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  (pronounced a    a½ Devanagari: p 

    is one of the four stages of life (  in traditional Indian civilisation
as outlined in the  p . It refers to an educational period of 14±20 years which starts
before the age of puberty. During this time the traditional vedic sciences are studied along with
the religious texts contained within the Vedas and Upanishads. This stage of life was
characterised by the practice of strict celibacy.

Among the sramanic traditions,   is the term used for the practice of self-imposed
celibacy that is generally considered an essential prerequisite for spiritual practice. A
  is a male and    a female. These characteristics correspond to Western
notions of the religious life as practised in monastic settings but in the Brahma Kumaris and
Prajapita Brahma Kumaris religion, it is practised by married couples and householders too.


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‰edit] Derivation
The word   stems literally from two components:

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Xo the word   indicates a lifestyle adopted to enable one to attain the ultimate

‰edit] Usage
The term   has a number of uses.

One common usage denotes the aractice of  , which indicates the practice of
sexual continence or celibacy. At it's most basic level,   means abstinence from
sexual intercourse, by eight types of sexual contact. At more subtle levels,  
includes greater physical and mental sexual discipline, until ultimately the practitioner
experiences complete absence of sexual desire despite the most alluring stimuli. Hindu scriptures
state that the practice of   promotes mental and spiritual purity, and it is
encouraged for anyone wishing to attain spiritual realization. Thus, Hindu scriptures prescribe
such practice for householders prior to important religious rites, such as yagnas, or observances,
such as vrats. However, the practice of   is more sustained for most sadhus, or
renunciates, who often take a life-long vow of  , or celibacy, so that their life
becomes centered on surrender to Guru and God, with the firm hope of God realization and the
perfect divine happiness.

Another common usage denotes the life-stage of  , within the Vedic ashram
system. Brahmacharya ashram is the life-stage that occupies the first 20 or 25 years of life.
Ancient Hindu culture divides the human lifespan into 100 years. Brahmacharya is the stage
when the young child leads a student life (ideally in the Gurukula, the household of the Guru.
This stage of life is preceded by the child's Upanayanam, a ceremony in which the child is
considered to take a 
[4] Brahmacharya is the first of the four phases of human life,
namely, Brahmacharya, Grihastha, Vanaprastha, and finally Xannyasa, prescribed by
Manusmriti for the dvija castes in the Hindu system of life.

Traditionally, in this life-stage, the brahmachāri (celibate student went to live, often in the
forests, with a spiritual teacher under whom he practiced a life of strict celibacy, morality and
continence dedicated to learning all aspects of "dharma" that is the "principles righteous living".
Dharma comprised personal responsibilities towards himself, family, society, humanity and God
which included the environment, earth, nature and devotion to God. In the Hindu scheme of life,
the brahmacharya life-stage starts between the ages of five and eight, when the chela starts
his/her studies.[5]

‰edit] Yoga
The word   is also understood broadly in yoga as "sexual continence," which can
be understood as being applicable as appropriate in different contexts (e.g., marital fidelity,
celibacy for spiritual aspirants etc., in more extreme terms (complete celibacy or in more
specific terms in relation to preserving and sublimating male sexual energy rather than losing it
through ejaculation.

In yoga, the term   tends to take on a connotation of disciplining the use of and
preserving sexual energy. Brahmacharya is discussed in Patanjali's Yoga Xutras as one of the 5
Yamas, the foundational commitments for the practice of yoga. According to the Yoga Xutras,
the end-result or fruit of Brahmacharya practised to perfection is unbounded energy or vitality.

Many yogic techniques, such as meditation and asanas (e.g. shirsasana can help one to achieve
Brahmacharya interpreted as celibacy or strict control of sexual desires.[

‰edit] Diet and brahmacharya

Brahmacharya is also observed to contain one's sensual desires for food and taste, as well as
materialism. Most brahmacharis prescribe to avoiding the consumption of meat, spices and
cooked foods, which are said to cultivate the taste buds and pleasure senses of the mind. Gandhi,
one of the most known brahmacharis, besides being an adherent of simple living and
nonresistance, also devoted himself to creating what he believed to be a perfect diet. The diet,
later named the "Gandhi-diet" meant a diet which was environmentally acceptable, based on
economical (low-cost products and healthy (allowing the body to perform at its best capabilities½
thus keeping digestion in mind. The diet, on which he worked for 35 years, constantly re-
evaluating and improving it for himself, consisted of [6][7] :

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Gandhi also kept his weight low, with a Body Mass Index of 17.7. Today, the Gandhi diet is
again becoming more popular, and experts as Dr. P.P. Bose [6] state the diet to be very healthy
and to fit perfectly with the (UXDA food-pyramid.[8]

The effect of certain food components in stimulating sexual desire may be attributed to their role
in sex hormone synthesis. According to tradition, certain foods such as garlic and onion are said
to induce sexual desire. Whole milk and milk products derived from cream (butter, ghee and
cheese are also said to stimulate sexual desire, despite being part of the Gandhi diet.

‰edit] Modern brahmacharis

Most Hindu, Buddhist and Jain monks take the vow for life, committing themselves to work of
religious service and study. Mahatma Gandhi, the great Indian political and spiritual leader, had
embraced the vow and lifestyle permanently at age 38.

Xwami Vivekananda attributed his success and magnificent personality to his perfect observance
of brahmacharya.[9]

Many brahmacharis have the final goal of nirvana, or moksha in mind when they pursue strictly
disciplined lifestyles.

‰edit] Other interaretations of @  

Brahmacharya can also be interpreted more generally in a variety of ways, such as:







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‰edit] Swami Vivekananda on Brahmacharya


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