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Kuliah Pepindahan Massa 2015: #01-Pendahuluan Absorpsi

Chapter · October 2015

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2728.2646


0 2,792

1 author:

Setijo Bismo
University of Indonesia


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Capita Selecta on Natural Zeolite in South Lampung: Clinoptilolite View project

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Perpindahan Massa

(Kuliah Pendahuluan - 2015)

Setijo Bismo – DTK FTUI
Garis Besar Topik Pembahasan

• Pendahuluan Absorpsi
• Prinsip-prinsip Dasar Absorpsi
• Contoh-contoh Aplikasi di Industri
• Kesetimbangan Gas-Cair
• Operasi Satuan untuk Absorpsi Gas:
a). Kolom Isian (Packed Tower)
b). Kolom Talam (Tray Column, Plate Column)
• Perpindahan Massa di antara Fasa
• Peristiwa ABSORPSI ¨ di antara GAS dan CAIRAN.
• Fluida yang meng-ABSORPSI: CAIRAN ¨ ABSORBEN
• Fluida yang di-ABSORPSI: GAS ¨ ABSORBAT
• ABSORBAT (solutes) mengalami ABSORPSI dari fasa
GAS ke fasa CAIRAN.
• ABSORPSI tidak merusak (secara kimiawi) fasa GAS.
• Sederhananya: peristiwa perpindahan (massa) gas
KONTAMINAN menuju cairan (absorben).
• DESORPSI (Stripping) adalah peristiwa kebalikan dari
Pendahuluan: Skematis Sistem Absorpsi-Desorpsi
Pendahuluan: Garis Operasi dan Kesetimbangan Absorpsi

Bawah Menara
0,01 (Tower Bottom)

Garis Operasi
(Operating Line)
Garis Kesetimbangan
(Equilibrium Line)

Puncak Menara
(Tower Top) 0,01 0,02 0,03 0,04
Pendahuluan: Garis Operasi dan Kesetimbangan Absorpsi-Desorpsi



0,4 Theoretical

0,3 Equilibrium curve

P (X F , Y1 )

0,15 Operating Line


Q ( X n , Yn+1 ( = Ys ) )
0,0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,3 0,35 0,4
Pendahuluan: Garis Operasi dan Kesetimbangan Absorpsi-Desorpsi
Prinsip-prinsip Dasar
Jenis Cairan Pengontak (ABSORBEN) yang dipilih
bergantung pada:
1. KELARUTAN Absorbat (gas kontaminan)
di dalam cairan pengontak yang dipilih.
¨ Air: NH3, Asam Asetat, Aseton
¨ Heksana: Bahan organik (herbal, FG)

2. Reaktivitas Kimiawi antara gas dan cairan.

¨ Larutan Basa/Soda: gas asam, HCl, SO2
¨ Menghasilkan GARAM
Aplikasi Industri
1. Absorpsi SO2 dalam gas buang menggunakan
larutan alkali.
2. Hidrogenasi minyak sayur di industri makanan.
¨ gas H2 digelembungkan ke dalam minyak ¨ absorpsi
3. Penyingkiran gas CO2 dari SynGas dengan cara
mengabsorsinya dengan larutan K2CO3 panas,
MEA, MDEA, DEA, TEA, atau campurannya (di
industri pupuk/ammonia).
4. Absorpsi (CH3)2S (dimetil sulfida) di dalam industri
Tentang Kesetimbangan Gas-Cair (1/3)

• Sebagai contoh: sistem SO2-udara-air.

• Sejumlah gas SO2, udara dan air ditempatkan
dalam suatu kontainer (“kontaktor) tertutup dan
dikocok terus berulang-kali pada suhu tertentu
sampai tercapai keadaan kesetimbangan.
• Kemudian, sampel gas dan cairan di atas dianalisis
untuk menentukan “tekanan parsial” (pA) dari gas
SO2 dalam campuran gas dan “fraksi mol” (xA) zat
terlarut (kita sebut absorbat atau solute) di dalam
cairan (kita sebut absorben).
Tentang Kesetimbangan Gas-Cair (2/3)
• Plot kurva kesetimbangannya adalah sbb:

Kesetimbangan Sistem SO2-Air pada suhu 293 K (20 ºC)

Tentang Kesetimbangan Gas-Cair (3/3)

• Relasi kesetimbangan antara pA (fasa gas) dan xA (fasa cair) dapat

dinyatakan dalam suatu Persamaan garis lurus yang dikenal
sebagai Hukum Henry pada konsentrasi rendah:

pA = H xA
dengan H = konstanta Hukum Henry (frasi-mol gas/fraksi-mol cairan)
Data Kesetimbangan Lainnya...

Beberapa data kesetimbangan dengan air untuk gas-

gas lainnya yang banyak digunakan di industri proses
dapat disajikan berikut ini..
Sumber: Appendix A.3 (Geankoplis, Transport Process and Separation Process
Principles, 4th ed., Prentice Hall)
Sistem Absorpsi

Perancangan dan atau Rancang-bangun dari

Sistem Pemroses Absorpsi (Peralatan),
umumnya melibatkan dua hal berikut ini:

1. Kolom atau Menara Isian (Packed Bed

Column or Packed Tower)
2. Kolom Talam (Tray or Plate Column)
Peralatan paling umum yang digunakan dalam operasi absorpsi
gas adalah MENARA ISIAN
OTK #1: Morfologi Menara Isian
Di dalam Peralatan Menara Isian terdapat:
1. Kolom slindris atau MENARA
2. Inlet gas inlet dan “spasi distributor” di
bagian bawah menara
3. Inlet cairan (ABSORBEN) dan
distributor di bagian atas menara
4. Keluaran-keluaran gas dan cairan
berturut-turut pada bagian atas dan
bawah menara
5. Isian (packing) menara – terdiri dari
sekumpulan padatan inert dengan
bentuk tertentu.
OTK #1: Morfologi Menara Isian
OTK #1: Kolom Isian di Laboratorium
Apa itu di dalam Kolom Isian?

• Inlet Cairan - ABSORBEN atau PELARUT (solvent ) atau weak liquor

yang dimasukkan di bagian atas menara dan
distribusikan secara merata
- pendistribusian dilakukan menggunakan distributor
yang berada di bagian atas isian.
- “membasahi” secara merata (uniform) permukaan isian
• Distributor - sekumpulan (set) pipa-pipa berlubang (Fig. 18.1)
- dapat berupa “spray nozzles” dalam suatu menara
• Inlet Gas - masuk di bagian bawah menara melalui bagian “spasi
distribusl”, yang letaknya tepat di bawah isian
- mengalir ke atas (upward) menembus isian (packing)
berlawanan arah (countercurrent) dengan aliran cairan.
• The packing - provides a large area of contact between
the liquid and gas
- encourage intimates contact between the

• Common dumped packings is shown in Figure 18.2.

• Hollow or irregular packing units – high void spaces
• Intalox saddles – the shape prevents pieces from nesting
closely together
- Increases the bed porosity

• Porosity or void fraction: 60 – 90%

• 3 principal types:
i) dumped packings, (0.25 – 3 inch)
ii) stacked packings, (2 – 8 inch)
iii) structured/ordered packings.

• Made from: plastic, metal or ceramic

Structured Packing

Ceramic Intalox Saddle Packing

Contact between liquid & gas

• Good contact between liquid & gas is the hardest to meet

esp. in large tower
• Channeling – occur at low liquid rates
- some of the packing surface dry
- chief reason for the poor performance
- severe in tower filled with stacked packings
- less severe in dumped packings
- can be minimized by having the ratio of tower
diameter to packing diameter, 8:1
• Occur in countercurrent flow towers

Inlet gas flow rate is too high

It interferes with the downward flow of the

solvent liquid.

Cause an upward flow of the liquid through the

• Most absorbers are designed to operate at no
more than 70% of maximum gas velocity that can
cause flooding.

• Factors that may lead to flooding:

1. high inlet gas flow rates
2. low liquid circulation rates
3. small diameter towers
Pressure Drop & Limiting Flow rates
• Figure 18.4 shows typical data for the pressure
drop in a packed tower.

• Pressure drop is due to fluid friction

• Pressure drop - common way of determining if

flooding is occuring / something else goes wrong
inside the absorber.

• The graph is plotted on logarithmic coordinates

for ΔP (inches H20/ft packing) versus the gas
flow rate, Gy (lb/ft2.h)
Loading & Flooding Point
• Point K is the loading point
• Point L is the flooding point
for the given liquid flow.
• Loading point is a point
where liquid hold up starts to
increase and caused a
change in the slope of the
pressure drop
• Flooding point is a point
where the gas velocity will
result in the pressure drop
start to become almost
vertical. Liquid rapidly
accumulates, the entire
column filled with liquid.
Unit operation 2: PLATE COLUMN
• Plate Column absorbers distribute a contacting liquid
over plates situated one above the other.

• The contacting liquid flows downward through the

column from one plate to the other in a stepwise

• The inlet gas rises through each plate through openings

in the plate and comes into contact with the liquid.

• Usually, a layer of foam and froth is formed above each

plate resulting from the mixing of liquid and gas.
• The gas not absorbed rises through the foam layer to
the next plate for another stage of absorption.

• Plate column absorbers result in a high removal

efficiency since there are multiple stages of contact
between liquid and gas.

• More expensive than packed bed towers.

• The advantages of plate columns are usually not

justified in small operations where a packed bed tower
will suffice.
• Plate columns have certain advantages over
packed bed towers:
a) plate columns can handle high gas flow rates
accompanied by a low liquid flowrate with little
chance of flooding.
b) little chance for channeling inside of a plate
column compared to a packed bed tower.
c) sediment build-up often can be easily removed
in plate column absorbers (packed bed towers
are harder to clean).
Prinsip Absorpsi dalam Pengelolaan

¨¨,¨¨ /120 §§+§§

Konvensional dan Non-Konvensional ¨ OTK

Setijo Bismo
PerMas – 2015

eBook: Principles of Chemical Separations with Environmental Applications

General Purposes:

Unit Operation in Pollution Prevention

(Environmental Separation)

Based upon sources of pollution and the nature of polluted sites (air, land, or
water), environmental separations can be categorized as follows.
#1. Clean up of existing pollution problems
z surface water contamination: (a). organics, (b). anorganics, (c). metals, etc.
z groundwater contamination: (a). organics, (b). metals, etc.)
z airborne pollutants: (a). SOx, (b). NOx, (c). CO, etc.)
z soil clean-up: (a). solvent contamination, (b). heavy metals, etc.)
z continuing discharges to the environment: (a). automobiles, (b). industrial
processes (chemical, nuclear, electronics, engineering, etc.).
General Purposes:

Unit Operation in Pollution Prevention

(Environmental Separation)

#2. Pollution prevention

z chemically benign processing:
(a). hybrid processing,
(b). use of water instead of hydrocarbon/fluorocarbon solvents,
(c). alternative chemical synthesis routes
z use of separation steps:
(a). reduction in downstream processing steps, (b).
(b). eliminate solvent use (membranes instead of extraction, for example),
(c). eliminate purge streams (internally remove contaminants so purge
stream is not needed),
(d). recovery and recycle instead of discharge (organics, water).
Hierarchy for Pollution Prevention in Environmental Engineering

Figure [#01] below portrays a hierarchy for pollution prevention in Environmental Engineering.
It is apparent that the difficulty of implementation decreases from top to bottom. Note that, the
first four approaches on the hierarchy involve chemical separations (mass transfer operations).

The Chemical Manufacturers Association has published a strategy for addressing pollution
minimization or elimination in chemical processing facilities very similar to Figure below. They
suggest, in priority order:
1. Source reduction ¨ Process changes to eliminate the problem. These process changes can include:
z Reducing by-product formation through changes in processing and/or catalyst usage. This step can
include changes in raw materials used.
z Better process control to minimize processing variations which lead to additional discharges.
z New processing flowsheets to minimize unwanted product generation and/or release.
2. Recycle ¨ If source reduction is not feasible, then recycle:
z within the process
z within the plant
z off-site.
3. Treatment ¨ Post-process waste treatment prior to discharge to minimize the environmental impact.

Some recent researches and observations describe more than 50 pollution prevention strategies that do not
require large investment costs.
The Role of Chemical Separations in Industries

¾ The use of chemical separations is already very

important in many industries.

¾ Many industries include: biotechnology, metals

recovery and purification, fuels, chemical
processing plants and feedstocks, municipal
sewage treatment, and microelectronics.

¾ For these and other industries, the efficiency of

the separation steps is often the critical factor
in the final cost of the product.
In Pollution Prevention
Separations as Unit Operations
The Constraints

• The separation cost is often related directly to the

degree of dilution for the component of interest in
the initial mixture.
• This cost includes the fact that most separations
use 50 times the minimum energy requirement
based on the ideal thermodynamic requirements.
• To put the energy consumption in perspective, the
chemical and petroleum refining industries in the
US consume approximately 2.9 million barrels per
day of crude oil in feedstock conversion.
• One method to visualize this cost factor is with the
Sherwood plot shown in Figure [#2] below.
The Constraints
One method to visualize this cost factor is with the Sherwood plot shown in Figure [#2] below.

Figure [#2]. Sherwood plot. Reproduced with permission of National Academy Press.
This log–log plot shows that there is a reasonable correlation between the initial concentration of a solute
in a mixture and its final price. For environmental applications, this correlation would translate to the cost
of removal and/or recovery of a pollutant based on its initial concentration.
Remember: view of Separation Processes

‰ Separation processes (environmental separ-

ations) can apply to the clean-up of existing pro-
blems as well as pollution prevention.
‰ The cost of separations is directly related to the
degree of dilution in the feed stream.
‰ The three primary functions of separation pro-
cesses are purification, concentration, and
‰ Separations use thermodynamic equilibrium-
and/or mass transfer (rate-) based analysis.
Sulphur Problems in Industries

Our principal sources of energy – fossil fuels – are all contaminated to

some extent with sulfur compounds. When these fuels are burned,
the sulfur compounds are burned to sulfur oxides, which are emitted
to the atmosphere in the flue gas. In the atmosphere, these oxides are
converted into the sulfur acids that are a principal cause of acid rain.

Separations technology plays a critical role in limiting sulfur-oxide

pollution from sulfur-bearing fossil fuels. This technology is
sufficiently advanced that there are no inherent technological limits
to removing more than 95 percent of the sulfur present in natural
gas, crude oil, and coal – many processes exist for accomplishing
this before, during, or after combustion. The principal barriers to
nearly complete sulfur removal are cost and practicality.
Sulphur in Mineral Fossil (Fuels) Industries (#1)

1. Natural Gas.
The principal sulfur contaminant of natural gas is another gas –
hydrogen sulfide. Because it is extremely toxic, civil authorities
have long forbidden significant levels of this compound in
natural-gas pipelines. Hydrogen sulfide is removed from natural
gas by a variety of commercial processes including reaction
with aqueous solutions of oxidants, absorption into aqueous
solutions of bases, distillation, and selective permeation through
membranes. The end product of these processes is elemental
sulfur, which can be sold and, in some cases, is worth more
than the co-produced natural gas. In 1984, about 24,000 tons
(24 million kilograms) of sulfur was produced from natural-gas
wells in the United States.
Sulphur in Mineral Fossil (Fuels) Industries (#2)

2. Petroleum.

Sulfur can also be recovered from crude oil with technology

that relies on the reaction of hydrogen with sulfur-containing
compounds in crude oil (hydrodesulfurization) and permits
modern refiners to turn 3 percent sulfur crudes into liquid
product with no more than 0.5 percent sulfur. About 26,000
tons of saleable by-product sulfur was produced from crude
oil in 1983.
Sulphur in Mineral Fossil (Fuels) Industries (#3)

3. Coal.

Coal can be partially desulfurized before combustion. Washing

and magnetic separation are effective in reducing the content
of iron sulfide, the principal inorganic sulfur contaminant, by
up to 50 percent or somewhat higher. However, there are also
organic sulfur compounds in coal, and a feasible means of
removing them has not yet been found. Accordingly,
combustion of coal produces a flue gas that contains
significant amounts of sulfur oxides, which must be removed
from the gas if sulfur pollution is to be minimized.
Sulphur Removal Devices in Industries
Flue-gas scrubbers are proven but expensive separation devices for
removing sulfur from combustion gases.
The new dry-scrubber technology removes about 90% of the sulfur in a
flue gas by contact with a lime slurry in a specially designed combination
spray dryer and reactor. The reaction product is a dry calcium sulfate–
sulfite mix that is environmentally benign.
Larger users favor the wet-scrubber technology, which is capable of
removing up to 90 percent of the sulfur with a lime slurry in a contactor
Separations technology has made a substantial contribution to reducing
the sulfur pollution problem associated with the burning of fossil fuels.
The principal barrier to further alleviation of this problem is economic and
will respond to improved technology gained through further research and
development [1].
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