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fllHri JVlEKdlMi


Publishers,N o t Bookstore, Responsible forHigh Prices

By Michael J. Oppennan
Merciad Writer 1

The textbook Modern Physics

lose in price from $55.14 to
$5754, nearly a 5% increase, from
last term to the current term. Dan
Cullen, in charge of the book or*
dering at the Hermann Union
Bookstore, said that the price
changes originate with the pub-
lisher and that the Mercy hurst
College Bookstore is charging less
tfian most of the colleges in the
According to Cullen, there have
been several recent trends in the
publishing industry that have se-
verely Impacted - thef prices
charged for textbooks, hard and
soft cover books, and mass mar-
ket or trade paperbacks (those
small, "cheap" books with the
glossy cavers that generally retail
for $3.99 to $7.99). The burgeon-
ing: used book commerce, in-
creased freight charges, and the
consolidation and takeover of
publ ishing com pa nies are a 11 forc-
ing book prices skyward.
Twenty years ago, trade in used
books was neither prolific nor
profitable, Cullen said. New Bookstore Manager Dan Cullen stocks the shelves.
•.Illlies were published and pur-
chased and publishers had to fuel charge in Florida would be can maintain a 20% margin (plus margin. A student buy ing this used factory" compensationforbooks,
worry little about competition in absorbed by the entire network $ 1 per text to cover theft) - instead book the next term would then other times the situation is sim il ar
the sales of textbooks. Now, stu- nationwide), Cullen said. of the 25% margin of most of the pay $29.75 for a book that is $40 to the buy back of ester's Mexi-
In response to an increasingly college bookstores in the nation, when purchased new.
dents can buy their lit:* s^^^^
difficulty market, publishers are
cans. Since Follet has a large over-
Cullen said. Due to the perpetual reissuing stock of Mexicans, the business
Every used book bought equals a going out of business or being For example, the textbook In- of textbooks, the'bookstore is only pays $1 for the book which
new book that is not purchased purchased by larger publishers. I
troduction to Accounting is pur- unable to repurchase texts which I was originally retailed for $13.
from the publisher. These larger publishers review chased from the publisher for will not be used within the next Follet will then sell die book to
To ensure profit, Cullen said the texts issued by the smaller $5750 (in the spring, the pub- term. Cullen is currently holding college bookstores for 1/2 the
that publishers are doing two publishers th at they have acquired lisher charged $53, an increase of $715 worth of texts for a Medical cover price ($630).
things. Many textbooks are pack- and eliminate duplications. nearly 8%). With a 20% margin Terminology class which-was Buy back is limited to the Gist
aged with workbooks (to encour- Choosing only a few texts, these plus $1 to cover theft, the text- canceled. Fortunately, the books two weeks of a term and the last
age teachers to employ these larger publishing conglomerates book costs the student $66.25. If are new and will be repurchased week of a term. This is a book-
single-use texts) and computer funnel marketing money into Cullen were to use the accepted by the publisher. Shipping will, store policy intended to reduce
discs in the attempt to make new them. This marketing is mani- 25 % margin, this text would list however, need to be pa id to return the theft of booksfromthe book-
textbooks indispensable. Publish- fested intofreecopies for teach- at $70.75.1 Spread over several them and the publisher charges a store and within the student body.
ers are also printing new editions ers and paying sales representa- classes each term for four to five 5% "restocking fee." If the texts
more frequently (aboutevery two Cullen concluded by advising
tives (salaries and travel costs). years, the savings are remarkable. were used, he would have to rely
years instead of every Gve or six) the students to "buy used books
Inflation forces these expenditures Buy backs are another place in on the independable used book
to maintain dependable sales, he when you ca a." He said, T know
up. which the bookstore saves the stu- industry.
said. kids are swapping books out there.
The Mercyhurst bookstore has dent money. Cullen uses a stan- Follet, which is known for pay- I need mem to swap books. If I
Freight costs have also risen. made several decisions to keep dard (for college bookstores) ing "top dollar"forused books have leftovers [the result\of
Thefreightservices arc trying to costs down,* By joining the Na- method for buying back texts. For (according to the National Asso- overordering], I am tying up your
cover rising wages, insurance, and tional Association of College a book in good condition, he gen- ciation of College Stores), sets its money."
fuel charges. Increases tend to be Stores,freightexpenses are mini- own prices for buy-backs. Some-
spread across the country (i.e. a erally pa y s the student half of the
mized. Therefore, the bookstore list price and then uses a 33% times the students receive "satis-

Service Learning BannerTaken from Egan
To celebrate the founding of the Sisters of Mercy in Ireland
By Chris Wloch, "Serving^to Learn, Learning to * agreed to give it back as long as
on Dec, 12,1831, there will be a liturgy in the Christ the King Merciad News Editor Serve," he-she remained anonymous. The
Chapel on Thursday, December 12, nt 4 p.m. Last March, the banner was banner was placed on the wall by
All members of the college community (students, faculty, Sometime during the week be- made by senior art maj or Theresa the door of Voltz's office where it
and staff), are invited to participate. fore fall term finals, the Service Schroeck for the Service Learn- was left to hang, even at night,
Learning Banner, which was ing Program as a project for Inter* until it was taken again a little
hanging outside of Egan room 42 national Women's Week* over three weeks ago.
There will be a Pennsylvania State Education Association on the floor above the financial Sister Carol Ann Volte, direc- Voltz said that she hopes that
(PSEA) meeting on December 11, at 8 p.m. in room 114 Zurn. aid ha U, disappeared in the night. tor of the program, said that the whoever took the banner this time
it************** Thcbanner, valued at more than banner was stolen during the will sim pi y put it back where they
Anyone interested in snow shoveling for $5.00 an hour $75, is a six feet by six feet, tie- spring term of last year. It was got it from. "I just want it re-
dyed linen tablecloth with fringe returned by someone who saw it turned. No questions will be asked
should contact Bill Kerbusch of maintenance at 2273. on the borders. The design fea- at a party on campus and told one • about where it has been," she said.
tures four interlocking arms which
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

of the people who lived at the have had, it was a fun team to
MSO announces that the new 24-Hour quiet study room form a square with bands clasp- apartment that she was either go- coach and I really enjoy it It's a
is now open. The room is located in the Montgomery Room ing onto the wrists. At thetopof ing to take it back or turn in the nice place to bring the family up,
the banner is a slogan which reads: person who took itfeThe person
firstfloorof the library. the kids like it here very much,"
I-' - - " • -

PAGE 2 THEMERCIAD December 5,1996

Mil MM
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F a c u l t y D i s c u s s e s "G r a d e I n f l a t i o n tf

By Chris Wloch |
MerciodNews Editor

Is there a practical valueforthe Bucknell to Fredonia— and, espe- "normative sessions" in order ID which contributes to the overall accounting, which stresses the
grade received in a dass? What is cially on the internet," with some determine what are to be consid- significance ofthe learning expe- importance of accuracy, would
the difference, between a C+ people raising concerns and oth- ered die normative standards rience and a degree's reputation not be doing their students a favor
earned by a Mercyhurst student ers adopting defensive positions within a particular department and worth. '* by awarding diem a grade ofA for
and the same grade received by about traditional ways of grad- According to Edwards, "grade Addressing this concern would an overall average of only 94%.
someone at a better known insti- ing. I , inflation is not the central prob- involve evaluation of the stan- In another major like, English,
tution like Harvard? What is the At Mercyhurst, the department- lem. The real issue here is course dards for teachers expectations, the grades on papers are rarely
level ofintellectual challenge that wide discussions were sparked rigor." There are many factors class requirements, and the as- ever dose to a perfect 100%. As a
can be indicated by the work that by a Nov. 4th meeting which was that need to be taken into consid- sessment ofstudent performance. result, die grading scale can be a
is required for a course? very popular with the faculty. eration when looking at the issue, At die same time, it means exam- little more flexible, Hosey said.
During the month of Novem- There was a high turnout with she said. ining the amount of reading and Nevertheless, consistency within
ber, questions such as these were more than 50 professors in atten- Some of these factors include writing and kinds of tests that are departments remains an impor-
examined by Mercyhurst (acuity dance. students perceptions of the de- part of a particular class and de- tant conern.
members who met during a series The session was conducted by mands and rewards of a course termining whether or not they are During the next couple weeks
of discussions which examined the Faculty Forum, a section of which are reflected on Student adequate. of the winter term, departments
the issue of "grade inflation." the Faculty Policies Committee Evaluation Reports; the difference MT*»
hard to make sweeping and divisions will continue to meet
The term "grade inflation" it- (ETC) which organizes meetings in class sizes, whether the course generalizations about an issue like in order to come up with im-
self is somewhat nebulous. Basi- on faculty-related issues and con- is an introductory, upper level or this. We need to provements in the way that stu-
cally, it is an attempt to point out cerns. In addition to Edwards, who honors class; If it is primarily lec- recognize that disciplines have dents are evaluated in terms of
the differences in requirements is the chairperson, the Forum is ture or performance oriented, and different approaches and meth- grades.
and methods of evaluation be- comprised of Dr. Randall the possibility that the alleged high 99
odologies, Gower said. At the "Whatever changes are made
tween classes which make it easier Demons, Dr. Dennis Dirkmaat, number of A's and B+'s at present time, a standardization of have to be fair. This is not an
to earn a good grade in some and Dr. Heidi Hosey. Mercyhurst may be due to better the grading scale across depart- attempt to harm students. It might
courses a nd harder to get the same Edwards said that the Forum instruction on the part of profes- ments is not even being consid- mean increasing intellectual ch al-
grade in others. expects the FPC to form an ad hoc sors, improved study habits or ered because of the difficulty and lenge because of a commitment
Alice Edwards, associate pro- committee which will work with even the higher calibre of stu- lack of a need for doing so. to a cademic values,* Gower said.
fessor of Spanish, said that the the administration to help estab- dents enrolling at Mercyhurst According to Dr. Heidi Hosey,
topic of grade inflation "is one lish guidelines and sponsor more Dr. Joseph Gower, Academic associate professor ofEnglish, the
which is being talked about cv- inter-disciplinary discussions. Dean, likewise views the issue reasonforthis decision lies in the
erywhere—from Stanford to This committee will a Iso conduct more in terms of academic rigor fact that professors in a field like
• —

LUMEN? CALL FOR Hot Water Shortage on Campus

By Todd Zielinskl
SUBMISSIONS Me rciad Writer
Affects Students
Lumen, the Mercyhurst Literary Magazine, is accepting submissions Two weeks before Thanksgiv- Terry Camp, head of housing lem, but as complaints started to
for the 1997 issue. Undergraduate studentsfromMercyhurst College, ing break, a shortage of hot water maintenance, explained mat of increase in frequency,Terry Camp
Cannon University, Edinboro University and Behrend College are began. Atfinalexam time, tilll die seven resident buildings in and staff had to look towards what
invited to submit their literary and artistic works. Poetry and prose plaints ofwater problems ranging question, only one hot water heat- seemed to be a more serious prob-
should be no longer than five double-spaced pages, and artworks from not having hot water to not ing system exists per building, lem.
should be photographed in black and white. Two short stories, five having water all together, were with no backups. The system is
poems, and two pieces of artwork will be considered per person. What theyfoundout, with the
heard campus wide. Stewart designed so hot water is continu-
Submissions must be received by December 11,1996, to be included help of a representativefromthe
Hogg, who lives in 3810 Briggs, ously flowing in a circular line
in the 1997 Lumen. Send works to: Lumen, M ercyhurst Coll ege, 501 gas company, was that water had
stayed over during the break and throughout the building. This ac-
E. 38th St Box 200, Eric, Pa. 16546. Any questions call 824-2461 or found a way into several of the
explained that the problem started tually gives hot water priority to
824-2584. gas pipes the gas company had
getting so serious that "we had to the apartment farthest away from
been working on. Wa ter in the gas
move out because we couldn't the hot water heater, apartment 7.
lines prevented the pilot lights
M S G N@WS§ Courtesy Phone perform simple tasks like wash-
ing the dishes orflushingthe tot
What has been happening as of
late is the fa Dure of pilot lights in from staying on for any duration
several of the buildings on a con- of time. The major cases ofwater
let* Sheila Parkinson and others
By Melissa Lang
Installed in; Old Main who decided to stay also fell vic- tinuous basis. Atfirst,re-lighting contamination were found to be
in apartment buildings 611,3808-
tim to some of the same hard- of the pilot lights served as die
MSG Secretary 3810,Duval.
ships. short term solution to the prob-
At 8:30 p.m., on Monday, Dec The issue should be out in publi-
2,1996 the MSG held its weekly cation before the Winter break.
meeting in the Student Govern- The MSG representatives passed
ment Chambers upstairs in the a motion to allow the FZ com-
Union. mittee to purchase a zip drive for
At the meeting the Winter For- the publication's computer, this
mal chairpersons were nomi- drive will allow for easier layout
nated and voted on, our 1997 and faster publication of the
Winter Formal chairpersons will magazine.
be Jenny eVetter and Emily Page. I President Stacey Fitzpatrick
Th e winter formal will be held on announced that the courtesy
January 24 at Sabella's restau- phone was installed in Old Main
rant downtown. try the pay phone. The 24 hour
MSG executive board will be study room in the libary is up and
meeting with the auditor on De- running, the computers have not
cember 10 to discuss the audit been ins tailed but should be added
report from last year's student sometime in the near future.
government A reminder to all students in
The Freedom Zone will be ac- the next few weeks there are
cepting submissions for its De- plenty of volunteer acthritces to
cember issue until Sunday night. participate in, your help is needed.

Atright,Mercyhurst students look over information at one of the

tables during the Career Fair on Thursday, November 7th.
December 5,1996 THEMERCIAD PAGE 3

Erie! Playhous e revives a classic
By James Hain it presents the musical version.
MerciadA&E Editor Rich Tryzbiak stars in the
Jimmy Stewart part, with Hugh
The movie It's a Wonderful Rial cast as Clarence, the good-
Life was a box officeflopwhen it hearted angel in search of his
Was first released in? 1946, but wings. Alison OUinger splays
since then It has become as inte- Mary, the Donna Reed part, and
gral to the Christmas experience the musical co-stars Randy Tap-
as Christmas trees and drunken per and Kevin Feyas.
relatives. This happened largely The stage version was written
by accident by Sheldon {Fiddler on the Roof)
In 1974, Republic Pictures Harnick and Joe {Sesame Street)
forgot torenewits copyright on Raposo, and, according to Play-
the holiday chestnut, and it fell house? spokeswoman Wendy
into the public domain, meaning Dykhuizen, sticks dosely to the
that every one-camera UHF sta- movie script %
tion in the country could broad- The production, under the di-
cast the movie ad nauseum. rection of Richard Davis, runs
The misadventures of George Thursdays through Sundays until
Bailey have entered our national December 21. For tickets and
consciousness, and this Christ- other information, call the Play-
mas season, the Erie Playhouse house box office at 454-2852, ext
willrecapturethe fond memories 42. ' ' Hugh Rial (left) and Rich Tryzbiak (right) star in the Erie Playhouse production of "It's
ofthe Jimmy Stewart classic when
a Wonderful Life,"

Dave Calabrese islbass-ically a loner

By Shannon Hagan for their own life," he said. Addi- sportif costumes and props in-
and Chris Wloch, tionally, Calabrese says that his clude bandanas, fur vests, over-
Merciad Contributing Writers ultimate goal is;"to transform sized sunglasses, Power Ranger
human* experiences into some- masks, and homemade hats with
Next Thursday, Dec. 12, local thing I think that the audience mechanized rotating objects.
musician, performing artist and will enjoy." In the past couple of years,
comedian Dave Calabrese (a.k-a. I As a result, one of the most Calabrese has released" several'
Bassidy Alone), will be perform- J popular parts of Calabrese's live solo- records including "The
ing at SAC Coffeehouse in the performances comes when he Party* "fosta Fishole," "Sooth-
Laker Inn from 8:30 - 11 p.m. composes impromptu songs from ing the Exploding Warrior* and a
Along with the use of a single random topics and themes given single for 'Dennis Was A Disco
four-string electric bass guitar, to him by members of the audi- Dancer." He has recently com-
Calabrese has redefined the foun- ence. Calabrese's shows also fea- pleted the bass tracksfora spo-
dation of contemporary pop-mu- f ture mixed-media artwork con- ken-word album with two local
sical subconscious. He weaves sisting of wood engravings, post- poets entitled "Omen."
bass guitarriffsinto smart, eclec- ers and original T-shirt designs Following a brief career hiatus,
tic, and fun songs pulsing with > for purchase, as well as copies of Calabrese has played numerous
benign innuendoes and off-beat his tapes. Toys and bowling tro- shows in the past couple of
children's humor for adults. phies are sometimes given out as months, both by himself and with
Calabrese's musk is a combi- door prizes. other local musicians, at perform-
nation of funk, post-punk, jazz, With an uncanny resembl ance ing arts centers and coffeehouses
polka, pop-rock, disco, and folk to Paul Shaffer offrthe Dave such as Cup-a-cci no's,
blended with a variety of LeHerman Show, he has been de- Grasshopper's and The Blue
multicultural themes. In an inter- scribed as a cross between Primus Planet in Meadville. By booking
view, Dave described what he (the progressive rock band) and more region-wide gigs and pri-
does as "a representation of bu- Barney (the purple dinosaur). vate parties, Calabrese said that
rn an nature and how we think. It'sCalabrese*s style of appearance he hopes that his musical vision
self-help music I hope that people and staee presence is as singular will enterta in and enlighten stu-
will utilize the lyrics ofmy songs as Liberace and Elton John. His dents at Mercy hurst.

Q: Who was the only dog ever nominated for an Academy Award?
Dave Calabrese has a style all his own.

- - * - — - •,-*,•

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PAGE 4 THEMERCIAD Decembers, 1996

Dancers, Scholars and Community Service
By Amanda Smith and nity performances, four dance
Catherine Schaeffer majors were chosen to represent
Merciad Contributing Writers Mercyhurst at die National Col-
legiate Honors Conference,
The month of November which was held in San Francisco
proved to be an industrious time from Oct 30 through Nov. 3.
for members of the Dance De- Stephanie Todd, Rachel Zak, Jen-
partment Immediately follow- nifer Corneau and Theresa
ing the opening concert, "Blue LaComb presented papers on
Jeans, Ballet and Bolero," danc- dance-related topics. The impor-
ers were involved in a series of tance ofdance in elementary edu-
community outreach perfor- cation and the urgency of NEA
mances,.A/iiieradter rehearsals, an (National Endowment for the
audition for the student choreog- Arts) support was discussed in
raphy showcase, and the National one segment of die presentation.
Collegiate Honors Conference. Other topics presented Included
The Mercy hurst da ncers balanced a psychology experiment deal-
die dosing of the fall term with ing with the process of skill ac-
continued preparationforupcom- quisition and stage digression, the
ing events* benefits of incorporating mental
The Erie Ballet Theatre, spon- imagery with physical practice,
sored by the Da nee Department, and the study of links between
presented a luncheon perf orma nee choreography and emotional re-
for the Jewish Community Coun- sponses. T h e conference pro-
cil of Eric on Wednesday, Nov. 6. vided a unique opportunity for
The program included a lecture die exchange ofideas among col-
demonstration, the Erie Splash lege students from across the
Dancers, excerpts from the Nut- United States," said junior Jenni-
cracker, and Waltzing Fool, cho- fer Corneau.
HtJ phed by faculty member

Catherine Schaeffer. On the same The Eric Ballet Theater

evening; the Erie Ballet Theatre continues to prepare for mis Dancers in 'Blue Jeans.- Bottom: Jocqueline Pescatore. 2nd ,ow (1 to r): Meghan Grant, Mary White,
performed at die Warner Theater year's production of The Nut- Maureen Cavanaugh, Kim Richards. Standing 0 to r): Heather Adams, Kristen Thorn, Heather Beckey,
for the Erie Area .Fund for the cracker, which will be performed Jen Black and Kristy Sampson. f f l i f f Wf

Alts. Faculty members Jay Kirk, at the Warner Theater Dec, 14 and
Catherine Schaeffer, and adjunct 15. Tickets for this holiday fa-
faculty, Christina Maria per- vorite are available at student rates
and can be reserved by calling the
formed with a cast of Mercyhurst
I In addition to these commu-
Erie Civic Center Box Office at
452-4857. If
Eveiytiring's coming up Dalmatians
By Carrie Tappe year, 101 Dalmatians leads the 101 Dalmatians the big craze
Merciad Staff Writer pack. again?
The Dalmatians craze has hit Disney has redone the anima ted
SPLENDID! EAUTIFUl THEATRE Every couple of months, Disney hardjust in time for the Christina s classic as a live-action film. The
A SHEEF&fOY." new 101 Dalmatians stars Glenn

A d ? 6 s t a i c d PK?SR seems to introduce a new craze shopping season. Practically ev-

into the entertainment scene. Over ery store im aginable has some sort Close as Cruella DeVil, Jeff
the pastfewyeu&yAladdinyBeauty ofDalmatian gift. Hot items range Daniels, Joely Richardson, and
iVAR^iHUMOHOUS, DEU&HTFUL: 101 of those cute, cuddly Dalma-
and the Beast and The Lion King from bedsheets, pillows and sleep-
I HEART!UTRBCOMMEND IT,"-*™* have caught die hearts of audi* ing bags to Dalmatian accesso- tians. The movie, which opened
ences everywhere. Last year, ries, dinnerware and alarm clocks. at #1 this week, is in theaters ev-
«4|TjREASURE OF A PLAY!" Pocahontas * Winnie the Pooh and There is Dalmatian paraphernalia erywhere.
—a— —•—

. ' «L Ctuifttfaf! ScfelM** fctenitwr Toy Story outhtoed merest This forpcoplc of all ages. But why is

«A STORY OF WIT AMO PASSION... Gibson and Sinise make this "Ransom" worth paying
[•AND CHERISH. VERY MUCH By James Haln pers inform him that, unless they villain, back in top form after nicc-
WORTH SEEING.*? .1 '~N.*.P««. Merciad A&E Editor receive $2 million, his son will guy roles in Forrest Gump and
never see the light of day again. Apollo 13.
Ron Howard is one of the few They e-mail him horrify ing im- Gibson is equally good in a role
actors who has ma de the success- ages of his son bound and gagged tha t requires strength a nd vulner-
• I 1
Ail transition from acting to di- in a small dungeon, just so he
recting. The quality of his films knows they arcn't kidding around.
ability in roughly equal measure.
When his character makes a fate-
hasrisenimmeasurably, and with Even though he has been warned ful decision to turn the tables on
each project; he seems to top him- not to involve the feds, Gibson the kidnappers, Gibson runs the
1 ft

aelC Last year, he struck gold and bis wife (Rene Russo) enlist gamut among a complex series of
with the box office and critical the help of the FBI, who set up emotions, and it's easy to see the
ftr_4 > . . * * $
smash, Apollo 13, and there was shop in the couple's home, await-1 anguish of a fattier who is only
seemingly nowhere to go but ing the kidnappers' next instruc- partially convinced that what he

•::•• • ' :
down. But Howard has defied tions. is doing is right
$3$@Sa expectation and topped himself Ransom serves up a clever com-
' . * .

Mm The supporting cast, including

once again with the blistering plication early on, when we learn Russo, Delroy Lindo, Lili Taylor
?SZS@5 thriller Ransom, After viewing that the ragtag band ofkidnappers and Liev Schrciber, is uniformly
«tPMf J& Ttir*t&4fc'ySaritt lfeCIMit*g - ' •• $
this two-hour pulse-stopper, you is led by a disgruntled cop (Gary excellent, but it's ultimately
mayfindyourselfwondering what Sinise), who mumbles something Howard'a slam-bang direction
Howard has in store for us next. about "haves** and "have-nots* as that carries the film, especially in
: 14S W M t i t f h ^ * ? & & »& I Ransom stars Mel Gibson as a his rationale. Sinise oozes evil as its surprisingly bloody finale*
self-made airline tycoon whose the dirty cop who has no qualms Ransom isn't for the faint-
ordered world crashes down about killing the child, even if the hearted, but it marks a departure
around him when h is son (Bra wley ifrcshing for Howard, whose next film
Nolte) is kidnapped. The kidnap-
great shew Id rea 11 y be someth ing to see
^ • — 1 - •—rrrrr-m-Tr ..•••• _.

On The Ditch
By John Murphy
Must Remain Finn in War On Drugs
later evolved into legalized pot- The main focus in this debate is
session. Consequently, drug use what will happen to our children?
Editor in chief By Emilio Colaiacovo among, teens and young adults Are we willing to forsake our
Merciad Columnist doubled. On the international children for a joint? Are we will-
I have always been a bit of a 'Scrooge' around Christmas time, don't scene, Italy in 1975 liberalized its ing to fell! lider the for reaching
ask me why. Maybe it is because when I was a kid, the big fat guy in As a till irvativc, I lately ad- drug laws and now has the high-
the red suit never delivered what I askedfor.Furthermore, my parents repercussions of drug use? The
vocate government intrusion into est heroin-related death rates in answer does not lie in die Grate-
always took his side in my complaints against him. Indeed, I used to American society. As Thomas Western Europe. Evidently, le-
mink my father was on retainer by old Santa since his enthusiastic fid Dead Hippie Pot Lobby. It lies
Jefferson believed, I also feel that i galizing drugs does not deter far- in die homes of millions of con-
defense of him usually resulted in my receiving a kick in the butt government which governs less mer drug use, rather, it i^r * ^ ^ ^
Anyway, I've got my reasonsformuttering "bah, humbug." How- cerned Americans.
governs best However, after drugusc. J Drug use is immoral because it
ever, I am not quite sure what reasons the powers at Mercyhurst have witnessing a great liberalization In a USA Today poll, 88% of
for being less than charitable during this festive time. At least this is enslaves the mind and destroys
in narcotics policies by particular the American people reject legal- die soul Jsmcs Q. Wilson, Pro-
what I would be wondering IfIwere a full-time non-faculty employee states, I feel now more man ever, ization of drugs. Given what drugs fessor of Political Science at
at this college. IfI were a member of this group I would feel somewhat the federal government must take | are doing to our communities and UCLA, recently said, "Drug use
aggrieved by the fact that I would only have a total of four days off an active role to prevent drugs [irto our children, Ifindit astound- weakens and degrades the human
over the Christmas and New Year's holidays. from becoming legal, whether it singly naive and ridiculous how character. It makes people less
Like most students here, I have had my run-ins with the administra- beformedical or recreational use. anyone believes the legalization j than they should be by burning
tion, but despite our differences, I'd like to think that if in the position In tackling this explosive issue, of drugs is morally permissible. ; away a sense of responsibility,
to do so, I would grant them more than Christmas Eve and Christmas I understand I will probably sus- If drugs were legalized, it is al- subverting productivity, and mak-
day to be with their families at such a special time. tain a great deal of criticism from most certain that drug use would I ing s mockery of virtue. n
I accept that Mercyhurst is a professional institution in the business those who advocate the legaliza- soar. * 4

tion of drugs for selfish, recre- I People addicted to drug use for-
of supplying education, and requires a lot ofwork to run smoothly. As Many say that by legalizing
ational purposes. Regardless, the > get their responsibilities to God,
with most American businesses, time is valuable, and thus, staff drugs, crime rates would fall. Yet
battle over the legalization of family, and nation. Consequently,
holidays are costly. statistics, gathered by PAE Ser-
drugs should not be fought over legalizing drugs will only further
However, is Mercyhurst not also a Catholic college in the tradition vices show that criminals became 3
the petty issue of recreation, this' neglect Drugs undermine
of the Sisters of Mercy, a tradition based on charity and goodwill? It involved in criminal activities
rather, people must be made aware the necessary virtues that remain
is reasonable to assume that this Mercy tradition makes a decision long before they discovered the part of universal moral principles
granting out of town employees adequate time to travel and spend thefightto keep drugs illegal is a lure of drugs. However, liberals

time with their famflieson the most celebrated of Christian holidays, battle to preserve the lives of chil- which govern all citizens in the
are the first to cry there is not moral community. I do not be-
over a decision that might appear most cost effective on a balance dren and the virtues which are enough money devoted to social
quintessential^ American. lieve the Founding Fathers be-
sheet programs. But in the fight against lieved a citizenry induced in a
And so, at a time when people gather to celebrate traditional In the 1960's, the Age of drugs, Bill Clinton slashed the drag haze could prove true to rep-
Christian values, perhaps Mercyhurst should reflect on what values it Aquarius where peace guided the Drug Czar's office by 80% and resentative democracy. As Dr.
considers more important in the treatment of its administrative em- planets and love steered the stars, deeply cut the drug enforcement William Bennett said, "no civi-
ployees- those in the tradition of Corporate America or those in the fanatics rejected the language of capabilities for U.S. Customs and lized society can be neutral re-
tradition of the Sisters of Mercy. morality. Since then, our nation the DEA. President Clinton obvi- garding character, virtue and per-
has paid dearlyforthe belief that ously has been quite lax in his sonal responsibility." k
drug use was harmless, fin the
Egan Hall OrAkatraz? gressively fighting the drug prob-
fight against drugs.-His arrogant
1970's our nation, instead of ag- V attitude towards his dwn prior
drug use coupled with an ex- sur-
This point cannot be debated on
Epicurean principles of pleasure
and pain. Rather, the American
By Mary Pike in the other dorms there are places lem, turned away from the epi- geon general advocating the le- people must realize that in legal-
Merciad Columnist where students of both sexes can demic and became complacent in galization of drugs is not, in my izing drugs, we retreatfromthe
gather at night under the watch- the face of drug use. For ex- opinion, die proper strategy |a moral high ground. I think we
ful gaze of the night desk worker. ample, Dr. Peter Bourne, a psy- presidential administration must would be sending the wrong mes-
over want to live in a correc-
McAuley and Baldwin both have chiatrist who served as President follow. sage to the nation's children if we
tional facility? Me neither, but it
front lounges for this purpose, Carter's adviser on drugs, held Legalizing drugs is not a politi- become apathetic towards die
seems as if I do. I live in the Egan
not to ,mention T.V. rooms on that "cocaine is probably the most cal question for the voters to de- drug dilemma.
Dorm (above die cafe for those
every floor for resident enjoy- benign ofall illicit drugs currently cide. This issue is firmly en- I think it would be selfish for
who don't know) and in my opin-
ment in widespread use." trenched in the moral battle those on campus to believe their
ion the place is run like a state
Egan has only one lounge and Such complacency in die face grounds of America. Many be- recreational habits are more im-
pen. There are rules and regula-
of adversity is intolerable. As a lieve that legalizing drugs for portant than the lives of millions
tions about virtually everything that is closed to everyone after result of this cavalier attitude, medical purposes isfine.Yet, this of innocent children. This is a war
that can be regulated, and more hours to prevent visitation viola-
many states began to pioneer the will only pave the road to •AIJII against drugs and it isfortime we
than one resident can be heard tions. There is also a kitchen on
9 liberalization ofdrugs. Alaska was pi a cent policies directed towards begin conducting a meaningful
grumbling about it in the hall- die boys floor, but females arc
one of thefirststates to legalize drug use and eventually lead to campaign against this atrocity to
ways. not allowed there after hours. In'
marijuana for medical use which full legalization. humankind.
Being a dorm, there are of tact, there is nowhere on the Egan
course visiting hours (much like
the mental institution it re-
sembles). After midnight on
dormfloorsto go after hours with
someone of the opposite sex, and The Merciad
residents have resorted to late
weekdays (2 a.m. on weekends) night study sessions in the stair- VOL. 70 NO. 9 December 5,1996
no one of the opposite sex \ is wells. For a dorm that is supposed Merciad Editors
allowed on thefloors. Sometimes to be devoted to study, I find it ohn Murphy Editor-in-Chief James Haia Ao^E Editor
people of die same sex are not odd that there is noplace to do so c© tt Vance Sports Editor Jason Giffen Advertising
even allowed on the floors after except the looms themselves. Of hrisWloch News Editor Michelle Mizia Copy Editor
hours as non-resident males have course, for those of us with room- rad Rybczynski Features Editor [Aaron Connell Graphics*
been kicked off the boys' floor. mates this is not always an option. an B ilflker Senior Writer Jerry Trambley Advisor
There is no check-in desk as in To further combat the dreaded
McAuley or Baldwin, no work- uni-sex transgressions of Egan Merciad Staff
ers to take names and IDs. In- residents, housing has installed amzPorzio Jessica Russell Shawntea Howard Tavis Overstreet
stead, it is up to the RAs to en- new locks on the main doors that tepben Nolan Joe Wong Carrie Tappe Emilk) Colaiacovo
force this rule, a task they don't are to be locked at all times. This liD Melville Mindi McDowell Nicole Ponstingle Rich Costello
really need as they are swamped means that to go into the hall, or Zielinsld Mary Pike I Jody Washington
with duties as it is. This creates a upstairs for even a minute, you illy Green Kara dark Steve Torriero
certain amount of animosity be- have to remember your key or be icolc Esposbo Zoe Cohen Heather Cvitkovic
tween the residents and the RAs, locked out of your floor. If the
something neJtherfparty truly key is lost, you have to - notify ic Merciad Is the student-produced newspaper of Mercyhurst College, Box 161,
wants or needs. We are all adults maintenance (always a reliable 01 E 38th St., Erie, Pa., 16546. Phone 824-2376. *
here, and more than capable of source of kelp I'm sure) and pay
A+ijjAfag for ourselves who may the $25 replacement foe instead e Merciad welcomes letters to the editor.
visit our rooms and when they of buying that text book or the
can visit without administration shampoo you have needed for
intervention. about a week now. Imagine the
The Merciad's editorial opinion is determined try the Editorial Boardwith the Editor-in-Chief
•thing problems if the key is lost after 4
Visiting ttli ^^^ holdingfinalresponsibility. The opinions expressed in The Merciad are not necessarily those of
to anyone who has spent some contd. on pg 7 The Merciad, its staff or Mcrcyhurst College.
time living in a dorm. However,
PAGE 6 THEMERCIAD December 5,1996


Military Strength Needed to Raise Values of Persounnel

By Joe Wong*
Merciad Columnist Jt seems the current sexual ha- evidenced by the swa stikas painted death for rape. A more positive sodety. It is timeforthe military
rassment scandal stems firom a on the doors of black soldiers st method for enhancing the ethical to correct its spiral into a moral
general lack of honor, ethics, and Fort Bragg in July can even be values in military lies In the scad- and ethical void. Military punish-
Recent accusations of sexual
sense of duty In die military as s seen here st Mercyhurst emies and die training of the offic- ment; however harsh the general
harassment and rape by female
soldiers at the Aberdeen Proving whole, but most important, r in the The racist snd sexist comments ers. In recent decades, the acad- public may view it, should be
Grounds against superiors, both officer corps.*The military is a of some ROTC cadets on campus emies have concentrated more on strongly enforced as a deterrent.
enlisted men and officers have led society in itself, and the officer is an ominous sign for the future of the sdences and military training The officer corps must be re-
to more than 5,000 calls to an corps is a class within that society, the army. The ethics and sense of required of an officer, and moved vived into the exsmple of duty,
army hotline, with 700 of the alle- a class built on traditions, cus- honor that are lacking In the of- away from the classics snd ethics honor, country. In a speech to
gations meriting further investi- toms, etiquette, and more impor- ficer corps are sure to be repeated needed for the devdopment ofthe West Point cadets, General
gation. A captain and two drill tant, honor and dignity. Officers in the enlisted ranks. The military whole individual, the "Renais- MacArthur explained: "Those
sergeants from Aberdeen will now do not simply lead their troops, cannot revive its own honor snd sance Man." three hallowed words reverentl y
race court-martials for crimes In* they set examples for them with dignity until die officer corps s c- The Naval Academy has made dictate what yon ought to be,
eluding rape, sodomy, sexual as- their actions, speech, dress, snd compl ishes that goal firat tin an effort to correct this oversight what you can be, what you win
sault, and obstruction of justft%'M decorum. But that view of an of- would aay what occurs in the mili- by appointing a professor to create be. They are your rallying point
1)11Je of the d iscuss ion following ficer is tainted almost irrevocably tary is only s reflection of what an ethics program at the school, to to build courage when courage
the Aberdeen scandal, which has by the scandals and indiscretions occurs in society. That may be "ensure that there is sdequate time to fail, to regain faith when
spread to military posts across the ofrecent years. Sexual ha rassment true, but it is not in excuse for the in the busy schedule of midship- there seems to be little cause for
world, b as centered on whether In the Navy erupted into the publ ic disgraces that occur. men to reflect about their core faith, to create hope when hope
women should serve in the mili- eye with the 1991 Taflhook Con- The apparatus for restoring the values." becomes forlorn.^
tary alongside men. That is ,an vention. Further sexual harass- honor in the military is already in To some, discussing morality in As the morality of the country
interesting topic and perhaps could ment, cheating, and seven drug- place, but is not being utilized. an organization whose function is dwindles in strength, increasing
be discussed in a future article, but dealing have been uncovered at to kill can be pointless, but that morality and values in the mili-
the Uniform Code of Military
the roots of the current scandal are the service academies, the foun- Justice, the laws that govern the •4111irea the value of the military as Ury should provide the hope, die
much deeper, and much more dis- dational core of our military's of- military, provide for harsh pun- standard ofresponsibility, duty, beacon for a better society.
turbing. ficers. The racism in the military ishments for crimes, including onor, and courage for the rest of

Helmet Salutes
Cleaning Ladies
By Dan Hilfiker into the Student Union to grab a
Senior Writer bite to eat, there was s giant mess
of papers and garbage strewn all
There seems to be one thing that over the floor. Would you still
nearly all Mercyhurst students can real 1 y want to eat there? Think of
agree upon after spending a little all the pizza boxes snd beer cans
time here. That is the fact that we that would accumulate in the dor-
have a really beautiful campus. A mitories if there were no house-
great deal of credit has to be given keeping staff to dean up after all
ID the groundskeeping staffof the of us.
maintenance departmentfortheir I remember when I lived in
ha rd work and dedication in keep- McAuleyHall as afreshman.We
ing this college as beautiful as It were all pigs. There used to be
is. As a matter of fact, this college garbage and trash all over the
has even won awards for its place, not to mention die state of
beauty. I think that is quite im- our bathrooms, especially over
pressive considering the fact that the weekends. It was!never all
•* a
dreary and gloomy most of that dirty for very long though,
the year. because there was a housekeeper
As I praise the work of the there to take care of it
groundskeeping sta ff, I think that Imagine also what It would be
there is one area of the mainte- like if you moved into your new
naneedepartment tha toften seems apartment on Briggs Avenue in
to be overlooked around this cam- September and found all of the
pus, snd that is the housekeeping garbage that was left there from
staff the old residents piled up for you
I ha ve ha d th e pleasure of work- to dean out I am sure that there
ing with all these hard working would be some nasty letters to the
women on many occasions Editor of the Merciad if some-
throughout my college career and thing like that occurred.
have found that much of their job These women do our campus a
is dirty, physically demanding, great favor by keeping it looking
and outright disgusting. as beautiful as possible and re-
1 have also noticed that their job ceive little praise for it I think
is a very tha nkless one. How of- that it is about time that their good
ten do you see a housekeeper work snd dedication is recognized
cl ea ning out the dorms, or pulling and made public The thankless
a vacuum cleaner up and down job that they perform is greatly in
Briggs Avenue in the cold ofwin- need of recognition snd I would
ter and never say thank you? I like to be the first one to say
know that since I have worked "thank you" to all of the house-
with these ladies, I have a keeping staff for their years of
newfound respect for the job that hard work and dedication to a
they do to keep this campus look- very beautiful college campus. I
ing beautiful* only hope that some of you out
Imagine if every time you went there will do the same.
Live Hockey on WMCE 88
Mercyhurst VS. Niagara
Saturday, Dec. 7th at 7:20 PM
THEMERCIAD December 5.1996

Campus Question How did your first trimester as a

freshman go and were you satisfied? fi

GabeCdlinl nie Hitchcock Chrissy Logeman Travis Lindahl JennGroel

Management * •$ Elementary/Special Eduation Elementary/Special Education Business Early Childhood/Eled
-Unlike highschool, I took I II "My first term waa extremely
T h e first trimester waa fairly "Myfirstterm went great I lo "I feel myfirstterm at Mercyhurst
classes that were really interest- demanding and definitely not like
easy. It waa an adjustment but I having Professor McAndrew went pretty well and just consid-
ing. I felt I was really getting high school.. I waa dissatisfied
think everything went really English. My classes went f ering that Pm afreshman,I did
something done by taking those but now I have only myself to

better than expected there's al-

classes. I had teachers that kept blame. 9 and I got good grades, so I'dl
to say, I'm pretty satisfied." ways room for improvement So
me focused and kept my atten- I did good." f if
tion.* I i

Janelle Kloss Kate Jezsu Justin Siemon Alexandra Turkas "J Brendan P ^ttick
Math Education Biology Undecided Early Childhood/Eled HRIM ?
The first term went pretty well. "Myfirstterm was difficult and I "I was satisfied with the first "I was nervous comming into the "I was satisfied first term at
Actually, it went a lot better than did not do aa well as I wanted to, trimester. My grades weren't to first term, but in the end I waa Mercy h urst and Mercyhurstgivea
I had anticipated." 9
but I think I understand what is bad and I didn't have to really satisfied with my grades.* plenty of help to students,that
expected from me now." study very hard." f f need it" .1 I i * ..

Country Displays theGood, {and the Bad ***FREE T&IPS & CASH!*** I
Find out how hundreds of student representatives
By Michael J. Opperman lize die United Nations aa a pup- sex marriages. I applaud you, Ha- are already earning FREE TRIPS and LOTS OF
Merciad Columnist pet organization for U.S. agendas. waii Fortunately or unfortunately, CASH v$th America's #1 Spring Break
Nice move, United States. What this is a secular society. In this company! Sell only 15 trips and travel free!
Well, here we are again. Con- else? \ time of tolerance (which would, Cancun, Bahamas, Mazaflan, Jamaica or Florida!
spicuous consumerism rides The International Human Rights ideally, be appreciation and cel- CAMPUS MANAGER POSITIONS ALSO
the tender back of Christmas and Watch has indicted the United ebration)-! am speaking ofChrist- AVAILABLE. Call Now! TAKE A BREAKjj
there are only 26 days (compared Statesforits lack of action in hu- mas, Channukah (even though it STUDENT TRAVEL (800) 95-BREAK!
to the 32 days and additional holi- man rights concerns. The U.S. la a minor holiday), and Kwanzaa */••• lEffltf^HUM^ i£ i _i_4£5_y_*jBM]

da y weekend of last y ear)between handling of China is a beautiful (even though it has only been
Thanksgiving and mat Christian example. China has had relative recognized in this countrybecause HELP WANTED
holy day. Shop away. Perhaps it is success in pressuring the United of die- opportunity for commer-
States to "decoupie" human rights cial exploitation) - this court case hen/Women earn $460
my cynicism that heightens both
appreciation and disgust at this and trade. is a single victory against intoler- weekly assembling
time of year. What do I mean? Let The United States has been ex- ance, ignorance, and moral arro- circuit boards/elec-
me tell you. tremely vocal in its opposition to gance. tronic components at
It 2a within the past weeks that Gall, but where is its voice in the I am done with my polemic and home. Experience
debate of China'a entry into the I will fold up my soapbox and go unnessary, will train.
this country has shown ^
World Trade Organization. If home for another week* This will Immediate openings 1n
the best and worst of itself. People money is to be the only motiv a lion
always want bad news first, *o for action, perhaps it would be be met with cheers in some qua r- your local area.
here goes. Boutros Boutros G al i is best to admit this and spend less ters and merely sighs of relief in Call 1-520-680-7891
up for another term as Secretary time and effort propagating the others. Enjoy this Grst week back
and ready your credit cards and extlC200
General of the United Nations. false image of protectorate.
The United States is the only coun- checkbooks for the holidays. J
Is it time for the good news?
try in the Security Council to op- Hawaii has distinguished itselfby
pose him. Why? Gali tends to re- recognizing the validity of same- \

sist the country's attempt to uti-

It is high time that we college i i
Plke I students were treated with the
contd. from pg 5 same respect and consideration
PM. weekdaya when the key that the test of the adult world r SNOW W W

maker leavea or on weekends ,ccervcs,allowedtomakeourown i

when there is no one around to decisions concerning such per- SHOVELLERS [ jsjne«_sZillWMWKWBMl
help. At these iimea you either sonal matters aa visitors. Other- I T ^ l
rely on a helpfiil passeMry with a wise, how will it ever be possible NEEDED
key, or not leave your room until for u^ to ahake off the chains of I Any one interested in|
the new one is ready. dependence and become com-
pletely aelf-telied. Perhaps that is
I snow shovelling at a rate I for free information*
These types of rules are meant
for our safety ami would notbe so I the point; perhapi aomeone does lof$5.00 an hour, contact j L • Not ore morelottfiife.
ffgtooc more grieving family.
had if they helped us rather than I not want us to become indepen- Bill Kerbusch at 2273.'
hindered us. They would at least
be understandable if the residents thoughts, actions and decisions. TueumJBTV

were children and not the adulta 1 Mlii

However,frith a*** * apecula-
that thev are. 1 & * tioo, isn't it? ]
December 5,1996 THEMERCIAD PAGE 8

iiiiHi as

Dr. Belovarac's Award Brings

Brad Rybczynski
Features Editor
Prestige to History Department
By Brad Rybczynski
Features Editor
"Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat, please put a penny in
the old mill's hat.." For some of you those lines may ring a very
familiar bell in your mind. Every Christmas season I sing those words Dr. Allen Belovarac has come a
in my mind. It is a very catchy tune and fun to sing. Ever since the first long way since his graduation in
grade I got a tremendous kick out of that song. diefirstcoed class of Mercy hurst
Hie song continue*,"l f you haven't got a penny a ha'penny will do, If College in 1973, when he gradu-
you h aven't got a ha "penny, God bless you." ated with a B.A. in History.
For many years the words really meant nothing to me. It was just After receiving his B.A.,
1 Belovarac went on to Case West-
another fun Yuletide carol to spout, no different from "Jingle Bells' or
em University and graduated with
"White Christmas." Rest assured, I was not so naive that I did not get
the message of charity in the song. an M A in History. He then went
to the University of Buffalo and
As I grow older, and yes, more cynical, I have begun to see the
earned his PLD. in Higher Edu-
hypocrisy in much ofwhat goes on around me. Some of this hypocrisy
is blatant to an extreme and unless you are completely sheltered and
Mind to the world, it is impossible to miss. While attending these other
schools, Belovarac's heart re-
I h a vc come to notice more covert and masked forms of hypocrisy. As
mained at Mercyhurst During
we are surrounded by .wreaths, ribbons and lights and carols are
his doctoral work at U of B, he
beginning to be played, one may question why I am choosing to delve
worked in various capacities such
into such a topic now. After all, this is the beginning of the season of
giving, charity, love and kindness. as Director of Institutional Re-
search, Registrar and Head Crew
Or is it? Now we all recognize that Hallmark is behind Secretary's
Coach at Mercyhurst
Day, Sweetest Day and Mother's Day. They may very well be worthy
In 1986, Belovarac was freed
days of thanks to people we appreciate, but come on. Hallmark can
with a decision. He was the Head
make only so much money peddling birthday, anniversary and wedding
Crew Coach and a pa it-time pro-
cards. There is a need to expand the market and we are all manipulated
fessor. The crew program was
to participate.
expanding and Belovarac had to
What does all of this have to do with Christmas? Could it be possible decide whether to stay on as a
that market shares and commercialism are at work in this wonderful coach or devote his time fully to Dr. Belovarac in his office
season? Would anyone dare exploit the birth "of Jesus for mere
his teaching duties as a full-time better enable him to help students of the History department, ex-
capitalistic gain and defile the meaning of one of Christianity's most
professor. He chose the "comfort here at Mercyhurst pressed his excitement over the
sacred holy days? 9
and warmth' of academic life. j< Belovarac completed the gradu- possibilities Belovarac brings
Wh at 's that you say? Christina s is about something more than giving For 15 years, Belovarac has been ate program in two years and re- with the completion of his work.
a*, and receiving. We all know it is better to receive than to give. OOPS,
teaching at Mercyhurst and has ceived \a Master of Science in This makes him moreflexible to
it YOU'llhave to excuse that Freudian slip. What I really meant to say is always been proud to be a part of
f Strategic Intelligence. Taking a teach a broader range of courses,
that it is better to give man to receive. " Yeah, that's it, that's the ticket die Mercyhurst heritage and tra- partial sabbatical last spring en- especially in the RIAP progra m,"
Anxiety has set in. I am so worried this year about where on earth I dition. On top of his many ac- abled him to complete his thesis Kubiak said.
am going to get die money to buy giftsformy family andfriends.I find complishments he has now given on Chinese Naval Power. Along Belovarac's award also adds
myselfwishing those three wise men would have made a wrong turn at Mercyhurst one more reason to with graduating with another prestige to both the History de-
Albuquerque. be proud of him. Master's degree, Belovarac was partment and the college. Accord-
Gifts, gifts and more gifts. For years I was so concerned with
Recently, Belovarac went back also presented with an award far ing to Garvey, "this award draws
everything under the- tree EXCEPT the manger. I would visit my
to school. He was afforded the "Outstanding Thesis on National the attention of the outside world
presents daily, inspecting them, shaking them and feeling their weight
opportunity to attend the Joint Security Policy." This honor dis- and is an indication of institu-
with the hope I could guess what was inside. I am actually so good at
Military Intelligence College in tinguished him from his fellow tional quality here at Mercyhurst
it that my mother will probably wrap the watch she bought me (see I
Washington D.C The Naval Re- 250 graduates of die program. The award will help to get better
already know one gift) in the biggest box she canfindwith tissue.
serves had taken Belovarac to Belovarac said that "the school 9
students and federal grants,* he
In all of mat time concentrating on boxes wrapped in beautiful paper
Saudi ArabiaforOperation Desert was very supportive in making said.
withribbonI lost something. I only thought ofJesus for about two hours 19
Storm and to Bosnia and now this possible, College President ;On a more personal level,
on Christmas when my family and I went to church. That is, if I did not
fall asleep during the homily. they were taking him to school. Dr. William Garvey, a member of Belovarac expressed great "inter-
Maybe it was more than just the allure ofthose magnetic boxes under Belovarac took the chance "to the History department, said of nal satisfaction in meeting a cha 1-
rekindle my academic engines. I Belovarac's work, "It is good to lenge and successfully complet-
the tree. It probably had to do with the sale signs in windows and
love learning and view myself as see our faculty do this kind of ing it" Kubiak added, "what is
count! ess hours spent in malls trying tofindthe best deal on the perfect n
much as a student as a teacher. work, we are very proud of his really important is that it made his
gift \ He also sought to improve his efforts." i
I can see Santa Claus, elves, reindeer, sleighs, candy canes, trees, but mother proud and that is a g • : • : •

own writing and research skills to Mr. Richard Kubiak. Director thingfora boy to do."
what about the real meaning ? The simple ness of Christmas is gone. I
no longer bake cookies with my mother or trim die tree with my father.
Those have become belaboring chores that must get done before die
24th. -a
Carlin Plugs Album in Erie
Images of Christmas savings dance in the heads of most people now. By Bill Melville ploring the little quirks of human to laugh. His crazed facial ex-
j Money concerns areforemostin the minds of most people I talk to. Merciad Writer nature which we all experience pressions and his even stranger
Corporate America has succeeded in taking over one of the most but still fear to discuss. By focus- body language play as great a part
beautiful holidays of the year. There has been a hostile take over of the On Sunday, Nov. 24,1996, co- ing on such subjects, Carlin has in his act as his words do. Whether
season, which begins the day after Thanksgiving (they will not even median George Carlin performed kept his routine fresh enough to he mocks people who try to act
give us a day of rest), by a fat jolly man in a red suit toting a huge bag his routine for an almost full house compete with comedians half his like professional directors when
of toys. at the Warner Theater in Erie. age. they record their children on
Let's keep up with the Jones' and buy the Super Dupcr Sega Genesis Carlin's current tour follows the Despite the appearance of close- camcorders or adults who still
with CD-Rom, or maybe it's the Baby Wets A Lot I do not know. recent release of his comedy al- ness with the crowd, something wear baseball hats backwards,
Somewhere, at some time, a collective madness consumed society bum "Back in Town." seemed amiss in Carlin *s act With Carlin adds a dimension to his
and everyone forgot that the season ofAdvent existed. lam sorry God, During his 90 minute routine, the exception of approximately live show that cannotbe preserved
but Advent has been replaced by shopping. Yes, I know Sundays are Carlin talked about such every- IS minutes of new material, all of
supposed to be a day of reflection and rest, but Sundays are oh such a on a compact disc.
day subjects as the types ofpeople Carlin's time was spent on mate- Though he may have done the
good day to shop, too. Decisions, decisions, decisions, what's a person he bates, how he feels the prob- rial from his most recent albums.
to do. same material a dozen times over,
lems of overcrowded prisons and Even in that material, Carl in made one cannot help but laugh when
I will give gifts. I will pour all ofmy money into Corporate America'a the national debt can be solved, little attempt to present it in a
coffers for yet another year. Mark my word though, I am going to try Carlin begins his 90 minutes of
inaccurate phrases which riddle fresh m anner. Granted, die m an is political commentary, everyday
to give more of myself this year. I think that maybe I know what the our language, and little things that promoting an album, but at times occurrences^and, at moments,
song at the beginning of this article might have been saying. Give all anger him. it seemed difficult to believe he raving lunacy. Carlin left the stage
you can. Granted, it uses money to exert the point, but hey, a penny Throughout his long career, wasn'tJust going through the after a piece on how much he
sounds more catchy than Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat, which began more than 30 years motions to make,some quick despises Baby Boomers, and as j
please put yourself in the old man's hat Besides I do not think the old ago, Carlin has maintained a rela- money. he left, a majority of the audience
man would appreciate your ruining his hat tionship with his audience by ex- Still, Carlin makes it hard not rose to Simla 11H his MrAirMM^
THE MERCIAD December 5. 1996

Actors T a k e aTrip T o T h e M o o n

Tifftny Reid (left) *nd Aaron Connell and Courtney Nioolni (right) rehearse.
By Zoe Cohen ~
Richard Costclloe, Melanie Jing that, "We're all under the same ping away of everything that is ; gether. It should be a good show."
Merciad Writer Franey-Eberhard, Nate Mcintosh, I moon." She also said that she important to a poet (i.c- his li- Courtney Nicolai said, I V e got-
Scott A.R. Messenger, Courtney preferred to not speak symboli- brary card, his hope of getting a ten to work with people I would
From Dec; 12 to Mat 8 pun. and Nicolai, Tiffany Reid, Brad cally, but insteadtolet the writer pencil) and how his soul is re- ? have never had the chance to meet
on Dec, 15 at 2:30 pjn., the col- Rybczynski, Joe Spusta, and speak for himself. stored. Each of these is different < The rehearsals are going well and
lection of short one act plays, Amanda Stefik. B • I I I the common theme of in subject matter, yet it is /it should be a great show come
"Welcome to the Moon" by John The otherwise eclectic mix of the moon, the plays are very dif- interesting how the tone and re- opening night.*
Patrick Shan ley, will be per- plays is drawn together with the ferent and cover a wide range of peating elements tie them to- ^ Despite the tact the I was un-
formed by the Mercy hurst common use of the topics. A couple examples of this gether. able to watch all of the short acts
Greensleevcs Play era In image of the moon, hence the are that one portrays what hap- Aaron Connell of the cast said, Ithat V i n t [prise this play, it appears
Mercyhurst Ta yl or Little Th ea tcr. tide. This is not a surprise to pens when a skinny, emotionally The play itself is very interest- e a very interesting, worth-
The play is being directed by those who are aware that the malnourished woman and a man, ing. It's very differentfromany- le way to spend the evening. I
Kim Mc of the Road house The- writer, Shanley, also wrote the who is plagued with ghosts and thing I have ever acted in. Re- i on going and I hope to see
ater. The cast consists of (in al- screenplay for "Moonstruck." monsters meet in a restaurant hearsals are starting to come to- there.
ph a be tical order) Aa ron Connell, Mc referred to this theme by say-

Inside Washington
By John Murphy tician to a man of the people,
Editor in chief resulted in his poor election per-
On Tuesday night at the Taylor Turningtothe victor of the presi-
Little Theatre, the Mercyhurst dential election, Birnbaum told
community was treated to a lec-
ture about thefreneticworld of
his audience that since Clinton
had secured his second term, he 10. Prune-eating Sumo wrestler.
Washington D.C's politics and was now a man playingtohistory
the characters behind it and not to the public In other I High-rise window cleaner
Jeremy Birnbaum, author of words, Clinton will be active in
several books and a senior corre- implementing policies and creat- with bladder problem.
spondent for Time Magazine's ing change in order to leave a
Washington bureau, is VM,'i!
as a lea ding political analy siat
mark on history.
In the remainder of his lecture,
| Near sighted knife juggler.
Birnbaum shared his knowledge
an expert on the White House
has appeared on suet
• •
of what goes on inside the White J Megalomaniac Third
programs aa The 'Today Show" House. Contrarytopublic bel ie fo,
and CNN's "Inside Politics" and the White House is not a place of World Dictators.
"Crossfire." ) serenity and smooth opera dons,
Birnbaum began his lecture by rather it is, as the title of his book
suggests, a "Mad House.**
6. Grown men named "Biff."
comparing the political arena of
According to Birnbaum, White
Washington to one ofsport, where
events are unpredictable and sur- House staff members have to de- 5. Heavily armed^hot dog
vote their whole lives to the presi-
prises arefrequent.Based upon
his experience covering die Ross dency. Their work consists of vendors.
Perot campaign in the recent presi- dealing with one aeries of crises
dential race, Birnbaum was able After
4. Carsick brother in the seat
to assure his audience that the
public's perception of Perot as A lively question and
period followed the lecture, in
answer next to you. » I
being slightly crazy, was notalto-
gether untrue.
which Birnbaum addressed such
issues as the President's charac-
I Brain surgeon with hiccups.
Commenting on Bob Dole,
ter and the First Lady's
Birnbaum painted a picture of a
man who had a mastery of the
malignment by the press. , Anyone with aicrankyi
There was a poor turnout at the
inside dealings of Washington lecture with very few students
politics. He praised Dole aa a very attending, but those that d\d show
disposition and a chainsaw.
capable politician who got things
done in a congressional setting.
up received an insightful account
on of the key issues and individu-
. People who offer you drugs.
However, Birnbaum said that it als in today'* politics.
was Dole's failure to make the PARTNERSHIP FOR A DRUG-FREE AMERICA
transitionfromprofessional poli-
December 5,1996 THE MERCIAD PAGE 10

Christmas on Campus
By BiU Melville ties include a reading of "A Visit notes that students can still sign
Merciad Columnist From St Nicholas" by Mercyhurst up to be paired with a child A
English Professor Barry sign-up sheet is posted in the
With Dec. 25 just around the McAndrew. Union. Students are also urged to
corner, the Mercyhurst commu- As Christmas On Campus help out with the wrapping of the
nity is busy preparing for the 1996 Chairperson Becky Koren said, gifts on Wednesday, Dec 11, at
Christmas On Campus, a charity "StudentsJ get involved with 8:15 p.m. in the Great Room of
event organized by Mercyhurst's Christmas On Campus because it the Union, or to help with the
Barrett C. Walker School of Busi- gives diem a chance to offer some- decorating of the Great Room on
ness. The event, which will be thing to give back to the commu- Friday, Dec, 13, at 8:00 p.m.
held on Saturday, December 14, nity and also helps to put the When asked about how Christ-
from 1-4:30 p.m.tin the Great Christmas season into perspec- mas On Campus could be im-
V Room of the Herrmann Union, tiveforthem." proved in years to come, Koren
involves pairing up approximately According to Koren, Christ- expressed that the participation
100 underprivileged children mas on Campus not only receives ofthe Mercyhurst community has
from various agencies with helpfromMercyhurst student vol- far exceeded all expectations. If
Mercyhurst student volunteers. unteers but from a majority of the anything could be changed,
Once paired, the children en- clubs at Mercyhurst and the fac- though, Koren suggests it would
gage in several activities, includ- ulty and administraion, this year be to offer more for the children
ing the chance to see and have being no exception. However, gift to do and more space for them to
pictures taken with Santa Claus donations are still needed for the do it in.Other than that issue,
and to try different crafts. Santa event Koren would like to see Christ-
CI a us also passes out gifts that are Christmas On Campus Mill mas On Campus continue in its
donated by Mercyhurst faculty mittee member Kristen •It* stro current state.
and administration. Other activi-

i t.
tS til t

Depression strikes millions-indiscriminately. Depression is simply a suppression

of brain activity that makes life unbearable. And even though depression is
readily treatable, only 1 in 5 ever seeks treatment. Why do so many Just.drag
| themselves along or eventually seek relief through suicide? First, there's the lack
of awareness of depression- as an illness and as the threat that it is to each and
every one of us. Second, there's the unwarranted negative stigma attached to it.
You know, the 'mental' thing. It's time to collectively face depression. To know it's
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PAGE 11 ""A

December 5,m 1996


> - -vJvJ^ v x \ S ^ 3 ^

Men S o c c e r L o s e I n S e c o n d O v e r t i m e

prepare for the game. However, strong the entire first half. Senior half, the Lakers had at least five in overtime, an exhausted Laker
the time off may have proved to Captain Jimmy Reene played ex- quality goal scoring opportuni- defense broke down. Oakland
By Nikki EsposRo be more harmful than beneficial. ceptionally wellt organizing the ties, one ofwhich had been drill- right winger whipped in a cross
Merciad Sports Writer The Lakers started the game very back in spite of the steady Oak- ing in practice. Captain Jimmy which bounced through a crowd
slow and couldn't match the land pressure. Reene placed a perfect ball onto of players. The mass of players
While the majority of students strength of the Pioneers through- Defender Avery Jones said, the Coot of leading scorer Barry obstructed the line of sight of se-
journeyed home for Thanksgiv- out tiie first halt Despite tills "Jimmy has consistently played Allen who just missed over the nior keeper Darren Muarry. An
ing break, the Mercyhurst men's overall slow start, the Lakers did well all year; he played with all goal Oakland forward got a volley on
soccer team waited here on cam- have some notabl e scoring oppor- heart for this last game." Regulation play ended with a goal which made its way into the
pus to compete in the Central Re- tunities upon which they couldn't After a half-time talk focused scoreless tie. The break before lower right hand corner ofthe net
gion Championship on Nov. 24 capitalize. on raising the tempo of the game, overtime k provided just enough Disheartened, the entire Laker
against the ^akland Pioneers. The I The best of these chances came the Lakers succeeded in switch- time for Oakland to regroup and team played out the last minutes
weekend before, the Pioneers beat when junior midfielder Shawn ing the momentum in their favor. once again control the game. After of the ga me, realizing it would be
West Virginia Wesleyan to ad- Kroener had a strike on goal that Junior Mike Shields played a key already playing 90 minutes of the last of the season. Coach Ri-
vance to this championship; hit the chest of senior Glenn role in stepping up the level of soccer,tileLakers were unabl e to chard Harris;said, "I was very
whereas, the Lakers received a Francis instead of the back of the play. Shields added speed and keep up the pace which had previ- disappointed for the players that
bye due to their top ranking in the Jnct mobility, not to mention a fresh ously helped create chances on they weren't abletoget the result
region. Although Oakland dominated pair of legs to a tiring Laker of- goal. I they deserved from the work that
The Lakers had three weeks to the Geld, the Lakers defense stood fense. Throughout the second With three minutes lefttoplay they've done all season."

By Scott Vance
Team Struggles To find Consistency
was ai" **ing that nobody got se- unrewarded as the Lakers allowed
Merciad Spots Editor riously hurt," said fhead Coach I St Norberts to tie the game at 5-
Gotkin. \ \ \ 5 in the last two minutes and went
Since the last issue, the | Last weekend, the Lakers hosted on to score the game winner in
Mercyhurst hockey?team has u
national powerhouse St Norbert overtime. We came away from
played five matches. The team is College, in a double header that the game feeling like we let it
stillfindingit hard to "play at the provedtobe less than successful slip,-said Gotkin. | * '
consistently high level that we-^ fortiie Hurst The Lakers tied the The following night did not
are usedtohere at Mercyhurst first game after blowing a 4-1 provetobe any different for the
The Lakers faced the? tough lead and lost the second game 5- team as they struggled tofindthe
opposition of their nemesis 4 \ % % form that wins hockey games.
Canisius on Nov. 9, at the$l Steve Torriero opened the scor- I The momentum seemed to be with
Mercyhurst ice center . It was ing for the Hurst in thefirstperiod St Norbertrightfromthe start
John Evangelist* who lead the of the game to give the team a 1- after their impressive come back
Hurst to an 8-5 victory, as he scored 0 lead. Torriero took a pass at the the previous night
four of the team's eight goals. blue line and drove aggressively The early pressurefromthe
The Lakers are currently 1-0 in to the net and was able to pick up opposition paid off as they took an
the E.C.A.C after their win over his own rebound and put the sec- early 1-0 lead into the changing
Canisius. ond shot into the opponent's net III) 11 sfter thefirstperiod. But,

The team then hosted Buffalo However, early into the second not for the first time this year, |
State on Nov. 22 in what was a period, St Norbens leveled the Evangel is ta squared matters up
sluggish gameforthe Hurst Re- scoring with a well executed goal. with his ninth goal of the season.
gardless, the team was able to do It was at this point in the game Torriero fed the puck to
enough to earn themselves a 5-1 th at the Lakers begantotake con- Evangelists in front of the net and
victory, despite 53 saves by the^ trol. The team was able to score he was in the true sniper's posi-
impressive Buffalo State three goals in succession in the tiontopoke the puck beyond the
opposing goaltender. A few min- KevinAer in fid! motion during the IhanhgMngb***
goal tender. second period, courtesy of Mike
The team then traveled to Os- Masse, Scott Ludeviks, and Oto utes later, the Lakers found them- a 5-3 lead. Despite a goal in the I1 don't think that we're struggling
wego State in an effort to keep Hlincik. t selves 2-1 down after a St Norbert / J dying moments by Bobby Atkin, to a point where we're saying
itstwo game winning streak alive, Once again St Norbert's was goal, but once again the Lakers the Lakers felltoa disappointing we're not good. We have got a lot
but they were unable to achieve abletocrawl their way back into were abletotie the game up with 5-4 loss. The Lakers have a win- of young people that are given a
this feat as they were downed by * the game and the scored three a goal from Trevor "Stinky" ning record of 5-4-1 thus far this lot off responsibility and all of
a score of 5-2. It was a game goals in five and a halfminutes to Brandt Russ Ciesielski gave the season, but they are finding* it that contributes to not being 10-
where .very few of the tie the game at 4-4. Then, up Hursts 3-2lead with his firstgoal difficult to find the consistency 0," said Gotkin
referee's decisions went in favor s I the impressive Ludeviks, to in almost a year. "I was happy as
• : • : «
and high playing standards that is The team plays Niagara this
of the Hurst "The refereeing was score his second and most impor- hell," said Ciesielski associated with Mercyhurst weekend in what should turn out
awful. That was a game that tant goal of the game to give the The team let a lead slip out of ^ hockey. to be a very closely contested
really the referee had absolutely lead back to the Lakers. their hands and St Norbert scored "I think that we're still a team that game.
positively no control over, and it
Ludeviks m efforts went three goals in s rowtogive them hastolearn and find waystowin.

Great Start For Lady Lakers Basketball Team

after each game, the Hurst baa- team totals 66 offensive rebounds Kristin'Molli, who average be- would like to proceed on the
By Maureen McMabon ketball team is sure to be tough and 97 defensive rebounds. Their tween 10 to 17 points per game.
Merciad Sports Writer NCAA. Since the team has not yet
and competitive this season. third win of the seasonwas against! Coach Webb said, "Any player on faced a team in our league, they
Webb said, "All I ask is my play- Slippery Rock 82-51 and although any certain night will shine, be- will go Into their first game with a
The Lady Lakers basketball ers go out and play as hard as they the Lakers suited a littleflatin cause they are all key players." dean slate. The Lady Lakers take
team is off to a successful start can, that is all lean hope for. This the second period they turned it As for the incoming freshmen on Grand Valley, Thursday at 6
this season with an undefeated m what our players have done so around to make it an easy win for this year, he has a positive outkx p.m. Coach Webb said, "Grand
record offourwins and no losses. far this year." '- the Hurst for the team. Point guard, Katie Valley is a quick team that likes to
Coach Jim Webb said his team is The first game of the year for The fourth win of the season Vogt has done a great Job for the shoot the three. This team took us
doing really well so far, and that the Lady Lakers was a successful wenttoour Lady Lakers as they Lakers so rar this season, and She out of the play-offs last year, and
the team is coming together as a one as they defeated West Vir- defeated the Daemen Lady War- haa great depth in the point guard this year we are seeking revenge.
unit, and he is pleased with how ginia Wesleyan 101-60. They riors 7942. The leading scorer position," said Coach Webb. The Following that game, they play
the team has played played well offensively, shot the for the gamewaa Lori Morth with team's other freshman, Rcgina Ely Ferris State, and next Tuesda y at 7
As for thefirstthree games, the ball well and ran the fast break 16 points. Overall, every member is " adjusting to the college game o.m versus Indian University.
Hurst has fa • / » • 1111 well," ••id Webb. A champion* of the team gets playing time, and getting better by the da y," sa id
tion and has not yet played a full ship win versus California Uni- making each win a team effort. Coach Webb.
40 minutes of solid basketball. versity 84*72 bought the Hurst There are however, Ave Lakers, The Hurst has a positive out-
However, they have done well up two wins. Webb said, There Morth, Tanya Potcova, Connie look for their season. They hope to
enough to finish every game. With was great rebounding, the beat I Ralston, Lonna Dunlap, and be involved in the GUAC cham-
this confidence and improvement K«ve ever seen to a team." The pionship and win it Then the team
December 5,1996 THE MERCIAD PAGE 12

^^*_- <l|

M e n ' s H o o p s lose Tight g a m e s F o r a4-2 record
By Jean McFeery 11:51 remaining in the first half.
Merciad Sports Writer After that, it was a back and forth
battle for points. The Lakers fell
While thej majority of behind for a while until Demond
Mercy hurst campus lies deserted crept ahead, and with 16:28 re-
over Thanksgiving, the members maining the Lakers were down
of the men' s basketball team was by 12 with a score of 2 2 4 4 Jody
busy jnafaf^nfug their training Crymes put the spark in the Lak-
and game schedule. They played ers play with a two point lay-up
iix games over the break, and this began the gradual point
finishing up with an overall record accumulation for the Lakers. Jim
of four wins and two losses. On Row m ade one ofhis famous three
Nov. 19, the men took on Roberts pointers with 14:06 remaining and
Wesleyan College and had an that was followed shortly by a
impressive victory. On Novem- lay-up by senior Will Stinson.
ber 22 and 23 they participated in The Lakers continued to press
the Westminster tournament and and with 5'35 remaining the score
played Slippery Rock and was tied at 46 points apiece.
Sheridan College. I ' There was no s topping the Lak-
On Nov. 26, they traveled to ers and thev continued to widen
Daemen andfinishedup with a the gap. With 33 seconds remain-
score of 98-65. This past week- ing *VLtWf* were up by six with
end Mercyhurst hosted the a score of 56-50. In the last 30
Knobloch Roundball Classic, seconds Slippery Rock's Donald The Lady Laker basketball team limber up before one of their Practice sessions. The team if currently 4-0
where they had the opportunity to Burnettwas able to sink two three
test their skills against Slippery pointers. Jason Clopollo and tied rightfromdie get go. Young 34-34, but die Lakers slowly fell ers were plagued by fouls and so
Rock and Alders on- Broaddus. Thielker w o e able to make up the was the first to score on a jumper behind. Don Tillman of Alderson Tillman was able to monopolize
I Friday, Nov 29, the men took three points required to give the and then there was a seven point Broaddus made die two point shot on this, winning the game for
on Slippery Rock. The Lakers Lakers the win in a score 59-56. aweep by Profit and Crymes. that brought his team to a seven Alderson Broaddus with a final
took a quick lead in the very early Saturday, Nov. 30, the champi- These three were top scorers for point lead over die Lakers. The score of 70-75. The next game
stages of the first half, but this onship game took place. It was the Lakers. At die end of the first Lakers continued to fall behind for the Lakers is Thursday Dec 5,
lead was short lived after Joe Alderson: Broaddus against the half the score was very dose, 32- until Profit tied the game at 70-70 against Grand Valley State. The
Lewandowski from Slippery Mercyhurst Lakers. This game 31 for the Lakers, At 17:34 in the with a two point lay up. game begins at 8 p.m.
Rock tied die game up at 9-9 with was also a nailbiter with the score second half the score was tied at In die last 54 seconds, the Lak-

Fogel Looks!Forward to Lakers Season »

Mass. and he's playing the point said Fogel. that's what we're trying to do right
Scott Vance guard position. He's had a very The team is led by tri- now. *
Merciad Sports Editor strong game so far against Slip- aptains, Craig Young, Darryl Fogel really enjoyed his Grst
pery Rock where he got 12 points •ancleave, and Will Stinson. year at Mercyhurst 1 liked my
Mercyhurst's head basketball in the second half which really However, they will be without first year very much. It was as said Fogel
coach Karl Fogel hopes that this [brought] us to victory. Those last year's Jtop scorer, Rahsaah good a coaching experience as I
year will be a very successful one have been the two newcomers Roland. "Well I think we're sorry
for the Lakers, as he and his play- that have done the best for us. In Roland is gone, he was our best
ers take to the court in an effort to time hell be a big scorer for us, player last year. He did so much
live up to the expectations ofboth he's getting better every day, ev- Dot only as a player, but he was a
themselves and their supporters ery game," said Fogel. real 1 eader and gave this real men-
alike. This years team seems to be tal toughness to the team thatwe're
The team was ranked 19th in the veryfocusedon their task ahead. trying to replace right now and it
country by one ranking poll and They are a very hard working hasn't been easy," said Fogel.
they were also ranked to finish group in practice. It's a good Despite, the absence of Roland,
first in their division. 'That waa group to work with. They're very Fogel still has a positive outlook
one poll. I think that people think co-operative and they work hard. for the upcoming season. "Our
that we're pretty good but I think I don't think we're really playing goals are to make the play-offs.
that was just one bunch of guys as well as we're capable right The top three teams in each di-
that rated us 19th," said Fogel. now because we're as mentally vision make the playoffs. We've
The team has one new fresh- tough and I don't think that we're got along way to go before we ta Ik
man to really watch out for, really doing the things we have to about those goals because we just
Demond Stewart "Demond is do to win. I don't think were haven't played well. We've got a
our best new commer. He's about playing as aggressively and as ways to go so far. We've got a
6'3." He plays the small forward physically tough on the court as long way to go to achieve any of
for us. He's from around j the we have to. It's something that the successes we had last year.
•Rochester Area in New York and we 're a ddr ess ing in pra cticc, hopc- We 're not pi a y ing with nearly the
he's a very talented athletic player. fully there's something that will type of chemistry or passion that
The other new player that's play- turn around for us. We lost to we pla yed with last year. Our job
ing a lot for us is Matt Thielker Slippery Rock in overtime, then is to try to improve every day and
who's a sophomore transfer from we lost to Alderson Broaddus," that's your job as coaching and KaHFogaisl #.~i:.f forward to the upcoming season

the world, but it is kind of a "what one loss. The playofls would give lar college sport depending on
ha ve y ou done for me latel y " situ- great matchups of thetopteams your opinion. Too many crazy
ation and Cooperhasn'tdoneany- and the teams could actually de- things can happen in a game, so
thing but lose the big game. cide the national champ instead you havetodecade things on the
By Tom "Poop* Porubsky focus on three things, which are: Geld to find out who is the best
On to other topics, I think al- of some sports writer. I know that
Merciad Columnist beating your rival, winning your Last year, Northwestern was one
though it will never happen, Divi- this could never happen because
conference, and winning the na- disastrous quarter against Miami
sion I college football. needs a of all the money the bowl games
If there was one thing that I tional title. of Ohio awayfromwinning the
playoffsystem like all of the other generate, but I could live without
learned over break it is that John Even though Cooper has had a national title. One bad quarter the
divisions. Th is year there are sev- the Carquest bowl and the Sun
Cooper, the head coach of Ohio good record, he is 1-7-1 against Bowl, just to name a few of the whole year kept themfrombeing
Michigan and 1 -6 in bowl games. eral teams that are good enough
State, needs to befiredfromhis meaningless bowl games.; undefeated by Rose Bowl time. I
to win the national tide. Florida
job aa soon as possible. The one victory came against Every other college champ ion- know that they lost the Rose Bowl,
State, Florida, Arizona State,
The top priority every year, no BYU when the guy from BYU bip is decided by having a tourna- but who knows what would have
Nebraska, and Ohio State lead the
matter how bad or good Ohio dropped the winning touchdown ment so why should football be happened if there were a playoff
list of favorites for the title. All of
State may be, is to beat Michigan. in the end zone. these teams have great records any different? Football is prob- system?
The whole football season should He ca n bring in the best talent in the first or second most popu-

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