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Materi: Greeting (Ungkapan Salam)

Ungkapan sapaan/salam dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu Formal dan Informal Greeting. Formal greeting
biasanya digunakan pada situasi resmi formal atau belum familiar sedangkan Informal Greeting
digunakan pada situasi santai, biasanya sudah familiar atau kenal dengan lawan bicara dan tidak resmi.

Formal Greetings (Sapaan Formal) Responses (Respon)

Good morning (Selamat Pagi) Good morning (Selamat Pagi)
Good Day/noon (Selamat Siang) Good Day/noon (Selamat Siang)
Good afternoon (Selamat Siang) Good afternoon (Selamat Siang)
Good evening (Selamat Petang/Sore/Malam) Good evening (Selamat Petang/Sore/Malam) )

Informal Greetings (Sapaan Formal) Responses (Respon)

Hi (Hai) Hi (Hai)
Hello (Halo) Hello (Halo)
How are you? (Bagaimana kabarnya?) I’m Fine (Baik-baik saja)
How is life? (Bagaimana kabarnya?) Not bad, thanks (baik saja, terima kasih)
How do you do? (Apa Kabar) How do you do? (Apa Kabar)
How is everything with you? (Bagaimana Pretty well. Thanks
kabarmu?) (baik-baik saja terima kasih)
How are you doing? (Apa Kabar) I am very well thanks(Saya baik-baik saja,terima kasih)
Nice to meet you (Senang berjumpa denganmu) Nice to meet you too (Senang berjumpa denganmu)
Catatan :
1.   Good morning digunakan dari jam 00.00 s/d 12.00 (Jam 00 dini hari sampai dengan 12 siang)
2.   Good day/noon diucapkan jam 12.00
3.   Good afternoon digunakan dari setelah jam 12.00 s/d 18.00
4.   Good Evening dipakai dari jam 18.00 s/d 24.00(00.00)
5.   Good night digunakan untuk mengucapkan selamat berpisah/selamat tidur.
6.   P.m. (post merediem) = dari jam 12.00 siang s/d 24.00 malam
7.   A.m (Ante merediem) = dari jam 24.00/00.00 s/d 12.00 siang
8.   Di Indonesia menggunakan jam sistem 24 jam sedangkan di Inggris/Amerika menggunakan sistem 12 jam
dengan menggunakan a.m dan p.m untuk membedakan malam dan siang.

Contoh Percakapan:
Ardi : Hello Dika. Good afternoon. (Halo Dika. Selamat siang)
Dika : Good afternoon Ardi. Where are you going? (Selamat siang Ardi. Kamu mau kemana?)
Ardi : I’m going to the bookstore. Would you like to accompany me? (Aku mau pergi ke toko buku.
Maukah kamu menemaniku?)
Dika : No, Sorry. I have to go home right now. (Tidak, Maaf aku harus pulang ke rumah sekarang juga)
Ardi : Oh, okay. Good bye. (Oh, baiklah. Selamat tinggal)
Dika : Good bye Ardi. (Selamat tinggal Ardi)
Task 1

A. Please write down the conversation below and underline the greeting expression! (Tulislah
percakapan dibawah ini dan garis bawahi ungkapan sapaannya)
1. Lydia : Good morning Miss Lyli
Ms. Lyli : good morning Lydia, how are you today?
Lydia : I’m great. Thank you for asking miss. How about you?
Ms Lyli : I’m great too. Thank you.

2. Almusto : “Hi, Ume.”

Ume      : “Hello mus.”
Almusto  : “How are you doing?”
Ume       : “Pretty well. By the way, Where are you going mus?”
Almusto : “I’m going to Bandar Swimming pool. Will you join me?
Ume      : “Oh, Sorry I must help my mom in the market.”

B. Please write down the conversation below and fill the blank spaces with the greeting expression!
(Tulislah percakapan dibawah ini dan isilah titik-titik yang ada dengan ungkapan sapaan)

1. Andy : _________ , Dewi!

Dewi : Good morning, Dewi!

2. Teacher : How do you do?

Students : ____________

3. Iis : How are you Lisa?

Lisa: : ____________
LK PERTEMUAN 1 KD 3.1 & 4.1

Conversation 1 (percakapan 1) Conversation 1 (percakapan 1)

Selly     : Good Morning, Mr. Ari Selly     : Good Morning, Mr. Ari
Ari       : Good Morning, Miss Selly Ari       : . . . , Miss Selly
Selly     : How are you? Selly     : How are you?
 Ari       : Fine, thank you. And you?  Ari       : . . .. And you?
Selly     : Great, thank you Selly     : Great, thank you
Ari       : Nice day, isn’t it? Ari       : . . ., isn’t it?
Selly     : Yes, it is Selly     : Yes, it is

Conversation 2 (percakapan 2) Conversation 2 (percakapan 2)

Iqbal    : . . ., Ati Iqbal    : Hello, Ati
Ati        : Hi, Iqbal Ati        : . . ., Iqbal
Iqbal    : . . .? Iqbal    : how are you?
Ati        : Fine, thank. How are you doing? Ati        : . . .. How are you doing?
Iqbal    : . . .. Just finishing off a few Iqbal    : Oh, not too bad. Just finishing off
things before the holidays. a few things before the holidays.
Ati        : Oh, you’re off soon, aren’t you? Ati        : Oh, you’re off soon, . .?
Iqbal    : Yeah, . . . of next month. Iqbal    : Yeah, beginning of next month.
Ati        : Happy Holiday, then Ati        : . . ., then
Iqbal    : Thanks. Iqbal    : Thanks.

LK Pertemuan 2

Faiz : Hello Aji, ….. Faiz : Hello Aji, Good Afternoon.

Aji : Good Afternoon, Faiz How are Aji : Good Afternoon, Faiz . .. .. .. ?
you? Faiz : I’m fine thank you and how about
Faiz : . . . . . and how about you? you?
Aji : I am fine too Aji :. . . .
Faiz : Oh, this is . . . ., Rizki. Faiz : Oh, this is my friend, Rizki.
Aji : Hello Rizki, my name is Aji. Nice Aji : Hello Rizki, my name is Aji. . . .
to see you Rizki : Hi, my name is Rizki. Nice to
Rizki : Hi, my nam e is Rizki. . . . . meet you too.
LK Pertemuan 3 &4

Teacher : Azzam, you didn’t show me your Teacher : Azzam, you didn’t show me your
home work. home work.
Azzam : I am sorry, Sir. I haven’t done it  Azzam : . . . ., Sir. I haven’t done it 
Teacher : Oh, why? Teacher : Oh, why?
Azzam : I wasn’t well yesterday. Azzam : I wasn’t well yesterday.
Teacher : What was wrong with you? Teacher : . . .?
Azzam : I had a headache. Azzam : I had a headache.
Teacher : But you know, I saw you playing kite Teacher : But you know, I saw you playing kite
yesterday evening. Aren’t you telling a lie? yesterday evening. Aren’t you telling a lie?
Azzam : Extremely sorry, Sir.  Azzam : . . . ., Sir. 
Teacher : You are stubborn. Now you have to Teacher : You are stubborn. Now you have to
apologize! apologize!
Rohit : Please excuse me, Sir. I now regret Rohit : . . . . ., Sir. I now regret having told a
having told a lie. I assure you, Sir, I will never lie. I assure you, Sir, I will never tell a lie in
tell a lie in my life. my life.
Teacher : Good that you have realized. Teacher : . . . ..

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