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; Tileword

; by
; Jose M Vidal
; Tileworld was (first?) described in:
;Martha Pollack and Marc Ringuette. "Introducing the Tileworld: experimentally
evaluating agent architectures."
;Thomas Dietterich and William Swartout ed. In Proceedings of the Eighth National
Conference on Artificial
; Intelligence, p. 183--189, AAAI Press. 1990.

breed [ robots ]
breed [ tiles ]
breed [ holes ]

tiles-own [time-to-live]

holes-own [time-to-live]

;desitnation- the next place I am heading towards

robots-own [destination-x destination-y]

globals [holes-born holes-filled score]

to setup
set-default-shape tiles "box"
set-default-shape holes "circle"
create-robots num-robots [
setxy get-random-xcor get-random-ycor]

to-report get-random-xcor
report (random world-width) + min-pxcor

to-report get-random-ycor
report (random world-height) + min-pycor

to update
if (random-float 1.0 < tile-birth-prob) [
create-tiles 1 [
set heading 0
set time-to-live tile-lifetime
setxy get-random-xcor get-random-ycor
set color yellow]]
if (random-float 1.0 < hole-birth-prob) [
set holes-born holes-born + 1
create-holes 1 [
set heading 0
set time-to-live hole-lifetime
setxy get-random-xcor get-random-ycor
set color blue]]

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ask tiles [age]
ask holes [age]
ask robots [move]
; plot holes-filled
if (holes-born > 0)[
set score holes-filled * 100 / holes-born
plot score]

;reports one of 0,90,180,270; whichever is closest to h

to-report rectify-heading [h]
if (h < 0)[
set h (360 + h)]
if (h <= 45)[
report 0]
if (h <= 135)[
report 90]
if (h <= 225)[
report 180]
if (h <= 315)[
report 270]
report 0

;tiles and holes

to age
if time-to-live <= 0 [die]
set time-to-live time-to-live - 1


;sets destination-of robot to be the location where robot should be

; in order to push me towards hole.
;HINT: This is a bad way to move tiles. Specifically, if the hole is on a diagonal
; from the tile, the robot tends to move back-and-forth a lot.
to set-robot-destination [robot hole]
carefully ;in case robot is at hole. thanks Paolo Petta
[set heading rectify-heading (towards hole)][]
set heading heading + 180
let the-patch patch-at dx dy
ask robot [
set destination-x [pxcor] of the-patch
set destination-y [pycor] of the-patch
;set [destination-x] of robot [pxcor] of patch-at dx dy
;set [destination-y] of robot [pycor] of patch-at dx dy


; This is the obvious greedy strategy.

; It tries to push the closest tile to the closest hole. This is a great
; strategy when there is only one robot, but when there are many you end up

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; with all of them getting in each others' way.
to move
let closest-tile 0
let closest-hole 0

set closest-tile min-one-of tiles [distance myself]

set closest-hole min-one-of holes [distance myself]
if (closest-tile != nobody)[
ifelse (closest-hole != nobody)[
ask closest-tile [set-robot-destination myself closest-hole]
if (xcor = destination-x and ycor = destination-y)[
;Im already at the desired location, so push the tile
set heading rectify-heading towards closest-tile
move-one heading
[;there are no holes in the field, this typically only happens at the beginning
of the run.
set destination-x [xcor] of closest-tile
set destination-y [ycor] of closest-tile]

;I am not next to the tile, so set my heading towards the best position next to
set heading rectify-heading towardsxy destination-x destination-y

;If my move will cause a tile to move then change direction by +- 90.
;This will, hopefully, allow me to move around the target to push it back.
if (any? tiles-at dx dy)[
ifelse (random-float 1.0 < .5)[
set heading heading + 90]
set heading heading - 90]]
move-one heading]

;moves the agent one step with in the absolute heading h.

;It makes sure that any tile or robot that was in the destination location also
moves, and so on recursively.
;If a tile moves into a hole, both die.
to move-one [h]
let pushed-agents 0
let oldh 0

set oldh heading

set heading h
set pushed-agents (turtles-at dx dy) with [(breed = robots) or (breed = tiles)]
if (any? pushed-agents) [
ask pushed-agents [move-one h]]
if (breed = tiles and (any? holes-at dx dy))[
set holes-filled holes-filled + 1
ask holes-at dx dy [die]
fd 1
set heading oldh

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