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HERBAL drink made with roselle (zobo), scent leaf, garlic and ginger could be a home-

made cure for diarrhoea and pneumonia. CHUKWUMA MUANYA reports.

IT is red and spicy. It has become a common drink in most homes in the country. In
recent times it has been commercialised because of its touted medicinal potentials.

Nigerian researchers have confirmed that a popular herbal drink, Zobo, prepared with
roselle (fresh calyx of Hibiscus sabdariffa as main ingredient) scent leaf (Ocimum
gratissimum), garlic (Allium sativum) and ginger (Zingiber officinarium) could be
effectively used to treat diarrhoea and pneumonia.

Hibiscus sabdariffa is commonly called Roselle in English. It belongs to the family

Malvaceae. The vegetable is widely grown and commonly used as port herb or soup in
the northern part of Nigeria. In Hausa the plant is locally called Yakuwa, the seed Isontea
while the fresh calyx is referred to as Soboroto. The Yoruba call the leaves Amukan and
the flowers Ishapa. However, it is commonly called zobo in Nigeria.

Commonly called scent leaf, Ocimum gratissimum belongs to the plant family
Lamiaceae. It is known as Efinrin ajase in Yoruba, Ebavbokho in Bini, Aai doya ta gida
in Hausa, Nchuanwu in Igbo. The leaves are used locally for soup. It is also used to treat
cases of stomach upset and diarrhea.

Garlic (Allium sativum) is of plant family Liliaceae. Local names: Igbo – ayuu; Yoruba –
ayu. The bulb is used for fevers, coughs, constipation, asthma, nervous disorders,
hypertension, ulcers and skin diseases. It is highly bacteriostatic (stops the growth of
bacteria), fungicidal (kills fungi) and antihelmintic (worm expeller).

According to previous studies, crushed garlic (soup) is used against microbial infection,
asthma cough and respiratory problems. The juice of the bulb is given as ear-drops
against earaches. As a seasoning and flavouring agent, garlic is principally taken against
fevers and chills.

A cold infusion of garlic serves as a body-wash for infants as protection against chills.
The bulb also serves as effective remedy for hypertension, muscular pain, giddiness and
sore eyes. It is digestive and carminative and removes pains of the bowels. When
powdered with nation it is applied as a dressing on ulcers and skin diseases.

A carminative, also known as carminativum (plural carminativa), is an herb or

preparation that either prevents formation of gas in the gastrointestinal tract, or facilitates
the expulsion of said gas, thereby combating flatulence.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is of plant family Zingiberaceae. Local Names: Efik/Ibibio –

jinja; Igbo – jinja; Yoruba – aje, orin, or atale. The rhizome is used to toothache,
congested nostrils, cough, colds, influenza and flu, asthma, stomach problems,
rheumatism, piles, hepatitis and liver problems.
Until now, ginger has been extensively used in herbal remedies. In fact, ginger has been
used to control or prevent nausea, vomiting, and motion sickness; as an anti-
inflammatory (a drug that reduces pain and swelling as in arthritis), a cold remedy, an aid
to digestion; a remedy for intestinal gas.

A recent report from the United Nations Children Education Fund (UNICEF) indicates
that diarrhoea and pneumonia kill an estimated 3.5 million kids under five each a year
globally – more than Human Immuno-deficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and malaria combined.

Pneumonia is the biggest killer of children under five, claiming more then two million
lives annually or about 20 per cent of all child deaths. AIDS, in contrast, accounts for
about two per cent.

If identified early, pneumonia can be treated with inexpensive antibiotics. Yet UNICEF
and the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimate less than 20 percent of those
sickened receive the drugs.

A vaccine has been available since 2000 but has not yet reached many children in
developing countries. The Global Alliance on Vaccine Initiative (GAVI) hopes to
introduce it to 42 countries by 2015.

Diarrheal diseases, such as cholera and rotavirus, kill 1.5 million kids each year, most
under-two years old. The children die from dehydration, weakened immune systems and
malnutrition. Often they get sick from drinking dirty water.

The worst cholera outbreak to hit Africa in 15 years killed more than 4,000 people in
Zimbabwe last year. The country recently reported new cases of the waterborne disease,
and more are expected as the rainy season peaks and sewers overflow.

Rotavirus, a highly contagious disease spread through contaminated hands and surfaces,
is the top cause of severe diarrhea, accounting for more than a half million child deaths a

A vaccine routinely given to children in the United States and Europe is expected to
reach 44 poorer countries including Nigeria by 2015 through the GAVI Alliance. Nigeria
plans to introduce the vaccine against pneumonia in the national immunisation
programme next year.

Meanwhile, researchers at the Department of Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology,

University of Ibadan, Ibadan, have determined the effects of aqueous extracts of the
leaves of Ocimum gratissimum and calyces of Hibiscus sabdariffa on intestinal transit in
experimental rats.

M. O. Owulade, K. I. Eghianruwa, and F. O. Daramola in the study published in African

Journal of Biomedical Research Vol. 7 wrote: “The leaves of Ocimum
gratissimum were oven dried and then pulverised. The dried calyces of Hibiscus
sabdariffa were also pulverised. 10 per cent extracts of both powders were made and
administered orally to rats at varying doses. Test rats were given the 10 per cent extracts
of Ocimum gratissimum and Hibiscus sabdariffa at 0.5/100g, 1ml/100g, 2ml/100g body
weight. Control rats received saline instead of extracts.

“After 30 minutes, each animal was then given 1.5 ml of a dye solution orally. One hour
after administering the dye each rat was sacrificed and the intestine carefully

dissected out. The length of the intestine and the transit point of the orally administered
dye were then measured. The transit point was calculated as a percentage of the total
length of the intestine.

“The extracts of both Ocimum gratissimum and Hibiscus sabdariffa caused a reduction in
the transit points of the dye. The extract of Hibiscus sabdariffa was more effective. The
reduction in transit point, and hence the increase in transit time by both extracts indicates
that the plants could be useful at appropriate doses in the control of diarrhea. Hibiscus
sabdariffa would be more effective in this regard.”

Analysis of the results showed that the distance transversed by the dye from the pyloric
junction was calculated as percentages of the entire length of the intestines. This was
regarded as the percentage transit point of the dye at each dose of an extract. The means
and standard errors of the means (SEM) of these percentages were calculated for each

Data from the control group were regarded as zero administration of the extracts. These
data were then fed into the computer using the computer software, Microsoft excel
(Microsoft Incorporation, USA) to obtain graphic representations. The levels of
significance between the transit points of each dose were determined using Students’ t-

Extracts from Hibiscus sabdariffa caused dose dependent reduction in the percentage
transit point of the dye. The reduction of percentage transit point by extract of Ocimun
gratissimum was not dose-dependent. However, the reduction was significant when
compared to the percentage transit in normal rats. Zobo, the aqueous extract of the
calyces of Hibiscus sabdariffa caused a reduction in the percentage transit point
indicating a reduction in intestinal motility, and increased transit time.

The mechanism by which Hibiscus sabdariffa caused this action cannot be ascertained
from this study but studies carried out by other workers on the phytochemical
constituents of the plant indicate the presence of pectin, a known protectant and

Pectin dissolves in water to form viscous colloidal solution and was once used widely in
the treatment of diarrhea. Researchers have also observed that the petal extract of the
plant produced relaxation of isolated rat aorta. Relaxation of the intestinal smooth muscle
would cause increased transit time. At appropriate dose, zobo could therefore become a
constipating agent. It could also be effective in reducing the intensity of diarrhea.

Although, a reduction in motility was evident between control and test rats, the leaf
extract of Ocimun gratissimum did not produce a dose-dependent effect. The leaf extract
of Ocimun gratissimum is therefore not as effective an inhibitor of intestinal motility as
Hibiscus sabdariffa.

The effectiveness of the leaf extract of Ocimun gratissimum in controlling

gastrointestinal upset may not be due to a direct relaxation of the intestinal smooth
muscle. A fraction of the crude extract has been shown to contract guinea pig ileum and
rat colon. This action cannot be associated with reduced intestinal motility. The
antispasmodic action of thymol contained in the aromatic volatile oil obtained from the
leaves of Ocimun gratissimum could be associated with reduced intestinal motility. This
action in conjunction with antibacterial property of the plant may be responsible for its
observed action in diarrhea.

In another study published in The Internet Journal of Alternative Medicine, Nigerian

researchers have confirmed the efficacy of ginger (Zingiber officinale), garlic (Allium
sativum) and both plants combined in rats infected with Kleibsiella pneumoniae
(causative organism of pneumonia).

The study is titled “Effects of ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) and garlic (Allium
sativum L.) on rats infected with Kleibsiella pneumoniae.”

According to the study, the rats were treated with the plant extracts after symptoms of
pneumonia infection were noticed in all the groups; the treatment lasted for seven
consecutive days. The average weight gains in the post-administration were: in garlic,
ginger, mixture (males), mixture (females) and control were 27.0g,-36.2g, 6.0g, 38.8g
and 78.8g respectively. There was a significant reduction in Packed Cell Volume (PCV)
in all the groups except in females injected with mixture compared with the control.

Also, garlic treated rats showed a significant decrease in total White Blood Cell (WBC)
and neutrophils but an increase in lymphocytes as against to what was observed in the
other groups.

Neutrophil granulocytes, generally referred to as neutrophils, are the most abundant type
of white blood cells in mammals and form an essential part of the innate immune system.

All the rats in ginger group died with symptoms of pneumonia before seven days after the
administration while two rats died in males treated with mixture. No death was however
recorded in the other groups.

The researchers include: Adeoti Olatunde Micheal, Oladejo Deborah Ajoke, Azeez Gafar
Olatunji, and Adeoti Oluwole of Polytechnic Ibadan; and Olaniyan Mathew Folaranmi
and Adeleke Adewumi of Baptist Medical Centre.
The researchers wrote: “The virtues of garlic as medicinal plant are known to most
cultures of the world, this study further confirmed the earlier works on the efficacy of
garlic as therapeutic agent against various ailments. The antibacterial activity of the
ethanolic extracts of garlic and ginger against some enteric bacteria was reported;
however ginger seems to be ineffective against Kleibsiella pneumoniae as observed in
our study.

“Ginger was reportedly found to cause decrease in body weight, this is however
consistent with our study because the highest average weight loss observed in rats treated
with ginger only. The exact mechanism of action of both ginger and garlic as proffered
therapeutic agents is poorly understood but combining the two in our study could be
beneficial; as the relationship seem to be a synergistic one in ameliorating the efficacy of
ginger only against Kleibsiella infection as observed in our study in female rats treated
with the mixture of garlic and ginger.

“Whether both garlic and ginger can be used as prophylaxis is left for further studies but
both plants have been implicated to have prophylactic uses in both human and rats. Very
recently, the root of ginger has been used to stimulate blood flow to the extremities in
cases of blood circulation, the hematological parameters monitored in this study sharply
disagreed with this.

“Also, our work failed to concur with the work of Iranloye, 2002 who observed a
significant increase in total white blood cells count, neutrophils, monocytes and the
lymphocytes in garlic fed rats when compared with the control. Monocyte is a type of
white blood cell, part of the human body’s immune system. Leucocytes are know to
increase sharply in the face of infection, as the first line of defence of the body; the factor
that led to the reduction in PCV, WBC counts, and neutrophils noticed in our study in the
rats treated with garlic only, still remain unclear.”

Lymphocytes is a small white blood cell (leukocyte) that plays a large role in defending
the body against disease. Leukocytes, or White Blood Cells (WBCs), (also spelled
“leucocytes”), are cells of the immune system defending the body against both infectious
disease and foreign materials.
The health benefits of almonds include getting relief from constipation, respiratory disorders,

cough, hearth disorders, anememia, impotency, and diabetes. It also helps in hair care, skin

care (psoriasis), and dental care.

Found in places like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Turkey, Syria, Jordan and Israel, almond is a

very nutritious nut. It is a rich source of vitamin E, calcium, phosphorous, iron and

magnesium. It also contains zinc, selenium, copper and niacin. Almonds contain the most

nutrients in comparison to all other nuts.

Almonds are also known to have great medicinal value. Few of them are listed below.

• Good for brain: Almond is a source of

many nutrients which helps in

development of the brain development.

Almond induces high intellectual level

and has been considered as an

essential food item for growing

children. Many mothers give almond

soaked in water to their children daily

in the monring (2-3 peices of soaked almonds are good enough, you can also remove

the outer shell if it causes allergy to you).

• Regulates cholesterol: Regular consumption of almonds helps to increase the level

of high density lipoproteins (HDL) and reduce the level of low density lipoproteins

(LDL), thereby effectively controlling cholesterol levels. LDL cholesterol is called bad


• Good for heart: Mono-saturated fat, protein and potassium contained in almonds are

good for the heart. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and reduces the risk of heart

diseases. The presence of magnesium in almonds helps to avoid heart attacks.

Almonds help reduce C-reactive protein which causes artery-damaging inflammation.

Almond is also a source of folic acid. They therefore help to reduce the level of

homocystein, which causes fatty plaque buildup in arteries.

• Regulates blood pressure: Potassium present in almond helps to regulates blood

pressure. Almonds are very low in sodium which also helps in containing blood


• Prevention of cancer: Almond improves the movement of food through the colon,

thereby preventing colon cancer.

• Protection against diabetes: Almond also helps in reducing the rise in sugar and

insulin levels after meals. This offers protection from diabetes.

• Good in pregnancy: Almond contains folic acid. Folic acid helps to ensure no birth

defects in newborn babies.

• Reduce weight: Unsweetened almond milk helps one to reduce weight. The mono-

saturated fat contained in almonds satisfies appetite and prevents over-eating. Studies

have revealed that almond rich low calorie diet is good for obese people to assist in

shedding their weight.

• Avoids constipation: Almond contains fiber. Fiber rich food help avoid constipation.

• Boosts energy: The presence of manganese, copper and Riboflavin helps in energy


One avoids the risk of Alzheimer's disease by consuming almonds. Consumption of almonds is

also good for improving complexion and boosting immunity.

But just like any other food, even almonds have their cons. They contain oxalates and

excessive oxalates can cause crystallization. So people having kidney or gallbladder problems

should avoid eating almonds.

Both sweet and bitter almonds are available. Usually, sweet almonds are edible and bitter

almonds are used to make almond oil, which is used to add flavor to food. Almonds are usually

eaten raw, but people also add them as ingredients in salads. Almond milk is a delicious drink.

You can eat almonds directly, preferably eat it empty stomach to ensure absorption of their

nutrients. You can soak them in water overnight and eat in the morning. You can also garnish

various dishes with crushed almonds.

Health Benefits of Almonds

Read this article to find out about the various health benefits of almonds...

The almond is drupe belonging to species of Prunus belonging to the subfamily Prunoideae of the
family Rosaceae. Almonds are scientifically classified as drupes, which have several health
benefits. Be it healthy hair, good skin or managing healthy cholesterol levels, almonds provide
several health benefits that are not known to everyone.

Health Benefits of Almonds

Almonds have a vast number of health benefits and these beneficial properties are used via
various forms like almond oil, almond paste or whole almonds. Here are all the health benefits of
almonds that you should know about:

• Almonds contain monounsaturated fats and some polyunsaturated fats and hence they
help to lower the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or the bad cholesterol, while maintaining
healthy high-density lipoproteins or good cholesterol levels.
• Almonds have great health benefits in terms of healthy skin. Almonds prevent premature
appearance of wrinkles, black heads, pimples and dry skin as well. A regular massage
with almond oil will help you to get a glowing and flawless complexion.
• Almond oil is also used to treat black circles around the eyes, since almond oil helps to re-
vitalize the fatigues cells and improve the blood flow.
• Almond oil is extremely useful for treating all sorts of hair problems as well. Almond oil
helps as a cure for treating hair-fall, dandruff and avoids untimely graying of hair as well.
• Almonds have an extremely high nutritive value since they contain copper, iron and
vitamins and are hence used as a remedy for anemia.
• Almonds are also beneficial in treatment of constipation since they increase the fiber
content of the food as well.
• Almonds are also used in the pharmaceutical industry. Sweet almond oil is used as a
carrier for injectable drugs, which deteriorate in water-based carriers.
• Almonds decrease the after-meal rises in blood sugar and are hence help in maintaining
a healthy blood sugar level.
• Almonds also have antioxidant properties and are hence very beneficial for the health.
• Almond oil is also considered as one of the most popular choice of massage oils, which
rejuvenates the body and replenishes the skin. It is also known to relieve the stress.
• Babies who have lactose intolerance, can be given a mixture of powdered almonds
mixed with warm water, which provides as much if not more nutrition as milk.
• Almonds contain Alpha-tocopherol, which is a major source of Vitamin E and is hence
really great for healthy hair and skin.
• Almonds also increase the blood flow to the vital organs and are also used as
• Almonds provide nutrients that help to increase the bone mineral density, which helps to
strengthen the skeletal system. Owing to this it can also be considered as a remedy to
cope up with osteoporosis in the elderly.
• Aromatherapy also makes use of sweet almond oil, which is one of the essential oils in
aromatherapy and is frequently used as carrier oil.
• Almond oil also possesses laxative properties and helps to produce soft stools and avoid
any other problems of the digestive system.

Here are my favorite Almond recipes (great for anyone on a low carb diet):

Pesto Almonds:

o 2 egg whites
o 1/4 cup packed fresh basil leaves
o 2 cups whole natural almonds
o 1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
o 1 teaspoon salt
o 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

Preheat oven to 225 Degree Fahrenheit. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.
Combine the egg whites and basil in a blender; process on low speed until mixture is pureed. Toss egg
white mixture with the almonds. Drain in a colander. Stir together cheese, salt and garlic powder. Add
drained almonds and toss to coat. lace almonds in a single layer on prepared baking sheet. Bake for 1 hour,
stirring every 15 minutes. Cool completely and store in an airtight container. Serves 8.
Low-Carb Almond Pancakes: Mix 1 cup almond flour (you can just grind up almonds and use that), 2
eggs, 1/4 cp of water, 2 T oil, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1 T Sweetner (I use Stevia). Mix ingredients together and
cook as you would other pancakes. Nutritional Value: Yields six 4-inch pancakes, each pancake has 1 gram
effective carbohydrates (as long as you use a no-carb sweetener), 2 grams of fiber, 6 grams of protein, and
155 calories.

Non Dairy, No wheat, Almond-flour Bread Recipe (Almond flour)

• Ingredients:
o 2 cups finely ground almonds (if possible grind until becomes nut butter)
o 3 whipped egg whites (that have peaked)
o 1 tablespoon organic virgin coconut oil (melted)
o 1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
o 1/4 teaspoon salt
• Mix all ingredients, except egg whites, in food processor. Remove, put into bowl.
• Add whipped egg whites.
• Bake in bread pan at 350oF (180oC) until light brown on top and a toothpick comes out clean when
you test it by inserting it in the centre of the loaf.
• Notes: You can add a little black pepper, garlic powder and mixed herbs. Alternatively add 2 cloves
garlic, a half courgette and chop all together in a food processor and then add whipped eggs and
mix by hand. Because it is a wetter mixture it is suggested that it is baked in a pie plate so that it
cooks a little better inside. If you plan to use for stuffing a chicken or turkey, you can take out the
courgette and add fresh sage, rosemary and thyme (or any other flavors you would like).

Orange & Almond Cake:

• Ingredients:
o 2 large navel oranges
o 6 eggs, separated
o 1 tbl orange liqueur (or orange water)
o Stevia to sweeten
o 300 grams almond meal
o 1tsp baking powder
o Thickened cream to serve
• Grease and lightly flour a cake tin. Place the whole oranges in a medium saucepan, cover with
water and boil for 2 hours, topping up with more water as it evaporates. Remove the oranges.
Preheat the oven to 180C. Cut the oranges into quarters and place in a food processor. Blend until
smooth, then cool thoroughly. Place the egg yolks, orange liqueur (or orange water) and Stevia in a
large bowl and beat until smooth, then stir in the orange puree and mix well. Whisk the egg whites
in a dry bowl until firm peaks form. Add the almonds and baking powder in the orange mixture, stir
together well, then carefully fold in the egg whites. Gently pour into the cake tin and bake on the
middle shelf of the oven for 1 hour. Cool cake in tin, then transfer to a serving plate. Serve with

the health benefits of almonds

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By ruchika singh

In ancient times sweet almond was considered as a healing food and praised for increasing
vitality, improving skin complexion and body's capabilities to resist intoxication. Systematic
research led to believe that almonds are more beneficial to health than assumed to be

• Studies carried out by the American Institute for Cancer Research and the World Cancer
Research Fund have revealed that almonds had several substances as their chemical
constituents which could be useful in the prevention of cancer.

• Two flavonoids in almonds ( quercetin and kaempferol ) were found to be strong

suppressors of lung and prostate tumor growth and these plant chemicals inhibited the tumor
cell growth in culture in the studies at Pennsylvania State University

• Flavonoids found in almonds also suppressed breast cancer cell growth when these cells
have been exposed to cancer-causing agents as evident from other research findings.
• Other health benefits included loss in weight and reduction in blood pressure and reduction
in risk of recurrent coronary heart disease

• Significant improvement in blood lipid profiles among people who replaced 50% of their
habitual fat intake with either whole almonds or almond oil for six weeks in a study conducted
by the University of California at Davis. There was no significant difference between whole
almonds or almond oil for reduction of ‘bad’ cholesterol. Monounsaturated fats as well as
other lipid-related compounds present in almond oil were considered to be responsible for
their cholesterol-lowering effects

• There are several other health benefits associated with almonds since almonds are rich in
vitamin E, magnesium and potassium and are a good source of manganese, copper and
vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

Obey Your Body Luxury Hand & Body Lotion "Almond" 8oz
Price: $1.98
List Price: $24.99

Belli Elasticity Belly Oil For Pregnancy 1.7 Fl.Oz.

Price: $22.00

OPI Avojuice Skin Quenchers, Orange Almond Juicie 6.6 fl oz (200 ml)
Price: $6.96
List Price: $7.90

Honey House Baby Belly Bar Natural Solid Lotion Bar 1.7 oz - New in Gold Tin Case
Price: $11.49
List Price: $14.75

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Use of almond oil

Indians believe that use of almond oil has following benfits:

• Strengthens brain and nerves, is a nutrient,

• Relieves tension

• Strengthens brain power

• Good for heart

• Keeps body warm in winter

• Nourishes skin

• Prenatal and postnatal care

• Helps build stronger bones as it contains higher content of Ca, Fe and P

• Good for infants

• Improves body strength and removes constipation in a natural way:

How to use almonds?

People use almonds in different ways in India as a remedy for following ailments:

Improves memory and weakness of the brain if:

1. 5-10 ml of almond oil is mixed with 250 ml of milk at night and consumed.
2. Applied externally on head and 2-3 drops are put inside the nose and ears.
3. rSoak 10 pieces of almond nuts overnight in water and Remove the hard covering in
morning and grind with 10 g butter and sugar and eat for one or two months.
4. Alternately 5-6 pieces of almonds are ground with 10 g sugar and Saunf and taken
with hot milk in night for 40 days

Improvement in eye-sight

• Make a paste of 5 almonds with water in night and use it with warm milk in the

• Also heals the spots caused due to small pox

• Tooth powder: burn coverings of few almonds and powder it in 5: 1 ratio with

Dry lips:

• Intake of 5 grains of almonds

Dry cough:

• Grind 5 pieces of almonds and make a paste with sugar. It will remove cough

Increase in weight:

• Soak overnight 12 almonds in water and grind in morning after removing

scalp. Make sandwith with bread butter and sugar and drink a glass of water for six


• Eating with butter or black pepper corrects speech problems


• Soak overnight 6 almonds, 3 small Ilaichi +2 Chhuare, in a earthen pot and

grind in morning with 70 g mishree +50 g butter . Give it to patient and will clear
urine in 3 days


• Make paste of 5 almonds soaked overnight and put it in a glass bottle. Mix 6 g rose
water + 15 drops of sandal scent . Apply thrice in a day on the face and spots.

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