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English For Agriculture


Asti Gumartifa, S.Pd., M.Pd

Prof. Dr. Indawan Syahri, S.Pd., M.Pd
Dilarang memperbanyak, mencetak atau menerbitkan
Sebagian maupun seluruh buku ini tanpa izin tertulis dari penerbit
Ketentuan Pidana
Kutipan Pasal 72 Undang-undang Republik Indonesia
Nomor 19 Tahun 2002 Tentang Hak Cipta
1. Barang siapa dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak melakukan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pasal
2 ayat (1) atau pasal 49 ayat (1) dan ayat (2) dipidana dengan pidana penjara masing-masing
paling singkat 1 (satu) bulan dan/atau denda paling sedikit Rp. 1.000.000,00 (satujuta
rupiah), atau pidana penjara paling lama7 (tujuh) tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp.
5.000.000,00 (lima juta rupiah).
2. Barang siapa dengan sengaja menyiarkan, memamerkan, mengedarkan, atau menjual
kepada umum suatu ciptaan atau barang hasil pelanggaran Hak Cipta atau hak terkait
sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 5 (lima)
tahun dan/atau denda paling banyakRp. 500.000.000,00 (lima ratusjuta rupiah).

English For Specific Purpose

Penulis : Asti Gumartifa, S.Pd., M.Pd
Prof. Dr. Indawan Syahri, S.Pd., M.Pd
Layout : Nyimas Amrina Rosyada
Desain Cover : Haryono

Diterbitkan Oleh:
Rafah Press bekerja sama dengan Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada
Masyarakat UIN RF Palembang
Anggota IKAPI

Dicetak oleh:
CV. Amanah
Jl. Mayor Mahidin No. 142
Telp/Fax : 366 625
Palembang – Indonesia 30126

Cetakan I: Februari 2020

18 x 25 cm
x, 112 hlm

Hak Cipta dilindungi undang-undang pada penulis

All right reserved

ISBN : 978-623-250-167-6


Praise the presence of God Almighty because of His grace, the

author can finish writing English for Agriculture textbook proposals that
will be used as a guidebook for the Agribusiness, Agro technology, Food
Science and Technology, Aquaculture, and Forestry study programs.
The preparation of this textbook will aim to facilitate students taking
English courses in Agriculture. In addition, the preparation of this textbook
is expected to provide additional knowledge and solutions for students and
other lecturers who experience difficulties in obtaining reading material
about the English for Agriculture course.
English for Agriculture is one of the subjects that must be taken for
semester 1 students in Agribusiness, Agro technology, Food Science and
Technology, Aquaculture, and Forestry study programs at the Faculty of
Agriculture. In order to support teaching and learning activities in these
courses, it is very important for students and lecturers to have a handbook
that has material contained in the Semester Learning Plan used in the study
program at the faculty of agriculture.
The author would like to thank you for the support and advice of all
parties who helped the process of writing this textbook both morally and
materially. This gratitude are addressed to the Dean of the Faculty of
Agriculture UMP namely Ir. Gusmiatun. MP, the Dean of the Faculty of
Economy and Business namely Drs. H. Fauzi Ridwan, M.M, and the Head
of LPPM namely Dr. Mustofa Marli Batubara, MP and all those who have
helped until this book proposal is completed.

We are aware that in the preparation of this textbook there are still
shortcomings. Therefore we sincerely hope for criticism and suggestions for
the improvement and perfection of this book.
Hopefully this textbook is useful for students and readers to enrich
their knowledge, especially in matters relating to English for Agriculture.


TITLE PAGE ......................................................................................... i

PREFACE .............................................................................................. iii
TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................ v
COURSE INFORMATION ................................................................. viii


1. Chapter I The Beginning of Agriculture ................................. 1
a. Sub Bab I : Reading (The History of Agriculture) ................. 1
b. Sub Bab II : Vocabulary ......................................................... 4
c. Sub Bab III : Speaking (Greeting and Farewell) .................... 5
d. Sub Bab IV : Structure (Noun) ............................................... 7

2. Chapter II Famous People Biography ..................................... 11

a. Sub Bab I : Reading (Benjamin Holt) ..................................... 12
b. Sub Bab II : Vocabulary ......................................................... 14
c. Sub Bab III : Speaking (Self- Introduction)............................ 19
d. Sub Bab IV : Structure (Adjective and Adverb) ..................... 20

3. Chapter III Plant Product ........................................................ 25

a. Sub Bab I : Reading (What Fruits Do You Like) ................... 25
b. Sub Bab II : Vocabulary ......................................................... 26
c. Sub Bab III : Speaking (How Much Does It Cost) ................. 29
d. Sub Bab IV : Structure (Pronoun)........................................... 30

4. Chapter IV Seeds ....................................................................... 33
a. Sub Bab I : Reading (Seed Saving Method for Different Type)... 33
b. Sub Bab II : Vocabulary ......................................................... 34
c. Sub Bab III : Speaking (Telling a Personal Agenda).............. 36
d. Sub Bab IV : Structure (Simple Present Tense) ..................... 39

5. Chapter V Soil............................................................................ 43
a. Sub Bab I : Reading (The Key Component of Healthy Soil
Structure .................................................................................. 43
b. Sub Bab II : Vocabulary ......................................................... 45
c. Sub Bab III : Speaking (Telling a Plan) .................................. 50
d. Sub Bab IV : Structure (Simple Future Tense) ....................... 52

6. Chapter VI Plant Grow ............................................................. 55

a. Sub Bab I : Reading (Plant) .................................................... 55
b. Sub Bab II : Vocabulary ......................................................... 56
c. Sub Bab III : Speaking (Daily Routine With The Time) ........ 60
d. Sub Bab IV : Structure (Past Tense) ...................................... 65

7. Chapter VII Water .................................................................... 69

a. Sub Bab I : Reading (The Water Crisis) ................................. 70
b. Sub Bab II : Vocabulary ......................................................... 70
c. Sub Bab III : Speaking (Appearance) ..................................... 75
d. Sub Bab IV : Structure (Present Continuous Tense) .............. 77

8. Chapter VIII Feed and Nutrient .............................................. 79

a. Sub Bab I : Reading (Nutrition).............................................. 79

b. Sub Bab II : Vocabulary ......................................................... 80
c. Sub Bab III : Speaking (Asking for Direction) ....................... 83
d. Sub Bab IV : Structure (Modal Auxiliary) ............................. 86

9. Chapter IX Harvest ................................................................... 89

a. Sub Bab I : Reading (The Harvest) ......................................... 89
b. Sub Bab II : Vocabulary ......................................................... 91
c. Sub Bab III : Speaking (Telephone Conversation) ................. 93
d. Sub Bab IV : Structure (W-H Question) ................................. 97

10. Chapter X Selecting and Storing Fruit .................................... 99

a. Sub Bab I : Reading (Selecting and Storing Fruit) ................. 99
b. Sub Bab II : Vocabulary ......................................................... 100
c. Sub Bab III : Speaking (Family Tree) .................................... 103
d. Sub Bab IV : Structure (Tag Question) .................................. 107

REFERENCE ........................................................................................ 110

ABOUT THE AUTHOR ....................................................................... 112


Course Name English

Course Code
Course Status English for Specific Purposes
Study Level Bachelor Degree
Number of SKS 2 SKS
Semester 1
Faculty Faculty of Agriculture
University Muhammadiyah Palembang
Course Description
This "English for Agriculture" textbook discusses the use of English
vocabulary in agriculture, grammar that can remind them to the knowledge
of grammar concepts in the use of spoken or written English, and presents
the use of language speaking that help students in expressing ideas or
thoughts about the field of agricultural activities in English.
Cullicular Purpose
Skills Understanding (listening, speaking, reading and writing) of English
General Instructional Purposes
After studying this course students are expected to:
a. Make students to understand English for Agriculture courses easily
b. Increase knowledge about new terms or vocabulary of agriculture
c. Improve students' speaking ability about farming activities in
d. Improve the quality of the learning process and assist students in
achieving learning objectives.

Course Material and Presentation
Subject Sub Subject Presentation
The Beginning of Reading: The History of Agriculture Meeting -1
Agriculture Speaking: Greeting And Farewell
Structure: Noun
Famous People Reading: Benjamin Holt Meeting -2
Biography Speaking: Self-Introduction
Structure: Adjective and Adverb
Plant Product Reading: What Fruit Do You Like? Meeting -3
Speaking: How Much Does It Cost?
Structure: Pronoun
Seeds Reading: Seed Saving Method For Meeting -4
Different Type and 5
Speaking: Telling a Personal Agenda
Structure: Simple Present Tense
Soil Reading: The Key Component of Meeting -6
Healthy Soil
Speaking: Telling a Plant
Structure: Simple Future Tense
Plant Grow Reading: Plant Meeting -7
Speaking: Daily Routine with the Time
Structure: Past Tense
Water Reading: The Water Crisis Meeting -8
Speaking: Appearance and 9
Structure: Present Continuous Tense
Feed and Nutrient Reading: Nutrition Meeting -10
Speaking: Asking for Direction and 11

Structure: Modal Auxiliary
Harvest Reading: The Harvest Meeting -12
Speaking: Telephone Conversation and 13
Structure: W-H Questions
Selecting and Reading: Selecting and Storing Fruit Meeting -14
Storing Fruit Speaking: Family Tree and 15
Structure: Tag Question


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Assalamu'alaikum Wr Wb
Asti Gumartifa was born in
Palembang city, October 17 , 1988. She is
married with Bengawan Alfaresi, ST., MT.,
IPM and has two sons and one daughter. She
studied in Elementary schools (SDN 272),
Junior high schools (SMPN 33) and Senior
high schools (SMAN 15) in the city of
Palembang. She obtained a Master's degree
in English Education Study Program at
Sriwijaya University in 2015 and a Bachelor Degree of Teacher Training
and Education Faculty in PGRI University Palembang.
Starting in 2016 until now the author is an English lecturer at the
Faculty of Economics and Business in Muhammadiyah University
Paalembang. He taught in several universities in the city of Palembang and
its surroundings. She actively writes National and International journals, and
participates in National and
International conferences or seminars.
Billahitaufiq Walhidayah, Wassalamu'alaikum Wr Wb

Palembang, February 12, 2020

Asti Gumartifa, S.Pd., M.Pd,



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