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Name: Reski Amalia Ramadani

Nim: 4520032012

Study Program: Food Teknology

Task: 2


1. We are going to vacation (subject pronoun)

Kami akan berlibur
2. Don't tell me that you can't go with us (Complement pronoun)
Jangan beri tahu saya bahwa Anda tidak dapat pergi bersama Kami
3. Anybody who saya it won't be fun has no clue what they are talking about (Idenfinited
Pronoun, Subject Pronoun, and Relative Pronoun)
Siapa pun yang mengatakan itu tidak akan menyenangkan tidak tahu apa yang mereka
4. These are terribly steep stairs (Demonstratif Pronoun)
Ini adalah tangga yang sangat curam
5. We ran into each other at the mall (Subject Pronoun and Reciplocal Pronoun)
Kami bertemu satu sama lain di Mall
6. I'm not sure which is worse rain or snow (Relatif Pronoun)
Saya tidak yakin mana yanh lebih buruk, hujan atau salju
7. It is one of the nicest Italian restaurant's in town (Compliment Pronoun)
Ini adalah salah satu restoran Italia erbaik di kota
8. Richard stared at himself in the miror (Reflexive Pronoun)
Richard menatap dirinya sendiri di cermin
9. Someone spilled orange juice all over the countertop (Idenfinited Pronoun)
Seseorang menumpahkan jus jeruk ke seluruh meja

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