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m Fluctuations in the economic activity are two main categories progressive and regressive
the characteristics of all the economies of the taxes. Progressive tax is graduated and its rate
world. Therefore every developed and varies according to the taxpayer income, whereas
underdeveloped economies aspires to certain regressive tax is a tax at a fixed rate irrespective
goals. These goals include economic of the taxpayers income.
development. some polices are devised to m
achieve these goals and similar other goals. In m
this article we will analyze views & effectiveness
of taxation in development of our beloved country m
Pakistan. m

Tax has an extremely long established

history. The ancient Egyptians appointed Tax m One of the most commonly discussed
Masters who increased the burden on the children issues in economics is how tax rates relate to
of Israel - slaves under Egyptian domination. In economic growth. Advocates of tax cuts claim that
Islam the concept of tax was introduced by Hazrat a reduction in the tax rate will lead to increased
Umer (R.A) Who imposed tax on the extra income economic growth and prosperity. Others claim that
of fisher man from Umber. Hazrat MUHAMMAD
(S.A.W.) said that my companions are like stars if if we reduce taxes, almost all of the benefits will
you will follow them you will be successful. As go to the rich, as those are the ones who pay the
Hazrat Umer (R.A.) was one of the dearly loved most taxes. What does economic theory suggest
accompanying person, so from Hades we can about the relationship between economic growth
understand that Islam has allowed for tax. and taxation? In studying economic policies, it is
always useful to study extreme cases. Extreme
As a general rule, tax is the source that is
cases are situations such as "What if we had a
best exploited by government. It is imposed on
individuals and companies to finance services that 100% income tax rate?", or "What if we raised the
the state is obligated to provide and to meet its minimum wage to 8000 Rs. per month?". While
goals on extremely rare occasions, government wholly unrealistic, they do give very stark
has used sources other than tax for instance examples of what direction key economic
income from natural resources, public debt, deficit variables will move when we change a
financing etc. measured as percentage of GDP it government policy.
was 10.1% in 2007-08. On the other hand in
developing countries like USA and UK it was 25%
to 30%. Out of which indirect and direct tax First suppose that we lived in a society
revenue were 98.3% and 31% respectively. without taxation. We'll worry about how the
However as a common rule most government use government finances its programs later on, but for
the collection of taxes as the main tool for now we'll assume that they have enough money
financing their expenses. Tax is divided in to
to finance all the programs we have today. If there
are no taxes, then the government does not earn necessary functions for the government to
any income from taxation and citizens do not perform these three things a government must
spend any time worrying about how to evade provide
taxes. If someone has a wage of 8000 Rs. per
month then they get to keep those 8000 Rs. If m —  —m To protect against foreign
such a society were possible, we can see that invaders.
m — 
 To protect against
people would be quite productive as any income
domestic criminals.
they earn, they keep. m —    To settle honest
disputes that arise and to punish criminals
according to objectively predefined laws.

Without the last two functions of government, it is

easy to see that there would be little economic
activity. Without a police force it would be difficult
to protect anything that you've earned. If people
could just come by and take anything you owned,
Now consider the opposing case. Taxes are now
we'd see three things happen:
set to be 100% of income. Any rupee you earn
goes to the government. It may seem that the
government would earn a lot of money this way, 1.m People would spend a lot more time trying to
steal what they need and a lot less time trying
but that's not likely to happen. If I don't get to keep
to produce what they need, as stealing
anything out of what I earn, why would I go to something is often easier than producing it
work? I'd rather spend my time reading my yourself. This leads to a reduction in
favorite book or playing cricket. In fact, going to economic growth.
work would risk my ability to survive. I'd be much 2.m People who have produced valuable goods
better off spending my time trying to come up with would spend more time and money trying to
ways to get the things I need without giving them protect what they've earned. This is not a
productive activity; society would be much
to the government. I'd spend a lot of my time
better off if citizens would spend more time
trying to grow food in a hidden garden and producing productive goods.
bartering with others for the things I need to 3.m There would likely be a lot more murders, so
survive. I wouldn't spend any time working for a the society would lose a lot of productive
company if I didn't get anything from it. Society as people prematurely. This cost, and the costs
a whole would not be very productive if everybody people incur in trying to prevent their own
spent a large portion of their time trying to evade murder greatly diminishes economic activity.
taxes. The government would earn very little
income from taxation, as very few people would
go to work if they did not earn an income from it.

A police force which protects the basic human

Obviously, government programs are not
rights of citizens is absolutely necessary to insure
self-financing even an ardent supporter of
economic growth.
unrestricted capitalism realizes that there are

The role of taxation in the development
strategy of our beloved country Pakistan has to be The phenomenon of tax does not exist in
viewed in the background of the functions which a vacuum or otherwise it isn¶t something that is
taxation system performs. The primary function of abstract. Tax and death are two true of universe.
a tax system is to raise revenue for the Since an adequate volume of government
government for its public expenditure. So the first revenue is essential for publie expenditure and
economic growth the ratio of tax revenue to GDP
has been used regularity to measure and judge
the success of a country¶s fiscal management.

Unfortunately, in our dearly loved country

Pakistan unplanned & ad hoc tax holidays &
goal in the development strategy as regards
incentives, narrow tax base & inadequate
taxation policy is to ensure that this function is
coverage, lack of elasticity & buoyancy in tax
discharged adequately. Second is to reduce
system, periodic tax amnesties, administration
inequalities through a policy of redistribution of
weakness, unawareness of tax payer, are the
income and wealth. Higher rates of income taxes,
main reasons for the decline of tax revenue. That
capital transfer taxes and wealth taxes are some
leads to dawdling of development and economic
means adopted for achieving these ends. Other
function which taxation system performs is to
ensure economic goals through the ability of the Pakistan like all other developing countries
taxation system to influence the allocation of need sustainable growth & development with their
resources, and to increase the level of savings cheapest and most reliable sources of revenue.
and capital formation in the private sector partly Being tax revenue several problems have been
for borrowing by the government and partly for identified with mobilizing tax revenue for
enhancing investment resources within the private development they must be addressed. Though
sector for economic development. Protection of there is nothing basically wrong with the tax
local industries from foreign competition through system, there are problems with enforcement and
the use of import duties, turnover taxes/VAT and compliance with the tax laws, according to our
excises is also one of the main functions of point of view if our government takes steps to
taxation system. This has the effect of transferring overcome these problems we will also be one of
a certain amount of demand from imported goods the developed nations of this world.
to domestically produced goods.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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