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Belajar dari Pandemi Covid 19 Reflection from Covid-19 Pandemic mengelola keuangan dengan bijak. Teknologi juga also developing rapidly because mobility is limited, like
berkembang pesat karena mobilitas dibatasi, mau it or not, our activities are carried out online. Internet
Pandemi Covid 19 sudah hampir 2 tahun berlangsung The Covid-19 pandemic has been going on for almost tidak mau, kegiatan dilakukan secara daring. Internet is increasingly needed, meetings with zoom continue to
di Indonesia. Kita semua mengalami dengan segala 2 years in Indonesia. We have gone through all of the semakin dibutuhkan, rapat dengan zoom terus be intense. As a result, office activities and daily life are
perubahan dan dampak yang ditimbulkan. Kita changes and the impacts. It is not enough for us to just meningkat. Alhasil, aktivitas kantor dan kehidupan integrated, so there are no more office hours, it can be
tidak cukup hanya beradaptasi dengan kehidupan adapt to a new life, but we also need to learn from the sehari-hari menyatu, sehingga tidak ada lagi jam anytime, even at night, because you don’t have to leave
baru namun juga perlu belajar dari Pandemi Covid Covid-19 pandemic. An interesting article (AARP, 2021) kantor, bisa kapan saja, bahkan di malam hari, karena the house, and time runs out on the road. Work can be
19 tersebut. Sebuah artikel menarik (AARP, 2021) mentions several things that can be learned, starting tidak harus keluar rumah, dan waktu habis di jalan. anywhere because it is done online. Likewise, the need
menyebutkan beberapa hal yang bisa dipelajari, with the closest family members, because the Covid-19 Bekerja bisa dimana saja karena dilakukan secara for doctor consultations is increasing with applications
diawali dengan semakin dekatnya antar keluarga, Pandemic has severely restricted mobility, so inevitably daring. Begitu Pula dengan kebutuhan konsultasi that enable patient and doctor communication can be
karena Pandemi Covid 19 membuat mobilitas sangat meeting people at home, who had never been checked- dokter yang semakin meningkat dengan aplikasi yang established without having to meet.
dibatasi, jadi mau tidak mau bertemu dengan orang- in on before, or rarely talked. There is another side to the mampu mewujudkan komunikasi pasien dan dokter
orang di rumah, yang sebelumnya tidak pernah impact of Covid 19, if you live alone, then Covid 19 can bisa terjalin tanpa harus bertemu.
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disapa, atau jarang melakukan pembicaraan. Ada make you lonely, frustrated, and depressed.
sisi lain dampak Covid 19, bila hidup sendirian, maka Belajar dari pandemi Covid 19, kita dipaksa untuk Learning from the Covid-19 pandemic, we are enforced
Covid 19 bisa membuat kesepian, frustasi dan depresi. adaptasi dengan teknologi, mandiri dalam kesehatan, to adapt to technology, be independent in health, be able
mampu bekerja dimanapun dan memiliki waktu to work anywhere, and have abundant time at home
Covid 19 juga membuat pengetahuan dalam bidang Covid-19 also made the knowledge in the field of vaccines berlimpah di rumah untuk belajar pengetahuan dan to learn knowledge and build self-credibility because
vaksin meningkat pesat karena desakan kebutuhan improve rapidly due to the pressing need for rapid membangun kredibilitas diri karena hampir peluang almost all of the online learning opportunities are
agar terjadi herd immunity yang cepat. Kita herd immunity. We are highly concerned with personal belajar daring semakin meningkat dan terfasilitasi. increasing and being facilitated.
semakin care dengan kebersihan dan kesehatan diri hygiene and health due to pressure and regulations
akibat desakan dan aturan dari pemerintah untuk from the government to prevent the transmission of
mencegah penularan Covid 19. Dampak Pandemi Covid-19. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic reminds
Covid 19 mengingatkan agar menjaga keseimbangan us to maintain a balance of life, live a healthier lifestyle,
hidup, menjalani gaya hidup lebih sehat dan mampu and be able to manage finances wisely. Technology is
Membangun pengetahuan menjadi kunci Building Knowledge is the Key to Success PPM tidak berhenti berkarya karena kondisi Pandemi PPM does not stop working because of the Covid-19
keberhasilan Covid 19, tapi PPM belajar dan bisa membuat Pandemic, but PPM learns and can make various
berbagai metode selain metode tatap muka yang methods other than the face-to-face method known
PPM mampu beradaptasi dengan perubahan yang PPM is able to adapt to changes caused by the Covid-19 dikenal selama ini. PPM juga segera meluncurkan so far. PPM will also soon launch “small packaging”
diakibatkan oleh Pandemi Covid 19. PPM belajar Pandemic. PPM has learned to improve health protocols produk-produk “kemasan kecil” dengan jumlah jam products with shorter hours, lighter content, and prices
untuk semakin memperketat protokol kesehatan to protect all stakeholders who contribute to the yang lebih pendek, konten lebih ringan serta harga that are very suitable for those who do not have a lot
(prokes) untuk melindungi semua stakeholder yang development of PPM. The Directorate of Executive yang sangat cocok bagi mereka yang tidak memiliki of funds due to the impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic.
berkontribusi bagi perkembangan PPM. Direktorat Development Services (JPE) is rapidly changing bold dana banyak karena dampak Pandemi Covid 19. Kita We all hope that conditions will improve and there will
Jasa Pengembangan Eksekutif (JPE) secara cepat face-to-face training to meet the market’s need for semua berharap kondisi semakin pulih dan tidak be no more waves of Covid19 next. Let’s continue to be
berhasil mengubah pelatihan-pelatihan tatap muka knowledge. Seminars are also held boldly so that the ada lagi gelombang Covid 19 berikutnya. Mari kita prepared, elastic, adaptable, and not let our guard down.
menjadi daring sehingga mampu terus memenuhi latest information and insights can still be provided, as terus bersiap diri, elastis, adaptasi dan tidak lengah. Spirit!
kebutuhan pasar akan pengetahuan. Seminar well as certification exams are carried out boldly. Semangat !
diselenggarakan juga secara daring sehingga
informasi dan wawasan terkini masih dapat diberikan, Dr. Pepey Riawati Kurnia, MM., CPM., CAC., CODP. Dr. Pepey Riawati Kurnia, MM., CPM., CAC., CODP.
demikian pula dengan ujian sertifikasi dilakukan
secara daring. Direktur Jasa Pengembangan Eksekutif Director of Executive Development Services
PPM Manajemen PPM Manajemen
Persembahan tidak terhenti dari PPM bagi semua The tireless dedication of PPM is given to all of the
insan di Indonesia yang tertarik dalam bidang people in Indonesia who are interested in the field of
manajemen untuk membangun pengetahuan pribadi management to build personal knowledge and contribute
dan berkontribusi maksimal bagi organisasi untuk maximally to the organization for our beloved Indonesia.
Indonesia tercinta. Saat ini, kondisi berangsur- Currently, the condition is still recovering, JPE provides
angsur pulih, JPE tetap memberikan kesempatan a hybrid learning opportunity so that participants cannot
pembelajaran secara hybrid sehingga peserta yang attend. JPE also has online training products to provide
tidak bisa hadir. JPE juga memiliki produk-produk longer self-study opportunities at affordable prices.
online training untuk memberikan kesempatan
belajar mandiri lebih lama dengan harga yang

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128 Effective Leadership

130 Managing People for Productivity

3 TABLE OF CONTENT INNOVATION 81 Human Capital Journey 132 Effective Supervisory Management

134 Strengthening Your Leadership Talent

11 THE PATH OF LEAVES 31 Strategic Transformation & Innovation Journey 82 Designing Management Development
Program (New) 136 Leader as A Coach
32 Lean Canvas: The Simple Business Model
84 Managing Talent Acquisition (New)
11 PPM
138 Leading with Emotional Intelligence
MANAJEMEN 34 Build & Test Minimum Viable Product
86 HR Business Partner (New) 140 Effective Empowering
HISTORY IN BRIEF 36 Managing Organizational Change
88 Managing The Organization’s Talent (New) 142 High Performance Leadership
38 Company Strategic Planning

40 Innovation Strategy
90 Performance Management System

92 Employee Engagement: Key to Your

42 Business Acumen Organization’s Performance
44 Feasibility Study 94 Designing Virtual Training Program
147 Corporate Finance Journey
Managing Business Partnership 96 Designing Training Program
CLASS 148 Projected Financial Statement & Bankruptcy
48 Effective Techniques in Facilitating Change 98 Human Resources Management Prediction (New)
50 Business Model Canvas 102 Designing Competency Model 150 Rolling Forecast in Busgeting

104 Practical Behavior Based Interview

106 Comprehensive Job Analysis

152 Risk Management for Public Sector

154 Finnon : Understanding Financial Statement

55 Marketing & Sales Journey
108 Remuneration Management 156 Finnon : Profit Planning & Capital Budgeting
56 Customer Insight: Understanding Customer
6 Intimately 110 Industrial Relations Conflict Resolution 158 Financial Statement Analysis 7

19 ADVANCED PROGRAM 58 Advance Competitive Marketing Strategy

60 Marketing Management
114 Aligning Performance for Success

116 Competency Based Recruitment & Selection

160 Budgeting

162 Financial Projection & Valuation

20 Directorship Development Program
164 Valuation on Merger & Acquisition

24 Business Essentials for Manager 62 Developing Digital & Social Media Strategies for
Business LEADERSHIP 166 Integrated Risk Management
26 The Essential of Corporate Governance (New)
64 Customer Satisfaction Management 121 Leaders’ Journey
168 Engineering (Fixed) Asset Management
66 Customer Service Orientation Enhancement 122 Agile Leadership (New)
170 Financial Aspects on Feasibility Study
68 Creative Selling Techniques 124 Managing Virtual & Remote Team
174 Internal Audit
70 Effective Sales Negotiation 126 Self Leadership: How To Be An Effective
72 Digital Marketing in Practice

76 Designing Service Blueprint

179 Operations & Project Journey 224 Stress Management to Optimize
Performance (New)
180 Global Supply Chain Management:
Strategic and Practices in Product 226 Mind Mapping for Performance
Distribution Effectiveness (New)

182 FIDIC Contract Management for Project 228 Cultivating Growth Mindset & Learning
Practitioners Agility

184 Production/Operation Management 230 Training for Virtual Trainer

186 Production/Operation Planning & Control 232 Building Effective Interpersonal Skills
188 Supply Chain Management 234 Enhancing Your Personal Effectiveness
190 Inventory Management 236 Effective Business Communication
192 Purchasing Management 238 Powerful Business Presentation
194 Effective Performance Dashboard 240 HR for Non HR Manager
196 Project Management 242 Business Process Mapping
198 Running Your Microsoft Project 244 Report Writing
200 Project Stakeholder Management 246 Designing Standard Operating Procedure
202 Project Procurement and Risk Management
248 KPI: Aligning Organization’s Performance
204 Owner’s Estimate / Harga Perkiraan Sendiri
8 250 Time Management 9
206 Gemba Kaizen: A Basic Continual
Improvement 252 Filing Management


210 Rational Problem Solving

212 Minaut Indonesia - Problem Solving and
Decision Making INFORMATION
214 Strategic Decision Making

216 Design Thinking for Innovation

218 Practical Problem Solving

220 Creative Thinking Techniques

A tree is not simply a plant. The tree will continue to grow its new
leaves. Leaves not only symbolize life but life itself. When the tree
grows with foliage that is shady, new perspectives will be created
on the horizon. The growing of trees gives changes, updates, and
enrichment to its environment.

As an institution that grows and develops, PPM tree also keeps

doing its revitalization in order to become a responsive world-class
organization, but still holds national values and virtues tightly.
Only by that way, PPM Manajemen can continue accompanying its
partners stepping on the growing leaf path and keep developing to
be an organization and an economic agent which has its values and
dignity, because living is not merely being present.

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PPM Manajemen was founded on July 3rd, 1967 or 54 years ago. PPM Manajemen
has been a partner of Indonesian managers and managers-to-be in sharing
experiences of management learning and experience.

As a market-responsible organization with a clear mission, PPM Manajemen strives

to be a pioneer in management through research in Indonesian management
practices. It puts its ideals into action by promoting humanitarian and productive
practices in business and management.

It also enhances management competencies through a never-ending process of

learning, thus enabling PPM Manajemen to provide high-quality service to our

Our Vision Since 1972, PPM Management has provided training packages in almost every aspect of functional management
and managerial skill. With the experience of training 1,7 million participants over the years, PPM Management
PPM Manajemen is a leading management institution in Indonesia and highly regarded in Southeast Asia, which is is supported by around 90 teaching staff who continuously improve and develop reading materials, exercise, case
the prime choice and pride of customers, employees and other stakeholders. studies, and game. To achieve maximum training result, PPM Manajemen conducts its programs support by four
Strategies to achieve the vision:
• Training Staff: There are more than ninety full time staff that have Masters of doctorate degrees in Management
• Providing management services which are up-to-date, application-oriented and relevant from both inside and outside the country. Their continuous involvement in teaching, consultancies, and research,
• Innovating continually innovate while ever focusing on market needs has developed their professional skill.

• High commitment to professionalism • Participative Method: This method, used in our management training, gives interesting and conductive learning
games, or role – plays, in line with the objectives and materials of the training.
• Implementing and advocating corporate social responsibility
• Training Modules/Material: Training materials continuously update according to the development of knowledge
• Developing wide national and international networks and management applications in the real world
• Facilities: to enhance the learning process in the classroom, other than limiting the number of participants to
Our Mission 40 in each program, PPM Manajemen also provides fully equipped and comfortable classrooms, an extensive
Taking part in community development efforts towards achieving a just and prosperous Indonesia through the Management Information Center, a computer laboratory and other supporting facilities.
development and practice of management based on science and socio-cultural values imbued by Pancasila PPM Executive Development Program (PPM EDP) is a public training program with the intent of increasing the
management competencies from various organizations. PPM EDP offers over 80 Training Program —designed
to increase personal & professional organization capacity of management in Indonesia. The training objectives &
PPM Manajemen Integrated Services subjects covered critical and specific topics of management,

• Executive Development Program (Public Training) • PPM School of Management - Bachelor of Accounting
• Certification Management Program
PPM EDP offers 3 delivery methods that
• Seminar, Conference & Publishing • PPM School of Management - Master Program
you can choose according to your needs
• In-house Learning • Management Information Center (Tanoto Library)
Advanced Strategic Decision In-Class Training
• Consulting • PPM Center Cikarang Program Transformation Science
• PPM Center Surabaya & Innovation
12 • HR Assessment 13
• PPM School of Management - Bachelor of Business • PPM Center Makassar
Management Program
Live Virtual Class
Marketing & Leadership Human
Sales Capital

Online Training

Risk & Operational Business

Corporate Excellence Enhancement

Live Virtual Training Program is a real-time training program virtually,

through a web conferencing platform (Zoom Meeting Conference).
Participants are fully immersed and communicate seamlessly with a
subject-matter expert and other participants, in the same way as they would
in face-to-face training/physical classroom.

LIVE VIRTUAL This learning method is highly adaptive, which will increase time efficiency
TRAINING & make cost savings because you can do the learning process in a flexible
place. So, this method is matching for a flexible workforce.

Live Virtual Training Program will deliver by a highly trained virtual team

that facilitated collaboration among the learning group, including formal
OF LEARNING breakouts.

Participants are encouraged to use a Personal Computer / Laptop that has
installed the zoom application

Your Virtual Learning Partner to Accelerate Your

Professional Development

1. The Essential of Corporate Governance 6. Stress Management to Optimize Performance

2. Designing Management Development Program 7. Agile Leadership
3. Managing Talent Acquisition 8. Projected Financial Statement & Bankruptcy Prediction
Practical Applicable Impactful
4. HR Business Partner 9. Mind Mapping for Performance Effectiveness Approach Tools Learning
5. Managing The Organization’s Talent
14 15

Living in digital era demands people to be able to adapt quickly. World REGISTRATION PROCEDURES METHOD OF PAYMENT
changes rapidly and drastically with the presence of technology – change
is inevitable. Changes demand people to be capable to follow the progress. 1. Registration can be done at www.ppm-manajemen. Direct to Public Training, by Bank Transfer to:
In order to be able to follow any changes that have occurred, the ability to, or telephone
learn is a must, it is the ability to absorb and to comprehend any information 2. Registration can be done 3 days before the program • Bank Mandiri – Thamrin Branch ; Acc. No. 103 – 00
quickly and to apply the knowledge on any occasion or anywhere. starts – 8528858 – 3 a/n Yayasan Pendidikan & Pembinaan
ONLINE TRAINING The Online Training Program is a management training program using
3. For Online Training, having a guarantee letter or
complete the payment, participant have to access the Please send the copy of bank transfer form to Public
WITH EXPERT Learning Management System (“LMS”) PPM as a learning medium. You Training by email or fax.
Learning Management System PPM (LMS PPM)
PERSONAL COACH can start the training when it is convenient and in sections instead of all
at once. So, You can Learn around Your personal schedules. You can also
interact with an expert personal coach on the discussion forum feature that
is available on the LMS PPM menu. CONTACT & INFORMATION

Note: Phone : 021 – 2300313

Mobile :+62 813-8523-4640
Participants can access learning videos LMS PPM (through http:// +62 896-8299-6823 with an account that will be given after registration +62 813-8061-4306
+62 813-8803-9063
Participants can use a Personal Computer, Laptop, Mobile Phone, or Tab Email :
during the learning process

Learn from the expert, anytime & anywhere

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Microlearning Flexible Interactive
18 19
Duration: 24 Days (72 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja Yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Pada kondisi dunia yang cepat berubah, tantangan In a rapidly changing world, the challenges faced by a • Preliminary Assignment • Preliminary Assignment
bagi perusahaan menjadi lebih rumit, dikarenakan company get more complex, due to the change in human
Merupakan serangkaian penugasan yang Is a series of various assignment which is sent to
perubahan perilaku manusia yang disebabkan oleh behavior caused by technology. With this fact in mind,
bervariasi dan disampaikan kepada peserta all participants individually. The assignment can be
teknologi. Sehingga, sosok yang paling cocok untuk the most suitable figure to run a company in this era is
secara mandiri. Tugas dapat berupa aktivitas in form of informal activity, case study assignment,
memimpin perusahaan pada era ini adalah pemimpin someone agile, with outstanding problem solving and
informal, tugas kajian kasus, menyelesaikan paket e-learning/online learning package assignment,
yang gesit, dengan kemampuan penyelesaian decision making skills.
pembelajaran online, maupun self assessment. or even self assessment. This event has a special
masalah dan pengambilan keputusan yang luar biasa.
Kegiatan ini dilakukan untuk mempersiapkan purpose, which is to prepare all the participants so
peserta agar mampu mengikuti seluruh kegiatan they can make out through the end of the program.
Program ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan para This program is designed to yield executives who are di dalam program
eksekutif yang siap mengisi peran sebagai direktur, ready for the position of a director, by honing their
dengan mempertajam pemahaman mengenai peran understanding in their roles and responsibilities as the • Experience 1: (Identify The Challenges to • Experience 1: Identify The Challenges to Transform
dan kewajibannya sebagai penggerak utama dalam main leader for a company’s growth. You will also learn Transform)
pertumbuhan perusahaan. Anda juga akan belajar to design and develop a systematic strategies, which can
bagaimana merancang dan mengembangkan strategi be used to lead transformation process in the company. • Essentials Of Directorship • Essentials Of Directorship
secara sistematis, yang dapat digunakan untuk • PPM Transformation Model ©
• PPM Transformation Model ©
memimpin proses transformasi dalam perusahaan.
• Comprehending Business Ecosystem • Comprehending Business Ecosystem
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives • Defining Transformation Direction • Defining Transformation Direction

Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
• Experience 2 (Crafting Strategy to Transform) • Experience 2 (Crafting Strategy to Transform)
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:
• Assessing Transformation Readiness • Assessing Transformation Readiness
• Menciptakan dan mengartikulasikan visi perusahaan • Create and articulate the company’s vision; • Designing an Effective Transformation Execution • Designing an Effective Transformation Execution
• Merancang transformasi untuk merespons • Create transformation to answer the global business • Anticipating Risk of Change • Anticipating Risk of Change
tantangan bisnis global challenges;
• Managing Strategic Change • Managing Strategic Change
• Menyelaraskan arah strategi dengan visi • Synchronize the direction of the company’s strategy
perusahaan and vision; • Experience 3 (Leading the Transformation)
20 • Experience 3 (Leading the Transformation) 21
• Membangun budaya yang mendukung • Build a culture that supports the company’s • Corporate Diplomacy for Transformation
• Corporate Diplomacy for Transformation
transformasi perusahaan transformation;
• Integrating Stakeholders Mapping into • Integrating Stakeholders Mapping into Core
• Menjalankan prinsip-prinsip tata kelola yang baik • Apply good governance principles consistently in Business System
Core Business System
secara konsisten dalam mengelola perusahaan managing the company;
• Proactive Reputation Building • Proactive Reputation Building
• Memimpin perubahan yang bernilai manfaat bagi • Lead a valuable change for all stakeholders; When
seluruh stakeholder; ketika dihadapkan pada faced with organizational transformation challenges. • Internal Stakeholders Engagement • Internal Stakeholders Engagement
tantangan transformasi organisasi.
• Workplace Implementation Project • Workplace Implementation Project
Merupakan project individual yang bertujuan Is an individual project that aims to internalize the
untuk menginternalisasi hasil pembelajaran, learning result, give a chance for the participants
memberikan kesempatan bagi peserta untuk to apply the learning result, and give benefits of the
mengaplikasikan hasil pembelajaran, serta learning result to the participants, work unit, and
memberikan manfaat dari hasil belajar bagi organization.
peserta, unit kerja, dan organisasi.

Executive Development Program Advanced Program Executive Development Program Advanced Program
Siapa yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Pejabat yang berada satu atau dua level di bawah Officials who are one or two levels below a Director, with
Direktur, yang memiliki kesediaan (willingness) untuk a willingness to develop himself/herself as the leader
mengembangkan diri sebagai pimpinan perusahaan. of a company. This program also fit for Directors who
Program ini juga cocok bagi direktur yang ingin wants to develop his/her competencies, to be ready for
meningkatkan kompetensinya untuk siap memimpin leading the transformation.
transformasi pada perusahaannya.

Metode Pelatihan Training Methods

• Experiential Learning • Experiential Learning
• Kelas Virtual • Virtual Class
• Self-Paced Learning • Self-Paced Learning
• Simulasi Integrasi Bisnis • Integrated Business Simulation
• Personal & Executive Business Coaching • Personal & Executive Business Coaching
• Workplace Implementation Project • Workplace Impelementation Project

IDR 28.500.000

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Executive Development Program Advanced Program Executive Development Program Advanced Program
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:
Manajer berperan dalam mengelola bisnis di Managers play a role in managing the business in
organisasi dan diharapkan dapat mencapai sasaran the organization and are expected to achieve the • Memahami sudut pandang dan harapan • Understanding customer perspectives, expectations,
organisasi yang telah ditetapkan. Salah satu organizational goals that have been set. One of the pelanggan, serta pemahaman terhadap and understanding business challenges.
tantangan terbesar saat ini bagi para Manajer adalah biggest challenges for Managers today is adapting to a tantangan bisnis.
beradaptasi dengan perubahan lingkungan (internal rapidly changing environment (internal and external), to • Mengidentifikasi peluang dan dampak positif • Identifying opportunities and positive impacts on the
dan eksternal) yang cepat, agar tetap memenangkan stay ahead of the competition. terhadap keberlangsungan organisasi. organization’s sustainability.
• Mengidentifikasi ide inovasi dan perbaikan proses • Identifying innovation ideas and business process
bisnis dalam organisasi. improvement within the organization.
Tantangan di era digital menjadi hal yang penting Challenges in the digital era are important for
bagi organisasi, terutama dalam menentukan organizations, especially in determining business models • Memiliki berbagai keterampilan yang dibutuhkan • Possesses the full range of skills needed to respond to
model bisnis sebagai strategi bersaing. Kondisi as competitive strategies. These conditions indicate untuk menjawab tantangan bisnis dan mengelola business challenges and manage impacts on business
tersebut menunjukkan semakin ketatnya persaingan, increasingly fierce competition, thus requiring leaders dampak terhadap proses bisnis. processes.
sehingga menuntut para pemimpin untuk memiliki to have a broad understanding of business perspectives
• Memahami berbagai aspek manajemen dan • Understanding various aspects of management and
pemahaman yang luas mengenai perspektif bisnis and a good understanding of cross-functional
hubungannya terhadap kinerja organisasi. their relationship to organizational performance.
dan pemahaman terhadap sinergi lintas fungsi yang synergies, to be able to achieve superior organizational
baik, agar mampu mencapai kinerja organisasi yang performance. Leaders are expected to have various
unggul. Pemimpin diharapkan memiliki berbagai abilities, such as business skills, managerial abilities, Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
kemampuan, seperti kemampuan bisnis, kemampuan and self-efficacy that are built continuously in carrying
manajerial, dan kemampuan diri yang dibangun out transformations to increase competitiveness. The • Opening Perspective • Opening Perspective
secara terus menerus dalam melakukan transformasi ability to develop strategies using financial and risk, • Understanding Customer Expectation • Understanding Customer Expectation
untuk meningkatkan daya saing. Kemampuan operations, marketing, and human resources aspects is
menyusun strategi menggunakan aspek keuangan the responsibility of a Manager. In addition, the character • Define Your Future Customer Needs • Define Your Future Customer Needs
dan risiko, operasi, pemasaran, serta sumber daya of a leader who can develop competence, as well as the • Building New Capability • Building New Capability
manusia menjadi tanggung jawab seorang Manajer. commitment of his subordinates can increase the ability
Di samping itu, karakter pemimpin yang mampu and motivation of the team to work optimally. • Creating Strategy into Action • Creating Strategy into Action
mengembangkan kompetensi, serta komitmen • Gaining Commitment to Change • Gaining Commitment to Change
bawahannya dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dan
motivasi tim agar bekerja optimal.
24 Siapa yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend? 25
Program pelatihan ini akan membekali Anda dalam This training program will equip you to improve your • Manajer Fungsional/Unit Penunjang • Functional Manager/Support Unit Manager
meningkatkan kemampuan untuk mengelola unit ability to manage business units to achieve organizational
bisnis agar mencapai sasaran organisasi dan goals and respond to business challenges. All modules • Manajer Pengembangan Bisnis • Business Development Manager
menjawab tantangan bisnis. Seluruh modul dirancang are designed according to the needs of business • Para profesional yang memiliki pengalaman • Professional with 2-5 years of business and
sesuai dengan kebutuhan para Manajer bisnis managers as well as for those of you who want to create bidang bisnis dan manajemen 2-5 tahun management experience
maupun bagi Anda yang sedang ingin menciptakan opportunities and identify business innovation ideas
peluang serta mengidentifikasi ide inovasi bisnis and business process improvements to support a more • Para pemilik usaha skala menengah (establish • Established business owners who are willing to
dan perbaikan proses bisnis guna menunjang karir brilliant managerial career. business owner) yang ingin meningkatkan improve their knowledge and skills in the field of
manajerial yang lebih cemerlang. pengetahuan dan keterampilan di bidang Management

IDR 16.000.000

Executive Development Program Advanced Program Executive Development Program Advanced Program
Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 3 days (9 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Berbagai perubahan yang begitu cepat dan dinamis Various changes that going so fast and dynamic are • Prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance • Principles of Good Corporate Governance
didorong oleh adanya perkembangan masif teknologi driven by the massive development of information
• Peran, Tugas, Tanggungjawab, Kewenangan, & • Roles, Duties, Responsibilities, Authorities, & Work
informasi dan apandemik COVID-19 (pandemic technology and the COVID-19 pandemic (pandemic
Hubungan Kerja: Direksi dan Komisaris Relations: Directors and Commissioners
disruption). Organisasi dituntut bekerja keras dan disruption). Organizations are required to work hard
adaptif agar mampu menjaga daya saingnya. Hal and be adaptive in order to be able to maintain their • Pemegang Saham dan Pemangku Kepentingan • Shareholders and Other Stakeholders
ini membutuhkan tata kelola yang efektif agar competitiveness. This requires effective governance Lainnya
meningkatkan ketahanan organisasi, akuntabilitas, in order to increase organizational resilience, • Disclosure and Transparency
• Pengungkapan dan Transparansi
dan transparasi kepada seluruh pemangku accountability, and transparency to all stakeholders.
kepentingan (stakeholder). Melalui praktik bisnis Through professional and ethical business practices, the • Evaluasi Implementasi Prinsip-prinsip GCG • Evaluation of the Implementation of GCG Principles
yang professional dan beretika, organisasi diharapkan organization is expected to grow sustainably and have a • Ukuran Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan • Company Financial Performance Measure
dapat tumbuh secara berkelanjutan dan memiliki strong belief in achieving its goals.
keyakinan yang kuat dalam mencapai sasaran.
Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives • Anggota Dewan Komisaris/Dewan Pengawas • Member of the Board of Commissioners/Supervisory
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to: • Direksi/Direktur Perusahaan • Board of Directors/Company Director
• Eselon 1 • Echelon 1
• Memahami konsep dan prinsip-prinsip tata kelola • Understand the concepts and principles of corporate • Komite Audit/Komite Risiko/Komite Remunerasi • Audit Committee/Risk Committee/Remuneration
perusahaan; governance; Committee
• Memahami keterkaitan tata kelola dengan • Understand the relationship between governance and
• Manajemen Senior (BoD-1): Kepala Divisi, Senior • Senior Management (BoD-1): Division Head, Senior
manajemen risiko terintegrasi integrated risk management
Vice President, General Manager, Eselon 2 atau Vice President, General Manager, Echelon 2 or
• Memahami peran, tugas, dan hubungan kerja • Understand the roles, duties, and working relationships setara equivalent
seluruh pemangku kepentingan di perusahaan of all stakeholders in the company
• Memahami tahapan mengimplementasikan tata • Understand the stages of implementing corporate Program Terkait Related Program
kelola perusahaan governance
• Integrated Risk Management • Integrated Risk Management
26 • Memahami praktik terbaik (best practice) tata • Understanding the best practices of corporate 27
kelola perusahaan • Certified Risk Management Officer (CRMO) • Certified Risk Management Officer (CRMO)
• Memahami asesemen tata kelola perusahaan • Certified Risk Management Professional (CRMP) • Certified Risk Management Professional (CRMP)
• Understanding corporate governance assessment
• Memahami kinerja keuangan perusahaan • Certified Risk Governance Professional (CRGP) • Certified Risk Governance Professional (CRGP)
• Understanding the company’s financial performance

IDR 12.000.000 IDR 8.500.000

In-class Training Live Virtual Training

Executive Development Program Advanced Program Executive Development Program Advanced Program

• Company Strategic Planning

• Innovation Strategy SENIOR
• Managing Organizational Change



• Business Acumen
• Feasibility Study
SUPERVISOR • Lean Canvas: The Simple
Business Model
• Business Model Canvas

• Build & Test Minimum Viable Product
30 31

Minaut – Problem Solving and Decision Making | Strategic Decision Making | Managing Business Partnership

Design Thinking for Innovation | Creative Thinking Techniques
Duration: 3 days (9 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Siapa Yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Pasar terkadang tidak lagi sama menjanjikannya sejak The market is inauspicious as the company started its • Startup entrepreneur • Startup entrepreneur
perusahaan memulai bisnisnya, apalagi sejak adanya business in the digitalization era. This era has opened
• Pembina/pendamping Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan • Micro-small & Medium Enterprises
digitalisasi yang membuka peluang terciptanya bisnis up opportunities for new businesses which will disrupt
Menengah (UMKM)
baru yang mungkin segera mendisrupsi bisnis kita. the ancient business concept. Consequently, companies
Tanpa menunggu harus ter-disrupsi terlebih dahulu, should start catching new business opportunities, • Manager • Manager
perusahaan sebaiknya mulai membidik peluang starting with a minor scale first. Many empirical • Supervisor
• Supervisor
bisnis baru yang tentunya dimulai dengan skala experiences and research results show that a business is
kecil terlebih dahulu. Dari banyaknya pengalaman often started without thorough preparation between the
empiris dan hasil riset menunjukkan seringkali customer expansion process and the value fulfillment Program Terkait Related Program
sebuah usaha dimulai tanpa adanya persiapan process. This has resulted in very few startups that can
• Business Model Canvas • Business Model Canvas
menyeluruh antara proses pendalaman pelanggan survive and enter the growth and mature life cycle.
dan proses pemenuhan value yang sesuai dengan • Company Strategic Planning • Company Strategic Planning
calon pelanggannya. Hal ini yang menyebabkan hanya
sedikit sekali usaha rintisan yang dapat bertahan dan
memasuki daur hidup growth dan mature. IDR 3.000.000
Live Virtual Training

Lean canvas adalah pendekatan baru, variasi The lean canvas is a new approach, a variation of
dari Business Model Canvas (BMC) yang sangat Business Model Canvas (BMC), which controls a new
menuntun seorang pebisnis baru atau seseorang business person or someone who will start or expand
yang akan memulai perluasan usahanya dengan the business. This approach invites the businessman
menambah bisnis baru. Pendekatan ini mengajak new to form the design of future business operations to be
entrepreneur untuk mampu mempersiapkan secara sustainable, in detail.
detail rancangan dari operasional bisnis nantinya
supaya berkelanjutan.

Manfaat Apa Yang Anda Peroleh Objectives

Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
32 diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to: 33

• Memahami 9 faktor dalam elemen Lean Canvas • Understand the 9 elements of Lean Canvas
• Menyusun rancangan Lean Canvas dalam usaha • Constructing the Lean Canvas Design
yang akan dimasuki

Apa Saja Yang Dibahas Subjects Covered

• 9 elemen Lean Canvas • Lean Canvas: The 9 Elements
• Strategi memasuki pasar baru • Market Penetration Strategy

Executive Development Program Strategic Transformation & Innovation Executive Development Program Strategic Transformation & Innovation

Duration: 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Salah satu tantangan terbesar dalam melakukan One of the biggest challenges in carrying out innovation • Konsep Lean dan MVP • Lean and MVP concepts
inovasi adalah terbatasnya waktu dan anggaran dalam is the limited time and budget in developing products/
• Melakukan Competitive Analysis dan Customer • Conducting Competitive Analysis and Customer
pengembangan produk/jasa. Kedua hal ini dapat services. Both of these things can affect the results of
Segmentation Segmentation
mempengaruhi hasil dari ide yang kita miliki untuk the ideas we have for innovation. One of the strategies
melakukan inovasi. Salah satu strategi yang dapat we can do to overcome this problem is to use the • Melakukan wawancara terhadap pengguna • Conduct user interviews
kita lakukan dalam mengatasinya adalah dengan concept of Minimum Viable Product to test our ideas in
• Melakukan pengujian terhadap MVP (Landing • Testing the MVP (Landing Page and Ads via IG, FB,
menggunakan konsep Minimum Viable Product untuk both products and services.
Page dan Ads melalui IG, FB, Google) Google)
menguji ide kita baik dalam bentuk produk maupun
jasa. • Melakukan evaluasi terhadap hasil tes • Evaluate the test results

Pola pikir MVP sejalan dengan metode Design The MVP mindset is in line with the Design Thinking Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Thinking. Setelah memahami konteks permasalahan method. After understanding the context of the problem
yang ingin dipecahkan, Design Thinker mulai beralih to be solved, Design Thinker begins to turn to the • Semua pelaku organisasi yang ingin berinovasi • All organizational actors who want to innovate in the
ke perwujudan solusi yang mencangkup langkah realization of a solution that includes the steps of Ideate dalam produk / jasa yang dihasilkannya products/services it produces
Ideate (menghasilkan dan memilih ide), Prototype (generate and select ideas), Prototype (create prototypes
(membuat purwarupa dari ide) dan Test (mendapatkan of ideas), and Test (get feedback). Program Terkait Related Program
umpan balik).
• Design Thinking for Innovation • Design Thinking for Innovation
Memiliki Mindset MVP dapat membantu kita untuk Having an MVP Mindset can help us to finalize ideas • Lean Canvas: The Simple Business Model • Lean Canvas: The Simple Business Model
dapat mematangkan ide dengan cepat dan efisien. quickly and efficiently. By building an MVP, we can
Dengan membangun MVP, kita dapat mengetahui determine whether the user accepted our idea or not • Business Model Canvas • Business Model Canvas
apakah pengguna menerima ide kita atau tidak with the minimum effort possible. • Customer Insight: Understanding Customer • Customer Insight: Understanding Customer Intimately
dengan usaha seminimum mungkin. Intimately

Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives

Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to: IDR 3.200.000
34 Live Virtual Training 35
• Memahami Lean Mindset sebagai dasar MVP • Understanding Lean Mindset as the basis for MVP
• Menjelaskan mengenai konsep MVP • Explains the MVP concept
• Memahami metode dalam mengembangkan MVP • Understand the methods in developing MVP
• Membangun MVP • Build an MVP
• Melakukan uji coba dan mendapatkan umpan • Do a trial run and get feedback on MVPs
balik terhadap MVP

Executive Development Program Strategic Transformation & Innovation Executive Development Program Strategic Transformation & Innovation
Duration: 3 days (9 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems To Be Addressed Siapa Yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Lingkungan bisnis saat ini sarat dengan perubahan The business environment nowadays is full of • Pimpinan Perusahaan • The head of the company
yang sulit diramalkan sebelumnya. Perubahan- changes that are difficult to predict beforehand. These
• Manajer Senior • Senior Manager
perubahan tersebut memicu perubahan di lingkungan changes trigger changes in the internal environment
internal organisasi. Oleh sebab itu organisasi perlu of the organization. Therefore, organizations need • Manajer Fungsional • Functional Manager
jeli menangkap perubahan di lingkungan eksternal to be observant in capturing changes in the external
yang berdampak pada organisasi, menganalisis environment that have an impact on the organization, Program Terkait Related Program
dampak stratejik perubahan itu bagi organisasi, analyzing the strategic impact of these changes for the
serta mengelola perubahan internal agar perubahan organization, and managing internal changes so that • Company Strategic Planning • Company Strategic Planning
berjalan lancar dan kinerja organisasi terus changes run smoothly and organizational performance
• Effective Techniques in Facilitating Change • Effective Techniques in Facilitating Change
meningkat. continues to improve.
• Business Model Canvas • Business Model Canvas
Manfaat Apa Yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:
IDR 3.500.000
• Menjelaskan definisi perubahan • Explain the definition of change Live Virtual Training

• Menjelaskan faktor-faktor pemicu perubahan • Describe the factors that trigger the change related to
yang relevan bagi organisasi the organization
• Menjelaskan proses perubahan di organisasi • Describe the process of change in the organization
• Menjelaskan intervensi target perubahan • Describe the change target intervention

Apa Saja Yang Dibahas Subjects Covered

• Definisi perubahan di organisasi • Definition of change in the organization
• Pemicu perubahan di eksternal dan internal • Internal and external triggers for change in an
36 organisasi organization 37
• Proses perubahan: fakta, hambatan dan proses • The change process: facts, barriers and the change
perubahan process
• Mengintervensi target perubahan: Intervensi • Intervening targets for change: Individual, group, and
3individu, kelompok dan organisasi organizational interventions

Executive Development Program Strategic Transformation & Innovation Executive Development Program Strategic Transformation & Innovation

Duration: 2.5 days (20 hours) 4 days (12 hours) 3 weeks

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Masa depan suatu perusahaan ditentukan oleh Companies’ future depends on its ability to determine • Pimpinan dan manajer perusahaan • Directors and Managers of companies/organizations
kemampuan perusahaan menentukan arah dan future development in line with long-term objectives and
• Staf perencanaan perusahaan • Company planning staff
sasaran jangka panjang yang diinginkan serta their ability to take the necessary steps to ensure that
kemampuan melaksanakan kegiatan-kegiatan untuk these objectives are actualized. The Strategic Planning
mencapai sasaran jangka panjang tersebut. Program Executive Development Program aims to help leaders Program Terkait Related Program
pengembangan eksekutif Perencanaan Strategik and managers prepare their corporate strategic plans.
• Managing Organizational Change • Managing Organizational Change
ditujukan untuk membantu pimpinan dan manajer
menyusun perencanaan strategik perusahaan. • Effective Techniques in Facilitating Change • Effective Techniques in Facilitating Change
• Business Model Canvas • Business Model Canvas
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
• Managing Business Partnership • Managing Business Partnership
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:

• Menjelaskan kerangka penyusunan perencanaan • Describe the framework for developing the company’s
strategik perusahaan strategic planning
IDR 7.000.000 IDR 3.800.000 IDR 2.200.000
• Mengenali pemangku kepentingan perusahaan • Recognizing organizational stakeholders In-class Training Live Virtual Training Online Training

• Mereview misi dan visi perusahaan • Reviewing the company’s mission and vision
• Melakukan analisis lingkungan eksternal dan internal • Analyzing the internal and external environment of
organisasi, serta dampaknya bagi perusahaan the organizations and their impact on the company
• Menetapkan arah strategi, sasaran dan strategi • Determining the direction of the goals and strategies
pencapaiannya for their achievement
• Menyusun program implementasi utama dan • Developing main and supporting implementation
pendukung programs

38 Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered 39

• Analisis Stakeholder • Stakeholder Analysis
• Analisis Lingkungan Eksternal • External Environmental Analysis
• Analisis Lingkungan Internal • Internal Organization Analysis
• Arah Strategi, Sasaran dan Memilih Strategi • Goals & Strategy
• Program Implementasi Strategi • Strategy Implementation

Executive Development Program Strategic Transformation & Innovation Executive Development Program Strategic Transformation & Innovation

Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 3 days (9 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Penelitian membuktikan bahwa inovasi akan Research has proved that innovation initiatives will • Pimpinan organisasi • Directors or Board of Management
berdampak positif pada pertumbuhan organisasi. bear a positive impact on organization development. As
• Senior Manajer dan Manajer yang bertanggung • Senior Manager and Manager, who will be responsible
Jika Anda seperti kebanyakan pemimpin bisnis most business leaders implement it, innovation should
jawab melakukan inovasi dalam organisasi for implementing innovation initiatives within the
lainnya, maka inovasi menjadi agenda penting bagi be your important agenda for your organization. To
organisasi Anda. Agar inovasi yang dilakukan di achieve a successful implementation of innovation, an
organisasi menjadi terwujud maka organisasi perlu organization needs to plan and determine the best-fitted • Manager dan Staf R&D • Manager dan Staf R&D
merencanakan dan menetapkan strategi inovasi innovation strategy. This training program will help the
yang tepat. Pelatihan ini akan membantu Anda organization, how to increase the rate of innovation, and Program Terkait Related Program
mengetahui cara meningkatkan tingkat berinovasi, generate innovation in the organization..
dan menghasilkan inovasi di organisasi. • Creative Thinking Techniques • Creative Thinking Techniques
• Effective Techniques in Facilitating Change • Effective Techniques in Facilitating Change
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives • Product Innovation Management • Product Innovation Management
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:

• Memahami pentingnya inovasi dan dampaknya • Understand the importance of innovation strategy IDR 7.000.000 IDR 3.800.000
terhadap pertumbuhan organisasi and its impact on organization development
In-class Training Live Virtual Training
• Memahami tipe-tipe inovasi yang dapat dilakukan • Understand the types of innovation that best-fitted for
di organisasi the organization
• Memiliki gambaran tentang kesiapan organisasi • Understand the (roles of) leaders that support the
untuk berinovasi innovation initiatives within the organization
• Memiliki pemahaman pengungkit untuk • Understand the framework in determining the
membangun organisasi berinovasi innovation strategy and the implementation plan
• Menjelaskan cara menghasilkan inovasi dalam • Explain how to generate innovation in organizations
40 41
Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
• Inovasi untuk keberlanjutan organisasi • Innovation for organization sustainability
• Berbagai tipe inovasi • Types of innovation
• Tingkat berinovasi di organisasi • The stages of innovation in organization
• Mendesain pengungkit inovasi • Design to leverage innovation
• Menghasilkan inovasi di organisasi • Generating innovation in organization

Executive Development Program Strategic Transformation & Innovation Executive Development Program Strategic Transformation & Innovation

Duration: 2.5 days (20 hours) 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Business Acumen (kemahiran berbisnis) sering ditemui Business Acumen is encountered in the demands of a • Pendahuluan: Business Acumen • Introduction: Business Acumen
dalam tuntutan kompetensi seorang manajer. Termasuk manager’s competence generally, including how to see
• Financial Acumen Basic • Financial Acumen Basic
di dalamnya adalah bagaimana melihat dampak setiap each issue’s impact on the company’s finances. In its
kejadian terhadap keuangan perusahaan. Dalam mature form, business acumen competency appears as • Financial Acumen Integration • Financial Acumen Integration
bentuknya yang sudah matang, business acumen an instinct that is attached to a Manager. The highest
• Productivity & Efficiency • Productivity & Efficiency
muncul dalam terbentuk insting yang melekat pada position required to understand the big picture of
seorang manajer. Semakin tinggi jabatan seorang business shows the relationship between the parts • Customer Profitability • Customer Profitability
manajer semakin dituntut untuk memahami gambaran of an event. A helicopter view will be able to assist in • Employee Engagement • Employee Engagement
tersebut (big picture) yang memperlihatkan keterkaitan holistically observing the situation.
antar bagian atas suatu kejadian. Sudut pandang • Strategic Management • Strategic Management
helikopter (helicopter view) membantu melihat seluruh
kejadian dalam satu rangkaian. Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Terdapat berbagai macam tuntutan pemahaman dalam There are several required understandings in business • Senior Manager • Senior Manager
business acumen ini, antara cash flow (arus kas), margin acumen, including cash flow, margin (profit rate), velocity • Manager • Manager
(tingkat laba), velocity (perputaran aset, asset turnover), (asset turnover), Return on Investment (ROI), company
return on investment (ROI), growth (pertumbuhan growth, customers, employees, & wealth (welfare for • Analyst • Analyst
perusahaan), customer (pelanggan), employee investors). These elements require a unique effort to be
(karyawan), & wealth (kesejahteraan bagi investor). utilized as needed. Program Terkait Related Program
Berbagai macam elemen yang disebutkan memerlukan
cara yang khas dalam mendayagunakannya. • Company Strategic Planning • Company Strategic Planning
• Business Model Canvas • Business Model Canvas
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives • Employee Engagement: Key to Your • Employee Engagement: Key to Your Organization’s
Setelah mengikuti program ini, peserta diharapkan Having attended this program, the participants are Organization’s Performance Performance
mampu: expected to be able to:

• Memahami kegiatan bisnis perusahaan secara • Understand company business activities in a holistic
42 holistik view IDR 5.800.000 IDR 3.500.000 43
In-class Training Live Virtual Training
• Memahami konsep pendekatan strategik dan tidak • Understand the strategic approach concept and be
terjebak dalam perannya di bagian masing-masing able to avoid being trapped in its role
• Memahami isu kompleks dengan pola yang lebih • Understand complex issues with the less-complicated
sederhana pattern
• Memahami dampak setiap keputusan terhadap • Understand the impact of each decision on profit, cash
laba, arus kas, aset dan pertumbuhan flow, assets, and growth
• Memahami pentingnya orientasi pelanggan yang • Understand the importance of customer-oriented
menjadi dasar keberlangsungan pertumbuhan policy which acts as a base for company growth
perusahaan sustainability
• Memahami peranan membangun kepuasan • Understand the roles of establishing employee
karyawan satisfaction
• Memahami sudut pandang investor terhadap • Understand the investor’s point of view toward the
perusahaan company

Executive Development Program Strategic Transformation & Innovation Executive Development Program Strategic Transformation & Innovation
Duration: 2.5 days (20 hours) 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Organisasi perlu melakukan pengembangan usaha Organizations need to carry out business development • Ruang Lingkup Studi Kelayakan • Scope of Feasibility Study
dengan berbagai tantangan untuk tetap tumbuh dan with various challenges to keep growing and sustainable.
• Evaluasi Aspek Pasar • Market Aspects Evaluation
berkelanjutan. Salah satunya adalah kondisi masa One of them is the condition of the future that is difficult
depan yang sulit diprediksi. Pengembangan usaha atau to predict. Business development or business projects • Evaluasi Aspek Teknis • Technical Aspects Evaluation
proyek bisnis tanpa didasari dengan studi kelayakan without being based on proper and integrated feasibility
• Evaluasi Aspek Keuangan • Financial Aspects Evaluation
yang tepat dan terintegrasi dapat menghasilkan studies can result in high risk or loss to the organization.
risiko tinggi atau kerugian organisasi. Aspek-aspek Important aspects in preparing a feasibility study
penting dalam menyusun studi kelayakan, antara include market, technology, human resources, technical Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
lain aspek pasar, teknologi, sumber daya manusia, and financial aspects. In addition, in compiling business
• Profesional dengan posisi staf, supervisor, • Professionals, from the entry-level, staff, supervisor,
teknis hingga keuangan. Selain itu dalam menyusun feasibility, the risk aspect becomes an important part of
manajer, eselon III, kepala bagian, kepala divisi manager, division head who take part in business/
kelayakan bisnis aspek risiko menjadi bagian penting the basis for decision making.
yang melakukan analisis kelayakan di organisasi/ organization analysis
sebagai dasar pengambilan keputusan.

Program ini dilengkapi dengan kasus terintegrasi • Pelaku usaha • Businessmen / Entrepreneur
This program is equipped with an integrated case as a
sebagai simulasi dalam menyusun studi kelayakan simulation in compiling a business feasibility study for
bisnis untuk pembelajaran yang dapat diterapkan learning that can be applied according to the needs of Program Terkait Related Program
sesuai kebutuhan organisasi. the organization.
• Financial Aspect on Feasibility Study • Financial Aspect on Feasibility Study
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives • Integrated Risk Management • Integrated Risk Management

Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:

• Memahami prosedur penyusunan studi kelayakan • Understand the feasibility study procedure IDR 6.200.000 IDR 3.750.000
In-class Training Live Virtual Training
• Menyusun kondisi pasar yang harus diperhatikan • Look at market conditions that must be considered in
dalam penilaian kelayakan investasi the availability of investment
• Memahami kapasitas internal perusahaan yang harus • Understand the company’s internal capacity that must
44 diperhatikan dalam penilaian kelayakan investasi be considered in terms of investment 45
• Memahami dasar-dasar penyusunan proyeksi • Understand the basics of preparing financial reports
dan evaluasi keuangan and evaluations
• Menghitung kelayakan investasi menggunakan • Calculating investment using multiple parameters
beberapa parameter

Executive Development Program Strategic Transformation & Innovation Executive Development Program Strategic Transformation & Innovation

Duration: 2 weeks

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Cara berbisnis mengalami transformasi. Kegiatan The way of doing business is transforming. Business • Manajer • Manager
bisnis tidak lagi dilakukan sendiri, namun dengan activities are no longer carried out alone, but partnering
• Asisten Manajer • Assistant Manager
cara bermitra dengan mitra bisnis yang memiliki with Business Partners who have their respective
keahliannya masing-masing. Agar mitra bisnis expertise. For these Business Partners to positively
tersebut dapat memberikan dampak positif bagi impact the organization, it needs to be managed properly Program Terkait Related Program
organisasi, maka perlu dimanajemeni dengan because the success of doing business in the future
• Business Model Canvas • Business Model Canvas
baik karena keberhasilan berbisnis masa depan depends on the ability to initiate, maintain, and benefit
tergantung dari kemampuan untuk menginisiasi, from this interdependent relationship. • Effective Business Communication • Effective Business Communication
mempertahankan dan mendapatkan keuntungan dari
• Project Stakeholder Management • Project Stakeholder Management
hubungan yang saling tergantung tersebut.

Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives

Having attended this program, the participants are
IDR 2.300.000
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta
Online Training
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:

• Mengenali mitra bisnis, berbagai bentuk • Recognizing Business Partners, various forms of
kemitraan, motivasi dan resiko bermitra partnership, partnering motivation, and risks
• Memahami tahapan bermitra, dan faktor yang • Understand the stages of partnering and the factors
perlu diperhatikan pada setiap tahapan tersebut that need to be considered at each of these stages
• Memahami cara untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan • Understand how to increase partner intelligence after
bermitra, setelah mengetahui tingkat kecerdasan knowing the level of partner intelligence yourself
bermitra diri sendiri

Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered

• Mitra bisnis, mengapa penting? • Business partners, why is it important?
46 47
• Tahapan bermitra dan faktor penting pada setiap • Stages of partnering and important factors at each
tahap stage
• Asesmen diri: kecerdasan bermitra • Self-assessment: Intelligence partner
• Cara meningkatkan kecerdasan bermitra • How to increase partner intelligence

Executive Development Program Strategic Transformation & Innovation Executive Development Program Strategic Transformation & Innovation
Duration: 3 weeks

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Lingkungan eksternal dan internal organisasi, dapat The external and internal environment of the organization • Manager Menengah yang bertanggung jawab • Middle Manager who is responsible for leading
mempengaruhi perusahaan sehingga perusahaan can affect the company so that the company needs to memimpin perubahan di unit kerjanya change in the work unit
perlu melakukan perubahan. Perubahan yang make a change. Changes that have been determined by
• Supervisor yang bertanggung jawab memimpin • Supervisors who are responsible for leading changes
telah ditetapkan oleh Manajemen Puncak, harus Top Management, must be supported and implemented
perubahan di unit kerjanya in the work unit
didukung dan disukseskan pelaksanaannya oleh successfully by Middle Managers. All employees who
Manajer Menengah. Seluruh karyawan yang berada are under the Middle Manager must understand the
di bawah Manajer Menengah, harus paham arah direction of the change so that they will support the Program Terkait Related Program
perubahan sehingga akan mendukung implementasi implementation of the change. Middle Manager is
• Company Strategic Planning • Company Strategic Planning
perubahan. Manajer Menengah bertanggung jawab responsible for communicating the plan to all employees
mengomunikasikan rencana perubahan tersebut under him. • Managing Organizational Change • Managing Organizational Change
pada seluruh karyawan yang ada di bawahnya.

Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives

IDR 2.000.000
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are Online Training
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:

• Menjelaskan definisi perubahan di organisasi • Explain the definition of change in the organization
• Menjelaskan pemicu perubahan organisasi pada • Explain the core triggers for organizational change in
unit kerja work units
• Mengidentifikasi dampak perubahan pada unit • Identify the impact of change on work units
• Menjelaskan cara mengelola individu terdampak • Explain the way of managing individual change
• Menjelaskan cara merencanakan sosialisasi • Explain the way to plan socialization of changes
48 • Menjelaskan cara menyusun rencana komunikasi
• Explain how to make a communication plan of changes

Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered

• Pemicu perubahan organisasi dan dampaknya • Triggers for organizational and work unit change
pada unit kerja
• Mengelola individu terdampak perubahan • Managing individuals affected by the change
• Menyosialisasikan perubahan • Socializing change

Executive Development Program Strategic Transformation & Innovation Executive Development Program Strategic Transformation & Innovation
Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
• Pengertian dan manfaat dari model bisnis • Explanation of the Business Model scope and benefits

BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS • Memahami business model block yang meliputi:

• Customer segments
• Understand the business model block which includes:
• Customer segments
• Value proposition • Value proposition
Duration: 3 weeks • Channel • Channels
• Customer Relationship • Customer Relationship
• Key Partner • Key Partner
Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed • Key Activities • Key Activities
Persaingan usaha yang semakin ketat dan tuntutan Fierce competition and rising demand from the customers • Key Resources • Key Resources
pengguna yang makin tinggi menyebabkan perusahaan are the main reasons why an organization needs to have a • Revenue Stream • Revenue Stream
perlu selalu mengkaji dan memperbaharui model winning business model at all times. A winning business • Cost Structure • Cost Structure
bisnisnya. Model bisnis yang baik, mampu menjelaskan model clearly explains how an organization obtains its
dari mana dan bagaimana sebuah organisasi revenues, what uniqueness is offered, and how well the • Memotret SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, • Capture SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,
memperoleh pendapatan, apa keunikan yang ditawarkan organization fulfills its promises to the customers. Even Opportunities, Threats) dari model bisnis yang Threats) of the current business model
kepada pelanggan serta bagaimana organisasi tersebut a non-profit organization should constantly search for saat ini dijalankan
memenuhi janji kepada pelanggan. Bahkan, organisasi new funding to cover its operational expenses. • Evaluasi faktor-faktor penting yang perlu dipenuhi • Evaluate the critical factors that need to be met for the
nirlaba (non profit) pun perlu selalu mencari cara baru untuk model bisnis baru new business model
dan segar agar penyedia dana (sebagai pelanggan)
bersedia senantiasa mendanai kegiatan mereka. • Menyusun pengembangan business model • Develop a business model development using the Blue
dengan menggunakan perspektif dari Blue Ocean Ocean Strategy perspective
Mendesain model bisnis unggulan menjadi semacam Crafting a winning business model is a passport to the
paspor bagi organisasi yang ingin unggul dan menuju so-called blue ocean, a remote place where competition
samudra biru (blue ocean), suatu arena yang teduh, is irrelevant. This place is far from the red ocean, which Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
jauh meninggalkan pesaing yang berdarah di laut is characterized by bloodshed due to fierce competition.
• Pimpinan perusahaan, manajer, kepala unit • Leaders and Managers of businesses as well as non-
merah (red ocean).
usaha atau organisasi (swasta, nirlaba) yang ingin profit organizations
meningkatkan daya saing organisasinya.
Pendekatan yang digunakan menitikberatkan Our program uses the Business Model Canvas approach,
pada pendekatan Business Model Canvas yang which emphasizes a highly informative visual method. • Pemimpin atau anggota lembaga pengawas dan • Leaders and members of Government Agencies who
menggunakan metode visual yang menarik. This approach, introduced in 2010, has been used by pemerintah yang memerlukan wawasan tentang need to have a better understanding of how their
Pendekatan baru ini (diperkenalkan di tahun 2010) over 450 organizations globally. In Indonesia, PPM- cara beroperasi organisasi di luar lingkungan stakeholder’s organizations operate
telah digunakan di lebih dari 450 organisasi unggul Manajemen has already assisted many organizations organisasi mereka
di kancah global dan diaplikasikan oleh puluhan in designing their new business model using a • Entrepreneurs
• Wirausaha yang ingin membangun bisnis baru
organisasi di tanah air yang didampingi oleh PPM contextualized Business Model Canvas approach.
Manajemen. • Para perencana organisasi yang memerlukan • Organizational Designers from large corporations
metode untuk merencanakan model bisnis yang
Objectives unggul
50 Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh 51
• Anggota organisasi lainnya yang memerlukan • Other organizational members searching for broader
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are wawasan bisnis yang lebih luas insights
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:
Program Terkait Related Program
• Memahami cara menilai model bisnis perusahaan • Understand how to evaluate a company’s current
yang ada saat ini dan seberapa tinggi daya business model and the competitiveness of the existing • Advance Competitive Marketing Strategy • Advance Competitive Marketing Strategy
saingnya Business Model
• Business Acumen • Business Acumen
• Memahami cara mengembangkan beberapa • Developing alternative Business Models
alternatif model bisnis ke depan • Lean Canvas: The Simple Business Model • Lean Canvas: The Simple Business Model

• Memahami cara mendesain model bisnis yang • Managing Business Partnership • Managing Business Partnership
• Selecting and designing a new Business Model
baru • Creative Thinking Techniques • Creative Thinking Techniques

IDR 1.500.000
Online Training

Executive Development Program Strategic Transformation & Innovation Executive Development Program Strategic Transformation & Innovation
52 53


• Advance Competitive Marketing Strategy

• Customer Satisfaction Management SENIOR


• Customer Insight: MANAGER
Understanding Customer
SUPERVISOR • Developing Digital & Social Media
Strategies for Business
• Effective Sales Negotiation

• Marketing Management
54 • Customer Service Orientation Enhancement 55
• Creative Selling Techniques

Business Model Canvas | Key Performance Indicators | Finnon: Understanding Financial Statement

Cultivating Growth Mindset & Learning Agility | Practical Problem Solving | Creative Thinking for Innovation
Duration: 3 days (9 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
Pada saat suatu inovasi (barang/layanan/program) When an innovation (goods/service/program) is Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diluncurkan kepada pengguna, seringkali penerimaan launched to users, users’ acceptance is often not as diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:
dari pengguna tidak seperti yang diharapkan. Beberapa expected. Some of the main causes of innovation failure,
diantara penyebab utama kegagalan inovasi menurut according to Forbes research, are a misunderstanding • Menjelaskan mengenai konsep Customer Insight • Explains the concept of Customer Insight
penelitian Forbes adalah kesalahan memahami of user needs so that innovation is considered unable
kebutuhan pengguna sehingga suatu inovasi dianggap to provide a solution for its users. Getting into your • Memahami pendekatan consumer behavior untuk • Understand the consumer behavior approach to be
tidak mampu memberikan solusi untuk penggunanya. innovation users’ minds to create extraordinary and dapat mengenali perilaku pengguna able to recognize user behavior
Upaya untuk masuk ke dalam benak pengguna inovasi useful innovations is a challenge in itself. • Memahami metode dan instrumen yang • Understand the methods and instruments used to
Anda untuk menciptakan inovasi yang luar biasa dan digunakan untuk memahami pengguna understand users
bermanfaat merupakan tantangan tersendiri.
Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Customer Insight merupakan alat bantu untuk Customer Insight is a tool for you to recognize better
Anda agar dapat lebih mengenali dan memahami and understand your users so that later you can ‘speak’ • Konsep Customer Insight • Customer Insight Concept
pengguna Anda, sehingga nantinya Anda dapat their language. In customer insight, you hope first to
• Teori dan aplikasi Consumer Behavior • Consumer Behavior theory and applications
‘berbicara’ dengan bahasa mereka. Pada customer identify who your innovation target market is and ‘get to
insight, pertama-tama Anda diharapkan dapat know them so that you will get their persona. A persona • Metode dan instrumen riset dalam Customer • Research methods and instruments in Customer
mengidentifikasi siapakah target pasar inovasi Anda represents your ideal user, based on real data such as Insight Insight
dan ‘berkenalan’ dengan mereka sehingga Anda demographics, behavior, motivation, goals, pain points,
akan mendapatkan persona mereka. Persona adalah challenges, goals, social media accounts, and more. The Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
representasi pengguna ideal Anda, berdasarkan next stage is for you to empathize with what problems
data nyata seperti demografi, perilaku, motivasi, they face through customer journey mapping and • Semua pelaku organisasi yang ingin berinovasi • All organizational actors who want to innovate in the
tujuan, poin rasa sakit, tantangan, sasaran, akun customer empathy maps. dalam produk / jasa yang dihasilkannya. products/services it produces.
media sosial, dan lainnya. Tahap selanjutnya adalah
Anda mencoba berempati dengan masalah apa yang
Program Terkait Related Program
mereka hadapi melalui customer journey mapping
dan customer empathy map. • Marketing Management • Marketing Management
• Build & Test Minimum Viable Product • Build & Test Minimum Viable Product
Dalam program ini Anda akan mempelajari bagaimana In this program, you will learn how your users behave
56 pengguna Anda berperilaku serta instrumen apa yang and what tools are there to help you understand your 57
ada untuk membantu Anda memahami pengguna users better.
Anda dengan lebih baik. IDR 3.000.000
Live Virtual Training

Executive Development Program Marketing & Sales Executive Development Program Marketing & Sales
Duration: 3 days (24 hours) 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi yang menyebabkan The technological advances that lead to information • Era pemasaran digital • Digital marketing era
informasi semakin terbuka, menyebabkan pesaing increasingly open, causing competitors to quickly
• Daya tarik pasar • The attractiveness of the market
dengan cepat dapat membaca strategi perusahaan read the corporate strategy and do a counteract
dan melakukan upaya perlawanan dengan segera. effort immediately. The market’s capture is no longer • Mencari keunggulan bersaing • Searching for a competitive advantage
Perebutan pasar semakin tidak lagi didominasi dominated by the big players but also by many small-
• Proses membuat strategi pemasaran • The process of creating a marketing strategy
oleh pemain besar saja, namun juga oleh banyak scale newcomers with intense relationships with
perusahaan pendatang baru dengan skala kecil sangat customers. These companies are rapidly increasing and • Strategi pemasaran dan taktik di lapangan • Marketing strategy and tactics in the field
intens dalam membangun hubungan pelanggannya. need to be looked out for. Therefore, companies need to
Perusahaan-perusahaan ini meningkat dengan cepat understand the conditions of competition in the industry Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
dan perlu diwaspadai. Maka dari itu perusahaan perlu by knowing the organization’s current market conditions
memahami kondisi persaingan di dalam industri and the target market. Therefore, organizations need to • Senior Manajer Pemasaran • Marketing Senior Manager
dengan cara mengetahui kondisi pasar saat ini dan choose the right marketing strategy and be derived in
• Manajer Pemasaran • Marketing Manager
pasar sasaran yang akan dituju oleh organisasi. Oleh marketing tactics.
karena itu, organisasi perlu menentukan strategi • Country/Area Manager • Country/Area Manager
pemasaran yang tepat dan diturunkan dalam taktik
pemasaran untuk diimplementasikan. Program Terkait Related Program

Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives • Marketing Management • Marketing Management
• Business Model Canvas • Business Model Canvas
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to: • Company Strategic Planning • Company Strategic Planning
• Feasibility Study • Feasibility Study
• Memahami tantangan eksekutif serta tantangan • Understand the executive challenges in the marketing
kondisi eksternal dan internal dalam proses strategy process Catatan (In-class): Peserta disarankan membawa Note (In-class): Participants are required to bring a
menyusun strategi pemasaran laptop pada pelatihan ini notebook for this program
• Memahami faktor-faktor yang berperan dalam • Understand the factors that play a role in a marketing
keberhasilan strategi pemasaran strategy
58 • Mengenal konsep dan aplikasi strategi menyerang • Know the concept and application of offensive and 59
(offensive) dan strategi bertahan (defensive) defensive strategies IDR 6.200.000 IDR 3.600.000
In-class Training Live Virtual Training
• Memahami pentingnya integrasi di dalam seluruh • Understand the importance of integration within the
bauran pemasaran entire marketing mix
• Menurunkan strategi pemasaran perusahaan ke • Lowering the company’s marketing strategy into the
dalam bauran pemasaran yang tepat hasil right marketing mix results

Executive Development Program Marketing & Sales Executive Development Program Marketing & Sales

Duration: 3 days (24 hours) 4 days (12 hours) 2 weeks

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Pengenalan terhadap elemen pemasaran merupakan An introduction to the elements of marketing is • Marketing in the new realities & the roles of • Marketing in the new realities & the roles of product
fundamental sebelum menyusun strategi dan fundamental before developing strategies and programs. product
program. Elemen fundamental pemasaran yang Complete marketing fundamental elements starting
• Setting price strategy • Setting price strategy
lengkap dimulai dari pemahaman terhadap produk, from understanding the product, pricing, marketing
penentuan harga, saluran pemasaran dan promosi channels, and promotions that are able to meet • The role of marketing channel & integrated • The role of marketing channel & integrated promotion
yang mampu memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan customer needs appropriately based on segmentation, promotion
dengan tepat berdasarkan segmentasi, sasaran, dan targets, and positioning that have been determined.
• The extended marketing mix (3Ps) • The extended marketing mix (3Ps)
positioning yang telah ditentukan.

Pelatihan ini tidak hanya bersifat satu arah tetapi This training program is not only one-way in nature but is Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
juga dilengkapi berbagai kasus dan partisipasi aktif also equipped with various cases and active participation • Profesional dengan posisi staf dan supervisor • Professionals with newly transferred staff and
dari para peserta sehingga para peserta mampu from the participants so that the participants are able yang baru dirotasi dari posisi di luar bidang supervisor positions from positions outside of
mendapatkan komprehensi penuh terhadap dasar- to gain a full understanding of the basics of marketing pemasaran marketing
dasar manajemen pemasaran yang menjadi tumpuan management which is the foundation for further learning
pembelajaran lebih jauh dalam bidang pemasaran. in the field of marketing. • Karyawan baru atau fresh graduates yang baru • New employees or fresh graduates who have just
mulai bekerja di bidang pemasaran started working in the marketing field
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
Program Terkait Related Program
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to: • Advanced Competitive Marketing Strategy • Advanced Competitive Marketing Strategy
• Developing Digital & Social Media Strategies for • Developing Digital & Social Media Strategies for
• Memahami pentingnya pemasaran di dalam • Understand the importance of marketing in the Business Business
perusahaan company
• Digital Marketing in Practice • Digital Marketing in Practice
• Menyusun konsep dasar pemasaran (STP) • Develop basic marketing concepts (STP)
• Mengidentifikasi elemen produk • Identify product elements
• Menentukan strategi harga yang sudah • Determining a price strategy that has taken into IDR 5.300.000 IDR 3.000.000 IDR 1.500.000
60 mempertimbangkan elemen pembentukan harga account the elements of price formation in order to be In-class Training Live Virtual Training Online Training
agar mampu memenangkan persaingan able to win the competition
• Menentukan saluran pemasaran dan promosi • Determine marketing and promotion channels
yang sesuai dengan STP dan produk according to STP and products
• Menyusun langkah efektif penyempurnaan • Develop effective steps to improve service marketing
pemasaran jasa

Executive Development Program Marketing & Sales Executive Development Program Marketing & Sales
Duration: 3 days (24 hours) 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Penggunaan media sosial di era digital mampu The use of social media in the digital era is able to • Assessing External & Internal Factor Towards • Assessing External & Internal Factor Towards Digital
membuat perusahaan untuk mencapai target enable companies to achieve better target markets, Digital Marketing (Situational Analysis) Marketing (Situational Analysis)
pasar yang lebih baik, meningkatkan penjualan dan increase sales and build digital branding so that brands
• Crafting Digital Marketing Strategy • Crafting Digital Marketing Strategy
membangun digital branding agar brand memiliki ciri have distinctive characteristics and have meaning
khas serta mempunyai arti tersendiri bagi pelanggan for customers at a more efficient cost. The design of • Digital Marketing Lean Funnel • Digital Marketing Lean Funnel
dengan biaya yang lebih efisien. Perancangan marketing strategies digitally and through social media
• Evaluation Digital Media Performance & Case • Evaluation Digital Media Performance & Case Study
strategi pemasaran secara digital dan melalui is also a cycle that must be understood by strategy
media sosial juga merupakan sebuah siklus yang designers starting from understanding situational
harus dipahami oleh perancang strategi mulai dari analysis, designing marketing strategies, evaluating the
memahami analisis situasional, perancangan strategi performance of programs that have been run, then re- Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
pemasaran, evaluasi performa program-program analyzing and redesigning the marketing strategy based
• Profesional dengan posisi eselon III, kepala • Professionals with section heads, and division heads
yang telah dijalankan untuk kemudian kembali on performance evaluations. predecessor strategy.
bagian, dan kepala divisi yang bertugas untuk positions who are responsible for developing short to
menganalisis dan merancang kembali strategi
menyusun strategi dan program pemasaran digital medium-term corporate digital marketing strategies
pemasaran tersebut berdasarkan evaluasi performa
perusahaan jangka pendek hingga menengah & programs
strategi pendahulunya.
• Manajer Pemasaran • Marketing Manager
Pelatihan ini juga dilengkapi dengan berbagai macam This training is also equipped with various tools in • Manajer Media Sosial • Social Media Manager
tools dalam mengoptimalkan pemasaran melalui optimizing marketing through social media so that every
media sosial agar setiap kegiatan yang dilakukan activity carried out can run effectively and efficiently. • Manajer Branding • Brand Manager
dapat berjalan dengan efektif dan efisien. • Manajer Penjualan • Sales Manager

Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives Program Terkait Related Program
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are • Digital Marketing in Practice • Digital Marketing in Practice
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:
• Marketing Management • Marketing Management
• Mengidentifikasi peluang, ancaman faktor • Identify opportunities, threats, specific external • Advance Competitive Marketing Strategy • Advance Competitive Marketing Strategy
eksternal spesifik pada aspek tren teknologi factors on aspects of technology trends in the context
62 dalam konteks komunikasi pemasaran dan of marketing communications and e-channels
• Mengidentifikasi kekuatan dan kelemahan • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the
pemanfaatan perusahaan terhadap kinerja media company’s use of digital media performance IDR 4.500.000 IDR 3.000.000
digital In-class Training Live Virtual Training

• Menganalisis strategi pemasaran digital • Analyzing the company’s digital marketing strategy
• Menyusun perencanaan program pemasaran • Planning a digital marketing program using the Lean
digital dengan menggunakan konsep Lean Funnel Funnel concept
• Menetapkan metriks-metriks yang akan dijadikan • Determine the metrics that will be used as KPIs for
KPI kinerja media digital digital media performance

Executive Development Program Marketing & Sales Executive Development Program Marketing & Sales
Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 3 days (9 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Ketatnya persaingan industri pemasaran untuk The intense competition in the marketing industry • Pengenalan Konsep Pengelolaan Sistem • Introduction to System Management Concept
jasa dan produk yang kian tajam saat ini menuntut for services and products that is increasingly sharp
• Contoh-contoh best practice dari perusahaan • Best practice examples from a company with
perusahaan untuk dapat memberikan produk serta nowadays requires companies to provide excellent
dengan customer satisfaction management yang excellent customer satisfaction management
layanan yang prima kepada para pelanggannya. products and services to their customers. An integrated
Untuk menghasilkan kualitas layanan yang prima service system is needed to produce this prime service
tersebut diperlukan sistem layanan yang terintegrasi, quality, which includes front stage services and • Penyusunan Service Blueprint • Designing Service Blueprint
yang meliputi layanan front stage maupun dukungan backstage support from a company.
• Konsep Kepuasan Pelanggan • Customer Satisfaction Concept
backstage dari suatu perusahaan.
• Desain Riset Pengukuran Kepuasan Pelanggan • Customer Satisfaction Measurement Research Design
Selain itu perusahaan juga perlu mengetahui kualitas Besides, companies also need to know the quality of • Desain Kuesioner Pengukuran Kepuasan • Designing a Customer Satisfaction Measurement
layanan, mengevaluasi persepsi pelanggan terhadap services, evaluate customer perceptions of products and Pelanggan Questionnaire
produk dan pelayanan dengan berbagai metode riset services with various integrated research methods in
yang terintegrasi pada setiap rangkaian layanan each set of services obtained from the service blueprint • Teknik Analisis Hasil Pengukuran Kepuasan • Analysis Technique in Measuring Customer
yang diperoleh dari gambaran service blueprint (print service) description. This is also a requirement in Pelanggan Satisfaction Results
(cetak layanan). Hal ini juga telah menjadi salah satu ISO 9001: 2008. From the results of customer reviews or
persyaratan di dalam ISO 9001:2008. Dari hasil review assessments, the company can improve and improve the Siapa yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
ataupun penilaian pelanggan tersebut, perusahaan service process that will result in customer satisfaction
dapat melakukan perbaikan dan peningkatan pada and indirectly lead to customer loyalty, and positively • Manajer penjualan/pemasaran • Sales/Marketing Manager
proses layanan yang akan menghasilkan kepuasan correlate with increasing company profits. • Supervisor penjualan/pemasaran • Sales/Marketing Supervisor
pelanggan dan secara tidak langsung akan berujung
pada loyalitas pelanggan dan berkorelasi positif pada • Manajer Customer Relationship Management • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Manager
peningkatan profit perusahaan. (CRM)
• Supervisor Customer Relationship Management • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Supervisor
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives (CRM)

Having attended this program, participants are expected • Pihak-pihak lain yang bertanggung jawab • Other parties responsible for customer satisfaction
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta
to be able to: terhadap kepuasan pelanggan
diharapkan mampu:

64 • Memahami tentang konsep kepuasan pelanggan • Understand the concept of integrated customer Program Terkait Related Program 65
terpadu satisfaction
• Customer Service Orientation Enhancement • Customer Service Orientation Enhancement
• Memahami dan mampu membuat service • Understand and able to design service blueprint
• Designing Service Blueprint • Designing Service Blueprint
• Customer Insight: Understanding Customer • Customer Insight: Understanding Customer Intimately
• Memahami pentingnya melakukan redesign • Understand the importance of redesigning of service
blueprint to improve service quality Intimately
terhadap service blueprint untuk meningkatkan
kualitas layanan

IDR 5.500.000 IDR 3.200.000

In-class Training Live Virtual Training

Executive Development Program Marketing & Sales Executive Development Program Marketing & Sales
Duration: 3 days (9 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Lingkungan bisnis yang semakin kompetitif, An increasingly competitive business environment • Staf dan Supervisor Customer Service • Customer Service Staff and Supervisors
menuntut perusahaan untuk memiliki keunggulan requires companies to have competitive advantages,
• Staf dan Supervisor Penjualan • Sales Staff and Supervisors
bersaing yang meningkat. Salah satunya adalah dari one of which is on human resources to create value
sisi sumber daya manusia yang dapat menciptakan for customers to generate a loyal customer in the long • Staf Pemasaran • Marketing Staff
nilai bagi pelanggan sehingga dapat menghasilkan term. How human resources create value for customers,
• Pihak-pihak lain yang bertanggung jawab • Other parties who are responsible for customer
pelanggan yang loyal dalam waktu jangka panjang. namely by improving the competence of Service
terhadap kepuasan pelanggan satisfaction
Bagaimana cara sumber daya manusia menciptakan Orientation. Therefore, companies must ensure that the
nilai bagi pelanggan, yaitu dengan meningkatkan competencies of Customer Service Orientation (CSO) or
kompetensi dalam Service Orientation. Maka the ability to serve must be inculcated in every employee Program Terkait Related Program
karena itu, perusahaan harus memastikan bahwa and reflected in any conduct in the workplace.
• Customer Satisfaction Management • Customer Satisfaction Management
kompetensi Customer Service Orientation (CSO)
ataupun kemampuan dalam melayani yang harus • Designing Service Blueprint • Designing Service Blueprint
ditanamkan pada setiap karyawan dan tercermin
• Customer Insight: Understanding Customer • Customer Insight: Understanding Customer Intimately
dalam setiap perilakunya di tempat kerja.
• Design Thinking for Innovation
• Design Thinking for Innovation
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:
IDR 3.200.000
• Memahami konsep Customer Service • Understand the concept of Customer Service
Live Virtual Training
• Mengenal 7 keterampilan/perilaku utama dalam • Identify 7 main skills/behaviors in serving
• Mampu meningkatkan kompetensi CSO • Able to improve CSO competence

Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered

66 • Pentingnya penerapan CSO bagi perusahaan • The importance of implementing CSO for companies 67
• 7 perilaku utama yang mencerminkan kompetensi • 7 main behaviors that reflect CSO competence
• Cara-cara praktis untuk meningkatkan • Practical ways to improve CSO competence
kompetensi CSO
• Masalah terkait dengan pelayanan pelanggan dan • Problems related to customer service and simulation

Executive Development Program Marketing & Sales Executive Development Program Marketing & Sales

Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 3 days (9 hours) 2 weeks

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Usaha persaingan yang tinggi dalam industri Tight competition in the industry causes buyers to face • Tuntutan hard and soft competencies tenaga • The salesperson’s hard and soft demands demanded
menyebabkan pembeli berhadapan dengan banyaknya a large selection of relatively similar products and penjual
pilihan produk dan jasa yang relatif serupa. Kondisi services. This condition requires salespeople not only
• Siklus penjualan 7 langkah • 7-step sales cycle
ini menuntut tenaga penjual tidak hanya bekerja lebih to work harder “but also to be more skilled in selling.
“keras” tetapi juga harus semakin terampil dalam Sales success depends not only on quality products and • Can Do mindset • Can Do mindset
menjual. Keberhasilan penjualan bergantung tidak services but also on salesperson’s sales skills. A good
• Teknik promosi penjualan • Sales promotion technique
hanya pada produk dan jasa yang berkualitas tetapi salesperson must involve the customer in every stage
juga pada keterampilan menjual yang dimiliki oleh of the sale so that it is hoped that the customer will be
tenaga penjual. Seorang penjual yang baik harus satisfied. Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
mampu melibatkan pelanggan dalam setiap tahap
• Staff Tenaga penjual • Salesforces
penjualan sehingga diharapkan pelanggan akan puas.
• Tenaga penjual pemula • New-salesforces
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
Program Terkait Related Program
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to: • Effective Sales Negotiation • Effective Sales Negotiation

• Memahami tuntutan keterampilan tenaga penjual • Understand the demands of salesperson skills in the
di era digital digital era
• Proses penjualan • Sales process
• Meningkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi efektif • Improve the ability to communicate effectively with IDR 4.200.000 IDR 3.200.000 IDR 1.500.000
dengan calon pembeli prospective buyers
In-class Training Live Virtual Training Online Training
• Memahami peran tenaga penjual dalam • Understand the salesperson’s role in a competitive
lingkungan yang kompetitif environment
• Memahami proses perencanaan kegiatan menjual • Understand the process of planning a good sell
yang baik
68 69
• Memahami kegiatan prospecting yang benar • Understand correct prospecting activities
• Memahami proses kegiatan menjual yang cocok • Understand the sales process that fits each type of
dengan setiap tipe pelanggan customer
• Memahami perlunya memberikan layanan purna • Understand the need to provide satisfactory after-
jual yang memuaskan sales service
• Memahami cara melakukan promosi yang • Understand how to do a successful promotion

Executive Development Program Marketing & Sales Executive Development Program Marketing & Sales

Duration: 2.5 days (20 hours) 4 days (12 hours) 3 weeks

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subject Covered
Salah satu teknik penting dalam proses penjualan One of the essential techniques in sales processes is • Pemahaman tentang negosiasi • An understanding of negotiations
adalah negosiasi, yaitu proses perundingan dua belah negotiation, which is negotiating two or more parties,
• Perencanaan negosiasi • Negotiation planning
pihak atau lebih yang masing-masing memiliki sesuatu each of which has something the other party needs to
yang dibutuhkan oleh pihak lainnya untuk mencapai reach a mutually beneficial agreement. A mutually • Komunikasi dalam negosiasi & memulai • Communication in negotiations & initiating
kesepakatan yang saling menguntungkan. Kesepakatan beneficial agreement for the seller is necessary to negosiasi negotiations
yang saling menguntungkan bagi penjual diperlukan build a good long-term relationship for both parties.
• Bertukar konsesi dan menutup negosiasi • Exchange concessions and close negotiations
untuk membina hubungan jangka panjang baik bagi So from that, a seller must understand the negotiation
kedua belah pihak. Maka dari itulah seorang penjual process well and need to be carried out correctly, so • Integrasi konsep dan negotiation tools • Concept & Negotiation Tools Integration
harus memahami proses negosiasi dengan baik dan that the problems faced by both parties will resolve and
perlu dilaksanakan dengan benar, sehingga masalah a mutually beneficial agreement occurs. Siapa yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
yang dihadapi kedua belah pihak akan terselesaikan dan
kesepakatan yang saling menguntungkan terjadi. • Semua staf perusahaan yang melakukan • All company staff who negotiate sales with outside
negosiasi penjualan dengan pihak luar parties
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
Program Terkait Related Program
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to: • Creative Selling Techniques • Creative Selling Techniques
• Effective Business Communication • Effective Business Communication
• Memahami prinsip-prinsip dasar & faktor • Understand the basic principles & determinants of
penentu keberhasilan negosiasi successful negotiations
• Memahami tahapan dan persiapan negosiasi • Understand the stages and preparation for negotiations
• Memahami sinergi antara penawaran dan • Understand the synergy between bidding and
kepentingan mitra negosiasi negotiating partner interests IDR 5.500.000 IDR 3.750.000 IDR 1.800.000
In-class Training Live Virtual Training Online Training
• Memahami gaya komunikasi penjual dan pembeli • Understand the seller and buyer communication style
• Memahami strategi dan teknik untuk memulai, • Understand the strategies and techniques for
mendorong kompromi dan menutup negosiasi initiating, encouraging compromises, and closing
70 negotiations 71

Executive Development Program Marketing & Sales Executive Development Program Marketing & Sales

Duration: 2 weeks

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
Di era digital, tren bisnis berubah dengan cepat. Para In the digital era, business trends are changing rapidly. Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
pemasar harus memiliki pengetahuan, paradigma Marketers must have different knowledge, paradigms, diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:
dan skill yang berbeda tentang dunia online business and skills about the world of online business in marketing.
di pemasaran. Saat ini, internet merupakan salah satu Today, the internet is one extensive distribution channel. • Menjelaskan manfaat – manfaat dalam • Explain the benefits of optimizing marketing
saluran distribusi yang sangat besar. Perkembangan This development impacts the increase in the number of optimalisasi kampanye pemasaran melalui campaigns through digital media
tersebut berdampak pada peningkatan jumlah internet users around the world, which directly awakens media digital
pengguna internet diseluruh dunia, yang secara marketers to the importance of the role of the internet
langsung menyadarkan para pemasar terhadap in marketing a product or service. This is also supported • Menjelaskan konsep dalam menyusun • Explain the concepts in planning a content marketing
pentingnya peran internet untuk memasarkan suatu by the increasing number of social media users in perencanaan konten pemasaran
produk maupun jasa. Hal tersebut juga didukung Indonesia, which is ranked second in social media use. • Mengimplementasikan cara membuat dan • Implementing how to create and develop effective
dengan meningkatnya jumlah pengguna social media mengembangkan konten pemasaran yang efektif marketing content
di Indonesia yang menjadi negara peringkat kedua
dalam pemanfaatan social media. • Menjelaskan konsep segmentasi, targeting • Explain the concept of segmentation and targeting
dengan menggunakan aplikasi adsmanager using the ads manager application
Sebagai seorang praktisi di era pemasaran digital saat As a practitioner in the current digital marketing era, • Mengimplementasikan cara melakukan riset • Implementing how to conduct prospective customer
ini, Anda dituntut untuk langsung mempraktekkan you must directly practice digital marketing knowledge calon pelanggan dengan menerapkan consumer research by implementing a consumer behavior
ilmu-ilmu digital marketing langsung menggunakan using various tools and existing platforms. Both tools behavior framework menggunakan aplikasi framework using the ads manager application to
berbagai tools dan juga platform yang ada. Baik tools for creating marketing content and tools for conducting adsmanager untuk menemukan target pasar find a target market that fits the product and needs
dalam membuat konten pemasaran maupun tools market research and distributing content that has been yang sesuai dengan produk dan kebutuhan
dalam melakukan riset pasar serta mendistribusikan created to the right target market. • Menjelaskan konsep , fungsi dan manfaat • Explain the concepts, functions, and benefits of various
konten yang telah dibuat ke target pasar yang tepat. berbagai macamg tracking code dalam digital tracking codes in integrated digital marketing
marketing yang terintegrasi
Pada pelatihan ini, selain dapat memahami dan In this training, apart from understanding and
• Menjelaskan konsep 3 fase (Testing, Optimizing • Explain the concept of 3 phases (Testing, Optimizing &
menerapkan perencanaan digital marketing, Anda implementing digital marketing planning, you will also
& Scaling) dalam digital advertising serta Scaling) in digital advertising and optimize each phase
juga akan mempelajari berbagai macam tools dalam learn various tools in optimizing digital marketing so that
mengoptimalkan masing – masing fase dengan with an effective strategy
mengoptimalkan digital marketing agar setiap every activity you do can run effectively and efficiently.
kegiatan yang Anda lakukan dapat berjalan dengan Besides, you will also provide tens or even hundreds of strategi yang efektif
efektif dan efisien. Selain itu, Anda juga akan dibekali metrics (measuring tools) in digital marketing which will • Menjelaskan berbagai macam metrics (alat ukur) • Describe various kinds of metrics (measuring tools)
72 dengan puluhan bahkan ratusan metrics (alat ukur) be lowered into key performance indicators. This is, of dan Key Performance Indicator dalam digital and Key Performance Indicators in digital marketing 73
dalam digital marketing yang akan diturunkan course, very useful for determining the success of your marketing
menjadi key performance indicator. Hal ini tentu digital media performance, whether work independently
• Mengimplementasikan pengukuran kinerja • Implementing performance measurement in digital
sangat bermanfaat untuk menentukan keberhasilan or in collaboration with third parties!
dalam pemasaran digital dengan berbagai marketing with various worksheets provided
kinerja digital media Anda baik dilakukan secara
mandiri ataupun bekerjasama dengan pihak ketiga! lembar kerja yang diberikan

Executive Development Program Marketing & Sales Executive Development Program Marketing & Sales
Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
• Teknik membuat dan mengembangkan konten • Techniques for creating and developing marketing
pemasaran content
• Teknik riset dalam pemasaran digital • Research techniques in digital marketing
• Teknik memaksimalkan 3 fase dalam pemasaran • Techniques of maximizing the 3 phases of digital
digital marketing
• Teknik mengukur kinerja dalam pemasaran • Techniques for measuring performance in digital
digital marketing

Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend

• Manager Pemasaran • Marketing Manager
• Manager Promosi Digital • Digital Promotion Manager
• Manager Media Sosial • Social Media Manager

Program Terkait Related Program

• Marketing Management • Marketing Management
• Developing Digital & Social Media Strategies for • Developing Digital & Social Media Strategies for
Business Business

IDR 2.100.000
Online Training

74 75

Executive Development Program Marketing & Sales Executive Development Program Marketing & Sales

Duration: 3 weeks

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Ketatnya persaingan industri pemasaran untuk The intense competition in the marketing industry for • Pemahaman Pelayanan Prima • The Concept of Excellent Service
jasa dan produk yang kian tajam saat ini menuntut services and products increasingly sharp nowadays
• Pemahaman Service Blueprint • The Fundamental of Service Blueprint
perusahaan untuk dapat memberikan produk serta requires companies to provide excellent products and
layanan yang prima kepada para pelanggan. Untuk services to customers. An integrated service system is • Tahapan penyusunan Service Blueprint • Stages of developing a Service Blueprint
menghasilkan kualitas layanan yang prima tersebut needed to produce this prime service quality, including
• Desain ulang Service Blueprint • Service Blueprint redesign
diperlukan sistem layanan yang terintegrasi, yang front stage services and backstage support from a
meliputi layanan front stage maupun dukungan company.
backstage dari suatu perusahaan. Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
• Marketing Support Manager • Marketing Support Manager
Selain itu, perusahaan juga perlu untuk mengetahui Apart from that, the company also needs to know the
kualitas layanan yang diberikannya kepada quality of service to its customers. To fulfill this, the • Service Operation Manager • Service Operation Manager
para pelanggan. Untuk memenuhi hal tersebut company needs to carry out this assessment through • Manajer Layanan • Service Manager
perusahaan perlu melakukan penilaian ini dilakukan various integrated research methods in each set of
melalui berbagai metode riset yang terintegrasi pada services provided to its customers. The program can
setiap rangkaian layanan yang diberikan kepada obtain this series of services from the service blueprint Program Terkait Related Program
pelanggannya. Rangkaian layanan ini dapat diperoleh description.
• Customer Service Orientation Enhancement • Customer Service Orientation Enhancement
dari gambaran service blueprint.
• Customer Satisfaction Management • Customer Satisfaction Management
Service blueprint akan sangat membantu perusahaan A service blueprint will really help companies to measure • Customer Insight: Understanding Customer • Customer Insight: Understanding Customer Intimately
untuk mengukur kepuasan pelanggan. Apabila customer satisfaction. If the services provided have Intimately
layanan yang diberikan telah memuaskan pelanggan, satisfied customers, it will indirectly increase customer
secara tidak langsung akan meningkatkan loyalitas loyalty and positively correlate with increased company
pelanggan dan berkorelasi positif dengan peningkatan profits.
profit perusahaan.
IDR 1.800.000
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives Online Training

Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
76 diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to: 77

• Memahami pengertian dari pelayanan prima • Understand the meaning of service excellence (service
(service excellent) excellent)
• Memahami pengertian dari service blueprint • Understand the meaning of service blueprint
• Mengetahui tahapan penyusunan service • Knowing the stages of preparing a service blueprint
• Memahami pentingnya melakukan redesign • Understand the importance of redesigning the service
terhadap service blueprint untuk meningkatkan blueprint to improve service quality
kualitas layanan

Executive Development Program Marketing & Sales Executive Development Program Marketing & Sales
78 79


• Designing Management Development Program

• Managing The Organization’s Talent SENIOR


• Industrial Relations Conflict Resolution MANAGER
• Designing Virtual Training Program
• Designing Competency Model MANAGING TEAM
• Managing Talent Acquisition MANAGING THROUGH OTHERS
• HR Business Partner
• Practical Behavior Based SUPERVISOR
Interview SUPERVISOR • Comprehensive Job Analysis
• Performance Management System
• Employee Engagement: Key to Your
Organization’s Performance

• Human Resource Management
80 • Remuneration Management 81

Business Model Canvas | KPI: Aligning The Organization’s Performance
Finnon: Understanding Financial Statement | Managing Organizational Change

Mind Mapping for Performance Effectiveness | Cultivating Growth Mindset & Learning Agility
Training for Virtual Trainer | Training for Trainer
Duration: 3 days (24 hours) 4 days (16 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Dalam merespon tantangan bisnis di era saat ini, In responding to business challenges in today’s era, • First Things First: Overviewing Organization’s • First Things First: Overviewing Organization’s Strategic
organisasi kerap berupaya untuk mengembangkan organizations often seek to develop human resources Strategic Goals Goals
sumberdaya manusia. Salah satu fokus pengembangan within their organizations. Not only that, but also
• Integrating Competency Model into Learning • Integrating Competency Model into Learning
sumberdaya manusia di dalam organisasi adalah continues to prepare qualified future organizational
Objectives Objectives
mempersiapkan para pemimpin organisasi di masa leaders through a series of development programs.
depan yang mumpuni melalui serangkaian program However, it is common to find leader development • Designing Curriculum, Syllabus, and Program • Designing Curriculum, Syllabus, and Program
pengembangan. Namun seringkali ditemukan, program programs that are not aligned with the strategic Evaluation Evaluation
pengembangan pemimpin yang dilakukan belum direction of the organization. In fact, the development
selaras dengan arahan strategis organisasi. Padahal program is one of the organizational tools to achieve the Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
program pengembangan pemimpin merupakan salah goal of remaining relevant in the competitive industry.
satu alat bantu organisasi yang penting untuk mencapai In addition, development programs should be designed • Para penyusun program pembelajaran dalam • Learning Designer / Learning Development Specialist
sasaran organisasi agar tetap relevan dalam kancah in a sustainable manner based on the organizational organisasi
persaingan industri. Selain itu program pengembangan competency model.
• Manajer • Supervisor
pun sebaiknya dirancang secara berkelanjutan
berdasarkan model kompetensi organisasi. • Supervisor • Manager

Lantas, bagaimana cara mengembangkan program So how to develop a development program that is in Program Terkait Related Program
pengembangan yang selaras dengan arahan strategis line with the strategic direction of the organization?
organisasi? Dapatkah program pengembangan Could the development program be integrated with • Designing Competency Model • Designing Competency Model
diintegrasikan dengan model kompetensi organisasi an organizational competency model that specifically • Designing Virtual Training Program • Designing Virtual Training Program
sesuai dengan kualifikasi SDM yang dibutuhkan describes the HR qualifications that the organization will
organisasi ke depannya? Melalui pelatihan ini akan need in the future? Through this training, we will discuss • Training for Virtual Trainer • Training for Virtual Trainer
dikupas mengenai langkah-langkah mendesain the steps for designing a strategic HR development • Evaluating Training Program • Evaluating Training Program
program pengembangan SDM secara stratejik program with a practical approach through exercises
dengan pendekatan praktis melalui latihan dan and consultative questions and answers.
tanya jawab konsultatif.

Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives

82 83
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are IDR 5.800.000 IDR 3.600.000
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to: In-class Training Live Virtual Training

• Menyelaraskan sasaran organisasi dengan model • Aligning organizational goals with competency
kompetensi sesuai dengan tuntutan kinerja pada models in accordance with performance demands at
setiap level jabatan. each level of position.
• Menetapkan sasaran program pengembangan • Determine the target of the Management Development
manajemen (Management Development Program in accordance with the level of position.
Program) sesuai dengan level jabatan.
• Menetapkan prioritas pengembangan kompetensi • Establish competency development priorities based on
berdasarkan sasaran stratejik strategic objectives
• Menyusun kurikulum dan silabus program • Develop curriculum, syllabus, and evaluation programs

Executive Development Program Human Capital Management Executive Development Program Human Capital Management
MANAGING TALENT ACQUISITION • Strategi untuk mendapatkan kandidat sesuai
dengan keahlian yang perusahaan butuhkan.
• Strategies to get candidates according to the skills the
company needs.
• Tips untuk Talent Acquisition yang Efektif • Tips for Effective Talent Acquisition

Duration: 2.5 days (20 hours) 4 days (12 hours)

Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
• Pengantar: Talent Acquisition • Introduction: Talent Acquisition
Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed
• Apa, bagaimana dan manfaatnya. • What, how, and benefits
Sumber daya manusia adalah faktor penting yang Human resources are the important factors that
• Proses Talent Acquisition • Talent Acquisition Process
berpengaruh pada perkembangan perusahaan. Tanpa influence the development of the company. Without
adanya elemen tersebut atau kualitasnya yang kurang these elements or of poor quality, the company will find • Attraction, Selection, Attrition. • Attraction, Selection, Attrition
baik, perusahaan akan sulit untuk berjalan dan it difficult to run and operate properly even though other
• Tugas Talent Acquisition • Talent Acquisition Task
beroperasi dengan semestinya meski sumber daya resources have been met. Talent acquisition is one of
yang lain telah terpenuhi. Talent acquisition adalah the first gateways for prospective employees who want • Perbedaan Talent Acquisition dengan proses • The difference between Talent Acquisition and the
salah satu gerbang pertama bagi calon karyawan yang to join a company. Broadly speaking, a talent acquisition rekrutmen biasa usual recruitment process
ingin bergabung dengan sebuah perusahaan. Secara specialist is responsible for identifying, acquiring,
• Tools dalam proses penerapan Talent Acquisition: • Tools in the process of implementing Talent Acquisition:
garis besar, seorang spesialis talent acquisition assessing, and recruiting employees according to the
bertanggung jawab untuk mengidentifikasi, position that is currently needed by the company. • Asesmen potensi (Pemetaan kesesuaian bakat • Potential assessment (Mapping the suitability
mengakuisisi, menilai, dan merekrut karyawan sesuai minat pada target jabatan, kesesuaian profil of talent and interest in the target position,
dengan posisi yang sedang dibutuhkan perusahaan. kandidat dengan nilai perusahaan) suitability of candidate profiles with company
Talent acquisition yang ditujukan untuk menarik talenta Talent Acquisition is aimed at attracting potential talent • Asesmen kompetensi (Kesesuaian dengan • Competency assessment (Compatibility with the
potensial dan memilih yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan and choosing the one that suits the company’s needs. core competencies perusahaan) company’s core competencies)
perusahaan. Jika perusahaan mampu melakukannya If the company is able to do well, then this condition
• Cara mengetahui Efektivitas Strategi Talent • How to find out the effectiveness of the Talent
dengan baik, maka kondisi ini berimbas pada kecocokan, has an impact on compatibility, higher productivity,
Acquisition Acquisition Strategy
produktivitas yang lebih tinggi, dan peningkatan employee and increased employee engagement. Therefore, it
engagement. Maka dari itu penting bagi suatu perusahaan is important for a company to have a strategy from • Karakter yang wajib dimiliki talent acquisition • Characters that a talent acquisition specialist
memiliki strategi untuk melakukan perekrutan sampai recruiting to developing employee talent and nurturing specialist must have
dengan mengembangkan bakat karyawan dan memelihara them so that they can contribute positively to the
• Indikator untuk melakukan evaluasi • Indicators to evaluate the success of talent
mereka agar dapat berkontribusi positif bagi perusahaan. company.
keberhasilan strategi talent acquisition acquisition strategy
Talent Acquisition memerlukan strategi untuk Talent Acquisition requires a strategy to find future • Tips and Trick dalam implementasi talent • Tips and Trick in implementing talent acquisition
menemukan spesialis, pemimpin, atau eksekutif specialists, leaders or executives keeping the company’s acqusition
masa depan dengan mengingat tujuan jangka panjang long-term goals in mind. This process does not only Who Should Attend
Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut
perusahaan. Proses ini tidak sekedar berfokus focus on meeting the demands of the company’s direct
pada pemenuhan tuntutan tenaga kerja langsung workforce. But tends to focus on long-term human • Staf/Supervisor/Manajer/ Bidang SDM • HR Staff/HR Supervisor/HR Manager/HR Division
84 perusahaan. Namun cenderung fokus pada sumber resources by planning and finding the right candidate for 85
• Spesialis SDM di bidang talent acquisition • HR specialist in talent acquisition
daya manusia jangka panjang dengan merencanakan positions that require very specific skills.
dan menemukan kandidat yang tepat untuk posisi
yang membutuhkan keahlian yang sangat spesifik. Program Terkait Related Program
• Human Resources Management • Human Resources Management
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
• Comprehensive Job Analysis • Comprehensive Job Analysis
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
• Remuneration Management • Remuneration Management
diharapkan mampu menjelaskan: expected to be able to:
• Employee Engagement: Key to Your Organization’s • Employee Engagement: Key to Your Organization’s
• Proses Talent Acquisition untuk menentukan • Talent Acquisition process to determine the best HR Performance Performance
profil SDM yang terbaik bagi perusahaan profile for the company

IDR 5.200.000 IDR 3.400.000

In-class Training Live Virtual Training

Executive Development Program Human Capital Management Executive Development Program Human Capital Management
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:
Duration: 4 days (12 hours)
• Menjelaskan apa itu HRBP, Model HRBP, serta • Explain what HRBP is, HRBP Model, and the challenges
tantangan yang dihadapi oleh HRBP faced by HRBP
Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed • Memahami struktur organisasi HRBP, peran, • Understand the HRBP organizational structure, roles,
serta tugas HRBP and HRBP duties
Dalam satu dekade, HR telah menjalani proses Within a decade, HR has undergone a transformation
transformasi. Saat ini kondisi ekonomi berubah dengan process. Currently, economic conditions are changing • Mengidentifikasi kompetensi dan kapabilitas • Identify the competencies and capabilities that HRBP
cepat, tantangan bisnis sangat dinamis, diperkuat rapidly, business challenges are very dynamic, yang harus dimiliki oleh HRBP must possess
dengan perkembangan teknologi digital sangat pesat. reinforced by the rapid development of digital technology. • Melakukan analisis data (HR analytic) yang dibutuhkan • Perform data analysis (HR analytics) needed to
Tidak dapat dipungkiri hal yang membedakan satu It is undeniable that the thing that distinguishes one untuk memahami kondisi saat ini maupun mendukung understand current conditions and support decision-
organisasi dengan organisasi lainnya adalah orang- organization from another is the people in it. The role pengambilan keputusan yang dapat mendukung making that can support business development in the
orang di dalamnya. Peran HR dalam mendukung of HR in supporting organizations to survive in the perkembangan bisnis di masa depan future
organisasi bertahan dalam persaingan semakin competition is increasingly needed. The administrative
dibutuhkan. Peran administratif dan fungsional HR yang and functional roles of HR that have been carried out
selama ini dijalankan tidak lagi cukup untuk membawa so far are no longer enough to bring the organization Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
organisasi menghadapi tantangan perubahan jaman. to face the challenges of changing times. HR, which
• The Fundamental of HRBP • The Fundamental of HRBP
HR yang selama ini lebih banyak menjawab kebutuhan has so far been more responsive to the needs of
stakeholder internal (karyawan dan manajemen) internal stakeholders (employees and management) • Why HRBP? • Why HRBP?
harus meluaskan cara pandangnya. HR saat ini juga must broaden its perspective. HR currently also • HRBP structure, roles, & job description • HRBP structure, roles, & job description
perlu mengenali kebutuhan stakeholder eksternal needs to recognize the needs of external stakeholders
(customer, investor, komunitas, dll) untuk dapat (customers, investors, communities, etc.) to be able • HRBP model & challenges • HRBP model & challenges
menjadi partner diskusi dan mencari solusi bagi unit to become discussion partners and find solutions for • HRBP skills & competencies • HRBP skills & competencies
bisnis dalam mempersiapkan orang-orang yang sesuai business units in preparing people according to the
kebutuhan perkembangan bisnis tersebut. HR saat ini needs of the business development. HR today must be • HR & Business • HR & Business
harus bisa melakukan fungsi HR untuk mendukung able to perform HR functions to support organizations to • How HR adds value to business • How HR adds value to a business
organisasi memenangkan persaingan. win the competition.
• Strategic HR Metrics • Strategic HR Metrics
Program pelatihan HRBP ini memberikan pedoman This HRBP training program provides guidance for HR • HR Analytics • HR Analytics
bagi para praktisi HR untuk memberikan value kepada practitioners to provide value to business unit leaders,
• HR Analytics Maturity Level • HR Analytics Maturity Level
para pemimpin unit bisnis, memastikan organisasi ensuring the organization is able to win the competition.
mampu memenangkan persaingan. HRBP berperan HRBP acts as a partner for business unit leaders to • HR Analytics Case • HR Analytics Case
sebagai mitra bagi para pemimpin unit bisnis untuk identify business needs and provide HR services that
mengidentifikasi kebutuhan bisnis dan memberikan support the development of the business. Participants Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
86 layanan HR yang mendukung perkembangan bisnis will learn about HRBP roles and responsibilities, HRBP 87
tersebut. Peserta akan belajar mengenai peran dan structure, how to apply HR analytics in identifying • Manager/Supervisor/Staf SDM • HR Manager/HR Supervisor/HR Staff
tanggung jawab HRBP, struktur HRBP, bagaimana current conditions and making decisions for the future,
menerapkan HR analytic dalam mengidentifikasi providing fact-based solutions to business unit leaders,
kondisi saat ini maupun mengambil keputusan untuk and how to play the role of a change agent to implement
masa depan, memberikan solusi berbasis fakta plans so that managed to become a business partner as Program Terkait Related Program
kepada para pemimpin unit bisnis, serta bagaimana a whole.
memainkan peran sebagai agen perubahan untuk • Human Resources Management • Human Resources Management
melaksanakan rencananya sehingga berhasil menjadi • Industrial Relations Conflict Resolution • Industrial Relations Conflict Resolution
partner bisnis secara menyeluruh.
• Effective Business Communication • Effective Business Communication
• Managing Business Partnership • Managing Business Partnership
• Project Stakeholder Management • Project Stakeholder Management

IDR 3.600.000
Live Virtual Training

Executive Development Program Human Capital Management Executive Development Program Human Capital Management
Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 3 days (9 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Sumber daya manusia diyakini sebagai aset paling Human resources are considered to be the most • Talent Assessment and Mapping • Talent Assessment and Mapping
penting yang dimiliki organisasi untuk mencapai important asset owned by the organization to achieve
• Talent Readiness • Talent Readiness
visi misi dan tujuannya. Sumber daya manusia yang its vision, mission, and goals. The potential and well-
potensial dan berkinerja baik merupakan sumber performed human resources are a source of excellence • Talent Development (Learning & Development • Talent Development (Learning & Development
keunggulan yang dimiliki oleh organisasi untuk bisa possessed by the organization to be able to compete. For Intervention) Intervention)
bersaing atau berkompetisi. Untuk itu penting bagi this reason, it is important for organizations to be able to
• Talent Retention through Leadership • Talent Retention through Leadership
organisasi untuk dapat mengidentifikasi talenta- identify their best talents, develop them according to the
talenta terbaiknya, mengembangkannya sesuai arah direction of organizational development, and maintain
perkembangan organisasi, serta mempertahankannya them to be more engaged with the organization. Siapa yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
agar semakin engage dengan organisasi.
• Manajer SDM/Supervisor SDM • HR Manager/HR Supervisor

Pelatihan ini membantu peserta memahami konsep dan This training helps participants understand the concepts • HR Spesialis yang berperan dalam Manajemen • HR Specialist in Talent Management in Organizations
teknik mengelola talenta. Pengelolaan talenta sangat and techniques of managing talent. Talent management Talenta di Organisasi
dibutuhkan bagi organisasi untuk dapat menyiapkan is needed for organizations to be able to prepare future • Manajer Lini • Line Manager
pemimpin masa depan yang dapat membawa organisasi leaders who can bring the organization to face the
menghadapi tantangan yang akan datang. Pengelolaan challenges that will come. Talent management starts
talenta dimulai dari penetapan model orang yang Program Terkait Related Program
from determining the model of people needed by the
dibutuhkan organisasi, pengakusisian talenta yang organization, acquiring appropriate talents, developing • Design Competency Model • Design Competency Model
sesuai, pengembangan kompetensi talenta dan proses talent competencies, and the retention process for
retensi bagi talenta yang telah siap menduduki posisi talents who are ready to occupy future job positions. • Performance Management System • Performance Management System
pekerjaan yang akan datang.

Manfaat Apa yang Diperoleh Objectives

Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are IDR 5.200.000 IDR 3.500.000
diharapkan mampu : expected to be able to explain: In-class Training Live Virtual Training

• Menjelaskan konsep manajemen talenta • Explain the concept of talent management

88 89
• Menyusun usulan strategi akuisisi talenta sesuai • Develop a talent acquisition strategy proposal
strategi organisasi according to the organization’s strategy
• Merancang usulan program pengembangan • Designing an effective talent development program
talenta yang efektif proposal
• Mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah untuk • Identify steps to retain top talent through leaders
mempertahankan talenta terbaik melalui para

Executive Development Program Human Capital Management Executive Development Program Human Capital Management

Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Seiring perkembangan organisasi dalam menjawab Along with organizational development, where the • Manajemen Kinerja: apa dan mengapa dibutuhkan • Performance Management: what and why does the
perubahan dan tantangan eksternal yang semakin organization’s needs to establish a measurable organisasi? organization need?
dinamis, perlu bagi organisasi untuk selalu mengetahui performance management system are needed,
• Cara penyusunan perencanaan Kinerja: Key • How to prepare Performance planning: Key
bagaimana posisi kinerja organisasi sesungguhnya, the alignment of needs measurement from
Performance Indicator (KPI) & Key Behaviour Performance Indicator (KPI) and Key Behavior
terutama bila kinerja organisasi dikaitkan dengan the organizational level is translated into the
Indicator (KBI) Indicator (KBI)
kinerja karyawan setiap individu. Seringkali ditemukan individual level. The skills to be able to answer
kondisi dimana rata-rata kinerja karyawan berada pada these needs are needed to be practiced in • Pengelolaan kinerja yang efektif • Effective performance management
status baik sekali, sementara kinerja organisasi tidak the organization. This topic is very suitable to
• Penilaian Kinerja yang sesuai kebutuhan • Performance Appraisal according to organizational
demikian halnya. Perlu ada momen untuk menarik answer the needs of these organizations. With an
organisasi needs
mundur, untuk mencari tahu dimana kekeliruan yang interactive learning method, this topic is perfect
terjadi sehingga cermin bagi kinerja organisasi tidak for those who need to answer the above needs • Dampak hasil penghargaan kinerja baik untuk • The impact of the performance reward results in both
memberikan informasi yang sesungguhnya. practically and easily. dampak finansial maupun non-finansial financial and non-financial impacts

Performance Management System (PMS) mencoba Performance Management System (PMS) tries to provide Siapa yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
memberikan gambaran bagaimana sesungguhnya an overview of the actual implementation of a system
implementasi sebuah sistem yang fokus pada pengelolaan that focuses on managing performance in the company. • Manajer/Supervisor/Staf SDM • Manager/Supervisor/Staff in Human Resource
kinerja di perusahaan dijalankan. Secara filosofis, PMS Philosophically, PMS could be a tool to shape the work • Spesialis Performance Management, Spesialis • Performance Management Specialist, Strategic
dapat menjadi sebuah alat untuk membentuk budaya dan culture of the organization as expected. Strategically, Perencanaan Strategis Planning Specialist
iklim kerja organisasi sesuai yang diharapkan organisasi. PMS implementation will also answer how individual
Secara strategis, implementasi PMS juga akan performance impacts organizational performance. • Pimpinan Unit Kerja/Manajer Lini (non-HR) • Head of Work Unit/Line Manager (non-HR)
menjawab bagaimana kinerja individu sesungguhnya Therefore, it is necessary to determine individual
sangat mencerminkan kinerja organisasi, oleh karena performance and targets tentatively. This training Program Terkait Related Program
itu perlu dipikirkan dengan matang, target dan sasaran program will provide comprehensive and impactful
kinerja individu yang mencerminkan sasaran organisasi. learning with an interactive learning experience. • Aligning Performance for Success • Aligning Performance for Success
Dengan metode pembelajaran yang interaktif, topik ini • KPI: Aligning The Organization’s Performance • KPI: Aligning The Organization’s Performance
akan memberikan pengalaman belajar yang mendalam
dan bermanfaat. • Company Strategic Planning • Company Strategic Planning

90 Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh 91

Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu menjelaskan: expected to be able to explain:
IDR 5.500.000 IDR 3.400.000
• Sistem Manajemen Kinerja • Performance Management System In-class Training Live Virtual Training

• Perencanaan Kinerja • Performance Planning

• Pengelolaan Kinerja • Performance Management
• Penilaian Kinerja • Performance assessment
• Pemantapan, Penghargaan dan Tindak Lanjut • Consolidation, Awards & Performance Review

Executive Development Program Human Capital Management Executive Development Program Human Capital Management
Duration: 3 days (24 hours) 3 days (9 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Employee Engagement (keterikatan karyawan) adalah Employee Engagement is a condition, positive attitude, • Employee Engagement berdasarkan beberapa • Employee Engagement based on several theoretical
suatu kondisi, sikap atau perilaku positif seorang or behavior of an employee towards the job and pendekatan teori approaches
karyawan terhadap pekerjaan dan organisasinya yang organization, characterized by vigor, dedication, and
• Strategi Peningkatan Employee Engagement • Employee Engagement Strategy
ditandai dengan perasaan semangat (vigour), dedikasi absorption to achieve organizational goals and success.
(dedication) dan keasyikan (absorption) untuk tercapainya The organization then builds this condition to increase • Tahap-tahap Employee Engagement Survey • Employee Engagement stages
tujuan dan keberhasilan organisasi dengan mudah. the success of innovation, which impacts increasing
• Tindak lanjut kegiatan Employee Engagement • Follow-up on Employee Engagement activities
Kondisi ini yang kemudian dibangun oleh organisasi organizational productivity.
Survey bagi peningkatan kinerja dan pengelolaan to improve performance and human resource
untuk dapat meningkatkan keberhasilan inovasi yang
SDM management
berdampak pada peningkatan produktivitas organisasi.

Tantangan organisasi adalah menemukenali faktor- The organization is challenged to identify the factors
Siapa yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
faktor yang dianggap penting oleh karyawan dalam that are essential for employees in increasing their • Staf SDM • Human Resource Staff
meningkatkan engagement mereka, kemudian berupaya engagement then tries to ensure that the factors
memastikan faktor-faktor tersebut dapat dihadirkan could be presented by the organization. In general, • Supervisor SDM • Human Resource Supervisor
oleh organisasi kepada karyawan. Dalam upayanya organizations measure employee engagement through • Manager SDM • Human Resource Manager
tersebut, organisasi biasanya melakukan pengukuran surveys that are conducted regularly. Based on the
engagement karyawan melalui survey yang dilakukan survey results, it could be obtained essential points
secara berkala. Dari hasil survey tersebut dapat for improving human resource management and
Program Terkait Related Program
diperoleh poin-poin penting perbaikan pengelolaan SDM the organization in the future. In order to increase • Human Resources Management • Human Resources Management
dan organisasi ke depan. Dalam rangka meningkatkan employee engagement which is expected to increase
engagement karyawan yang kemudian diharapkan dapat employee productivity and loyalty to the organization. • Managing The Organization’s Talent • Managing The Organization’s Talent
meningkatkan produktivitas dan loyalitas karyawan
terhadap organisasi maupun pekerjaan mereka.

Melalui pelatihan ini peserta akan memahami apa Participants will understand what engagement is, IDR 5.200.000 IDR 3.400.000
itu engagement, perbedaannya dengan satisfaction, the difference between it and satisfaction, identify
In-class Training Live Virtual Training
mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor penting pendorong important factors driving employee engagement,
engagement karyawan, bagaimana melaksanakan, how to implement, process data, and follow up on
92 mengolah data, dan menindaklanjuti hasil engagement survey results, in this training program. 93
engagement survey.

Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives

Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu menjelaskan: expected to be able to explain:

• Employee Engagement: apa dan mengapa • Employee Engagement: what and why the organization
dibutuhkan organisasi needs.
• Tahap-tahap Employee Engagement Survey • Stages of Employee Engagement
• Identifikasi tindak lanjut terkait hasil Employee • Identification of follow-up actions related to the results
Engagement terhadap peningkatan kinerja dan of Employee Engagement towards performance
pengelolaan SDM improvement and HR management

Executive Development Program Human Capital Management Executive Development Program Human Capital Management

Duration: 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Peningkatan kompetensi karyawan merupakan Employee competency improvement is an ongoing • Assessing the learning objectives: which is fit to • Assessing the learning objectives: which is fit to go
suatu proses berkelanjutan yang perlu diperhatikan process that organizations need to pay attention to deal go virtual? virtual?
organisasi agar mampu menghadapi dinamika with business dynamics. The existence of the COVID-19
• The Art of Engagement: Encouraging Learning • The Art of Engagement: Encouraging Learning
bisnis. Adanya pandemi COVID-19 tentu saja bukan is, of course not an obstacle to continuing to provide a
Through Virtual Collaboration Through Virtual Collaboration
menjadi halangan untuk terus memberikan wadah learning platform for employees. This program requires
pembelajaran bagi karyawan. Hal ini tentu saja organizations to immediately change the way of learning • The Art of Accountability: Ensuring The Success • The Art of Accountability: Ensuring The Success of
menuntut organisasi untuk segera mengubah cara adapted to the pandemic conditions we are facing. of The Virtual Learner to Achieve Learning The Virtual Learner to Achieve Learning Objectives
pembelajaran yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi Objectives
pandemi yang sedang kita hadapi.
• Developing “real” learning in designing a virtual • Developing “real” learning in designing a virtual class
Sudah menjadi hal umum bahwa media pembelajaran It has become commonplace that the learning media
yang digunakan dalam kondisi ini adalah media virtual used in this condition is virtual media to limit direct
untuk membatasi adanya pertemuan tatap muka face-to-face meetings. The question then arises: “Can Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
secara langsung. Pertanyaan yang kemudian muncul face-to-face learning designs be directly used to convey • Para penyusun program pembelajaran dalam • The person who is responsible for the learning
adalah “Apakah desain pembelajaran tatap muka the material through virtual media?” or “Is there a need organisasi program in the organization
akan langsung dapat digunakan untuk menyampaikan for a special learning design if the organization is going
materi melalui media virtual?” atau “Apakah diperlukan to do virtual learning?” Through this program, it will • Manajer • Manager
adanya desain pembelajaran khusus apabila organisasi discuss directly the extent to which organizations need • Supervisor • Supervisor
akan melakukan pembelajaran secara virtual?” Melalui to develop virtual learning designs. So, organizations can
pelatihan ini akan dikupas secara langsung sejauh mana still achieve the goals of learning under organizational
organisasi perlu mengembangkan desain pembelajaran expectations Program Terkait Related Program
secara virtual agar sasaran dari pembelajaran tetap • Designing Management Development Program • Designing Management Development Program
tercapai sesuai dengan harapan organisasi
• Training for Virtual Trainer • Training for Virtual Trainer
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives • Designing Training Program • Designing Training Program

Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are • Certified Professional Trainer • Certified Professional Trainer
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:
94 95
• Memahami definisi pembelajaran virtual • Understand the definition of virtual learning IDR 3.600.000
• Mengelola engagement peserta dalam • Manage participant engagement in virtual learning Live Virtual Training

pembelajaran virtual
• Mengukur tingkat keberhasilan pembelajaran • Measuring the success rate of virtual learning in
virtual dalam mencapai sasaran pembelajaran achieving learning goals
• Mengembangkan desain pembelajaran virtual • Develop an insightful and fun virtual learning design
yang memberikan wawasan dan menyenangkan

Executive Development Program Human Capital Management Executive Development Program Human Capital Management
Duration: 2.5 days (20 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Organisasi saat ini mengalami tantangan bisnis yang Nowadays, an organization is experiencing tremendous • Proses Perancangan Pelatihan (Designing • Designing Training Process
sangat luar biasa, sehingga setiap organisasi dituntut business challenges, whereas each organization is Training Program)
untuk memiliki Sumber Daya Manusia yang memiliki expected to acquire high competent human resources
• Identifikasi Kebutuhan Pelatihan • Identifying Training Needs
kompetensi tinggi. Dengan demikian peran suatu on board. Hence, the roles of staff in the Training and
pelatihan dan pengembangan karyawan menjadi Development Department become more crucial within • Merancang Modul Pelatihan • Designing Training Module
semakin crucial dalam setiap organisasi. Unit kerja yang the organization. The unit responsible for managing
• Menyusun Evaluasi Pelatihan • Conceiving Training Evaluation
bertanggung jawab dalam mengelola suatu pelatihan the staff training development, which includes training
pengembangan karyawan, termasuk di dalamnya adalah program designers, has significant roles in designing
para designer training program, memiliki peran yang an effective and accurately-targeted training program. Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
sangat signifikan untuk mendesain sebuah program As such, designing a high-impact training program is
• Supervisor & manajer SDM • HR Supervisor & HR Manager
pelatihan yang efektif dan tepat sasaran. Untuk itu, required.
mendesain suatu program pelatihan yang high impact • Supervisor & manajer bagian pelatihan dan • Supervisor & Manager in HR Training and Development
menjadi suatu keharusan. pengembangan SDM Department
• Instruktur internal perusahaan • Corporate’s internal instructors
Tanpa desain yang meaningful serta efektif, maka Without a meaningful and effective training design,
sasaran sebuah pembelajaran tidak akan tercapai. organizations will not achieve a particular learning • Para pengambil keputusan dalam pelatihan dan • Decision-makers in HR Training & Development
Kemampuan mendesain serta mengidentifikasi initiative’s target. The ability to design and identify pengembangan SDM Department
kebutuhan pelatihan secara tepat akan melahirkan training needs accurately will conceive a training
suatu program yang mendorong engagement dari program that will urge engagement from participants Program Terkait Related Program
peserta terhadap suatu pembelajaran. Pelatihan yang of a learning initiative. The training program that has
disusun secara efektif akan menunjang keberhasilan been conceived effectively will support in achieving the • Designing Management Development Program • Designing Management Development Program
sasaran suatu pembelajaran. Dengan kata lain, target of a learning initiative. In other words, the ability • Training for Virtual Trainer • Training for Virtual Trainer
kemampuan merancang suatu pelatihan menjadi to design a training program will become a key factor for
kunci keberhasilan sebuah training. training success. • Designing Virtual Training Program • Designing Virtual Training Program
• Certified Professional Trainer • Certified Professional Trainer
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
Setelah mengikuti program ini, peserta diharapkan Having attended this program, participants are expected
96 mampu: to be able to: 97

• Menjelaskan dengan benar tahapan dalam • Explain the stages accurately in designing a training IDR 5.500.000
merancang program pelatihan mulai dari Analisis program, which starts with Training Needs Analysis to In-class Training
Kebutuhan Pelatihan sampai dengan Evaluasi Training Evaluation
• Mengidentifikasi kebutuhan pelatihan yang ada di • Identify training needs in the organization
dalam organisasi
• Merancang program pelatihan mengunakan konsep • Design training program using the ADDIE concept
ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implement, (Analyze, Design, Development, Implement,
Evaluation) sampai menghasilkan silabus Evaluation) which resulted in a syllabus
• Mengidentifikasi berbagai tingkat evaluasi • Identify various levels of training evaluation and ways
pelatihan dan cara melakukan alih pelatihan to carry out cross-training

Executive Development Program Human Capital Management Executive Development Program Human Capital Management

Duration: 5 days (40 hours) 5 days (15 hours) 3 weeks

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed • Prinsip dasar dalam pengelolaan SDM untuk • The basic principles in HR management to achieve
mencapai tujuan organisasi organizational goals
Tantangan bagi praktisi Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) The challenge for HR practitioners is to provide HR
adalah menyediakan sistem SDM dan layanan SDM systems and HR services that can really add value • Fungsi-fungsi dasar dan ruang lingkup • The basic functions and scope of HR management
yang benar-benar dapat memberikan nilai tambah to the organization. Therefore, it should align the HR pengelolaan SDM
bagi organisasi. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk Management system with the organization’s direction/ • Uraian Pekerjaan • Job Description
dapat menyelarasakan sistem Manajemen SDM vision & mission. Modern HR Management Systems need
• Perencanaan SDM • HR Planning
dengan Visi Misi dan Strategi Organisasi. Selain to implement HR functions linked to the organization’s
itu perubahan trend pengelolaan SDM yang sangat strategy for development. • Rekrutmen & Seleksi • Recruitment & Selection
dinamis saat ini juga menuntut kreativitas dalam
• Pelatihan & Pengembangan • Training & Development
pengelolaannya. Sistem Manajemen SDM modern
perlu mengimplementasikan fungsi-fungsi SDM yang • Manajemen Kinerja • Performance Management
terhubung dengan strategi organisasi untuk terus
• Manajemen Remunerasi • Remuneration Management
berkembang dan menjawab tantangan jaman.
• Hubungan Industrial • Industrial Relations
Pelatihan ini meliputi modul pembelajaran yang This training includes a comprehensive learning module • Peran Departemen SDM dalam setiap fungsi • The role of HR Department in every HR management
komprehensif dari fungsi-fungsi dasar Manajemen SDM of HR management’s basic functions that can be applied pengelolaan SDM function
yang dapat diaplikasikan di organisasi. Pelatihan ini in organizations. This training is an opportunity for
merupakan kesempatan bagi setiap praktisi SDM untuk every HR practitioner to review, reflect, and sharpen
meninjau kembali, merefleksikan, dan mempertajam their knowledge and skills in implementing the latest Apa Saya yang Dibahas Subject Covered
pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam implementasi HR management system. This training program is • Perubahan lingkungan bisnis dan dampaknya • The business environment changes and impacts on
sistem manajemen SDM terkini. Program pelatihan ini intended for practitioners who are new to the HR field, pada tuntutan Sumber Daya Manusia Human Resources demands
ditujukan bagi praktisi yang baru berkecimpung dalam HR generalist, or HR Supervisor level who want to
bidang SDM, HR generalist, atau tingkat Supervisor understand the basics of HR management and the HR • Prinsip dasar dalam pengelolaan SDM untuk • The basic principles in HR management to achieve
SDM yang ingin memahami dasar-dasar manajemen management function’s overall practice. mencapai tujuan organisasi organizational goals
SDM dan praktik keseluruhan fungsi manajemen SDM. • Fungsi-fungsi dasar dan ruang lingkup • The basic functions and scope of HR management
pengelolaan SDM
Pelatihan ini menggunakan metode pembelajaran yang This training uses various learning methods that allow
• Peran Departemen SDM dalam setiap fungsi • The role of the HR Department in every HR
beragam yang memungkinkan peserta untuk menguasai participants to master knowledgeable concepts and
pengelolaan SDM management function
konsep yang bersifat pengetahuan, namun juga practical skills related to training materials, which are
98 keterampilan praktis terkait dengan materi pelatihan then expected to be applied in organizations. • Permainan Simulasi Manajemen SDM (hanya di • HR Management Game Simulation (for in-class 99
yang kemudian diharapkan dapat diaplikasikan di in-class training) training)
Siapa yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
• Staf SDM • HR Department Staff
Setelah mengikuti program pelatihan ini, peserta After taking this training program, the participants will
• Supervisor SDM • HR Department Supervisor
mampu menjelaskan: be able to explain:
• HR Generalist • HR Generalist
• Perubahan lingkungan bisnis dan dampaknya • The business environment changes and impact on • Manager SDM baru (berpengalaman di bidang • New-entry to HR Management
pada tuntutan Sumber Daya Manusia Human Resources SDM minimal selama 1-2 tahun)

Executive Development Program Human Capital Management Executive Development Program Human Capital Management
Program Terkait Related Program
• Designing Management Development Program • Designing Management Development Program
• Managing Talent Acquisition • Managing Talent Acquisition
• HR Business Partner • HR Business Partner
• Performance Management System • Performance Management System
• Employee Engagement: Key to Your Organization’s • Employee Engagement: Key to Your Organization’s
Performance Performance
• Designing Competency Model • Designing Competency Model
• Practical Behavior-Based Interview • Practical Behavior-Based Interview
• Comprehensive Job Analysis • Comprehensive Job Analysis
• Managing The Organization’s Talent • Managing The Organization’s Talent
• Remuneration Management • Remuneration Management
• Industrial Relations Conflict Resolution • Industrial Relations Conflict Resolution

IDR 7.000.000 IDR 3.800.000 IDR 2.200.000

In-class Training Live Virtual Training Online Training

100 101

Executive Development Program Human Capital Management Executive Development Program Human Capital Management

Duration: 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Kompetensi (meliputi Ragam Kompetensi, Kamus Variety of Competencies, Competency Dictionary &
Kompetensi & Profil Kompetensi Jabatan) Position Competency Profile)
Kualitas SDM yang dimiliki oleh organisasi diyakini The quality of human resources in the organization is
sebagai modal utama organisasi dalam mencapai believed to be the main capital of the organization in • Metode Pengukuran/Asesmen Kompetensi • Method of Measurement/Competency Assessment
target dan memenangkan persaingan. Pertanyaannya achieving targets and winning the competition. The
kemudian adalah kualitas SDM seperti apa yang question then is what kind of human resource quality Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
dibutuhkan oleh organisasi? Model kompetensi dapat is needed by the organization? The competency model
menjawab pertanyaan tersebut. Model kompetensi can answer these questions. The competency model can • Jenis-Jenis Kompetensi (Kompetensi Inti, • Types of Competencies (Core Competencies, Role
dapat menjawab permasalahan profil SDM yang answer the required HR profile problems in terms of Kompetensi Peran, Kompetensi Fungsional) Competencies, Functional Competencies)
dituntut baik dari segi keterampilan, pengetahuan skills, knowledge, and characteristics in order to support • Kamus Kompetensi • Competency Dictionary
dan karakteristik agar dapat mendukung pencapaian the achievement of company goals. The competency
sasaran perusahaan. Model kompetensi diyakini model is believed to be a tool to predict the success of • Profil Kompetensi • Competency Profile
dapat menjadi alat untuk memprediksi keberhasilan someone’s superior performance. • Asesmen Kompetensi • Competency Assessment
kinerja seseorang yang superior.
Siapa yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Model kompetensi akan sangat membantu para The competency model will greatly assist HR managers
manajer SDM dan manajer lini dalam menjalankan and line managers in implementing competency- • Manajer/Supervisor/Staf SDM • HR Manager/HR Supervisor/HR Staff
sistem manajemen SDM berbasis kompetensi seperti based HR management systems such as recruitment
and placement, succession planning, HR training • Spesialis Pengembangan Organisasi • Organizational Development Specialist
penerimaan dan penempatan, rencana suksesi,
and development, performance management, and (Organizational Development)
pelatihan dan pengembangan SDM, manajemen
kinerja, serta manajemen imbal jasa. Model kompetensi remuneration management. The competency model will
juga akan sangat berarti bagi perusahaan dalam also be very meaningful for the company in ascertaining Program Terkait Related Program
memastikan apakah investasi yang sudah dilakukan whether the investment that has been made by the
oleh perusahaan dalam bidang manajemen SDM company in the field of HR management will have a • Managing The Organization’s Talent • Managing The Organization’s Talent
akan memberi dampak yang maksimal dalam usaha maximum impact in efforts to improve HR performance • Performance Management System • Performance Management System
meningkatkan kinerja SDM dan kinerja organisasi. and organizational performance.
• Practical Behavior-Based Interview • Practical Behavior-Based Interview
Dalam pelatihan ini, peserta akan belajar mengenai In this training, participants will learn about what a • Leader as a Coach • Leader as A Coach
apa itu model kompetensi, apa saja jenis-jenis competency model is, what types of competencies need
kompetensi yang perlu diidentifikasi, bagaimana cara to be identified, how to identify them, how to determine a
102 mengidentifikasinya, bagaimana menentukan profil job competency profile, compile a competency dictionary, 103
kompetensi jabatan, menyusun kamus kompetensi, and understand several methods of measuring
sampai dengan memahami beberapa metode competence.
pengukuran kompetensi.
IDR 3.200.000
Live Virtual Training

Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives

Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu menjelaskan: expected to be able to explain:

• Konsep Dasar Kompetensi • Basic Concept of Competence

• Langkah-langkah dalam merumuskan Model • Steps in formulating a Competency Model (covering

Executive Development Program Human Capital Management Executive Development Program Human Capital Management
Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
Kinerja perusahaan yang unggul sangat didukung The great performance of a company is strongly supported Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended the program, participants are expected
oleh kompetensi yang dimiliki oleh para karyawannya. by the competencies of its employees. Employees who diharapkan dapat menjelaskan: to be able to explain:
Karyawan yang berprestasi dalam pekerjaan tentunya excel in their work certainly have a direct impact on
memiliki dampak langsung terhadap profitabilitas company profitability. Therefore, the employee selection • Wawancara sebagai metode seleksi • The interview as a selection method
perusahaan. Oleh karena itu, proses seleksi karyawan process is something that cannot be taken lightly. With
merupakan hal yang tidak dapat dianggap sepele. the right and quality selection process, the company will • Kegunaan dan prinsip wawancara kompetensi • The uses and principles of competency interviews
Dengan proses seleksi yang tepat dan berkualitas, get the right people to fill each position and get the most • Tahap-tahap wawancara kompetensi • The competency interview stages
maka perusahaan akan mendapatkan orang- suitable employees. The selection process that is not
orang yang tepat untuk mengisi setiap posisi dan careful causes the selection of the wrong person so that
memperoleh karyawan yang paling sesuai. Proses it will cause losses to the company in many aspects.
Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
seleksi yang kurang cermat menyebabkan pemilihan • Pengantar Wawancara: Pengertian dan jenis • Introduction to Interview: definition & type
orang yang tidak tepat sehingga akan menimbulkan wawancara
kerugian perusahaan dalam banyak aspek.
• Kompetensi: Definisi, konsep dasar, dan • Competence: definition, basic concepts & assessment
Salah satu program seleksi yang lazim dilakukan One of the selection programs commonly carried out by
oleh bagian Human Resources atau Human Capital the Human Resources or Human Capital section is job • Wawancara Kompetensi: Pengertian, prinsip • Interviewing competence: definition, basic principles,
adalah wawancara kerja terhadap pelamar atau calon interviews with applicants or prospective employees. dasar, dan tahapan wawancara the stages of the interview
pegawai. Kendati demikian, seleksi menggunakan However, selection using interviews can lead to wrong
wawancara bisa mengarahkan kita kepada keputusan decisions if not done by applying the interview method Siapa yang Perlu Ikut
yang keliru jika tidak dilakukan dengan menerapkan correctly. The old views and paradigms are still attached
Who Should Attend
metode wawancara secara tepat. Masih melekatnya in conducting the interview process to use the traditional • HR Staff/HR Supervisor/HR Manager atau • HR or Recruitment & Selection Staff/Supervisor/
pandangan dan paradigma lama dalam melakukan interview method, without standardization in terms Rekrutmen & Seleksi Staf/Supervisor/Manajer Manager
proses wawancara untuk menggunakan metode of systematic questions and data mining, making it
• Manajer lini yang akan melakukan wawancara • Line managers who will conduct behavior-based
wawancara secara tradisional, tanpa adanya difficult for interviewers to identify the competencies of
berbasis perilaku dalam proses seleksi interviews in the selection process
standarisasi dalam segi sistematika pertanyaan applicants or prospective employees.
maupun penggalian data, membuat sulit bagi • Semua level karyawan di semua jenis perusahaan/ • All levels of employees in all types of companies/
pewawancara mengidentifikasi kompetensi pelamar organisasi yang berminat untuk memahami organizations who are interested in understanding
atau calon pegawai. bentuk Behavior-Based Interview yang tepat bagi the right form of Behavior-Based Interview for their
104 perusahaan/organisasinya company/organization 105
Metode wawancara yang terbukti paling akurat The interview method that is proven to be the most
dalam menggali kompetensi kandidat adalah accurate in exploring candidate competencies is Program Terkait Related Program
Competency Based Interview. Teknik ini merupakan Competency Based Interview. This technique is
teknik wawancara yang terstruktur untuk mengukur a structured interview technique to measure the • Managing Talent Acquisition • Managing Talent Acquisition
kompetensi calon karyawan. Hasil dari wawancara competence of prospective employees. The results of
kompetensi dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi competency interviews can be used to predict superior
kinerja superior pada pekerjaan tertentu dari seorang performance in a particular job from an applicant or
pelamar atau calon pegawai. prospective employee.
IDR 5.500.000 IDR 3.400.000
In-class Training Live Virtual Training

Executive Development Program Human Capital Management Executive Development Program Human Capital Management

Duration: 3 days (24 hours) 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed • Bagaimana melakukan Analisis Beban Kerja • How to do a Work Load Analysis:

Analisis pekerjaan (job analysis) adalah proses Job analysis is the process of obtaining information • Menghitung volume pekerjaan atau beban kerja • Calculate the volume of work or workload to
untuk memperoleh informasi tentang pekerjaan about a job by determining the responsibilities, tasks, untuk menentukan jumlah SDM yang dibutuhkan determine the number of human resources needed by
dengan menentukan tanggung jawab, tugas, atau or activities of the job. Job analysis is the cornerstone perusahaan/organisasi the company/organization
aktivitas dari pekerjaan tersebut. Analisis pekerjaan of HR Management because it can use the information • Mengetahui jumlah SDM yang harus dialokasikan • Knowing the number of human resources that must be
merupakan landasan dari Manajemen SDM karena obtained in job analysis in many HR functions. untuk membuat perencanaan strategis di bidang allocated to make strategic planning in the field of HR
informasi yang diperoleh dalam analisis pekerjaan SDM
dapat digunakan di banyak fungsi SDM.
• Memahami implikasi dari hasil analisis beban • Understand the implications of the workload analysis
kerja results
Analisis dari suatu pekerjaan merupakan langkah Analysis of a job is a basic step in determining the
dasar dalam menentukan beban kerja dari sebuah workload of a job. This will have implications for how
pekerjaan. Hal ini akan berimplikasi pada bagaimana the organization designs and also prepares the number Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
organisasi merancang dan juga menyiapkan jumlah of workers both in terms of quality and quantity.
• Proses dan metode analisis pekerjaan (job analysis) • Process and method of job analysis
tenaga kerja baik dari segi kualitas maupun kuantitas. Through job analysis the organization can understand
Melalui analisis pekerjaan organisasi bisa memahami the characteristics of a job to be carried out, then can • Konsep dasar dan format uraian pekerjaan (job • Basic concepts and job description formats
karakteristik dari suatu pekerjaan yang akan determine the quality of the right candidate for the job. description)
dilaksanakan, kemudian dapat menentukan kualitas The next process is followed by a workload analysis to
• Konsep dasar analisis beban kerja (work load • Basic concepts of workload analysis
calon karyawan yang tepat untuk pekerjaan tersebut. determine the quantity of human resources needed by
Proses selanjutnya dilanjutkan dengan analisis the organization.
beban kerja (work load analysis) untuk menentukan • Metode perhitungan analisis beban kerja • Workload analysis calculation method
kuantitas SDM yang dibutuhkan organisasi. • Tindak Lanjut hasil analisis beban kerja • Follow up on workload analysis results
Melalui pelatihan Comprehensive Job Analysis Comprehensive Job Analysis training program will gain
ini Anda akan mendapatkan pengetahuan dan practical knowledge and skills regarding job analysis
Siapa yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
kemampuan praktis mengenai analisis pekerjaan dan and workload analysis. • Manajer SDM • HR Manager
juga analisis beban kerja.
• Manajer lain yang banyak menghadapi masalah SDM • Line managers who involved in HR
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives • Staf/Karyawan yang banyak menangani masalah SDM • Staff/Employees who involved in HR
106 Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are 107
diharapkan mampu menjelaskan: expected to be able to explain:
Program Terkait Related Program
• Human Resources Management • Human Resources Management
• Pentingnya melakukan Analisis Pekerjaan yang • The importance of doing a correct Job Analysis
benar Catatan (In-class): Peserta disarankan membawa laptop Note (In-class): Participants are required to bring a
• Langkah-langkah dalam proses Analisis • Steps in the Job Analysis process pada pelatihan ini, yang akan digunakan pada hari ke-3 notebook for this program; it will use on the 3rd day
• Penulisan Uraian Pekerjaan, Spesifikasi • How to write a Job Description, Job Specifications, and
Pekerjaan dan Spesifikasi Orang Person Specifications

IDR 5.400.000 IDR 3.200.000

In-class Training Live Virtual Training

Executive Development Program Human Capital Management Executive Development Program Human Capital Management
REMUNERATION MANAGEMENT Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu menjelaskan: expected to be able to explain:
Duration: 3 days (24 hours) 4 days (12 hours) 1 week
• Peran Manajemen Imbal Jasa dalam mendukung • The role of Fee Management in supporting the
efektivitas fungsi Manajemen SDM effectiveness of the HR Management function
Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed • Teknik penyusunan sistem Imbal jasa • The technique of compiling the Fee system
Salah satu kontribusi utama Manajemen Sumber One of the main contributions of Human Resource • Dasar-dasar pemberian dan penyusunan • Fundamentals of providing and compiling allowances,
Daya Manusia adalah mampu menciptakan kondisi Management is being able to create harmonious tunjangan, benefit, dan sistem insentif benefits, and incentive systems
yang harmonis antara karyawan dengan manajemen conditions between employees and management
melalui membangun lingkungan kerja yang through building a work environment that motivates Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
memotivasi karyawan berkinerja. Salah satu faktor employees to perform. One of the factors in Human
dalam Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia yang Resource Management that encourages employees • Apa, mengapa, dan bagaimana Sistem Manajemen • What, why, and how is the Fee Management System?
memotivasi karyawan untuk berkinerja dengan baik to perform well is to manage reward management Imbal Jasa?
adalah mengelola manajemen imbal jasa dengan baik. properly.
• Manfaat sistem Imbal Jasa yang teratur dan • Benefits of a regular and consistent Fee system
Imbal jasa diyakini sebagai hygiene factor (faktor Fees are believed to be a hygiene factor (fundamental
mendasar) yang harus dipenuhi oleh organisasi dalam factor) that must be met by organizations in ensuring • Teknik merancang dan mengembangkan sistem • Techniques for designing and developing a job
memastikan kepuasan karyawan dalam bekerja. employee satisfaction at work. The system of penggolongan pekerjaan (job evaluation dan job classification system (job evaluation and job grading),
Sistem imbal jasa yang dianggap tidak memenuhi asas remuneration that is considered not to meet the grading), struktur gaji, tunjangan, benefit, dan salary structure, benefits, benefits, and incentives
keadilan internal dan eksternal dapat mengganggu principles of internal and external justice can disrupt insentif
suasana kerja, produktivitas, serta motivasi karyawan. the work atmosphere, productivity, and motivation • Implementasi penyempurnaan sistem Imbal Jasa • Implementing improvements to the Fee system
Penetapan imbal jasa/remunerasi yang diterima setiap of employees. The determination of remuneration/
karyawan haruslah didasari oleh faktor-faktor yang remuneration received by each employee must be based
jelas dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. on clear and accountable factors. Siapa yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
• Manajer/Supervisor/Staf SDM • HR Manager/HR Supervisor/HR Staff
Untuk itu, diperlukan kemampuan organisasi untuk For this reason, an organization’s ability is needed to
• Spesialis Manajemen Imbal Jasa/Remunerasi • Benefits Management/Remuneration Specialist in
memahami konsep dasar, pertimbangan, dan teknik understand the basic concepts, considerations, and
dalam organisasi organizations
yang dapat diaplikasikan dalam membangun sistem techniques that can be applied in building a reward
manajemen imbal jasa yang memotivasi karyawan. management system that motivates employees. • Semua pimpinan yang bertanggung jawab • All leaders who are directly responsible for the
langsung dalam pengembangan Sistem Imbal development of the Reward System in the organization
Melalui pelatihan ini peserta akan mempelajari cara Through this training, participants will learn how to Jasa di organisasi
menetapkan nilai suatu pekerjaan (job evaluation) determine the value of a job (job evaluation) which
yang pada akhirnya menghasilkan penggolongan ultimately results in job grading which is used to develop Program Terkait Related Program
pekerjaan (job grading) yang digunakan untuk a salary structure or scale. In addition, participants can
108 menyusun struktur atau skala gaji. Selain itu peserta also understand the components of remuneration that • Human Resources Management 109
• Human Resources Management
juga bisa memahami komponen imbal jasa yang perlu organizations need to have to support work and motivate
• Performance Management System • Performance Management System
dimiliki oleh organisasi untuk mendukung pekerjaan employees, as well as recognize the compensation
dan memotivasi karyawan, serta mengenali kewajiban obligations that organizations must provide to employees • Industrial Relations Conflict Resolution • Industrial Relations Conflict Resolution
imbal jasa yang harus diberikan oleh organisasi as part of fulfilling compliance with the law.
kepada karyawan sebagai bagian dari pemenuhan Catatan (In-class): Peserta diwajibkan membawa In-class Participant’s Note: Participants are required to
kepatuhan pada Undang-Undang. laptop pada pelatihan ini, yang akan digunakan pada bring a laptop in this training, which will be used on days
hari ke 2 & 3 🡪 saat ini materi yang dikembangkan 2 & 3 currently there is no direct practice of the material
tidak ada praktik langsung, sehingga tidak perlu developed, so there is no need to use a laptop (unless
menggunakan laptop (kecuali jika in class offline the offline in class is designed differently)
didesain berbeda)

IDR 5.400.000 IDR 3.200.000 IDR 1.800.000

In-class Training Live Virtual Training Online Training

Executive Development Program Human Capital Management Executive Development Program Human Capital Management
Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 3 days (9 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed • Jaminan Kehilangan Pekerjaan • Job Loss Guarantee

Saat ini, perkembangan dan perubahan yang sangat There are currently rapid development and changes in • Ketentuan Penggunaan Alihdaya • Outsourcing Terms of Use
cepat sedang terjadi dalam bidang ketenagakerjaan the area of human resources, especially in industrial • Waktu Kerja dan Kerja Lembur • Working Time and Overtime
khususnya dalam Hubungan Industrial, terlebih relations, and the enactment of legal instruments
• Proses Pemberian Tindakan Disiplin • Disciplinary Action Delivery Process
dengan diberlakukannya perangkat hukum berupa in the form of the Job Creation Law no. 11 of 2020,
Undang–undang Cipta Kerja No. 11 tahun 2020, serta and its Derivative Regulations. In addition, other • Proses PHK dan Besaran Kompensasi PHK • The process of layoffs and the amount of compensation
Peraturan Turunannya. Selain itu juga perangkat legal instruments that are still in effect, such as the for layoffs
hukum lainnya yang masih berlaku seperti Undang- Manpower Act no. 13 of 2003, Labor Union Law no. 21 of
• Proses Penanganan Keluhan Karyawan • Employee Complaint Handling Process
undang Ketenagakerjaan No. 13 Tahun 2003, 2000, and Law no. 2 of 2004 concerning the Settlement
Undang-undang Serikat Pekerja No. 21 Tahun 2000 of Industrial Relations Disputes (Penyelesaian • Tahap Penyelesaian Perselisihan Hubungan • Industrial Relations Dispute Settlement Stage
serta Undang-undang No. 2 Tahun 2004 tentang Perselisihan Hubungan Industrial/PPHI), as well as Industrial (PPHI)
Penyelesaian Perselisihan Hubungan Industrial several legal instruments for its implementation. If
(PPHI), serta beberapa perangkat hukum petunjuk the things above are not understood properly, it can Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subject Covered
pelaksanaannya. Jika hal-hal di atas tidak dipahami cause noise or demands from employees or trade
dengan baik maka dapat menimbulkan kegaduhan unions that will disrupt the activities and productivity • Hubungan Industrial: definisi, prinsip dasar, tujuan • Industrial Relations: definition, basic principles, goals
atau tuntutan dari karyawan atau serikat pekerja of the organization, as well as disturb the peace and
• Sarana Hubungan Industrial: • Industrial Relations Facilities:
yang akan mengganggu aktivitas dan produktivitas comfort of work. Therefore, it is better if the settlement
organisasi, serta mengganggu ketenangan serta of Industrial Relations disputes in the company can be • Serikat Pekerja • Trade Unions
kenyamanan kerja. Oleh karena itu sebaiknya handled quickly and precisely, and as much as possible
• LKS Bipartit/Tripartit • Bipartite/Tripartite LKS
penyelesaiaan perselisihan Hubungan Industrial di can be resolved at the company level.
perusahaan dapat ditangani dengan cepat dan tepat, • Peraturan Perusahaan (PP) dan Perjanjian • Company Regulation & Joint Work Agreement
dan semaksimal mungkin dapat diselesaikan di Kerja Bersama (PKB)
tingkat perusahaan.
• UUTK No 13/1993 vs UUCK No 11/2020 • UUTK No. 13/1993 vs UUCK No. 11/2020

Dalam pelatihan ini peserta akan diajak untuk • UUCK Bab IV Ketenagakerjaan dan Peraturan • UUCK Chapter IV Manpower & Derivative Regulations
In this training, participants will be invited to understand
memahami setiap perangkat hukum yang berkaitan Turunannya
each of the above-mentioned labor-related legal
dengan ketenagakerjaan tersebut di atas, konsep instruments, their concepts, and their implementation • PP No 34/2021 tentang Penggunaan Tenaga • PP No 34/2021 concerning the Use of Foreign
dan implementasinya agar sesuai dengan ketentuan in accordance with the provisions of the law, as well as Kerja Asing Workers
UU, serta teknik-teknik penyelesaiaan perselisihan industrial relations dispute resolution techniques, both
110 hubungan industrial baik di tingkat perusahaan • PP No 35/2021 tentang PKWT, Alihdaya, • PP No 35/2021 concerning PKWT, Outsourcing, 111
at the company level and outside the company.
maupun di luar perusahaan. Waktu Kerja dan Waktu Istirahat (WKWI), Work Time & Rest Time, and layoffs
dan PHK

Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objective • PP No 36/2021 tentang Pengupahan • PP No 36/2021 on Wages
• PP No 37/2021 tentang Penyelenggaran • PP No 37/2021 regarding the Implementation
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are Program JKP of the JKP Program
diharapkan mampu menjelaskan: expected to be able to explain:
• Sanksi Hukum yang Berlaku di Indonesia • Legal Sanctions Applicable in Indonesia
• Hubungan Industrial: definisi, prinsip dasar, • Industrial Relations: definition, basic principles, goals, • Tindakan Disiplin • Disciplinary Action
tujuan, dan sarana and means
• Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja (PHK) dan PHK Masal • Layoffs and Mass Layoffs
• Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tidak Tertentu (PKWTT) • Indefinite Time Work Agreement and Definite Time
dan Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tertentu (PKWT) Work Agreement • Keluhan Pekerja • Worker Complaints
• Perselisihan Hubungan Industrial (PHI) • Industrial Relations Dispute

Executive Development Program Human Capital Management Executive Development Program Human Capital Management
Siapa yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
• Manajer/Supervisor/Staf SDM • HR Manager/HR SPV/HR Staff
• Spesialis Hubungan Industrial • Industrial Relations Specialist
• Manajer Legal • Legal Manager
• Manajer Audit/Tim Pemeriksa/Internal Auditor • Audit Manager/Internal Auditor
• Pengurus Serikat Pekerja • Trade Union Manager
• Pemimpin Unit kerja • Work Unit Leader

Program Terkait Related Program

• Human Resource Management • Human Resource Management
• HR for Non HR Manager • HR for Non-HR Managers

IDR 5.200.000 IDR 3.200.000

In-class Training Live Virtual Training

112 113

Executive Development Program Human Capital Management Executive Development Program Human Capital Management
Duration: 3 weeks

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Para pimpinan unit kerja atau Line Managers seringkali Work unit leaders or Line Managers are often deal with • Manajemen Kinerja dan Sistem serta Siklus • Performance Management, Performance
dihadapkan pada tantangan untuk menyelaraskan the challenge of aligning organizational demands, work Manajemen Kinerja dalam Organisasi Management Systems, and Cycles in Organizations
antara tuntutan organisasi, tuntutan unit kerja dan unit demands, and individual employee expectations.
• Perencanaan Kinerja • Performance Planning
harapan individu karyawan. Program ini diharapkan This program is expected to help work unit leaders to
dapat membantu para pimpinan unit kerja untuk align the performance of individuals, work units, and • Pemantauan Kinerja • Performance Monitoring
menyelaraskan kinerja individu, unit kerja dan organizations to achieve organizational success. In
• Penilaian Kinerja • Performance Appraisal
organisasi untuk mencapai kesuksesan organisasi. order to optimize its implementation, performance
Guna mengoptimalkan implementasinya, dibutuhkan management is needed starting from performance • Pemantapan, Penghargaan dan Tindak Lanjut • Performance Review & Rewards
pengelolaan kinerja mulai dari perencanaan kinerja, planning, performance monitoring, assessment, and Kinerja
monitoring kinerja, penilaian dan tindak lanjut hasil follow-up on performance appraisal results that have an
penilaian kinerja yang berdampak terhadap organisasi. impact on the organization. Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend

Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives • Manajer SDM, Manajer Pengembangan Organisasi • HR Manager, Organizational Development Manager
• Pimpinan Unit Kerja • Work Unit Leader
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu menjelaskan: expected to be able to explain:
Program Terkait Related Program
• Pentingnya memanajemeni kinerja untuk • The importance of managing performance to achieve • Company Strategic Planning • Company Strategic Planning
mencapai tujuan organisasi organizational goals
• KPI: Aligning Organization’s Performance • KPI: Aligning Organization’s Performance
• Sistem dan siklus manajemen kinerja dalam • Performance management systems and cycles within
organisasi the organization • Leaders as a Coach • Leaders as a Coach

• Cara mengelola manajemen kinerja dalam • How to manage performance management in the
organisasi yaitu : organization, namely:
• Menyusun sasaran/target kinerja bawahan • Develop subordinate performance
dengan menggunakan pendekatan Balanced targets/targets using the Balanced Score Cards IDR 2.200.000
Score Cards approach Online Training

114 • Mengelola kinerja untuk meningkatkan • Manage performance to improve the work 115
prestasi kerja bawahan dengan melakukan performance of subordinates by monitoring &
monitoring & coaching for performance coaching for performance
• Melakukan penilaian kinerja bawahan • Assessing subordinates’ performance
secara obyektif objectively
• Melakukan tindak lanjut hasil penilaian • Follow up the results of the performance
kinerja bawahan dengan memberikan usulan appraisal of subordinates by providing proposals for
penghargaan kinerja maupun program performance awards and competency development
pengembangan kompetensi untuk meningkatkan programs to improve performance further.
kinerja lebih lanjut.

Executive Development Program Human Capital Management Executive Development Program Human Capital Management
Duration: 2 weeks

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
Salah satu kunci sukses suatu organisasi untuk One of the keys to an organization’s success to win the Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, participants are expected
memenangkan persaingan adalah mendapatkan competition is to get quality human resources according diharapkan mampu menjelaskan: to be able to explain:
SDM yang berkualitas sesuai kebutuhan organisasi. to the needs of the organization. An organization’s ability
Kemampuan organisasi mendapatkan SDM yang memiliki to get HR with the right competence under the demands • Proses rekrutmen & seleksi berbasis kompetensi • The competency-based recruitment & selection
kompetensi yang tepat sesuai dengan tuntutan organisasi of the organization and work is the main gateway in dalam menentukan mutu SDM yang produktif process in determining the quality of productive
dan pekerjaan, menjadi pintu gerbang utama dalam the entire HR management process. For this reason, human resources
seluruh proses pengelolaan SDM. Untuk itu, perusahaan companies are required to be more selective in choosing
dituntut untuk dapat lebih selektif dalam memilih SDM human resources who can show superior performance. • Cara untuk menerapkan langkah-langkah dalam • How to apply the steps in creating a competency
yang mampu menunjukkan kinerja yang superior. membuat model kompetensi sebagai dasar dalam model as a basis for conducting a competency-based
melakukan proses seleksi berbasis kompetensi selection process
Salah satu landasan penting untuk mendapatkan SDM One of the important foundations for obtaining high- • Proses rekrutmen • The recruitment process
yang berkinerja tinggi adalah penggunaan kriteria performing human resources is using the right criteria
• Perangkat seleksi berbasis kompetensi • The competency-based selection tools
yang tepat dalam rekrutmen dan seleksi. Dengan in recruitment and selection. With a competency-based
sistem pengelolaan SDM berbasis kompetensi, maka HR management system, the importance of using
pentingnya penggunaan kompetensi sebagai kriteria competencies as a criterion to recruit new employees is Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
dalam rangka mendapatkan karyawan baru merupakan something that HR practitioners need to master.
• Pengantar: Rekrutmen & Seleksi • Introduction: Recruitment & Selection
hal yang perlu dikuasai oleh para praktisi HR.
• Model Kompetensi • Competency Model
Rekrutmen dan Seleksi Berbasis Kompetensi Competency-based recruitment and selection are tools • Recruitment Method
• Metode Rekrutmen
merupakan salah satu perangkat dengan akurasi with higher accuracy than conventional methods in
lebih tinggi dibandingkan metode konvensional biasa identifying the suitability of prospective employees with • Wawancara Kompetensi • Competency Interview
dalam mengidentifikasikan kesesuaian calon karyawan company needs. The recruitment method in this training • Assessment Center • Assessment Center
dengan kebutuhan perusahaan. Metode rekrutmen will discuss how the organization’s role in preparing
dalam pelatihan ini akan membahas tentang bagaimana itself to attract potential employees to apply in the
peran organisasi dalam mempersiapkan diri dalam Siapa yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
digital era. On the other hand, the selection method
menarik calon karyawan potensial untuk melamar di will discuss how to select prospective employees who • Human Resources Manager
• Manajer SDM/Personalia
era digital. Disisi lain, metode seleksi akan membahas follow the demands of knowledge, skills, and behaviors
tentang bagaimana memilih calon karyawan yang required of a job, such as the use of the Assessment • Manajer lini (jajaran manajerial) • Line Managers (managerial levels)
116 sesuai dengan tuntutan pengetahuan, keterampilan Center and competency-based interviews (Competency- • HR Staff & Supervisor
• Staf & Supervisor SDM
dan perilaku yang dituntut dari suatu pekerjaan, seperti Based Interview).
penggunaan Assessment Center dan wawancara
berbasis kompetensi (Competency Based Interview). Program Terkait Related Program
• Human Resource Management • Human Resource Management
• Managing Talent Acquisition • Managing Talent Acquisition
• Practical Behavior Based Interview • Practical Behavior Based Interview

IDR 2.100.000
Online Training

Executive Development Program Human Capital Management Executive Development Program Human Capital Management

118 119


• Directorship Development Program

• Effective Leadership


• Business Essentials for MANAGER
• Managing Virtual & MANAGING TEAM
• Managing People For
Productivity SUPERVISOR
• Leader as A Coach SUPERVISOR • Effective Supervisory Management
• Agile Leadership


• Self Leadership : How To Be An Effective Performer
120 • Strengthening Your Leadership Talent 121
• Leading with Emotional Intelligence

Minaut – Problem Solving and Decision Making | Managing Organizational Change | Innovation Strategy

Enhancing Your Personal Effectiveness | Building Effective Interpersonal Skills
Cultivating Growth Mindset and Learning Agility | Stress Management to Optimize Performance
Duration: 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed • Menjelaskan kompetensi yang harus dimiliki • Describe the competencies an agile leader must
pemimpin tangkas possess
Di era yang penuh dengan dinamika, ketidakpastian, In an era full of dynamics, uncertainty, and complexity
dan kompleksitas (VUCA; volatility, uncertainty, (VUCA; volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) an • Menggunakan kompetensi kepemimpinan • Using agile leadership competencies in the face of
complexity, ambiguity) sebuah organisasi maupun organization or company is required to be more adaptive, tangkas dalam menghadapi perubahan yang rapid change
perusahaan dituntut untuk menjadi lebih adaptif, and agile in order to be able to adapt to various changes cepat
lincah dan tangkas agar mampu menyesuaikan so that it can survive and continue to grow and compete
dengan berbagai perubahan sehingga dapat bertahan in the world. future. Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
dan terus berkembang serta berkompetisi di masa
depan. • Tantangan bisnis di Era VUCA • Business Challenges in the VUCA Era
• Konsep, pola pikir dan tingkat kepemimpinan • Concept, mindset, and level of agile leadership
Organisasi atau perusahaan dengan tingkat agility Organizations or companies with a high level of agility tangkas
yang tinggi memiliki keunggulan kompetitif untuk have a competitive advantage to seize opportunities and • Kompetensi yang harus dimiliki oleh seorang • Competencies that must be possessed by an agile
menangkap peluang dan memiliki kinerja yang lebih have better performance. The figure of a leader certainly pemimpin tangkas leader
baik. Sosok pemimpin tentunya memiliki peran has a very important role and influence to be able to
dan pengaruh yang sangat penting untuk dapat create an agile and adaptive organization in the midst of • Cara mengembangkan dan menerapkan • How to develop and implement agile leadership in
menciptakan organisasi yang gesit dan adaptif di a strong current of environmental change. kepemimpinan tangkas dalam organisasi organizations
tengah kuatnya arus perubahan lingkungan.
Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Salah satu gaya kepemimpinan yang cocok untuk One leadership style that is suitable for this situation
situasi ini adalah Agile Leadership atau gaya is Agile Leadership or agile leadership principle. Agile • Staf yang dipersiapkan sebagai manajer tingkat • Staff prepared as first-line managers
kepemimpinan yang tangkas. Pemimpin tangkas leaders have the ability to lead effectively in rapidly lini pertama
memiliki kemampuan untuk memimpin secara efektif changing, dynamic situations of high complexity. • Supervisor • Supervisor
dalam situasi perubahan yang cepat, dinamis dengan
kompleksitas yang tinggi. • Manager • Manager

Melalui pelatihan ini, peserta akan belajar tentang Through this training, participants will learn about how Program Terkait Related Program
bagaimana menjadi pemimpin tangkas (agile) yang to become agile leader who is able to respond to and
mampu merespon dan mengantisiapasi perubahan anticipate changes that are very dynamic and difficult • Managing People for Productivity • Managing People for Productivity
yang sangat dinamis dan sukar diprediksi. Kehadiran to predict. The presence of agile leaders can ensure the • Leader as A Coach • Leader as A Coach
122 pemimpin tangkas dapat menjamin perusahaan dapat company can continue to survive and grow forever. 123
terus bertahan dan bertumbuh selamanya. • High-Performance Leadership • High-Performance Leadership
• Strengthening Your Leadership Talent • Strengthening Your Leadership Talent
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives • Effective leadership • Effective leadership
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are • Leading with Emotional Intelligence • Leading with Emotional Intelligence
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:

• Mengidentifikasi tantangan bisnis dan organisasi • Identify business and organizational challenges in a
dalam perubahan yang sangat dinamis, kompleks highly dynamic, complex, and unpredictable change
dan sukar diprediksi
• Menjelaskan konsep, pola pikir dan tingkat • Explain the concept, mindset, and level of agile IDR 3.600.000
kepemimpinan tangkas (Agile Leadership) leadership Live Virtual Training

• Mengidentifikasi level / tingkat kepemimpinan • Identify agile leadership levels


Executive Development Program Leadership Executive Development Program Leadership


Duration: 3 days (9 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Salah satu dampak besar dari pandemi COVID-19 adalah One of the major impacts of COVID-19 is the increasing • Tantangan mengelola virtual tim • The challenge of managing virtual teams
meningkatnya tuntutan untuk bisa bekerja sama secara demand for virtual cooperation. The development of the
• Prinsip dasar memimpin virtual tim • The basic principles of leading a virtual team
virtual. Perkembangan internet dan teknologi digital internet and digital technology also increasingly allows
pun semakin memungkinkan suatu tim bekerjasama a team to work together without being influenced by its • Strategi mendorong virtual tim berkinerja tinggi • The strategy encourages high-performance virtual
tanpa dipengaruhi oleh jarak/lokasi para anggotanya. members’ distance/location. Interaction between virtual teams
Interaksi antar anggota tim secara virtual atau jarak or remote team members is fast becoming the new
jauh dengan cepat menjadi norma baru saat ini. Hal norm today. This is supported by the results of research Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
tersebut didukung oleh hasil riset yang dilakukan oleh conducted by CHCD PPM in 2020 that it is recommended
CHCD PPM pada tahun 2020 bahwa cara kerja virtual/ that virtual/remote work methods be carried out in • Para pemimpin tim virtual • Virtual team leaders
jarak jauh direkomendasikan untuk terus dilakukan di the future so that this can be an organizational step to
• Anggota tim virtual yang ingin membantu timnya • A virtual team member who wants to help his team be
masa mendatang, sehingga ini bisa menjadi langkah improve the employee experience.
menjadi lebih efektif more effective
organisasi guna meningkatkan employee experience.
• Staf yang dipersiapkan untuk menjadi pemimpin • Staff groomed to become virtual team leaders
Namun demikian, tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa However, it cannot deny that ensuring and encouraging tim virtual
memastikan dan mendorong tim-tim ini untuk these teams to work well together has many challenges. • Siapapun yang ingin memahami tim virtual dan • Anyone who wants to understand virtual teams and
bisa bekerja sama dengan baik memiliki banyak It’s hard to keep people engaged and motivated. pengelolaannya their management
tantangan. Sulit untuk membuat orang tetap Therefore, it requires skills that every leader must
terlibat dan termotivasi. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan develop to succeed in the era of virtual collaboration.
keterampilan yang wajib dikembangkan oleh setiap Program Terkait Related Program
pemimpin untuk berhasil di era kolaborasi virtual. • Managing People for Productivity • Managing People for Productivity

Melalui pelatihan ini, para peserta akan diajak Through this training, participants will be invited to • Leader as A Coach • Leader as A Coach
untuk bisa mengarahkan dan mendorong tim agar direct and encourage the team to be more effective in • Leading with Emotional Intelligence • Leading with Emotional Intelligence
lebih efektif dalam bekerja dengan memperhatikan working by paying attention to the basic principles of
• Strengthening Your Leadership Talent • Strengthening Your Leadership Talent
prinsip-prinsip dasar interaksi dan komunikasi virtual interaction and communication. This training will
secara virtual. Pelatihan ini juga akan membahas also discuss practical strategies for influencing team • Effective leadership • Effective leadership
strategi-strategi praktis bagaimana memengaruhi members to have positive morale and display more
• High-Performance Leadership • High-Performance Leadership
anggota tim agar memiliki semangat kerja positif dan productive behavior.
124 dapat menampilkan perilaku yang lebih produktif. 125

Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives

IDR 3.500.000
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are Live Virtual Training
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:

• Mengidentifikasi tantangan mengelola virtual tim • Identify the challenges of managing virtual teams
• Mengenali prinsip dasar memimpin virtual tim • Get to know the basic principles of leading a virtual
• Mengembangkan strategi mendorong virtual tim • Develop strategies to encourage high-performance
berkinerja tinggi virtual teams

Executive Development Program Leadership Executive Development Program Leadership

Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 3 days (9 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed tim/unit kerja. Pelatihan ini juga memfasilitasi peserta identify various types of superiors and adapt to increase
untuk mengenali berbagai tipe atasan, sehingga mampu synergy.
Kemajuan sebuah organisasi tentu tak lepas dari The progress of an organization cannot be separated beradaptasi guna meningkatkan sinergi.
peran seluruh insan dalam institusi tersebut. Akan from the role of all people in the institution. However,
tetapi, banyak karyawan yang belum menyadari betapa many employees do not realize how important their
penting kontribusinya bagi pencapaian target tim atau contribution is to achieving their team or work unit’s
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
unit kerjanya. Ada karyawan yang bekerja menunggu targets. Some employees work waiting for orders from Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
perintah dari atasan, minim inisiatif, atau melakukan superiors, have minimal initiative, or do work carelessly. diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:
pekerjaan secara asal-asalan. Ada pula pegawai Some employees are too eager to show their skills, but
yang terlalu bersemangat untuk menunjukkan forget to align their steps with the team or work together • Understand the building blocks of self-leadership
• Memahami the building block of self-leadership
kepiawaiannya, tapi lupa untuk menyelaraskan with other colleagues. The superiors eventually become
langkah dengan tim atau bersinergi bersama rekan the mainstay of management to control this kind of • Mengenali dan mengidentifikasi diri ke dalam • Recognizing and identifying yourself into the types of
kerja lainnya. Para atasan akhirnya menjadi andalan behaviour. Even though in practice, the leader’s presence tipe-tipe followership followership
manajemen untuk dapat mengendalikan perilaku cannot fully guide or monitor all employees ideally. • Mengevaluasi sumber motivasi diri • Evaluating sources of self-motivation
semacam ini, padahal pada praktiknya kehadiran
pemimpin tidak bisa sepenuhnya mengarahkan atau • Memahami strategi menjadi follower yang efektif • Understand the strategy of becoming an effective follower
memonitor seluruh karyawan secara ideal. • Mengidentifikasi dan menyelaraskan perilaku diri • Identify and align self-behavior with superiors
dengan atasan
Oleh sebab itu, setiap individu dalam organisasi Therefore, each individual in the organization is expected
diharapkan mampu mengarahkan dirinya sendiri agar to direct himself so that he can contribute according Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
dapat memberikan sumbangsih sesuai dengan tugasnya to their respective duties. The formation of the right
• The Building Block Self Leadership • The Building Block Self Leadership
masing-masing. Pembentukan pola pikir yang tepat mindset is the foundation for shaping this responsible
menjadi fondasi untuk membentuk perilaku bertanggung behaviour. A way of thinking that everyone must direct • Tipe-tipe followership • Types of followership
jawab ini. Sebuah cara berpikir bahwa setiap orang harus themselves first before they can lead others later.
• Sumber motivasi diri • Source of self-motivation
mampu mengarahkan dirinya terlebih dahulu sebelum Besides, the awareness that organizational success is
nantinya bisa memimpin orang lain. Selain itu, kesadaran not achieved only by a handful of individuals, but the • Strategi menjadi follower yang efektif • Strategy to become an effective follower
bahwa keberhasilan organisasi tidaklah dicapai hanya share of all organizational people, becomes a paradigm
• Langkah beradaptasi dengan berbagai tipe atasan • Steps to adapt to various types of superiors
oleh segelintir individu, melainkan andil dari segenap that must be instilled consistently. Thus, all employees
insan organisasi, menjadi sebuah paradigma yang - including those who do not sit as leaders - will try to Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
harus ditanamkan secara konsisten. Dengan demikian, give their best, balance the rhythm around them, and
126 semua karyawan – termasuk yang tidak duduk sebagai minimize selfishness at work. A follower is also expected • Staf, first-line manager/Supervisor yang ingin • Staff, first-line manager / Supervisor who wants to 127
pemimpin - akan berupaya memberikan yang terbaik, to actively convey ideas and take initiatives that support meningkatkan efektivitas dirinya increase his effectiveness
menyeimbangkan dengan ritme sekelilingnya, dan joint performance improvement and adjust to the type or
style of superior leadership.
Program Terkait Related Program
meminimalkan sifat egoistis dalam bekerja. Seorang
pengikut pun diharapkan aktif menyampaikan ide dan • Building Effective Interpersonal Skills • Building Effective Interpersonal Skills
mengambil inisiatif yang mendukung peningkatan kinerja
bersama, serta menyesuaikan diri dengan tipe atau gaya • Enhancing Your Personal Effectiveness • Enhancing Your Personal Effectiveness
kepemimpinan atasan. • Cultivating Growth Mindset and Learning Agility • Cultivating Growth Mindset and Learning Agility
• Stress Management • Stress Management
Melalui pelatihan ini, peserta akan dibekali dengan This program will provide participants with steps to
langkah-langkah untuk dapat membentuk perilaku shape self-directed behavior to achieve goals at work. • Effective Supervisory Management • Effective Supervisory Management
mengarahkan diri mencapai tujuan dalam bekerja. Selain Besides, participants will be invited to understand the • Strengthening Your Leadership Talent • Strengthening Your Leadership Talent
itu, peserta akan diajak untuk memahami pentingnya importance of acting as an effective follower, a function
berperan sebagai pengikut yang efektif, sebuah fungsi yang that is no less crucial in creating the success of the team/
tidak kalah krusialnya dalam menciptakan kesuksesaan work unit. This program also facilitates participants to IDR 5.000.000 IDR 3.200.000
In-class Training Live Virtual Training

Executive Development Program Leadership Executive Development Program Leadership


Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed • Mengenali upaya-upaya yang dapat dilakukan • Recognize any efforts that may be carried out to adapt
untuk beradaptasi dengan perubahan yang terjadi. to changes that are occurring
Perkembangan lingkungan bisnis yang semakin dinamis Business environment development becomes more
menuntut adanya pengelolaan SDM yang dinamis dynamic in its course, and it requires dynamic human Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
pula. Tantangan yang muncul dalam pengelolaan SDM resource management. Challenges arise in human
• Tantangan pemimpin di masa mendatang • Leader’s challenges in the future
tersebut antara lain adalah adanya tuntutan kompetensi resource management in terms of the demand for high
yang tinggi, motivasi kerja yang kuat dan kemampuan competency, high motivation to do the job, and the ability • Tahapan perkembangan manajerial • Managerial development steps
beradaptasi dengan perubahan yang terjadi. Hal ini tentu to adapt to changes. In the end, this, of course, becomes
• Model kepemimpinan efektif • Effective leadership model
saja menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi para pemimpin. a specific challenge for a leader.
• Identifikasi perilaku memimpin pada diri sendiri • Identifying own leadership behavior, based on
Seorang pemimpin harus mampu mengelola tim A leader must be able to manage his/her team to achieve berdasarkan penilaian multi penilai assessment from multi assessors
kerjanya agar dapat memiliki kinerja optimal. Untuk optimum performance. To support his/her team, a leader • Fungsi manajemen dalam organisasi • Management function in an organization
dapat mendorong timnya, pemimpin dituntut untuk is expected to not only be concerned in accomplishing
tidak hanya berorientasi pada penyelesaian tugas, the task but he/she must be able to relate to his/her own • Pemecahan masalah sistematis untuk mengatasi • Solving the problem systematically, to overcome work
namun juga harus dapat menjalin relasi dengan team. Other than that, in this disruptive era, a leader permasalahan kerja problem
timnya. Selain itu, di era disrupsi saat ini, pemimpin must be able to manage his/her team in preparing to • Peran pemimpin dalam mengembangkan dan • The role of a leader in developing and empowering
pun harus mampu mempersiapkan timnya confront ever-changing situations that they must be able memberdayakan anggota tim team members
menghadapi situasi yang penuh dengan perubahan. to deal with.
• Keterampilan kunci dalam mengarahkan orang • Key skills in directing others effectively
lain secara efektif
Melalui pelatihan ini, peserta akan mendapatkan In this training program, participants will acquire insight
insight mengenai perilaku pemimpin yang efektif. into effective leadership behaviour. Participants will • Tahapan reaksi terhadap perubahan • Phases of reaction due to any changes
Peserta pelatihan juga akan mendapatkan gambaran also obtain his/her own current leadership style, which
• Langkah memunculkan ide-ide perubahan • Steps in bringing up any ideas for change
kepemimpinan yang dimilikinya saat ini berdasarkan is based on assessment from multi assessors, being
penilaian multi penilaian, yaitu penilaian tim dan diri team assessors, and his/her own assessment. Hence,
sendiri. Dengan demikian, peserta dapat melakukan participants will be able to carry out self-reflection and Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
refleksi diri dan mempersiapkan langkah-langkah prepare more systematic self-development steps to
• Para pemimpin unit kerja (Supervisor dan • Leaders of work unit (Supervisor and Manager)
pengembangan diri dengan lebih sistematis dalam build effective leadership behaviour.
rangka membentuk perilaku pemimpin yang efektif.
• Staf yang akan dipromosikan menjadi pemimpin • Staff who will be promoted to be a leader of a work
Objectives kelompok unit kerja unit group
128 Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh 129
• Manajer SDM • HR Manager
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, participants are expected
diharapkan mampu: to be able to: • Staf SDM • HR Staff

Program Terkait Related Program

• Mengidentifikasi profil perilaku memimpin diri • Identify the profile of own leadership behavior and
sendiri dan menyusun rencana pengembangan conceive a plan to develop leadership capability • Managing People for Productivity • Managing People for Productivity
kemampuan kepemimpinan.
• Leader as A Coach • Leader as A Coach
• Mengembangkan perilaku pemimpin yang • Develop effective leadership behavior to achieve a
• Leading with Emotional Intelligence • Leading with Emotional Intelligence
efektif untuk mencapai target kinerja melalui performance target by optimum work management
pengelolaan pekerjaan secara optimal. • Strengthening Your Leadership Talent • Strengthening Your Leadership Talent
• Mengembangkan dan memberdayakan anggota • Develop and empower team members in optimum,
timnya secara optimal agar dapat mendukung whereas it will assist in achieving work performance
tercapainya unjuk kerja yang ditetapkan. that has been conceived. IDR 6.500.000 IDR 3.700.000
In-class Training Live Virtual Training

Executive Development Program Leadership Executive Development Program Leadership

Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, participants are expected
diharapkan mampu: to be able to :
Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 4 days (12 hours)
• Menjelaskan cara – cara meningkatkan motivasi • Explain ways to increase self-motivation and team
diri dan anggota tim members
Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed • Menggambarkan langkah – langkah pemberdayaan • Illustrate steps to empower group members
anggota kelompok
Berkolaborasi atau bekerja dalam suatu kelompok kerja The organization cannot avoid an Act of collaboration or
adalah suatu hal tidak bisa dihindari di organisasi saat ini, work in one workgroup, be it a member or a leader. The • Menggambarkan tahapan dinamika dalam kelompok • Illustrate phases of group dynamics
baik ketika kita sebagai anggota atau sebagai pemimpin leader of the group has an important role in managing • Mengelola konflik yang terjadi dalam tim • Manage conflict that occurred within the team
dalam kelompok. Pemimpin kelompok memiliki the group to achieve optimum results. One of the
peran untuk mengelola kelompok agar mencapai efforts to reach the result is by understanding steps in • Menjelaskan langkah – langkah meningkatkan • Explain steps to increase engagement of members of
hasil yang optimal. Salah satu upaya untuk meraih hal improving relationship effectiveness within the group. keterikatan anggota kelompok the group
tersebut adalah memahami langkah - langkah dalam Many factors influence a leader’s success to increase
meningkatkan efektivitas hubungan dalam kelompok. the group’s performance. Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi kesuksesan seorang
pemimpin untuk meningkatkan kinerja kelompoknya. • Konsep motivasi • Concept of motivation
• Langkah – langkah memotivasi dalam kelompok • Steps to motivate within the group
Memotivasi anggota kelompok untuk bekerja, merupakan Motivating members of the group to do the work requires
• Konsep mengenai pemberdayaan (empowering) • The concept regarding empowerment
hal yang perlu menjadi perhatian awal seorang early attention for a group leader. Recognizing aspects
pemimpin. Mengenali aspek – aspek yang mendorong that may urge members of a group to do the work and • Dinamika kelompok dan tahapan perkembangan • Group dynamics and phases of group development
anggota kelompok bekerja, serta mengaplikasikannya apply it to increase group members’ performances will kelompok
untuk meningkatkan performa anggota kelompok positively impact the target’s achievement. Further, a
• Pengelolaan konflik • Managing conflict
akan berdampak positif terhadap pencapaian sasaran leader’s role is to give the task to his/her subordinates,
kelompok. Selanjutnya peran pemimpin tidak terelakan but how to empower group members through the given • Tipe – tipe tingkat keterikatan kelompok • Types of group engagement levels
dalam memberikan tugas kepada bawahannya, namun task assignment, as they give a meaning within the • Langkah – langkah meningkatkan keterikatan • Steps to increase engagement within the group
bagaimana memberdayakan anggota kelompok melalui group or organization, this situation sometimes is being dalam kelompok
tugas yang diberikan sehingga mereka memiliki makna forgotten by a leader.
dalam kelompok maupun organisasi sendiri merupakan
hal yang seringkali terlupakan oleh seorang pemimpin. Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
• Supervisor • Supervisors
Ketika berada dalam kelompok, pemimpin perlu In a group, leaders need to recognize the group
mengenali dinamika kelompok yang sedang terjadi, dynamics that are going on and carry out their roles • Manajer • Managers
serta menjalankan perannya secara tepat dalam appropriately in each stage of group development. • Staf yang harus bekerja dalam kelompok • Staff who must be working within the group
setiap tahap perkembangan kelompok. Interaksi Healthy interactions in groups cannot be separated from
130 yang sehat dalam kelompok, tidak terlepas dari managing conflict effectively because conflict cannot be 131
mengelola konflik secara efektif karena konflik avoided, so reacting appropriately to potential conflicts
Program Terkait Related Program
tidak dapat dihindari, sehingga bereaksi secara and managing conflicts that have already occurred are • Effective Supervisory Management • Effective Supervisory Management
tepat terhadap potensi konflik dan mengelola things that need to be equipped so that groups can
konflik yang sudah terjadi menjadi hal yang perlu continue to function optimally. Leaders also need to • Effective Leadership • Effective Leadership
dibekali agar kelompok dapat tetap berfungsi improve the ability to identify different levels of group • Strengthening Your Leadership Talent • Strengthening Your Leadership Talent
dengan optimal. Pemimpin juga perlu meningkatkan member engagement and be able to manage group
kemampuan mengidentifikasi tingkat keterikatan members with appropriate levels of engagement. • Leader as A Coach • Leader as A Coach
anggota kelompok yang berbeda – beda dan mampu • Leading with Emotional Intelligence • Leading with Emotional Intelligence
mengelola anggota kelompok yang memiliki tingkat
keterikatan (engagement) dengan tepat.

IDR 6.000.000 IDR 3.700.000

In-class Training Live Virtual Training Online Training

Executive Development Program Leadership Executive Development Program Leadership


Duration: 3 days (24 hours) 4 days (12 hours) 3 weeks

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed • Menjelaskan prinsip-prinsip menghadapi • Explain the principles in confronting subordinate’s
masalah supervisi bawahan secara individual supervision problems, individually
Supervisor adalah manajer lini pertama dalam sebuah Supervisor, a first-line manager who is usually originated
organisasi yang biasanya berasal dari seorang pelaksana and promoted from an operator or a staff. Staff is expected • Menjelaskan cara memberikan umpan balik dan • Explain how to provide feedback and develop
atau staf. Seorang pelaksana dituntut sebagai individual as an individual contributor, whereas a Supervisor acts mengembangkan bawahan subordinates
contributor, sedangkan seorang Supervisor adalah as a team leader who is expected to lead, manage and
seorang team leader yang dituntut untuk bisa memimpin, coordinate these individual contributors who will create Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
mengatur, dan mengkoordinir para individual contributor synergy in forming a solid team and perform. As such,
ini agar dapat bersinergi membentuk tim yang solid dan a supervisor must understand his role and his function • Fungsi dan peran Supervisor dalam organisasi • Function and Role of Supervisor in the organization
perform. Untuk itu seorang supervisor harus memahami within the organization. • Teknik memberi perintah yang efektif • The techniques to give order effectively
peran dan fungsinya di dalam organisasi.
• Pemecahan masalah dan pengambilan keputusan • Systematic problem solving and decision making
yang sistematik dalam menangani masalah in managing the subordinate’s behavior problem
Sebagai seorang manajer di lini pertama, seorang As a first-line manager, a supervisor will spend much perilaku bawahan
supervisor banyak melakukan pengarahan kepada of his time giving direction to relatively large numbers
para pelaksana. Seorang supervisor dituntut untuk bisa of staff, and a supervisor is expected to give effective • Prinsip analisis keseimbangan akibat dalam • Balance-caused analysis principles, to modify the
memberikan arahan secara efektif untuk menjamin direction to ensure operational activities will be running memodifikasi perilaku bawahan yang tidak sesuai subordinate’s unaligned behavior
kegiatan operasional berjalan lancar.Tantangan lain smoothly. Another challenging circumstance for a • Pengendalian dan peningkatan kinerja bawahan • Controlling and enhancing subordinate’s performance
yang dihadapi seorang supervisor adalah terkait supervisor is related to managing the performance melalui umpan balik yang efektif by effective feedback
pengelolaan kinerja bawahan. Seringkali para of a subordinate. Often a staff shows behavior that is
pelaksana menunjukan perilaku yang tidak sesuai not aligned with the company’s expectations. Thus, a
dengan harapan sehingga seorang supervisor harus supervisor must take action that is needed to manage Siapa yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
mampu mengambil tindakan yang dibutuhkan untuk a subordinate’s behavior and the subordinate’s • Supervisor dan calon Supervisor yang ingin • Supervisor and would-be Supervisor who are keen to
mengelola perilaku dan kinerja bawahannya tersebut. performance. meningkatkan efektivitas dalam memimpin enhance ability in leading a working group effectively
kelompok kerja
Program Effective Supervisory Management ini An effective Supervisory Management program has
dirancang untuk membantu para Supervisor atau been designed to assist the Supervisor or would-be
calon Supervisor dalam memahami perannya Program Terkait Related Program
Supervisor to understand his role in a management
mengimplementasikan fungsi manajemen, memberikan function. The program is offering effective supervision • Cultivating Growth Mindset and Learning Agility
• Cultivating Growth Mindset and Learning Agility
prinsip-prinsip mensupervisi yang efektif, sehingga principles; hence, it is expected that the supervisor has
diharapkan supervisor memiliki pemahaman yang jelas a clear understanding and has an effective approach in • Self-Leadership: How to Be an Effective • Self-Leadership: How to Be an Effective Performer
132 dan pendekatan yang efektif dalam mengelola para managing his subordinates. Performer 133
pelaksana yang berada di bawah kewenangannya. • Managing Virtual & Remote Team • Managing Virtual & Remote Team
• Effective Leadership • Effective Leadership
Manfaat yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
• Managing People for Productivity • Managing People for Productivity
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, participants are expected
• Leading With Emotional Intelligence • Leading With Emotional Intelligence
diharapkan mampu: to be able to:
• Leader as A Coach • Leader as A Coach
• Menjelaskan fungsi dan peran supervisor dalam • Explain the function and role of a supervisor in • Strengthening Your Leadership Talent
• Strengthening Your Leadership Talent
manajemen dan kelompok kerja management and working group
• Menjelaskan cara memberi perintah secara • Explain the techniques to give order effectively
• Menjelaskan pola berpikir sistematis untuk • Explain the systematic thinking pattern to analyze IDR 6.000.000 IDR 3.300.000 IDR 1.800.000
menganalisis masalah prestasi kerja bawahan In-class Training Live Virtual Training Online Training
subordinate’s working achievement problem

Executive Development Program Leadership Executive Development Program Leadership

Duration: 3 days (24 hours) 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
Menjadi pemimpin tidak hanya dipengaruhi oleh Being a leader is influenced by one’s knowledge about Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
pengetahuan mengenai kepemimpinan dan leadership and technical skill (hard skill) and individual diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:
keterampilan teknis (hard skill), namun juga characters and their soft skill as a leader. In many
• Mengeksplorasi dan mengoptimalkan kekuatan • Exploring and optimizing your strengths as a leader
ditentukan oleh karakter individu dan perilaku cases, we find someone who understands the various
diri sebagai pemimpin
dalam memimpin (soft skill). Dalam banyak leadership concepts, yet they are still not able to present
situasi, kita menemui seseorang telah mengetahui the expected leadership behavior. This situation could be • Menyusun langkah pengembangan potensi diri • Arrange steps for developing self-potential so that
berbagai konsep kepemimpinan, akan tetapi masih caused by one’s lack of understanding of their strength agar dapat lebih optimal dalam menjalankan they can be more optimal in carrying out their role as
belum mampu menampilkan kepemimpinan and character in being a leader and the behavior required peran sebagai pemimpin a leader
yang diharapkan. Hal ini dapat saja terjadi karena to support their technical skills. • Menetapkan langkah pemberdayaan anggota tim • Establish steps to empower team members based on
individu tersebut kurang memahami kekuatan dan the strengths they have
berdasarkan kekuatan yang mereka miliki
karakternya dalam memimpin, serta perilaku yang
diperlukan untuk menunjang keterampilan teknis
sebagai pemimpin. Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
• Strength-based Leadership • Strength-based Leadership
Setiap individu memiliki kekuatan yang membentuk Everyone has their strength that forms different styles
tipe kepemimpinan berbeda. Gagal dalam • Talent & Personal Leadership Style • Talent & Personal Leadership Style
of leadership. Failure to recognize our strengths will
mengenali kekuatan pribadi akan berdampak pada make our leadership ineffective. Moreover, soft skills • Team Empowerment • Team Empowerment
kepemimpinan yang tidak optimal. Selain itu, soft skill such as the ability to manage emotions, the courage to
seperti kemampuan mengelola emosi, keberanian take actions, and interact effectively in groups also take
mengambil tindakan, dan kemampuan berinteraksi Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
a major leadership role.
dalam kelompok juga memegang peranan penting • Manajer lini • Line manager
dalam memimpin.
• Supervisor/Penyelia • Supervisor/Supervisor
Kekhasan dalam pelatihan ini adalah setiap peserta The uniqueness of this training is that every participant • Staf yang dipersiapkan untuk menjadi manajer • Staff groomed to be line managers
diberikan informasi dan laporan tertulis mengenai will be given information and a written report that sums lini
karakter dan kekuatannya, sehingga mereka up their characters and strength so that they will be
akan dapat memanfaatkan kekuatan dan tipe able to utilize the strength and leadership style that they Related Program
Program Terkait
kepemimpinan yang mereka miliki. Pelatihan ini juga possess. This training will also urge the participants
134 akan memfasilitasi peserta untuk mengembangkan to develop the soft skills required to ensure the • Managing People for Productivity • Managing People for Productivity 135
soft skill yang diperlukan agar efektif dalam staff’s effectiveness and build their teams, to achieve
• Leader as A Coach • Leader as A Coach
mengarahkan dan membangun tim mencapai tujuan organizational goals.
organisasi. • Leading with Emotional Intelligence • Leading with Emotional Intelligence
• High Performance Leadership • High-Performance Leadership
• Effective leadership • Effective leadership

IDR 5.200.000 IDR 3.300.000

In-class Training Live Virtual Training

Executive Development Program Leadership Executive Development Program Leadership


Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 4 days (12 hours) 2 weeks

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed • Mengaplikasikan teknik-teknik dalam • Applying techniques to create an effective coaching
menciptakan proses coaching yang efektif process
Dalam organisasi, pemimpin merupakan seseorang yang In an organization, a leader is someone who is expected
diharapkan dapat mempengaruhi individu atau kelompok to be able to influence an individual or group in achieving
dalam mencapai sasaran organisasi. Tidak hanya the organization’s objectives. An effective leader
Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
itu, seorang pemimpin yang efektif akan membantu will help an individual in the organization achieve an • Peran pemimpin dalam meningkatkan kinerja • The role of the leader in improving the performance
memfasilitasi individu dalam organisasi untuk mencapai individual’s objective, which will be beneficial for the bawahan of subordinates
sasaran individu yang juga bermanfaat untuk kesuksesan organization’s success. The company needs a leader’s
organisasi. Diperlukan peran pemimpin dalam role in developing the subordinates, as such, by the • Berbagai pendekatan pengembangan bawahan • Various approaches to developing subordinates and
mengembangkan bawahannya, salah satunya lewat method of coaching. This coaching is beneficial not only beserta masing-masing perbedaannya their differences
metode coaching. Coaching sangat bermanfaat dalam for coaches but also for the leader and the organization. • Coaching sebagai sebuah pendekatan untuk • Coaching as an approach to improve performance
meningkatkan kinerja bukan hanya bagi coachee, namun meningkatkan kinerja dan mengoptimalkan and optimize the potential of subordinates
bagi pemimpin dan juga organisasi. potensi bawahan
• Coaching model untuk memastikan proses • Several basic skills must be mastered by leaders to be
Pelatihan ini mengupas bagaimana setiap pemimpin “Leader as A Coach” training program explores how coaching berjalan dengan struktur yang tepat able to implement coaching effectively
menjalankan peran sebagai coach bagi bawahannya. each leader carries out his role as a coach for his
Kemudian akan dibahas mengenai apa perbedaan subordinates. Then we will discuss what is the difference • Beberapa teknik yang harus dikuasai agar • The coaching model to ensure that the coaching
coaching dengan metode pengembangan lainnya. between coaching and other development methods. pemimpin mampu melakukan coaching secara process is implemented with the appropriate structure
Disamping itu, juga akan dipelajari tahapan proses Besides that, the stages of the coaching process will efektif
coaching berikut teknik-teknik coaching yang harus also be studied along with the coaching techniques that • Praktik coaching • Coaching practices
dimiliki agar bisa menjalankan peran sebagai coach must be possessed in order to be able to carry out the
yang ideal dalam organisasi. role as an ideal coach in the organization.
Siapa yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Di pelatihan ini juga peserta memiliki kesempatan untuk In this training program, participants also have the • Semua pemimpin dan calon pemimpin unit kerja • All leaders and would-be leaders of a working unit
melakukan praktek coaching secara langsung dan opportunity to practice coaching directly and get
mendapatkan umpan balik mengenai proses coaching feedback on the coaching process carried out. Thus, • Praktisi SDM • HRD Practices
yang dilakukan. Dengan demikian peserta dapat langsung participants can directly apply the coaching process to • Internal Coach • Internal Coach
menerapkan proses coaching kepada bawahannya. their subordinates.
Program Terkait Related Program
136 Manfaat Apa Yang Anda Peroleh Objectives 137
• Managing People for Productivity • Managing People for Productivity
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, participants are expected
diharapkan mampu: • High Performance Leadership • High-Performance Leadership
to be able to:
• Leading with Emotional Intelligence • Leading with Emotional Intelligence
• Meningkatkan peran pemimpin dalam • Increase the role of leaders in improving the • Strengthening Your Leadership Talent • Strengthening Your Leadership Talent
meningkatkan kinerja bawahan performance of subordinates
• Effective leadership • Effective leadership
• Memahami coaching sebagai sebuah pendekatan • Understanding coaching as an approach that
yang bisa digunakan pemimpin untuk leaders can use to improve subordinate performance
meningkatkan kinerja bawahan
• Melakukan proses coaching secara sistematis • Conducting a systematic coaching process to
kepada bawahan dengan Model GROW subordinates with the GROW Model
• Melatih struktur komunikasi dalam coaching, IDR 6.000.000 IDR 3.600.000 IDR 2.000.000
• Train the communication structure in coaching, so that
In-class Training Live Virtual Training Online Training
agar proses coaching berjalan dengan metode the coaching process runs with an ideal and effective
yang ideal dan efektif method

Executive Development Program Leadership Executive Development Program Leadership

Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 3 days (9 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed • Karakteristik pemimpin yang cerdas emosi • The Characteristics of emotionally intelligent leaders

Kepemimpinan adalah sebuah seni, dan kecerdasan Leadership is an art. The emotional intelligence of a • Teknik-teknik meningkatkan kecerdasan emosi • The Techniques to develop emotional intelligence
emosional seorang pemimpin sangat dibutuhkan agar leader is needed to be able to carry out the best role.
dapat menjalankan perannya dengan baik. Kemampuan A leader’s ability to conceive strategy and mobilize the Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
pemimpin untuk menyusun strategi dan memobilisasi working team must be supported by controlling emotion.
tim kerjanya harus didukung oleh kemampuan mereka Emotion drives a much bigger role in determining the • Manajer • Manager
dalam mengelola emosi. Emosi memainkan peran yang leader’s performance, as the leader himself has not • Supervisor/Penyelia • Supervisor
jauh lebih besar dalam menentukan kinerja daripada realized this. A highly emotional intelligence leader
yang disadari banyak pemimpin. Seorang pemimpin yang will be capable of comprehending his own emotion • Staf yang dipersiapkan sebagai manajer tingkat • Staff who will be promoted as a first-line manager
cerdas secara emosional tidak hanya mampu memahami and understanding other individuals’ emotions, and lini pertama
emosi diri, namun juga emosi orang lain dan menemukan the leader can find ways to positively influence the
cara untuk mempengaruhi lingkungan secara positif. environment. Program Terkait Related Program
• Managing People for Productivity • Managing People for Productivity
Dalam pelatihan ini, setiap peserta akan dibekali This program will equip each participant with the
dengan keterampilan dasar untuk menjadi pemimpin fundamental skill to thoroughly understand its emotion • Leader as A Coach • Leader as A Coach
yang memiliki pemahaman emosi diri dan orang lain and other individual’s emotions, also facilitate high
• High-Performance Leadership • High-Performance Leadership
secara lebih mendalam, serta mampu memfasilitasi performance. By exploring how emotion is working,
kinerja tinggi. Dengan mengeksplorasi cara kerja the participant will identify why an individual reacts • Strengthening Your Leadership Talent • Strengthening Your Leadership Talent
emosi, peserta akan mengetahui mengapa manusia emotionally and how this reaction may negatively impact
• Effective leadership • Effective leadership
bereaksi secara emosional, dan bagaimana reaksi the leadership.
ini dapat berdampak negatif pada kepemimpinan.

Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives

IDR 5.000.000 IDR 3.300.000
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, participants are expected In-class Training Live Virtual Training
diharapkan mampu: to be able to:

• Menjelaskan tentang konsep ilmiah kecerdasan • Explain the concept of emotional intelligence
138 139
• Mengidentifikasi kecerdasan emosi diri • Identify self-emotional intelligence
• Menjelaskan cara-cara pengelolaan emosi • Describe ways of managing emotions in an
individu dan kelompok organization and individually
• Menyusun langkah pengelolaan emosi secara • Arrange personal emotional management steps in
personal dalam menjalankan perannya sebagai carrying out its role as a leader

Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered

• Konsep ilmiah tentang emosi • The concept of emotion
• Komponen kecerdasan emosi • The fundamental of Emotional intelligence

Executive Development Program Leadership Executive Development Program Leadership


Duration: 1 weeks

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Tugas utama pemimpin adalah memimpin sekelompok The main task of a leader is to lead a group of people • First line leader • First-line leader
orang untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi secara to achieve organizational goals together. Therefore,
bersama-sama. Oleh karena itu, sangat dibutuhkan the ability of a leader is needed to empower all team Program Terkait Related Program
kemampuan seorang pemimpin untuk memberdayakan members. Empowerment is not only about completing
seluruh anggota tim. Pemberdayaan yang tidak hanya tasks and achieving targets but is an effort to make • Effective Supervisory Management • Effective Supervisory Management
sekadar menyelesaikan tugas dan mencapai target, all team members feel that their contributions are
• Effective Leadership • Effective Leadership
tetapi merupakan upaya untuk membuat seluruh valuable and find meaning in life at work. In this
anggota tim merasa kontribusi mereka berharga training, participants will be invited to understand not • Managing People for Productivity • Managing People for Productivity
dan menemukan makna hidup dalam bekerja. only the concept of empowerment, but also identify
• Leader as A Coach • Leader as A Coach
Dalam pelatihan ini, peserta akan diajak memahami what kind of leader behavior can foster empowerment
tidak hanya konsep pemberdayaan, akan tetapi juga in team members. A self-assessment questionnaire
mengidentifikasi perilaku pemimpin seperti apa yang will be administered to reflect on the extent to which
dapat menumbuhkan pemberdayaan pada anggota tim. participants have acquired these leadership behaviors.
Sebuah kuesioner penilaian diri akan diberikan untuk Various steps to be able to improve the ability to empower IDR 1.800.000
merefleksikan sejauh mana peserta telah memiliki team members will also be provided to the participants Online Training
rangkaian perilaku kepemimpinan tersebut. Berbagai of this training.
langkah untuk dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dalam
memberdayakan anggota tim juga akan dibekali kepada
peserta pelatihan ini.

Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives

Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan: expected to be able to:

• Mampu menjelaskan konsep dasar mengenai • Explain the basic concept of Empowerment
• Menjelaskan perilaku pemimpin yang • Describe leader behavior that builds team members’
140 141
membangun pemberdayaan diri anggota tim self-empowerment
• Menentukan langkah untuk memberdayakan • Define steps to empower team members
anggota tim

Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered

• The Concept of Empowerment • The Concept of Empowerment
• Leader-Empowering Behavior • Leader-Empowering Behavior
• How to Empower Your Team • How to Empower Your Team

Executive Development Program Leadership Executive Development Program Leadership


Duration: 3 weeks

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Karyawan merupakan modal utama bagi kesuksesan Employees are the main capital for organizational • Kepemimpinan dan Tantangan Bisnis • Leadership and Business Challenges
organisasi. Kenyataannya, setiap karyawan memiliki success. In fact, every employee has different
• Diagnosis Tingkat Perkembangan Bawahan • Subordinate Developmental Level Diagnosis
komitmen dan kompetensi yang berbeda-beda. Kondisi commitments and competencies. This condition greatly
ini sangat mempengaruhi kinerja individu yang dapat affects individual performance, which can impact the • Fleksibilitas dan Penyesuaian Gaya Kepemimpinan • Flexibility and Adjustment of Leadership Style
berdampak terhadap kinerja unit kerja dan organisasi. performance of work units and organizations. In the
• Mitra Pengembang Kinerja • Performance Development Partners
Dalam organisasi, pemimpin bertugas untuk menyiapkan organization, the leader is in charge of preparing and
dan membantu bawahan mencapai kinerjanya. Pemimpin helping subordinates to achieve their performance. • Building High-Performance Team • Building High-Performance Team
harus bisa menyesuaikan gaya kepemimpinan dalam The leader must adjust his leadership style in dealing • Managing Conflict • Managing Conflict
menghadapi kondisi bawahan yang memiliki kompetensi with the conditions of subordinates who have different
dan komitmen berbeda-beda, demi tercapainya competencies and commitments to achieve success in
keberhasilan di unit kerja dan organisasi. work units and organizations. Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
• Manajer • Manager
Selain bertanggung jawab untuk mencapai target Apart from being responsible for achieving performance
kinerja dan mengembangkan potensi bawahan, targets and developing the potential of subordinates, • Supervisor • Supervisor
pemimpin juga berperan dalam pengelolaan tim, leaders also play a role in team management to continue
agar organisasi dapat terus tumbuh dan berkembang. to grow and develop. Leaders need to adjust their conflict Program Terkait Related Program
Pemimpin perlu menyesuaikan gaya mengatasi resolution styles according to the dynamics, conditions,
konflik sesuai dengan dinamika, kondisi, dan situasi and situations that occur. In its implementation, • Managing People for Productivity • Managing People for Productivity
yang terjadi. Dalam implementasinya, diperlukan it requires understanding and team management • Leader as A Coach • Leader as A Coach
pemahaman dan teknik pengelolaan tim, termasuk di techniques, including conflict management in work
dalamnya pengelolaan konflik dalam tim kerja. teams. • Leading with Emotional Intelligence • Leading with Emotional Intelligence
• Strengthening Your Leadership Talent • Strengthening Your Leadership Talent
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives • Effective leadership • Effective leadership
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:

• Mendiagnosis bawahan berdasarkan tingkat • Diagnose subordinates based on their level of

142 kompetensi dan komitmennya competence and commitment IDR 2.000.000 143
Online Training
• Mengembangkan gaya kepemimpinan yang • Developing an appropriate leadership style to achieve
sesuai untuk mencapai kinerja optimal bawahan optimal performance of subordinates
• Menjelaskan cara melakukan komunikasi • Explain how to have open communication with
terbuka bersama bawahan terkait kinerja dan subordinates regarding the performance and
perkembangan potensi individu development of individual potential
• Menjalankan peran pemimpin dalam pengelolaan • Take on the role of a leader in team management
• Mengidentifikasi tahap perkembangan tim • Identify the stage of team development
• Menjelaskan cara mengelola konflik • Explain how to manage conflict
• Mengembangkan gaya mengatasi konflik • Develop conflict coping styles

Executive Development Program Leadership Executive Development Program Leadership

144 FINANCE 145


• The Essential of Corporate Governance

• Projected Financial Statement &
Bankruptcy Prediction SENIOR
• Valuation on Merger & Acquisition MANAGER


• Rolling Forecast in Budgeting MANAGER
• Financial Statement Analysis
• Integrated Risk Management MANAGING TEAM
• Engineering (Fixed) Asset MANAGING THROUGH OTHERS
SUPERVISOR • Finnon: Profit Planning & Capital
• Financial Projection & Valuation
• Financial Aspects on Feasibility Study

• Finnon: Understanding Financial Statement
146 • Budgeting 147

Minaut – Problem Solving and Decision Making | Business Acumen | Internal Audit

Build & Test Minimum Viable Product | Risk Management for Public Sector
Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed • Memahami analisis rasio keuangan • Understand financial ratio analysis

Perencanaan keuangan membutuhkan sarana Financial planning requires supporting facilities in the • Memahami penggunaan hasil proyeksi keuangan • Understanding of financial assessment results for
penunjang berupa financial modeling. Financial form of financial modeling. The most basic financial untuk prediksi kebangkrutan dan rating bankruptcy and rating
modeling yang paling mendasar adalah projected modeling is the projected financial statement. How to
financial statement. Bagaimana menangkap esensi capture the main essence of a report in compiling a Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
utama dari sebuah laporan dalam menyusun financial financial model is a crucial first step. This is important
modeling adalah langkah awal yang krusial. Hal ini because not all parts of the report are equally important. • Konsep financial modeling • Financial modeling concept
penting mengingat tidak semua bagian laporan sama Projection of financial statements starts from simplifying • Penyederhanaan laporan keuangan • Simplification of financial statements
pentingnya. Proyeksi laporan keuangan dimulai dari the income statement and balance sheet and ends with
menyederhanakan laporan laba-rugi dan neraca obtaining profit and loss projections, balance sheets, • Pembuatan value driver • Value driver creation
dan diakhiri dengan diperolehnya proyeksi laba-rugi, and cash flow statements. • Penyusunan proyeksi laporan laba-rugi • Preparation of income statement projections
neraca dan laporan arus kas.
• Penyusunan proyeksi neraca • Preparation of balance sheet
Hasil proyeksi laporan keuangan dapat digunakan The results of projected financial statements can be • Penyusunan proyeksi laporan arus kas • Preparation of cash flow statement projections
untuk berbagai tujuan. Memperoleh gambaran used for various purposes. Getting an overview of the • Proyeksi laporan keuangan dan rasio keuangan • Financial statement projections and financial ratios
tingkat rating atau kebangkrutan sangat membantu rating level or bankruptcy is very helpful in knowing the
mengetahui arah prospek perusahaan. Pemahaman direction of the company’s prospects. Understanding • Prediksi tingkat kebangkrutan dan rating • Prediction of bankruptcy rate and rating
rasio keuangan akan sangat membantu bagaimana financial ratios will be very helpful in how to predict
melakukan prediksi rating dan kebangkrutan. Ketika rating and bankruptcy. When the financial model that Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
financial model yang disusun sudah selesai, maka has been prepared has been completed, how to use it
bagaimana menggunakannya dalam melakukan in financial planning requires a thorough understanding, • Bagian perencanaan keuangan • Financial planning department
perencanaan keuangan memerlukan pemahaman especially regarding the company’s growth history and • Bagian pegembangan bisnis • Business development department
yang menyeluruh terutama terkait dengan riwayat the desired growth rate.
pertumbuhan perusahaan serta tingkat pertumbuhan • Analis keuangan • Financial Analyst
yang dikehendaki.
Program Terkait Related Program
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
• Financial Aspects on Feasibility Study • Financial Aspects on Feasibility Study
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, participants are expected • Finnon: Understanding Financial Statement • Finnon: Understanding Financial Statement
148 diharapkan mampu: to be able to: 149
• Finnon: Profit Planning & Capital Budgeting • Finnon: Profit Planning & Capital Budgeting
• Memahami pola dasar financial modeling • Understand the basic pattern of financial modeling • Financial Statement Analysis • Financial Statement Analysis
• Memahami proses penyederhanaan laporan • Understand the process of simplifying balance sheet
keuangan neraca dan laba rugi and profit and loss financial statements
• Memahami proses pemilihan rasio keuangan • Understand the process of selecting financial ratios as
sebagai dasar value driver the basis for value drivers
IDR 6.500.000 IDR 3.750.000
• Memahami proses menyusun proyeksi laporan • Understand the process of preparing an income
In-class Training Live Virtual Training
laba-rugi statement
• Memahami proses menyusun proyeksi neraca • Understand the process of preparing a balance sheet
• Memahami proses menyusun proyeksi laporan • Understand the cash flow statement process
arus kas

Executive Development Program Risk & Corporate Finance Executive Development Program Risk & Corporate Finance
Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Perubahan lingkungan yang bersifat VUCA (Volatile, Changes in the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, • Perkembangan pola penyusunan anggaran • Development of budget preparation patterns
Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) membuat pola Ambiguous) environment have made the old planning
• Beyond budgeting sebagai tawaran alternatif • Beyond budgeting as an alternative offer in budgeting
perencanaan lama menjadi tidak lagi mendukung patterns no longer support change. The static budget
dalam penyusunan anggaran
perubahan. Anggaran yang bersifat statis menjadi becomes difficult to maintain in these conditions. It is
sulit untuk dipertahankan dalam kondisi seperti ini. necessary to have a planning model that can adapt to the • Pola penggunaan Rolling Forecast in Budgeting • Agile Budgeting usage patterns in dynamic budgets
Diperlukan adanya model perencanaan yang mampu changes that occur. Agile Budgeting offers a solution for dalam anggaran dinamis
beradaptasi dengan perubahan yang terjadi. Rolling adaptive planning.
• Pola dasar penerapan Driver-Based Budgeting • The basic pattern of implementing driver-based
Forecast in Budgeting menawarkan solusi atas
perencanaan yang adaptif. budgeting

Rolling Forecast in Budgeting bukan produk mandiri. Agile Budgeting is not a standalone product, it requires Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Rolling Forecast in Budgeting memerlukan sistem an adaptive management system that accommodates
Peserta diharapkan sudah memahami keuangan Participants are expected to have a general
manajemen yang adaptif dan mengakomodasi changes in corporate culture. Understanding of Beyond
secara umum. understanding of finance.
perubahan dalam budaya perusahaan. Beyond Budgeting in the context of its appearance when
budgeting perlu dipahami dalam konteks responding to external change and corporate culture.
kemunculannya saat merespon perubahan Ultimately dynamic changes require dynamic budgets as • Bagian penyusunan anggaran • Budget preparation section
lingkungan luar dan budaya perusahaan. Pada well. An Agile Budgeting is a way of responding to needs. • Bagian perencanaan • Planning part
akhirnya perubahan yang dinamis memerlukan
anggaran yang dinamis juga. Rolling Forecast in • Bagian pengembangan bisnis • Business development department
Budgeting merupakan cara merespon kebutuhan
tersebut. Program Terkait Related Program
• Finnon: Profit Planning & Capital Budgeting • Finnon: Profit Planning & Capital Budgeting
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
• Projected Financial Statement & Bankruptcy • Projected Financial Statement & Bankruptcy Prediction
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are Prediction (New) (New)
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:

• Memahami berbagai macam perubahan dapat • Understand the various kinds of changes
150 menimpa sebuah perusahaan dan dampaknya that can affect a company and its impact on 151
terhadap penyusunan anggaran budgeting IDR 6.000.000 IDR 3.200.000
In-class Training Live Virtual Training
• Memahami perbedaan penyusunan anggaran • Understand the difference between static and dynamic
statis dan dinamis budgeting
• Memahami beyond budgeting sebagai suatu • Understanding beyond budgeting as an offer for
tawaran penyusunan anggaran budgeting
• Memahami pola penyusunan anggaran sesuai • Understand the pattern of budgeting according to the
dengan konteks internal dan perubahan eksternal internal context and external changes
• Memahami pola penyusunan Rolling Forecast in • Understand the Agile Budgeting pattern
• Memahami model penyusunan anggaran dengan • Understand the budgeting model with driver-based
Driver-Based Budgeting budgeting

Executive Development Program Risk & Corporate Finance Executive Development Program Risk & Corporate Finance

Duration: 3 days (24 hours) 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Pemerintah Indonesia melalui Rencana The Government of Indonesia through the National • Kerangka manajemen risiko risiko secara • Integrated risk management framework (ISO
Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (RPJMN) Medium Term Development Plan (Rencana terintegrasi (ISO 31000:2018) 31000:2018)
2020-2024 mencanangkan tujuh (7) Agenda Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional/“RPJMN”)
• Penetapan Konteks dan Identifikasi risiko • Determination of Context and Identification of risks
Pembangunan dan enam (6) Pengarusutamaan. 2020-2024 has launched seven (7) Development Agenda
Salah satu dimensi pembangunan dari enam (6) and six (6) Mainstream. One of the six (6) mainstreams’ • Analisis risiko • Risk analysis
pengarusutamaan adalah menjalankan Tata Kelola development dimensions is to carry out accountable,
• Evaluasi risiko • Risk evaluation
Pemerintahan yang akuntabel, efektif dan efisien effective, and efficient Governance in supporting
dalam mendukung peningkatan kinerja Kementerian/ the improvement of the performance of Ministries/ • Penanganan risiko • Risk control
Lembaga. Penguatan kualitas manajemen melalui Institutions. Strengthening management quality
implementasi manajemen risiko menjadi salah satu through the implementation of risk management is one Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
pilar penting dalam upaya menjalankan tata kelola of the important pillars to implement good corporate
pemerintahan yang baik (good corporate governance) governance in RPJMN 2020-2024. This is in line with • Pimpinan (Pejabat Struktural/Koordinator) di • Heads (Structural Officers/Coordinators) in Ministries/
pada RPJMN 2020-2024. Hal ini sejalan dengan Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation 60/2008 Kementerian/Lembaga Institutions
dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia (Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia 60/2008)
• Koordinator Manajemen Risiko di Kementerian/ • Risk Management Coordinator in Ministries/Agencies
Nomor 60 Tahun 2008 tentang Sistem Pengendalian concerning Government Internal Control Systems
Intern Pemerintah (SPIP), yang salah satu unsurnya (Sistem Pengendalian Intern Pemerintah/”SPIP”),
adalah Kementerian/Lembaga wajib menjalankan which one of the elements is that the Ministry/Agency • Koordinator SPIP di Kementerian/Lembaga • SPIP Coordinator in Ministries/Institutions
penilaian risiko. Implementasi manajemen perlu is obliged to carry out a risk assessment. Management • Auditor Kementerian/Lembaga • Ministry/Institution Auditor
diimplementasikan secara holistik sebagai upaya implementation needs to be implemented holistically
penyelenggaraan pengelolaan keuangan dan to manage state finances and assets and support the
kekayaan negara serta untuk mendukung pencapaian achievement of organizational tasks and functions Program Terkait Related Program
tugas dan fungsi organisasi secara efektif dan efisien. effectively and efficiently.
• Certified Risk Management Officer • Certified Risk Management Officer
• Certified Risk Management Professional • Certified Risk Management Professional
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
• Integrated Risk Management • Integrated Risk Management
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:

152 • Membangun kesadaran peserta memahami • Build awareness of participants understanding the IDR 5.500.000 IDR 3.500.000 153
urgensi implementasi manajemen risiko urgency of implementing risk management In-class Training Live Virtual Training

• Memahami cara mengidentifikasi ragam risiko • Understand how to identify the various risks and the
dan karakteristik masing-masing risiko characteristics of each risk
• Memahami cara menganalisis dan mengevaluasi • Understand how to analyze and evaluate risk
profil risiko sehingga dapat menyusun prioritas profiles so that they can prioritize risk treatment
penanganan risiko
• Memahami berbagai metode penanganan risiko • Understand various risk management methods in an
secara terintegrasi integrated manner

Executive Development Program Risk & Corporate Finance Executive Development Program Risk & Corporate Finance
Duration: 2.5 days (20 hours) 5 days (15 hours) 3 weeks

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Para eksekutif non keuangan sering berkepentingan The non-financial executives often have to use the • Para eksekutif di luar bidang keuangan • Executives other than Finance Executives (Supervisor,
dengan laporan keuangan, namun kadang-kadang financial statements, but they find out that the financial (Supervisor, Manajer, Manajer Senior) Manager, Senior Manager)
mereka merasa kesulitan dengan bahasa keuangan. language sometimes comes in the way. Meanwhile, the
• Mereka yang mulai berminat mempelajari • Those who have interest in learning the financial
Sementara semakin tinggi posisi seorang eksekutif higher the executive position, the more often they have
laporan keuangan statements
seringkali terpaksa harus bertemu dengan laporan to use the financial statements. This training will fulfill
keuangan. Pelatihan ini untuk menjawab kebutuhan the needs of non-financial executives in understanding
para eksekutif non keuangan dalam memahami financial statements without having a financial Program Terkait Related Program
laporan keuangan tetapi tidak memiliki latar belakang background.
• Projected Financial Statement & Bankruptcy • Projected Financial Statement & Bankruptcy Prediction

Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives • Finnon: Profit Planning & Capital Budgeting • Finnon: Profit Planning & Capital Budgeting
• Financial Statement Analysis • Financial Statement Analysis
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:

• Memahami arti dan fungsi keuangan perusahaan • Understand the meaning and the function of corporate
sebagai salah satu aspek pokok dari perusahaan finance as one of the important aspects of a corporate IDR 6.500.000 IDR 3.700.000 IDR 1.800.000
sebagai suatu sistem system In-class Training Live Virtual Training Online Training

• Memahami laporan keuangan neraca dan laba- • Understand the balance sheet and the income
rugi statements
• Mampu menggunakan laporan keuangan sebagai • Use financial statements as an analysis tool.
alat analisis

Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered

• Fungsi manajemen keuangan • The function of financial management
• Arus keuangan dan klasifikasi biaya dalam • The cash flow and the cost classification in a company
154 155
• Laporan keuangan • Financial statements
• Analisis rasio • Ratio analysis
• Analisis arus kas • Cash flow analysis

Executive Development Program Risk & Corporate Finance Executive Development Program Risk & Corporate Finance
Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 4 days (12 hours) 3 weeks

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Setelah memahami dan mampu melakukan analisis After understanding and being able to analyze financial • Modal kerja • Working capital
laporan keuangan dan siklus akuntansi, organisasi statements and accounting cycles, organizations need
• Perencanaan laba • Profit planning
perlu merencanakan arus kas yang keluar masuk dari to plan cash flows in and out of the organization’s
keuangan organisasi. Perencanaan ini membutuhkan finances. This planning requires an understanding of the • Perencanaan jangka panjang: capital budgeting • Long term planning: capital budgeting
pemahaman terhadap perencanaan anggaran company’s budget planning which includes operational
• Penyusunan anggaran keuangan perusahaan • Preparation of company financial budget
perusahaan yang mencakup asumsi operasional, assumptions, working capital projections, profit and loss
proyeksi modal kerja, proyeksi laba rugi, analisis projections, capital budgeting analysis.
capital budgeting. Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
• Profesional dengan posisi staf, supervisor, • Professionals with staff positions, supervisors,
Tidak berhenti pada pemahaman tersebut, program It does not stop at this understanding, this program is manajer, eselon III, kepala bagian, kepala divisi managers, echelon III, section heads, division heads
ini dilengkapi dengan pemahaman hubungan antara equipped with an understanding of the relationship yang rutin membuat rancangan anggaran. who regularly make budget plans.
strategi terhadap anggaran, dan proses proyeksi between strategy and budget, and the process of
rencana kerja organisasi. projecting organizational work plans. • Personalia serupa yang rutin melakukan • Personnel who routinely perform AR scheduling
penjadwalan AR
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
Program Terkait Related Program
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to: • Projected Financial Statement & Bankruptcy • Projected Financial Statement & Bankruptcy Prediction
• Memahami proses penyusunan anggaran modal • Understand the process of preparing the company’s • Finnon: Understanding Financial Statement • Finnon: Understanding Financial Statement
kerja perusahaan working capital budget
• Financial Statement Analysis • Financial Statement Analysis
• Memahami pengaplikasian penggunaan konsep • Understand the application of the use of the break-
titik impas dalam perencanaan laba even point concept in profit planning
• Memahami teknik analisis investasi dasar • Understand simple basic investment analysis
sederhana techniques
• Memahami kaitan antara strategi jangka panjang • Understand the link between the company’s long-term IDR 6.000.000 IDR 3.600.000 IDR 1.500.000
156 perusahaan dan anggaran strategy and budget 157
In-class Training Live Virtual Training Online Training
• Memahami proses penyusunan anggaran • Understand the process of preparing the company’s
keuangan perusahaan, yaitu laba rugi, neraca, financial budget, namely profit and loss, balance
dan kas sheet, and cash

Executive Development Program Risk & Corporate Finance Executive Development Program Risk & Corporate Finance
Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Laporan keuangan bukanlah merupakan sekumpulan Financial reports are not just collections of figures, but • Pimpinan Perusahaan • Leaders
data keuangan saja, namun menggambarkan illustrations of the impact of management decisions.
• Manajer • Managers
dampak lebih jauh dari keputusan manajemen. Di They also inform you about the company’s financial
samping itu juga dapat memberikan informasi atas health and its position in its industry. That is why all • Eksekutif Keuangan • Finance Executives
kondisi keuangan dan posisi perusahaan terhadap executives and managers, and even more, finance
industrinya. Jika demikian, penting bagi pimpinan managers and executives need to master the techniques Program Terkait Related Program
perusahaan atau pun manajer dan eksekutif for analyzing financial reports as part of the planning
keuangan untuk memahami teknik-teknik analisis and decision-making process. • Projected Financial Statement & Bankruptcy • Projected Financial Statement & Bankruptcy Prediction
laporan keuangan dalam proses perencanaan dan Prediction
pengambilan keputusan.
• Finnon: Understanding Financial Statement • Finnon: Understanding Financial Statement
• Finnon: Profit Planning & Capital Budgeting • Finnon: Profit Planning & Capital Budgeting
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
• Financial Projection & Valuation • Financial Projection & Valuation
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:

• Menggunakan beberapa teknik analisis laporan • Use the techniques for analyzing financial reports IDR 6.500.000 IDR 3.750.000
keuangan sebagai dasar evaluasi kondisi to determine the soundness of a company In-class Training Live Virtual Training
keuangan perusahaan
• Mengaplikasikan teknik analisis yang dipelajari • Apply these techniques in the decision-making process
dalam proses pengambilan keputusan
• Mengetahui posisi keuangan perusahaan • Know how to determine the position of a company in
terhadap industrinya its industry
• Memahami penilaian tingkat kebangkrutan • Understand the level of company’s bankruptcy

158 Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered 159

• Laporan Keuangan: Neraca, Laba Rugi, & Arus • Financial Statements: Balance Sheet, Profit, and Loss,
Kas & Cash Flow
• Analisis Rasio • Ratio analysis
• Analisus Arus Kas • Cash Flow Analyst
• Analisis Kebangkrutan & Rating • Bankruptcy & Rating Analysis
• Creative Accounting • Creative Accounting

Executive Development Program Risk & Corporate Finance Executive Development Program Risk & Corporate Finance

Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Penyusunan anggaran dan perencanaan perusahaan Budgeting process and the company planning as a • Staff • Staff
secara keseluruhan merupakan suatu rangkaian whole are integrated processes. Companies should
• Supervisor • Supervisor
yang terpadu. Kesadaran mengenai hal itu perlu emphasize the awareness about this integrated
dipertegas untuk memposisikan anggaran sebagai system so that budgeting is regarded as a quantitative • Manager • Manager
alat perencanaan kuantitatif yang sebaiknya planning tool, which should be developed integrated
disusun secara terpadu dalam rangka mencapai to achieve the company’s objective. The budgeting Program Terkait Related Program
sasaran perusahaan secara bersama. Penyusunan process that accommodates the objectives and the
anggaran yang mengakomodasi sasaran dan strategi corporate strategy can explain the importance of • Rolling Forecast in Budgeting • Rolling Forecast in Budgeting
perusahaan dapat menjelaskan pentingnya komitmen the managers’ commitment to making the budget.
para manajer dalam menyusun anggaran.

Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives

IDR 6.000.000 IDR 3.200.000
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are In-class Training Live Virtual Training
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:

• Memahami keterkaitan antara proses • Understand the relationship between the planning
perencanaan dengan penyusunan anggaran process and the budgeting process
• Menyusun anggaran operasi • Compose the operational budget
• Menyusun anggaran keuangan • Compose the financial budget
• Memahami proses kontrol dengan menggunakan • Understand the controlling process using the budget

Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered

• Keterkaitan antara perencanaan dengan • The relationship between planning and budgeting
160 penyusunan anggaran 161
• Operational Expenditure & Capital Expenditure • Operational expenditure and capital expenditure
• Anggaran operasi • Operational budget
• Anggaran keuangan • Financial budget
• Pengendalian melalui anggaran • Controlling through budget

Executive Development Program Risk & Corporate Finance Executive Development Program Risk & Corporate Finance

Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Perencanaan keuangan organisasi yang akan The future financial planning of the organization is one • Proyeksi Laporan Keuangan • Financial Report Projection
datang menjadi salah satu aspek dalam rencana aspect of the business development plan. Important
• Valuasi Perusahaan dengan Free Cash Flow dan • Corporate Valuation with Free Cash Flow and EVA
pengembangan usaha. Proyeksi keuangan penting financial projections are made to understand the growth
dibuat untuk memahami pertumbuhan dan and success that can be achieved in the future. The
kesuksesan yang dapat diraih di masa yang akan investor or organization can then make decisions on • Biaya dan Struktur Modal • Cost and Capital Structure
datang. Investor atau organisasi kemudian dapat the funding and investment required. Valuation itself
• Valuasi Aset Tak Berwujud & Value-Based • Intangible Asset Valuation & Value-Based
membuat keputusan atas pendanaan dan investasi needs to be taken into account when the value of the
Management Management
yang dibutuhkan. Valuasi sendiri perlu diperhitungkan company needs to be known. Both of these analyzes
ketika nilai perusahaan perlu diketahui. Kedua analisis require an in-depth analytical foundation in the form
ini memerlukan fondasi analisis yang mendalam of a reclassification process, simplifying reports, using Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
berupa proses reklasifikasi, penyederhanaan laporan, assumptions, and fundamentally basic valuation models.
• Profesional dengan posisi staf, supervisor, • Professionals with staff positions, supervisors,
penggunaan asumsi, dan model dasar valuasi secara
manajer, kepala bagian, kepala divisi yang telah managers, division heads, division heads who have
memahami analisis laporan keuangan dan understood financial statement analysis and are able
mampu membuat proyeksi keuangan untuk 1 to make financial projections for the next 1 year
Program ini tidak hanya menyajikan konsep-konsep This program not only presents the concepts used in tahun ke depan
yang digunakan dalam analisis proyeksi finansial dan the analysis of financial projections and valuations, but
valuasi, tetapi juga praktik nyata dalam melakukan also the actual practice in conducting both analyses • Analis bisnis • Business analyst
kedua analisis tersebut. . • Pengguna laporan keuangan • Financial statement users

Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives Program Lanjutan Related Program
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are • Projected Financial Statement & Bankruptcy • Projected Financial Statement & Bankruptcy Prediction
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to: Prediction
• Financial Aspects on Feasibility Study
• Financial Aspects on Feasibility Study
• Memahami prosedur dan melakukan penyusunan • Understand the procedures and perform the
proyeksi keuangan secara lengkap preparation of complete financial projections
• Melakukan valuasi perusahaan dengan metode • Conduct company valuation using free cash flow and
162 free cash flow dan economic value added (EVA) economic value added (EVA) methods 163
• Menghitung biaya modal dan struktur modal yang • Calculating the cost of capital and capital structure IDR 6.000.000 IDR 3.700.000
dapat menentukan besarnya nilai perusahaan that can determine the value of the company In-class Training Live Virtual Training

• Memahami valuasi aset tak berwujud dan value • Understand intangible asset valuation and value-
based management sebagai sistem untuk based management as a system to ensure value
memastikan orientasi terhadap nilai berjalan orientation is aligned with company strategy
selaras dengan strategi perusahaan

Executive Development Program Risk & Corporate Finance Executive Development Program Risk & Corporate Finance
Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Tuntutan pertumbuhan bagi perusahaan membuat Demand to grow requires a company to seek ways • Merger & Akuisisi (M&A) sebagai sebuah strategi • Merger & Acquisition (M”&A”) as a business strategy.
perusahaan mencari berbagai macam cara untuk to become bigger than ever. Merger and Acquisition bisnis
menjadi lebih besar. Merger dan akuisisi (M&A) (M & A) is one the alternative for a company to grow
• Overview M&A • M & A Overview
merupakan alternatif bagi perusahaan yang ingin in an inorganic way. The process to acquire a suitable
tumbuh secara non organic (inorganic). Walaupun candidate is not always easy. Several issues are coming • Tahapan dalam M&A: pra eksekusi, eksekusi dan • Process Stage in M & A: pre-execution, execution, and
demikian proses untuk memperoleh kandidat yang out, such as synergy issues, valuation, and integration. pasca eksekusi post-execution
cocok tidak selalu mudah. Berbagai macam isu Synergy issue is a crucial part to be identified.
• Identifikasi sinergi dalam M&A • Synergy identification in M & A
muncul di sini mulai dari sinergi, valuasi maupun
integrasi. Sinergi termasuk bagian yang krusial untuk • Uji tuntas (due diligence) dalam M&A • Due diligence in M & A
diidentifikasi. • Analisis laporan keuangan pada penggabungan • Financial report analysis on business combination
usaha (business combination)
Faktor pendukung lainnya adalah analisis laporan Other supporting documents include financial reports
• Valuasi M&A dengan multipel • M & A Valuation, with multiple analysis
keuangan dan valuasi. Pendekatan nilai pasar saat and valuation. During a business merger, the market
penggabungan usaha membuat analisis laporan value approach is causing post-M & A report analysis will • Valuasi M&A dengan discounted cash flow • M & A Valuation with discounted cash flow
pasca M&A tidak linier dengan data sebelumnya. not be in line with previous data. In a simple and quick
Dalam valuasi yang sederhana dan cepat, maka valuation, hence multiple analysis will be a great help.
Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
multiple akan sangat membantu. Analisis yang lebih In advanced analysis will need the discounted cash flow
serius akan membutuhkan discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis. These various analyses are expected to • Manajer keuangan • Finance Manager
(DCF). Berbagai macam analisis tersebut diharapkan conceive the M & A process to be more prudent.
mampu membuat proses M&A lebih prudent. • Eksekutif senior • Senior Executive
• Business development • Business development
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives • Staf ahli strategi • Expert Staff
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, participants are expected
diharapkan mampu: to be able to: Program Terkait Related Program
• Finnon: Understanding Financial Statement • Finnon: Understanding Financial Statement
• Memahami kerangka M&A • Understand the framework of M & A
• Financial Statement Analysis • Financial Statement Analysis
164 • Memahami posisi M&A dalam strategi bisnis • Understand the M & A position in the business strategy 165
• Memahami proses due diligence dalam M&A • Understand the process of due diligence in M & A
• Memahami proses identifikasi sinergi • Understand the process of synergy identification
• Memahami teknik multipel dalam valuasi saat • Understand multiple techniques in valuation at M & IDR 6.500.000 IDR 3.700.000
M&A A process In-class Training Live Virtual Training

• Memahami teknik DCF dalam valuasi saat M&A • Understand DCF techniques in valuation during M&A

Executive Development Program Risk & Corporate Finance Executive Development Program Risk & Corporate Finance

Duration: 2.5 days (20 hours) 4 days (12 hours) 3 weeks

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Berbagai kejadian menunjukkan lemahnya manajemen Various events indicate weak risk management in • Proses pengelolaan risiko secara terintegrasi • The integrated risk management process
risiko di perusahaan. Gagalnya pembangunan berbagai the company. The failure of various infrastructure
• Identifikasi risiko • Risk identification
infrastruktur dan investasi, gagalnya peluncuran developments and investments failed launches of new
produk baru, dan bangkrutnya beberapa perusahaan products, and several companies’ bankruptcy shows • Pengukuran risiko • Risk measurement
menunjukkan hal tersebut. Perlu disadari, risiko this. Leader/Manager should realize that risks are
• Penanganan risiko • Risk control
sangat beragam, dapat terjadi di semua tingkat dan very diverse and can occur at all levels and areas in
area dalam perusahaan, dengan tingkat kepentingan the company, with different management levels. Then
pengelolaan yang berbeda. Ada risiko yang perlu segera response through the risk, The risk response strategies Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
ditangani, ada risiko yang bisa dihindari, dan ada risiko are Mitigate, Avoid, Transfer, Accept, and Escalate a
• Manajer risiko di berbagai fungsi (pemasaran, • Risk managers in various functions (marketing,
yang dibiarkan terjadi. Perlakuan terhadap risiko Risk. The treatment of risk varies depending on its
operasi/produksi, SDM, keuangan), operations/production, HR, finance),
secara berbeda-beda tergantung pada kemampuan ability to recognize and measure each type of risk and
perusahaan untuk mengenali dan mengukur setiap jenis set priorities. Good, integrated risk management not • Staf dan analis perusahaan yang bertanggung • Company staff and analysts responsible for assessing
risiko dan menetapkan prioritasnya. Pengelolaan risiko only improves business certainty but can increase jawab untuk melakukan pengkajian dan and preparing risk management recommendations
yang baik, dan terintegrasi bukan saja memperbaiki competitive advantage and company value. penyusunan rekomendasi pengelolaan risiko
kepastian usaha tetapi dapat meningkatkan keunggulan
bersaing dan nilai perusahaan. Program Terkait Related Program

Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives • Certified Risk Management Officer • Certified Risk Management Officer
• Certified Risk Management Professional • Certified Risk Management Professional
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to: • Feasibility Study • Feasibility Study

• Memahami cara mengidentifikasi ragam risiko • Understand how to identify the various risks and the
dan karakteristik masing-masing risiko characteristics of each risk
• Memahami cara mengukur dan memetakan • Understand how to measure and map risk profiles
profil risiko sehingga dapat menyusun prioritas so that they can prioritize risk management IDR 7.000.000 IDR 3.600.000 IDR 2.300.000
penanganan risiko In-class Training Live Virtual Training Online Training

166 • Memahami berbagai metode penanganan risiko • Understand the various methods of managing risk in a 167
secara korporat corporate manner

Executive Development Program Risk & Corporate Finance Executive Development Program Risk & Corporate Finance
ENGINEERING (FIXED) ASSET MANAGEMENT • Memahami pengoperasian aset tetap dengan
berbagai macam pengukuran terkait, kapasitas,
• Understand the fixed asset operation with various
kinds of related measurements, capacity, utilization,
utilisasi dan Overall Equipment Effectiveness and Overall Equipment Effectiveness (“OEE“)
Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 4 days (12 hours) • Memahami berbagai macam proses perawatan • Understand various kinds of maintenance processes
dan modifikasi yang diperlukan dalam and modifications that are needed to maintain fixed
memelihara fungsi aset tetap asset function
Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed
• Memahami proses disposal secara aman sesuai • Understand the secured disposal process as rules and
Penggunaan aset tetap (fixed asset) dalam skala The utilization of a large number of fixed assets requires peraturan yang berlaku regulations applied
besar memerlukan perhatian khusus. Di samping special attention. Not only, the nominal value high, it • Memahami dampak keberadaan aset tetap • Understand the impact of the existence of fixed assets
nilainya yang besar, kompleksitasnya juga bertambah. is also more complex. Attention should start at the dari sisi keuangan, kontrol internal, peraturan from financial standing, internal control, government
Perhatian sudah dimulai sejak dari perencanaan capacity planning stage, and it ends at asset purchasing. pemerintah dan ISO 55000 regulation, and ISO 55000
kapasitas yang berakhir dengan pembelian aset. Total life cycle cost becomes a concept that supports
Total life cycle cost menjadi konsep yang mendukung asset purchasing analysis. As the asset becomes part of
analisis pembelian aset. Ketika aset sudah berada di the company, it will create utilization and maintenance Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
perusahaan timbul masalah utilisasi dan perawatan. problems. Fixed asset character, to certain limits, • Kerangka manajemen aset tetap • The framework of fixed asset management
Karakter aset tetap dalam batas tertentu membawa creates different flexibility in its operational activities.
fleksibilitas yang berbeda dalam operasinya. • Siklus manajemen aset tetap • Cycles of fixed asset management
• Proses akuisisi aset tetap dan total life cycle cost • The acquisition process of fixed asset and total life
Budaya perusahaan juga sangat mempengaruhi Company culture influences maintenance activity starts cycle cost
kegiatan perawatan, mulai yang sekedarnya, terjadwal from the least effort, regularly scheduled, or even, with • Pengoperasian aset tetap dan berbagai indikator • Fixed asset operation and various indicators of
atau bahkan antisipatif. Perawatan secara preventif considerably anticipative. In a preventive and predictive kapasitas dan utilisasi capacity and utilization
dan prediktif menjadi perhatian khusus perusahaan manner, the effort of maintenance becomes the
dengan semakin majunya sistem. Sampai pada company’s special attention and the advanced system • Pemeliharaan dengan berbagai macam metode • Maintenance with various kinds of methods
akhirnya terjadi pada proses disposal. Pada beberapa provided. It ends at the stage of the disposal process. • Modifikasi aset tetap • Fixed asset modification
perusahaan, seperti BUMN, proses disposal memiliki In several companies, such as state-owned enterprises,
aturan khusus yang perlu perhatian. the disposal process has distinct regulations requiring • Disposal aset tetap dan peraturan yang • Fixed asset disposal and prevailing regulations
specific attention. melingkupinya
• Sistem manajemen aset tetap dan kaitannya • Fixed asset management system and relation with
Terakhiradalahsistemyangdiperlukanuntukmemayungi Lastly, there is a system that is needed to oversee dengan sistem yang lain other systems
manajemen aset tetap ini. Sistem manajemen aset tetap this fixed asset management initiative. A fixed asset
• Peraturan pemerintah terkait aset tetap untuk • Fixed asset government regulation for State-owned
memiliki tantangan sendiri untuk dapat kompatibel management system has its own challenge to be
BUMN dan ISO 55000 Enterprises and ISO 55000
dengan ERP (enterprise resource planning) yang compatible with the existing Enterprise Resource
sudah ada. Demikian juga dengan kontrol internal atas Planning (“ERP”). The internal control system of fixed
aset tetap yang perlu memenuhi kaidah tertentu. ISO assets needs to comply with specific rules. ISO 55000 Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
55000 bahkan memberikan perhatian khusus tentang has drawn special attention to particular fixed asset
168 manajemen aset ini. Sekarang manajemen aset tetap management. Nowadays, fixed asset management • Manajer aset tetap • Fixed Asset Manager 169
semakin menjadi tuntutan sebagai praktik manajemen has become a prerequisite for normative management • Manajer operasi • Operation Manager
yang normatif. practices.
• Bagian kontrol internal • Internal Control Department

Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives • Analis • Analyst

Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, participants are expected Program Terkait Related Program
diharapkan mampu: to be able to:
• Financial Projection & Valuation • Financial Projection & Valuation
• Memahami kerangka manajemen aset tetap • Understand the framework of fixed asset management, • Finnon : Profit Planning & Capital Budgeting • Finnon : Profit Planning & Capital Budgeting
secara komprehensif comprehensively
• Memahami siklus manajemen aset tetap secara • Understand the cycles of fixed asset management, in
garis besar broad terms
• Memahami proses akuisisi dengan konsep life • Understand the acquisition process with integrated IDR 5.200.000 IDR 3.400.000
cycle cost yang terintegrasi life cycle cost concept In-class Training Live Virtual Training

Executive Development Program Risk & Corporate Finance Executive Development Program Risk & Corporate Finance
Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
Aspek keuangan dalam studi kelayakan (investasi aset Financial aspects in the feasibility study (fixed asset Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
tetap) memiliki posisi dominan karena menghasilkan investment) have a dominant position, leading to the diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:
rekomendasi atas kelayakan keuangan. Program 2 hari recommendation of financial reliability. This 2-day
ini memiliki keunikan tersendiri dimana investasi tidak program has its own uniqueness in which investment will • Memahami teknik dasar dalam investasi seperti • Understand the basic techniques in investment, such
hanya dianalisis pada awalnya, tetapi juga dianalisis not only be analyzed upfront, but it will also analyze how payback, ARR, NPV, PI dan IRR as payback, ARR, NPV, PI, and IRR
mengenai bagaimana menangani aset tetap saat to manage fixed assets after it has been acquired. The
diperoleh. Pada tahap awal akan dibahas teknik first step will discuss the basic techniques of investment • Memahami teknik perhitungan accounting break- • Understand the calculation techniques of accounting
dasar analisis investasi pada aset tetap, sedangkan analysis of the fixed assets, while at a later stage, it will even point dan financial break-even point break-even point and financial break-even point
pada tahap berikutnya akan dibahas bagaimana discuss how to present a viewpoint of the analysis result • Memahami teknik lanjutan investasi dalam • Understand the further techniques of investment in risk
memberikan gambaran hasil analisis investasi of a particular investment when it merged with financial menilai risiko, perbedaan umur dan MIRR analysis, investment period differentiation and MIRR
tersebut ketika disatukan dengan proyeksi laporan report projection.
keuangan. • Memahami teknik menyatukan proyeksi investasi • Understand the technique to merge investment
ke dalam proyeksi laporan keuangan dengan projection into the financial report projection with
mempertimbangkan beberapa prinsip, yaitu the consideration of several principles, namely the
Teknik analisis investasi memberikan perlakuan The investment analysis technique relates to two types
perbedaan perlakuan perhitungan di investasi different treatment of calculation in investment and
terhadap dua jenis arus kas, yaitu arus kas operasi of cash flows: operational cash flow and investment
dan laporan keuangan financial report
dan arus kas investasi. Arus kas pendanaan jarang cash flow. Funding cash flow is rarely being discussed.
dibahas. Di program ini akan diberikan gambaran This program will be revealed how to treat the complete • Memahami perlakuan arus kas dalam teknik • Understand the treatment of cash flow in investment
bagaimana memperlakukan arus kas keseluruhan overall cash flow and merge it with a financial report analisis investasi dan kaitannya dengan arus kas analysis technique and its relation with the funding
dan menyatukannya dengan proyeksi laporan projection that has considered the accounting aspect. pendanaan cash flow
keuangan yang sudah mempertimbangkan unsur • Memahami proses perhitungan biaya modal: • Understand the process of capital cost calculation:
akuntansi kembali. biaya modal (WACC), biaya ekuitas, biaya utang capital cost (WACC), equity cost, loan cost

Perhitungan biaya modal akan dibahas secara lengkap • Memahami manajemen aset secara total • Understand the overall asset management, to
The calculation of capital cost will discuss
dikaitkan dengan struktur modal. Manajemen aset untuk memastikan aset tetap yang diperoleh ensure that the acquired fixed asset, will be treated
comprehensively concerning the capital structure. Fixed
tetap merupakan kelebihan dari program ini di mana mendapatkan perlakuan yang semestinya, baik di as it should be within the ledger entry or in the field
asset management is a unique feature in this program,
proses siklus aset tetap mendapatkan pembahasan pencatatan maupun di lapangan
whereas a fixed asset cycle will discuss in ample
yang memadai. Bagaimana aset tetap diperlakukan time. How fixed assets will be treated according to the
secara akuntansi akan dibahas bersamaan dengan accounting principle, will be discussed simultaneously Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
170 isu tentang bagaimana melakukan kontrol atas with how to control the fixed asset that has been acquired. 171
aset tetap yang sudah diperoleh. Jadi analisis Hence, the investment analysis will not conclude only on • Teknik-teknik dasar dasar dalam penilaian • Basic techniques in investment analysis: payback,
investasi tidak berhenti pada bagaimana melakukan how to calculate IRR or NPV, but rather it will continue investasi: payback, ARR, NPV, PI dan IRR ARR, NPV, PI dan IRR
perhitungan IRR maupun NPV, tetapi juga bagaimana further on how to treat the asset that has been acquired. • Teknik lanjutan dalam investasi: pengaruh • Further techniques in investment: risk influence in
memperlakukan aset yang sudah diperoleh. risiko dalam investasi dan menyatukan proyeksi investment and to merge the investment project into
investasi ke dalam proyeksi laporan keuangan financial report projection, with the consideration of
dengan pertimbangan akuntansi accounting principles
• Perhitungan biaya modal (WACC) dan struktur • Capital cost calculation (WACC) and capital structure
• Manajemen aset tetap: akuisisi, akuntansi dan • Fixed asset management: acquisition, accounting, and
kontrol atas aset tetap control of a fixed asset

Executive Development Program Risk & Corporate Finance Executive Development Program Risk & Corporate Finance
Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Diasumsikan peserta sudah memahami laporan Assuming that the participants have a basic
keuangan secara garis besar. Para peserta adalah: understanding of the financial report, they are:

• Bisnis Analis • Business Analyst

• Staf Perencanaan Bisnis • Business Planning Staff
• Mereka yang berminat pada teknik analisis • Those Who Have Interest in Investment Analysis
investasi Techniques

Program Terkait Related Program

• Feasibility Study • Feasibility Study
• Finnon: Understanding Financial Statement • Finnon: Understanding Financial Statement
• Finnon: Profit Planning & Capital Budgeting • Finnon: Profit Planning & Capital Budgeting
• Projected Financial Statement & Bankruptcy • Projected Financial Statement & Bankruptcy Prediction
Prediction (New) (New)
• Valuation on Merger & Acquisition • Valuation on Merger & Acquisition

Catatan (In-Class): Peserta disarankan membawa Note (In-class): Participants are required to bring a
laptop di pada pelatihan ini notebook for this program

IDR 5.200.000 IDR 3.500.000

In-class Training Live Virtual Training
172 173

Executive Development Program Risk & Corporate Finance Executive Development Program Risk & Corporate Finance
Duration: 5 days (15 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Manajemen memerlukan informasi yang handal dan Management needs reliable information and supporting • Peran dan fungsi auditor intern • Internal auditor: roles and functions
dukungan keahlian yang tepat dari pihak independen expertise from an independent party to make her/his
• Audit keuangan • Financial audit
agar keputusan yang dibuatnya menjadi keputusan decisions the most effective and efficient for the sake of
yang paling efektif dan efisien bagi kepentingan organization. • Audit manajemen atas fungsi-fungsi: • Management audit on the functions of:
• Manajemen keuangan • Financial management
• Manajemen pemasaran • Marketing management
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
• Manajemen operasi • Operation Management
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to: • Manajemen sumber daya manusia • Human resources management
• Kertas kerja pemeriksaan dan laporan hasil • Audit working paper and audit report
• Memahami konsep, prosedur dan teknik-teknik • Understand the concepts, procedures, and techniques pemeriksaan
audit keuangan (financial audit) dan audit involved in financial and management audit
manajemen (management audit) Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
• Mengidentifikasi, mengevaluasi dan memberikan • Identify, evaluate, and find solutions to such a problem • Para manajer perusahaan • Managers
solusi terhadap masalah: as: • Internal auditors who do not yet implement
• Auditor intern yang belum mempraktekkan audit
• Ketidakpatuhan pada prosedur dan • Noncompliance to company policies and manajemen di perusahaan management audit in the company
kebijaksanaan yang berlaku dalam procedures • A person interested in learning management audit for
• Individu yang tertarik mempelajari audit
perusahaan her/his businesses
manajemen untuk kepentingan usahanya
• Ketidak-efisienan dan ketidak-efektifan • Inefficiency and ineffectiveness in the company
dalam perusahaan Program Terkait Related Program
• Penyimpangan-penyimpangan keuangan • Fraud
• Integrated Risk Management • Integrated Risk Management
• Memahami cara menyusun kertas kerja • An understanding of how to set up an audit
• Certified Corporate Forensic Auditor (CCFA) • Certified Corporate Forensic Auditor (CCFA)
pemeriksaan dan laporan hasil pemeriksaan working paper and audit report

174 175
IDR 3.400.000
Live Virtual Training

Executive Development Program Risk & Corporate Finance Executive Development Program Risk & Corporate Finance
176 177


• Global Supply Chain Management:

Strategic and Practices in Product
Distribution SENIOR


• Project Stakeholder Management MANAGER
• Project Procurement and Risk
SUPERVISOR • FIDIC Contract Management for
Project Practitioners
• Project Management
• Supply Chain Management
• Production/Operation Management
• Starting a Project Management Office
STAFF • Owner’s Estimate
• Effective Performance Dashboard
178 • Gemba Kaizen: A Basic Continual 179
• Inventory Management
• Purchasing Management
• Production/Operation Planning & Control
• Running Your Microsoft Project

Minaut – Problem Solving and Decision Making | Finnon: Understanding Financial Statement
Managing Business Partnership

Designing SOP | Effective Leadership | Managing People for Productivity
Effective Business Communication
Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 3 days (9 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Tujuan membangun jaringan rantai pasokan adalah The purpose of building a supply chain network is to • Wakil Direktur • Deputy Director
untuk menyeimbangkan penawaran dan permintaan. balance supply and demand. This balance can be achieved
• Senior Manager • Senior Manager
Keseimbangan ini dapat dicapai jika ada aliran if there is a lean distribution flow. However, in practice,
distribusi yang ramping. Namun pada prakteknya this flow has constraints that make the network unstable. • Manager • Manager
aliran ini memiliki kendala yang membuat jaringan Once constraints are managed inappropriately, they can
menjadi tidak stabil. Begitu kendala dikelola dengan disrupt the supply chain ecosystem and immediately Program Terkait Related Program
tidak tepat, mereka dapat mengganggu ekosistem break the network. The supply chain is not only for the
rantai pasokan dan, segera, memutus jaringan. operations level. Therefore, the top executive must have • Supply Chain Management • Supply Chain Management
Jadi rantai pasokan tidak hanya untuk tingkat the supply chain’s viewpoint to solve problems & make
• Practical Problem Solving • Practical Problem Solving
operasi, eksekutif puncak juga perlu memiliki sudut decisions.
pandang rantai pasokan. Mereka, eksekutif puncak, • Strategic Decision Making • Strategic Decision Making
membutuhkan perspektif rantai pasokan selama
pemecahan masalah dan pengambilan keputusan.

Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives IDR 6.500.000 IDR 3.850.000
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are In-class Training Live Virtual Training
diharapkan mampu: expected to:

• Memiliki pemahaman rantai pasok perlu dikelola • Understand that Supply Chain is a System and needs
sebagai suatu ekosistem to manage as it
• Memiliki pemahaman bagaimana meminimalkan • Understand how to minimize the supply chain
dampak kendala di dalam ekosistem vulnerability
• Memiliki pemahaman tentang sistem deteksi dini • Understand the early warning system of supply chain
180 pada kinerja rantai pasok performance 181
• Dapat berdiskusi terkait peluang dan tantangan • Have a conversation and discussion for supply chain
rantai pasok di masa depan opportunities and threats to the future

Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered

• Ekosistem Rantai Pasok • Supply chain as an ecosystem
• Kerentanan dan Indikator Kinerja Rantai Pasok • Supply Chain Vulnerability and Its Performance
• Praktik Supply Chain Management • Best practice in Supply Chain Management

Executive Development Program Operations & Project Management Executive Development Program Operations & Project Management
Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Perusahaan maupun Manajer Proyek sering Companies and Project Managers often have difficulty • Staff • Staff
kesulitan ketika mereka harus bersentuhan when they have to come into contact with construction
• Supervisor • Supervisor
dengan pekerjaan Konstruksi. Terutama jika harus work. Especially when it comes to drafting, responding
menyusun, menanggapi, dan/atau mengelola kontrak to, and/or managing construction contracts. The • Manager • Manager
konstruksi. Dunia konstruksi international sudah international construction world has long used a
lama menggunakan kontrak konstruksi dengan construction contract with FIDIC: a construction contract Program Terkait Related Program
FIDIC: suatu standar kontrak konstruksi yang standard with international standards. The advantages
berstandar internasional. Kelebihan FIDIC adalah of FIDIC are that the contract arrangement is clear, • Project Management • Project Management
susunan kontrak sudah jelas, baku, terstruktur, dan standardized, structured, and systematic. So that FIDIC
• Project Procurement & Risk Management • Project Procurement & Risk Management
sistematis. Sehingga pengguna FIDIC tidak perlu lagi users no longer need to compile contracts from scratch,
menyusun kontrak dari awal, hingga menghilangkan to eliminate and add parts of the FIDIC that are not
dan menambah bagian dari FIDIC yang tidak sesuai. suitable. This will make it easier for the company and
Dengan demikian, kesulitan yang dialami perusahaan the project leader to experience difficulties to solve.
maupun pimpinan proyek lebih mudah diselesaikan.
IDR 6.500.000 IDR 3.900.000
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives In-class Training Live Virtual Training

Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:

• Menggunakan FIDIC dalam menyusun, • Implement FIDIC in drafting, responding to, and
menanggapi, maupun mengelola kontrak managing construction contracts in the workplace
konstruksi di tempat kerjanya

Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered

• Pengenalan Kontrak Konstruksi • Introduction: Indonesian Construction Contract
182 183
• Kontrak Konstruksi (Mengacu kepada Standar • FIDIC: Construction Contract
• Pasal-Pasal Populer dan Interpretasi Kontrak • FIDIC: Contract Interpretation
• Pengelolaan Kontrak Konstruksi • Contract Management

Executive Development Program Operations & Project Management Executive Development Program Operations & Project Management
Duration: 3 days (24 hours) 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subject Covered
Sasaran kinerja proses produksi atau operasi The performance target of the company’s production • Pengantar Manajemen Operasi • Introduction to Operations Management
perusahaan yaitu tercapainya efektivitas dan efisiensi, process or operation is the achievement of effectiveness
• Perencanaan dan Penjadwalan Operasi • Operations Planning and Scheduling
oleh karena itu dibutuhkan pengelolaan produksi/ and efficiency, therefore, optimal production/operations
operasi yang optimal. Beberapa aspek pengelolaan management is needed. Some important aspects they • Pengendalian Sediaan • Inventory control
yang penting antara lain proses perencanaan should focus on are the planning process of production/
• Manajemen Kualitas • Quality Management
penjadwalan produksi/operasi, pengelolaan sediaan, operation scheduling, inventory management, and
perencanaan dan pengendalian kualitas, yang the quality control system, leading to the company’s • Manajemen Produktivitas • Productivity Management
seluruhnya berujung pada peningkatan produktivitas. productivity. Operations Managers or Supervisors
• Simulasi Manajemen Produksi • Production Management Simulation
Manajer produksi/operasi, penyelia, maupun should have adequate knowledge of the above aspects to
orang yang terlibat dalam proses produksi/operasi make the best decision out of the production problems.
selayaknya memiliki pengetahuan yang memadai Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
tentang beberapa aspek di atas, sehingga dapat
Manajer dan Penyelia yang bertanggung jawab dalam Managers and Supervisors who are responsible for
menunjang pengambilan keputusan yang optimal.
bidang produksi/operasi. managing production/operations.

Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives Program Terkait Related Program
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are • Production/Operation Planning & Control • Production/Operation Planning & Control
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:

• Memahami fungsi dan peran operasi di • Understand the functions and roles of operations in a
perusahaan. company.
• Memahami Competitive Priorities dalam Operasi • Understand the Competitive Priorities in operations.
IDR 6.000.000 IDR 3.200.000
In-class Training Live Virtual Training
• Memahami perencanaan dan penjadwalan • Understand the operations planning and scheduling.
• Memahami pengendalian sediaan. • Understand the planning and controlling of inventory.
184 • Memahami pengelolaan kualitas dalam • Understand the quality control system. 185
manajemen operasi.
• Memahami teknik-teknik peningkatan • Understand the methods to improve productivity
produktivitas operasi.

Executive Development Program Operations & Project Management Executive Development Program Operations & Project Management
Duration: 3 days (24 hours) 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, tuntutan untuk In line with society and business development, • Ruang Lingkup Perencanaan & Pengendalian • Scope of Production Planning & Control
memenangkan persaingan pada setiap organisasi the demand to succeed in the competition, for any Produksi
• Demand Forecasting
pun meningkat. Demikian pula untuk perusahaan organization, is increasing. The nature of manufacturing
• Peramalan Permintaan
manufaktur dimana efisiensi dan efektifitas companies, whereas efficiency and being effective in the • Production Planning & MPS
proses produksi merupakan indikator kinerja yang production process, counts as a performance indicator • Perencanaan Produksi & MPS
• Material & Capacity Requirements Planning
menunjang keberhasilan organisasi dalam peta that supports the organization’s effort to succeed in its
• Perencanaan Kebutuhan Material & Kapasitas
persaingannya. competition battle. • Production Budget
• Anggaran Produksi
• Production Activity Control
Guna mencapai sasaran kinerja produksi yang To achieve this targeted performance production, a • Pengendalian Aktivitas Produksi
efisiensi dan efektifitas, faktor perencanaan produksi production plan is considered an essential factor to be
menjadi faktor penting yang harus diperhatikan, monitored, especially for individuals who are taking care
terutama bagi pelaku proses produksi itu sendiri. of the production process. There are some knowledge Siapa yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Ada beberapa pengetahuan dan kemampuan teknis and crucial technical ability that are important to be Karyawan pada posisi Supervisor dan Manajer yang Employees at Supervisor and Managers’ level that have
penting yang wajib dimiliki oleh seorang perencana maintained in a production plan, such as: memiliki tanggung jawab pada proses produksi. responsibility for the production process
produksi, misalnya:

• Sampai dimana ruang lingkup Perencanaan dan • What is the scope of Production and Controlling? Program Terkait Related Program
Pengendalian Produksi? • Production/Operation Management • Production/Operation Management
• Bagaimana meramalkan jumlah permintaan • How to predict the numbers of product demand in the
produk di masa depan? future?
• Bagaimana langkah-langkah merencanakan • What are the steps to plan the production?
• Bagaimana menghitung anggaran produksi yang • How to count the production budget that has been IDR 5.800.000 IDR 3.200.000
telah direncanakan? planned? In-class Training Live Virtual Training

• Bagaimana mengendalikan aktivitas produksi? • How to control production activity?

186 187
Sebagian besar dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas Questions that were raised above will be answered in
dapat dijawab dalam pelatihan ini. this course program.

Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives

Setelah mengikuti program ini, peserta diharapkan Having attended this program, participants are expected
mampu: to be able to:

• Menjelaskan beberapa metode peramalan • Describe several forecasting methods as part of

sebagai bagian perencanaan produksi production planning
• Menyusun perencanaan produksi • Prepare a production plan
• Menjelaskan komponen anggaran produksi • Describe the components of the production budget
• Menjelaskan rencana pengendalian produksi • Describe the production control plan

Executive Development Program Operations & Project Management Executive Development Program Operations & Project Management

Duration: 3 days (24 hours) 5 days (15 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Dewasa ini, pasar global menjadi sangat kompetitif, Currently, the global market is becoming very • Kerangka Rantai Pasok • Supply chain as an ecosystem
desakan bagi perusahaan untuk menemukan cara- competitive, the pressure for companies to find new ways
• Strategi & Jaringan Rantai Pasok • Supply Chain Vulnerability and Its Performance
cara baru dalam menciptakan dan memberikan to create and provide added value for their consumers
nilai tambah bagi konsumennya semakin kuat. is getting stronger. Companies are required to be able • Pengelolaan Permintaan & Pasokan
Perusahaan dituntut untuk dapat menyampaikan to deliver their products effectively, promptly, and more • Best practice in Supply Chain Management
• Koordinasi dalam Rantai Pasok
produknya secara efektif, cepat dan lebih efisien. efficiently. However, it was found in the field that the
Namun, ditemukan kondisi dilapangan bahwa praktik practice of production management based on the supply • Pengelolaan Rantai Pasok
pengelolaan produksi berdasarkan rantai pasok belum chain was not optimal. Therefore, an understanding of
optimal. Oleh karena itu, pemahaman mengenai supply chain management is very important in order to Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
pengelolaan rantai pasok sangatlah penting dalam improve organizational performance.
rangka memperbaiki kinerja organisasi. • Profesional dengan posisi supervisor & manajer • Professionals with supervisory & manager positions
yang terlibat dalam kegiatan operasi/produksi, involved in operations/production, logistics, marketing
Program ini akan meningkatkan keterampilan dalam This program will improve skills in managing supply logistik, pemasaran & rantai pasok & supply chain activities
mengelola rantai pasok, sehingga rantai pasok chains, so the organization’s supply chain can run • Profesional dengan posisi staf yang terlibat • Professionals with staff positions involved with several
organisasi dapat berjalan secara efektif & efisien. effectively & efficiently. dengan beberapa perusahaan lain terkait produk, other companies regarding products, thus requiring
sehingga membutuhkan pemahaman mengenai an understanding of the supply chain
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives rantai pasok

Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to: Program Terkait Related Program
• Global Supply Chain Management Strategic and • Global Supply Chain Management Strategic and
• Memahami definisi rantai pasok & logistik, serta • Understand that Supply Chain is a System and needs Practices in Product Distribution Practices in Product Distribution
kinerja rantai pasok to manage as it
• Menyusun strategi & jaringan rantai pasok • Understand how to minimize the supply chain
berdasarkan karakter produk serta sasaran vulnerability
rantai pasok IDR 6.500.000 IDR 3.850.000
In-class Training Live Virtual Training
• Mengelola permintaan & pasokan • Managing demand and supply
188 189
• Memahami dampak koordinasi & komunikasi • Understand the early warning system of supply chain
dalam rantai pasok performance
• Memahami aplikasi rantai pasok di perusahaan • Have a conversation and discussion for supply chain
opportunities and threats to the future

Executive Development Program Operations & Project Management Executive Development Program Operations & Project Management

Duration: 2.5 days (20 hours) 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Sediaan harus dipandang sebagai kontributor positif Inventory must be viewed as a positive contributor to • Manajer, Supervisor, dan Staf yang bertanggung • Managers, Supervisors, and Staffs who are responsible
pada laba perusahaan. Untuk itu, manajemen corporate profitability. To that end, management must jawab dalam perencanaan dan pengendalian for inventory planning and control
perusahaan harus menentukan kapan suatu determine when an item must order, how many items to sediaan
material harus dipesan, seberapa banyak jumlah be requested each time, and how often a company has
• Manajer, Supervisor, dan Staf yang bertanggung • Managers, Supervisors, and Staffs who are responsible
tiap pemesanan, dan seberapa sering pemesanan to meet customer needs while minimizing associated
jawab dalam pengelolaan logistik for logistics management
harus dilakukan dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan costs.
pelanggan sekaligus juga meminimalkan biaya yang
ditimbulkannya. Program Terkait Related Program
• Gemba Kaizen: A Basic Continual Improvement • Gemba Kaizen: A Basic Continual Improvement
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:

• Memahami pentingnya pengelolaan sediaan yang • Understand the importance of managing inventories
efektif dan efisien effectively and efficiently IDR 5.800.000 IDR 3.200.000
• Have the ability to plan and control inventories as a In-class Training Live Virtual Training
• Mampu merencanakan dan mengendalikan
sediaan untuk menjamin kontinuitas operasi guarantee for operational continuity at an optimal
pada tingkat biaya yang optimum cost level
• Memahami strategi perencanaan pengadaan • Understand the strategy inventories procurement
• Mengidentifikasi perbaikan sistem informasi • Have the ability to identify and improve information
terkait pengelolaan sediaan system problem

Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered

190 • Pengantar Manajemen Sediaan • Introduction to Inventory Management 191

• Economic Order Quantity (“EOQ”) & Klasifikasi • Economic Order Quantity (“EOQ”) & Pareto
Pareto Classification
• Safety Stock & Sediaan Satu Periode • Safety Stock & One Period Stock
• Pengadaan Sediaan • Procurement of Supplies
• Sistem Informasi Manajemen Sediaan • Inventory Management Information System

Executive Development Program Operations & Project Management Executive Development Program Operations & Project Management

Duration: 2.5 days (20 hours) 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Setiap organisasi, apakah pabrik, distributor atau Whether it is a manufacturer, wholesaler, or retailer, • Manajer, Supervisor dan Staf yang bertanggung • Managers, supervisors, and staffs who are responsible
pengecer, membeli barang, jasa dan perlengkapan every company purchases materials, services, and jawab dalam pembelian for purchasing
untuk mendukung kegiatan operasionalnya. supplies to support its operations. Companies often
• Manajer, Supervisor dan Staf yang bertanggung • Managers, supervisors, and staffs who are responsible
Perusahaan sering dihadapkan pada masalah encounter problems of getting material at the right
jawab dalam pengelolaan logistik for logistics management
bagaimana memperoleh material yang tepat mutu price and the right quality. To overcome these issues,
yang sesuai dengan harga yang wajar. Hal ini companies require specific skills and an appropriate
memerlukan keterampilan dan sistem pembelian purchasing system.
yang baik. Program Terkait Related Program
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives • Inventory Management • Inventory Management
• Owner’s Estimate / Harga Perkiraan Sendiri • Owner’s Estimate / Harga Perkiraan Sendiri
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:

• Memahami fungsi pembelian sebagai bagian • Understand the purchasing function in an integrated
organisasi yang terpadu logistics system IDR 6.000.000 IDR 3.400.000
In-class Training Live Virtual Training
• Memahami teknik negosiasi pembelian • Understand the negotiation techniques in purchasing
• Memahami berbagai teknik penghematan biaya • Understand the methods to reduce purchasing cost

Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered

• Sistem manajemen pembelian • Purchasing management system
• Proses identifikasi dan evaluasi pemasok • Identifying and evaluating suppliers
• Teknik negosiasi pembelian • Negotiation techniques in purchasing
• Penghematan biaya pada pembelian • Saving cost in purchasing
192 193

Executive Development Program Operations & Project Management Executive Development Program Operations & Project Management

Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Keterlambatan mengambil keputusan yang tepat It allegedly assumed that making delayed decisions has • Penyusunan indikator kinerja • Conceive performance indicators
sering disinyalir menjadi penyebab kegagalan dalam become the reason for failures in the business. In this
• Pemetaan data-data untuk menyajikan indikator • Data mapping to present accurate performance
usaha maupun bisnis. Pada era yang semakin disruptive era, an organization or company is expected
kinerja yang tepat indicators
disruptive ini, organisasi atau perusahaan diharapkan to make immediate strategic decisions to respond to
dapat sangat cepat mengambil keputusan-keputusan market shifts and the industry becoming more uncertain. • Penyusunan bentuk visual atas indikator kinerja • Conceive of the visual form of performance indicator
strategis untuk menjawab pergerakan pasar dan Good strategic decision-making must be based on
• Perancangan dan pembuatan model dashboard • Design and conceive of dashboard model of
industri yang semakin tidak menentu. Pengambilan accurate data and is provided in just a matter of minutes.
informasi kinerja organisasi organization performance information
keputusan strategis yang baik haruslah didasari oleh
data-data yang akurat dan tersaji cepat. • Evaluasi dan perbaikan dashboard informasi • Evaluation and improvement of dashboard model of
kinerja organisasi organization performance information
Kecepatan penyajian data dalam bentuk dashboard A swift and timely data gathering collection in the form of
Informasi kinerja organisasi merupakan salah satu a dashboard of organization performance information is Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
solusi permasalahan tersebut. Dashboard informasi one solution to the problems. An information dashboard
yang menyajikan berbagai data dari indikator penting that presents various data of important indicators is • Supervisor • Supervisor
atas kinerja organisasi diharapkan mampu membantu expected to assist decision-makers in confronting • Manajer • Manager
para pengambil keputusan menghadapi era disruptive the current disruptive era; this decision can make
saat ini sehingga keputusan dapat dengan cepat dan immediately and accurately to respond to market needs • Manajer Senior • Senior Manager
tepat menjawab kebutuhan pasar dan perkembangan and industry development.
industri. Program Terkait Related Program
• Managing Business Partnership • Managing Business Partnership
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
• Project Stakeholder Management • Project Stakeholder Management
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, participants are expected
diharapkan mampu: to be able to: Catatan: Peserta disarankan membawa laptop pada Notes: Participants are being suggested to bring their
pelatihan ini own laptop in this training program
• Menentukan indikator penting atas kinerja • Determine important indicators of organization
organisasi performance
194 • Menentukan mekanisme pengukuran indikator • Determine performance indicator measurement 195
kinerja mechanism
• Mengidentifikasi keperluan data-data untuk • Identify data that are needed to present accurate
menyajikan pengukuran indikator kinerja yang performance indicator measurement IDR 5.200.000 IDR 3.200.000
In-class Training Live Virtual Training
• Menyajikan indikator kinerja dalam bentuk • Present performance indicators in a visual form that
visual yang dapat dengan mudah dipahami oleh may easily be understood by decision-makers
pengambil keputusan
• Menyajikan indikator kinerja dalam bentuk • Present performance indicators in the form of an
dashboard informasi kinerja organisasi dengan information dashboard regarding organization
aplikasi sederhana performance with a simple application

Executive Development Program Operations & Project Management Executive Development Program Operations & Project Management

Duration: 3 days (24 hours) 5 days (15 hours) 3 weeks

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problem to Be Addressed Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Perusahaan sering mengalami tantangan dalam Organizations often experience challenges in managing • Profesional dengan posisi staf, supervisor & • Professionals with staff, supervisor & manager
memanajemeni kegiatan proyek yang unik, tidak project activities that are unique, non-routine, and manajer yang rutin terlibat dalam proyek positions who are involved in projects
rutin (tidak berulang), dan melibatkan banyak pihak. involve many stakeholders – one-time effort limited
• Calon supervisor & manajer proyek • Prospective supervisor & project manager
Tantangan yang sering dihadapi umumnya adalah by time, budget & resources. The challenge that is
bagaimana memandu kegiatan proyek tersebut agar often found is how to guide the project activities on
selesai sesuai jadwal dengan kualitas yang diharapkan schedule with the expected quality and efficient cost. Program Terkait Related Program
dan biaya yang efisien. Keberhasilan sebuah proyek The success of a project is strongly supported by the
didukung kuat oleh kompetensi individu terhadap individual’s competence in the basic principles of project • Running Your Microsoft Project • Running Your Microsoft Project
prinsip dasar dalam pengelolaan proyek, sehingga management, so that they are able to practice how to • Project Stakeholder Management • Project Stakeholder Management
mampu mempraktikkan cara mengelola proyek manage projects according to the project management
• Project Procurement & Risk Management • Project Procurement & Risk Management
sesuai siklus manajemen proyek. cycle.
• Owner’s Estimate / Harga Perkiraan Sendiri • Owner’s Estimate / Harga Perkiraan Sendiri
Program ini mengacu kepada Project Management This program refers to the Project Management Body
Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) yang telah disesuaikan of Knowledge (PMBOK) which has been adapted to
dengan kondisi praktis lapangan. practical field conditions.

Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives

IDR 7.000.000 IDR 3.850.000 IDR 2.000.000
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
In-class Training Live Virtual Training Online Training
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:

• Memahami definisi manajemen proyek & siklus • Identify activities that must be handled on a project
proyek basis
• Menyusun rencana proyek • Implement project planning
• Menyusun keterkaitan antara penjadwalan dan • Monitor project progress in terms of time and cost
alokasi sumber daya proyek

196 • Memahami risiko proyek dan aplikasi pendukung • Identify deviations in project time and cost 197
manajemen proyek performance and take necessary control measures
• Mengelola waktu, anggaran & risiko proyek • Identify risks that may arise in project implementation

Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subject Covered

• Kerangka Manajemen Proyek • Overview Project Management
• Perencanaan Ruang Lingkup Proyek • Organizational Project
• Anggaran Biaya Proyek • Budgeting the Project
• Pengendalian Proyek • Controlling the Project
• Manajemen Risiko Proyek • Project Risk Management

Executive Development Program Operations & Project Management Executive Development Program Operations & Project Management

Duration: 2 days (16 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Sudah tidak dapat dipungkiri lagi bahwa manajemen Without a doubt, project management skill is a skill that • Pengenalan Microsoft Project • Introduction to Microsoft Project
proyek merupakan kemampuan yang perlu dimiliki must be acquired by all employees, almost in every level
• Perencanaan proyek (ruang lingkup, jadwal, • Project planning (scope, schedules, resource
oleh karyawan hampir di setiap level jabatan. position. This skill is relevant not only for organizations
alokasi sumber daya, dan anggaran) dengan allocation, and budget) using Microsoft Project
Kemampuan ini relevan, tidak hanya bagi organisasi with project-based businesses but also for organizations
Microsoft Project
yang bisnisnya berbasis proyek, tetapi juga bagi or companies with product/operation-based criteria. An
organisasi atau perusahaan yang basisnya adalah organization’s ability to deal with project management • Pemantauan dan pengendalian proyek dengan • Project monitoring and controlling, using Microsoft
produksi/operasi. Kemampuan suatu organisasi has become one of the factors that determine the Microsoft Project Project
dalam hal pengelolaan proyek menjadi salah satu competitiveness of the organization and determine the
• Penyusunan laporan proyek memanfaatkan • Preparation of project report by utilizing Microsoft
faktor yang menentukan daya saing organisasi organization in achieving its strategic goal.
Microsoft Project Project
tersebut, juga keberhasilan dalam pencapaian
sasaran strategisnya.
Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Pengelolaan proyek yang kompleks sudah sulit untuk The reality that is commonly found is that complicated
• Manajer proyek dan calon Manajer proyek • Project Manager and Project Manager -designate
dilakukan tanpa bantuan aplikasi teknologi. Salah project management is difficult to be carried out
satu jenis aplikasi software yang sering digunakan without the support of technology applications. One • Anggota tim proyek • Member of a project team
oleh para Manajer Proyek adalah Microsoft Project of the types of software applications commonly used • All individuals who would like to enhance skill in
• Semua orang yang ingin menambah keterampilan
(Ms. Project). Program pelatihan ini bertujuan by Project Managers is Microsoft Project (Ms. Project) project management, by using the application
dalam mengelola proyek dengan menggunakan
untuk membekali praktisi proyek dalam melakukan 2016 version. This training program will enhance project
perencanaan, pemantauan, pengendalian, dan practitioners’ ability in planning, monitoring, controlling,
pelaporan proyek menggunakan Ms. Project. Hal ini and reporting the project by using Ms. Project. This
tentunya akan menjadi suatu keunggulan tersendiri initiative will become a distinction effort; hence the Program Terkait Related Program
sehingga pengelolaan proyek dapat menjadi lebih project management will be more efficient and effective.
• Project Management • Project Management
efektif dan efisien.
Catatan: Software Microsoft Project yang disarankan Note: Microsoft Project 2016 version and above
Manfaat Apa yang Diperoleh Objectives adalah versi 2016 ke atas
Setelah mengikuti program ini, peserta diharapkan Having attended this program, participants are expected
mampu to be able to:
198 199
• Merencanakan proyek dengan menggunakan • Plan the project using Microsoft Project
Microsoft Project
IDR 3.000.000
• Melakukan pemantauan dalam rangka • Monitor to project controlling, using Microsoft Project In-class Training
pengendalian proyek dengan menggunakan
Microsoft Project
• Menggunakan fitur pelaporan proyek Microsoft • Use the project report features Microsoft Project

Executive Development Program Operations & Project Management Executive Development Program Operations & Project Management

Duration: 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problem to Be Addressed • Terdapat perubahan yang signifikan dalam • There are significant changes in the organization or
Organisasi atau stakeholder yang lebih luas the wider stakeholder community.
Setiap proyek memiliki stakeholder; yaitu para Every project has stakeholders who are impacted by or
pihak yang terdampak atau memiliki dampak yang can impact the project positively or negatively. Some
signifikan terhadap proyek. Beberapa stakeholder stakeholders may have a limited ability to influence the Manfaat Apa yang Anda Diperoleh Objectives
mungkin memiliki keterbatasan kemampuan untuk project’s work or outcomes; others may have a significant • Business Outcomes: Project will manage smoothly
• Bagi Perusahaan: Hubungan dengan Stakeholder
dapat mempengaruhi pekerjaan atau hasil sebuah influence on the project and its expected outcomes. The along with the project.
Project yang dikelola dengan baik, akan
proyek sedangkan stakeholder lain mungkin memiliki project manager and team’s ability to correctly identify
berdampak proyek mampu mencapai sasarannya
pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap hasil sebuah and engage all stakeholders in an appropriate way
dengan baik.
proyek yang diharapkan. Kemampuan Manajer Proyek can mean the difference between project success and
dan tim dalam mengidentifikasi dan melibatkan failure. To increase the chances of success, the process • Bagi Peserta: Manajer Proyek dan tim, dengan • Learner Outcomes: The project Manager can meet the
semua stakeholder dengan cara yang tepat dapat of stakeholder identification and engagement should sumber daya yang tersedia di proyek, akan project objectives and satisfy the project stakeholders
menentukan keberhasilan atau kegagalan sebuah commence as soon as possible after the project charter mampu mencapai sasaran proyek dengan tetap while balancing the various constraints within the
proyek. Untuk meningkatkan peluang keberhasilan, has been approved, the project manager has been memuaskan stakeholder. resources’ availability.
proses identifikasi dan pelibatan stakeholder harus assigned, and the team begins to form.
dimulai sesegera mungkin setelah proyek disetujui, Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
manajer proyek telah ditugaskan dan tim mulai
terbentuk. • Identifikasi Stakeholders • Identify Stakeholders
• Perencanaan pengelolaan Stakeholder • Plan Stakeholder Management
Kepuasan para stakeholder harus diidentifikasi dan Stakeholder satisfaction should be identified and
dikelola sebagai sebuah tujuan proyek. Kunci untuk managed as a project objective. The key to effective • Pengelolaan Stakeholder Engagement • Manage Stakeholder Engagement
pelibatan stakeholder yang efektif adalah fokus pada stakeholder engagement focuses on continuous • Pengendalian Stakeholder Engagement • Control Stakeholder Engagement
komunikasi secara terus menerus dengan semua communication with all stakeholders, including
stakeholder, termasuk anggota tim, untuk memahami team members, to understand their needs and
kebutuhan dan harapan mereka, mengatasi masalah expectations, address issues as they occur, manage Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
yang terjadi, mengelola perbedaan kepentingan, conflicting interests, and foster appropriate stakeholder • Project Manager
• Manajer Proyek
dan mendorong keterlibatan stakeholder yang tepat engagement in project decisions and activities.
dalam pengambilan keputusan dan kegiatan proyek. • Anggota tim proyek yang terlibat dalam kegiatan • Officials who are responsible for project supervision
Supervisi proyek
Mengidentifikasi dan melibatkan para stakeholder The process of identifying and engaging stakeholders • Manajer yang terlibat kegiatan lintas unit kerja • Managers who are involved in interdepartmental
200 demi keberhasilan sebuah proyek merupakan for the benefit of the project is iterative. Although the activities 201
proses yang harus dilakukan secara terus menerus. processes in Project Stakeholder Management are
Meskipun proses dalam Project Stakeholder described only once, the activities of identification,
Management dijelaskan hanya sekali, kegiatan prioritization, and engagement should be reviewed and Program Terkait Related Program
identifikasi, penentuan prioritas, dan keterlibatan updated routinely, and at least at the following times • Project Management • Project Management
sudah seharusnya ditinjau dan diperbaharui secara when:
rutin, dan setidaknya pada saat-saat berikut ketika: • Managing Business Partnership • Managing Business Partnership
• Effective Business Communication • Effective Business Communication
• Proyek bergerak melalui berbagai fase dalam • The project moves through different phases in its life
siklus hidup proyek cycle,
• Para stakeholder saat ini tidak lagi terlibat dalam • Current stakeholders are no longer involved in the
pekerjaan proyek atau terdapat stakeholder baru work of the project, or new stakeholders become
IDR 3.500.000
menjadi yang anggota proyek, atau members of the project’s stakeholder community, or Live Virtual Training

Executive Development Program Operations & Project Management Executive Development Program Operations & Project Management
Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problem to Be Addressed Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara berkembang As a developing country, Indonesia has a lot of projects, Pelatihan ini perlu diikuti oleh para personil dengan The training needs to be followed by personnel with
memiliki banyak proyek, baik yang bersifat fisik both physically and non-physical; the scale of the project tanggung jawab dan wewenang yang mencakup: responsibility and authority that includes:
maupun non fisik, yang berskala jangka pendek schedule may prepare in the short-term or long-term.
maupun jangka panjang. Oleh karena itu para Therefore the project stakeholder requires a deep • Pengelolaan pengadaan sumber daya proyek • Management of resource projects procurement
stakeholders proyek memerlukan pemahaman understanding of the scope and risk of the project.
yang mendalam terhadap cakupan dan risiko The planning that has been prepared in detail will not • Pengembangan kerjasama dengan mitra kerja • All partners in the project management
proyek tersebut. Sehingga perencanaannya yang experience significant deviations. dalam pengelolaan proyek
telah disusun secara mendetail tidak mengalami • Perencanaan dan pengendalian kinerja proyek • Planning and control of project performance
penyimpangan yang signifikan.
Peserta pelatihan dapat berasal dari semua pihak Trainees can come from all sides on the project
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives pada pemangku kepentingan (stakeholders) proyek stakeholders (project owner/user/contractor/investor/
(project owner/user/contractor/investor/fund raiser/ fundraiser/regulator)
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are regulator)
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:

Program Terkait Related Program

• Menjelaskan cakupan dan manfaat pengelolaan • Describe the scope and benefits of the procurement
pengadaan dan risiko proyek secara terintegrasi and management of project risks in an integrated • Project Management • Project Management
• Project Stakeholder Management • Project Stakeholder Management
• Mengidentifikasi peluang penyempurnaan dalam • Identify opportunities for improvement in the areas
• Owner’s Estimate / Harga Perkiraan Sendiri • Owner’s Estimate / Harga Perkiraan Sendiri
bidang pengadaan dan pengelolaan risiko proyek of procurement and project risk management in the
di tempat kerja workplace

Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered

• Cakupan dan manfaat manajemen risiko proyek • Coverage and benefits of risk management project IDR 5.000.000 IDR 3.500.000
• Identifikasi, penilaian dan pengembangan respon • Identification, assessment, and risk response of the In-class Training Live Virtual Training
terhadap risiko proyek project development
202 • Perencanaan dan pelaksanaan pengadaan • Planning and implementation of the project resources 203
sumber daya proyek and procurement
• Pertimbangan Biaya & Manfaat Selama Umur • Total Cost and Benefit of Ownership
• Rekayasa Nilai dalam Pengadaan • Value Engineering in Project Procurement
• Manajemen perubahan, administrasi dan • Change management, contract administration, and
penutupan kontrak project closure

Executive Development Program Operations & Project Management Executive Development Program Operations & Project Management

Duration: 2.5 days (20 hours) 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problem to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang dibahas Subjects Covered
Dalam pengadaan barang/jasa di perusahaan, sangat In the procurement of goods and services in a company, it • Kerangka umum dan aspek hukum • The general framework and legal aspects of Owner
penting untuk dapat menentukan harga yang tepat. Untuk is very important to be able to determine the right price. Estimate
dapat menetapkan harga yang tepat, bagian pengadaan To be able to set the right price, procurement officials
harus memiliki referensi. Salah satu referensi yang dapat must have references. One of the references that can be • Menyusun Spesifikasi • Developing Specifications
digunakan adalah harga yang diperoleh berdasarkan used is the price obtained, based on calculations using • Menentukan cara pengadaan dengan Life Cycles • Determine how to procure with Life Cycles Cost
perhitungan menggunakan metode Owner Estimate. the Owner Estimate method. Cost
• Menentukan nilai maksimum Owner Estimate • Determine the maximum value of Owner Estimate with
Owner Estimate adalah seni melakukan perkiraan atas Owner Estimate is art for estimating the price of
dengan Capitalized Income Approach to Project Capitalized Income Approach to Project Budgeting
harga barang/jasa, melalui analisis yang dilakukan secara goods/services in the procurement process. In the
Budgeting (CIAPB) (CIAPB)
profesional dan hasilnya disahkan oleh eksekutif yang Owner Estimate method, the analysis is conducted
memiliki otoritas untuk melakukan hal tersebut. Owner professionally and the result is validated by an executive • Teknik teknik menghitung Owner Estimate • Techniques of calculating Owner Estimate
Estimate berfungsi sebagai acuan dalam melakukan who has authority for the job. We use the Owner Estimate
• Penyusunan Owner Estimate untuk pengadaan • Owner Estimate development for goods procurement
evaluasi atas harga penawaran barang dan jasa yang diajukan to evaluate bid prices of goods and services proposed
oleh pemasok, dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan harga by suppliers to get a proper price, accountable, and
penawaran yang wajar, dapat dipertanggungjawabkan, dan executable by the suppliers under the conditions stated • Penyusunan Owner Estimate untuk pengadaan • Owner Estimate development for constructions
dapat dilaksanakan oleh rekanan sesuai dengan ketentuan in the contract. konstruksi procurement
yang tertuang dalam kontrak. • Penyusunan Owner Estimate untuk pengadaan • Owner Estimate development for other services
jasa lainnya
Mengingat bahwa kegiatan penyusunan Owner Estimate Owner Estimates development activities have a
memiliki dampak yang cukup besar terhadap kegiatan • Penyusunan Owner Estimate untuk pengadaan • Owner Estimate development for consultancy services
great impact on Supplier Bid Evaluation activities,
Evaluasi Penawaran Pemasok, maka pemahaman terhadap jasa konsultansi
the understanding of legal aspects related to Owner
aspek hukum yang mengikat dengan kegiatan penyusunan Estimates development is very important. We can
Owner Estimate merupakan hal penting. Dengan conclude that Owner Estimates’ development is the key Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
demikian, penyusunan Owner’s Estimate merupakan kunci success factor in goods/services procurement.
keberhasilan dalam pengadaan barang/jasa. Peserta yang sudah pernah mengikuti training Individu who are involved in procurement activities
Sertifikasi Ahli Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah, and have participated in workshops on Government
Manajemen Proyek, dan Manajemen Pembelian Goods/Services Procurement Certification, Project
Manfaat Apa yang Anda peroleh Objectives Management, and Purchasing Management
204 Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are 205
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to: Program Terkait Related Program
• Project Management • Project Management
• Menguasai aspek hukum yang terkait dengan • Mastering legal aspects related to the preparation of
kegiatan penyusunan Owner Estimate Owner Estimate • Purchasing Management • Purchasing Management
• Menentukan cara pengadaan barang/jasa yang tepat • Determine the proper way of procuring goods/services
• Menentukan nilai maksimum dari Owner • Determine the maximum value of the Owner Estimate
Estimate berdasarkan kemampuan barang/jasa based on the ability of goods/services to generate IDR 5.000.000 IDR 3.200.000
menghasilkan pendapatan atau mengganti biaya income or replace costs incurred so far In-class Training Live Virtual Training
yang timbul selama ini
• Menggunakan berbagai teknik dalam Owner Estimate • Using various techniques in Owner Estimate
• Menyusun Owner Estimate untuk pengadaan • Prepare an Owner Estimate for the procurement of
barang/ pekerjaan konstruksi/ jasa lainnya/Jasa goods/construction work / other services / consulting
konsultansi berdasarkan peraturan yang berlaku services based on applicable regulations

Executive Development Program Operations & Project Management Executive Development Program Operations & Project Management
IMPROVEMENT Training 2 weeks
3 weeks
Duration: Online

Duration: 2 weeks Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Gudang lebih dari sekedar tempat di mana sediaan A warehouse is more than just a place where inventory is
disimpan. Fungsi pergudangan merupakan stored. The warehousing function is a critical component
Gemba berarti tempat dimana pekerjaan itu Gemba means a workplace where value-added is komponen sistem logistik yang sangat penting, tidak of the logistics system, not only on a day-to-day basis,
dilaksanakan dan Kaizen berarti penyempurnaan delivered, and Kaizen means continuous improvement. hanya rutinitas harian, tetapi keputusan yang terkait but the decision surrounding warehousing has crucial
yang dilakukan secara terus menerus. Gemba Kaizen Gemba Kaizen is a concept of continuous improvement dengan pergudangan memiliki dampak yang krusial long-term costs and customer service implications.
merupakan konsep sikap kerja untuk mencapai that is always implemented at a workplace. The goal is to pada biaya dan pelayanan pelanggan dalam jangka
perbaikan proses di tempat kerja yang diterapkan gain an efficient working process, improve productivity, panjang.
secara terus menerus. Tujuannya adalah mencapai and reduce risk. The success of Gemba Kaizen’s
proses kerja yang efisien, meningkatkan produktivitas, implementation is started with cultural change at every Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
dan mengurangi risiko. Keberhasilan menerapkan level in an organization.
Gemba Kaizen diawali dengan perubahan budaya Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
kerja oleh semua pihak di organisasi. diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:
• Memahami posisi Gudang untuk memastikan • Understand the warehouse position to ensure the
Objectives smooth operation of the company
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh kelancaran operasional perusahaan
• Memahami pertimbangan dalam merancang • Understand the considerations in designing a
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are warehouse that is in accordance with its operational
Gudang yang sesuai dengan strategi
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to: strategy
• Memahami faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi • Understand the factors that affect the operational
• Memahami konsep Gemba Kaizen • Understand the concept of Gemba Kaizen
efektivitas operasional Gudang effectiveness of the Warehouse
• Memahami dan menerapkan proses dan tools • Understand the application of Gemba Kaizen tools at • Understand performance management to maintain
• Memahami pengelolaan kinerja untuk menjaga
kerja Gemba Kaizen their workplace Warehouse productivity
produktivitas Gudang
• Memahami penerapan konsep 5S untuk • Understand the application of 5S concepts to manage
Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered mengelola kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja di occupational health and safety in the warehouse area
• Konsep Gemba Kaizen area gudang
• Gemba Kaizen concept
• Tools Gemba Kaizen: PDCA, Lean, 5S • Gemba Kaizen tools: PDCA, Lean, 5S Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
• Konsep merubah budaya kerja di organisasi • Cultural aspect in the workplace • Peran & Fungsi Gudang dalam Supply Chain • Role & Function of Warehouse in Supply Chain
• Strategi Operasional Gudang • Warehouse Operational Strategy
Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend • Manajemen Kinerja Pergudangan • Warehousing Performance Management
206 207
• Manajer • Manager • Kesehatan & Keselamatan Kerja (K3) di Area • Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) in the
• Supervisor Pergudangan Warehousing Area
• Supervisor
• Staff • Staff Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
• Manajer & supervisor yang bertanggung jawab • Managers & Supervisors who are responsible for
Program Terkait Related Program dalam bidang logistik perusahaan logistics operations
• Designing Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) • Designing Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) • Manajer & supervisor yang bertanggung jawab • Managers & Supervisors who are responsible for
dalam penyimpanan material material storage

Program Terkait Related Program

• Supply Chain Management • Supply Chain Management
IDR 1.600.000 • Inventory Management • Inventory Management
Online Training
IDR 1.500.000
Online Training

Executive Development Program Operations & Project Management Executive Development Program Operations & Project Management
208 209
Duration: 5 days (15 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Adanya kebutuhan untuk membuat keputusan There is a need to make rational and accountable • Manajer Puncak/Manajer Senior • Top Managers/Senior Managers
yang rasional dan akuntabel untuk memecahkan decisions to solve the problems and issues that arise in
• Manajer lain dan Staf yang banyak menghadapi • Other Managers and Staffs who frequently deal with
masalah dan persoalan yang timbul di perusahaan, the company and to be able to create an implementation
masalah di tempat kerja dan harus problems at work and have to make decisions
serta kebutuhan untuk mampu membuat rencana plan that includes anticipation of a possible failure of the
memecahkannya serta mengambil keputusan
pelaksanaan yang mencakup antisipasi terhadap plan.
kemungkinan kegagalan rencana tersebut.
Program Terkait Related Program
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives • Strategic Decision Making • Strategic Decision Making

Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are • Practical Problem Solving • Practical Problem Solving
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:

• Mengenali adanya masalah, memperjelas serta • Identify problems, clarify what the problems are, and
memprioritaskan masalah make it a priority to solve them IDR 4.100.000
Live Virtual Training
• Memilih informasi yang relevan, terkini, dan • Select relevant information, analyze them
akurat dalam melakukan analisis persoalan agar systematically and find the cause of the problem
dapat menemukan sebab dari suatu persoalan
• Membuat keputusan yang berlandaskan sasaran • Set realistic goals, develop the best alternative
yang realistis dengan mempertimbangkan action, and decide the best action after taking into
konsekuensi yang mungkin merugikan consideration some vulnerable outcomes that might
• Menyusun rencana tindakan dan menyusun • Create anticipative planning to ensure
rencana antisipasi atas kemungkinan kegagalan that the implementation of the plan is
rencana tindakan tersebut carried away by creating preventive action

Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered

210 211
• Analisis Situasi • Situation Analysis
• Analisis Persoalan • Problems Solving Analysis
• Analisis Keputusan • Decisions Analysis
• Analisis Persoalan Potensial • Potential Problems Analysis

Executive Development Program Business Enhancement Executive Development Program Business Enhancement
Duration: 5 days (40 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Adanya kebutuhan untuk membuat keputusan There is a need to make rational and accountable • Manajer Puncak/Manajer Senior • Top Managers/Senior Managers
yang rasional dan akuntabel untuk memecahkan decisions to solve the problems and issues that arise in
• Manajer lain dan Staf yang banyak menghadapi • Other Managers and Staffs who frequently deal
masalah dan persoalan yang timbul di perusahaan, the company and to be able to create an implementation
masalah di tempat kerja dan harus with problems at work and have to make decisions
serta kebutuhan untuk mampu membuat rencana plan that includes anticipation of a possible failure of the
memecahkannya serta mengambil keputusan
pelaksanaan yang mencakup antisipasi terhadap plan.
kemungkinan kegagalan rencana tersebut.
Program Terkait Related Program
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives • Strategic Decision Making • Strategic Decision Making
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are • Practical Problem Solving • Practical Problem Solving
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:

• Mengenali adanya masalah, memperjelas serta • Identify problems, clarify what the problems are, and
memprioritaskan masalah make it a priority to solve them
• Memilih informasi yang relevan, terkini, dan • Select relevant information, analyze them IDR 8.400.000
akurat dalam melakukan analisis persoalan agar systematically and find the cause of the problem
In-class Training
dapat menemukan sebab dari suatu persoalan
• Membuat keputusan yang berlandaskan sasaran • Set realistic goals, develop the best alternative action,
yang realistis dengan mempertimbangkan and decide the best action after taking into consideration
konsekuensi yang mungkin merugikan some vulnerable outcomes that might emerge
• Menyusun rencana tindakan dan menyusun • Create anticipative planning to ensure that the
rencana antisipasi atas kemungkinan kegagalan implementation of the plan is carried away by creating
rencana tindakan tersebut preventive action

Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered

• Analisis Situasi • Situation Analysis
212 213
• Analisis Persoalan • Problems Solving Analysis
• Analisis Keputusan • Decisions Analysis
• Analisis Persoalan Potensial • Potential Problems Analysis

Executive Development Program Business Enhancement Executive Development Program Business Enhancement
Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 3 days (9 hours) 3 weeks

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Tingkat perubahan yang demikian pesat telah A business leader must think strategically to survive in • Pimpinan yang memiliki tanggung jawab strategis • Leaders who have strategic responsibility
menuntut seorang pemimpin untuk selalu berpikir today’s very highly competitive environment. Thinking
strategik agar tetap survive dalam berbagai situasi strategically means a business leader has high alertness Program Terkait Related Program
dan persaingan yang terjadi. Dengan demikian to any change. By thinking strategically, a leader will
pemimpin akan mengetahui mana tujuan dan mana differentiate between goal and tools/method and is not • Rational Problem Solving • Rational Problem Solving
alat /cara, serta tidak terjebak pada hal yang remeh trapped in the operational/tactical problems.
• Minaut Indonesia • Minaut Indonesia
atau operasional/taktikal.
• Practical Problem Solving • Practical Problem Solving
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to: IDR 6.000.000 IDR 3.700.000 IDR 2.200.000
In-class Training Live Virtual Training Online Training

• Berfikir strategik dan menghasilkan isu-isu • Understand the techniques of strategic decision
strategik yang relevan dengan kondisi perusahaan making
di masa depan
• Memahami teknik pengambilan keputusan • Improve the quality of strategic decision making
strategik dan melakukan antisipasi atas risiko
yang mungkin timbul dari keputusan strategik
yang dibuatnya.

Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered

• Strategic diagnostic • Strategic diagnostic
• Strategic analysis • Strategic analysis
• Strategic formulation • Strategic formulation
214 • Program implementation and Risk Formulation • Program implementation 215

Executive Development Program Business Enhancement Executive Development Program Business Enhancement

Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 4 days (12 hours) 3 weeks

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Design Thinking merupakan serangkaian pola pikir Design Thinking is a series of mindsets with 5 stages • Profesional dengan posisi staf, supervisor, manajer, • Professionals with staff positions, supervisors,
dengan 5 tahapan action plan yang akan membantu of action plans that will help organizational actors eselon III, kepala bagian, kepala divisi yang memiliki managers, section heads, division heads who
para pelaku organisasi dari berbagai lini perusahaan from various lines of the company to be able to solve fungsi desain seperti R&D, UX/CX, pengembangan have design functions such as R&D, UX/CX,
untuk mampu memecahkan permasalahan, problems, improve customer satisfaction or experience produk, atau perencanaan korporat product development, or corporate planning
meningkatkan kepuasan atau pengalaman pelanggan or spawn the right innovation. These five stages are an
atau menelurkan sebuah inovasi yang tepat. Kelima iterative process, where ideas will continue to be tested Program Terkait Related Program
tahapan ini merupakan proses yang iteratif, dimana and refined before they are realized into a new product/
ide akan terus diuji dan disempurnakan sebelum service or a new policy. • Customer Insight: Understanding Customer • Customer Insight: Understanding Customer Intimately
diwujudnyatakan menjadi sebuah produk/jasa baru Intimately
• Build & Test Minimum Viable Product
atau sebuah kebijakan baru.
• Build & Test Minimum Viable Product
Program ini dilengkapi dengan pembelajaran tools- This program is equipped with learning tools that are
tools yang aplikatif sehingga menjadikan program applicable so that the design thinking program becomes
design thinking menjadi sebuah pendekatan yang an approach that complements other approaches that
melengkapi pendekatan lain dengan berorientasi are oriented to user needs.
kepada kebutuhan pengguna. IDR 6.500.000 IDR 3.600.000 IDR 1.800.000
In-class Training Live Virtual Training Online Training
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:

• Menjelaskan 5 tahapan design thinking • Explain the 5 stages of design thinking

• Mengetahui cara menggunakan peta empati • Know how to use an empathy map to explore needs
untuk menggali kebutuhan atau permasalahan or problems experienced by users
yang dialami oleh pengguna
• Memahami penggunaan tools berpikir kreatif • Understand the use of creative thinking tools to
216 untuk menstimulasi banyak ide solusi terbaik stimulate many of the best solution ideas 217
• Memahami penyusunan umpan balik terhadap • Understand the preparation of feedback on the
purwarupa yang sudah dibuat untuk dapat prototypes that have been made to be able to produce
menghasilkan solusi terbaik the best solution

Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered

• Pengenalan design thinking • Introduction: Feasibility Study
• Menggali kebutuhan pengguna • Market Aspects Evaluation
• Menghasilkan solusi • Technical Aspects Evaluation
• Regenerasi produk yang berkelanjutan • Financial Aspects Evaluation

Executive Development Program Business Enhancement Executive Development Program Business Enhancement
Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 3 days (9 hours) 2 weeks

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Permasalahan akan selalu muncul selama sehari- Problems will always arise on a daily basis, both in • Profesional dengan posisi staf, supervisor, • Professionals with staff positions, supervisors,
hari baik dalam lingkungan profesional maupun non a professional and non-professional environment. manajer, eselon III, kepala bagian, kepala divisi managers, echelon III, section heads, division
profesional. Oleh karena itu, metode praktis diperlukan Therefore, practical methods are needed to solve these yang membutuhkan pemahaman mendasar heads who need a basic understanding in dealing
untuk memecahkan masalah-masalah tersebut problems before producing more serious problems. dalam menghadapi permasalahan dan tantangan with problems and challenges that arise in their
sebelum menghasilkan permasalahan yang lebih Methods for solving these problems can be started yang muncul dalam pekerjaan work
berat. Metode untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut from the most fundamental stages by defining the main
dapat dimulai dari tahapan-tahapan yang paling problem, finding the causes, formulating problem- Program Terkait Related Program
fundamental dengan mendefinisikan masalah utama, solving, and planning actions.
menemukan penyebab-penyebabnya, formulasi • Creative Thinking Techniques • Creative Thinking Techniques
pemecahan masalah, dan merencanakan Tindakan.
• Strategic Decision Making • Strategic Decision Making
Program ini akan melatih kemampuan penyelesaian This program will train participants’ problem-solving
masalah dari peserta melalui metode mendasar yang skills through basic methods that are easy to understand
mudah dipahami dan diaplikasikan terutama untuk and apply, especially to solving everyday problems at
memecahkan permasalahan sehari-hari di pekerjaan. work.
IDR 4.800.000 IDR 3.200.000 IDR 1.800.000
In-class Training Live Virtual Training Online Training
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:

• Menjelaskan kerangka pelatihan dengan • Explain the training framework with the “4 Step
pendekatan “4 Step Practical Problem Solving”. Practical Problem Solving” approach.
• Menerapkan cara mendefinisikan masalah • Apply the way of defining the problem
• Menerapkan metode-metode menganalisis penyebab • Applying methods of analyzing causes to find the root
sampai menemukan akar penyebab masalah cause of the problem

218 • Menerapkanmetode-metodedalammengembangkan • Applying methods in developing alternative solutions 219

alternatif solusi dan memilih solusi terbaik and selecting the best solution
• Memahami cara menyusun rencana tindakan • Understand how to develop an action plan in
dalam mengimplementasikan solusi terpilih implementing the selected solution

Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered

• Perkenalan practical problem solving • Introduction to practical problem solving
• Definisi masalah • Problem definition
• Analisis penyebab • Cause analysis
• Formulasi solusi • Solution formulation
• Rencana tindakan • Action plan

Executive Development Program Business Enhancement Executive Development Program Business Enhancement

Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 3 days (9 hours) 3 weeks

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Situasi yang dihadapi perusahaan saat ini semakin The situation facing companies today is increasingly • Pengantar berpikir kreatif dan hambatan • Introduction to creative thinking and creativity barriers
bervariasi dan kompleks. Variasi dan kompleksitas varied and complex. The variety and complexity of the kreativitas
situasi tersebut membutuhkan cara-cara pemecahan situation require different ways of solving the problem.
• Teknik berpikir kreatif • Creative thinking techniques
masalah yang berbeda. Ini membuat keterampilan This makes vertical thinking skills alone are not enough.
berpikir vertikal saja menjadi tidak cukup. Facing the era of disruption, companies are often required • Alat-alat yang dapat diaplikasikan dalam berpikir • Tools that can be applied in creative thinking
Menghadapi era disrupsi, kerapkali perusahaan to be able to think laterally. Therefore, the skill of using kreatif
dituntut untuk mampu berpikir lateral. Oleh problem-solving techniques creatively is important. By
karenanya, keterampilan menggunakan teknik- getting used to adjusting the pattern of thinking that is Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
teknik pemecahan masalah secara kreatif menjadi suitable for a particular situation, problem-solving will
penting. Dengan membiasakan untuk menyesuaikan become more effective. • Profesional dengan posisi staf, supervisor, • Professionals with staff positions, supervisors,
pola berpikir yang sesuai dengan situasi tertentu, manajer, eselon III, kepala bagian, kepala divisi managers, section heads, division heads who are
pemecahan masalah akan menjadi semakin efektif. yang rutin diminta memunculkan ide-ide baru regularly asked to come up with new ideas in the
dalam organisasi organization
Program ini dilengkapi dengan alat-alat yang dapat The program is equipped with tools that can be applied
diaplikasikan dalam membantu memecahkan to help solve problems creatively. Program Terkait Related Program
masalah secara kreatif.
• Design Thinking for Innovation • Design Thinking for Innovation
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives • Practical Problem Solving • Practical Problem Solving

Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:
IDR 4.900.000 IDR 3.200.000 IDR 1.800.000
• Memahami keterkaitan antara konsep kreativitas • Understand the relationship between the concept of In-class Training Live Virtual Training Online Training
dengan konteks pekerjaan masing-masing creativity and the context of each work
• Mengidentifikasi dan mengatasi hambatan • Identify and overcome creativity barriers
• Menggunakan beragam teknik berpikir kreatif • Use a variety of creative thinking techniques
220 221
• Menghasilkan ide kreatif bagi organisasi secara • Generate creative ideas for the organization in a
sistematis dan terstruktur systematic and structured manner

Executive Development Program Business Enhancement Executive Development Program Business Enhancement
222 223
Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 3 days (9 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja Yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Pengalaman stres dapat dialami oleh setiap orang, Everyone experiences stress, both life stress in general • Konsep Stres, Stressor, dan Strain • Concept of Stress, Stressor, and Strain
baik stres kehidupan secara umum (life stress) (life stress) and stress caused by work (work stress).
• Intervensi Stres • Stress Intervention
maupun stres yang diakibatkan oleh pekerjaan (work In today’s era where every individual has to survive the
stress). Pada masa sekarang di mana setiap individu harsh competition of everyday life and the demands of • Teknik Manajemen Stres: Emotional, Action, and • Stress Management Techniques: Emotional, Action,
harus bertahan menghadapi kerasnya persaingan work in the office, the experience of stress can increase. Acceptance Approach and Acceptance Approach
kehidupan sehari-hari maupun tuntutan pekerjaan If this stress is left ignored and not managed properly,
di kantor, pengalaman stres yang dirasakan bisa it can harm not only the physical health but also the Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
semakin meningkat. Apabila stres ini dibiarkan mental health of every individual who experiences it.
dan tidak dikelola dengan baik, maka akan dapat • Semua karyawan dalam organisasi (manajerial • All employees in the organization (managerial and
membahayakan tidak saja kesehatan fisik namun juga maupun non manajerial) non-managerial)
kesehatan mental setiap individu yang mengalaminya.
Program Terkait Related Program
Dalam pelatihan ini pembahasan difokuskan untuk In this training, the discussion focused on managing stress
memanajemeni stres di tempat kerja. Di tempat in the workplace. In the workplace, stress can reduce • Building Effective Interpersonal Skills • Building Effective Interpersonal Skills
kerja, stres dapat menurunkan tingkat produktivitas individual productivity levels, which if left untreated
• Enhancing Your Personal Effectiveness • Enhancing Your Personal Effectiveness
individu, yang apabila dibiarkan tidak ditangani can have a negative effect on overall organizational
dengan baik akan dapat berpengaruh negatif terhadap performance. Therefore, it is very important to be able • Cultivating Growth Mindset and Learning Agility • Cultivating Growth Mindset and Learning Agility
kinerja organisasi secara keseluruhan. Oleh sebab to manage stress well, at the organizational level as well • Managing Virtual & Remote Team • Managing Virtual & Remote Team
itu, sangat penting untuk dapat mengelola stres as at the individual level.
dengan baik, pada tingkat organisasional maupun • Leading with Emotional Intelligence • Leading with Emotional Intelligence
pada tingkat individu.

Manfaat Apa Yang Anda Peroleh Objectives

Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta

Having attended this program, the participants are IDR 4.200.000 IDR 3.400.000
expected to be able to: In-class Training Live Virtual Training
diharapkan mampu:

• Understand the concept of stress and its impact on

• Memahami konsep stres dan dampaknya pada
224 performance 225
• Identify personal stress levels
• Mengidentifikasi level stres pribadi
• Familiarize yourself with stress management
• Mengenal teknik-teknik manajemen stres

Executive Development Program Business Enhancement Executive Development Program Business Enhancement
Duration: 3 days (9 hours) 3 weeks

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects covered
Begitu banyak perubahan terjadi dengan cepat baik di The level of change that is occurring massively and • The Importance of Mind Mapping • The Importance of Mind Mapping
tingkat perusahaan, regional maupun global, membuat rapidly - at an organizational level, regional and global,
• Teknik Membuat Mind Mapping • How to Create Mind Mapping
tantangan dunia bisnis menjadi lebih kompleks. Bagi makes the challenges of the business world more
seorang profesional di dunia bisnis, menjadi hal yang complex. For a professional in the business world, it is • Basic Ordering Ideas (Manajemen Rapat, • Basic Ordering Ideas (Meeting Management, Business
mutlak memiliki sebuah keterampilan dan alat untuk absolutely necessary to have the skills and tools to help Presentasi Bisnis, Practical Problem Solving, Presentation, Practical Problem Solving, Creative
membantunya memetakan masalah, mengorganisasi him map problems, organize work, summarize complex Creative Thinking dan lain-lain) Thinking, and others)
pekerjaan, merangkum informasi yang kompleks, dan information, and set priorities. Mind Map as a tool as well
menetapkan skala prioritas. Mind Map sebagai alat as skills to note, analyze, plan, and prioritize. By using a Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
sekaligus keterampilan untuk mencatat, menganalisa, Mind Map, your team will be much more productive and
merencanakan, serta membuat prioritas. Dengan have the right tools to face the increasingly stringent • Seluruh karyawan yang ingin meningkatkan • All employees who want to increase work productivity
menggunakan Mind Map, tim Anda akan jauh lebih challenges of the business world. produktivitas kerja
produktif dan memiliki sebuah alat yang tepat untuk
menghadapi tantangan dunia bisnis yang makin ketat. Program Terkait Related Program
• Creative Thinking Technique
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives • Creative Thinking Technique
• Practical Problem Solving • Practical Problem Solving
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this training program, participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to: • Powerful Business Presentation • Powerful Business Presentation

• Memahami pentingnya Mind Map dalam • Understand the importance of mind maps in daily
pekerjaan sehari-hari work
• Memahami keunggulan Mind Map • Understand the advantages of a mind map
IDR 3.300.000 IDR 1.800.000
• Memahami cara penggunaan Mind Map software • Understand how to use Mind Map software as a tool Live Virtual Training Online Training
sebagai salah satu tools dalam membuat Mind Map to create a mind map
• Memahami komponen apa saja yang diperlukan • Understand what components are needed to create a
dalam membuat Mind Map mind map
226 • Meningkatkan ketrampilan Mind Map dengan • Improve mind map skills by practice 227
• Memahami berbagai basic ordering ideas • Understand various basic ordering ideas (Meeting
(Manajemen Rapat, Presentasi Bisnis, Practical Management, Business Presentations, Practical
Problem Solving, Creative Thinking dan lain lain) Problem Solving, Creative Thinking, and others)

Executive Development Program Business Enhancement Executive Development Program Business Enhancement
Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 3 days (9 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed • Mengidentifikasi langkah praktis untuk • Identify practical steps to form a growth mindset
membentuk Growth Mindset
Salah satu hal yang sering menghambat individu One of the things that often hinders individuals from
dalam meraih keberhasilan adalah adanya pemikiran achieving success is that they are not smart enough • Mengelaborasi strategi yang dapat ditempuh • Elaborating strategies that can be taken to build
bahwa mereka tidak cukup cerdas, tidak memiliki and do not have the ability to achieve what they want. untuk membangun Learning Agility Learning Agility
kemampuan untuk mencapai apa yang diinginkan. Individuals are shackled in the mindset that abilities
Individu terbelenggu pada pola pikir bahwa are permanent and cannot be increased. Rejecting new Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
kemampuan bersifat menetap dan tidak dapat assignments, avoiding challenges, giving up easily,
ditingkatkan. Menolak penugasan baru, menghindari fearing receiving feedback, are a series of behaviors that • Peranan Growth Mindset dan Learning Agility • The Role of Growth Mindset and Learning Agility
tantangan, mudah menyerah, takut menerima umpan result from this mindset. • Langkah meningkatkan growth mindset • Steps to increase the growth mindset
balik, adalah serangkaian perilaku yang merupakan
dampak dari adanya pola pikir tersebut. • Strategi mengembangkan learning agility • Strategies to develop learning agility

Oleh karena itu, membangun sebuah pola pikir Therefore, building a mindset that is oriented towards Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
yang berorientasi pada peningkatan kemampuan continuous improvement becomes a foundation for
• Para pemimpin yang berkeinginan untuk • Leaders who desire to empower their team members
secara berkelanjutan menjadi sebuah pondasi bagi achieving success. Individuals who believe that they can
memberdayakan anggota timnya
tercapainya keberhasilan. Individu yang yakin bahwa develop their abilities through dedication and hard work
kemampuannya dapat dikembangkan melalui dedikasi are said to have a growth mindset (Dweck, 2015). This • Anggota tim yang ingin meningkatkan • Team members who want to improve their abilities
dan kerja keras dikatakan memiliki growth mindset mindset is closely related to learning agility, namely kemampuan dirinya
(Dweck, 2015). Pola pikir ini sangat terkait erat dengan individuals’ ability to learn from experience and then
• Staf yang dipersiapkan untuk menjadi pemimpin • The staff who are groomed to be team leaders
learning agility, yaitu kemampuan individu untuk apply that learning to succeed under new conditions or
belajar dari pengalaman, dan kemudian menerapkan the first time (Lombardo & Eichinger, 2000). Research
pembelajaran itu untuk berhasil di bawah kondisi conducted by the Center for Human Capital Development • Siapapun yang ingin memahami bagaimana • Anyone who wants to understand how to develop a
baru atau pertama kali (Lombardo & Eichinger, 2000). PPM Management in 2019, shows the close relationship mengembangkan growth mindset dan learning growth mindset and learning agility
Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Center for Human between these two factors. agility
Capital Development PPM Manajemen pada tahun
2019, menunjukkan keterkaitan erat antara dua Program Terkait Related Program
faktor tersebut.
• Building Effective Interpersonal Skills • Building Effective Interpersonal Skills
Melalui pelatihan ini, para peserta akan diajak untuk dapat Through this training, participants will be invited to • Enhancing Your Personal Effectiveness • Enhancing Your Personal Effectiveness
228 mencermati proses terbentuknya pola pikir tersebut observe the process of forming this mindset and its 229
dan dampaknya pada seluruh aspek di kehidupannya. impact on all aspects of their lives. Besides, this training • Self-Leadership: How to Be Effective Performer • Self-Leadership: How to Be Effective Performer
Selain itu, pelatihan ini juga menstimulus para peserta also stimulates the participants to independently • Stress Management • Stress Management
agar dapat secara mandiri menyusun rencana tindakan formulate action plans for behavior formation, leading
pembentukan perilaku yang mengarah pada peningkatan to the continuous improvement of their abilities.
kemampuan diri secara berkelanjutan.

IDR 5.500.000 IDR 3.400.000

Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
In-class Training Live Virtual Training
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:

• Mengeksplorasi peranan Growth Mindset dan • Exploring the role of the Growth Mindset and Learning
Learning Agility dalam keberhasilan Agility in success

Executive Development Program Business Enhancement Executive Development Program Business Enhancement
TRAINING FOR VIRTUAL TRAINER Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta The participants who have attended the class are
diharapkan mampu: expected to:
Duration: 3 days (9 hours)
• Mengimplementasikan cara mengajar virtual • Implement virtual teaching methods effectively by
dengan efektif dengan menerapkan konsep applying the POWER Model concept
Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed POWER Model.
• Memahami cara mempersiapkan pembelajaran • Understand how to prepare the virtual class effectively
Kondisi VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, The VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity)
virtual yang efektif
Ambiguity) yang dihadapi oleh seluruh industri dan faced by all industries and educational institutions guide
institusi pendidikan saat ini menuntun setiap organisasi each organization to survive and develop the competence • Menjelaskan cara latihan sebelum pelaksanaan • Explain how to dry run and generate participants
untuk tetap dapat survive dan mengembangkan of its Human Resources. Some of the development virtual class, memahami karakter peserta dalam engagement in a virtual class
kompetensi sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki. Metode methods have been taken as effective methods to virtual class dan memahami cara mengajar
pengembangan sebagai salah satu metode yang efektif improve the organization’s HR competencies. However, virtual class dengan efektif
untuk meningkatkan kompetensi SDM organisasi. the uncertain conditions force organizations to shift • Explain how to evaluate virtual class
• Menjelaskan cara mengevaluasi pembelajaran
Namun demikian, kondisi yang sangat dinamis memaksa from offline to an online learning method that has more
organisasi untuk selalu inovatif mengusung ide-ide flexibility and is effective for employees. The virtual
suatu bentuk pembelajaran yang paling flexible namun training method is one of the most appropriate solutions • Mempraktikkan cara mengajar virtual class • Practice how to teach a virtual class effectively
efektif untuk diterapkan dalam organisasi. Metode for now and in the future. Thus, it becomes a challenge secara efektif
pembelajaran virtual menjadi salah satu solusi yang in itself to organize and implement virtual training to
paling tepat untuk saat ini dan masa yang akan datang. achieve organizational goals, including understanding Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects
Dengan demikian, menjadi tantangan tersendiri untuk how to design and teach virtual training effectively.
dapat menyelenggarakan serta mengimplementasikan • Konsep pembelajaran virtual • The concept of virtual training
pembelajaran virtual agar dapat mencapai sasaran
• Enabler yang dibutuhkan dalam organisasi untuk • The enabler needed in organizations to support virtual
organisasi, termasuk memahami cara menyusun design
mendukung pembelajaran virtual class
serta mengajar pembelajaran virtual secara efektif.
• Kompetensi seorang virtual facilitator • The competence of a virtual facilitator
Pelatihan Training for Virtual Trainer ini disusun Training for Virtual Trainer is designed to help participants • Teknik untuk meningkatkan engagement peserta • The technique of increasing participant engagement
untuk membantu peserta memahami konsep POWER understand how to generate the virtual class by having kelas virtual in a virtual class
Model dalam pembelajaran virtual. Dalam pelatihan the POWER Model concept. The participants are able to
ini peserta akan mempelajari bagaimana konsep learn how to prepare for a virtual class, understand what • Evaluasi kelas virtual • The evaluation of virtual class
pembelajaran virtual dengan menggunakan Metode enablers are needed for a virtual class, implement the
POWER Model. Dalam pembelajaran ini peserta most effective delivery method and activities in a virtual Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
diajarkan bagaimana melakukan persiapan suatu class, and understand how to evaluate the virtual class.
pembelajaran online, memahami enabler apa saja At the end of the session, the participants will also do • Trainer/facilitator • Trainer/facilitator
yang dibutuhkan agar pembelajaran virtual berjalan hands-on practice on teaching virtual class by applying • Manajer SDM/karyawan pada Diklat (Corporate • HR Manager/ Corporate University Officer
230 efektif dan mencapai sasaran pembelajaran yang all the concepts that have been learned. University) 231
direncanakan, mampu mengimplementasikan dengan
delivery yang paling efektif dalam suatu pembelajaran • Anda yang berencana ingin mengajar virtual class • People who plan to teach a virtual class
virtual, dan memahami cara mengevaluasi efektifitas
pembelaran virtual. Pada akhir sesi peserta juga Program Terkait Related Program:
akan melakukan praktik langsung cara mengajar
kelas virtual dengan menerapkan seluruh konsep • Designing Virtual Training Program • Designing Virtual Training Program
yang sudah dipelajari, dengan mendapatkan feedback • Certified Professional Trainer • Certified Professional Trainer
langsung dari fasilitator serta peserta pembelajaran.

IDR 3.800.000
Live Virtual Training

Executive Development Program Business Enhancement Executive Development Program Business Enhancement
Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed • Membangun komunikasi efektif dengan berbagai • Build effective communication with other types of
tipe kepribadian orang lain personality
Ketika bisnis menjadi semakin global dan lintas As business becomes increasingly global and cross-
fungsi, maka yang terjadi adalah runtuhnya silo, functional, silos are breaking down, connectivity is • Mengembangkan strategi bekerja sama yang • Develop strategies in collaborative teamwork and
meningkatnya konektivitas, dan kerjasama dipandang increasing, and teamwork is key to organizational kolaboratif dan mengatasi konflik dealing with conflicts
sebagai kunci keberhasilan organisasi. Dengan kondisi success. Under this circumstance, the ability to build
ini, maka keterampilan interpersonal karyawan sangat rapport is invaluable. Individuals/organizations cannot Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
dibutuhkan. Pentingnya keterampilan interpersonal underestimate the importance of effective interpersonal
yang efektif dalam dunia kerja tidak diragukan lagi. skills in the workplace. Interpersonal skills, or people • Tipe Kepribadian • Personality types
Meski merupakan kemampuan yang pada dasarnya skills, are something we already have, but positive • Kecerdasan Emosi • Emotional Intelligence
telah dimiliki oleh setiap individu, namun interaksi yang daily interactions don’t always “just happen,” whether
positif tidak selalu terjadi, baik dalam bekerja maupun in business or our personal lives. Getting the results • Kepercayaan Diri • Self-Confident
dalam kehidupan personal. Mendapatkan hasil kerja that we need can be difficult when we don’t “click” with • Komunikasi Verbal dan Non-Verbal • Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
yang diinginkan dapat menjadi hal yang sangat sulit people, or if we don’t know how to act or what to say.
apabila kita tidak dapat membaur dengan orang lain. • Kerjasama Tim • Collaborative teamwork
• Mengelola Konflik • Managing Conflict
Dalam pelatihan ini, setiap peserta akan lebih This course will help trainees find out what they are
mengenali diri mereka dan dampaknya terhadap like as a person and their effect on others. They will be Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
orang di sekelilingnya. Mereka akan dibekali dengan equipped with basic skills to control emotions, attitudes,
keterampilan dasar untuk mengendalikan emosi, and behavior to establish relationships with people • Manajer • Manager
sikap, dan perilakunya, sebagai modal dasar untuk around them. Trainees will also be trained to establish
• Supervisor/Penyelia • Supervisor
dapat menjalin relasi dengan orang di sekelilingnya. effective communication and build collaboration so that
Peserta juga akan dilatih untuk menjalin komunikasi they can interact effectively. Trainees will learn how to • Staf • Staff
yang efektif dan membangun kerjasama yang achieve successful outcomes from working relationships
kolaboratif, sehingga dapat berinteraksi secara efektif and handle a wide range of interpersonal situations with Program Terkait Related Program
dengan orang-orang di sekitarnya. Peserta akan skill and confidence.
belajar bagaimana mencapai hasil yang sukses dari • Enhancing Your Personal Effectiveness • Enhancing Your Personal Effectiveness
hubungan kerja dan menangani berbagai situasi antar
• Self-Leadership: How to Be Effective Performer • Self-Leadership: How to Be Effective Performer
pribadi dengan keterampilan dan kepercayaan diri.
• Cultivating Growth Mindset and Learning Agility • Cultivating Growth Mindset and Learning Agility
232 233
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives • Stress Management • Stress Management
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta After attending this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:

• Mengidentifikasi tipe kepribadian • Identify personality types

• Mengenal dampak dari perilaku yang ditampilkan • Recognize the effect your behavior has on yourself and
kepada diri dan orang lain on other people IDR 5.000.000 IDR 3.300.000
In-class Training Live Virtual Training
• Memanfaatkan penggunaan bahasa tubuh, • Use body language, listening skills, and questioning in
kemampuan mendengar, dan bertanya dalam communication

Executive Development Program Business Enhancement Executive Development Program Business Enhancement
Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 3 days (9 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Cepatnya perubahan yang terjadi, baik dalam The rapid changes both in work activities and • Personal Effectiveness • Personal Effectiveness
aktivitas pekerjaan maupun organisasi, menyebabkan organizations cause the rising demand for staff to show
• Goal setting • Goal setting
semakin meningkatnya tuntutan terhadap karyawan their best performance. The success in delivering a
untuk dapat menampilkan performa terbaiknya. good work performance is not only influenced by one’s • Personal strength • Personal strength
Keberhasilan menampilkan performa kerja yang functional knowledge, but also by the ability to empower
• Self-improvement • Self-improvement
baik, tidak hanya dipengaruhi oleh penguasaan one’s whole potentials to accomplish their achievements
terhadap bidang tugasnya, tetapi juga dipengaruhi in various aspects of life. Therefore, each participant
oleh kemampuan memberdayakan seluruh potensi needs to identify their individual strength and optimize Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
diri untuk mencapai prestasi dalam berbagai aspek their potentials.
• Manajer Lini • Line Managers
kehidupan. Dengan demikian, sangat penting bagi
tiap individu untuk mengenal kekuatan diri dan • Supervisor/Penyelia • Supervisors
mengoptimalkan potensinya.
• Staf • Staff

Dalam pelatihan ini, setiap peserta akan diberikan In this program, every participant will be given information
informasi dan laporan tertulis mengenai karakter and written reports regarding their characters and Program Terkait Related Program
dan kekuatannya, sehingga mereka akan dapat strength so that they will be able to utilize their strength • Cultivating Growth Mindset and Learning Agility • Cultivating Growth Mindset and Learning Agility
memanfaatkannya untuk menjalankan pekerjaan, to perform their job and understand how those factors
serta bagaimana hal tersebut membawa dampak can positively impact the work environment. This • Self-Leadership: How to Be an Effective • Self-Leadership: How to Be an Effective Performer
positif bagi lingkungan kerja. Pelatihan ini juga akan training will also help the participants develop the soft Performer
memfasilitasi peserta untuk mengembangkan soft skills required to maintain work effectiveness in various • Building Effective Interpersonal Skills • Building Effective Interpersonal Skills
skill yang diperlukan dalam menjaga efektivitas kerja situations.
di berbagai situasi. • Stress Management • Stress Management

Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives

Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to: IDR 5.000.000 IDR 3.300.000
In-class Training Live Virtual Training
234 • Mengidentifikasi dan mengoptimalkan kekuatan diri • Identify and optimize your strengths 235
• Menyusun tindakan pengembangan untuk mencapai • Arranging development actions to achieve personal
tujuan dan sasaran pribadi dalam bekerja goals and objectives at work
• Mengelaborasi langkah-langkah yang dapat ditempuh • Elaborate steps that can be taken to increase self-
untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan diri confidence

Executive Development Program Business Enhancement Executive Development Program Business Enhancement

Duration: 2.5 days (20 hours) 3 days (9 hours) 3 weeks

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Keterampilan komunikasi diawali dengan memahami Communication skills begin with understanding the • Dasar-dasar komunikasi • Basics of communication
hal-hal yang diperlukan dalam membangun things needed to build effective communication,
• Pendekatan komunikasi efektif yang berdampak • Effective communication approach with impact
komunikasi secara efektif, gaya komunikasi, tipe communication styles, types of verbal and non-verbal
komunikasi verbal dan non-verbal. Selain itu teknik communication. In addition, listening techniques,
mendengar, memberikan umpan balik dan personal providing feedback, and the personal branding of a person • Kemampuan komunikasi terkait mendengarkan, • Communication skills regarding listening, asking, and
branding seseorang dalam membangun komunikasi in building effective communication are inseparable bertanya, dan memberikan umpan balik giving feedback
yang efektif merupakan bagian yang tidak terlepas parts of the effective communication process.
• Personal branding • Personal branding
dalam proses komunikasi yang efektif.

Pelatihan ini sangat bermanfaat untuk dapat This training is very useful to be able to improve basic Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
meningkatkan keterampilan dasar dalam berkomunikasi skills in communicating effectively and having an impact • Staf, penyelia, manajer, eselon III, kepala bagian/ • Staff, supervisors, managers, or division heads in all
secara efektif dan berdampak pada sasaran organisasi. on organizational goals. divisi di semua unit bisnis business unit

Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives Program Terkait Related Program
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are • Powerful Business Presentation • Powerful Business Presentation
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:
• Effective Sales Negotiation • Effective Sales Negotiation
• Memahami pentingnya komunikasi efektif dalam • Understand the importance of effective communication
organisasi. in organizations.
• Memahami hambatan dalam berkomunikasi dan • Understand barriers to communication and how to
cara mengatasinya overcome them IDR 5.000.000 IDR 3.300.000 IDR 1.800.000
• Memahami formula efektif komunikasi (OAIDA) • Understand effective communication formula (OAIDA) In-class Training Live Virtual Training Online Training

• Mengetahui gaya komunikasi • Know your communication style

• Meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi verbal • Improve verbal and non-verbal communication skills
dan non-verbal
236 237
• Meningkatkan kemampuan dalam berkomunikasi • Improve communication skills
• Memahami pentingnya personal branding dalam • Understand the importance of personal branding in
berkomunikasi communication

Executive Development Program Business Enhancement Executive Development Program Business Enhancement

Duration: 2.5 days (20 hours) 4 days (12 hours) 3 weeks

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Presentasi merupakan salah satu bentuk komunikasi Presentation is an important activity in the business • Perkenalan pada dasar-dasar presentasi • Introduction to basic presentation
penting dalam dunia bisnis untuk menyampaikan world to deliver information, motivation, and persuade
• Langkah-langkah persiapan sebelum memulai • Steps, preparation prior to starting a presentation
informasi, memotivasi, membujuk hingga people to make business decisions. Presentation ability
mempengaruhi seseorang untuk membuat keputusan is one of several mandatory skills, especially for you
bisnis. Kemampuan presentasi merupakan satu dari who meet many people and need to promote a product • Membawakan presentasi • Deliver the presentation
sekian keahlian wajib yang dimiliki, terutama bagi and idea from the company to various audiences. This
• Mengatasi berbagai kendala saat presentasi • Overcome various obstacles at the time of presentation
Anda yang bertemu banyak orang serta kebutuhan program is beneficial for you who would like to make
untuk mempromosikan produk serta ide dari a good business presentation in various audiences’
perusahaan kepada berbagai tipe audience. conditions and types. Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
• Staf hingga level manajer yang melakukan • Staff to a level manager who delivers a presentation in
Presentasi bisnis seringkali tidak mencapai sasaran Business presentations often do not achieve goals presentasi dalam aktivitas kerjanya his working activities
dan tujuan dikarenakan beberapa faktor dan and objectives due to several factors and obstacles.
hambatan. Program ini akan bermanfaat bagi mereka This program will be useful for those who want to give
yang ingin memberikan presentasi bisnis yang efektif effective business presentations in various conditions Program Terkait Related Program
dalam berbagai macam kondisi dan tipe peserta. and types of participants. • Effective Business Communication • Effective Business Communication

Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives Catatan In-class: Notes In-class:
Peserta diwajibkan untuk membawa laptop pada Participants should bring a laptop
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, participants are expected
pelatihan ini.
diharapkan mampu: to :

Catatan Live Virtual Training: Notes Live Virtual Training:

• Memahami tipe presentasi • Understand the types of presentation
Peserta diwajibkan submit video presentasi sebagai Participants are required to submit a video presentation
• Memahami pentingnya persiapan yang baik • Understand the importance of good preparation in syarat memperoleh sertifikat to obtain a certificate
dalam presentasi presentation
• Memahami tahapan melakukan presentasi • Understand the phases in doing the presentation
• Memahami cara membawakan presentasi yang • Understand the ways to deliver a good presentation
baik IDR 5.000.000 IDR 3.300.000 IDR 1.800.000
238 239
In-class Training Live Virtual Training Online Training

Executive Development Program Business Enhancement Executive Development Program Business Enhancement
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, participants are expected
diharapkan mampu menjelaskan: to be able to explain:
Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 4 days (12 hours)
• Perubahan lingkungan bisnis dan dampaknya • Changes in the business environment and its impact
pada tuntutan Sumber Daya Manusia on Human Resources
Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed • Proses pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia • Human Resources management process

HR for Non-HR Manager adalah manajemen HR for Non-HR Manager is human resource management • Perencanaan SDM • HR Planning
pengelolaan sumber daya manusia untuk para for managers who do not have a background in HR • Penyusunan Uraian Pekerjaan • Preparation of Job Descriptions
manajer yang bukan berlatar belakang di bidang SDM (line manager or line manager). In various research
(line manager atau manajer lini). Dalam berbagai results on HR management strategies, it is known • Rekrutmen dan Seleksi • Recruitment and Selection
hasil penelitian mengenai strategi manajemen that HR management plays a key role in determining • Manajemen Karir • Career Management
SDM, diketahui bahwa manajemen SDM memegang organizational success. However, one of the factors that
peran kunci dalam menentukan keberhasilan influence the success of HR management in determining • Pelatihan dan Pengembangan • Training and Development
organisasi. Namun demikian salah satu faktor yang organizational success is the role of line managers in • Manajemen Kinerja • Performance Management
mempengaruhi keberhasilan manajemen SDM dalam implementing HR management systems that have been
menentukan kesuksesan organisasi adalah peran prepared by the HR department or what we know as • Manajemen Remunerasi • Remuneration Management
para manajer lini dalam menerapkan sistem-sistem every manager is a human resource manager. • Hubungan Industrial • Industrial Relations
manajemen SDM yang telah disusun oleh departemen
• Peran Departemen SDM dan peran Manajer Lini • The role of the HR Department and the role of Line
SDM tersebut atau yang kita kenal sebagai every
dalam pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia Managers in Human Resources Management
manager is a human resource manager.

Namun demikian pengalaman di lapangan However, experience in the field often shows differences Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
seringkali menunjukkan perbedaan persepsi atau in perceptions or disharmony of working relationships • Perubahan lingkungan bisnis dan dampaknya • Changes in the business environment and their impact
disharmonisasi hubungan kerja antara para manajer between line managers and the HR department. pada tuntutan Sumber Daya Manusia on Human Resources demands
lini dengan departemen SDM. Masing-masing pihak Each party often has different expectations and views
seringkali memiliki harapan dan pandangan yang regarding their respective roles in human resource • Proses pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia • Human Resources management process
berbeda mengenai peran masing-masing di dalam management. This difference of opinion does not need • Peran Departemen SDM dan peran Manajer Lini • The role of the HR Department and the role of Line
pengelolaan sumber daya manusia. Perbedaan to occur if line managers have an understanding of dalam pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia Managers in the management of Human Resources
pendapat ini tidak perlu terjadi seandainya manajer how important it is that they are willing to cooperate in
lini memiliki pengertian mengenai bagaimana implementing HR systems that have been prepared by
pentingnya mereka bersedia bekerjasama dalam HR department managers. Siapa yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
menerapkan sistem-sistem SDM yang telah disiapkan
• Semua Manajer Lini atau para Atasan Langsung • All Line Managers or Employees’ Direct Supervisors
para pengelola departemen SDM.
karyawan (Non HR Manager) (Non-HR Managers)
240 Oleh karena itu dalam pelatihan ini, manajer lini akan Therefore, in this training, line managers will be briefed 241
diberikan pembekalan mengenai apa saja aktivitas di on what activities in HR management require their role Program Terkait Related Program
dalam manajemen SDM yang memerlukan peran dan and involvement as line managers in order to better • Performance Management System • Performance Management System
keterlibatan mereka sebagai manajer lini agar dapat manage the human resources under their leadership,
mengelola sumber daya manusia yang ada di bawah which can determine the success of the organization. • KPI: Aligning Organization’s Performance • KPI: Aligning Organization’s Performance
kepemimpinan mereka dengan lebih baik, yang dapat
menentukan keberhasilan organisasi.

IDR 5.000.000 IDR 3.700.000

In-class Training Live Virtual Training

Executive Development Program Business Enhancement Executive Development Program Business Enhancement

Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subject Covered
Semua perusahaan menginginkan efisiensi dalam All companies intend to be efficient in business • Pendahuluan: Pemetaan Proses Bisnis • Introduction: Business Process Mapping
proses bisnis, guna mencapai sasaran yang telah process activities to achieve the target. It is often that
• Penciptaan Nilai • Value Creation
ditetapkan. Sering terjadi bahwa, efisiensi belum tentu being efficient does not necessarily become effective.
menjadi efektif, hal ini muncul pada saat penerapan This happens at the time of strategy implementation. • Kerangka Penyusunan Pemetaan Proses Bisnis • Business Process Mapping Framework
berbagai strategi yang telah dirancang sebelumnya. Implementing effective and efficient activities must be
• Pemetaan Rantai Pasok • Supply Chain Mapping
Keberhasilan dalam menerapkan efektif dan efisiensi initialed by analyzing all business processes that have
harus dimulai dengan menganalisa seluruh proses been implemented, whether each of them is being • Pemetaan Keterkaitan Nilai Tambah antar • Value Added Mapping among Entities
bisnis yang sedang dijalankan, apakah satu sama lain integrated or whether the company is still implementing Entitas Bisnis
sudah saling terintegrasi atau masih dengan pola an old pattern that can only be accessed by a particular • Pemodelan Bisnis • Business Modeling
lama yang hanya dapat diakses oleh bagian tertentu Unit within the company. Business process analysis
saja. Hasil analisa proses bisnis sangat menentukan is crucial for determining the next step in strategy • Pemetaan Rantai Nilai • Value Chain Mapping
langkah selanjutnya dalam pembuatan strategi, formulation. Strategy content must be simple, easy to • Pemetaan Tanggung Jawab • Responsibility Mapping
dimana sebaiknya haruslah yang sederhana, mudah understand, and implemented as a tool to achieve goals.
dipahami dan diterapkan sebagai alat mencapai tujuan. • Pemanfaatan Hasil Pemetaan Proses Bisnis • Utilization of Business Process Map
• Pengembangan Prosedur • Procedure Development
Titik kritis dalam menganalisa, ada pada tahap The critical point in the analysis process is mapping
activities of existing business processes, whereas it has • Cetak Biru Jasa • Service Blueprint
pemetaan proses bisnis yang sedang berlangsung,
karena harus mengambil sudut pandang yang sama to follow the same viewpoint in analyzing the company’s • Analisis Beban Kerja • Workload Analysis
dalam menilai keberhasilan perusahaan. Terdapat success. Several methods can be carried out, from
berbagai metode yang dapat digunakan, mulai dari simple methods to complex ones, according to company
Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
yang sederhana hingga kompleks, sesuai dengan needs. The result of mapping activities will show several
kebutuhan perusahaan. Dari hasil pemetaan tersebut, new opportunities or added values in determining the Seluruh pimpinan yang terlibat dalam pembuatan All managers who are involved in preparing a business
maka akan dapat terlihat berbagai peluang baru next strategy. Action steps in mapping activities must strategi bisnis strategy
ataupun nilai tambah dalam menentukan strategi be carried out accordingly, so effective and efficient
selanjutnya. Langkah – langkah pada pemetaan harus business principles conform to the changes of a dynamic • Senior Manager • Senior Manager
dilakukan dengan tepat, agar prinsip efektif dan efisien business environment.
dalam bisnis seiring dengan perubahan lingkungan • Manager • Manager
bisnis yang dinamis. • Assistant Manager • Assistant Manager
242 243
• Supervisor • Supervisor
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
• Business Analyst • Business Analyst
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, participants are expected
diharapkan mampu: to be able to:
Program Terkait Related Program
• Memetakan pengelompokan rincian dan • Understand to map the grouping detail and the • Creative Thinking Techniques • Creative Thinking Techniques
keterkaitan antar proses bisnis dalam organisasi interrelationship of business processes in an
• Designing Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) • Designing Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
• Memberikan alternatif perbaikan proses bisnis
• KPI: Aligning The Organization’s Performance • KPI: Aligning The Organization’s Performance
agar dapat memberikan nilai tambah yang • Offer alternatives for the improved business process to
lebih sesuai dengan kebutuhan para pemangku provide value-added stakeholders’ needs.
kepentingan (stakeholders)

IDR 5.500.000 IDR 3.400.000

In-class Training Live Virtual Training

Executive Development Program Business Enhancement Executive Development Program Business Enhancement

Duration: 2.5 days (20 hours) 3 days (9 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Laporan merupakan suatu bentuk penyajian informasi A report is a form of presenting information about a • Manajer atau Staf yang harus menulis laporan • Managers and Staffs who have to write reports to
mengenai suatu keadaan ataupun suatu kegiatan. situation or an activity. In organizations, management kepada atasan (intern) their superiors (internal)
Dalam organisasi, laporan manajemen merupakan reports are a form of formal communication. All • Manajer atau Staf yang harus menulis laporan • Managers and Staffs who have to write reports to
salah satu bentuk komunikasi formal. Seluruh manajer managers and staff in the organization must be able untuk pihak eksternal (extern) their clients (external)
dan staf di dalam organisasi, harus mampu membuat to make written reports to their superiors, for input in
laporan tertulis pada atasannya, untuk masukan dalam management decision making. The difficulty in writing
pengambilan keputusan manajemen. Kendala yang reports is the difficulty in conveying the information to be Program Terkait Related Program
sering dihadapi dalam penulisan laporan adalah kesulitan conveyed effectively and efficiently to the readers.
• Powerful Business Presentation • Powerful Business Presentation
dalam menyampaikan informasi yang ingin disampaikan
secara efektif dan efisien kepada pembacanya. • Filing Management • Filing Management

Dalam program ini, peserta akan dilatih agar In this program, participants will be trained to understand
memahami teknik penulisan laporan yang efektif dan effective and efficient report writing techniques for
efisien untuk kebutuhan manajemen. management needs.
IDR 5.000.000 IDR 3.200.000
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives In-class Training Live Virtual Training

Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:

• Memahami prinsip penulisan laporan manajemen • Understand the principles of effective writing and
yang efektif dan efisien efficient reports
• Memahami teknik dasar penulisan laporan • Understand the pyramid method: a method for writing
manajemen reports effectively

Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered

244 • Dasar-dasar penulisan laporan manajemen • Introduction to Business Reports 245
• Teknik Penulisan Laporan Informasional • Discussion
• Pengelolaan fakta menjadi tulisan dan bahasa • Informational Reports
visual dalam laporan
• Teknik Penulisan Laporan Analitis • Analytical Reports
• Teknik Penulisan Usulan/Rekomendasi • Report Presentation

Executive Development Program Business Enhancement Executive Development Program Business Enhancement
Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 4 days (12 hours) 2 weeks

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered
Saat kondisi persaingan semakin ketat, konsistensi When the conditions of competition are getting tougher, • Pemetaan Proses Bisnis • Business Process Mapping
kualitas hasil kerja – baik berupa produk maupun jasa, consistency in the quality of work results – both in the form
• Pemetaan Matriks Tanggung Jawab • Responsibility Matrix Mapping
serta kualitas proses kerja sangat diperlukan untuk of products and services, as well as the quality of work
meningkatkan dan menjaga kepercayaan pelanggan. processes is very much needed to increase and maintain • Penyusunan SOP • Preparation of SOP
Tumpang tindih tugas merupakan hal yang sukar customer trust. Overlapping of tasks is something that is
• Peluang Perbaikan SOP • SOP Improvement Opportunities
dihindari dalam aktivitas antar bagian, departemen, unavoidable in activities between sections, departments,
atau divisi. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan pengelolaan or divisions. Therefore, it is necessary to manage the
organisasi agar tidak terjadi salah komunikasi, konflik organization so that there is no miscommunication, Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
antar fungsi yang berkepanjangan atau bahkan saling prolonged conflicts between functions, or even mutual
• Profesional pada posisi staf dari berbagai divisi/ • Professionals in staff positions from various divisions/
melepaskan tanggung jawab, sehingga menimbulkan disengagement of responsibilities, resulting in a
departemen di organisasi yang bertanggung departments in the organization who are responsible
penurunan kinerja organisasi. decrease in organizational performance.
jawab mengelola dan mendokumentasikan for managing and documenting systems and
sistem dan prosedur procedures
Program ini akan menuntun peserta dalam menyusun This program will guide participants in preparing
Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP), sehingga Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), so that the quality • Profesional dari berbagai divisi/departemen • Professionals from various divisions/departments in
kualitas proses kerja & kualitas hasil kerja dalam of work processes and the quality of work results in the di organisasi yang berminat untuk memahami the organization who are interested in understanding
organisasi dapat meningkat. organization can improve. penyusunan dan pembuatan SOP yang tepat bagi the preparation and manufacture of SOPs that are
organisasi right for the organization
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives • Analis Sistem Prosedur • Procedure System Analyst

Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to:
Program Terkait Related Program
• Business Process Mapping • Business Process Mapping
• Memahami perbedaan sistem tata kerja yang • Understand the differences in the work system that
• Effective Business Communication • Effective Business Communication
berlaku diperusahaan, serta mampu menyusun applies in the company, and be able to develop a value
rantai nilai yang sesuai dengan model bisnis yang chain that is in accordance with the expected business • Effective Techniques in Facilitating Change • Effective Techniques in Facilitating Change
diharapkan model
• Menyusun matriks tanggung jawab dan • Develop a matrix of responsibilities and linkages
246 keterkaitan antar proses bisnis yang ada between existing business processes 247
• Menyusun dokumen SOP yang dilengkapi dengan • Prepare SOP documents that are equipped with IDR 4.500.000 IDR 3.200.000 IDR 1.500.000
diagram, deskripsi, dan keterangan lainnya yang diagrams, descriptions, and other information In-class Training Live Virtual Training Online Training

diperlukan dalam dokumen SOP required in the SOP documents

• Mengidentifikasi peluang perbaikan dalam • Identify opportunities for improvement in business
proses bisnis dan peluang penggunaan tools lain processes and opportunities to use other tools in
dalam merancang SOP designing SOPs

Executive Development Program Business Enhancement Executive Development Program Business Enhancement
Duration: 2.5 days (20 hours) 4 days (12 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives
Setiap organisasi selalu bertujuan untuk menjadi Every organization always aims to be a high-performance Setelah selesai mengikuti program pelatihan ini, Having attended the program, the participants are
organisasi berkinerja tinggi dengan tujuan dan organization with certain goals and objectives. To ensure peserta diharapkan mampu menjelaskan: expected to be able to explain:
sasaran tertentu. Untuk memastikan apakah whether these goals and objectives are achieved, the
tujuan dan sasaran tersebut tercapai, organisasi organization needs a definite and specific measure that • Konsep dan prinsip dasar KPI • KPI basic concepts and principles
membutuhkan satu ukuran pasti dan spesifik yang can be a reflection of the organization’s performance.
dapat menjadi cermin kinerja organisasi. Untuk itu For this reason, Key Performance Indicators are an • Identifikasi KPI organisasi menggunakan • Identification of organizational KPIs using the
Key Performance Indicator menjadi alternatif dalam alternative in determining Organizational Performance pendekatan Balanced-Scorecard Balanced-Scorecard approach
menentukan Ukuran Kinerja Organisasi. Measures. • Identifikasi KPI unit kerja dan KPI individu • Identification of work unit KPIs and individual KPIs
berdasarkan KPI organisasi dan uraian pekerjaan based on organizational KPIs and job descriptions
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) adalah serangkaian A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a set of measurable
• Penetapan target dan bobot KPI • Setting targets and weighting KPIs
ukuran terukur yang dapat digunakan untuk menentukan measures that can be used to determine how effectively
seberapa efektif suatu perusahaan mencapai tujuan bisnis a company is achieving its key business objectives. By • Penyusunan kamus KPI • Preparation of KPI dictionary
utamanya. Dengan memiliki KPI yang relevan dan jelas, having relevant and clear KPIs, it is easier for companies
perusahaan lebih mudah dalam memantau kemajuannya to monitor their progress and evaluate their success in Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subject Covered
dan mengevaluasi keberhasilannya dalam mencapai achieving strategic and operational goals, so that the
tujuan strategis dan operasional, sehingga implementasi implementation of the performance management cycle • Apa dan mengapa KPI penting bagi organisasi? • What and why KPIs are important to organizations
siklus manajemen kinerja menjadi lengkap. is complete.
• KPI Organisasi • Organizational KPIs

KPI memberikan informasi dalam bahasa yang sama KPIs provide information in a common language to all • KPI Unit Kerja & KPI Individu • Work Unit KPIs & Individual KPIs
ke semua tingkatan dalam organisasi untuk mencapai levels in the organization to achieve organizational goals. • Mengukur & Menilai KPI • Measure & Assess KPIs
tujuan organisasi. Selain itu, memberikan informasi bagi In addition, providing information for decision-makers
pengambil keputusan untuk meningkatkan kinerja secara to improve performance continuously. The challenge in
terus menerus. Tantangan dalam mengimplementasikan implementing KPIs is choosing KPIs that are relevant and Siapa yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
KPI adalah memilih KPI yang relevan dan layak untuk feasible to be measured by an organization. In addition, • Spesialis Manajemen Kinerja • Performance Management Specialist
diukur oleh suatu organisasi. Selain itu, tantangan lain another challenge is to ensure cascading alignment of
adalah memastikan keselarasan cascading KPI dari KPIs from the organizational level to the individual level. • Spesialis Perencanaan Strategis atau Spesialis • Strategic Planning Specialist or Organizational
tingkat organisasi ke tingkat individu. Pengembangan Organisasi Development Specialist
• Analis Data Kinerja • Performance Data Analyst
248 Program pelatihan ini dirancang untuk memberikan 249
This training program is designed to provide a • Pimpinan Unit Kerja • Work Unit Leader
pemahaman yang komprehensif dari prinsip dasar KPI comprehensive understanding of the basic principles
untuk melengkapi scorecard organisasi dan unit kerja. Ini of KPIs to complement the scorecards of organizations
termasuk langkah demi langkah memilih KPI, cascading and work units. This includes step by step selecting Program Terkait Related Program
KPI, dan metode untuk memastikan keselarasan KPI. KPIs, cascading KPIs, and methods for ensuring KPI
Pelatihan ini menggunakan kombinasi beberapa metode • Performance Management System • Performance Management System
alignment. This training uses a combination of several
pembelajaran sehingga memungkinkan peserta untuk learning methods to enable participants to gain practical • Company Strategic Planning • Company Strategic Planning
dapat memperoleh keterampilan praktis. Sangat cocok skills. It is suitable for those working on strategic
untuk mereka yang bekerja pada perencanaan strategis, planning, performance management, and related
manajemen kinerja, dan fungsi terkait. functions.

IDR 5.200.000 IDR 3.400.000

In-class Training Live Virtual Training

Executive Development Program Business Enhancement Executive Development Program Business Enhancement
Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 3 days (9 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Bagaimana menggunakan waktu agar hidup lebih This program will help to use the time more meaningful, • Semua level manajemen yang tertarik untuk • Every level in a management position that interested
bermakna. Tidak sekedar efisien dan efektif saja. not just efficiently and effectively. So, that life is not mengelola waktu dengan lebih baik in better time management
Agar hidup tidak sekedar hadir, tetapi menjalani just being present, but living a life full of passion and
hidup yang penuh gairah dan bermakna bagi sesama. meaning for others. Program Terkait Related Program

Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives • Creative Thinking Techniques • Creative Thinking Techniques
• Mind Mapping for Performance Effectiveness • Mind Mapping for Performance Effectiveness
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to: • Cultivating Growth Mindset and Learning Agility • Cultivating Growth Mindset and Learning Agility

• Mengelola waktu agar dapat menjalani hidup • Managing time to live a life full of passion and
yang penuh gairah dan bermakna bagi sesama. meaningful for others.

IDR 5.000.000 IDR 3.200.000

Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered In-class Training Live Virtual Training

• Menggali makna: peserta akan diajak untuk • Exploring meaning: participants will be invited to
mengenali makna waktu, makna mengelola recognize the meaning of time, the meaning of managing
waktu, makna kerja, dan hidup yang bermakna time, the meaning of work, and a meaningful life
• Isu seputar Time Management: Decision Making, • Issues around Time Management: Decision Making,
Produktivitas, Getting Organize, dan Stress Productivity, Getting Organized, and Stress
• Menengok Masa Lalu: peserta akan diajak mengenali • Looking at the Past: participants will be asked to
bagaimana penggunaan waktu mereka selama ini identify how their time has been used
• Merancang Masa Depan: peserta akan diajak • Planning for the Future: participants will be invited to
untuk merancang penggunaan waktu di masa design the use of their future time to achieve their life
depan agar dapat mencapai sasaran hidupnya, goals, how to develop better life habits so that their
bagaimana cara mengembangkan kebiasaan lives are more meaningful
250 hidup yang lebih baik agar hidupnya lebih 251
• Mengatasi Tantangan: peserta diajak mengenali • Overcoming Challenges: participants are invited
dan mengatasi tantangan seperti procrastination, to recognize and overcome challenges such as
interruption, kesulitan melakukan prioritas dan procrastination, interruption, difficulty in doing
delegasi priority and delegation

Executive Development Program Business Enhancement Executive Development Program Business Enhancement

Duration: 2 days (16 hours) 3 days (9 hours)

Menjawab Masalah Apa Problems to Be Addressed Siapa Saja yang Perlu Ikut Who Should Attend
Salah satu kegiatan perkantoran adalah pengelolaan One of the office activities is the management of • Manajer kantor atau staf yang bertanggung jawab • Office managers or staffs who are responsible for
informasi yang salah satunya bersumber dari suatu information, one of which comes from a document or mengelola arsip managing files
dokumen atau arsip. Dengan kegiatan kantor yang archive. With office activities associated with archives,
selalu berhubungan dengan arsip, maka diperlukan it is necessary to manage the archives in the office. The Program Terkait Related Program
adanya pengelolaan arsip - arsip yang ada di kantor purpose of this management is to make archives easily
tersebut. Tujuan dari pengelolaan ini adalah agar accessible to anyone with interest. However, this goal • Building Effective Interpersonal Skills • Building Effective Interpersonal Skills
arsip dapat mudah diakses oleh siapa saja yang is often not achieved so that it has an impact on job
• Enhancing Your Personal Effectiveness • Enhancing Your Personal Effectiveness
berkepentingan. Namun seringkali tujuan ini tidak effectiveness.
tercapai sehingga berdampak pada efektivitas

Program ini akan melatih peserta untuk mengelola This program will train participants to manage documents
dokumen atau arsip dengan efektif sehingga akan or archives effectively so that it will accelerate company
memperlancar kinerja perusahaan. performance. IDR 4.700.000 IDR 3.200.000
In-class Training Live Virtual Training

Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh Objectives

Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta Having attended this program, the participants are
diharapkan: expected to be able to:

• Memahami terkait penyusunan klasifikasi dokumen • Understand techniques to classify files

• Memahami terkait penyusunan prosedur • Understand techniques to develop storage, retrieval,
penyimpanan, pengambilan kembali, and disposal system
pemindahan, serta pemusnahan arsip
• Memahami terkait penyusun jadwal retensi arsip • Develop a file retention schedule

252 Apa Saja yang Dibahas Subjects Covered 253

• Pengantar manajemen arsip • Introduction to the filing system
• Sistem klasifikasi & indeks • Classification and indexing
• Prosedur pengelolaan arsip • Filing system and procedures
• Jadwal retensi arsip • File retention schedule

Executive Development Program Business Enhancement Executive Development Program Business Enhancement
254 255

256 257

PPM Manajemen PPM Executive Development Program Asesmen SDM Pusat Informasi Manajemen
(Tanoto library)
Jl. Menteng Raya No.9-19,Jakarta 10340 – Indonesia Public Training, In-Class Training, Live Virtual Training, Jl. Menteng Raya No.9-19, Jakarta 10340 – Indonesia
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Telp. : +62 411 3681180 Jl. Menteng Raya No.9-19, Jakarta 10340 – Indonesia
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258 PPM Center Cikarang Magister Program (WM, Executive & Young 259
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