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Nama: Gusti Rara Dian Rilisa

NIM: 210814320012

Mata Kuliah: bahasa Inggris

Assalamualaikum wr.wb. My name is Gusti Rara Dian Rilisa, you can call me Rara. My dream to study
at Lambung Mangkurat University has been realized. I was very happy when I got the news that I had
qualified at Lambung Mangkurat University, precisely in Chemical Engineering study program. My old
school was Murung Pudak vocational high school, I took a pharmacy. During school, I loved chemistry
lessons. I think chemistry lessons are one of those very interesting, challenging to learn, and beneficial
to life. In addition to chemistry lessons, when I went to school I also liked math lessons. Although my
grades aren't always good for math lessons, I love to learning both.

Maths and chemistry were my favorite lessons in vocational high school. When I want to apply for
collage, I think about choosing the right study program and according to my favorite lesson. I tried to
enter Lambung Mangkurat University in pharmacy, but I failed. Some moments of sadness and want
to give up, suddenly I saw a content in the titok application that explained about the chemical
engineering study program. In the video, it is explained how the prospects of chemical engineering
work are so broad and a brief explanation of what will be studied. After I saw the video, I became
interested in trying to enroll in a university again in chemical engineering program study.

I chose two study program, my first choice was chemical engineering and my second choice was pure
chemistry. After a few months of waiting, it was time for an announcement. As it turned out, I qualified
in the chemical engineering program study. I'm so happy because my dream has come true. Although
in chemistry the chemistry lesson is slightly different from the chemistry that I have learned before, I
still try to understand it. Because this is my goal, I want to work in the oil and natural gas industry such
as big companies and the like. I want to learn new things because I want to have challenges in my life.

That’s why i choose chemical engineering program study

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