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The Member of the group :

Anggun Citra Berlian (04)

Berry Agung Nugraha (05)
Patrick (16)
Wahyu Isya’ W. A. (25)

Give thank’s to God, we can finish this book. We hope this book can give
knowledge for us.
With this, we want to get knowledge and learn the history of Gayatri
Temple. The last, we say thank’s to :
1. Ma’am Dian, our teacher.
2. Mr. Sudjono, the door keeper.
3. Bella, she accompany us to go there.
4. Valentina S. S. D. and Andy S. A., from VII J and VII K, because
them help us.
5. Our friends.
Thank You

Tulungagung, 3o Mei 2010

Anggun Citra Berlian

( Captain of Group )


Some Pictures …………………………………………….. v



Our Story……………………………………………………..

The Gayatri Temple……………………………………..

The Photo Gallery………………………………………..


“ Ki piye,ta? Kok ora “Eko-Eko” ! “ Patrick’s say.

Wahyu’s answer, “La…iyo..Jane, we eruh dalanne po
ra,ta,Nggun? Ki pisan! Ra sah ngelok-ngelokne! Edi…
Edi…! “ Ngerti-ngerti…Aku tau dolan ing omahe
Bella. Kan cedhak karo Candi Gayatri…Dhiluk engkas
yo “ Eko…” !” say Anggun. Wahyu say, “ Hu…uh…!

Today is holiday, May 13 2010. Anggun, Wahyu and Patrick use this
time for do our task from Ma’am Dian. At 06.00 a.m. Anggun, Wahyu, Patrick
meet in the school. We ready to go there, Gayatri Temple. We’re cycling to
go there! Hehehe… Ok…! Sport time…!
20 mintes later…
“ Ki piye,ta? Kok ora “Eko-Eko” ! “ Patrick’s say. Wahyu’s answer, “La…
iyo..Jane, we eruh dalanne po ra,ta,Nggun? Ki pisan! Ra sah ngelok-ngelokne!
Edi…Edi…! “ Ngerti-ngerti…Aku tau dolan ing omahe Bella. Kan cedhak karo
Candi Gayatri…Dhiluk engkas yo “ Eko…” !” Anggun’s say. Wahyu’s say, “ Hu…
uh…! “
Why do we say “ Eko “ ? Whey don’t we say “ Teko “ or “ Come” ? That
is because Mr. Eko is Wahyu’s father and Mr. Edi is Patrick’s father. 7C class
is so naughty, right?
15 minutes later…
We’re come to the Bella’s house.
“ Assalamuallaikum…”

We meet Bella’s mother, Mrs. Naning and Bella. We need Bella’s help.
We don’t know about Gayatri temple. When we want to go there, Bella is not
yet to go bath room. So, we must wait for her, and we talk with Bella’s
“Sudah tahu, kuburan yang meledak? Di dekat sini lo… Nanti biar di
antar Bella…” Mrs. Naning’s say. Anggun's answer, “ Hehe… Belum tahu
tante… “ “ Permisi tante… Saya mau telpon Berry dulu…’’ Wahyu’s say and
then Patrick and Wahyu go out. Berry don’t with our, because he will come
with his car.
After that, Anggun, Wahyu, Patrick and Bella go there. When we come
to the Gayatri temple, the door is locked. So, we must find the door keeper
of Gayatri Temple. Bella accompany our to ask about the door keeper. In the
fact, the door keeper’s house near from the temple.
Then, Bella go home, because she want do her task too. We don’t
forget to say thank you for Bella. Hore…! 1 step is finish. Ehm… What’s the
matter? Oh, ya, where is Berry? 
Before he comes, we ask many things to Mr. Sudjono, the door keeper.
Ok, Berry is coming, and after that we take some pictures and go
home. Hore…! 
10 days later…
“ Huhuhu… Berr… Cah… Hapeku ilang…” Anggun’s say. Berry’s say,
“What? Lah,piye ta, Nggun? We kan wis eruh, foto-foto sing neng hapeku wis
tak kirim neng hapemu trus tak hapus...! “
We’re so confused, and then we have discuss about that. So, at June
1 2010, we go to ther again… 

After, do many things, many accidents, many bad dream… ( Lebay )

Oh… Finally, we can finish this book. 

The author has obtained the information from the Interpreter Lock
Gayatri temple, as follows:

a. Area of the temple has a length of 36 meters and a width of 22.60

meters, hence the wide area of the temple: 813.6 M ².
b. Gayatri temple is a monument complex that consists of three buildings
c. Gayatri Temple found again by the public in 1914 in a heap of soil.
Gayatri temple located in Hamlet Dadapan, Boyolangu Village,
District Boyolangu, Tulungagung District. Gayatri is one of the four
Kertanegara King’s daughter (Singasari) who later married by Raden
Wijaya (Majapahit). Gayatri famous during his lifetime as a woman
Buddhist clergy (nuns) the job with a degree Rajapadmi Majapahit.

Candi And Conditions Location Parts

a. Temple Conditions

The condition was discovered when the temple is damaged, but still looks

b. Candi parts

1. The first building is called by the main building perwara, because

these buildings are larger in size compared with other buildings.
The location of this building in the middle of other buildings.
2. Building perwara parent of two terraces are only a part
kakinya.Bentuk berdenah square building with a long and 11.40
meters wide with a residual height of approximately 2.30 meters.
3. Inside the building, there is a splinter statues of Buddha and some
umpak women are large. Conditions of the area is damaged, but
looks good. The head and hands had lost members because of
vandalism by people who are irresponsible.

4. While the number of umpak on perwara buildings, as many as
delatan fruit with two umpak saka's down year in 1322. With the
existence of the alleged umpak umpak-temple
Boyolangu / Gayatri formerly wore the roof, given as a buffer
fungís umpak pole / building.
5. Building the second perwara located in the south of the main
6. Building perwara northern third in the main building Perwara.
7. The Dhyani Buddha statues depict the embodiment
Wairocana by sitting on top padmasanan (singhasana) decorated
with lotus leaves. Attitudes of young Dharmacakra hádala statues
hand (teaching). Body delicate statues and padmasana tertatah
Majapahit style. Can we know, in advance at the time were found
between padmasana (singhasana) and the statues separately.


     Understanding About Heritage

Relics of ancient history is a thing that can use for the object of research in
order to reveal the life and positive values in past lives. Many other
benefits including the development of scientific knowledge, and providing
for future generations. Given the importance of such benefits, for it is very
necessary to the efforts of heritage preservation.

The Gayatri Statue

Heritage Benefit For Life Society
As we have seen in various areas, many historical legacies to benefit
people's lives, among them:
1. As a tourist attraction, In addition to recreational facilities, can also
provide economic value. With maketh historical heritage as
tourism provides opportunities for citizens peoples for earn
revenue, such as by opening a business selling food, souvenirs and
other types of goods and services (transportation, guide for foreign
tourists and so forth). Besides, it can be a source of revenue even
local income countries. For example: Candi Borobudur,
Prambanan Temple Kalasan Mendut, Plaosan, Sewu, Sukuh
Temple, Candi Dieng (Central Java), Temple Clowns, Rat Temple,
Candi Jago, Candi Kidal, Candi Upgrading (East Java) and many
historical relics lanilla an object of the tour.
2. As an object of research / add knowledge of science, to be able to
reveal past lives, the legacy of history (eg temples) were used as
research objects of them by foreign students and even scientists.

The occurrence of Historical Causes Damage
From the results of research on the location of Gayatri temple discovered a
lot of flaws, namely:
1) Statues in the main building perwara in a state without a
head, left hand severed.
2) Compiler brick floor of the main temple perwara (parent,
unity or both) is damaged and scattered.
3) Form of corporate graffiti statue in the main building
4) Fencing and the other security facilities in damaged
condition. As data and facts that were found in field
Gayatri Temple unpredictable damage was caused:
1. People who do not act responsibly, including
Vandalism, theft of the statue / temple.
2. Lack of understanding of most citizens will
The importance of historical heritage for the benefit of
community life in various fields including science, ie as
objects of scientific research, so the lack of concern for
conservation efforts.

Public Awareness And Related Parties

Seeing the conditions in the location of the study, predicted the lack of
concern for some citizens, and also less optimal attention / effort to the
relevant parties in treating / preserving historical relics including Gayatri
Temple, located in the Village Boyolangu, District Boyolangu
Tulungagung District.

    Efforts to Preserve Heritage-History

Facts by analyzing the results of the writing, the author argues that efforts
need to be done in order to preserve the historical heritage, including:
1. Give understand for peoples, if the temple is so important.

2. Empowering heritage sites (temple) as the center

the facilitation of customs in the ritual areas.
3. Empower and promote the historical heritage sites
(Temple) as a tourist attraction.
4. Compiling a book about historical heritage, both at the
village and the entire district.
5. Applying strict punishment for offenders who
cause damage to the relics of history.

6. Increasing the active role and activities related parties in an effort
preserve heritage.


1. Historical heritage is very beneficial for human life / society, both

at Semarang or future.
2. Damage caused by the majority of heritage
by people who are not responsible for that has a specific purpose
by making the theft or destruction of historical relics and so forth.
3. Preservation of heritage is
obligations of all parties, both public and government and
implemented in various steps, including empowerment and
dissemination of historical heritage.


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