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so that
Setelah conjunction so that, harus diikuti subject (I, you, they, we, she, he, it)
- You need to drink a lot of water so that you will not get dehydrated.
   (Kamu harus minum banyak air supaya kamu tidak dehidrasi.)
- Please turn off the light so that I can get to sleep.
   (Tolong matikan lampu supaya saya bisa tidur.)
- You must study hard so that you can pass the examination.
(Kamu harus belajar sungguh-sungguh supaya kamu dapat menyelesaikan ujian.)

2. in order to
Setelah conjunction in order to harus diikuti be/V1.
- We have to study hard in order to be smart.
   (Kita harus belajar sungguh-sungguh supaya pintar.)
- My mother does exercise three times a week in order to keep fit.
  (Ibu saya berolahraga tiga kali seminggu supaya sehat.)
- The students woke up early in order to do homework.
   (Murid-murid bangun lebih awal agar mengerjakan PR.)

3. to
Setelah conjunction to harus diikuti be/V1.
- She is using her hand phone to send a message to her friend.
  (Dia menggunakan telepon genggamnya untuk mengirim pesan kepada temannya.)
- I must study hard to pass the national examination.
  (Saya harus belajar sungguh-sunggung untuk menyelesaikan ujian nasional.)
- They wake up early to be on time to work.
  (Mereka bangun lebih awal supaya tepat waktu bekerja.)

- Conjunction to and in order to always are followed by a phrase.
  (Kata penghubung to dan in order to selalu diikuti oleh frasa atau kelompok kata)
- Conjunction so that is followed by a clause.
  (Kata penghubung so that selalu diikuti oleh klausa atau sekelompok kata yang
 mengandung subyek dan predikat.)

Expression of agree artinya ekspresi atau ungkapan yang menyatakan setuju dengan pendapat orang
lain. Expressing agree berarti mengekspresikan persetujuan.

Expression of disagree artinya ekspresi atau ungkapan yang menyatakan tidak setuju dengan pendapat orang
lain. Expressing disagree berarti mengekspresikan ketidaksetujuan.


→ Expressing Agree

Berikut ungkapan yang mengekspresikan persetujuan:

 I agree…
 I agree with you.
 You are right.
 I couldn’t agree with you more.
 That’s the point.
 I will say that.
 I feel the same way about…

→ Expressing disagree

Berikut ungkapan yang mengekspresikan ketidaksetujuan:

 I don’t agree…
 I don’t agree with you.
 I don’t think so.
 That’s not what I think.
 I couldn’t agree with you less.
 I’m not sure.
 Probably not.


→ Expressing Agree

Tomi : Our class is so dirty and trash is everywhere. We won’t feel comfortable when we’re learning.
Rian : Why don’t we sweep the floor and clean the class?
Tomi : I will say that. Let’s do it.
Rian : Okay.

→ Expressing disagree

Tomi : I think it will be nice to go hiking this holiday.

Rian : That’s not what I think. I want to go to the beach.

Expressing agreement
 I agree with you 100 percent.
 I couldn't agree with you more.
 That's so true.
 That's for sure.
 (slang) Tell me about it!
 You're absolutely right.
 Absolutely.
 That's exactly how I feel.
 Exactly.
 I'm afraid I agree with James.
 I have to side with Dad on this one.
 No doubt about it.
 (agree with negative statement) Me neither.
 (weak) I suppose so./I guess so.
 You have a point there.
 I was just going to say that.

Expressing disagreement
 I don't think so.
 No way.
 I'm afraid I disagree.
 I totally disagree.
 I beg to differ.
  I'd say the exact opposite.
 Not necessarily.
 That's not always true.
 That's not always the case.
 No, I'm not so sure about that
 Expressing Agreement 

 Berikut adalah ungkapan yang bisa digunakan jika kalian ingin mengungkapkan
persetujuan (sepenuhnya setuju) terhadap sesuatu nih Greaters.

 I agree.

 I agree with you.

 That’s so sure.

 I agree with you 100 percent.

 (To completely agree with someone) I couldn't agree with you more.

 That's so true.

 That's for sure.

 (slang) Tell me about it!

 You're absolutely right.

 Absolutely!

 You’re absolutely right!

 That’s exactly what I think.

 That's exactly how I feel.

 Exactly.

 I'm afraid I agree with James.

 I have to side with Dad on this one.

 No doubt about it.

 (Setuju dengan kalimat negatif) Me neither.

 (weak) I suppose so./I guess so.

 You have a point there.

 I was just going to say that.

 b. Partial Agreement

 Berikut adalah ungkapan yang bisa digunakan saat ingin mengatakan setuju
denagn sesuatu hal tapi tidak sepenuhnya (50%)

 I agree with……, but what about …….?

 That’s a good point, but in my opinion….

 That could apply in some situations, but what about when….?

 I understand your point about…, but I don’t understand…..

 It’s certainly true that…, but on the other hand….

 I can see that…., but I think it’s also important to consider….

 That makes sense, but could it also be true that….

 I’d agree with you if…., but not if…

 I see what you mean with…, but I also think we need to consider….

 c. Expressing Disagreement
 Berikut adalah expressi yang bisa digunakan saat ingin mengungkapkan
ketidaksetujuan terhadap sesuatu hal. 

 I don't think so.

 (strong) No way.

 I'm afraid I disagree.

 (strong) I totally disagree.

 I beg to differ.

 (strong) I'd say the exact opposite.

 I have a different opinion with you.

 I am of different opinion.

 I cannot agree with your idea.

 Not necessarily.

 I doubt with that.

 I completely disagree.

 I don’t guess so.

 That is not true.

 That's not always true.

 That's not always the case.

 No, I'm not so sure about that.

 d. Constructive Disagreement

 Jika Greaters merasa tidak setuju dengan sesuatu hal, tapi ingin juga
memberikan kritik yang bersifat membangun, kalian bisa menggunakan
ungkapan sebagai berikut.

 I can appreciate your point about…, but I would disagree because….

 That’s interesting, however, from my point of view….

 That may be the case, but in my experience…..

 I’m afraid I can’t agree with… because …..

 I disagree. What about the situations where…?

 I don’t think that’s the case because ….

 I’m not so sure about that because…

 I don’t think your point about…necessarily follows because…

 I don’t really see it that way because…. 

 Contoh penggunaannya dalam dialog 

 Farah : hai Alda, how are you? (hallo Alda, apa kabar)

 Alda : fine thanks, and you? (aku baik, kamu gimana?)

 Farah : I am fine too thank you. Oh Alda, what are you doing here? ( saya juga
baik baik saja. Oh Alda, apa yang kamu lakukan disini?)

 Alda : nothing, I am just confused. My mother will have birthday tomorrow. I don`t
know what should I give to her. (tidak ada, aku hanya bingung saja. Ibuku besok
ulang tahun, aku tidak tahu harus ngasih apa?)

 Farah : oh.. I see,,, how about giving red rose for your mother? She loves flower
very much, right? (bagaimana jika memberinya mawar merah? Bukannya ibumu
suka sekali dengan bunga)

 Alda : wow, that`s a good idea ( wow itu ide bagus). thanks

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