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Senior class gift
announced to
Do you feel safe on campus?
By Holly Burns
Page 3 Contributing writer

Is Mercyhurst College a safe cam-

pus? That is always a question of
great concern for Mercyhurst stu-
FEATURES: dents and parents, as well as faculty.
Kristin Kriegbaum ^ According to Director of Police and
wins OTM awards Safety, Rodger Gregorich, "Yes, in-
deed. This college is a very safe
from Residence Life place. We have invested a lot of re-
sources to ensure the safety of stu-
Page 4 dents on this campus. 1

In mid-October, Police and Safety

published their annual security report
for 2002. This report includes in-
formation on personnel, procedures,
and rules of Police and Safety. How-
ever, it also includes crime statistics
OPINION: | for the preceding calendar year. Rxxo prowled tw F and Safety
Looking back on the The report is published using These photographs were taken with the Police and Safety campus-wide surveillance system.
nostalgia of CVS guidelines provided by the Pennsyl- It shows students damaging the Old Main rear gate.
vania College and University Securi-
ty Act and the federal Jeanne Geary seven. Even better, the number of as "disciplinary referrals" is much are incidents that go unreported, how-
Page 6 Disclosure of Campus Security Pol- burglaries was down to 6 in 2002. larger. A disciplinary referral is when ever.
icy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. This indicates that the security in a liquor law violation case is turned He encourages everyone to report
|These acts require colleges and these areas has gotten tighter each over to the Office of Residence Life, crimes that have come to their atten-
universities to put out an annual re- year, thus preventing burglaries from under Laura Zirkle, for appropriate tion. It is important that Police and
port of all of the crimes that were occurring disciplinary action in accordance with Safety, and obviously the students
committed on-campus, on land next On the other hand, one increase the student handbook. themselves, are aware of what is hap-
ARTS& to the campus, or on land that the worthy of note is the number of li- The number of disciplinary refer- pening on their campus.
college controls. This means that the quor law violations. "This college is rals was 86 in the year 2000, 148 in It is also important that crimes do
ENTERTAINMENT report submitted by main campus is very strict about alcohol. We have 2001, and all of the way up to 228 not go unreported because? it would
different from that of Mercyhurst decided that we are going to enforce cases in 2002/; Again, this reflects affect the accuracy of the crime re-
NorthEast. liquor laws on campus." the stricter enforcement of liquor port- Gregorich says, "It is my un-
Daniel Hawkins to The report is compiled using reports This is the main reason for the in- laws on campus. derstanding that some colleges try to
play at Borders this from the Police and Safety Depart* crease of violations in this arca.VThe However, the number of drug re- mask negative things that occur on
Friday mentj Residence Life, Student Affairs number of arrests made as a result lated violations that received disci- their campuses." However, he says
Departments, the Dean of Disci-1 of liquor law violation has increased plinary referrals has decreased with- that this is definitely not the cast- for
Page 9^ pline, and local and state police de- from only 5 in 2000, to thirteen in in the past year.. It was 21 in 2001, Mercyhurst.
partments. 2002. College security and the resi-j and decreased by nearly half to 11 "Mercyhurst is as safe or much saf*
So, what does the report say about dence life staff has cracked down and in 2002. r\ jfe ^M | er than many other colleges," he said.
Mercyhurst? According to Grego- is serious about enforcing the laws In addition, there are more posi- However, he adds "We hide nothing.
SPORTS: rich, the numbers are very reason- on campus, Gregorich said. tive conclusions brought about by die What you see is what you get. I feel
able. The statistics show, for the most These numbers may seem small. report.f For example, there have very confident that should anyone
Men's soccer remains part, that the numbers of incidents This is because it only represents the have not been any cases of criminal walk in here and demand to see our
on campus are taking a downward number of individuals who were ar- homicide, manslaughter, robbery, crime statistics, that they would be ac-
trend. This implies that Police and rested as a result of a liquor law vio- aggravated assault, arson, or motor curate."
Safety ate doing their job and doing lation. vehicle theft within the past two or In fact, Mercyhurst Police and
Page 12 it well Police and Safety would like to point three years. Safety actually report more than what
For instance, the number of bur- out that it is college policy that an Also, there have not been any ar- is required of them. For example,
glaries on campus, in dormitories and individual who has violated a liquor rests for drug-related violations or they include uniform crime statistics
other residential facilities, has dramat- law will only be arrested if they are weapons violations. in the annual report*
ically decreased.! combatant, extremely confrontation- Gregorich feels that the number
In the year 2000, there were nine- al, or if the incident is their second of incidents is very reasonable. All
teen burglaries on campus. Howev- or subsequent offense. reported incidents arc immediately Please see Safety on Page 3.
er, the following year there were only The number of cases referred to investigated. He admits that there
Upcoming Campus Events a 5?
12 Annual Career and Job Fair from 1
to 4 p.m. in the MAC.
FRIDAY, NOV. 7- pressure
SAC Tournament Nightfrom10 to 12 By Kelly Rose Duttine
a.m. in the REC. News editor

SATURDAY, NOV: 8-^ The Mercyhurst College Distin-

guished Speakers Series presents no-
nonsense Court TV anchor Nancy
SAC Stress Relief Nightfrom10 to 12 Grace, who spoke on the Kobe Bry-
a.m. in the Student Union. ant and Scott Peterson criminal cas-
es on Monday night.
THURSDAY, NOV. 13 Kalie McAdams/Mordad photographer Grace told a full house at the Mary
Junior Brendan Doran registers for classes online. Even though there were a few problems with D'Angelo Performing Arts Center
registration, it was successful overa that it is important to believe in he-
Speaker Robbie Davis-Floyd, Ph.D. at roes and that everyone has the op-
7:30 p.m. in the Mercy Heritage Hall on portunity to become a hero at some
'Birth and Culture." Online registration successful point in their lives.
In fact, ihe PAC was so full that
many students were sent over to the
bachelor degree students, and Looking at the technical aspect of Walker Recital Hall in the I (irt Cen-
By Jonelle Davis 73.13% adult students that registered the process, Wheaton said that the ter to view the lecture through a tele-
Jndex | Con i ri buting writer online. system was able to handle the first conference,
News. 1 According to Registrars Michele night of registration. There was one Grace touched on the cases that
News ... -2 There has been a lot of talk the Wheaton and Sister Patricia Whalen, minor glitch Sunday night when the make today's headlines, the feist)* vic-
past few weeks concerning online they were both very impressed with network went down for approxi- tims' rights advocate, who was pro-
News...., 3
registration. After the first group of these numbers. mately twenty minutes. pelled into the field by the random
Features 4 registries, the main topie left to talk Sister Patricia said that the online She also said that most students murder of her fiance, and told ev-
Features -,.£..5 about concerning registration is its registering process was a long time that are having difficulty are having eryone that "Victims Have Rights,
Opinion ....6 success. in the making. Michele Hubert was problems because their version of loo.
Opinion % £ «....7 According to statistics provided by responsible for setting up the regis- the Internet Explorer is not up to Grace's fiance was killed in a mob
Michele I lubert, 90.68% of tradi- tering program and after it was com* date, their computer clocks are not hit for just 35 dollars. His unneces-
A&E. -."U 8 set at the right time, or they are hav- sary death caused Grace to want to
tional seniors that met with their ad- pleted, Michele Wheaton and Sister
A&E % 1 9 visors and were academically and fi- Patricia had to review the registering ing trouble with their Webadvlsor be a lawyer and seek justice for oth-
Sports & L 10 r
rules, check the. program and work passwords. ers.
nanciallv eligible to register registered
Sports u. x online. Along with traditional stu-
out and possible scheduling problems Please see Registration on Please set Grace on
students may encounter. Page 5. * Page 3,
Sports #»& « 12 dents there were also 67.74% post


C u b a n A I D S strategy praised, criticized

By Gary Marx tiscments and volunteers distrib- "I have enormous praise for
Knight Ridder Newspapers uting educational materials and what they've done," she said. "It
condoms to encourage safe sex provides an object lesson in what
PINAR D E L RIO, Cuba - and limit transmission. a socialist government can do <

N iurka Roj as was diagnosed with I But the government also close- when they want to do it."
HIV 13 years ago and confined ly monitors the lives of those But critics say Cuba's success
to a sanitarium on the outskirts infected with the AIDS virus. infightingthe AIDS virus is tem-
of the provincial town of Pinar Most Cubans who test positive pered by the tough measures
del Rio, Cuba, are required to stay in a sanitar- used in its campaign.
Since then, the government has ium for at least three months. Berta Gomez, an AIDS expert
given Rojas all the medication Once there, they can leave only with the Pan American Health
she needs to fight the illness, with the permission of the staff. Organization, said Cuba's ap-
ample food and a tidy three- Those who are considered high proach to fighting AIDS has not
room home that would be the risk to spread the infection could been a model for other nations
envy of most Cubans. In ex- stay much longer. Some, like because its policy of isolating
change, Rojas and 45 other pa- Rojas, choose to make it a per- carriers violates human rights.
tients living here have forfeited manent home. "This model is impossible to
some of their independence- "It's good in comparison to replicate in other countries be-
Using a strategy that critics how people live on the outside," cause it's a model that separates!
have called excessive but that said Rojas, 32, who now has a person from their family,
some health experts praise as AIDS. "I've adapted to this Gomez said.
effective, Cuba has managed to world. I don't know if I will ever In a country where family ties
control the spread of the AIDS leave." are strong, many Cubans infect-
virus more successfully than Cuba's campaign against HIV/ ed with the virus said they were
most nations. But the approach AIDS provides an outline of devastated after being pressured
is grounded in the kind of coer- how government officials here to move into a sanitarium,
cion that only a one-party state often use the absolute power of "The moment you are diag-
can wield. the state to advance what they nosed, you are very vulnerable
While the Caribbean's HIV in- define as the collective good — and feel a lot of fear," said Jorge photo courtesy of

fection rate is exploding and now in this case slowing the spread Brito, a psychiatric nurse who Niurka Rojas, an AIDS patient, has lived at the sanatorium in Cuba, for 13 years.
is second only to sub-Saharan of the AIDS virus — even if it was sent to a sanitarium outside
Africa, officials in Cuba say that means limiting the civil liberties Havana last year and now works ing outside the sanitariums said "There is a lot of ignorance in because they fear neighbors
only .05 percent of the country's of individuals. there. "The separation from they still fear rejection and isola- Cuba about how you get infect- may find out that they are in-
population has been infected with Peggy McEvoy, a former top your family is very traumatic. tion from most of society. ed by HIV," he said. "A month fected.
the AIDS virus, by far the low- United Nations AIDS official in "When you enter, you lose Rev. Fernando de la Vega, a ago a neighbor told me that I "If the person in the local
est rate in the region. the Caribbean, said Cuban Pres- your privacy," he added. "You Catholic priest who runs one of should stop helping them be- store knows about my illness,
Cuba's aggressive campaign ident Fidel Castro responded feel like a prisoner." the few non-governmental sup- cause AIDS was a punishment then everyone will know," said a
against the AIDS virus involves quickly to the initial outbreak While the government's public port groups for Cubans with from God." 33-year-old Cuban who is HIV
universal treatment for those and has continued two decades service campaign has helped HIV/AIDS, said he had to shut- Some with HIV/AIDS refuse positive and asked not to be iden-
who are HIV positive. There later to pour staff and resourc- curb discrimination against those ter the church s balcony windows to participate in a government tified. "The society is not yet
also is an extensive outreach pro- es into the fight against HIV/ infected with the AIDS virus, after neighbors shouted obscen- program that provides them ready to receive people who are
gram that uses television adver- AIDS. many HIV-positive Cubans liv- ities at participants. with increased food rations HIV positive.

Republican Senators plan to hold hearings into postwar intelligence

By J a m e s K u h n h e n n a n d committee also has broad au- planes and to monitor a safe Now, said one senior official
John Walcott thority to probe. house, not to detect whoever was who spoke on condition or ano- Democratic hopefuls assail Dean,
Knight Ridder Newspapers | "I intend to look at it and he attacking U.S. troops. nymity, Secretary of Defense
does, too," Warner said. "The L. Paul Bremer, the top U.S.
. .
Donald Rumsfeld is trying to
deride Bush's Iraq policy at forum
Two key Republican senators main thing is that our troops are official in Iraq, on Sunday ac- blame current problems on the BOSTON - Racial politics took center stage at a forum for
want the Bush administration to in danger night and day over
- ,\
CIA, which has 280 officers in Democratic presidential candidates Tuesday as former Vermont
knowledged that intelligence Gov, Howard Dean came under attack for suggesting that tH
explain U.S. intelligence failings there and are highly dependent training and the use of technol-
Iraq, although there are 130,000
in Iraq that they say are endan- on intelligence. I think it's of Defense Department personnel party should reach out to Southern whites who display the Con-
ogy could improve in Iraq. He federate flag.
gering American troops and con- sufficient seriousness that we're there, including more than 1,000
said the United States has in- "You can't bring a Confederate flag; to the table of brother-]
tributing to the rising death toll moving on setting (hearings) up military intelligence officers. "It's
creased the number of special-
there. right now." not the agency," Roberts said, hood,. j . That is insensitive and I think you ought to apologize to
ists conducting counterterrorism
Sen. Pat Roberts of Kansas, The senators' misgivings shine referring to the CIA. "It's the people for that," the Rev. Al Sharp ton told Dean, "You are not a
intelligence. "That has begun to
the chairman of the Senate I in- a spotlight on failures in Iraq just DIA (Defense Intelligence Agen- bigot, but you appear to be too arrogant to say, T m wrong."'
pay off," he said on Fox News.
telligence Committee, and Sen. as the Bush administration is try- cy) and the services." Sen, John Edwards of North Carolina accused Dean of ste-
But the Army report noted
John Warner of Virginia, the ing to focus public attention on Neither the CIA nor military reo typing Southern whites.
that members of tactical intelli-
chairman of the Senate Armed postwar successes, such as the gence teams, whose job is to intelligence, however, has had 'The last thing we need in the South is somebody like you
Services Committee, are planning restoration of electricity and build rapport with the local pop- significant success penetrating coming down and telling us what we need to do," he said. "The
to hold Senate hearings to exam- schools. ulation, were at times participat- the ranks of Saddam loyalists, people that I grew up with, die vast majority of them, don't drive
ine the performance of military The push to examine current ing in raids aqd "door kicking" foreign fighters, militant Shiitc around with Confederate flags on their pickup truck,"
intelligence in postwar Iraq. intelligence gathering was driv- operations. "Putting them on a Muslims or common criminals He called Dean's remarks "condescending" and **wrong."
"I'm very concerned about it/* en, in part, by an internal Army door-kicker team ruins that rap- who are mounting the attacks, Dean, who also faced criticism from former Illinois Sen, Carol
Roberts said in an interview. report this month that cited U.S. port and there would be no ad- the senior officials said, and the Mosclcy Braun, called the Confederate flag "a loathsome sym-
"We're not going to win this anti- military intelligence failures in vantage to them collecting infor- latest military technology being bol," but stood by his earlier comments,
guerrilla fight without better in- directing and training intelligence mation," the report said. sent to Iraq isn't likely to turn We have to reach out to every single American " he said. "We
telligence. I don't think it's up to specialists in Iraq and Afghani- Intelligence services are also the tide. don't have to embrace the Confederate flag, and I never sug-
par. It's costing us lives. We can't stan. woefully lacking in interpreters, "Maybe some of these gizmos gested that we did. But we have to reach out to all disenfran-
tell the good guys from the bad The report by the Center for the report said. Most military lin- can tell where people are hiding, chised people.
guys/' *f Army Lessons Learned at Ft. guists in Iraq and Afghanistan, it but so far as I know, none of
Warner said he and Roberts will Leavenworth, Kan., found that said, have the lowest language them can tell the difference "be- Thousands of chemicals approved
determine which of their com- intelligence teams produced only rating - "which basically gives tween a civilian with a water
one-fourth of the daily reports them the ability to tell the dif- bucket and a guy in civilian
without safety testing
mittees will direct the hearings.
Roberts has drawn criticism expected from them. The study, ference between a burro and a clothes with an RPG," or rock- PHILADELPHIA ~ Without requiring lab tests to determine
from Democrats for limiting his first reported by The Washing- burrito." et-propelled grenade, said one their safety, the U.S. government has approved thousands of
panel's probes so far into pre- ton Post, also found that un- Senior military officials said the official. "And none of them can chemicals for use in such products as sofa cushions,, soaps, paints
war intelligence failings and not manned aerial vehicles, while attacks underscore how much tell what target they're going to and baby bottles.
investigating whether policy-mak- useful during combat, were "lim- administration officials have un- try to hit next. To do that, you On average, two more chemicals are approved every day.
ers - including President Bush ited during stability operations." derestimated the enemy in Iraq need to recruit spies, and that's
The result- consumers are unwittingly part of a kind of vast,:
and Vice President Cheney - In one instance, an unmanned and overestimated U.S. high messy and hard and it takes
uncontrolled lab experiment.
misused intelligence. Warner's plane was used to locate buried technology. time. I»
"We're treating (people) worse than lab rats" said Karen Flori-
ni, an attorney with the non-profit group Environmental De-

Bill signing to reignite abortion issue debate fense. "At least with lab rats, somebody bothers to collect the
1 *9
_Jata. >
The U.S. system of regulating chemicals is under renewed scru-
By David Jackson women's issues, hoping to make al Trade Center. Northup, whose New York-based
tiny as European officials voted last week to adopt much tough-
Knight Ridder Newspapers abortion rights a major part of Abortion-rights supporters will organization is involved in the
er rules, which would require substantial testing of many sub-
next year's campaign against protest across the street, decry- Nebraska lawsuit. "And the lan-
stances before they can be sold there.
WASHINGTON - From a Bush. ing a law they say is so broadly guage is so broad, it would en-
With growing amounts of synthetic substances detected in hu-
presidential speech in Washing- Abortion opponents said the written that virtually any doctor compass abortions as early as 12
man blood and breast milk, US. critics have stepped up calls for
ton to court hearings in Nebras- public is moving their way, in involved in an abortion could be weeks" similar rules here. \
ka and New York to a Demo- part because of objections to the subject to arrest. NARAL Pro- Architects of the Partial Birth
cratic debate in New Hampshire, late-term procedures. They add- Choice America, which is spon- Abortion Act of 2003 said they
abortion returns to center stage ed that, while the ban is an im- soring the protest, is also running designed it with the Supreme Air Force Academy starts mission to
Wednesday, legally and political- portant turning point, their goal television ads accusing the Bush Court's decision in mind. They instill values in cadets
ly. : : remains reversal of the 1973 administration of interfering said it specifically defines the
with medical privacy.Critics of abortion procedure in question] COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - It's all about character - and
President Bush will sign a bill Supreme Court decision in Roe the lack of it - at the Air Force Academy. W$
outlawing what social conserva- vs. Wade, making abortion a con- the ban predicted it would be referring to a delivery of a fetus
declared unconstitutional, as sim- "past the navel ... outside the Cadets doing drugs. Cadets stealing textbooks. Cadets telling
tives call "partial-birth abortion," stitutional right. dirty jokes and staging
ilar state efforts have been. body of the mother" in order to —o—o -a lewd
— skit.
—' Underage cadets udrinking
— * - " " ^ vMucu uniting li-
capping a years-long campaign Bush told reporters last week quor. One in fourir men thinking women don't belong at the acad-
by foes who liken the late-term that he looks forward to signing Three years ago, the Supreme kill it.The bill also provides ex-
ceptions to protect the life of the emy or in tiie Ain - • in five
ir Force. One *»-•-•*-juniors
i-muu and
ana seniors
seniors aavirw
procedure to infanticide. the anti-abortion bill, but he Court struck down a Nebraska
woman, supporters said. A gen- they would give alcohol to underage cadets if they could get
Abortion-rights supporters, played down its possible long- law against the late-term proce-
eralized health exception, they away with it. The most recent symptom of character lapse was
meanwhile, will ask federal judg- term impact. dures. The 5-4 majority called the
argue, creates a large loophole the sexual-assault scandal, with women charging academy leaders
es in Nebraska and New York About 400 people, many of law too vague and noted that it
that could be used to justify any ignored their assault reports. The problem isn't one thing, it's all
Cit\' to block enforcement of the them social conservatives who did not contain an exception for those things. 2
law, calling it a smokescreen de- represent a large part of Bush's the health of the woman, late-term abortion.
"You could accurately describe it as a crisis of character," said
signed to ban all abortions. Sev- political base, have been invited Nancy Northup, president of Abortion-rights supporters
Commandant of Cadets Brig. Gen. John Wcida, one of four
eral sued last week, even before to the bill-signing ceremony. the Center For Reproductive called the late-term issue little
leaders installed last spring during the sexual assault scandal
the bill was signed. Rather than the White House, Rights, said the new federal law more than a fraud designed to
Recognizing the crisis, Air Force leaders frame their comments
And Wednesday night, five of Bush aides will stage the event suffers from the same problem. intimidate women and doctors M
in terms of combat, saying the academy is "at war" and needs a
the Democrats seeking the White three blocks away at the Ronald "There is no provision for the into forgoing their right to an
• push of resources" at the battlcfronc.
House will meet for a debate on Reagan Building and Internation- health of the woman/' said abortion. I *_ - All Info provided by KRT

To contact: newsmerciad© mercyhurst edu NEWS

Committee seeks $7,500 from senior class, highest goal in college history
ways and the beautification provements to the basketball
Special to the Merciad projects that took place over the area.
Senior class gift committee summer seem to draw attention The committee is primarily | i
to that side of campus. focused on the construction of
The committee unanimously the picnic pavilion as their senior
The Senior Class Gift Com-* agreed,that the current picnic class gift, which alone has been i
rruttce announced that the gift area could use a face-life. With- estimated to cost $7,000. The
from the class of 2004 will be in a first few weeks of their committee feels that they have K
initial development of the Pic- meetings, the committee was sur- a great vision, but lofty goals.
nic Park area that currently ex-! prised to see that the adminis- The committee has challenged
ists in back or the uppcrclass-:-| tration heard their voices and the senior class to raise $7,500,
men apartment buildings of tore down the fencing that sur- the highest goal of any other se-
3907/3909 Briggs Ave. and rounded the gnll area. nior class gift. They hope for
3908/3910 Lewis Ave. £ Administrators like Tyrone 50 percent participation among
The steering committee mem- Moore, Tom Billingsley and Dr. the senior class, which would
bers, Rachael Confer, Lisa Foe- Garvey met with die commit- make the 2004 senior class the
ry, Anna Gucrnero,'Josh Hack, ^ tee to offer suggestions about largest group of donors in Mer-
Francesca Ravasio and Justin updates ahd renovations to die cyhurst College history. The av-
Shouse, have recently decided to picnic area. Ideasforthe chang- erage gift is set at $30 and can
construct at 15 foot by 40 foot es include moving the grills and be made by cash, check, credit
picnic pavilion on die currendy adding a walkway, repaying the Card, campus card or housing
paved grill area. ^ ^ current surface area and pur- deposit pledge.
The committee'wanted to pick chasing picnic tables. The committee plans on hold-
a gift that served the traditional The committee would also ing a mini-fundraising event, the
symbolic function of a senior like to make the area larger and annual Kickoff party on Decem-
class gift, but also would be making the grills charcoal in- ber 4 at the Cornerstone.
something that would be used by stead of gas grills so students Members of the senior class
the entire college community. In could use them without a phone
the past, the east side of cam- call to maintenance to have the
can obtain pledge cards or make
a pledge by asking any of the Jody MeBtVPhcto «Mor
pus has not seen many senior grills turned on. Other sugges- committee members or stopping The picnic area is the future site of the senior class gift The committee proposed a new
class projects. The recent addi- tions include a brick "M" in-lay by Steve Zinram's office on the pavillion for the picnic area with many improvements.
tion of the two east side walk- on the paved surface and im- fourth floor of the library.

Online registration successful More students lean Republican

technical support team who son or .mother, after thefirstday which is about 8 percentage for Bush. Wfearing a College Re-
Continued from Page L worked Sunday night and will of registration the registrar's of- By Jeff Zeleny points higher than die general publican sweatshirt and holding
An easy way to avoid these continue working during the reg- fice still feels that the new on- Chicago Tribune public. a bullhorn with his right hand,
problems is to simply register on istration process to assist stu- line registering is a huge success. COLUMBUS, Ohio Grow- At the same time, 27 percent Druckenmiller marshaled more
a campus computer in the library dents with technical problems. To answer some questions stu- ing up, the politics in the house- of the students say they are than a dozen young conserva-
or computer center. These com- As for 51 first day registration dents have had about registra- hold of Steven Druckenmiller Democrats. And 38 percent say tives through a thicket of Dem-
puters are all up to date with the students that did not complete tion, registration times are by had always leaned toward the they are independent or unaffil- ocratic protesters.
program. their registration online, it may- class and picked randomly each liberal side. So when the 20- iated, which makes them ripe "We are a new wave coming
Overall, Wheaten said that be questioned why they opted time. Classes may be added and year-old goes home, he takes targets for presidential candi- m!" he said in an interview, step-
there were significantly less stu- not to use the online service. dropped by the minute so it is delight wearing a shirt from his dates who are paying careful at-
dents stopping in her office die u According to Senior Maria important to check die class list- ping away from die demonstra-
J r . A I |
first day of i^ttaitfdh^d &osf | ftk#2btf£t' sW6 did hot register ing?. At Capita] University here, of the electorate, partigulady the of Arnold Schwvarzenegger-es-
questions'Sisked simply coii- bnlme because she did not have I Finally, for the freshmen, they Druckenmiller and several doz- nation's 0 million cflflege students. que conservatism^ .;; \ ^
cerned registering times. ^_her advisors approval tor class- are required to register in'per- en others regularly hold meet- "The days are over of colleg- Indeed, the Republican Par-
Sr. Patricia was also impressed es yet. In another case Pete Ryn- son so they can receive the ex- ings to discuss tax policy, free es being a bastion of Democrat- ty hopes to capitalize on the en-
with the group effort made in shoven said that he basically tra faculty advising, since their trade and other conservative ic politics," said Dan Glickman, ergy and interest created last
the registering process. She said knew he was going to get his classes are more likely to close bedrocks. Membership in the director of the Kennedy School month by the bodybuilder/ac-
that she would like to commend classes because he was a senior. out. rival Democratic group, mean- of Government at Harvard tor's election as California gov-
Michele Hubert for the time and He was busy Sunday and it was Winter term registering online while, has dwindled to two. University. "We've had 20 years ernor. And like Schwarzeneg-
effort she put in to making reg- just more convenientforhim to ends Nov. 6 at 9:00 p.m., any stu- "Sure," die college junior said without much radicalism on cam- ger, polls show that younger Re-
istration a success. register in person. dent wishing to register after this with a smile, "some of us have puses around the country. The publicans are more likely to
Furthermore, she said that Minus the students that chose time may do so in die registrar's liberal parents and are rebel- campuses now reflect more of support moderate positions on
she wanted to commend the not to register online for one rea- office. ling"* ? 1 :; the country as a whole/' issues hke abortion and eay
Druckenmiller and his He siad "This group ought to rights.
friends represent a growing be mined by the candidates* If To be sure, the Democratic

Grace speaks to students trend of college students who they don't it's at their own peril."
are identifying with the Repub- In the 1980s, Ronald Reagan's
lican Party. Gone are the days presidency inspired a generation
Party is not ceding the young
vote. Last week in Washington,
neady 4,000 young profession-
when college campuses were of conservatives on college cam- als danced to hip-hop music at
Continued from Page L losses while serving as a special York University. Besides her post a fund-raiser led by former
prosecutor with the Atlanta Ful- on Court TV, in which she an- liberal strongholds, awash only puses. GOP strategists hope to
in principles of the Democrat- re-create and expand that move- President Bill Clinton.
After her fiance's murder, ton District Attorney's Office. chors die daily trial coverage pro- ment and are turning to college- "We've got to have young
Grace enrolled in law school and Among the felony cases she has gram, "Closing Arguments," ic Party.
A new poll by the Institute age Republicans like Drucken- people understand why this
followed the path to becoming a tried have been serial murders, which airs from 3 to 5 p.m., election is so critical," Demo-
felony prosecutor and an outspo- serial rapes and serial child mo- Grace serves as a commentator of Politics at Harvard Univer- miller who were barely born
sity showed that 31 percent of when Reagan took office. cratic National Committee
ken victims' rights advocate. As lestations. and frequent guest host on "Lar- chairman Terry McAuliffe said.
college students across the When Bush came to downtown
pact of her commitment to vic- As part of her talk, she took ry King Live" on CNN, as well 0

country identify themselves as Columbus last Thursday, the jun- "Right now, 7 out of 10 col-
tims, she helped staff the hot- the audience through the process as ABC's "The View," NBCs
Republicans. The poll also ior economics and philosophy lege graduates cannot get a job
line at the Atlanta, Georgia, Bat- of prosecuting high-profile cas- 'The Today Show," and ABC's
showed that 61 percent of col- major from Fremont, Ohio, this year. They've got to under-
tered Women's Center for 10 es, like Bryant's and Peterson's, "Good Morning America."
lege students approve of Pres- stood on a street comer for near- stand the issues. If they don't
vears. which dominate today's head-
Some information pro- ident Bush's job performance, ly two hours to show his support that's our fault."
As a lawyer, she compiled a lines.
perfect record of nearly 100 fel- Grace has a LLM degree in vided by Mercyhurst public
ony convictions at trial and no constitutional law from New relations'-
Are you safe on campus?
large l-Topping , larst i-Top wing I Mercyhurst Police and Safety release safety statistics^
Single Order of
Singtf Order of I
Bre»d*tkfct I I Continued from Page L possibility of crimes, because camera had been recording them
• It I • ! •
I mischief does not usually occur
These statistics are important in well lit areas, r
in the act and an officer on duty
had immediately dispatched of-
I I for comparative reasons. They Also, Mercyhurst has an ex- ficers to the scene. The three

I I indicate how many incidents tremely advanced and detailed students were arrested and plead
guilty before the Distnct Justice.
I would occur within a population system of cameras strategically
of 100,000 students and em- placed throughout the campus. They now have to pay•finesfor
' •>... . . * . •• ' * - * **:-•• I I ployees, based on die number of There are 37 cameras currendy their crime, as well as pay for
•:. • '.»•••
- - ; *
- .

• ••

I I incidents that have occurred in on campus that record every-

Mercyhurst's population of thing that happens in that par-
the replacement of the gate,

M t
t § 4 *f-

'.*** •
« » »

'- '
• «- 1 1

* * * * * * ••!

I I 3,048. I I i I ticular area.

This incident demonstrates j \ ist
how powerful Police and Safety
It simply gives a clearer pic*! They are placed in many dif-| are on this campus. Each stu-
Large topping T Urrge i-Topowg I tu re of the real possibility of in- ferent areas that students may
cidents to occur on campus. For not necessarily expect them to
dent was charged $50forcrimi-
nal mischief, $35 for underage
I r M J M i t t Cunt* I Pi//* and *
Single Ord*f of 1 PtEzaaiMf a
Single Order of I instance, if Mercyhurst had a be. The signal is then sent from drinking, $134 for repairs and
I I &re*dstkk&
1 I population of 100,000, there the camera to Police and Safety, replacement of the gate and

I I •it 1 • I* I would only be 31 cases of van* where an officer is carefully

dalism that would occur, based monitoring a screen for each
court costsforup to $250, for a
total of more dian $450 m fines
I Uulax 77 | on the fact that only four oc- camera. a piece.
I 1 I curred in the actual population Recendy, there was an incident Students should keep in mind
H*ftta*t-S*M I 1 I of 3,048. t involving three students from
The campus has taken mea- Perm State Behtend, who were
that the cameras around Met
cyhurst are here for their safety
I 2007 Eas<^Street EHe • 8257672 I H * * * W*» A. t*v jtis ftv
• • - . « * > * M B n m t f t M

1 sures to ensure that the campus at Mercyhurst on a weekend and are always watching.
- ••«- • * * > « r . -• ••-.

is as secure as possible. One way night. They had been dnnking

4402 Buffalo Road. Erie • 899-2313 I •" * » c <4*tjMjwr

i that this has been achieved has and decided to break the gate in Some information pw
* - .J >*>*£ m-> ; i v . --_
pln»+wC*TyoU*w**y vided by Mercyhurst
L L. been the installation of appro between Preston and Zurn Hall.
priatc lighting. This reduces the Little did they know that a College Police and Safety .
To contact

Resident Assisstants honored with O T M by peers

Kriegbaum wins first OTM award •

"When I was an underclass-
man and every year up until now,
my RA's had been really great,
but they never really did anything
in the way of community build-
ing I really wanted to be able to
get a building full of kids togeth-
er and have them become sort
of a pseudo family where every-
one was there for everyone else."
said Kriegbaum.
One of the most important
parts of being an RA is getting
your residents involved- Krieg-
baum holds plenty of activities
for her residents to enjoy
They do activities like post- Jody MoBo/ Photo ©**tor
midterm cookie parties, pizza Senior Jennifer Stranksy can always be seen with a smile on her face — even when
Senior Kristin Kriegbaum
Jody Meflo/ Photo editor parties, and planned trips to she's busting her residents.
watch the football team in ac-
out of her way at RA training tion.
By Bethany Shaffer
Contributing writer
Sarah Shaffer, one of the as-
sistant directors of resident life
and student conduct listed one
"I feel like the cool aunt who
doesn't have kids. It is great that
we can all get together and have
Stransky garners acclaim as RA
The first winner of the "Of of the main reasons for Krieg- a good time" Kriegbaum said. She has only served as an RA Stransky is able to help oth-
By Kyla Mclnchak
the Month" award for this ac- baum receiving the award being Kriegbaum said that advice Contributing writer during the current term and she ers with a simple "hello" and
ademic school year was senior that, "She went out of her way from her fellow RA's help her. is already learning to help others by being a role model.
Kristin Kriegbaum. to help us clean up after the pro- Pick your battles is a bit of ad- Jenny Stransky, a senior Resi- solve problems and live peace- Stransky enjoys the interac-
As is every other RA, Kriez- gramming banquet for RA train- vice she was given from a re- dent Assistant and student of the ably together. tion she has between herself,
baum is on duty one night a ing. She made sure that every- turning RA. Marriage and Family Studies For Stransky, winning the sophomores, juniors and se-
week and seven weeknights per thing was perfect when we left "I received the OTM because program, recently had her ac- OTM was a great experience. "I niors in 3830 Lewis. Josh Reed
term. the area. She went above and I stayed to help clean up after complishments recognized smiled that day when a resident the RA of the adjoining build-
She will graduate in May with beyond the call of duty"T our banquet. I'm a student man- through this award. said I did well. The later ac- ing, also is enjoyable to work
a degree in Forensic Science Living in East Duval, Krieg- ager in the cafe and I know how By awarding an outstanding knowledgement (the OTM with, and meeting new people
with a Chemistry minor. On baum decided to become an RA frustrating it can be to come in individual in the Mercyhurst award) gave me a great feeling" is always fun, said Stransky.

school breaks and in the sum- for a different reason than just to a big mess. I didn't want the College community each month, "It's truly an awarding experi- All RAs are special in St ran-
mer; she resides in Boston, N. the free housing and her own manager in the morning to have the OTM committee helps to ence to see an end result. Crisis sky's opinion, and must have
Y ;^g room. to deal with anything out of recognize a wide variety of peo- intervention is a big part of my certain qualities to become a
While it may seem odd to She wants the building to be place " she said. ple, including RAs, residents, of- major," said Stransky, and she's pleasant, yet orderly RA, "You
have an RA of the month in an environment where her resi- Recommendations for other fice workers, and other people able to put her knowledge into have to be able to listen, and
August when most students are dents can feel free to just stop outstanding RA's can be placed who are sometimes taken for practice when people have dis- being concerned about people
still at home, Kriegbaum went in and chat, or even borrow a at the Residence life Office. granted. putes in the Lewis Apartments. in general is imperative."

M o r e than justjthe president Maverick cell-phone carriers

try novel pitches
By Kaitlyn Reif
Contributing writer
By Jon Fortt
There is more than meets the
Knight Ridder Newspapers ?m
eve when it comes to out Mer- It's so cruel, but so clever. Vir-
cyhurst Student Government gin Mobile USA's "rescue ring"
President, David Del Vecchio. lets subscribers program their
r^Del Vecchio has been involved cell phones to ring during a bad
with MSG since freshman year date, providing a convenient es-
by being a class representative, cape.
treasurer his sophomore year, A new breed of wireless card-
and president his junior and se- er is relying on ideas such as -the
nior year. rescue ring and American Idol-
"I chose to come to Mercy- related polls to attract young cell
hurst because 1 appreciate the phone users.
small community atmosphere, As mainstream cell phone ser-
die sense of family and unity in- vice providers struggle to attract
stilled by the Sisters of Mercy, customers and increase sales, two
and the Research Intelligence mavenck companies are chang-
Analysis Program"Del Vecchio ing the rules of the wireless
said. game.
Courtesy of KRTctmpus
Del Vecchio attended a small Virgin Mobile and rival Boost All the cellphone compani are trying new things to
Mobile are targeting the high! get people to buy phones.
school and college-age crowd answer.: wake-up calls from reality-show
/chose with simple pre-paid wireless So far, the strategy appears to celebrities; also, Virgin Mobile
Jody Malta/Photo editor
Mercyhurst because David Del Vecchio has worked hard as president of MSG. plans. be working. Virgin Mobile USA has attracted a national custom-
Virgin Mobile and Boost, both has amassed about 450,000 new er base that is 55 percent female,
I appreciate the small He will miss the organization and his close friends after part-owned by major cellular customers since it went live last which is highly unusual in the
community atmo- graduation. companies, let customers buy August, said CEO Dan Schul- wireless business.
minutes through calling cards man. And he's on track to reach ^Virgin Mobile's rebel reputa-
sphere, the sense of information to address the con ten many things out of Mercy-
sold at music and electronics a half million by this month. tion is more than just market-
cerns of the student body effec- hurst, but two important lessons
family and unity tively," he said. have been engrained in him. "I stores. "The rock in our slingshot in ing; the company really is tiling
instilled by the Sisters This summer, Del Vecchio in- have received two educations at But what makes these pre-paid this battle of David versus many the other wireless carriers. In
terned at the I ligh Intensity Drug Mercyhurst. one in the class- newcomers even more intrigu- Goliaths is focus," Schulman said. Virgin Mobile's case, the cellular
of Mercy, and the Trafficking Area in Washington, room that has already been ben- ing to the industry is their ability "We built this from the ground towers and transmission equip-
D.C, "It was a great experience. eficial in my obtaining an intern- to control costs. up to focus on the youth mar* ment, it leases them from anoth-
Research Intelligence I worked with local law enforce- ship at the CIA and the High Andrew Cole, wireless indus- er wireless earner, adds its own
ket." * j * P
Analysis Program? 7 ment to aide in drug-related in- Intensity Drug Trafficking A re a. try analyst at consulting firm But competitors in the wireless features and brand image, and
vestigations and assisted the di- The other has been outside the Adventis, said Virgin Mobile's market are taking notice* Ana- resells service to customers.
Del Vecchio rector with some special classroom in leadership, and the results show how pre-paid com- lysts are whispering that other Virgin Mobile can boast a sta-
Catholic high school in Westlake, projects" experiences I have dealt with panies can make money. companies, spurred by Virgin tistic that makes it the envy of
Ohio. 1 le holds the small school After graduation in May 2004, over the past four years have "No carrier in the U.S. would Mobile's early success, are dunk- the wireless industry; 11 says 53
setting close to his heard. he would like a job in law en- been an invaluable lesson."-, have in their wildest dreams ing about launching similar ven- percent of its subscribers use
The administration of Ins high forcement or National Security. A few words of wisdom he come up with the rescue ring It's| tures focusing on teens and their phones to send text mes-
school was very student focused. He will miss MSG and his wants to leave behind, "Mercy- a good example of how these young adults. sages to each other. Analysts ex-
He felt it an honor to be m-i friends, especially the close rela- hurst is great because of the companies are important and It makes sense, then, that pect services like text messaging
volved m that environment. tionships he has developed with time, effort and dedication put relevant" Cole said. "If it's done mainstream wireless carrier to drive the use of data services
Del Vecchio enjoys getting in- diem. forward by the individuals. well, it can actually make the Sprint PCS owns half of Virgin on phones, especially among
volved m solving problems and "Anyone who has been part of These are exemplified through market more efficient." Mobile USA, the other half is young people.
being proactive. a sports team or any club or the beauty of the school, aca- I Iere's how it works: owned by Virgin Group, the Brit- "Our largest users of text mes-
MSG has fulfilled that desire, group of friends has seen things demic* distinction, and national To use the rescue ring, a cell ish travel and entertainment com- saging are 16- to 24-year-old fe-
"I have alwavs wanted to serve change over time. It will be recognition for athletic teams. To phone user preprograms the pany. Nextel Wireless, the bust* males, and then if you had a
others and it was a great oppor- missed," Del Vecchio said. maintain what Mercyhurst is, phone to ang at a time when the ness-centnc carrier, owns 66 breakdown of geography it's
tunity to get involved when I After being at N lercyhurst, one people have to recognize the user might need an escape. percent of Boost Mobile* spread relatively evenly," Schul
came to Mercyhurst." can only imagine how many peo- great things and the vision that There's even a choice of sever- Virgin Mobile has a partner- man said. **We thought mat there
r •
ple a student comes in contact others have started. Everyone al MTV personalities to voice the ship with MTV that allows tts would be an urban tilt in text
Del Vecchio hopes that MSG
with, and how many different needs to take great pride in this rescue. When the phone rings, subscribers to use phones for messaging, but we haven't seen
serves as a resource center for
situations one has to deal with. institution. That's what makes the user can choose to ignore or video voting, audio postcards and that." \
students. "I hope the future stu-
Del Vec< liio said he has got- this place great."
dent governments can access

FEATURES To contact:

W e l c h ^attends conference in United Arab Emirates

By Kaitlyn Reif
Contributing writer

"Dr. Richard Welch is one of

the best teachers because he is
runny, easy going and students
can identity with him. Yet at the
same time, he is very profession-
al and always on task," says fresh-
man Amanda Keller.
Dr. Welch, a Pittsburgh native,
has been at Mercvhurst for four
years now, and has been teach-
ing for 20 years. He has taught
at Kennesaw University in Ga«, I
and at Villanova.
Welch attended Duquesne
University as an undergraduate
and completed his graduate stud-
ies at the University of Denver.
Recently, Welch attended a
meeting sponsored by the Arab-
US. Association for Communi-
cation Educators in Dubai,
which is part of the United Arab
This meeting invited educators
Jill Wflhams/Contnbuting photographe i JM Williams/Contributing photographer
all around the world, and who
Many of the sites that Wlech saw were different from the United States. This is a .; This is Dubai's newest hotel* It houses a theme park
are also part of the organization,
traditional souk or market place in downtown Dubai. Inside.
from places such as Kuwait, Bay
Rouge and Cairo. are all better of£" Welch said. communication • Association for Communication only difference is really Ian- Dubai.
The purpose of the meeting This organization has been When new ideas are formed Educators. This past October, guage, and even then, almost "Dubai has seven emirates and
was to exchange ideas and meth- around for nine years and all nine and shown to different people, they had their annual meeting to everyone there speaks English. is like a Greek city/state. It is a
ods between the United States years Welch has been associated the world will become more discuss issues of importance to They all still wake up in the wealthy community. It is grow-
and Arab nations to make the with the group. prosperous and working with communication students and morning, eat breakfast, and ing very rapidly and eventually
communication programs stron- Arab-U.S. Association for people will become easier. professors* worry about their family.** turn into a Singapore of the
ger, 'The organization is there Communication Educators was The conference brings people "I ran a panel on teaching new Eighty percent of all people Middle East" Welch said.
to bridge the gap between the formed so teachers, students and together and shows them ways media. Ifocusedon figuringout who live in Dubai are in fact Student will soon be asked to
United States and the Arab world many other groups of people to become more successful with what type of courses should be expatriates. There is a huge become more involved in this or-
with the intentions of becoming across the wodd can become Communication. taught with the new media pro- blend of all different people ganization at the next meeting in
enlightened with new ways of involved in an universal type way Dr. Welch is currently on the gram," Welch said "The Middle with a variety of cultures, which Cairo.
thinking and ideas. That way, we of educating and portraying Board of Directors of Arab-US East is very similar to us. The have combined to make up

Gibson is flyikigfhigh at Mercyhurst Submitlto the Lumen Lumen, Mercyhurst's award- maybe even win prize money.
While in high school, Gibson skydivers, gaveflightlessons and Winning student literary maga- All poems and short stories
By Brian Call one started his quest to become a worked in the maintenance shop. ine, is looking for original stu- should be composed in Mi-
Contributing writer commercial airline pilot. He be- Previous summers he has flown dent wntmg and is offering priz- . crosoft Word and submitted on
gan his training at one of the best above Detroit to report traffic, es of one hundred and ten dol- ' a*floppy disk: toP.O Box*479,
Many'people say that you flight schools m the'country, to radio stations. ars for the best poem and the the Preston Mail Room, no lat-
shouldn't judge a book by its Flight 101. ; ***? Along with his dream of be- best short story submitted. er then December' 17.
In some cases looking into
\J "I was tramed by two of the
best flight instructors in the busi-
coming a commercial pilot, Gib- This year Lumen is sailing off
son also has aspirations to grad- nto uncharted cyber-territory,
If you have any questions,
contact Lumen Faculty Advisor
someone's room can give you ness, Mark Hamilton and Sara uate within three years. to produce students' work not Dr. Ken Schiff, Preston 214, at
insight whom that person is. O'Brien/' said Gibson. In order to achieve this he has as a hardcopy literary magazine ext 2461. T f I
If you stop by sophomore Gibson earned his commercial been taking extra classes per as in past years, but as a full- Lumen has many secrets and
Ryan Gibson's room you would pilot license last February, but is term and during his senior year color, animated, multimedia, in- surprises in its new design, which
W m

find a life size mural of a Boe- Jody Mello/pholo erttor

still working on getting the flight of high school, enrolled part teractive CD—like no Lumen will be revealed when we intro-
hours required by commercial time at a local community col you've ever seen before. duce it next April in its new form
ing 777 cockpit hanging up on Ryan Gibson finds time to fly
airlines. lege*'Between being a student, a We're seeking submissions at the annual Lumen Reception
an entire wall. After seeing that even with a busy schedule.
He became a certified flight RAV a member of the rowing from the students and faculty and Poetry and Short Story
huge mural anyone would know
with concentrations in Alarket- instructor this past April. team, and a part time flight in- to demonstrate die artistic tal- Awards Ceremony.
that Gibson was is in love with structor, Gibson is extremely ent at Mercyhurst: photographs,
flying. Ever notice the aerial shot ing, Management, and Advertis- Gibson is presently working at Please submit your work now;
ing. At Mercyhurst, Gibson is a the Dunkirk airport as a part busy. stones, poems, and artwork, | it's your once-in-a-lifetime
of Mercyhurst on the school's
website? That was actually tak- Resident Assistant and is current- time flight instructor and fuel If you are interested in flying, which will be supplemented by chance to be part of this para-
en by Ryan last year on one of ly pledging to be an Ambassa- transfer technician. he would be happy to chat with music and dance clips supplied digm -smashing litera ry arts mag-
dor. Me is also a member of This summer Gibson worked you/ by Mercyhurst's own Fine Arts azine;
his many flights.
A native of White Lake MI,
the Rowing team, which mainly in Seatde at a private airport Perhaps you too will be soon Division. This is your chance We hope you enjoy the voy-
brought him here to Mercyhurst where he operated planes for flying high above Mercyhurst. to see your work published and age to I-///wrLand
Gibson is majoring in Business

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OPINION To contact opinionmerciad® mercyhurst edu

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly:

Whafs hot and whafs not at Mercyhurst
The thinqs we dofor love „__-.!! % ^suddenly
. __4_4__.%1_- find
f_»_-_ you
T - r . i i _irresistible

MadaM _ j£fj$f% /*_ *tJpen a couple 1 of r eggs, 1beat

_ _ __ well,

The Good...
— lV r f p c i c fri 1 \

add vanilla extract, and dump it whereas before I just found you
on your head. Be sure to work it moderately attractive!" Hmm.;. I w

into a nice gooey lather so that don't know about you but I've
Where does die time go? There's only two more weeks of class left! Then there are only three the "protein" (translation: egg never heard a man say that. Not
days of finals before the general populace of Mercyhurst is released for Thanksgiving break. gpo) .can get all the way to die even the ones in Lifetime Origi-
Doesn't it seem like the first day of classes was only yesterday? (Insert the Barbara Streisand tune:
w w w w *
roots. This will, of course, dou- nal Movies.
Memories" here] ble your volume and shine. Look down. Do you have
When youfigurethat your hair breasts? You do? Good. It's pret-
is radiantly shiny and complete- ty much all you need. Don't

The Bad... Dear Madam Malarky,

ly "protein-ified," simply rinse! waste your time bathing in food
Be sure to do this with cool wa- or finding an outfit that makes
I read in a magazine that you ter, however... the last thing you you look hot. Men don't like
should mar vanilla extract insteadwant of is cooked egg in your hair. outfits. They would much pre-
Hope everyone had an enjoyable Halloween weekend and that no one caught something while
perfume because men bit the scentItof could get messy... but imag- fer you without them. If vou
walking around half-dressed on Friday and Saturday night It was slightly chilly out, people. Maybe
vanilla and it kind a turns them on.ine how many men will be moon- absolutely insist on accessorizing,
some more clothes would have been in order. Well, there's word that CVS got a new shipment of
Is tins true? ing over youl grab a six-pack of beer. Hold it
cold medicine and cough drops in, so go stock up.
Aromatically curious "Man!" they'll say to them- provocatively.
w *w

selves, "She's so fine and I can [ Finally, just as a cheap plug

There have been numerous complaints about the speed of the Internet connection here at the Dear Curious, from Madam Malarky to ap-
eat breakfast off her head!"
'Hurst lately. Yes, it is quite annoying, but has everyone been reading the messages from the office I have been on this planet for Another thing that will make pease her raging feminist streak,
of Information Technology? Check your computer for viruses before complaining. It may btyour neady twenty-two years now. I you instantly beautiful is bathing please do me a favor and think
computer that's contributing to the problem. 0 0 w

haven't learned much in that in milk. Apparently this will leave about why you're wearing food.
time, but one thine I have learned your skin all kinds of soft and Dojtoit like wearing food?
is that everything you read in touchable and stuff. Milk has got I really think we all spend too

...and the Ugly "Cosmo" is absolutely factual. vitamins and stuff in it... so if much time making sure that die
You most definitely should wear you bathe in it, through osmosis people we're slighdy interested in
vanilla extract. your skin will just suck up all the take interest in us. Sometimes we
How many people have seen our new school directories yet? Here's a tip about proof-reading: Wear it on your pulse points. vitamins and leave the nasty ud- forget to be sure that we're in-

Wear it on vour wrists and your der crud behind, nght? terested in the first place*
check the cover first. Everyone remember to go to the Union and pick up your new school w m

The only bad part about it is j If the scent of vanilla extract

"direcetory", not your directory. To make things even better, apparently a lot of the information neck Spray some in your hair.
when you drain the tub you'll turns your guy on, then let him
inside is also inaccurate. Nice/. Put some behind your knees,
have to think of all the starving wear it. It's not up to you to
behind your* ears, and in your
children in Mongolia who don't broaden the wodd hunger prob-
elbows. Soak your feet in it be-
Wow, a lot of cars seem to be getting booted lately. Now, whose fault is this, really? Are students lem just so that you'll feel like
fore a hot date. Throw your have any milk to drink because
having trouble understanding the very difficult color-coded system that denotes where we are you've wasted i t so that your skin maybe there's a slight chance he'll
"Degree" out the window and
allowed and not allowed to park? Or does Police and Safety need to lighten up a little? Give some can have Vitamin P32, which notice and take interest- The
just smear on some vanilla ex-
poor college students a break? Discuss. makes it .0003% more appeal- starving children in Mongolia
tract instead. Soak your nails in
ing to men. would thank you.
Now if you'll pardon me,

Born of dreams:
There are somefinesalons that Now that I've given you a list
of a few things you can do to Madam Malarky is due for an
for only a few hundred dollars
make the entire male species oatmeal scrub.
will give you a vanilla extract
want you, rve^got^another J^Yum,*?
transfusion. Just think of how
you'll have to batde off the boys thought to entertain. If you read

A wake-up callfor society Artemidorus of Daldis", accord- Chang Tzu, a Chinese philoso-
with that onel last week's article,
You know what else you should men and women are slightly dif-
do? Wash your hair with eggs. ferent.
you know that
Send your
Madam Malarky

passionately burn-
Eggs are full of protein! Ladies... has a man ever ing questions to
Write Truth ing to James R. Lewis, the au- pher of the fourth century B.C.
thor of The Dream Encyclopedia.poses this question: "Was Chang
The top supermodels in the touched your hand and said,
I ' l r . •• . . , . , , . 11 it
country give their hair egg treat- "My! Your skin is .0003 percent Yesy I do answer real letters, so
ftSThe oldest dream dictionary Tzu dreaming himself the but- ments religiously. All you have softer than it was yesterday! You •, really write-[Come on, you know
Michelle around today ,is said to be the terfly, or was die butterfly dream- to do is go to the fridge, crack took a milk bath, didn't youl I vou! wanna be in the Merciad.
_ J

Beatty papyrus, dating around ing himself ChuangTzu?" result

Letter to the editor:

1350 B.C. ing in the idea of a soul distinct
Past forward and look at from the body and suggesting
Shakespeare's Hamlet,firstpub- rather abstractly a separate spir-
lished in 1623. "To sleep: per- itual world distinct from the

chance to dream: ay, there's the world we consciously perceive.
rub "became a literary testament Chang Tzu's challenge of what
of the agony the human condi- we term the "physical world" has
Some facts about the senior gift
Everyone and everything tion faces when questioning the persisted throughout all of his- As a member of the 2003 se- ty while benefiting future stu- In fact, die class of 2003 gave a
dreams. For at least two or three subconscious possibilities of the tory, and was lingering in the nior class gift committee, I take dents. gift of $8,295 for Alumni Park
hours a night, everything from afterlife. minds of Shakespeare, Einstein, issue not only with Ashley Du- As for the gift of 2002, I with an average gift of $42.54
gnat to cow to human, dreams. It is this unknowing; this Howe, Bohr, Bach, and Kekule Bose's criticism of our senior would hardly call the Mercy and a class participation of 41
What a gnat would dream about, thought that all of eternity could as well. gift, Alumni Park, but of her Cross a "crappy senior gift." £ percent. Independent research
I can't even begin to guess. How- possess hellish dreams, that 1 of liberal arts colleges similar to
Our physical wodd is based on blanket indictment of all senior In fact the cross fetes the Sis -
ever they dream, we dream and Shakespeare calls "the rub" die novel ideas of those who stole gifts in recent years. ters of Mcrcv who endured Mercyhurst shows schools with
we always have. the ideas from their dreams. an average participation rate of
T-* !.#• i 'i-

Dreaming has formed the

i t
I would like to take this op- many hardships while pursuing
Dreaming traces all the way foundation of much of the MacGregor wrote that "You portunity to set the record their dream of opening a college only 33 percent and an average
back to the beginning of human world today.;Albert Einstein spend about a third of your life straight, § gift of $28. *
to educate young women.
kind, to the beginning of the didn't just come up with his the- asleep. That means that in a The selection of a senior class That Ms. DuBose would flip- As stated above, I would hardly
functioning of die mind. It stems ory on relativity; he dreamt it! lifespan of seventy-five years, gift is not an easy one. pantly diminish the significance call the past three years' offer-
back to die Ancient Egyptians, Elias Howe was able to com- you sleep the equivalent of twen- However, the charge of a of such a heartfelt tribute to ings "piddly little pointless senior
where, according to authors of plete his invention o> the sew- ty-five years." steering and fund raising commit- these same women is to me, per- gifts." Each is a legacy of its own
The Everything Dreams book, ing machine because he dreamt I f we can dream so much while tee comprised of students in the sonally disappointing. design and forever a part of the
Trish and Rob MacGregor, "In he was being attacked by savag- asleep, just imagine what we graduating class, is to make de- Now, concerning the so-called college campus.
a papyrus dream book that dates es with spears remarkably simi- could dream awake. Why is it that cisions they^feel will be in the "giant hunk of granite" known But, truly, if Ms. DuBose is
back nearly fifteen hundred lar to what we now use as sew- our very reality stems from a to most as the "Rock," which disenchanted with the gifts of
best interest of the college com-
vears before the birth of Christ, ing needles, with the eye of die • w

features the college seal and was her predecessors, I challenge her
fantasy world? munity-
certain dream symbols are ex- needle near the point. th
dedicated for the 75 anniver- to put her creativity and her cash
A conscious effort rxeeds to be At Mercyhurst College, we
plained." sary of the college in 2001 — where her mouth is and make
Neils Bohr dreamt that all of made to make changes in the honor the past, celebrate the
Dreams were even believed to the planets were connected by world. You'd think the mind present, and build toward the many students may not even re- 1-ER class gift of 2004 the best
be channels to higher powers in strings circling the sun, and thus could make a contribution, but futures
0 J
ever. Carpe Diem!
alize it won first place in the
ancient Greece. The ancients of developed the theory of the it seems that creativity and in- Alumni Park hits that trifecta. Monument Builders of North -Casey Kilrov
Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, movement of electrons. vention originate, not in any It is a mark of respect to those America.£002 Design Contest,
and Rome, believed in dream The author of Jonatbon hiring- form of I.Q, rather a sort of who have dedicated their lives which I believe speaks to its Author's note: All facts can be
incubation in the temples, where, ston Seagull* Richard Bach, dreamtsubconscious luck. to the betterment of the college, quality. obtained in print from past press re-

Lewis writes, they would "seek the last half of the book eight The Einsteins and Bachs of the gives thanks for the opportunity Ms. DuBose has also claimed leases from the Mercyhurst College
dreams for guidance and even years after he began. past have mastered the ability to to learn in a serene environment, that: "We cannot have big senior Web site as well asfromth office of
for healing." In 1865, Preidrich August bring their dreams into the real and adds to the tradition of beau- gifts because no one contributes/' Institutional Adi ancemenl j.\ >•
The Oneimritica ("The Interpre- Kekule was able to comprehend ; world, but we need to learn to Or

tation of Dreams") is "the larg- the structure of benzene with the bring the real world into our
est and most complete compila- help of a ring-shaped snake in dreams.
tion of dream lore to survive one of his dreams (The chemi- Make an effort to consciously
from the ancient world... writ- cal compound benzene is shaped dream; don't let the REM cycle
ten by a second-century Greek. like a ring). map out our future. WHY?,...

The Merciad welcomes letters to the editor

Please submit all letters to:

All letters should be 500 words <

i Merciad reserves the right to e
for length
All letters must be signed

To contact: OPINION

The road to CVS
A tradition of convenience shopping
grass and puddles for a bag of I -So why do we go?
By Ashley DuBose
Contributing writer
nacho chips. Now where is the
feeling of triumph when you
manage to get back to the dorm
pYTough question^ Wait, let me
think. Is it because of the gi-
ant banner spread over the en-
What to do when politics get juvenile
In die past four years, I've not covered in goo? I'm quitting the country. a trick question." It sounds so
trance like a Mercyhurst adver-
I can do that, right? Hop on a juvenile and defensive.
learned one immutable fact: I'm not just talking about the tising sneeze? No, it's because
plane, fly to the Grand Cayman
ButlCoiddBe Wrong I expected more from Presi-
CVS is a godsend. For those freshmen, though. Come on you we like to.
of us who live on campus, it's smug upperclassmen, 'fess up. Islands, open up an offshore dent Bush. After that statement,
It is a nostalgia thing On the
not just a convenience store; it Everyone goes to CVS, even if bank account and leave this cra- I half-expected him to stick out
way across campus you prob-
is a way of life. zy, mixed up country far, far his tongue and blow a raspberry
they have a car. We go to "save ably end up thinking dungs like,
I remember the first time I money on gas" or to "get some behind? Sounds like a plan.. .and at die press.
Hey, I used to live in that a good one, too. Jaime
went to CVS. It was early in exercise." I believe this country has pur
building" or "Isn't that where
the first term, of course. I had Yeah, right Ashley fell down and looked
I suppose you are wondering Rinne up with a lot from its leaders.
why I want to leave this great We have dealt with a lot of com-
barely eaten any of the Egan The prices there are insane, and
Hall Cafeteria's fine cuisine you know it What ever you save
like a turtle?" Better yet, "Hey,
a willow tree with a bowl cut!"
nation of ours. No, it's not be- W h* promised dignity over the years,
during dinner, and I could not on gas, you spend on the jacked cause the economy is down. I more than we probably should
What better draw then the have full faith that we will bounce
Stomach one more packet of up prices. As for exercise, well, have to deal with. The citizens
possibility that you'll see the back before we descend into a by President Clinton. Now, Clin-
Ramen Noodles microwaved it is a long walk. However, is it of this country have been hu-
hottie from European History very Grapes of Wmth-tsque sce- ton was an eloquent speaker.
in Egan's third floor, depress- long enough to work off all of miliated by stained dresses, bun -
Since the Renaissance, or that nario. No, it's not because die Anyone would seem slightly dim
ingly cheerful kitchenette.! gled elections and make-out ses-
the high carbohydrate, high cal- friend that you haven't seen all Marlins won the World Series. by comparison. sions at political conventions, but
So my friends and I made the orie, no nutritional value;, food- year? On the other hand, you I'm pretty sure thath a sign of I was willing to forgive most I had hoped that our govern-
first of many treks to the out- like products that they sell? also have to worry that you'll the apocalypse and I can't escape of his ineloquence. I was willing ment would never stoop to the
er limits of campus. We trav- I don't think so. end up dodging your ex-room- from that by moving to the Is- to forgive a lot of things out of kindergarten, playground level of
eled through mud and over Despite all of that, you can still mate because you still owe her
# lands. respect for my country's leader, "I don't have to tell vou if I don't
cracked cement, dodged bikes see "Hurstites" stumbling around five bucks.: I ley, it's all part of The reason is that I have fi- but after watching this past week's wanna, so.. .nyah!"
on Briggs and cars on Lewis the isles at all hours of the day the fun. nally, fully realized that our pres- press conference, I was left slack- 65You're welcome to disagree
to finally arrive at our sterile, and night, muttering something Yes, Wal-Mart is cheaper. Yes, ident is a complete moron. jawed and stunned at the man with me, of course. The title of
mass-produced beacon of flo- about Ivil classes and mustard. the early route of the drunk Please. Stop. Your sarcastic who is supposed to be in charge die column is, after all, "But I
rescent light Did I mention that upperclass- bus hits all of the major shop- response to my probably obvi- of this country. could be wrong".
As much as I appreciate the men sometimes drive to CVS? ping areas, but CVS has the When asked by a member of $?So that, gentle reader, is why I
ous-sounding statement is mak-
new walkway, there is nothing It's not like there is any place convenience! It has the memo- ing my head hurt. the press if he would promise am quitting the country. Hope-
like risking a brand new pair cheaper within driving distance, tiu. The fact that it has a liquor I really tried to give President to reduce die number of troops fully, by the time this issue is
of jeans by walking over wet right? store attached to it doesn't hurt Bush the benefit of the doubt that are currently in Iraq within printed, I will be sipping a fruity
for the longest time. So, he wasn't the year, President Bush re- drink with an umbrella in it and
the world's most eloquent speak- sponded that it was "a trick ques- down-playing my American citi-

Ethics: Society's club er. It's OK, We all say stupid tion" and that he wasn't going to
things from time to time. I know answer it
I do. Well, most of my stupid Excuse me, but.. .what? Insert
statements are usually induced perplexed eyebrow raise here.
zenship as much as I possibly
can. I don't want the people of
the Cayman Islands to think that
I will resort to poking and hair-
In doing this it is making it easi- only goal of society is to survive. by some type of malt beverage, Feel free to correct me here, pulling if I don't like how my
By Billy Elliott er for society to not only predict By having this atmosphere of but.. .never-mind. Even Presi- but a simple "I don't know" or crab legs are cooked
Managing Editor people's actions but also by ex- placing the society before the dent Bush is allowed a few flubs "I'm not at liberty to say at this You're welcome to come with
tension control them. This is individual it allows society to sur- every now and again. This coun- time" would have been far more me, of course. Just don't touch
Individuality, self-creation, in- what the end result is of our vive and prosper. Of course, this try was spoiled for eight years satisfying responses than: "That's my Mai Tai.
dependence are all things that we moral/ethical system. all occurs at the expense of the
supposedly want. All attributes
that we strive to achieve. All lies
that we have been led to believe.
Included with the ethical sys-
tern is a system of punitive ac-
tions. If an individual doesn't
Society doesn't want an indi-
vidual or a self-created person
on a budget:
Society as a whole doesn't want
us to achieve these attributes. In
fact, it discourages us from real-
follow die "accepted" ethical sys-
tem they are punished. This
main goal of punishment is to
because these people are not able
to be plugged into the roles that
society needs. They aren't hap-
More pitfalls of the first year
when and when not to blow the Work-study does not com-
izing these goals. If we were to try and reinforce the society's py accepting a menial job; they By Meghan Smith extra cash. • "•£* pensate for the college expens-
* *
become individuals 01^.indepen- ethical system. It is the painful don't want to destroy themselves Contributing writer '*•
My friends on the other hand,
es h^sft ^jSfcnJyhurs£. I'm
dent or anything; along these lines things that we remember. So by for society. With an overabun- they seem to ne&l a little guid- learning that-the hard way. I
society wouldn't be able to func- linking the moral/ethical system dance of this type of people It's 5:45 and I'm absolutely ance. Apparendy it is the trend have seen both my brothers
tion, it couldn't survive. So it to a painful punishment system society can't survive. Is that re- starving. I've had myself hid- on myfloortoget multiple pierc- go though college and I know
strives to destroy these goals what society has done is cause ally a terrible thing though. Do den away at my desk for the ings freshmen year, as a right of that it's just a matter of time
while still providing the illusion the moral system to almost be we really want to place our fu- past three hours doing work, passage. before I'm mooching every-
of them.; branded into our psyche. The ture in the hands of a society and now I find myself wait thing off everyone.
I must have missed the memo
The main way society works punishment accomplishes no oth- that is willing to use its compo- minute by minute for the clock that said it was important to In fact, it's already started
to prevent these goals is through er goal but to force individuals nent pieces up and toss them to read 6:15. Only I'm the one people are
aside like garbage. spend upwards of $35 dollars per
social conditioning This condi- into accepting society's moral Why, you may ask? hole placed in my body in my mooching off of. It's crazy
tioning occurs in the guise of viewpoint Sure, right now society isn't It's because that's when first year of college. how fast word gets out that
moral or ethical systems. Our Ethical systems have become requiring you to sacrifice your- Board Equivalency starts at the Personally, I would rather save someone went to die grocery
moral/ethical system is a meth- the club of society that brow self for the so called greater Laker, and I won't have to my money and put it towards store and stocked up. News
od through which society forces beats people into submission. By good but how long do you think worry about spending any of something a little more impor- like that spreads like wildfire.
people to behave and even think forcing people to submit to a it will be before you are thrown my own money on food tant. Something like, new shoes College students always find
to the extreme. moral/ethical system the society
Sure, I could just go now and for instance,! a way to save a few extra bucks
onto the stone to be sacrificed.
I How many times have you has forced people to become a get the same meal, but that Then there's my roommate here and there. Sometimes it's
Eventually it will happen. You'll
heard the Golden Rule preached piece of material to be used by would cut into my funds that who's always taking midnight not always legal, but then again
be expected to place aside your
to you? You know the old say- society. They have become a seem to be disappearing at a runs to the Laker for coffee. who said it had to be.
own goals and wants to pick up
ing, "Do unto others what you spare part to be plugged into any steady rate. Somehow, she always convinces I guess I can't really judge
the heavy yoke of society. To be-
would have them do unto you.*' social situation where they are The first term isn't even over me it's a great idea. There goes the girls down the hall for us-
come nothing more than a beast
In other words <cWould you want needed. and I've already learned that it ing their extra cash to adorn
of burden forced to carry soci- another two dollars down the
everyone to do this action? 0
So why does this happen. is a bad idea to waste money their bodies. After all it is col-
ety to its next victim without a drain.
When we look at diis so called What would be gained by soci- on food when it isn't needed. lege and whatever cash you
thought for your own interests. I honestly wouldn't mind
Golden Rule, it is obvious that it ety by forcing people to become This sometimes means starv- have is yours to do with as you
Society forces us to become the spending the money if I had an
is meant to produce a unified almost like herd animals? The ing myself for an extra hour please. I just happen to like
beasts that march off to slaugh- equal amount coming in through
action and thought in everyone. answer is simple and obvious; the or two, but in the end it's really mine in my wallet.
ter for the greater good. my paychecks. Unfortunately, the
worth it
trivial amount that gets tossed at I'm just going to remain
I may not have much experi- me every two weeks seems to staring at the clock. It's getting
Learninglwhat really matters ence in maintaining a budget, go much more quickly than it
especially in college, but I know came.
closer to 6:15 and I can hear
my stomach rejoicing,
spare time? Who is your role However, if you're one of the

By Emily Crofoot model and why? What are some many college students that wor-
Arts& Entertainment editor of your extra-curricular activi- ries about their grades so much
ties that you were part of in that you don't open your eyes to
school? What unique qualities do the most important aspects of
So, I'm sitting in class one day
vou have that will best benefit life, you're missing out.
and one of my teachers walks
into class in tears. She tells the our company? Look around you and look at
Not once was I asked about all of the opportunities right in Adam DuShole EditoNn-Chief editormerciad & mercyhurst, edu
entire class about an epiphany
what my GPA was, what my fa- front of you. Billy Elliott 'vi Managing Editor prodmerciad© §
she had due to several near-
vorite class was, but about how Spend time with your family. Kelly Rose Out tine News Editor newsmerciad@ mercyhurst. edu
death experiences.
my education helped me to be- Hang out with your friends. Courtney Nicholas Features Editor featuremerciad @ mercyhurst edu
After telling us how a tornado come well-rounded, whether it be Do your homework and go to Jaime Rinne Opinion Editor opinionmerciad @ mercyhurst. edu
struck her house when she was hanging out with many different sportsmerciad @ mercyhurst. edu
class, but don't dwell and sweat Patrick Martino Sports Editor
younger and collapsed on top of people, being a part of various i Emily Crofoot
it if you get a D which you be- A&E Editor entertainmentmerciad @ mercyhurst. edu
her, I was awestruck. clubs, playing on sports teams, JodyMello photomerciad @ mercyhurst edu
lieve should have been an A. Photo Editor
My professor then proceeds or volunteering for a non-profit *
Don't stress everythuigl Life Copy Editor m
to share some of her wisdom organization. Jess Tobin
goes on and grades do not mat-
with us which I found to be very ter all that much when you get
Four out of die five employ- Assistant Managing Editor
inspiring i 'i ers I talked with asked about my into the real world. Piotr Wolinski
iShe said, "What life is all about background, my family lite, Personality and attitude are
are your family, your friends, and where I grew up, and what I everything. An A in College Writ-
your happiness. When it comes want to do with the rest of my ing doesn't matter all that much, The Merciad Is the student-produced newspaper of Mercyhurst College. It is
down ro it, school is not every- life. | J and won't make a huge differ- published throughout the schoql year, with the exception of midterms week
thing." I would have to say I Thcv wanted to make sure I ence if you got the A or the B, and finals week. Our office is In the Hlrt Center, room LL114. Our telephone
completely agree with tins. | So after my long list of rants,;
Don't get me wrong, education
was well rounded and happy — number Is 824-2376.
not if I was at the top of my if you get anything from them,
is very important and beneficial, class, on student government, or ! just remember what my very wise The Merciad welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must be signed and
but it is not life. These past few captain of a sports team. professor told me:
months while doing some job names will be included with the letters. Although we will not edit the letters for
If you're an average student, vf'What life is all about are your
searches for next summer, most family, your friends, and your content, we reserve the right to trim letters to fit Letters are due the Thursday
and you're genuinely happy with
employers asked me die follow- your life and the way everything happiness. When it comes down before publication and may not be longer than 300 words. Submit letters to
ing questions: if ^ is going so far, good for youl to it. school is not everything/' box PH 485. B. * 2 W§. U
What do you like to do in your


Rock music artist overdoses

Courtney Love accused of illegal possession ofpainkillers
NOV. 1. Mushroomhead,
Motograter, 40 Below facing is the intense custody
By Lindsay Kezlarian
Slimmer. Phantasy Theatre, batde of her 11-year-old daugh-
Contributing writer
Lake wood, Ohio. ter, Frances Bean (the only child
from Courtney Love's first mar-
NOV. 1. Barenaked Ladies. Courtney Love, one of the riage with die late Nirvana sing-
State Theater, Cleveland. most eccentric rock music art- er, Kurt Cobain), who was tak-
SOLD OUT. ists, turned herself into the Bev- en away due to ^Love's
erly Hills police on Oct. 28, fol- arrest.
NOV! 1. Chevelle. Agora lowing a warrant that was alleg- According to the New York
Theatre, Cleveland. edly ordered for her arrest Daily News, "on Oct 10, police
Police reported to the LA dis- officials from the Los Angeles
NOV. 1. Rick Wakeman. trict attorney's office that County Department of Children
Rosebud, Pittsburgh. Love had the painkillers hydro- and Family Services (DCFS)
codone and oxycodone in came to place Frances in the care
NOV. 2. Puddle of Mudd. her possession following of Co bain's mother, Wendy
Odeon, Cleveland. her overdose earlier this O'Connor."
month. Love reported that she and
NOV. 5. Moe. Metropol, wShe faces two felony charges O'Connor shoved and slapped
Pittsburgh. 1 and if found guilty could possi- each other at the Juvenile Court
bly face three years and eight hearing last week, although
NOV. 5. Rickie Lee Jones. months in jail. Love's account of the confron-
Palace Theater, Greens- 'It's not much of a case, if a tation remains unconfirmed.
burg, Pa. case at all/' said William Love also claims that O'Connor
Genego, Love's criminal lawyer. has limited her access to
NOV 6. Third Eye Blind. J "It was literally like three Frances.
Odeon, Cleveland. pills. Authorities ordered Love to
'They were not found on her. undergo a 72-hour evaluation
NOV. 8. G3 '03 with Steve She handed them over to the at Pasadena's Las Enemas
Vai, Joe Satriani, Yngwie police that night and she had no hospital, due to California's
Malmsteen. A.J. Palumbo concern in handing them Welfare Code 5150, that states,
Theater, Pittsburgh. over because she believed "When any person i is a danger
she had a prescription for to others, or to himself or her-
NOV. 8. MTV Head- them. self ... a peace officer ... or
bangers Ball with Shadows Hopefully we'll get proof of other professional^ person
Pall, Lamb of God, that, and they'll take that into designated by the county may ...
Killswitch Engage, more. account." \ take the person into
Agora Theater, Geveland. Love has had many problems custody."
prior to this incident MTV News However, a source says that
NOV. 8,9. DANCE. reported that on Oct 2 Love was Love "kept walking and never
'Tlhythm of the Dance. *f
arrested for "being under the entered the rehab center."
Benedum Center, Pitts- influence of a controlled sub- Photo courtesy of www googto com. MTV News reports, "Love's
burgh. stance following a window- Rock music artist Courtney Love was arrested on Oct. 28 for possession and overdose of long-in-the-works debut solo
smashing incident at her the painkillers hydrocoland oxycodone. | album, America1 Sweetheart, was
NOV. 8. Pat Metheny Trio. ex-boyfriend's house in the originally due at the end
University of Buffalo, early morning hours of she admitted to breaking sever- they noticed that her behavior taken into custody and Love of this month, but£ was
Buffalo. 1 '$ Oct. 2. j#*j al windows while trying to enter. was demonstrating a person un- then posted $2,500 bond in that recently postponed until Feb.
. 1 She was found standing in the The resident did not want her to der the influence of an illegal case and was released several i o . " - ' • ' i

NOV 8<J<3G^thJoe -Lgj middle of the street outside his, be arrested but as the police fur- substance. m hours later*/' they said
Satriani, BtevoVai, Yngwie home just before 3 a.m., where ther investigated the situation After these findings she was Another issue the rock star is
Malmsteen. AJ. Palumbo
Theater, State College, Pa.

NOV 8. Cash Brothers.

Rosebud, Pittsburgh.

NOV. 8. Supersuckers,
Hail to the Thief wins back fans m •
another direction of production makes you want to get up and
Until Sunday. Mohawk By Julie Segner .i 1* ii
Place, Buffalo.! as they continue to blow away shake what you've got. (One be-
Contributing writer listeners. ing not so much and five being
"For its moments of gravity MTV's the Grind.)
NOV. 8. Violent Femmes, This summer was "blessed" and excellence, "Hail to the Ill also rate this on an "Indy-
Carmaig. Metropol, with the never-ending music in- Thief" is an arrow pointing to- level" referring to how original,
novations of Radiohead and ward the clearly darker, more underground and non-conform-
their newest release "Hail to the frenetic territory the band have ist the album is.
NOV. 9. B.B. King. Warner Thief." * ? ; up to now only poked at curi- (One being completely main-
Theater, Erie. $43.75,
"Hail to the Thief," released ously," said Chris Ott of stream andfivebeing Elvis Cos-
$36.75, $29.75. On sale at
early this Tune is Radiohead's, and with tello glasses are needed to listen
Ticketmaster outlets, Tullio
sixth full-length album coming in whom I wholeheartedly agree. to this I)
Arena box office, by office
with 12 tracks and 56 minutes How do I really feel about this 10- Essential, must go out and
at 452-4857 or 456-7070,
of full-out Thorn Yorke croon- album? Well, lemme tell ya* be- buy/listen to NOW ;
online at
ing bliss. Radiohead has also been cause I love id I think that they 9- Amazing, need to own as
on tour since mid-May and plans have managed to really incorpo- soon as possible
to keep going well into Novem- rate their "newly-found" sound 8-Great, should own but ok if
NOV. 13. Static-X. Odeon, ber, into their trademark roots bet it's burned
Cleveland. This album did not need such ter than thev had on "Amnesi- 7- Good, have heard much
an exhaustive tour schedule, but ac.IJ better though
NOV. 13. Michael Feinstein who's complaining when Radio- I don't think that this album is 6- Fair, has a greater good
and Jimmy Webb. Lake- head gpes on tour? one you can rock out to in the than bad
wood Civic Auditorium, Actually, that would be me be- car or sing along with in the 5- Mediocre, doesn't do any-
Lakewood Ohio. Note: cause I couldn't afford to shell shower. thing eithe r way 2
Show changed venue from out the 60-somc bucks to go see "Hail to the Thief" deserves 4- Below Average, some parts
Akron Civic Theatre, it, but all those around me who more pointed listening than just
Akron, Ohio. just stink \
did attend have nothing but pure background music to your daily 3- Pretty bad, but have still I
amazement dripping out of their routines. "Hail to the Thief" has heard worse
NOV. 15. King Diamond- open mouths.
Photo courtesy ol vvww rovetatiofvecofds com
to be given fair play in rotation
Metropol, Pittsburgh. Radiohead's album Hall to the Thief is In stores now. 2- Awful, not a single good
"Hail to the Thief," cleverly with othei Radiohead favorites song Wk 2
tided after the 2002 US. presi- and it will take a while for fans 1- Return CD NOW!
NOV. 16. Finger Eleven? dential election "mis-hap," have combination of front man Any /o^LRadiohead fan can see and the leisurely listener to get
Odeon, Cleveland. So here it goes: Hail to the
critics nationwide claiming that Yorke's indiscernible moans, the natural progression that has used to. Thief gets an overall rating of
Radiohead isfinallygetting back electronic backdrops, piano and taken place from "Kid A" to Seeing that this is myfirsttime "9,'' a "dance-ability* of "l"and
NOV. 21, Cradle of Filth, to their roots. (I wasn't aware all other elements considered "Amnesiac" and now "Hail to the writing for the Merciad I'm go-
Type O Negative. Agora an Indy-level of probably "9"
they had been lost?) 'Radiohead/ Thief" j % | ing to explain the rating scale to because although most people
Theater, Cleveland. After shocking and possibly "Hail to the Thief? seems to 1 see the future of Radiohead you. know about Radiohead and thev
losing many fans with their have won back the hearts of the and I'm Ukin' it! Has Radiohead 1 will evaluate CDs on an over are on MTV, people can usually
NOV. 22. Staind, Seven- come-back-and-slap -you-in -the - less than-faithful fans with more changed theif sound? Yesl Have all basis in accordance with the only identify songs from OK
dust, Lo-Pro. AJ. Palumbo face album "Kid A" that followed rockin* songs going back to Ra- they left behind more conserva- scale that will be featured along
Theater, Pittsburgh. Computer and their radio hit
die musical miracle "OK Com- diohead trademark song craft rive fans? Maybe. with every review. I will also rate "Creep."
puter, Hail to the Thief" features found on "The Bends." ; But either way, "Hail to the a 'dance-ability level which ' Similar artists: Blur, The Flam-
NOV. 22. Rancid, Tiger a more blended and cohesive This view, I feel, is a cop-out. Thiel' has pushed the band in translates into how much it
Army, Roger Mi ret and the ing Lips, Oasis, Clinic, Interpol
Destroyers. Metropol,
W h o ! The Art Department
Take parkin the 'walk-about'! m&CTNOW**
NOV. 22. Bruce Cockburn.
Rosebud, Pittsburgh. W h a t * Will hold it's first ever "walk-about" where all the student artwork from the th
preceding term will be on display for everyone to enjoy and experience. Works will Book^ll people, get 12 trip free.
NOV. 24-25. The Clarks. include pnoto, drawing, figure drawing, crafts, graphic design, illustration, interactive
Nicks Fat City, Pittsburgh. web design, and 3-D designs. Group discounts for 6
NOV. 25. Rusted Root.
W h e f l • Friday, Nov. 14 from 12 p.m.-3 p.m. Mtww.sprinflbceakctiscoyQisxotn
Odeon, Cleveland. W h e r e : Zurn basement, first and second floor art studios and display cases, Graphics
Lab in Hirt 100 *

Shirley's has small townlatmosphere
rime and then we were ready to both the pancakes and the an oatmeal and toast combo
Restaurant order*
There was quite a selection for
French toast. Three of us or-
dered the short stacks of French
($2.69)4 There are also daily
specials which are located on a
Review breakfast ($1.69 to $4.99); some toast ($2.59), all of us enjoyed board in the front of the res-
options to choose from, one egg our breakfast and were able to taurant
and toast ($1.69) to steak and finish our meal. [^If you are looking for a small
By Kelsie Smith eggs with home fries and toast One person in my party or- home-like place for breakfast
Contributing writer ($4.99). dered the short order of pan- I recommend Shirley's Coun-
The Pig-out Special ($4.99 to cakes ($2.39). She found them try Kitchen. *
A small town atmosphere in $5.29) consisted of two eggs, filling On a side note, pancakes k4 Shidey's also serves a variety
Erie, Pa., Shirley's Country home fries, two pancakes, bacon, and hash browns are not served of sandwiches and salads for
Kitchen is laid back. Custom- and sausage. For another 30 after 11:00 a.m. on weekdays. lunch; they also have dinners
ers sear themselves, and the cents you can get toast Next on the menu were ome- as well. The only downfall that
waitress is informal in a way that My brother ordered the Big lets ($3.69 to $6.29). There were 1 noticed was that there aren't
doesn't make you feel like you Breakfast ($3.99 to $4.29). Two choices of your standard cheese separate sections for smoking
are in a restaurant, its more like eggs, one pancake, home fries, omelet ($3.69) to the Ultimate and non smoking. I give the
Photo courtesy of
you are in your own kitchen. and a choice of bacon or sau- omelet ($5.89 to $6.29) which food an A and the restaurant
Kila will be performing at the PAC on Tuesday, Nov. 11. A past Sunday,fiveof us vis- sage, toast can also be added for consists of four eggs, two kinds over all a B.
ited Shidey's for breakfast For an extra 30 cents. of cheese, green peppers, on- Shidey's is located on 5924

Kila to perform at the PAC a small family-owned restaurant

it was quite busy; however,
there was no wait for a table.
There was plenty of food; he
finished everything exceptforhis
home fries. He enjoyed it thor-
ions, bacon, ham, sausage, and
it's all topped off with mush-
rooms. For an extra 40 cents you
Old French Rd. It's opened
Tuesday thru Friday 6 a.m. to
2 pjn., Saturday and Sundays
students. For more in formation, The waitress took our drink oughly. Pancakes and French can add home fries. from 6 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., and
By Emily Crofoot visit: order immediately, pouring our toast ($2.89 to $1.79) are next Side orders (89 cents to $2.69) closed Mondays.
Arts and Entertainment Editor On Tuesday, Nov. 11, at 7:30 coffee as soon as we sat down. on the menu. There are choices are also an option. There are For information or to make
p.m., Yamato will be perform- The beverages were there in no between tall and short stacks for choices from toast (89 cents) to reservations call 864-9296.
On Wednesday, Nov. 5, at 2 ing at the PAC. From the city of
p.m. and 8 p.m., "Under the Nara, the ancient birthplace of
Sand" will be playing at the PAC.
Marie, a professor of English
literature at a Paris university, has
Japanese culture, comes Waida-
ko Yamato, the drum ensemble Daniel Hawkins performs at Borders
that plays the heartbeat of the
been happily married to Jean for world. with him is Nathan Harpst, play-
25 years. I From the serenity of a formal ing on the keyboard.
During their summer vacation Japanese garden to the power of It is not just another rock
in the southwest of France, Jean Mount Fuji in full eruption, the band, his music is his own and
leaves % Marie sunbathing on the 11 athletic taiko drummers of his persona shines through in his
beach and goes to swim in the \\ aidako Yamato present an un- lyrics and performance. Com-
sea. When Marie turns back, she forgettable spectacle of sound fortable on stage, he plays off
cannot find lean. and movement- the audience's energy. His mu-
Has he left her? Drowned? It's exhilarating, breathtaking sic is laid back, smooth and fresh.
Committed suicide? With no clue and utterly remarkable. Erie au- His music style is a melodic alt-
and no body to mourn over, diences were so mesmerized at rock medley. He holds the audi-
Marie acts as if her husband is their inaugural PAC perfor- ence's attention between his in-
still alive. mance that we had to bring them tricate guitar playing and his rich
Admission is $5 for adults, $4 back. voice.
for seniors, $4 for youth under Admission is $25 for adults, With so many artists, the
15, and free for Mercyhunjt stu- $22.50forseniors, $15 for youth themes of life and love either
dents. under 15, and $15 for Mercy- turn depressing, stale and cli-
On Friday, Nov. 7, at 7:30 p.m., hurst students. For more infor- ched, but Hawkins gives them a
FCila will be performing at the mation, visit: www.wadaiko- fresh angle.
PAC 0. His lyrics contain an honesty
To win the Meteor Music On Wednedasy, Nov. 12, at 2 that every college-age student
Award for Best Insh Traditional p.m. and 8 p.m., "Stone Reader" can relate to. Even though he tells
Act, the band Kfla had to beat will be performing at the PAC. it like it is r his-upbeat rhythms
some well-known competition: Filmmaker Mark Moskowitz fi- and optimistic touch to his lyrics
The Chieftains, Sharon Shannon nally reads a critically acclaimed Jody MeHo/Merciad photog raphe r outweigh any negativity.
and De Dannan. novel he bought back in 1972, Daniel Hawkins just released
and then discovers that both the Daniel Hawkins will be playing at Borders this Friday from 7 p.m.-9 p.m.
But wait a minute - what's so his first CD entitled Daniel
"traditional" about a band whose book and the author have long Hawkins Live. As the album's
performances include didgen since vanished. then the company of live mu- only 22 years old but he has his Starter, "Something to Me," is a
doo, African djembe drums and Stone Reader documents By Jill Rutledge sic. own story to tell. He picked up soulful blend, a perfect start to
saxophone? Moskowitz's quest to find out Contributing writer His mellow, smooth music set the guitar four years ago and has a must have compilation.
Sure, the ml I can pipes, tin whis- why. As he solves the mystery, the perfect mood for a coffee- been playing every since. The highlight on this disc is a
tles and haunting melodies of the twists and turns of the jour- house. He played a range of He is a self-taught acoustic catchy tune called "At First
traditional Irish music are here, ney reveal something more - the If you were Wondering what songs on and off his CD and guitarist and singer, who writes Sight." There is good flow be-
but the members of Kila call singular bond literature can cre- was new with the music scene in aside from his own songs he cov- his own music and lyrics. Com- tween songs and enough variety
what they do "tribal-Celtic." ate among strangers. Ene, Daniel Hawkins is the one ered Oasis's classic "Wonder- ing from a background of mu- to make it a successful album.
You'll call it unique, invigorating Admission is $5 for adults, $4 to keep your eye out for. As an wall." By the end of the night sic, it runs in the family and So where can you see him next?
and unforgettable. for seniors, $4 for youth under emerging, fresh musician he re- he had the place full with people through his veins. At Borders, off of Interchange
Admission is $15 for adults, 15, and free for Mercyhurst stu- cently performed at Starbucks even sitting on the floor to lis- Currently he is a solo artist. Road, on Friday, Nov. 7 from 7
$12.50 for seniors, $5 for youth dents. For more information, on State Street. There's no bet- ten., However, he is starting to gath- p.m. to 9 p.m., and the best part
under 15, and $5 for Mercyhurst visit* ter way to enjoy a cup of coffee This Erie-based musician is er members for a band. Along is that it's free.

Interested in joining a club? Join

Circle K! Meetings are she Id every
Monday at 8:30 in the Union. If you
^lUMtt want to j help out in the community,
need to take care of some ^volunteer
hours, or want something extra to
Photo courtesy look good on your resume, this is the
Eblen Macarl Trio Is offering a free concert on Nov. 16 at 2:30 p.m. at Walker Recital Hall.
— — — — — — — — — —
club for you!
Eblem Macari Trio comes to the 'hurst
The World Music group, Eblen The trio unites the sound of Also joining the labyrinth
Macari Trio, will offer a free contemporary guitar developed project will be the liturgical danc-
concert at Mercyhurst in Latin America with modem ers from the Mercyhurst College
College's Walker Recital Hall and ancient ethnic sounds from dance department who will guide
on Sunday; Nov. 16, at 2:30 p.m. around the world.
The musicians combine the
the participants through the spir-
itual maze.
This Mexican-based trio is part
of a three week tour through-
out Ohio and Pennsylvania as a
part of the International Music
creative freedom of jazz, avant-
garde musical languages and a
thousand years of musical tra-
The labyrinth demonstration
will take place on Monday, Nov.
17 at 8 p.m. on the stage of the
We have Immediate openings in
Performing .Arts and Commu-
nities Tout f
ditions to create original and
unique sounds that honor its di-
verse roots withiri the vast mu-
MaryD'Angelo Performing Arts
Tickets are free and the show
our c ustomer sales/service dept.
Pounded by the Mexican-Leb-
anese composer and guitar play-;
cr Eblen Macari, multi-instru-
sical landscapes
Mexican and Middle Eastern
of is open to the public, and seats
are limited to four per person $12.50 base/appt.
mentalist Jesus Yusuf Isa Cue-
vas and percussionist Eblen
The Eblen Macari Trio will
for the Sunday concert only.
All are welcome to attend the Fun flex. Hrs. around class.
Macari Martinez, the Eblen
Macari I no takes their audienc-
perform as part of a distinctive
Labyrinth demonstration. Call
the box office at 824-3000 for Work withlother students!
es on an acoustic adventure RINTJ1 PROJECT provided by seat reservations and more in-;
througl! global musical traditions. co-directors, Carol Posch Corn- formation.
They have performed in Mexi- stock and Cheryl Lossie of Erie.
co, Central America, United The project is both educational Information provided hy Mmyhwst
and spiritual. Performing Arts Center
States, Canada, and Europe.

SPORTS To contact:

Club hockey has come long way team has never failed to make
By Amanda Harnocz play-off appearances and have
Contributing Writer kept a winning record ;<
In the 99-00 season as well as
Club Hockey is one of the
the 00-01 season, Shannon has
most popular sports on campus. lead his team to win the League
This sport should not be con- Championship.
fused with regular Division I During the 2000-01 season,
hockey. Shannon also won the Eastern
Both teams are a part of Mer- Collegiate Hockey. League
cyhurst's hockey program. (ECHL) Coach oi the Year.
However^ many do not know Coach Shannon also has a win-
the difference between the two ning percentage of .669 and has
hockey teams. won 91 out of the 136 total
They both have practices, cap- games played.
tains, regular season games, and So far this year the team has
coaches. done well under Coach Shan-
The only difference is that club non's lead.?
hockey cannot recruit and the The team is nationally ranked
game is played with more hitting in the American Collegiate
and less finesse. Hockey Association (ACHA).
Usually club hockey can get With a record of 1-1 in the
away with more, hitting and a league play, this puts the team in
more aggressive game. fourth place in the ECHL.
Everything but individual Overall the club hockey team's
equipment is paid for by the

record is 1-7.
school, which is more than most There is still time to improve
club hockey programs. with 22 games left in die season.
All traveling expenses and Katie McAdams/MefDad Photogr apher fsjThe team's next game will be
league fees are paid for by the Forwards Shane Relihan and Bobby Spitzer are two key players In this year's squad.
on Nov. 7, away against the Uni-
program as well as all ice times. The coach of the club hockey! head of the WMCE Mercyhurst the Ene Youth Hockey Program. when he was named head coach. versity of Rochester.
Also, there is no scholarship team, Bill Shannon, is involved radio station, and an active teach- Coach Bill Shannon has done Coach Shannon has increased Starting time is 7 p.m. Mercy-
awarded for club hockey al- with Mercyhurst in numerous er in the Communication De- wonders for the Mercyhurst the amount of games in a regu- hurst will then have their next
though normal financial aid ways. partment. As a native Erie resi- w
lar season from 17 to 30.* home game on Sunday, Nov. 9
hockey team and organization
packages are acceptable. He is a graduated alumnus, dent, he coached for 12 years at since the!998-1999 season. L Since he has been coaching, his against Lehigh at 2 p.m.

Men's hockey starts Intramural sports look promising

perfect iniAHA Many intramural sports offer a wide variety of recreation
goal as a Mercyhurst Laker v

By Matt Jackson midway into the second period By Patrick Martino

Contributing Writer to put the Lakers up 2*0. Sports Editor
David Wrigley assisted on the
It was a new conference name goal to score his lone point on
but the usual result in confer- the night. There is one thing that drives
ence play for the Mercyhurst Champagne had good feelings all sports players. Some people
Laker men's hockey team in a about his first goal. say it is money.
4-1 victory over Canisius on "It felt good to get it out of Others might even tell you
Thursday, Oct.3G. < •; the way. Now I can focus on fame. But if you were to ask
Mercyhurst scored a goal in scoring more goals to help the any one of the numerous intra-
every period in the victory. team the rest of the way mural athletes they will tell you
gThe game was thefirstplayed through the season," said that it is love for the game.
in the AHA for the Lakers and' Champagne. Love and pure joy of catching
concluded in Rick Gotkin's Junior forward Rich Hansen a football or winging a pass in
280th career victory as Mercy- scored his first goal of the sea- ultimate Frisbec is what gets
hurst head coach. son in the second period in an these players through the every-
Gotkin is now just six wins shy even strength situation. day grind.
of becoming Mercyhurst's all- Tackaberry recorded his as- Intramural sports were devel-
time leader. sist on this goal and Senior Pe- oped to be a source of recre-
Sophomore goalie Andy ter Rynshoven chipped in with ation for all students.
Franck continued his dominant one of his three assists on the Commitment^leadership, and
play this season stopping 29 of nigjht. friendly competition are the cor-
Canisius's 30 shots. He lost his Tackaberry not only started ners tones for intramurals.
shutout with just sixteen second the scoring but then ended it The program consists of many
remaining in the contest for the Lakers with his second different sports offered to the
Senior forward Adam Tack- power play gpal of the night 53 students.
aberry shined for the Lakers seconds into the third period. It you don't think you can Kaue McAdams^Merciad Photographer
catch that winning touchdown Intramural football has been very popular this year.
with a pair of power play goals Rynshoven and Hansen add-
and also chipped in on an as- ed points to their stats with as- pass, or throw a Pnsbee 30 yards, Softball. Also, a 3-point shootout will be posted on the intramural web-
sist. sists on the goal. you can still get involved. Intra- In addition to these sports, the held in eady February. site located within Lakemet.
Tackabcrry opened the scor- The win for Mercyhurst im- mural sports offer basketball, program runs special events Events and sports are always Roster sheets can be found at
ing for Mercyhurst with his first proves their overall record to sand volleyball, coed volleyball. such as the 5K "Turkey Trot" starting up every term, and the Recreation Center front desk
power play goal on the night, 2-1 and starts them out in a 3-on-3 basketball, weight lifting, which will be held Saturday at throughout the term. and all students are urged to look
seven minutes into the first pe- good way with a 1-0 conference wrestling, coed soccer, and coed 10 a.m. All deadlines for rosters are into this great opportunity.
riod. record. The loss drops Canisius
Senior Peter Rynshoven as-
sisted on this goal and would
also go on to assist on Tackab-
College to 0-4-3 overall and 0-
2-1 in conference play.
The Lakers will nest compete
Football trounced by Grand Valley State 51-6
erry second power play goal of against conference aval Army
die night. in a home game to be contest- third quartet, as they took ad-
ed on Friday, Nov. 7, at 7:30.* j By Ryan Palm vantage of good field position
1 The goal would be the only
Army sits one point ahead of Contributing Writer andfinallygot deep inside GVSU
scored for either team in the
first period to give the Lakers a the Lakers in the conference territory.?
1-0 going into thefirstintermis- standings with 3 points and a The Grand Valley State foot Quarterback Nowling found
sion. 1-0-1 record. Mercyhurst de- ball team played nearly perfect senior wide receiver Brad Th-
Freshman forward Scott feated Army in their last con- football as they defeated Mer- ompson for an 8-yard touch-
Champagne then scored his first test. cyhurst College 51-6 on Saturn- down, making the score 6-
day, Nov. 1. 0. Phil Scanion's extra point at-
Grand Valley State, also known tempt was blocked by GVSlft
as the Lakers, were lightning Phillips. r y | i3

Save Lots of Money quick on offense and played

dominating defense, allowing
only 150 total yards of offense
The GVSU offense would go
on to score once more, as fresh-
man running-back Jordan Sop-
against them. er would scamper in from 19-
Tanglewood Apartment Homes Unfortunately, the Mercyhurst Jeff Nowling. Rta Photo
Corey Banks. File Photo
yards out, making the score 51
offense was unable to move the 6, which is where it would end.
Offering 1,2, A 3 Bedrooms ball on their possession and jun- afieldgoal after GVSU had 1st ing into half time. Grand Valley State quarter-
ior Jim Schuler punted it away. and goal on the Mercyhurst 5- On thefirstplay following the back Jeff Dock had a great
Upon getting the ball, GSVUJ yard line. kickoff, Nowling's attempt was game, going 18-27 for 200 yards
Heat, electric, A/Cf quarterback Jeff Dock complet Mercyhurst freshman quar- picked off by GVSU cornerback and five touchdowns.
Phillips. I I i
trash, water ed three straight passes, with di£
final one being a 32-yard touch-
terback Jeff Nowling was
sacked on his own 20-yard line This time Dock would do it
Mercyhurst tight end leff
Theil had yet another solid game,
& sewer are all included. down to receiver Micah Stale v. and fumbled the football which] himself, as he ran it in for a score with three catches for 31-yards.
Kicker David Hendnx added was recovered by GYSU's Aaron from 9 yards out "The speed of their game with
the extra point, making the game Hein at the 27-yard line. 1 lendnx's extra point made the the rowdy fans of Grand Valley
Call 825-8145 to apply now! 7
~°' * *, 1 Yet again, Dock made a touch-
down pass to Staley put the Lak-
score 38-0.
Following a Mercyhurst fum-
put us on a whole new level of
college football." said freshman
907 E. Srandview Blvd. Following another Schuler crs up by the score of 24-0. ble, Dock threw his fifth touch- Corey Banks following the game.
punt, Dock threw for another Schulec's fourth punt in the down of the night, this one again "Sometimes the will to win isn't
Great Location! touchdown, this time to his halt first hah would give Grand Val- to Staley, his third touchdown enough.'*
back Brandon Langston. £ ley the ball back on the Mercy* catch of the evening. I'- GVSU now is 8-1, and 7-1 in
Hendnx again added the extra • *
I lendrix's kick was no good, Great Lakes Intercollegiate Ath
point putting his Lakers ahead hurst 48-yard line. leaving the score 44-0, letic Conference play.
14-0 ; | ;
,; j Pi ye played later Dock would
Ask about our move-in special!! After another Schuler punt, the againfindhis halfback Langston
The Mercyhurst offense came
alive briefly near the end of the
Mercyhurst fulls to 4-5, and 3-
5 in the GI.IAC
defense stepped up, forcing just as the score would be 31 -0 head*


SPORTS To contact:

W o m e n ' s soccer to close against G a n n o n

were on, we started scoring more
By Amanda Harnocz goals. We really played well as a
Contributing Writer team, we started listening to each
other more."
The women's soccer season is As with most sports, commu-
coming to an end. nication is a key factor in soc-
The conclusion of their regu- cer.
lar season will be on Nov. 9. Goalkeeper, Soroka, also men-
The game is going to be played tioned that, "Communication is
at home. £ extremely important because it
Starting time is 1 p.m.The game is such a key factor to the
scheduled for Nov. 2 was can- game.If one person doesn't com-
celled because of field condi- municate, it's more likely for a
tions. mistake to happen. One mistake
The women's record is, before could mean losing a game."
their final game, 9-5-2 overalLIn During practice the soccer
the GL1AC conference the team would work on fundamen-
team's record is 4-1-1. tals such as passing, endurance
Although the women's confer- running, andfinishingshots.
ence record is not good enough More importandy, the team
to get them into the Pinal Four, worked on knowing where each
the season was a success. and every one of the players were
The team's goals at the begin- on the field.
ning of the year were to make it They worked on die shape of
to the Final Four, give 110 per- their defense and keeping play-
cent during practice and games, ers in the correct place and po-
to work as a team, have a high sition.
intensity level, and to score 75 Some of Soroka's personal
goals against the opposition while goals were to give everything she M««cyPhoto Edrtor
allowing only 15 to be scored had at practice and during games. Midfielder Finella Annand attempts to head the ball to the net
against them. She said, "I wanted to try and really good team next year. We hurst. together emotionally and athlet- out how I could though, even if
The beginning of the year was cash in on every opportunity I just have to work at our goals Soroka mentioned that, ically k it meant carrying water botdes.
shaky. had" | and want them." ".. .they will be missed, it will be Even though Nicole Soroka It made me feel apart of the
The team was starting to learn Next years team looks even The Mercyhurst's women's soc- tough to make up for them." was hurt with a shoulder injury team."
to play together. mote promising than this years. cer team will be losing three key If the team can find replace- for most of die season she men- Most of the women's season-
Freshman Nicole Soroka com- If the women's soccer team players for next years season. ment forwards for these senior tioned that, "it was important for al goals were accomplished; this
mented, "In the beginning of the keeps the same focus and same Senior forward Jessica Mor- leaders and players, the team will me to give the team moral sup- can only lead to bigger and bet-
year we struggled a lot on scor- goals it will produce nothing but gan, senior mid-fielder Sarah Al- be fine and do well. port/' $ ter things for next years team.
ing and playing together. wins. exander, and nominated Rhodes The team has a lot of poten- This soccer team isn't based on ^VThe women's soccer team will
This was only at the beginning Recruitment will have a big Scholar, senior, forward, tial for the future just based on just their athletic ability. have their final regular season
of the year. At about the sev- role in next years outcome. Stephanie Roddy will be finish- team attitude. "It was hard for me to sit back game at home on Nov. 9 at lp.m
enth or eighth game our passes Soroka said. "We will have a ing their playing time at Mercy- Teamwork will keep the team and just watch. I wanted to help against Gannon.

Women's hockey defeats Bemidji State Gannon defeats vol-

By Matt Jackson
leyball i3-o Samantha Shirley chipped in with Mercyhurst would extend their
one a piece. lead to 3-0 midway through the _J"We came out and dominat-
Contributing Writer Barch and Shirley's goals were second period off of a goal by By Amanda Pointer ed It was our game," said Smith.
both their second of the season. senior forward Lyndsay Barch. Contributing Writer Gannon proved to have the
The Mercyhurst women's Julia Colizza had two assists in The goal was her third of the same energy in the fourth game
hockey team completed traveled the period and Samantha Shirl- season. Friday, Oct 31, the Lakers making it a back and forth
to Bemidji State and pulled off ey also chipped in with one to Clark was only five minutes took on the Gannon Knights | match.
a two-game sweep during the give her two in the game. away from recording her second making this the second time The Knights came back and
weekend of Oct. 31. Mercyhurst goalie Desi Clark straight shutout before giving up they've played them this sea* went head to head with the
The first game the Lakers stopped the only nine shots that a goal to Carly Napeir of Be- son. Lakers making it a close game
turned in their best offensive came her way to record her first midji State. Mercyhurst came into the at 26-30. ,
performance of the season thus shutout of the season and elev- Clarkfinishedwith 30 saves on game with high hopes follow- The leading Lakers of the
far and junior goalie Oesi Clark enth of her career. the night. ing weeks of hard practice and evening were Jen Barba with
it'' r .1 18 kills, Lyndsie Hughes with
was stellar behind the net in an The second game proved to be The sweep improves the Lak-
8-0 rout. ers overall record on the season preparation for the game. 16 kills, and sophomore Kari
a much more competitive con-
Junior forward Teresa to 4-1-1, while the two losses "We worked hard, we wanted Gapham with 33 assists.
test but the final score still end-
Marchese-Del Monte scored her FiePhoco
drop Bemidji State's record to 1- it/' said sophomore Kclsie Clapham also has 1016 assists
Desl Clark. ed 3-1 in favor of the Lakers.
third goal of the season in the Smith. so far this season.
Marchese-Del Monte once 6-1. J r
first period to open the scoring game away in dominant fashion The Lakers were motivated by Mercyhurst will close this
again opened the scoring with Mercyhurst won the College
for the Lakers. scoring six goals in the third pe- her team leading fourth goal of the previous game, which was 2003 season when they take on
Hockey America championship
The period concluded with a riod. the season just 3:47 into the first a loss. Round two proved to be Ashland and Findlay this week-
last season and will begin its de-
1-0 edge in favor of the Lakers. Lindsay Dellow scored two period. the same. end.
fense of the tide next weekend
Chrissy Yule scored her first goals in the period to give her Mercyhurst fell to Gannon 3- The Lakers beat Ashland in
Senior defender Britney Mill- in a pair of games to be played
goal of the season to give the three on the season up to that 0 but, not without a three games last match and
ar added a power play goal early at Findlay University.
Lakers a 2-0 lead after two peri- point fight hope to do it again.
in the second period to give the The games will both be played
ods of play. Ashley Pendleton, Lyndsay a 2 p.m. on Saturday and Sun- Game one of four didn't go Saturday, they will take on
Lakers all the scoring they would
Mercyhurst would then put die Barch, Stefanie Borbeau, and need for the win. day. as the Lakers had planned. Findlay who they tied for the
We didn't play to our full conference tide with last year.

Men's soccer gains 2 more wins potential. It was more like a

warm up game/' said Smith.
The final score of the first
game in the match was 30-23.
"We want to come out tough
to make up for last game," said
Smith. They're a good team
and we plan to give them a
minutes later, giving the Lakers The score in game two good game."
By Ryan Palm some much needed breathing was 30-13.^| f So far this season, the Lady
Contributing Writer room. t, It was worse than game one Lakers are just warming up.
Northwood was able to avoid due to the team morale. li'Tm not ready for the season
The Mercyhurst men's soccer the shutout when freshman mid* Mercyhurst got fired up in to end because I feel like we
team had a very successful week, fielder Mladen Oroz scored at game three leaving the score at didn't reach our full
earning two wins to boost their ] 75:34. 23-30. £ potential yet," said Smith.
record up to 14*3 overall and 3- Mercyhurst senior forward (ft The energy was high amongst Mercyhurst look to finish
1 in Great Lakes Intercollegiate ;j m
the fans, the bench, and the play* their season with two wins.
Shane McGuckin countered the
Athletic Conference play. ers on the court
goal with his second goal of the
The men played their first season ten minutes later.
game on Thursday Oct. 30, tak-
ing on the Bobcats from West<]
Virginia Wesleyan University.
Mercyhurst junior goalie Mar
ty Ruberry played yet another
outstanding game, allowing just
Water polo ends 1-25
Junior forward Mike Blythe the one goal and making five
scored the first two goals of the saves. scored a goal apiece in the loss
game for Mercyhurst, coming at The Lakers outshot North- By Matt Jackson to Navy. Goalie Pat Staab as-
11:37 and 17:54. I wood handily, taking a 15-6 ad- Contributing Writer sisted on both goals and record-
The Lakers looked to be in vantage. ed ten saves.
control unril Bobcat forward "These were two really big The Mercyhurst mens water Senior Ryan Moton scored a
Michael Page scored late in the games in the region, and with polo team dropped 4 matches pair of goals in the loss to W&J.
first half to make the game 2-1 these two wins we now get to while competing in the Southern McHale added a goal for the
at the break. . •
host-games for the NCAA Championships held at Bucknell Lakers to conclude their scor-
After just seven minutes of Kolto McAdams/Moraad Photographer playoffs. ,'Wc played well and put University held on Sat., Nov. 1, ing in the 17-3 loss.
play in the second half, Page Jason Pedra struggles to maintain possesion. ourselves in the position we want The loss to Penn State Be-
and Sun., Nov. 2,
struck again, with this goal tying going back to the game against rius by the score of 4-1. to be in." junior goalkeeper Ru- The losses extended the Lak- hrend was the closest of the
the game at 2. Salem International on Oct. 25. Mike Blythe continued to be berry said. ers losing streak to 13 games. games for the Lakers on the
Not to be deterred, Blythe Mercyhurst junior midfielder on fire, as he scored first at "At the end of the year we want They will have to wait undl next weekend with a final score of
scored again, completing the hat. Justin Wilbanks scored his sec- 18:51. Jjgl to be playing our best soccer for season to end the skid as their 12-9.
trick at 64:51. \ ond goal of the season and was The score remained that way the playoffs, and we have been season has concluded with a 1- The Lakers concluded their
rhis goal proved to be the followed by freshman llmari for nearly forty minutes, until playing better and better,91 add- 25 record. T season with the 12-1 loss to the
game winner, and was Blythe's Niklander who scored his sev- Wilbanks scored off of a Blythe ed Ruberry. The Lakers were defeated by hands of Salem International.
second game winner in as many enth goal of the season. assist. Mercyhurst is off until No- Navy; Washington & Jefferson, Moton ended his collegiate ca-
games. The team played again on Sat- This made the game 2*0, and vember 8, when they will con- Salem International, and Penn St. reer on a good note,, scoring the
The goal was Blythe's 13th urday, Nov. 1, this rime taking would prove to be the game clude their regular season trav- Behrend in the weekend's com- Lakers lone goal in the loss.
goal of the season, and Blythe's on Northwood University. winner. Blythe scored his sec- eling to take on rival Gannon petition. jS^j Lakers finish one game better
fifth straight goal for the team The Lakers were again victo- ond goal of the game just two University at 7 p.m. Nate McHale and Kyle Tobul than last year.

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