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Manfaat Kalor Dalam Kehidupan

Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari banyak kamu jumpai peralatan rumah tangga yang prinsip
kerjanya menggunakan konsep perpindahan kalor, misal: panci tekan (pressure cooker),
setrika, alat penyulingan, dan alat pendingin. Berikut beberapa contoh penerapan perpindahan
kalor secara radiasi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Pada siang hari yang panas, orang lebih suka memakai baju cerah daripada baju gelap. Hal ini
bertujuan untuk mengurangi penyerapan kalor.

Cat mobil atau motor dibuat mengkilap untuk mengurangi penyerapan kalor.

Mengenakan jaket tebal atau meringkuk di bawah selimut tebal saat udara dingin badanmu
merasa nyaman. Udara termasuk isolator yang baik. Beberapa bahan penyekat terdiri dari,
banyak kantong-kantong udara kecil terbungkus. Kantong tersebut berfungsi mencegah
perpindahan kalor secara konveksi. Jadi tahukah kamu mengapa dalam selimut diisi dengan
bulu-bulu kecil atau serat yang menjebak udara? Hal ini dilakukan untuk mencegah
kemungkinan kehilangan kalor.

Dinding termos dilapisi perak. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mencegah hilangnya kalor secara
radiasi. Ruang hampa antara dinding kaca pada termos bertujuan untuk mencegah
perpindahan kalor secara konveksi.

Termos berfungsi untuk menyimpan zat cair yang berada di dalamnya agar tetap panas dalam
jangka waktu tertentu. Termos dibuat untuk mencegah perpindahan kalor secara konduksi,
konveksi, maupun radiasi. Dinding termos dibuat sedemikian rupa, untuk menghambat
perpindahan kalor pada termos, yaitu dengan cara:
permukaan tabung kaca bagian dalam dibuat mengkilap dengan lapisan perak yang berfungsi
mencegah perpindahan kalor secara radiasi dan memantulkan radiasi kembali ke dalam
termos, dinding kaca sebagai konduktor yang jelek, tidak dapat memindahkan kalor secara
konduksi, dan ruang hampa di antara dua dinding kaca, untuk mencegah kalor secara
konduksi dan agar konveksi dengan udara luar tidak terjadi.
The role of latent heat in heat management of mature steamfloods
Proper heat management practices are critical to the economic success of many heavy oil
steam floods. In relatively thick reservoirs such as those found in Kern River Field,
California, strong steam override and gravity drainage of heated oil and water typify the after
steam breakthrough stage of oil production. At this stage, many steam flood operators
minimize operating costs by injecting only enough energy to maintain the growth of the
steam chest and sustain the gravity drainage process. Injection rates and/or injected steam
quality can be reduced to meet these reduced energy requirements. The form of the energy
(i.e., steam vapor or hot water) dictates the efficiency by which oil is heated as well as the
effectiveness of various mechanisms responsible for its production. The economic value of
various heat delivery strategies for mature steam floods was investigated. Recommendations
are given as to whether the total heat or the latent heat injected is the controlling factor in
meeting the minimum energy to be delivered for economically optimal oil recovery from
mature steam floods. The contribution of sensible heat on oil recovery and its impact on the
economics of mature steam floods is also discussed.

Source / Source

Sharing technology to add value : Bakersfield CA, 8-10 March 1995
Society of Petroleum Engineers. Western regional meeting No65, Bakersfield CA , ETATS-
UNIS (08/03/1995)
1995  , pp. 433-446 (14 ref.)

Role in Heat transfer

The heat transfer can happen due to various mechanisms. It can happen in the form of
radiation. This radiation can happen when it’s attracted by a body. Conduction is the most
common form of heat transfer. This process happens when there is a temperature difference
between two surfaces. Therefore, this conduction takes place between liquids and solids. This
transport does not involve any huge motion of matter.

The amount of heat transfer between the gases is quite low. The heat transfer is low due to
low density, due to which there is no scope for collision of molecules. Thermal engineering
Role in heat transfer involves the transport of different materials due to heat. So, it can be
studied for various uses like boiler and solar heaters construction. The heat transfer
happens in solids because the molecules in a pattern collide and then the free electrons
transfer the heat produced.  the engineers attain transport of heat by alerting the temperatures
of chemicals.

The conduction of heat is known as heat transfer. Heat flux is defined by the shift of thermal
energy between adjacent molecules, which exist in a substance. The conduction of heat
occurs in all kinds of modes, which include liquids, solids, gases. The heat transfer also
happens when an object does not have the same temperature as the surroundings, so the heat
is shifted unless the temperature is equalized. The temperature equalization also happens
when the when the environments of different places have varied temperatures. Heat transfer
can be between land and water and between water and land via gas. Heat transfer can be in
more than one form at a point of time. Convection can also happen with radiation. Heat
transfer happens even between two bodies. Power plant engineering and climate control
also makes use of heat transfer principles.

Nanoparticles for cancer treatment: role of heat transfer

An overview is presented of an approach for treating cancer that uses nanoparticles to deliver heat
to diseased areas after absorbing energy from a laser of the appropriate wavelength. The
implications are discussed of the relationship of parameters necessary to raise the temperature to
therapeutically beneficial levels. Tight focusing is required for a continuous-wave laser to sufficiently
heat individual nanoparticles because of heat loss to the surrounding fluid during the period of
exposure. The natural thermal confinement of pulse lasers minimizes this effect because of the finite
thermal diffusion time, which restricts the absorbed energy to a region around the particle, that
offers the potential for achieving high temperatures that can promote phase change on the surface
of a nanoparticle or even melting of the particle. A discussion of a way to potentially measure
temperature on the scale of an individual nanoparticle is included based on using a single-walled
nanotube (SWNT) of carbon as a thermistor. The challenges of this undertaking are that SWNTs do
not always follow Ohm's law, they may exhibit metallic or semiconductor behavior with an often
unpredictable result in manufacturing, and no two SWNTs behave identically, which necessitates
calibration for each SWNT. Some results are presented that show the electrical characteristics of
SWNTs and their potential for exploitation in this application.

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