 300 offers for jobs, I
who are to star injtthe drama of have decided," reported Sue Hall,
June 4. "to spend! the year deciding
Though we eagerly anticipate which ^would be best."
our future '£jobs£ in teaching,
business, and social! service,! our
new environments and our new Sophs Honor
ways of life—we leave Mercy-
hurst with mixed emotions. She rr
has been good,to us and?we will "Big Sisters
miss her. In the years to come
June 3 is the day set for two
we will vividly recall her!campus farewell events for the seniors—
in its changing seasonal garb: the the Garden Party and Lantern
rich; hoes and gathering storm Night. | |
clouds of autumn; the- snow At .3:00 p.m. that day, seniors,
sparkling under a winter moon their p a r e n t s, relatives and
if strewn with diamonds;
the voluminous, pastel-blossomed
cherry tree f and the fresh smell
Former Traditions friends will gather on the front
campus with their little sisters
to spend a relaxing afternoon be-
of newly-cut grass in the spring.
We will remember the peace
To Be Revived fore the last minute rush of com-
mencement exercises. The event,
and solace of moments spent in Two old traditions will return under the chairmanship of Eliza-
the chapel and the inspiring sight to the Mercyhurst campus this beth Apen,' will be followed that
of the student body Mass. The year. Until! last year, when the evening by Lantern Night under
elegance of the Christmas | din- construction of McAuley Hall the auspices of Gall Gleason.
» the fun of Winter: Carni- caused the practice to become too Lantern^ Night, which origin-
vals, the spectacle of May Day involved, the seniors kept a ated over twenty-five years ago,
H1 remain indelibly impressed night-long vigil in the chapel is a Soph send-off to the
our minds. We will miss Dr. prior to Commencement. This seniors. The sophomores, formed
with his "lesson for life" and year, the seniors will make a visit in the shape of an M, carry
Chesteron wit, Sr. Mary Esther to the Grotto on the evening of lanterns. On this night the lan-
w i t h her J straight-f rom-the- May 30, thanking Our Lady for terns not only shed artificial
shoulder talks, and the warmth their success at Mercyhurst and light, j but they also symbolize the
and asking her to g u i d e them
helpfulness of the entire fac- light of wisdom.
ulty. I throughout their future life. And later, when each senior
On j Friday even ing,-* June 2, the receives her boat of friendship
The hardest part of graduating from the hand of her little
will be saying goodbye to each sophomore class will serenade
their big j sisters at the • doors of sister and she places fit in the
other as we scatter to New Eng- waters of Our Lady's fountain,
knd, Maryland, Oklahoma, Min- McAuley
the singing,
throw she is reminded that although Get that refreshing new feeling with Coke!
nesota, Illinois, event to Africa. she is setting out on a new route, Bottled under authority off
"Togetherness" has been our roses to their little sisters, a last
she will always remain close to The Coca-Coli Company by
class motto ;* now it will have to sign of their friendship during
the one who offered her this boat. Erie Coca-CtHa Bottling* Company
ke "togetherness" in spirit*. the past two years.
May 17, 1961
Page Four I The MERCIAI)

M e r c y h u r s t M a y D a y C e r e m o n i e s P a y Tribute to Blessed Virgin

flowers on the head of the statue of the Blessed Mother.
A surprise awaited all those who attended the May The ceremony began with the processional of
Day ceremonies this year. After the procession of under- underclassmen, followed byl the seniors,* attendants, During the recessional the seniors laid their flowen
classmen in their academic attire, the seniors appeared pages, andjthe May Queen, Claire McDermitt, dressed around the statue and moved into the chapel where
Father Martin gave the Benediction of the Blessed
In pale blue caps and gowns, rather than the traditional in the symbolic white gown. Sacrament to the seniors and their guests.
May Day dresses. The two attendants, Ileen Hinman Susan Avery welcomed ?! the gathering and Patricia
and Judith Doehla, wore pale blue dresses of em- Lazorchak introduced the Queen.5 Afterfbeing crowned May Day, 1961, was different. The startling change
broidered silk organza over blue taffeta, and all seniors: by her first attendant, Ileen, the Queenj spoke to the from dresses to caps and gowns for the seniors surprised
carried blue and white bouquets of long-stemmed pom- audience about the May ceremony itself.f The climax everyone. But May Day!remains, this year, each year,
poms. was reached when Queen Claire placed the wreath of the loveliest of Mercyhurst traditions.

Sfio*u 1U«* Organization Helps Students Announcing Leaders for Hext Year
With the close of badminton I Student Council: P r e s i d e n t ' , Emily Lincoln, Kay Hebert, Judy
and ping-pong tournaments and To Find Summer Employment Margaret Lynch; Vice-President, Young; Headline Editor, Carolyn
Schehrer; B u s i n e s s Manager,
the grand finale of the Knights and President of Student Board Carolyn Anderson.
All students who have not yet found a summer job are urged to
vs. Princesses in a softball game, of Discipline, Jean Layer; Sec-
register with Students For Summer Employment, an activity of Schol- Dorm Council: President, Paul-
organized sports activities for the retary, Elizabeth Apen; Treasurer,
arships Unlimited, a student service. 1 ette CGorman.
Rosemary PatCher; Senior Rep-
year are over. Students For Summer Employment compiles a list of the students Senior Class: ^President, Pat
available and presents it to one thousand prospective employers in resentative, I Rita Quinn; Junior
The softball game held on As- Wehle; Vice-President, Denise
either the area of work or the geographical area that the student de- Representative, Elaine G l e m -
Dwyer; Secretary, Carolyn^ Kacz-
cension Thursday proved to be a sires. This year the program is limited to the eastern half of the U. S. bocki; Sophomore Representative,
marek; Treasurer, Sue Bye.
great $ success, both socially and Work in the following areas is being offered to all*students: first, Mary Pat Car low.
Junior Class: President, Bonnie
financially. The starting line-up the vacation and resort industry of the Middle ?Atlantic and New Sodality: Prefect, Roberta Don- McGough; Vice-President, Clara
for Mercyhurst included: Pitch- England states. This area extends from Virginia Beach, Va. northward ohue; Mistress of Candidates, Seigel; Secretary, Susan? I#ons;
er—Gretchen Malley; Catcher— to Maine, and includes all of the mountain and lake regions within Dody Smith; Vice-Prefect, Shelia Treasurer, Kathy Lynch.
Ginny Accetta; First base—Mary these states. Work in the va- Himes; Secretary, Maureen Fied- Sophomore Class: President,
Costello; Second base—Patricia
Arusiewicz; Third |base—Diane
Sisters Enjoy cation |industry is open \to all
students, with the better po-
ler; Treasurer, Diane Daversa. Marion Michaels; Vice-President,
Praeterita:. Editor, Anne Marie Sue Steiner; Secretary, ?Hona
Daversa; Shortstop—Judy Car-
dell; Outfielders — Gretchen Beach Picnic sitions going to those having the
knowledge and ability to 'teach
Lepkowski; Art' Editor, Margaret Suto; Treasurer, Terry Doriohue.
Burke; Business Manager, Bar- tpress Club: President, JPat
Prank, Terry Knoedler, and Paul- More than two hundred high- or supervise activities!related! to bara Boyd; Photographer, Mary Harkins; Vice-President, Ann
ette O'Gorman. Nine different spirited juniors and freshmen, normal \ vacation activity. Those Jeanne Ferreri. Fondy.
boys played each inning for Gan- eager j for a little relaxation be- with no skills other than their Merciad: Editor, Gail Gleason; I Delta Sigma. Omicron: Presi-
on, thereby giving more a chance fore beginning the last hectic desire to work will be welcomed Assistant Editors, Sheila Himes, dent, Mary Anne Kern.
to play. weeks of school, descended! upon for the many and varied duties
Refreshments were served dur- the peninsula 3 last Wednesday associated with the vacation busi-
ing the *game. All proceeds were evening for fthe Big Sister-Little ness.
split equally between Mercy- Sister ^picnic.
The second area is designed for
hurst and Gannon for the benefit The big-little sisters began
of the girls going to Oklahoma their picnic with charcoaled hot the student who is training in
and the boys going to Latin dogs, roasted over an open fire some field of engineering or
America to do lay apost'olate on the beach, 'topped off with science. Seventy to ninety dollars
work. roasted marshmallows. After all per week as engineering or Ire-
had been well-fed, some ex-
plored the peninsula! while other search aides is a typical offer.
We Make Our Own more hearty juniors and fresh- Because Students For Summer vegetable garden . . . Thermodynamics 413, taught by Dr. Penelope | . .
men attempted wading | in the Employment is not a commercial
May altars . . . Day-hop chauffeurs'^. . summer jobs at the shore . ..
Ice Cream chilly Lake Erie. The evening of employment agency, there are no
beach fun ended with a^tradition- Dr. D's marriage course . . . daffodils from the Boston Store . . . late
& ICE CREAM BAR al Mercyhurst song fest. placement commissions to be visitors in Egan Hall . . . "Is there a mouse in your house, girls?" . M
The organization and success paid by the student or the pro- toe, foot, ankle, calf, knee, hip, waist . . . Senior Free Day . . . Fight-
YAPLE'S DAIRY of the picnic can be attributed spective employer; only a single fight-fight for Cuba . . . "Anybody seen an American? Elm • around
4026 Pine Avenue to the Big Sister-Little Sister registration fee of one dollar is somewhere?" . . . Glee Club patrons, or, "Only $2.50 and I'll love you
Phone UN 6.2441 Committee which was headed by
required. For prompt consider- for life" . . . Comprehensives . . . Jump rope, anyone?
Mickey Corrigan.
ation this year,. send your name
and address immediately to Stu- MERCYHURST GIRLS ARE LAUGHING ABOUT: . . . Lorraine's
dents For Summer Employment, banana tree . . . the "Feast-day Five" . . . iy 2 inchesfin 1961, 2&
Box 2092, Trenton 7E, New inches in 1960, 2& inches in 1959 . J . Steffie's "Monday yawn" . . 1
Jersey. McAuley's co-recreational sundecks, or "There's a boy!" . . . Kay's
new vocation . . . Dolores Bulova and arf, arf, arf .1. . sing the notes,
not the rests! . . . Mary's orphaned animals . . . the Lawrence Park
Express . . . good-bye, cruel world . . . Rita, Rosie, Pat, and Joyce's
Corner 38th St. and Pine Ave corporation to crack coconuts with golf balls . . . "Q. Do you have a
Phone GL 6-7762 date for the Prom?—A. I give up, do I?" . . . Lost: one gob of clay . .
I Erie, Penna. in the cool, cool, cool of the sundeck—tell 'em I'll be there . . . TV
awards or Huckleberry Hound vs. Macbeth.


for peace; we're behind you all the way, Jack . . . Bonnie's unanimous
ART'S victory . . . go, Sondra, go . . . "Sing Along With Danny" . . . Pa*
Gerry Baman, Tom Niehaus, who are trained by Father Frank Kowalcyk's new bed fire engine . . . graduation^ . . the Bishop's din-
Phil Kleibies, Denny Brown, and Holland, S. J. to give talks and to ICE CREAM BARt ner . . . Xavier's finest . . . M-M-M, that Dorsey music . . . lunch from
Gerry Kearns represented Xavier lead! discussions for other inter- Luncheonette! and Magazines
College, Cincinnati, Ohio, at a ested religious groups. The - ma- Hawaii . . |"Batter-up!" or "Beauty vs. Brawn" . . . man in space . J •
Sodality Day of Realization held terial and background that tfxese 5
3709 Pine, Avenue Ginny's spaghetti dinner . . , elections, elections . . . that Canlsius
on April 29, 1961. | men used came mostly from "Fa - chorus! . . . Norma's big^surprise this summer . . . "Good-bye. and
These! students are So da lists ther/S: book, Christ Wants More. don't forget to write!" i 4

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