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S.No. Experiment Date

To carry out analysis of 22 factorial design for given data using
1 Yates’ method.
To carry out analysis of 23 factorial design for given data using
2 Yates’ method.
To carry out analysis of 32 factorial design for given data using
3 Yates’ method.
To carry out analysis of 33 patially confounded factorial design
4 for given data using grouping method.
To carry out analysis of 24 completely confounded factorial
5 design for given data using grouping method.
To carry out analysis of 24 factorial design for given data using
6 grouping method.
To carry out analysis of two way classified data and to test for
the additivity of blocks and treatment effects using Tuckey's
7 Test for non-addtivity.
8 To carry out analysis of three way clssified data.

Treatment Blocks
Ti Ti2
combinations 1 2 3 4
1 23 26 29 28 106 11236
k 25 36 20 31 112 12544
p 22 40 20 24 106 11236
kp 38 38 30 34 140 19600
Bj 108 140 99 117 464 54616
Bj2 11664 19600 9801 13689 54754

N = 16
C.F.= 13456
RSS = 14116
TSS = 660
Block SS= 232.5
Treatment SS= 198
Error SS= 229.5

Yates' table For Sum of squares Due To Different Treatment Combinatons:

Total 1 2 Effect Total SS
1 106 218 464 G 13456
k 112 246 40 [K] 100
p 106 6 28 [P] 49
kp 140 34 28 [KP] 49


Fcal Ftab
Sources of error d.f. SS MSS
5% 1%
Blocks 3 232.5 77.5 3.039215686 3.86 6.99
Treatments 3 198 66 2.588235294 3.86 6.99
K 1 100 100 3.921568627 5.12 10.56
P 1 49 49 1.921568627 5.12 10.56
KP 1 49 49 1.921568627 5.12 10.56
Error 9 229.5 25.5
Total 15 660

HoB : Blocks effects are the same

HoT : Treatments effects are the same
From above table we conclude that:
1) Ftab >Fcal for blocks. So HoB is rejected at 5% and 1% level of significance.
Thus, Block effects differ significantly.

2) Ftab >Fcal for Treatments. So HoT is rejected at 5% and 1% level of significance.

Thus, Treatment effects differ significantly.

Treatment Blocks
Ti Ti2
combinations 1 2 3 4
1 101 106 87 131 425 180625
n 106 89 128 103 426 181476
k 265 272 279 302 1118 1249924
nk 291 306 334 272 1203 1447209
p 312 324 323 324 1283 1646089
np 373 338 324 361 1396 1948816
kp 391 407 423 445 1666 2775556
nkp 450 449 471 437 1807 3265249
Bj 2289 2291 2369 2375 9324 12694944
Bj2 5239521 5248681 5612161 5640625 21740988

N = 32
C.F. = 2716780.5
RSS = 3182118
TSS= 465337.5
Block SS= 843
Treatment SS= 456955.5
Error SS= 7539

Yates' table For Sum of squares Due To Different Factors

Combinations Total 1 2 3 Effect Total SS

1 425 851 3172 9324 G 2716780.5

n 426 2321 6152 340 [N] 3612.5
k 1118 2679 86 2264 [K] 160178
nk 1203 3473 254 112 [NK] 392
p 1283 1 1470 2980 [P] 277512.5
np 1396 85 794 168 [NP] 882
kp 1666 113 84 -676 [KP] 14280.5
nkp 1807 141 28 -56 [NKP] 98


Sources of Fcal Ftab

d.f. SS MSS
Blocks 3 843 281 0.782729805 F3,21(0.05) = 3.70
Treatments 7 456955.5 65279.35714 181.8366494 F7,21(0.05) =2.50
N 1 3612.5 3612.5 10.06267409 F1,21(0.05) = 4.32
K 1 160178 160178 446.178273 F1,21(0.05) = 4.32
NK 1 392 392 1.091922006 F1,21(0.05) = 4.32
P 1 277512.5 277512.5 773.0153203 F1,21(0.05) = 4.32
NP 1 882 882 2.456824513 F1,21(0.05) = 4.32
KP 1 14280.5 14280.5 39.77855153 F1,21(0.05) = 4.32
NKP 1 98 98 0.272980501 F1,21(0.05) = 4.32
Error 21 7539 359
Total 31 465337.5

HoB : Blocks effects are the same

HoT : Treatments effects are the same

From above table we conclude that:

1) Ftab >Fcal for blocks. So HoB is accepted at 5% level of significance.
Thus, Block are homogeneous.

2) Ftab <Fcal for Treatments. So HoT is rejected at 5% level of significance.

Thus, Treatment differ significantly.
From variance ratio, we see that,
Treatment effects of N are homogeneous
Treatment effects of K are homogeneous
Treatment effects of P are homogeneous
Treatment effects of NP are homogeneous

Treatment Replicates
Ti Ti2
combinations 1 2 3
00 236 213 270 719 516961
10 240 293 233 766 586756
20 271 233 258 762 580644
01 160 269 278 707 499849
11 284 240 300 824 678976
21 300 209 209 718 515524
02 259 282 191 732 535824
12 226 266 182 674 454276
22 189 226 226 641 410881
Bj 2165 2231 2147 6543 4779691
B j 4687225 4977361 4609609 14274195

Here we want to test the hypothesis,

H01 : The Blocks do not differ significantly. against the alternative

H11: the blocks effects are different.

H02 : the treatment effects are the same. against the alternative

H12 : The treatments differ significantly.

N = 27
C.F.= 1585587
RSS = 1622775
TSS = 37188
Block SS= 434.6666667
Treatment SS= 7643.333333
Error SS=

Yates' table For Sum of squares Due To Different Factors

Treatment Combinations Total 1 2 Effect Total SS

a0b0 00 719 2247 6543 G 1585587
a1b0 10 766 2249 -37 AL 76.05555556
a2b0 20 762 2047 -249 AQ 1148.166667
a0b1 01 707 43 -200 BL 2222.222222
a1b1 11 824 11 -134 ALBL 1496.333333
a2b1 21 718 -91 76 AQBL 160.4444444
a0b2 02 732 -51 -204 BQ 770.6666667
a1b2 12 674 -223 -70 ALBQ 136.1111111
a2b2 22 641 25 420 AQBQ 1633.333333


Sources of Fcal Ftab

d.f. SS MSS
Blocks 2 434.6667 217.33335 0.11945495 F12,16(0.05) = 3.63
F28,16(0.05) =2.59
Treatments 8 7643.33326 955.4166575 0.525134542
AL F21,16(0.05) = 4.49
1 76.05556 76.05556 0.041803125
AQ F21,16(0.05) = 4.49
1 1148.1667 1148.1667 0.63107754
BL F21,16(0.05) = 4.49
1 2222.2222 2222.2222 1.221420653
ALBL F21,16(0.05) = 4.49
1 1496.3333 1496.3333 0.822443586
AQBL 1 160.4444 160.4444 0.088186548 F21,16(0.05) = 4.49
BQ F21,16(0.05) = 4.49
1 770.6667 770.6667 0.423588705
ALBQ F21,16(0.05) = 4.49
1 136.1111 136.1111 0.07481201
AQBQ F21,16(0.05) = 4.49
1 1633.3333 1633.3333 0.89774417
Error 16 29110 1819.375
Total 26 37188

Alternative Method for computing Various Sum Of Squares (Method of grouping)

B Group totals
Blocks 0 1 2 I II
A for Factor A
1 236 160 259 655
0 2 213 269 282 764 2158 [A]0
3 270 278 191 739
1 240 284 226 750
1 2 293 240 266 799 2264 [A]1
3 233 300 182 715
1 271 300 189 760
2 2 233 209 226 668 2121 [A]2
3 258 209 226 693
2247 2249 2047
Group totals For factor B [B]0 [B]1 [B]2

[AB]0= 2111 [AB]1= 2114 [AB]2= 2318

[AB2]0= 2184 [AB2]1= 2216 [AB2]2= 2143
Main Effects:
SS(A) = 1224.222222
SS(B) = 2992.888889

Interaction Effects:
SS(AB) = 3128.666667
SS(AB2) = 297.5555556

Sources of Fcal Ftab

error d.f. SS MSS

Blocks 2 434.6667 217.33335 0.007465934 F12,16(0.05) = 3.63

F28,16(0.05) =2.59
Treatments 8 7643.33326 955.4166575 0.032820909
A 2 1224.2222 612.1111 0.02102752 F22,16(0.05) = 3.63

B 2 2992.88889 1496.444445 0.051406542 F22,16(0.05) = 3.63

AB 2 3128.6667 1564.33335 0.053738693 F22,16(0.05) = 3.63

AB2 2 297.55556 148.77778 0.005110882 F22,16(0.05) = 3.63

Error 16 29110.00004 1819.375003
Total 26 37188

From ANOVA table we see that the

tabulated F2,16(0.05) > calculated F1
And tabulated F8,16(0.05) > calculated F2
So, we accept both of the null hypotheses at 5% level of significance.
i.e., treatment effects and block effects do not differ significantly.

Treatment Blocks
Ti Ti2
Combination I II III IV
0000 881 834 1715 2941225
1000 191 257 448 200704
0100 289 178 467 218089
1100 225 370 595 354025
0010 650 494 1144 1308736
1010 183 193 376 141376
0110 188 163 351 123201
1110 135 156 291 84681
0001 1180 1193 2373 5631129
1001 466 890 1356 1838736
0101 298 273 571 326041
1101 420 429 849 720801
0011 1039 1146 2185 4774225
1011 781 775 1556 2421136
0111 238 254 492 242064
1111 350 389 739 546121
Bj 3630 3884 4258 3736 15508 21872290
Bj2 13176900 15085456 18130564 13957696 60350616

Here we want to test the hypothesis,

H01 : The Blocks do not differ significantly. against the alternative
H11: the blocks effects are different. and
H : the treatment effects are the same. against the alternative

H12 : The treatments differ significantly.

N= 32 RSS= 11065808 G= 15508 C.F.= 7515564.5
TSS= 3550243.5 SSB= 28262.5 SST= 14356725.5 SSE= 103645

[A]0= 9298 [A]1= 6210

[B]0= 11153 [B]1= 4355
[C]0= 8374 [C]1= 7134
[D]0= 5387 [D]1= 10121
[AB]0= 9891 [AB]1= 5617
[AC]0= 8088 [AC]1= 7420
[AD]0= 8177 [AD]1= 7331
[BC]0= 7765 [BC]1= 7743
[BD]0= 6334 [BD]1= 9174
[CD]0= 8197 [CD]1= 7311
[ABC]0= 8307 [ABC]1= 7201
[ABD]0= 7720 [ABD]1= 7788
[ACD]0= 7731 [ACD]1= 7777
[BCD]0= 7966 [BCD]1= 7542
Main Effects:
SS(A)= 297992 SS(B)= 1444150.125 SS(C)= 48050 SS(D)= 700336.125
Two Factor Interaction Three Factor Interaction
SS(AB)= 570846.125 SS(BC)= 15.125 SS(ABC)= 38226.125
SS(AC)= 13944.5 SS(BD)= 252050 SS(ABD)= 144.5
SS(AD)= 22366.125 SS(CD)= 24531.125 SS(ACD)= 66.125
SS(BCD)= 5618
Yates' Method:

Treatment Total 1 2 3 4 Effect Total SS

0000 1715 2163 3225 5387 15508 G 7515564.5
1000 448 1062 2162 10121 -3088 A 297992
0100 467 1520 5149 -1967 -6798 B 1444150.125
1100 595 642 4972 -1121 4274 AB 570846.125
0010 1144 3729 -1139 -1979 -1240 C 48050
1010 376 1420 -828 -4819 668 AC 13944.5
0110 351 3741 -739 2103 22 BC 15.125
1110 291 1231 -382 2171 -1106 ABC 38226.125
0001 2373 -1267 -1101 -1063 4734 D 700336.125
1001 1356 128 -878 -177 846 AD 22366.125
0101 571 -768 -2309 311 6922 BD 1497315.125
1101 849 -60 -2510 357 68 ABD 144.5
0011 2185 -1017 1395 223 886 CD 24531.125
1011 1556 278 708 -201 46 ACD 66.125
0111 492 -629 1295 -687 -424 BCD 5618
1111 739 247 876 -419 268


Sources of Fcal Ftab(0.05)

d.f. SS MSS
Blocks 3 28262.5 9420.833333 1.272532844 3.34
A 1 297992 297992 40.25170534 4.6
B 1 1444150.125 1444150.125 195.0706908 4.6
C 1 48050 48050 6.490424044 4.6
D 1 700336.125 700336.125 94.59892662 4.6
AB 1 570846.125 570846.125 77.10787544 4.6
AC 1 13944.5 13944.5 1.883573737 4.6
AD 1 22366.125 22366.125 3.021137054 4.6
BC 1 15.125 15.125 0.002043032 4.6
BD 1 252050 252050 34.04602248 4.6
CD 1 24531.125 24531.125 3.313577597 4.6
ABC 1 38226.125 38226.125 5.163449756 4.6
ABD 1 144.5 144.5 0.019518549 4.6
ACD 1 66.125 66.125 0.008931931 4.6
BCD 1 5618 5618 0.758859569 4.6
Error 14 103645 7403.214286
Total 31 3550243.5
From ANOVA table we see that the
tabulated F3,14(0.05) > calculated F1
So, we accept the null hypotheses at 5% level of significance.
Thus blocks are homogeneous among themselves.
but for main effects A, B, C, D, two factor interaction AB, BD and three factor interaction ABC tabulated
F1,14 (0.05)< calculated F2
So, we reject the null hypotheses for Treatments A, B, C, D, AB, BD, ABC at 5% level of significance.
i.e., treatments effects of A, B, C, D, AB, BD, ABC are significant.

Treatment Blocks
Level Code Ti Ti2
combination 1 2
0000 (1) 7.0737 6.376 13.4497 180.8944301
1000 a 14.707 15.219 29.926 895.565476
0100 b 11.635 12.089 23.724 562.828176
1100 ab 17.273 17.815 35.088 1231.167744
0010 c 10.403 10.151 20.554 422.466916
1010 ac 4.368 4.098 8.466 71.673156
0110 bc 9.36 9.253 18.613 346.443769
1110 abc 13.44 12.923 26.363 695.007769
0001 d 8.561 8.951 17.512 306.670144
1001 ad 16.867 17.052 33.919 1150.498561
0101 bd 13.876 13.658 27.534 758.121156
1101 abd 19.824 19.639 39.463 1557.328369
0011 cd 11.846 12.337 24.183 584.817489
1011 acd 6.125 5.904 12.029 144.696841
0111 bcd 11.19 10.935 22.125 489.515625
1111 abcd 15.653 15.053 30.706 942.858436
Bj 192.2017 191.453 383.6547 10340.55406
B j 36941.49348 36654.25121 73595.74469

Here we want to test the hypothesis,

H01 : The Blocks do not differ significantly. against the alternative

H11: the blocks effects are different. and

H : The treatments differ significantly.

RSS= 5171.60051 G= 383.6547 N= 32 C.F.=

TSS= 571.883984 SST= 570.5605025 SSB= 0.01751724 SSE=

Yates' table For Sum of squares Due To Different Treatment Combinatons:

Combination Total 1 2 3 4 Effect Total
(1) 13.4497 43.3757 102.1877 176.1837 383.6547 G
a 29.926 58.812 73.996 207.471 48.2653 A
b 23.724 29.02 118.428 23.5023 63.5773 B
ab 35.088 44.976 89.043 24.763 30.9827 AB
c 20.554 51.431 27.8403 31.3923 -57.5767 C
ac 8.466 66.997 -4.338 32.185 -64.0873 AC
bc 18.613 36.212 28.336 14.7257 1.5727 BC
abc 26.363 52.831 -3.573 16.257 50.1633 ABC
d 17.512 16.4763 15.4363 -28.1917 31.2873 D
ad 33.919 11.364 15.956 -29.385 1.2607 AD
bd 27.534 -12.088 15.566 -32.1783 0.7927 BD
abd 39.463 7.75 16.619 -31.909 1.5313 ABD
cd 24.183 16.407 -5.1123 0.5197 -1.1933 CD
acd 12.029 11.929 19.838 1.053 0.2693 ACD
bcd 22.125 -12.154 -4.478 24.9503 0.5333 BCD
abcd 30.706 8.581 20.735 25.213 0.2627 ABCD

Sources of Fcal Ftab

d.f. SS MSS
Blocks 1 0.01751724 0.01751724 0.201198998 4.67
Treatments 15 570.560503 38.03736687 436.8884654 2.4
A 1 72.798 72.798 836.1411193 4.67
B 1 126.315 126.315 1450.825098 4.67
C 1 103.596 103.596 1189.879878 4.67
D 1 30.59 30.59 351.3497189 4.67
AB 1 29.998 29.998 344.5501428 4.67
AC 1 128.349 128.349 1474.187155 4.67
AD 1 0.04967 0.04967 0.57049822 4.67
BC 1 0.07729 0.07729 0.8877352 4.67
BD 1 0.01963 0.01963 0.225465674 4.67
CD 1 0.044498 0.044498 0.511093815 4.67
ABC 1 78.63614 78.63614 903.1966553 4.67
ABD 1 0.073277 0.073277 0.841642803 4.67
ACD 1 0.002266 0.002266 0.026026756 4.67
BCD 1 0.008887 0.008887 0.102074042 4.67
ABCD 1 0.0021566 0.0021566 0.024770213 4.67
Error 15 1.30596376 0.087064251
Total 31 571.883984

From above table we conclude that:

1) Ftab >Fcal for blocks. So HoB is accepted at 5% level of significance.
Thus, Block effects are not significant

2) Ftab <Fcal for Treatments. So HoT is rejected at 5% level of significance.

Thus, Treatment effects are significant.
From variance ratio, we see that,
Treatment effects of AD are homogeneous
Treatment effects of BC are homogeneous
Treatment effects of BD are homogeneous
Treatment effects of CD are homogeneous
Treatment effects of ABD are homogeneous
Treatment effects of ACD are homogeneous
Treatment effects of BCD are homogeneous
Treatment effects of ABCD are homogeneous



Null Hypotheses:
Ho: Θ=0
i.e, the the treatments and blocks are additive
Alternative Hypotheses:
H1t: Θ≠0
i.e, the the treatments and blocks are non-additive

Blocks Ti Ti2
1 2 3 4
(1) 24.7 27.3 38.5 28.5 119 14161
(2) 20.6 28.8 39.5 31 119.9 14376.01
(3) 27.7 22.7 36.8 34.9 122.1 14908.41
(4) 16.2 15 19.6 14.1 64.9 4212.01
(5) 16.2 17 15.4 17.7 66.3 4395.69
(6) 24.9 22.5 26.3 22.6 96.3 9273.69
Bj 130.3 133.3 176.1 148.8 588.5 61326.81
B j 16978.09 17768.89 31011.21 22141.44 87899.63

G= 588.5 C.F.= 14430.51042 RSS= 15780.77

TSS= 1350.259583 SST= 901.1920833 SSB= 219.4279167 SSE=

yi1TiB1 yi2TiB2 yi3TiB3 yi4TiB4 Σyij Ti Bj

382990.79 433051.71 806802.15 504655.2 2127499.85

321833.182 460300.896 834018.405 553074.72 2169227.203
440696.751 369463.611 791266.608 634079.952 2235506.922
136994.814 129767.55 224006.244 136165.392 626934
139950.018 150242.43 179801.622 174618.288 644612.358
312442.461 288827.775 446006.709 323845.344 1371122.289
Total ΣΣyij Ti Bj 9174902.622

SΘ2= [Σyij Ti Bj - G{SSB + SST + C.F.}]2 / pq * SSB*SST


Sources of Fcal Ftab

d.f. SS MSS
Blocks 3 219.43 73.14333333 8.709755693 -
Treatments 5 901.19 180.238 21.4623654 -
Non additivity 1 112.0695038 112.0695038 13.34500295 F1,15= 4.67
Error 14 117.5700792 8.3978628
Total 23 1350.259583
since tabulated F1,15(0.05) < calculated F
So we can not reject null hypotheses H o at 5% level of significance
And so we conclude that treatment effects and block effects are additive.

To determine the sum of squares for different components we have following three tables:

Machine Flour S i2
Setting 1 2 3 4 5
A 23.1 24.2 31.7 18.1 38 135.1 18252.01
B 22.3 25.7 33.6 14.7 38.1 134.4 18063.36
C 22.2 24.5 33.3 8.6 36.2 124.8 15575.04
Total(Fi) 67.6 74.4 98.6 41.4 112.3 394.3 51890.41
Fj 4569.76 5535.36 9721.96 1713.96 12611.29 34152.33

Flour Total (Fok) Fok2

1 2 3 4 5
S 28.6 8.4 37.7 10.7 40.3 125.7 15800.49
B 39 66 60.9 30.7 72 268.6 72145.96
S+B 67.6 74.4 98.6 41.4 112.3 394.3 87946.45
S-B -10.4 -57.6 -23.2 -20 -31.7 -142.9
(S-B)2 108.16 3317.76 538.24 400 1004.89 5369.05

Formula Flour Total

S 42.4 43.8 39.5 125.7
B 92.7 90.6 85.3 268.6
S+B 135.1 134.4 124.8 394.3
S-B -50.3 -46.8 -45.8 -142.9
(S-B)2 2530.09 2190.24 2097.64 6817.97

G= 394.3 RSS= 6618.43 C.F.= 5182.416333

TSS= 1436.013667 SS(settingsXformula)= 1.116666667
SS(Flours)= 509.6386667 SS(formulaXflour)= 214.1613333
SS(Settings)= 6.624666667 SS(settingsXflour)= 19.6
SS(Formula)= 680.6803333 SS(settingsXformulaxflour)= 4.19

ANOVA Table:

Sources of Fcal Ftab

error d.f. SS MSS

Flours 4 509.64 127.41 243.1 3.84

Formulas 1 680.68 680.68 1299 5.32
Settings 2 6.62 3.31 6.31 4.46
Flour x settings 8 19.6 2.45 4.68 3.44
Flour x formula 4 214.16 53.54 102.2 3.84
Formula x Settings 2 1.12 0.56 1.07 4.46
FlourxSettingsxFormula 8 4.19 0.52375
Total 29 1436.01

combinations 1 2 3 4 total total-1
000 115 106 105 87 413 298
001 79 105 113 97 394 1298 315
002 121 117 129 124 491 370
100 115 81 96 79 371 256
101 75 121 110 126 432 1282 357
102 93 117 139 130 479 386
010 93 105 79 109 386 293
011 58 108 116 116 398 1256 340
012 108 114 118 132 472 364
110 108 109 106 89 412 304
111 89 108 116 112 425 1277 336
112 110 114 95 121 440 330
200 76 106 87 122 391 315
201 101 58 89 129 377 1212 276
202 103 98 122 121 444 341
210 118 112 118 86 434 316
211 87 98 112 132 429 1293 342
212 112 75 130 113 430 318
020 113 117 100 123 453 340
021 120 38 108 101 367 1280 247
022 121 111 110 118 460 339
120 95 117 82 117 411 316
121 117 86 118 87 408 1264 291
122 86 97 141 121 445 359
220 99 73 104 95 371 272
221 95 114 86 117 412 1215 317
222 86 120 96 130 432 346

Treatment Totals from all Replication

Groups Totals Squares
do d1 d2 total [DPN]0 2885 8323225
p0 1298 1282 1212 3792 [DPN]1 2779 7722841
p1 1256 1277 1293 3826 [DPN]2 3020 9120400
p2 1280 1264 1215 3759 8684 25166466
n0 1252 1194 1196 3642 [DPN2]0= 2843 8082649
n1 1159 1265 1218 3642 [DPN ]1= 2911 8473921
n2 1423 1364 1306 4093 [DPN ]2= 2898 8398404
p0 p1 p2 8652 24954974
n0 1175 1232 1235 3642 [DP2N2]0= 2759 7612081
n1 1203 1252 1187 3642 [DP2N2]1= 2847 8105409
n2 1414 1342 1337 4093 [DP2N2]2= 2846 8099716
Total[di] 3834 3823 3720 11377 8452 23817206
[DP N]0= 2784 7750656
[DP N]1= 2862 8191044
[DP2N]2= 2697 7273809
8343 23215509

Main effects-
SS(D) = 219.685185
SS(P) = 62.3518519
SS(N) = 3766.68519

2-factor interactions- 3-Factor intractions-

SS(D*P) = 377.537037 SS(DPN)= 1080.76543

SS(D*N)= 1001.53704 SS(DPN2)= 96.5185185
SS(P*N)= 628.703704 SS(DP2N2)= 189.061728
SS(DP N)= 504.666667

Table for Block Totals

Blocks Bj Bj²
1 925 855625
2 844 712336
3 924 853776
4 752 565504
5 1001 1002001
6 972 944784
7 942 887364
8 957 915849
9 1026 1052676
10 964 929296
11 988 976144
12 1082 1170724
11377 11377

N=108 r=4 a=9 b=12

G = 11377 C.F.= 1198482.676 RSS= 2333083
TSS= 1134600.32 SSB= 8859.43519 SSE= 1125740.89

Analysis of Variance Table of a Partially Confounded 3 3-Experiment in Blocks of 9 Plots

Sources of Fcal Ftab(0.05)

d.f. SS MSS
Blocks 11 8859.4352 805.4032 0.050080995 1.86
Treatments 26 7927.51207 304.90431 0.018959338 1.68
D 2 219.6852 109.8426 0.006830153 3.13666667
P 2 62.35185 31.175925 0.001938559 3.13666667
N 2 3766.685 1883.3425 0.117108632 3.13666667
D*P 4 377.537 94.38425 0.005868933 2.56
D*N 4 1001.537 250.38425 0.015569211 2.56
P*N 4 628.7037 157.17593 0.009773399 2.56
DPN 2 1080.7654 540.3827 0.033601683 3.13666667
DPN2 2 96.518519 48.25926 0.003000822 3.13666667
DP2N 2 504.66667 252.33334 0.015690408 3.13666667
DP2N2 2 189.06173 94.530865 0.005878049 3.13666667
Error 70 1125740.89 16082.013
Total 107 1134600.32

Treatment Totals from all Replication

Groups Totals Squares
do d1 d2 total [DPN]0 0 0
p0 1298 1282 1212 3792 [DPN]1 0 0
p1 1256 1277 1293 3826 [DPN]2 0 0
p2 1280 1264 1215 3759 0 0
n0 2.56 3.13666667 6.2733333 11.97000001 [DPN2]0= 0 0
n1 2.56 3.13666667 4.9966667 10.69333334 [DPN2]1= 0 0
n2 2.56 3.13666667 4.8166667 10.51333334 [DPN ]2= 0 0
p0 p1 p2 0 0
n0 0 3.13666667 8.8333333 11.97000001 [DP N ]0= 2 2
0 0
n1 1.86 3.13666667 5.6966667 10.69333334 [DP2N2]1= 0 0
n2 1.68 3.13666667 5.6966667 10.51333334 [DP2N2]2= 0 0
Total[di] 3834 3823 3720 11377 0 0
[DP2N]0= 0 0
[DP N]1= 0 0
[DP N]2= 0 0
0 0
total-2 total-3 total-4
307 308 326
289 281 297
374 362 367
290 275 292
311 322 306
362 340 349
281 307 277
290 282 282
358 354 340
303 306 323
317 309 313
326 345 319
285 304 269
319 288 248
346 322 323
322 316 348
331 317 297
355 300 317
336 353 330
329 259 266
349 350 342
294 329 294
322 290 321
348 304 324
298 267 276
298 326 295
312 336 302

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