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Sekolah : SMAN 1 Nusa Penida

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : X/1
Materi Pokok : Teks Deskriptif
Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 45 menit

A. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi 3.4 Membedakan

fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks deskriptif lisan
dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait tempat wisata dan
bangunan bersejarah terkenal, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks
1) Membandingkan struktur teks, fungsi sosial, dan unsur kebahasaan
pada teks deskriptif sederhana tentang tempat. 4.4.1 Menangkap makna secara
kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
deskriptif, lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana terkait tempat wisata dan
bangunan bersejarah terkenal.
1) Merangkum isi teks deskriptif dengan bahasa sendiri secara
kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
teks deskriptif tentang tempat.
4.4.2 Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, terkait
tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, dengan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai
1) Menulis teks deskriptif sederhana tentang tempat dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
deskripsi secara benar sesuai konteks penggunaan.

B. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Diberikan dua teks deskriptif, siswa dapat membedakan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks deskriptif
sederhana tentang tempat.
2. Diberikan sebuah teks deskriptif, siswa dapat merangkum isi teks
deskriptif tentang tempat dengan bahasa sendiri secara
kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

Mr Budi | 1
3. Diberikan sebuah judul teks deskriptif, siswa dapat menulis teks deskriptif
sederhana tentang tempat dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks deskripsi secara benar sesuai konteks
C. Materi Pembelajaran
Materi Pembelajaran Lihat Buku Siswa Chapter IV: Which One is Your Best
Getaway? (Halaman 50 – 68) dan Handout
- Teks Deskriptif
- Fungsi Sosial Teks
- Struktur Teks
- Unsur Kebahasaan

D. Metode/Teknik Pembelajaran
Think Pair Share dan Simultaneous Roundtable

E. Media Pembelajaran
1. Media : Gambar dan teks
2. Alat/Bahan : Laptop, LCD, Whiteboard, dan Alat Tulis

F. Sumber Pembelajaran
1. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. (2017). Bahasa Inggris
SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas X. Jakarta: Kemdikbud.
2. Handout Materi Teks Deskriptif
3. Lembar Kerja Siswa

G. Langkah-Langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

1. Pertemuan Pertama (2 x 45 menit)
a. Kegiatan Awal (10 menit)
Dalam kegiatan awal pembelajaran, guru:
1) mengucapkan salam dengan ramah;
2) mengajukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang materi yang sudah dipelajari dan
terkait dengan materi yang akan dipelajari;
3) memberikan motivasi belajar kepada peserta didik secara umum maupun secara
spesifik terkait dengan materi yang akan dipelajari 4) menjelaskan tujuan
pembelajaran atau kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai; dan
5) menyampaikan garis besar cakupan materi dan penjelasan tentang uraian
kegiatan yang akan dilakukan peserta didik.

Mr Budi | 2
b. Kegiatan Inti (40 menit)
1) Mengamati
Dalam kegiatan mengamati, guru:
- mengajak siswa membaca teks deskriptif berjudul ‘Tanjung Putting
National Park’ di handout materi; dan
- membimbing siswa untuk mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks
dan unsur kebahasaan teks deskriptif tersebut.
2) Menanya
Dalam kegiatan menanya, guru:
- menstimulasi siswa untuk bertanya tentang teks deskriptif yang dibaca
(misalnya fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dan lain-lain);
- memfasilitasi dan menjawab semua pertanyaan siswa (Guru memberikan
jawaban terhadap pertanyaan sambil menjelaskan tentang konsep teks
deskriptif yang akan dipelajari).
3) Mengeksplorasi dan Mengasosiasi
Dalam kegiatan mengeksplorasi dan mengasosiasi, guru:
- meminta siswa untuk mengeksplorasi teks deskriptif dan membaca konsep
teks deskriptif dari materi yang diberikan; - meminta siswa mengidentifikasi
fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks deskriptif pada
Lembar Kerja Siswa 1 yang dibagikan serta menjawab pertanyaan yang
diberikan secara individu (think); dan
- membagi siswa menjadi beberapa pasangan dan meminta mereka untuk
membahas apa yang telah dikerjakan pada tahap sebelumnya dengan
pasangannya (Pair).
4) Mengkomunikasikan
Dalam kegiatan mengkomunikasikan, guru:
- membimbing setiap pasangan untuk menyampaikan hasil diskusi
pada Lembar Kerja Siswa 1 (share); dan
- meminta siswa untuk memperhatikan dan memberikan masukan atau
jawaban lain jika diperlukan.

c. Kegiatan Penutup (40 menit)

Dalam kegiatan penutup, guru:
1) bersama siswa menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran;
2) bersama siswa mengidentifikasi hambatan-hambatan yang dialami saat
memahami materi yang dijelaskan (refleksi);

Mr Budi | 3
3) memberikan lembar penilaian pengetahuan dan lembar penilaian
keterampilan nomor 1;
4) memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran yang telah
dilaksanakan; dan
5) memberikan tugas untuk menulis teks deskriptif berjudul ‘Angel Billabong’
(Lembar Kerja Siswa 2) dan tugas ini akan dibahas pada saat pertemuan

2. Pertemuan Kedua (2 x 45 menit)

a. Kegiatan Awal (5 menit)
Dalam kegiatan awal pembelajaran, guru:
1) mengucapkan salam dengan ramah;
2) mengajukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang materi yang sudah dipelajari dan
terkait dengan materi yang akan dipelajari;
3) memberikan motivasi belajar kepada peserta didik secara umum maupun secara
spesifik terkait dengan materi yang akan dipelajari; 4) mengingatkan kembali tujuan
pembelajaran atau kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai; dan
5) menyampaikan garis besar cakupan materi dan penjelasan tentang uraian
kegiatan yang akan dilakukan peserta didik.

b. Kegiatan Inti (50 menit)

1) Mengeksplorasi dan Mengasosiasi
Dalam kegiatan mengekplorasi dan mengasosiasi, guru:
- meminta siswa untuk duduk berkelompok dengan anggota 4-5 orang dan
membentuk lingkaran;
- memeriksa teks deskriptif (misalnya struktur teks, tenses, ejaan dan
lain-lain) yang telah ditulis di rumah dengan cara menukar tugas mereka
dengan anggota kelompok;
- meminta siswa untuk menukar teks searah jarum jam yang diperiksa sesuai
dengan aba-aba dari guru berupa tepuk tangan dua kali (kegiatan ini
dilakukan kurang lebih 10 menit); dan
- meminta siswa untuk mendiskusikan teks yang telah dibuat dan diperiksa
sesuai dengan teori yang telah dipelajari.
2) Mengkomunikasikan
Dalam kegiatan mengkomunikasikan, guru:
- meminta siswa perwakilan dari masing-masing kelompok untuk menulis
teks deskriptif yang paling bagus di kelompok mereka pada papan tulis;

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- mengajak siswa untuk memperhatikan teks dan mengidentifikasi
struktur teks, tenses, ejaan dan lain-lain.

c. Kegiatan Penutup (35 menit)

Dalam kegiatan penutup, guru:
1) bersama siswa menyimpulkan pembelajaran;
2) bersama siswa mengidentifikasi hambatan-hambatan yang dialami saat
memahami materi yang dijelaskan (refleksi);
3) memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran yang telah
dilaksanakan; dan
4) memberikan lembar penilaian keterampilan nomor 2.

H. Penilaian
1. Teknik Penilaian : Tes Tulis dan Unjuk Kerja
2. Instrument : Closed-ended Test, Summarizing Test and Text Construction
3. Pedoman Penskoran : Kunci Jawaban and Rubrik Penilaian Tabel


Kompete Teknik Bentuk Pedoman

nsiDasar Penilaian Instrumen Penilaian

3.4 (I)* Tes Tertulis Close-ended Test Kunci Jawaban

4.4.1 (I)* Tes Unjuk Kerja Summarizing Test Rubrik

4.4.2 (II)* Tes Unjuk Text Construction Rubrik


*Penilaian dilakukan pada pertemuan pertama (I) dan pertemuan kedua (II)

Lembongan, 1 Juni 2017


I Komang Budiarta, S.Pd., M.Pd., M.Hum.

NIP. 19821212 200703 1 007

Mr Budi | 5

Descriptive Text I Komang

By the end of this unit, the students are expected to
be able to:
∙ define what a descriptive text is and

∙ mention its generic structure.

1.1 Definition of a Descriptive Text

According to Folse et al. (2010:135), a descriptive text is a text which describes
how something or someone looks or feels. It gives an impression of something. It has
sentences that work together to describe and give a clear picture of a person, event,
place or thing. In addition, Oshima and Hogue (2007:61) argue that descriptive
writing appeals to the senses (looks, feels, smells, tastes and sounds). A good
description is the readers can imagine the object, place, or person in their mind. It is
usually written logically and vivid detail; thus, the readers can see and feel what is
written by the writers.
Descriptive text is text which expresses or describes place, thing and person
in such vivid detail that the readers can easily visualize the described person, thing
and place or they can picture what it looks like. In addition, descriptive text is also
defined as a text which is written with the writers’ senses since the text will make
the readers see, touch, taste, hear or smell the object; thus, visualizing what is being
described in a descriptive text is of necessary.
The writers should try to present their text in the light of the five senses so
that the readers will have the same picture as the writers. Furthermore, writing a
descriptive text is mainly intended to provide the readers with a vivid description
so that the text appears as a picture to the readers. Therefore, a good descriptive text
will make the readers clearly catch what is trying to describe. In other words,
descriptive text is a ‘verbal painting’ in which the writers should paint the
description by using sentences. In writing a good and interesting descriptive text,
there are generic structures.

1.2 Generic Structure

In addition, Zemach and Rumisek (2005:25) define that a descriptive text explains
how someone or something looks or feels. This text uses adjectives which tell the
readers how things look, feel, taste, sound, or smell. It also uses preposition to tell
about how space is organized. Paying attention on the social function and generic
structure in writing descriptive

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text is also a must. In writing a good and interesting descriptive text, there are
some generic structures which have to be considered; they can be elucidated as
1. Identification:
Identification is a part in which the writers identify or write the recognition;
moreover, it can be general of statement about person, thing, or place that the
writers want to describe. Identification can be used as the topic sentence of
the text. Hogue (2008:99) who states that the topic part of a topic sentence for
a text of description usually names the person, place, or thing to be
2. Description
Kane (2000:351) states that description is about sensory experience how
something looks, sounds, tastes. Description is vivid details place, person,
or thing that the writers want to describe so that the readers can easily
imagine or picture the descriptions. The descriptions are verbal descriptions
so that the words used in the sentence should be descriptive.
3. Conclusion
Conclusion is the last part of descriptive text. According Savage and Mayer
(2005:23) state that the conclusion gives the writers’ final opinion about the
description. Moreover, in this part, the writers also conclude the text from the
identification and description with the different words; nevertheless, it has
same meaning that gives the readers a brief conclusion.

❖ Descriptive text is text which expresses or describes place, thing and person in
such vivid detail that the readers can easily picture or visualize what is being
written about, or when the readers read the text, it appears in their five senses.
❖ In writing descriptive text, there are some generic structures that
should be followed:
a. Identification
You identify or write general statement of the place, person, or thing that you
want to describe.
b. Descriptions
You describe the place, person, or thing in such vivid detail in order to give
a crystal clear picture to the readers.
c. Conclusion
This part may be included or not. It can be restatement or conclusion of the

Mr Budi | 7

By the end of this unit, the students are expected to
be able to:
∙ mention characteristics of a good descriptive

text and
∙ write a good descriptive text.
2.1 Characteristics of a Good Descriptive Text
A good descriptive text, in general, should be able to present a picture to the
reader. Therefore, it should be written on the basis of the following characteristics.
a. Using descriptive words that appeal to the readers’ senses. Present verbal
pictures what the reader can see, touch, taste, hear or smell. b. Using specific
and concrete vocabulary to describe details. c. Involving the reader enough
so he/she can actually visualize or picture the things, person or people being
d. Using appropriate transitional phrases so that the text will be well
organized and structured.

2.2 Writing Descriptive Text

In this sub-discussion you will be given step by step processes of writing
descriptive text. The process of writing descriptive text is preceded by writing the
identification, descriptions, and conclusion, and it can be further described as the
following elaboration:
a. Identification
Identification states or identifies the place, person or thing that you want to
describe. Identification tells the reader what is going to be described, and it clearly
clarifies what will be described.
b. Descriptions
After stating identification of the text, now you try to develop it through
providing it with some descriptions that can picture place, person, or thing that
you are going to describe. These descriptions should be well organized in order to
make it unified and coherent. Use as many as possible descriptive words that
reveal the description of the object.
In descriptive the more details you include, the more clear your reader will
imagine what you are describing. Your details should appeal to the five senses, and
they should tell the reader how something looks, smells, sounds, feels and tastes.
Write about colors, sizes, shapes, odors, noises, and textures. These will very
important in descriptions.
To develop your descriptions, in order to make them well organized, you can use
spatial order (Oshima and Hogue, 2007). In description, a writer uses spatial order
to organize his/her ideas. Spatial order is the arrangement of items in order by
space. Here are some spatial order signals: at the top of, in the center, on the left, in
front of, in the front of, inside, next to, between, behind, in back of, in the back of,
across. The use of spatial

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order organization will make the readers easier in visualizing the verbal picture in
their imagination. The following are some descriptions which can be drawn from
the identification.

c. Conclusion
After writing a good identification and its descriptions, now you should also
write a good conclusion. A conclusion is not absolutely necessary, but it is often very
helpful to the readers because it usually signals the end of the text and because it
reminds them of your important points.
A concluding sentence can be a paraphrase (i.e. repetition of the topic
sentence in different words) of the topic sentence or summary which is not
specifically stated in the identification.
After constructing identification, descriptions, and conclusion, these three elements
are further arranged into a descriptive text. In arranging these elements, the writers,
obviously, have to consider the two additional elements (i.e. unity and coherence).
Unity reflects that the text describes a specific person, thing, and place; moreover,
coherence makes the text easy to understand because of good organization and the
use of appropriate transitions. When those parts are arranged, the text will be as

Tanjung Puting National Park

Tanjung Puting National Park is an internationally famous ecotourism
destination, which is located in the southwest of Central Kalimantan peninsula.
Visitors from foreign countries come to this park because of its amazing nature. This
is called a park, but unlike any park that you have seen in your city, this is a jungle!
It is a real jungle, which is home to the most interesting animal in the world:
Though the park is home to many animals, seeing orangutans is usually the
visitors’ main reason to visit the park. Orangutans, which literally mean the man of
the forest, are the largest arboreal animal on the planet. Most of their lives are spent
in trees where orangutans travel from branch to branch by climbing or swinging
with their long arms.
To see orangutans, we should go to Camp Leakey, which is located in the heart of
Tanjung Puting National Park. Camp Leakey is a rehabilitation place for ex-captive orang
utans and also a preservation site. It is also a famous center for research about
orangutans which has been conducted by the famous primatologist Dr. Birute Galdikas
since 1971. Here visitors can see daily feedings to orangutans at jungle platforms as part
of the rehabilitation process to their natural habitat. This event gives them opportunity to
see orangutans up close.

Mr Budi | 9
To reach the place, we should take a boat down Sekonyer river. The boat is
popularly called perahu klotok which is a boathouse that can accommodate four
people. The trip by the boat to Camp Leakey takes three days and two nights. You
sleep, cook, and eat in that klotok, night and day during your journey into the
The traveling in the boat offers an unforgettable experience. In daylight, on your
way to Camp Leakey, you can see trees filled with proboscis monkeys, monkeys that
have enormous snout which can only be found in Kalimantan. The monkeys anxiously
await klotok arrivals. A troop of 30 light-brown monkeys may plunge from branches 10
meters or higher into the river and cross directly in front of the boat. These monkeys
know that the boat’s engine noise and the threat of its propeller scare crocodiles, which
find these chubby monkeys delicious. At night, you can enjoy the clear sky and the
amazingly bright stars as the only lights for the night.
With such exotic nature, no wonder many tourists from foreign countries who
love ecotourism frequently visit Tanjung Puting National Park. What about you?

❖ A well-written descriptive text has five elements: identification, descriptions,
conclusion, unity and coherence. Besides, a good descriptive text should use
descriptive words that appeal to the readers’ senses, use concrete/specific
vocabularies, involve the readers, and use appropriate transitional phrases.
❖ After stating the identification, and then you have to provide some descriptions
so that the reader will be able to picture the idea, and conclusion is drawn if it is
necessary. Finally, to make the text more interesting and understandable to read,
these elements should be well arranged to make it unity and coherence.

Mr Budi | 10


A. Lembar Kerja Siswa 1

Text 1
Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal, an epitome of love, is actually a mausoleum. Standing majestically
on the banks of River Yamuna, the Taj Mahal is synonymous to love and romance.
Taj Mahal was constructed by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in the memory of his
beloved wife and queen. The name “Taj Mahal” was derived from the name of Shah
Jahan’s wife, Mumtaz Mahal, which means crown of palaces.
Taj Mahalrepresents the finest architectural and artistic achievement. The
mausoleum was constructed of pure white marble. The white marble is inlaid with
semi-precious stones (including jade, crystal, lapis lazuli, amethyst and turquoise)
that form the intricate designs. Its central dome reaches a height of 240 feet (73
meters). The dome is surrounded by four smaller domes. Four slender towers, or
minarets, stand at the corners. Inside the mausoleum, an octagonal marble
chamber adorned with carvings and semi-precious stones house the false tomb of
Mumtaz Mahal. Her actual remains lie below, at garden level.
Taj Mahal shows shades of magnificent beauty at different time during the
day. At dawn when the first rays of the sun hits the dome of this epic monument,
itradiates like a heavenly pinkish palace. At daytime, when the sky isbright and
clear,the Taj looks milky white. At a moonlit night when the full moon rays fall on
the glistening white marble, the cool moon rays reflect back from the white marble
and give the Taj Mahal a tinge of blue color.
This place is an outstanding human-made building which becomes the iconic place
in India. It’s simply breathtaking! With such beauty, no wonder that Taj Mahal
becomes one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

Text 2
Nusa Lembongan
Nusa Lembongan is one of the three sets of islands located in the southeast of
Bali, Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan. These three islands are the
other paradise of Bali island which are separated of the main island. These islands
are gorgeous. From those three islands, Nusa Lembongan is the best one.

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Having condition which is still beautiful and natural, this island is ready to
pamper you. If you like water sports, especially diving or snorkeling, it is
recommended for you to decide Nusa Lembongan as the next destination. There
are several locations with underwater natural beauty which are not doubtful.
Coral reefs and colorful fish around the island of Nusa Lembongan is so riveting.
There are also some equipments for snorkeling and diving to rent.
Most residents of Nusa Lembongan is seaweed farmers, so it is not surprising
if you get in Nusa Lembongan and you will see seaweed which is being spread out
in the sun because there are also some villages where seaweed cultivation becomes
main commodity. Not infrequently travelers rent a motorbike or bicycle to surround
the island.
Lembongan island is the island that makes the visitor feel fantastic escape.
They can run away from their original place and enjoy the beauty of the island.
Come and prove naturalness of this island.

1. Read the texts entitled ‘Taj Mahal’ and ’Nusa Lembongan’ and please contrast
the texts in terms of generic structure, social function, and language feature
of the descriptive text.
Texts/ Taj Mahal Nusa Lembongan



2. Please write a summary about one of the descriptive texts by using your own
words in 5 – 7 sentences.

Mr Budi | 12
B. Lembar Kerja Siswa 2
1. Please write a descriptive text based on the title, Angel Billabong 2. Write a
short descriptive text that consists of 15 – 20 sentences. 3. The text should
fullfil the following criteria:
- complete and tidy format,
- correct uses of punctuation and mechanics,
- unified and coherent arrangement of ideas,
- complete generic structure of descriptive text (i.e. an identification,
descriptions and a conclusion), and
- grammatical sentences.
4. You have 45 minutes to finish the text.

Mr Budi | 13

A. Kunci Jawaban dan Rubrik Penilaian Lembar Kerja Siswa 1 1. Read the texts
entitled ‘Taj Mahal’ and ’Nusa Lembongan’ and please contrast the texts in
terms of generic structure, social function, and language feature of the
descriptive text.

Texts/ Taj Mahal

Generic Identification - 1st

Structure Paragraph

- 2nd Paragraph - 3rd

- 4th Paragraph

Social The social function of

Fuction descriptive text entitled
’TajMahal’ is to give
specificdescription about
historicaland tourism
place, Taj Mahal.

Langua The language features

geFeat ofthe descriptive text
ures entitled
’Taj Mahal’ are using
descriptive words and
thesentences are mostly
inpresent tenses.

2. Please write a summary about one of the descriptive texts by using your own
words in 5 – 7 sentences.
Summarizing Criteria Weight

1. The summary shows precise content of the 50

chosen descriptive text.

2. The summary shows appropriate organization 30

ofdescriptive text.

3. The summary makes use of correct 20

Mr Budi | 14
B. Rubrik Penilaian Lembar Kerja Siswa 2
Criteria Max. Act
Score ualS

Format – 5 Points

- There is a title. 1

- The title is centered. 1

- The first line is indented. 1

- There are margins on both sides. 1

- The work is tidy. 1

Total 5

Punctuation and Mechanics – 5 Points

- There is a period after every sentence. 1

- Capital letters are used correctly. 1

- Commas and other punctuations are used correctly. 1

- The spellings are correct. 2

Total 5

Content – 25 Points

- The text fits the assignment. 5

- The text provides unified sentences. 10

- The text flows smoothly or coherently. 10

Total 25

Organization – 40 Points

- The text begins with a crystal clear identification 10

aboutthe object to be described.
- The text describes the object in vivid detail and 25
spatialorder so that the reader can easily imagine or
picturethe object in their five senses.

- The text ends with an appropriate concluding 5


Total 40

Grammar and Sentence Structure – 25 Points

Estimate a grammar and sentence structure score 25

Grand Total 100

Mr Budi | 15

Tabel Spesifikasi Lembar Penilaian

Indikator Lembar Pedoman
Penilaian(Instr Penilaian
1. Membedakan struktur teks, - Lembar - Kunci
fungsisosial, dan unsur Penilaian Jawaban
kebahasaan padateks deskriptif
sederhana tentangtempat. Pengetahuan


2. Merangkum isi teks deskriptif - Lembar - Rubrik

dengan bahasa sendiri secara Penilaian Penilaian
kontekstual terkait fungsi Keterampilan
sosial,struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks deskriptif (Text
tentangtempat. Summarizing)

3. Menulis teks deskriptif - Lembar - Rubrik

sederhanatentang tempat dengan Penilaian Penilaian
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, Keterampilan
struktur teks, dan unsur (Text
kebahasaan teks deskripsi Construction)
secarabenar sesuai konteks
Mr Budi | 16

A. Lembar Penilaian Penilaian Pengetahuan

Text 1
Borobudur Temple
Borobudur is a Buddhist temple. It was built in the ninth century under
Sailendra dynasty of ancient Mataram kingdom. Borobudur is located in Magelang,
Central Java, Indonesia.
Borobudur is well-known all over the world. Its construction is influenced by
the Gupta architecture of India. The temple is constructed on a hill 46 meter high
and consists of eight steps like stone terrace. The first five terraces are square and
surrounded by walls adorned with Buddhist sculpture in bas-relief. The upper three
are circular. Each of them is with a circle of bell shape-stupa. The entire upper
structure is crowned by a large stupa at the center of the top circle. The way to the
summit extends through some 4.8 km of passage and stairways.
The design of Borobudur symbolizes the conception of universe in Buddhist
cosmology. It is believed that the universe is divided into three spiritual spheres,
kamadhatu, rupadhatu, and arupadhatu. The first sphere, kamadhatu, represents
respectively the sphere of desires where we are bound to our desires; the second
sphere, rupadhatu, represents forms where we abandon our desires but are still
bound to name and form; and the last sphere, arupadhatu, represents formlessness
where there is no longer either name or form. Borobudur temple which is
rededicated as an Indonesian monument in 1983 is a valuable treasure for
Indonesian people.
To sum up, Borobudur is an outstanding historical place which is beyond
our logical thinking. With its magnificent size and architecture, no wonder that
Borobudur Temple includes 7 wonders of the world.

Text 2
Mount Merapi
Mount Merapi is an active stratovolcano located on the border between
Central Java and Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It is the most active volcano in Indonesia
and has erupted regularly since 1548. It is located approximately 28 kilometers (17
mi) north of the large Yogyakarta city, and thousands of people live on the flanks of
the volcano, with villages as high as 1,700 meters (5,600 ft.) above sea level.
Smoke can be seen emerging from the mountaintop at least 300 days a year, and
several eruptions have caused fatalities. Pyroclastic flow from a large explosion
killed 27 people on 22 November in 1994, mostly in the town

Mr Budi | 17
of Muntilan, west of the volcano. Another large eruption occurred in 2006, shortly
before the Yogyakarta earthquake. In light of the hazards that Merapi poses to
populated areas, it has been designated as one of the Decade Volcanoes.
On 25 October 2010 the Indonesian government raised the alert for Mount
Merapi to its highest level and warned villagers in threatened areas to move to safer
ground. People living within a 20 km (12 mi) zone were told to evacuate. Officials
said about 500 volcanic earthquakes had been recorded on the mountain over the
weekend of 23–24 October, and that the magma had risen to about 1 kilometer (3,300
ft.) below the surface due to the seismic activity. On the afternoon of 25 October 2010
Mount Merapi erupted lava from its southern and southeastern slopes.
The mountain was still erupting on 30 November 2010 however due to
lowered eruptive activity on 3 December 2010 the official alert status was reduced
to level 3. The volcano is now 2930 meters high, 38 meters lower than before the
2010 eruptions.

1. Read the texts entitled ‘Borobudur Temple’ and ’Mount Merapi’ and please
contrast the texts in terms of generic structure, social function, and language
feature of the descriptive text.
Texts/ Borobudur Temple Mount Merapi




Mr Budi | 18
B. Lembar Penilaian Keterampilan
1. Please write a summary about one of the descriptive texts by using your own
words in 5 – 7 sentences.

2. Writing a Descriptive Text

1. Please a descriptive text based on the topic, Atuh Beach. 2. Write a
short descriptive text that consists of 15 – 20 sentences. 3. The text
should fullfil the following criteria:
- complete and tidy format,
- correct uses of punctuation and mechanics,
- unified and coherent arrangement of ideas,
- complete generic structure of descriptive text (i.e. an identification,
descriptions and a conclusion), and
- grammatical sentences.
4. You have 45 minutes to finish the text.

Mr Budi | 19

1. Kunci Jawaban Lembar Penilaian Pengetahuan

Read the texts entitled ‘Borobudur Temple’ and Mount Merapi’ and please
contrasting the texts in terms of generic structure, social function, and
language feature of the descriptive text.
Social The social function of The
Texts/ Borobudur Temple Fuction descriptive text entitled desc
Ascpects ’Borobudur Temple’ is enti
togive specific to g
Generic Identification - 1 descriptionabout spec
Structure st
Paragraph historical and ab
tourismplace, Borobudur tou
Temple. Mer
Langua The language features of The
- 2nd Paragraph - 3rd
geFeat thedescriptive text entitled thed
ures ’Mo
’Borobudur Temple’ usin
areusing descriptive des
4th Paragraph
words andthe sentences
are mostly inpresent sent
B. Rubrik Penilaian Lembar Penilaian

1. Please write a summary about one of the descriptive texts by using your own
words in 5 – 7 sentences.
Summarizing Criteria Weight

1. The summary shows precise content of the 50

chosen descriptive text.

2. The summary shows appropriate organization 30

ofdescriptive text.

3. The summary makes use of correct 20


Mr Budi | 20
2. Rubrik Teks Deskriptif
Criteria Max. Act
Score ualS

Format – 5 Points
- There is a title. 1

- The title is centered. 1

- The first line is indented. 1

- There are margins on both sides. 1

- The work is tidy. 1

Total 5

Punctuation and Mechanics – 5 Points

- There is a period after every sentence. 1

- Capital letters are used correctly. 1

- Commas and other punctuations are used correctly. 1

- The spellings are correct. 2

Total 5

Content – 25 Points

- The text fits the assignment. 5

- The text provides unified sentences. 10

- The text flows smoothly or coherently. 10

Total 25

Organization – 40 Points

- The text begins with a crystal clear identification 10

aboutthe object to be described.

- The text describes the object in vivid detail and 25

spatialorder so that the reader can easily imagine or
picturethe object in their five senses.

- The text ends with an appropriate concluding 5


Total 40
Grammar and Sentence Structure – 25 Points

Estimate a grammar and sentence structure score 25

Grand Total 100

Mr Budi | 21

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