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SL NO:1 VOL NO: 5 16 MARCH,2011 Compiled by : Harsha Raj Gatty

About Global News Flow Global newsflow and media

Global news flow is a process for any news media to report It must also be taken to note that The media baron and conglomer-
of broadcasting information stories from any corner of the while even today media proclaims ates that have control over news
through various channels of world by employing freelance itself to be the agencies
media re- fourth estate or and other
t o - the watch dog n e w s
wards of society; it mediums
its tar- would be super- have ab-
get au- ficial for media solute
dience. analysts to vali- control
T h e date this claim. over flow
audi- Since media of infor-
ence today is less of a m a ti o n .
can be watchdog and W h i l e
based more an ex- these con-
out of tended arm to glomer-
India, the corporate, a t e s
China, Australia, America, Rus- porters, stringers, independ- political and support
sia or any part of the world yet ent agencies etc. The news other vested interest. news story in agreement with
the information directly influ- flows around the world It won’t be surprising to note that their own political or economic
ences their action or the deci- through different channels ei- the news stories reported all over views, they launch as series of
sion process. ther from news agencies such the world carry similar positive or negative campaign to those op-
With the advancement of In- as Press Trust of India, Xinhua negative connotation along with posed to it. For instance: the fox
formation Communication or through other electronic it. This is because today media group in 2009 was charged for re-
technology such as the inter- media like television, radio, grown at a mammoth proportion sorting to blackmail techniques
net and other electronic de- newspapers etc. beyond nation, geography, gov- for obtaining latest information in
vices, news media and their ernments or any other institution. high governmental departments
information network have in- This has made media an omnis- in US and UK.
creased their output capacity cient self-styled autonomous
by fourfold. It is today possible body.

Global newsflow and opinion leadership

While all over the world the filiates and subordinates world violation of freedom of expres- have been regarded as the new
news media may have access to over follow suit blindly. For ex- sion was simple tagged as em- method of journalism was dis-
same news worthy story missed as unethical
such as: earthquake in practice by the same
Japan, Wikileaks, LTTE, Pak- major media houses
istan and Terrorism etc, it is who earlier hailed the
the stand or the perspective daring acts of Wikileaks
taken by the media on these initially.
stories that formulates opin- The audience from
ion towards the matter one region to another
among its readers. For in- may be a victim of cul-
stance, while Asian media tural shock over the in-
speaks of Japanese environ- consistency in story
mental turmoil from possi- telling format of differ-
ble natural repercussion in ent news agencies or
their respective countries, news media. For exam-
American media may point ple: a non critical Pak-
out on the loss of its busi- istan’s justification on
ness interest in the region. ample, CNN and BBC coverage bedded journalism that became terrorism in the media may be a
Moreover there is ample evi- over war in Iraq remained silent an accepted norm in journalism cultural shock for an Indian
dence to establish that major on the violation of press free- all over world. viewer who is fed a constant
news channels and agencies dom in Afghanistan by the in- While what should have been as diet of Anti-Pakistan news in his
around the world undertake vading forces and the matter a celebrated act of whistle blow- home country.
agenda setting and rest of its af- was never in open forum. This ing by the Wikileaks that should

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