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PGDCA / MCA (I Yr) / BcA

Term-End Examination
June, 2OO6


Time : 3 hours Mqximum Marks: 75

Note : Question number 7 is compulsory. Attempt any

three questions t'rom the rest. Make suitqble
assumptions whereuer required,

l. (a) Draw the Karnaugh's map for the following function

and find the optimal function in sum of products

F ( x , y , z , w ) = > ( 0 , 2 , 7, 8 , 9 , 1 1 , 1 5 )
Also draw the logic circuit. E
(b) What is Flynnls classification? Can you place a
supercomputerin any of the categoriesdefined by
Flynn ? Justify your answer. 4
(c) Write an assemblylanguageprogram in 8086 to
reversea string of 8 byteswithout using a stack. s
(d) Design a 3-bit ripple counter. How is this counter
different from synchronouscounters? s

cs-01@ P.T.O.
(e) Explain each of the following instruction types with
the help of an illustrativeinstruction :
(i) shift
(iil Subroutine call and return
(iiil Data transfer

(f) Explain the concept of instruction pipelining, with

the help of a diagram

2. (a) An instruction is stored at location 300 with its

addressfield at location 301. The addressfield has
the value 400. A processorregisterR1 containsthe
number 200. Evaluatethe effective addressif the
addressingmode of the instructionis 5

(i) direct
(ii) immediate
(iir) relative
(iv) register indirect
(v) index with R1 as the index register
(b) What is the principle of a single error correction
double error detectioncode ? What will the size of
such a code be for 8-bit data 2 5

(c) List five differencesamongst the following operating

system configurationsof multiprocessorsystems: 5

* Master slave
* SeParateo/s lor each Processor
* Distributed

3. (a) Show, with an example,how a subroutinecall can
be implemented by specifying a location in the
subroutinefor storing the return address.Also, give
a schemethrough which parameterscan be passed
during a subroutinecall.

(b) What is interprocessorsynchronization? How is the

Mutual exclusion mechanism followed in a

(c) Constructa JK flip{lop usingan RS flip-flop.Explain

your circuit.

4. (a) How is DMA different from Programmed

Input/Output ? How are devices,like the keyboard,
connectedto a computer?

(b) What are the micro-operationsrequiredfor fetching

an instruction ? Does lhe size of instruction change
the sequenceof micro-operationsfor fetching the
instruction? Justify your answer.

(c) What are the basic requirementsof an Interrupt

Servicing Program ? Write the steps required for
writing a memory resident Interrupt Servicing
Program for the 8086 microprocessor.

cs-o1o P.T.O.
5. (a) What are the problems of handling large matrices
using a uniprocessorsystem? What are the additional
hardware components that can help in matrix

Draw the logic circuit of the cell of RAM' Construct

a 4-bit RAM having 2 words, using this cell'

Write a program in 8086 assemblylanguagethat

compares two strings availablein the data segment'

cs-01@ 3.000
PGDCA / MCA (I Yr) / BcA
Term-End Examination
June, 2OOG


Time : 2 hours Maximum Morks : 60

Note : Question no. I is compulsory. Attempt any

three questions from the rest.

l. (a) Write an algorithm to find the roots of a given

quadratic equation. Also, draw the flowchart for this. 6

(b) Explain, with an example and using a diagram, the

steps to handle page fault in a paged memory

(c) Write a shell program that takes a file as the input

and counts the number of characters, words and lines
in the file.

(d) With the help of a diagram, explain all the phases

involved in a waterfall life cvcle model. 10

cs-02@ P.T.O.
2. (a) List all the important tasks performed during each
phase of compiler design.

(b) What is the basic philosophy of the X-Windows

system ? How are its components different from
those of other GUIs ?

3. (a) Explain the desirable characteristicsof software

product and process.

(b) Using a diagram, explain a demand paging

scheme. AIso give a suitableexample.

(a) 'Page'
4. Write a shell script that paginates a given'
file (i.e. to print a fixed number of lines from a
file), and then waits for user response before
printing the next page of the file on the screen. 5

(b) Write a regular expression for the following

statementsof Ianguage:

(i) Assignment

(ii) Switch

5. (a) Write Unix commandsfor the following :

(i) To list all the processesrunning on the system.

(ii) To displaythe last 5 lines of a file.

(iii) To find the occurrencesof a given pattern in a
(iv) To comparethe content of two files.

(v) To send a messageto other terminals.

What is 4GL ? How is it different from 2GL and

3GL ? List any three 4GL languageswith their

cs-02 2,OOO
PGDCA / MCA (r yr) / ErcA
Term-End Examination
June, 2006

Time : 2 hours M a x i m u mM a r k s : 6 0

Note : Question number I is compulsory. Attempt any

three questionsfrom the rest.

1. (a) Write a COBOL program to selectthe mode of

mailing and rate for dispatchingmaterialsas per the
following rules : J0
(i) If the priority is not high and the weight is
than or equalto 5 kg, despatchthe materialby
ordinary post, and the rate is Rs. 7/_ per kg.
(ii) If the priority is high, distanceis more than
20 kms and the weight is lessthan or equalto
5 kg, despatchthe materialby speedpost, and
the rate is Rs. 13,/_per kg.
(iii) If the priority is high, distanceis less than
20 kms and weight is less than 100 kg, send
that with a person,and the rate is Rs. 2O/- per

cs-m@ P.T.O.
(b) Write a program in COBOL to compute the
monthly grosspay and net pay of the employeesof
a company, if the attendance, basic pay and
deductionslike loans, LIC, PF, etc are given' 70

Note ; Make suitable assumptions, il needed,

qnd mentionthem.

(c) Write the record descriptionentriesfor the following

recordsof the employees:
Record poslton Data item description

Cols 1 - 25 Name of the EmPloYee

Cols 26 - 27 Unused
n'te of birth (date, month
Cols 28 - 35
and Year 4 digits)

Cols 36 - 37 Unused

Cols 38 - 42 Employeecode

Cols 43 - 44 Unused

Cols 45 - 47 Department code

Cols 48 - 49 Unused

Cols 50 - 57 Joining date

Cols 58 - 59 Unused

Cols 60 - 69 Designation

Cols 70 - 71 Unused

Cols 72 - 76 Pay

Cols 77 - 80 Unused

(d) Define the following items with the initial valuesas
Data Name Description Initial value
rorAl o (zero)

Alphabetic, tltt"Sro
zo cnaracters
2. Write a COBOL program to simulatea billing application
for a gasagency. 10
Note : Make suitable assumptions, it' needed, and
mention them.

3. Suppose each record of a file contains the following

fields :
"account_status","amount" and "account_number".The
account_number is the key on which the recordsare to be
sorted. The following kinds of editing are required:
(i) If the value of the accountstatusin a record in the
input file is equalto zero, the record is to be ignored
and shouldnot be selectedfor sorting.
(ii) If the amount is equalto zero, the record shouldnot
be ignored,but an appropriatemessagealongwith ihe
correspondingaccount_number is to be displayed.
Write the procedure division for the conditions given
above. 10
Note : Make suitable ossurnptions t'or dit'ferent
files that are to be used,and mention them.

cs-m@ P.T.O,
4. Write a program in COBOL to computethe totalwagesof
a worker. The worker record has two fields - RATE and
WEEKLY_HOURS,which contain the normal rate and
total hours worked in a week respectively.Also, implement
the followingconditions: 10
(i) The worker is paid for overtime hours at a rate
which is twice the normal rate.
(ii) The hours worked in excessof 48 hours in a week
are consideredto be overtimehours.
(iii) The maximum overtime hours will not exceed
40 hours in a month.

5. Explainthe use and format syntaxof each of the following

COBOL statements,/verbs,/clauses with the help of an
example for each : 10

cs-mo 2,000
PGDCA / McA (I yr)
Term-End Examination
June, 2OOG


"c" & "PASCAL"
Time: 2 hours Maximum Marks : 60

Note : There are five questionsin this paper.

No. I is compulsory. Answer sny three
questionsfrom the rest. AII algorithms should
written nearer to ,C, or pqscal Language.

l ' (a) convert the following infix expressionsinto prefix

and postfix :
(i) a+b*c-d /(f_s_h)
(ii) (a + b) * (c _ d) / $ _ (s _h))
(b) Write an algorithmto converta number (base10) to
an equivalentnumber (base2), using stack. Use this
algorithm to convert 4910.
(c) Write a function that searchesa given element in
an already sorted array, using the Binary search

cs-04@ P.T.O.
(d) Consider the following graph stored as an adjacency
matrix, where the valuesgiven are the weights of the
edges.The weight is 100 if the correspondingedge
does not exist. 8

A 0 2 100 100 100 3

B 2 0 2 2 4 1 0 0

C 1 0 0 2 Q 1 0 0 3 1 0 0
D 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 4 3
E 1 0 0 4 3 4 0 3
F 3 100100 3 3 0

(i) Draw the correspondinggraPh.

(ii) Find the'shortest path from A to E, showing all
the steps involved.
(e) Distinguishbetween "recursion" and "iteration" as
methodsof repetitivecomputation.Explainboth with
an example.

2 . Suppose a teacher wants to store the 'name and roll

number :of each student, along with their' marks in
Mathematics and Computer Science. The number of
studentsmay vary from year to year. ., 10

(i) , Provide an appropriate data structure for storing the

data above.

(u, Write a function to print the name of the student
who has the highesttotal marks.
(ul, Write a function to compute the averagemarks in
Mathematicsas obtained by each student. Assume
that the number of studentsis not known initiallv.

3. (a) (i) Write an appropriatetype declarationin C for

implementinga binary tree.
(ii) Write a function that uses the type declaration
above to find the height of a binary tree.
(b) What is a B-tree ? Draw a B-tree of order 5 with the
following sequenceof numbersas input :
4, g, lI, 26, 2, 16, 77,5, 1, g
showing all the steps involved.

4. (a) How do you represent a sparse matrix in C ?

Explain this with the help of an,example. Write an
algorithm to subtracttwo sparsematricesusing this
(b) Explain, with examples, any two different file
opening modes availablein C.

5. (a) Write an algorithmfor sortinga given list of numbers

using Quicksort.Explain the algorithm with the help
of an example. 6
(b) Write any two applicationsof a linked list. 2
(c) Differentiatebetweena graph and a tree. 2

cs-04@ 2,000
Term-End Examination
June, 2OOG

C S - 0 5 @: E L E ME N T SOF S Y STEM S

Time : 3 hours Mqximum Marks 75

Note : Questionno. I is compulsory. Answer any three

questionsfrom the rest.

l. (a) Explain the types of feasibilitystudy. Also give an

exampleof each.

(b) List three features common to all types of File

Organisations.Also, list three other featuresthat are
specific to each type of FO. Explain how these
features vary in each type of FO.

(c) Write two goals each oI recovery testing and user


(d) List and justify four qualitiesof a good systemanalyst.

Give two reasonswhy a system analyst should be
involvedwith any project.

o P.T.O.
(e) Define the following terms : 5

(i) EDP
(ii) MIS
(iii) DSS
(iv) EIS
(v) KBS

(f) Explain what an influence diagram is, and its

purpose. 3

2. (a) What is the purposeof a DFD ? Designa DFD for a

Library ManagementSystemupto level 2' 7

(b) Explain the levels of quality assurance' with an

exampleof each. 6

(c) Define the term "system reliability"' Also give an

exampleof an unrelioblesYstem. 2

3. (a) Explain what an audit trail is, and its significance' 2

(b) What is the need of testing in a systemdevelopment

life cycle ? Explain five testingtechniques' 7

(c) Why do we require documentation ? Mention four

software design and documentationtools' Also give
one purposeof each tool. 6

4. (a) Write two,featuresof each of the databasemodels'

Also give two applicationareasof each model' 9

(b) What are thedifferent types of system

maintenance? Explain them briefly' 3

(c) Explain the following terms, in the context of
multimedia: j
(i) Bitmap image
(ii) Morphing
(iii) Animation

5. (a) Define Ergonomics.Give two objectivesof it. s

(b) Develop an analysisand design document for an
IGNOU Study Centre management system. Make
necessaryassumptions. I
(c) Define any four basicelementsin SystemAnalysis. 4

cs-05@ 6,000
PGDCA / MCA 0 yr)
Term-End Examination
June, ZOOG

Time : 3 hours Mqximum Marks : 75
Note : Question no. I is eompulsory. Attempt any
three questionst'rom the rest.

l. (a) List any five tasksof a databasemanager. s

(b) Explain aggregationand specialization,
with the help
of a suitableexamplefor each. b
(c) How is insertionperformedin a binary tree ? Show
the operation on followingdata elements:
(5 , 0 , 6 , r L , 7 ,g ) 5
(d) Explain the following Relational Algebraic
operationsI s
(i) Projection
(ii) Selection
Also give an examplefor each.
(e) What is the purpose of SeL statements? List any
two statementsfor each of the DCL, DDL, DML and
TCL categoryof SeL statements. 70

c s -0 6 @ 1 P.r .o:
2. (a) Explain the method of converting a hierarchical
database model to a relational model' Take an
example of a 4-level hierarchicat structure for

(b) Explain the concept of a distributed computing

environment. Name its major components and
explain their functioning'

3. (a) Draw an ER diagram for an insurance company

covering the following asPects: 10

(i) Policiesavailable
(ii) APPlYingfor a new PolicY
(iii) Claiming the amount
(M Renewal
Clearly indicate the entities, attributes, relationship
and the keY constraints.

(b) With the help of a diagram explain the basic client

server comPuting Paradigm.

4. (a) Explain 9 rutes to qualify a database product as

relational DBMS.

(b) Explain the functioning of the following predicates

with the helP of a suitableexamPle :
(il ComParisonPredicate
(ii) IN Predicate
(iii) QuantifiedPredicate

5. (a) What is functionaldependency? Make a dependency
diagram for the relation "student". The data related
with the student is roll no, name, address,
department,year of study,

What is the purpose of normalization? Reduceany

unnormalizedtable to 1NF. 2NF and 3NF.

cs-06@ 5,OOO
Term-End Examination
June, 2006

Time : 3 hours Mqximum Marks: 75

Note : Question number 7 is compulsory. Attempt any

three questionsfrom the rest.

l. (a) For the following formula find the corresponding

disjunctive normal form '

(b) In a firm 40 personswork in an office, 80 persons

work in the factory.If 30 personswork in both, then
find the following using a Venn diagram and set

(0 The number of persons working in an office

(ii) The number of persons working in a factory
(iii) The total number of workers.

o P.T.O.
(c) For the following partition
{{1,2} {3, 4, 5}}
of the set A {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, find the
correspondingequivalencerelation R. 4

(d) Fill the missingterms in the table. 2

P a P = Q P<+Q lenq
0 0
0 1
1 0
I 1

(e) Write the signedmagnitude,one's complement,and

two's complementform of 1- 17)' Which of these
representations,in general, is more suitablein the
implementationof ALU, and whY ? 6

Find the binary tree correspondingto the expression 3

(3v + 7z) (xz - 4zl.

k) For the following adjacency matrix construct the

corresponding graph :

0 0 0 1 1

0 1 2 L 0

0 2 2 2 0

1 1 2 L 1

1 0 0 1 0

(h) Which of the followingare lattices? Give reasonsfor
each answer.


(ii) (iii)

2. (a) Use Kruskal's algorithm to find the minimum

spanningtree for the followinggraph :

v 4 5

(b) Let L : D(20) be a lattice under divisibility.Make

D(20) latticeand make its sublattices. 4
(c) Let f : R -+ R be a function such that f(x) : 2x.
Check if f is
(i) one-one
(ii) onto
(R is the set of real numbers) 3

o P.T.O.
(d) Give an example of an argument which illusirates
modus ponens.

3. (a) Use Fleury'salgorithm to find out the Euler's circuit

in the followinggraPh :


(b) Minimise the following boolean expression using

Karnaughmap :

X=abc+ abc+a6E+a6c

(c) Use the rules of inferenceto check the consistency

of the following argument' At each stage mention
the rule that you are aPPlYing.
It is not sunny this alternoon and it is colder than
yesterday. We will go swimming only it' it is
sunny. $ we do not go swimming,then we will
take q boat trip. If we take a boot'trip, then we
wilt be home by sunset' Theret'ore, we will be
home by sunsef.

4. (a) Make a finite state machine, which accepts all the
stringsendingwith 00, over the alphabet> {0, 1}'
(b) Convert the following graph to a completebipartite
graph by redrawingit.

(c) Write the following statements using predicate logic :

(i) Some birds cannot flY.

(iil There exist even prime integers'

(iii) Each rectangle is a parallelogram'

(iv) Some rectangles are squares.

(d) Find the maximum possible domain and range of the

functionf, definedbYf(x)=

5. (a) Find the output of following gating network :


Given a matrix, what are the properties it must
satisfyif it represents:
(i) a reflexive relation ?
(ii) a symmetricrelation?
{iii) an asymmetricrelation?
(c, Define an i - v Iuzzy set,and give an example.
(d) Prove that In, I l is functionallycomplete.

cs-07@ 4,000
ADCA / MCA (II Year)
Term-End Examination
June, 2006



Time : 3 hours Mqximum Mqrks : 75

Note : Question 1 is compulsory. Answer any three

questionsfrom the rest. Use oJ calculatorsis nof

l. (a) Write a FORTRAN 90 statementfor each of the

following :

( i ) v = 7 . 7 4G D 6 , p V p -

(ii) Kappa = sin3(x) cos (2y) + 3 {Got (.)

/::!\ tf, . 100 (1- ps)

(lll, elllclencY:

cs-08@ P.T.O.
(b) Which of the following are acceptable integer
variablenames ? Give reasonsfor your answers. 4


(ii) LXY"Z

(iii) xY /z
(iv) JNU

(c) Given two variables B, and C, write a program to

interchangetheir values. 3

(d) Write a FORTRAN program to compute force F for

given 100 setsof values,where you enter G, m1, m2
and r from the keyboard. The Newton's law of
gravitation is given by
. m.m^
F: G ---L-
r 3

(e) (i) What will be the output of the following

M = 1
N = 5
L = 2
DO 60 J=1,3
60 M = (N*L+J)*M

(ii) What will be printed by the followingprogram ?
REAL a, b, p, e, R
P = (a+!).-l
Q = (a-b)**2
R = P,/Q
Y = a*b*R
(0 A machine containsa component C that is
vital to
its operation.The reliabilityof component
C is g0%0.
To improve the reliability of a machine,
a similar
component is used in parallel to form a system
The machine will work provided that one of
components functions correctly. Calculate
reliabilityof the systemS.
(d Find the regressionline of y on x for the data
X 1 4 2 3 5
v 3 1 2 5 4

cs-08@ P.T.O.
(h) Fill in the blanks : 7x5=5
(i) A studentgets 85, 76, 82 marks in the three
tests for the Mathematicscourse. She gets 79
marks in the final examination.If the weightage
given to the tests and the final examination are
70o/o, 10o/o,10%oand 70o/o respectively,then
her averagemark is
(iil If the probabilitiesof n independent events are
P1r P2, P3i "' Pn, then the probabilitythat at
least one of the events will happen is

(iii) The measure of central item is called as

(iv) The rralue of coefficient of correlation lies

between - and
(v) The value of I f ki - where

x is the mean.
2. (a) Use logical IF statement to write a program to
calculateand print

12*+z*5 for 7'5<x <2'4

f(x) = i
[ 3x + e* for 2'4<x <5'1

for x varyingfrom 2'0 to 5'0 in stepsof 0'3.

(b) Readan arrayof numbersxt, Xz,'.., xn{n < 20) and

write a FORTRAN program to determinethe biggest
of an array.

(c) Calculatethe cost of living index number for the year
2000 taking 7998 as the base year from the
followingdata :.

Quantity Price per kg (in Rs.)

(in kg)
1998 2000
Wheat 40 5 7
Potatoes 35 4 5
Sugar 10 10 72
Butter 2 90 100
Tea 1 60 80

3. (a) The formula

Y : e*2rog[r *Bl I f;;zF)

is to be evaluatedfor
x = 1 ' 5 , 1 ' 5 5 , 1 ' 6 0 , . . . , 1 0 . 0 . U s i n ga D o L o o p ,
write a FORTRAN program to computeand print Y
for each value of x in the given range.

(b) Two one-dimensionalarrays X and Y have 50

elements each. Write a FORTRAN program to
computeand print the quantitierP : (*u * yu)',
. k=1
andR=) l*u-v1l
t, _1

cs-08@ P.T.O.
(c) Find the correlation coefficient from the following
data :

x I 2 3 , 4 5

v 2 5 3 8 7

4. (a) Given the statement

A(50), B(30, 30), C(40)


identify errors, if any, in the following FORTRAN

statements: 7x5:5

(il Z =A(5.0) + 8(30'0)/7'5

(ii) C(5) : A(-3) *5 + B

(iii) B(1, 1) : A/C. A(4)/B(2,2)

(iv) DO 55 MAX = 1, 50'5, 1'5

(v) DO 66 I = 1,M,

(b) The chancesthat doctor A will diagnosea diseaseX

is 600/o.The chances that a patient will die by her
treatment after correct diagnosis is 40o/o, and the
chances of death by wrong diagnosisis 70%0.A
patient of doctor A who had diseaseX, died. What
is the chance that his disease was diagnosed
correctly ? 3

(c) The following table shows the marks obtained by
100 candidatesin an examination. Calculate the
mean and standarddeviation.

Marks No. of Candidates

1-10 4
17-20 76
21-30 26
31-40 31
41-50 t6
51-60 7

5; (a) Historicaldemandfor'a product is

Month Demand
January 72
February 11
March 15
April 12
Muv 16
June 15

(i) Using a weighted moving average with weights

of 0.60, 0.30, and 0.10, find the Juty forecast.
(ii) Using a simple three-month moving average,
find the July forecast.

cs-o8o P.T.O.
Write a program segmeni that reads the formatted
values of L, M, N, X and Y from a file, and
calculatesthe following
/ _ Y
I\ J t " t N '.+ f + ( L - M )
Result :
Also write the formattedvalue of Resultto another

Fit a second degreepolynomialto the following set

of data :
X - 2 - 1 0 1 2
f(x) 15 1 1 3 19

cs-08@ 4,000
ADCA / McA (II Yr)
Term-End Examination
June, 2006


T i m e: 3 h o u r s Maximum Marks : 75

Answer any
Note : Questionnumber 7 is compulsory'
three questionst'rom the rest'

1. (a) Explain the utility of an FDDI dual counter rotating

ring. Is the FDDI soluiion the best among all other
similar technologies? Justifyyour answer'
(b) What is the importanceof a router and a bridge
applicationsin a network ? Can bridging be
along with routers? ExPlainthis'
(c) An analog signalis limited to 8 kHz' It is converted
is the
to a PCM signal using 12 bits/sample'What
bit rate on the transmissionline ?
(d) Make a timing diagram and show the differenc€s
between Manchester encoding and Differential
Manchesterencodingfor the bit stream :

(e) What is the 'count to infinity, problem ? Why does it
happen in the distancevector routing algorithm ?
Illustrate this through an example.
(f) Explain the significanceof the followingtwo fieldsof
the IPv4 Header :
(i) Fragment offset
(ii) TTL
(g) What is the differencebetween asynchronousand
synchronous transmission ? In asynchronous
transmissionhow does a receivingdevice determine
the presence of. a start bit ?

2. (a) Explain, using diagrams, how the processes

formation and pruning of a spanning tree tak€ place
in multicastrouting.
(b) What are the problems with a 2-way handshakein a
connection establishment and a connection
termination ? How does a 3-way handshakeresolve
them ?

(c) Why is the size of an ATM cell 53 bytes ? How does

AALS work ?

3. (a) Explain how the Go Back N sliding window protocol

maintains the flow control, with the help of a
(b) What are the general principles of congestion
control ? Explain how the token bucket algorithm
provides the congestioncontrol.

(c) Write any three advantagesof a coaxial cable to be
usedin LAN implementation.Also list the categories
of UTP.

4. (a) Give the shortest path routing algorithm, as

proposedby Djikstra.Explainit, using an example' 8

(b) What is CSMA/CD ? Write any three differences

between CSMA/CD and token passing access
methods.Also, explain how collisioncan be avoided
on a CSMA/CD network. 7

5. Write any three differencesbetweenthe following ; 75

(il PPP frame format and HDLC frame format

(iil AAL1 and AAL2 protocols
(iiil Virtual Circuit Subnetand DatagramSubnet

(iv) Pulsecode modulationand Delta modulation

(v) 1-persistentCSMA and Non-persistentCSMA

o 5,000
Term-End Examination
June, ?OOG

C S - 1 0 @ : S O F T W A R EE N G T N E E R T N G

Time : 3 hours M q x i m u mM a r k s : 7 5

Note : Question no. I is compulsory. Answer any three

questions from the rest.

1. (a) The income tax department wishes io automate its

system, The main objectives of the s/w are

. online filing of IT forms.

. on-line availability of current year tax laws.

r on-line application for pAN. 15

(i) Specify the three use-cases.
(ii) Identify the classes and lrreTlare the class
diagram for it.

(b) Explain Spiral model for s/w development. Compare

it with Waterfall model. 6
(c) Justify the need of guidelines Ior s/w design. List any
six guidelines. s

cs-1oo P.T.O.
(d) Briefly explain three classesof software projects
where Bohem's model can be applied' Give example
of each.

2. (a) Considera "Hostel ManagementSystem".It requires

taking preferencefor room from the studentand allot
room if available,otherwiseshow the list of vacant
rooms and then allot accordingto fresh preference
taken from student.
(i) PrepareSRS documentfor this system.

{ii) Draw two levelsof DFD for this system.

(iii) Suggest appropriate coding principle for this
system.Justifyyour answer I

(b) Testingo[iect orientedsystemsdiffersfrom traditional

testing.Explainsingleclassand multipleclasstesting. 7

3. (a) Explainhow productivityis computedin COCOMO

II model. 4

(b) What is formal technicalreview (FTR) ? Explain the

guidelinefor FTR. 5

(c) Define control coupling, temporal cohesion and

routine call coupling.Give an exampleof each. 6

4. (a) Explain any three supporttools that complementthe

softwareengineeringprocess.Give exampleof each' 6

(b) Consider the program given
below :
void main( )

{ int i, i,

scanf (,,o/odo/od",
&i, &j);
if (i=:11

Printf( " numbersare equal,,

elseif (i > j) printf( ,,i > j ,,);

e l s ep r i n t f( " i < j , ' ) ;


ttl Draw the flow graph.

(ru Arrive at the cyclomaticcomplexity.
(uu Arrive at the test cases.

5. (a) Lan a program be correct

and still not exhibit good
quality ? Explain with
(b) Does the LOC measure
make any sensewhen 4GLs
are used.Explain.
(c) Differentiate between process
and product. Which
one is more important and
whv ?


ADCA / MCA (IIl Year)
Term-End Examination
June, 2006


T i m e: 3 h o u r s Maximum Marks : 75

Note : Quesfion number 7 is compulsory. Answer any

three questionsJrom the rest.

l. (a) Explain Flynn's classificationof parallel computers. 4

(b) A workstationuses 20 MHz processorwith claimed

10 MIPS rating to execute a given program mix.
Calculatethe effectiveCPI of this computer if there
is a one cycle delay for each memory access. 4

(c) Explain two bus arbitration schemes using

Independent Request & Distributed arbiters, with
the help of diagrams 6

(d) Make a ddta flow graph of the following expression

f =(x+y)*(x-a) /(u-b) 6

@ P.T.O.
(e) Consider a main memory consisting of four
memory modules with 256 words per module.
Assume 16 words in each cache block. The cache
has a total capacity oI 256 words. Set-associative
mapping is used to allocate cache blocks to block
frames.The cache is dividedinto four sets.
(i) Show the addressassignmentfor all 1024 words
in a 4-way low order interleavedorganisationin
the main memory.
(ii) How many blocks are 1here in the main
memory? How many block frames are there in
the cache?
(iii) Show the mapping from the blocks in the main
memory to the setsin the cacheand explain how
to use the tag field to locate a block frame within
eachset. 70

2. (a) Explain six basic metrics affecting the scalabilityof a

computer system.
(b) Calegorizethe different types of Directory protocols
and explain the salientfeaturesof each of them.
(c) Explain any three interconnection network
properties,with an example.

3. (a) Draw the C/S memory organization diagram and

explain it. 5
(b) Explain the following terms w.r.t. cache design : 5
(i) a cache flushing policy
(ii) a factor affecting cache hit ratios

(c) Define the following parallelprogrammingmodels : 5

(i) Shared variable model

(ii) Messagepassingmodel

4. (a) Perform data dependence analysis on the following


5 1: A = B + D
5 2 : C : A x 3
5 3 : A = A + C
(b) List 5 differencesbetween static and dynamic
interconnectionnetworks.Give one example of
(c) What is a multi-functional arithmetic pipeline ?
Where is it used?

5. (a) Draw the graphs of workload growth pattern,

corresponding efficiency curves and application
models of parallel computers under resource
constraints.Explain each of thesegraphs.
(b) Elaborateon any three of the following terms w.r.t.
linear pipeline processors:
(i) speedup
(ii) efficiency
(iii) throughput
(iv) latency

o 5,000
Term-End Examination
June, 2006

C S - 1 3@ : OP E R A T IN G

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks: 75

Note : Questionnumber 7 is compulsory' Answer
three questionst'rom the rest'

1. (a) How is a distributed shared memory mechanism

'messages'and RPC ? Explain any two
better than
algorithms for distributed shared memory
implementation' I

(b) Write a solution to the concurrent readers and

writers' problem in the form of an algorithm' and
explain it. 7

(c) Describethe function of TLB in paging' Explain the

critical issuesinvolvedin the TLB managementby
an oPeratingsYstem. 8

(d) With the help of Protection Rings in MULTICS'

explain the accesshierarchyprotection in computer
systems. 7

cs-13o P.T.O.
2. (a) Write the characteristicsof the following operating
(i) Real Time Systems
(ii) MultiprogrammingOperatingSystems
Illustrate the characteristicsin the context of two
applicationsfor each.
(b) Explain the working principle of Multileveleueues
with FeedbackScheduling,with an example.

3. (a) Explain the influenceof non-contiguousallocationof

disk space on the feasibilityand effectiveness
of the
fundamentalfile organizationslike sequential,direct
and indexedsequential.
(b) Write, and explain, the Banker's Algorithm for

4. (a) Explain the principle of an address translation

scheme in a combined segmentationand paging
system,with the help of a diagram.
(b) Explain all the multiprocessor interconnection
strategies, with the relative advantages and
disadvantagesof any two of them.

5. (a) List the algorithmsfor the selectionoI a lreearea of

memory for creationof a partition. Explain the logic
involvedin any two of them.
(b) Write and explain, the RSA algorithm, with an

cs-13@ 2 4,OOO
MCA (III Year)
Term-End Examination
June, hOOG

C S- 1 4 O : T N T E L L T GES

Time : 3 hours MaximumMarks: 75

Nofe : Question number j is cotnpulsory. Attempt any
three questionsfrom the rest.

l. (a) Define the terms ,lncompleieness,

in reference to AI problems. Give
one example eachof an incompleteAI problem and
an inconsistentAI problem. Justify your choice of
examples. 6
(b) Write a LISP code to calculatethe greatestcommon
divisor of two numbers. a
(c) Define the following properties of propositional
logic :
(i) satisfiable
(ii) contradiction

(d) List three differencesbetween qualitativemeasure

techniques and fuzzy measure techniquesused for
matching. Give one exampleof each. 4

cs-140 P.T.O.
(e) Find the standard normal form of the following
v(x) (-P(x, 0) -+ (lY (P(Y,g(x))))&
(Yz(P(2,s(x))-+ P(v, z))))'

(f) What is a heuristic search technique ? Suggest a

heuristicfunction for each of the following :
(i) TravellingSalespersonproblem
(ii) 8 puzzleproblem

k) Suppose64 byte recordsare storedin blocks of size

28 bytes.Describea suitableindex file to accessthe
records using the following keys (start with block
(i) rabbit
(ii) parrot

2. (a) Considerthe following knowledgebase :

Vx : Vy : cat (x) n fish (y) -+ like-to-eat (x, y)
Vx : calico (x) + cat (x)
Vx : tuna (x) -+ fish (x)
tuna (Charlie)
tuna (Herb)
calico (Puss)
(i) Convert theseWff's into Horn Clausalform'
(ii) Formulate a PROLOG query corresponding to
the question"What does puss like to eat"'
(iii) Apply the resolution principle to answer the
query formulated in part (ii) above' 77

(b) Explain the followingterms in brief :
(i) Knowledgemanipulation
(ii) Knowledgeacquisition

3. (a) Explain the concept of property inheritancewith an

example.List four differencesbetween
generic- genericrelationshipand generic- individual
relationshipin the context of associativenetworks. 6
(b) Write the meaning of the following conceptual
dependencyprimitive actions : 4
(iii) sPEAK
(iv) GRASP
(c) Give the unification algorithm. Also find the most
generalunifier for the followingpairs of expressions: 5
(r) P(X, X) and P(a, b)
(ii) ancestor(X, Y) and ancestor(bill, father (bill))

4. (a) Explain the various steps of RETE matching

(b) Explain the 'MeansEndsAnalysis'techniquewith the
help of basic Robotic operator3.Also explain the
functioningof four such operators.
(c) List three problems associatedwith 'overestimation
of a heuristicfunction'.

cs-140 P.T.O.
5. (a) Construct a truth table for the expression
Reduceit to a singleequivalentexpression. 4

(b) Determine the valuesof variablesx, 9, z to match

the following pair of lists | 4
(i) (.x ab (cd)*x), ((ef)ab .y ef)
(ii) (abc (da)f ), ( ?x bc (d ?y) ?z )
(c) DescribeTuring's test for a computersoftwarebeing
intelligent.What is the criticismabout this test ? 4

(d) Write three differences between declarative and

proceduralknowledge. 3

cs-14@ 3,000
MCA (III year)
Term-End Examination
June, 2006

C S - 1 5 @ : R E L A T T ON ADLA TABASE

Time : 3 hours Maximum Mqrks : 75

Note : Questionno. I is compulsory. Answer any three
questionsfrom the rest.

l. (a) A nationalbank and an internationalbank decideto

merge. Assume, that both the organizationsuse
almost similar E-R diagrams. prepare the E_R
diagram for the merged bank. Make, and state,
suitableassumptions,if any. g
(b) What is the two-phasedlocking protocol ? How does
it guarantee serialisability? Brielly explain the
variationsof the two_phasedlocking protocol.
(c) Considerthe following relations:
Society (S_id,S_name,S_cause,S_date,S_address)
Member(M jd, M_name,M_phone,M_address)
Fvent (E_id,E_desc,S_id, M_id, E_date)

cs-15@ P.T.O.
Write the relational algebra queries for the
following :
(i) List the event details by the societies which
have been lormed/created for the cause of

(ii) Show the details of all the members who have

been involved in any event conducted by the
societywhose name is "MUKTI"'

(d) When is a systemconsideredto be reliable? Explain

two major types of system Iailures' List any two

(e) Explain the role of fragmentationin the designingof

a distributeddatabase.

2. (a) Considerthe following relations:

Hotelstaff(S-code,S-name, S-desig,S-pay)
Client (C-id, C-name, C-address,C-phone, C-city)
Room (R-id, R-tYPe, R rent, R-booked)
Booking (B-id, C-id, R-id, S-code, B-date)

Write the appropriate SQL commands for the

following : 6

(i) Find the details of all the staff whose

designationis "Manager" and who have made
at least one booking

(ii) List the details of all the rooms which have not
been allocatedto anY client.
(iii) Find the names of all the clientswho are from
"Goa" and for whom the booking was done'in
the last one month.
(b) Explain the structure of an index sequential file
organisation,with a suitable diagram' Write three
differencesbetween index sequentialand B-tree file
organisations. 6

(c) Explain the major anomaliesin a databasedesign' 3

3. (a) Explain the checkpointmechanismwith the help of

an example. How often should checkpoints be
performed ? Justifyyour answer.

(b) What is optimistic scheduling? Explain the three

phasesof optimisticscheduling.
(c) Explain the concept of union compatibility,with the
help of an example.
(d) Does the GROUP BY clause of SQL have an
equivalentrelationalalgebraoperator ? If yes, give
an example.If no, why not ?

4. (a) Explain a generalstrategyfor query processing'List

the major stepsinvolvedin query evaluation.
(b) Explain trivial and non-trivial functional
dependencies,with the help of an exampleof each'

cs-15@ P.T.O.
(c) Considerthe followingrelationsand the set of FDs :
SHIPMENT (Ship_id,S_capacity,S_date,
cargo, amount)
FDs :
Ship_id -+ S_capacity
Ship-id, S_date-+ cargo
Cargo, S_capacity-+ amount
Now, perform the following :
(i) Identifythe key of the relation.
(ii) Find the non-redundantcover of the given FDs.
(iii) Normalize the relation into BCNF. Is the
decompositiondependencypreserving ? Give
reasonsfor your answer.

5. Explain the following terms, with the help of an example

or a diagram: 15
(i) Update constraintson views
(ii) Embeddedquery language
(iii) Multi-valued
(iv) Accesscontrol policiesin RDBMS

(v) AuthorisationGrant Tree

cs-15@ 4 3,OOO
Term-End Examination
June, ?OOG

c S- 1 6 @: OB JE C TOR IE N T E D

T i m e: 3 h o u r s Maximum Mqrks : 75

Note : Questionno. I is compulsory.'Answer any three

guesfionsfrom the rest.

l. (a) A hospital is having different departmentssuch as

Cardiology, Orthopaedics,etc. Whenever a patient
visits a doctor, the visit is recordedin a book and a
token no. is issuedto the patient. Also, the fee Ior
the consultationis taken and a receipt is issued.The
hospital's managementwishes to have a system to
manage the above mentioned activities. Identify
classesfor the system.Draw the classdiagram.Each
class must have at least three attributesand three
operations. Explain the classesand associations,if
any. Make necessaryassumptionswhereverneeded. 10

(b) Identify at least 5 classes in a Student Information

System, and show their related associations.

6 P.T.O.
(c) Explain the following terms, with. an example of
each :
(i) Inheritance
(ii) Overloading
(iii) Abstraction

(d) Draw an E-R diagram and show the relationship

between various entities like Bank, Customer,
Employee of Banking System- The diagram
should also include attributes. Make necessary

2. (a) Prepare an object diagram showing at least 5

relationshipsamong the following object classes,
file system, file, directory,file name, ASCII file,
executable file, directory file, disk, drive, track,
Include associations, aggregations and
generalizations.Use qualifiedassociationsand show
multiplicity where needed. Also use association
names, where needed. 10

(b) What is specialization? Explain, with an example,

how specializationis differentfrom generalization'

3. (a) What is a statediagram? Give a state diagramfor a

telephoneoperation system,explainingits states' 70

(b) Draw a Data Flow Diagram for computingthe roots

of the quadraticequation u*2 * bx + c : 0. Real
numbersa, b, c are inputs,a + 0. Outputsare values
of x = R, and x = R2, which satisfythe equation'

c s - 1o6
4. (a) Write at least Ihree advantages and three
of using a DBMS insteadof a simple
(b) For each of the following systems, identify the
relative importance of the three aspects of
(i) Computer
(ii) Printer

5. (a) Explain five basic features of an Obiect Oriented

language. 10
(b) What is an object diagram ? Explain how it differs
from a classdiagram.

c s - 1o6 4,000
ADCA / MCA (II Year)
Term-End Examination
June, ?OOG

C S. s 1@: OP E R A T ION R

T i m e: 3 h o u r s Maximum Marks : 75

Note : Question number 7 is compulsory' Attempt any

three more questionst'rom questions numbered
2 to 5. No calculatoris to be used.

l. (a) Match the items of Group A with those of Group B. I

Group A Group B
(i) Dynamic (1) Randomnumber
(ii) Game Theory e) Kendall'snotation
(iii) Optimization (3) Maximizationor
(iv) QueueingTheory (4) Two PhaseMethod
(v) Linear (5) Multistagedecision
Programming Process
(vi) Non-linear (6) Kuhn Tucker condition
(vii) Integer (7) Cutting Plane
(viii) Simulation (8) Pure strategy

o P.T.O.
(b) UniversalMines Inc. operatesthree mines in West
Virginia. The ore of each mine is separatedinto two
grades before it is shipped. The daily production
capacities of the mines, as well as their daily
operatingcosts,are as follows :

Capacity (tons,/day)
Operating Cost
High-Grade Low-Grade (Rs. 1000,zday
I 4 4 20
II 6 4 22
III 1 6 18
Universalhas committed itself to deliver 54 tons of
high-gradeore and 65 tons of low-gradeore by the
end of the week. It is intendedthat commitment be
fulfilledat minimum total operatingcost.
Formulate the situation above as a Linear
Programming Problem in order to determine the
number of days each mine shoutd be onerated
during the upcomingweek.
(c) Assume that the probabilityof a male birth is l/2.
What is the probabilitythat in a family of 4 children
there will be (i) at leastone:boy, and (ii) at least one
boy and at least one girl ?
(d) The consumption rate of a certain item in a
company is 100 units per month. The holding cost
is 20 paise per unit per month. The ordering cost is
Rs. 250 per order. Find the Economic Order
Quantity (EOO.

(e) Consider the following pay_off'matrix
for the two
personszero_sumgame :

Player B
I - 2 5 - 3
II I - 3 5
Determinethe optimal strategies
for both the players,
and the value of the game.

(f) Let S be the region in the first quadrant

given by the
.::1t"'": * *2 < 8 or 2x, + x, < 10. Check
whether S is a convexset.

2. (a) There are 4 machines and 4 jobs.

Job i, when
processedon machinej, a production
cost of c..units
(1 unit = Rs. 100) is incurred.
Valuesof c..,sare
presentedbelow :

Obtain an optimalassignment
that minimizesthe total
cost incurred. (No more than
one job can be assigned
to any machine).

@ P.T.O.
(b) Simulate the experiment of tossing a coin'
: probabilitv of
that probability of getting H (Head)
getting T (Tail) = 0'50' List down the
(H or T) of 15 tosses.
digits :
[Use the sequenceof random
7984 82621308921
r58rg223g6 2A6857
How manY H's and T's have You got ?

following nonlinear programming

(c) Solve the
problem :
Minimise *r)'

s . t . x ,* x r = 2 , *1,*220

rate of
3. (a) Television sets for repair arrive at an average
4 per 8-hour working day to a single
carry out the
who takes on the average11 hou" to
and repair
repair of each set. lf inter-arrival times
find the
times are exponentially distributed'
(i) The queuing model that this situation
in the
(ii) The expected number of ielevision sets
find at
(iir) The probability that an arriving set will
least three sets in front of it'

(b) Solve the following Linear Programming Problem
' Minimizez = \9xt + I75x,
s.t. x, + 3x, > 15
*2t 6

4. A regional airline can buy its jet fuel from any one of three
vendors. The airline's needs for the upcoming month ai
each of the three airports it serves are 100 k-gallon
(kilo-gallon)at airport 1, 180 k-gallon at airport 2, and
350 k-gallon at airport 3. Each vendor can supply to each
airport at a price (in cents per gallon) given by the
following schedule:
Vendor 2
1 92 89 90
2 9L 9T 95
3 87 90 92
Each vendor, however, is limited in the total number of
gallons it can provide during any month. These capacities
are 320 k-gallonfor vendor 7, 270 k-gallonfor vendor 2,
and 190 k-gallonfor vendor 3. The airline is interestedin
a purchasing policy at a minimum total cost. Formulate it
as a Linear Programming (LP) problem. Also give an
optimal solution of the problem. 15

cs-s1@ P.T.O.
5. (a) Consider the following Integer Linear programming
problem :
Maximizez = l20xt + gOx,

s.t. 2x, + x, < 6

7x, + SxrS 28
and x' x2 are non-negativeintegers.
Enumerate the set of all feasible solutions by
graphicalmethod, and obtain the optimal solution. g
(b) A market-placeis triangularin shape, with vertices
A(0, 0), B(0, 1) and C(1, 0). An ATM is to be
installedat such a position p that the sum of the
. squares of p from the vertices A, B and C is
(i) Formulate this situation as a quadratic
(ii) Write the corresponding Kuhn - Tucker
conditions. T

c s - s@
1 4,000
ADCA / MCA (II Year)
Term-End Examination
June, 2006

C S - 5 4 @ : F I N A N C E& A C C O U N T I N G

Time: 3 hours Maximum Msrks: 75

Note : Questionnumber 5 is compulsory. Attempt any

three questionslrom the rest.

1. (a) .Explain,in detail,the followingaccountingconcepts' 9

(il BusinessEntitYConcePt

(iil Money MeasurementConcePt

(iii) ContinuitYConcePt

(b) In what way can accounting information help in

proper allocation of resources ?

cs-54@ P.T.O.
2. An analysisof Delhi ManufacturingCo. Ltd. led to the
follo*tng tnfor-utton ,

cost Eteme., u,3,t*I 9*t t*

(% ot sales) (Rs.)
Direct material 92.8
Direct labour 28.4
Factoryoverheads 12.6 1.89.000
4'1 58,400

Administration 1,1 66,T00

Budgetedsalesare Rs: 18,50,000. you are required to

determine rc
(i) The break-evensalesvolume
(iil The profit at the budgetedsalesvolume
(iii) The profit if actual sales
(a) drop by 10%.
(b) increaseby 5o/ofrom budgetedsales.

3. (a) Explain, in detait, the concept and the process of

Zero Base Budgeting. 7

(b) Explain the concept of financial leverage.In what

day is financial leverage related to operating
leverage? Explain this using a suitableexample. g

4. What is a dividend, and why is dividend decision
important ? Also explain the factors on which the dividend
decisionof a companyare based.

5. (a) (il Explain three componentsof working capital.

(ii) Explainany two determinantsof working capital
requirementsof a firm. 10
(b) The following is the Trial Balanceof Mr..Ram as on
31tt March, 2004. you are required to prepare
Trading and profit and Loss Account and the
BalanceSheet. 20
Cr (Rs.)
Sundry creditors
Plant & Machinery 5,000
Office furniture 260
Bills payable
Bills receivable 720
Return inwards 930
Provisionsfor doubtful
Stock (1't April 2003) 4,800
Motor van 7,200
Sundry debtors 4,570
Cash in hand 40
Cash at bank 650
Wages 15,000

cs-54@ P.T.O.
Particulars Dr (Rs.) Cr {Rs.)
Salaries 1,400
Purchases 27,350
Sales 48,000
Drawings 700
Return outwards 550
Rent 600
Factory lighting and
Insurance 630
General expenses 100
Bad debts 250
Discounts 650 370

The following adjustmentsare to be made :

1. Stock on 31't March,2004 Rs' 5200'
2, 3 months factory lighting and heating is due'
but not paid Rs. 30.
3. 5o/odepreciationto be written off on furniture'
4. Write off further bad debtsRs' 70'
5. The provision for doubtful debts to be increased
to Rs. 300 and provision for discount on
debtors@ 2o/oto be made
6. During the yeai machinerywas purchasedfor
Rs. 2,000, but it was debited to purchase


MCA (Revised)

Term-End Examination

June, ?OOG


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks: 700

(Weightage 75o/o)

Note : Question number 7 is compulsory. Attempt any

three questionsfrom the rest.

1. (a) Design an algorithm, draw a corresponding flow

chart and write a program in C, to print the output
in the following format : L0

2 7 2
3 2 1 2 3
4 3 2 7 2 3 4
5 4 3 2 r 2 3 4 5

M C S - 011o P.T.O.
(b) Write a loop that will calculatethe sum of everythird
integer, beginningwith i = 2 (i.e., calculatethe sum
of 2+5+8+11+....),for all valuesof i that are less
than 100. Write the loop in three different ways : 15
(i) 'while'
Using statement
(ii) 'do-while'
Using statement
(iii) Using 'for' statement

(c) Design an algorithm, draw a corresponding flow

chart and write a program in C to convert a decimal
number to its binary equivalent. 10

(d) 'Structure' 'Union'

Explain and with an example for
each, with appropriate syntax. Further, explain the

2. (a) Summarizethe use of the gets and puts functions

to transfer strings between the computer and the
standardinput/output devices.Compare the use of
these functionswith the string transferfeature in the
scanf and printf statements,with an example for
each. 10

(b) Write a program in C using structuresto simulatea

bill applicationfor a super-market. 10
Note : Assumptions can be made wherever
necessaryand shouldbe listed.

3. (a) Write an interactiveC program that will encode or
decode a line of text. To encode a line of text.
' proceedas follows : 10
(i) Convert each character,includingblank spaces,
to its ASCII equivalent.
(ii) To decode the text, convert its ASCII to its
(b) When can two matricesof order a x b and c x d be
multiplied? Also write a progam in C to multiply two
such matrices. 10

4. (a) What is the relationship between an array name and

a pointer ? How is an array name to be interpreted
when it appears as an argument to a function ?
Explain this with an example.

(b) Write ihe usage of the following datatypes, with an

example for each '

(i) enum

(ii) typedef

(c) Write a function definition as well as a macro for the

following :

(i) To find the cube of a given number

(ii) To find the largest number among three given


M c s - o11o P.T.O.
5. (a) Without usingthe strcat function,with a program to
append a string2 to a stringl, and find the length
of the resultantstring. 10

What are the variouspurposesof the library function

Ieof ? How might the feof function be utilized
within a program that updates an unformatted data
file ? Explain this with an examPle. 10

Mcs-01 2,000
MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
Iune, ?OOG


Time : 3 hours Msximum Marks : 700


Note : Question no. I is compulsory and cqrries

40 mqrks.Attempt any three questionsfrom the

1. (a) Construct the Karnaugh map for the function

F(x, y, z, t): >(0, 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12).Find the
optimisedfunction in product of sum form using the
Karnaughmap. Draw the resultantlogic diagram. E

(b) Give five characteristicseach of COM and EXE

programs. s

(c) What is a decoder ? Draw the block diagram and

logic diagram,along with the truth table, of a 3 x g
decoder. E

M CS -O 1 2 o P.T.O.
(d) Explain, with the help of an example, how an
address is mapped to a cache memory location
the :
(i) Set associativemapping scheme is used
(ii) Associativemapping schemeis used
(e) Explain each of the following types of instructions
with one examplarinstructioneach :
(il Data processing
(ii) Data transfer
(iiil Program control

(f) What is a micro-operation ? Explain all the

categoriesof a micro-operation,giving one example

k) How can a stack be used in an 8086

micro-prcicessorto pass the parameters? Explain
this with the helP of an examPle'
(h) Give four differences between programmed
input/output and interrupt driven input/output'

2. (a) Explainthe Hamming Error-Correctingcode' with
(b) Write an 8086 assembly program to subtract
4-digit packedBCD numbers.
(c) What is the need of a control unit in a computer
What is a hardwired control unit ? What are
advantagesand disadvantages?

3. (a) Explain four characterisiics of the RISC
architecture.Why do we use a large register fite in
RISC ? Explain this wiih the help of a suitable

(b) of the following

Lisi four characteristics,/features
hard drive interfaces:

(i) rDE
(ii) scsl
(iii) EIDE

(c) What is the difference between floating point

number format and fixed point number format ?
Explain the floating point number format wiih the
help of an example. What is precision in ihe
context of floating point numbers?

4. (a) Explain the relative addressingscheme and stack

addressingscheme, wiih the help of an example

(b) Explain the factors that should be considered while

designing the length of an instruction.

(c) Explain the structure of an 8086 micro-processor,

with the help of a suitable diagram. Also give the
use of different types of registers. 70

MCS-o12@ P.T.O.
5. (a) Write an 8086 assembly language program to
compute the GreatestCommon Divisor (GCD) of
two 16-bit unsigned integers, and store the result in
word location.

Draw a logic circuit that convertsa 4-bit binary input

to its equivalentBCD number. 8
Give four differencesbetweenSRAM and DRAM. 4

MCS-O12@ 2,000

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
June, 2OOG


Time : 2 hours Maximum Mqrks: 50

Note : Questionnumber 7 is compulsory. Attempt any

three questionsJrom the rest.

l. (a) ' = ./-L

Let f be the functiondefinedby f(x) . et"a
1 1 1 *-
the maximum possibledomain and range of f' 4

(b) Let A = '7, 2,31 and B = la, b). Checkwhether

AxB:BxA. 2

(c) How many 4-digit numberscan be formed using the

digits2, 4, 6, 7 ,8 withoutrePetition? 2

(d) A box contains6 red balls and 4 green balls. Four

balls are selectedat random from the box. What is
the probabilityihat the selectedballs will be 2 red
and2 green? 4

(e) Use a truth table to checkwhether the:statement

-(p -+ q) -+ -q r -p

is a tautology. 3

MCS-o13o P.T,O.
(0 Find the logic circuit corresponding to the
(i) (xln xi)v (x, v xr)

( i i ) ( x ,v x , v x r ) n ( x i v x , v x i ) n ( x , v x 2 )

2. (a) Let f : A -+ B andg : B + C be one-onefunctions.

Checkwhethergof : A + C is alsoone-one.

(b) Prove or disprove : The sum of any five consecutive

integers is divisible by 5.

(c) Prove, by induction,

1 + f1+ t *1. . . * p1 . 2 - -
. 1
f o r n> 1 .

3. (a) In a survey regardingnewspaperreading habits of

80 people,it was observedthat 30 peopleread Paper
4,25 read PaperT,28 read PaperR, 18 people
read both T and R, 15 people read both A and R,
20 people read both A and T, and 5 people read all
3 newspapers.Find the number of people who do
not read any newspaper.

(b) Let E(x' x, x r ) = ( ( x ,V x r ) , v ( x i A x r ) ) , b e a

boolean expression over a two-valued boolean

algebra. Make the truth table for E and write both
conjunctiveand disjunctivenormal forms.

4. (a) Draw the logic circuit correspondingto the boolean
function f(X, Y, Z) suchthat f(X, y, Z) is 2 if at least
two of X, Y, Z are true.
(b) Let A = 7, 2, 3, 41. Check whether the relations
defined below are reflexive,symmetric,transitiveor
( i ) R r = { ( 1 ,1 ) ,( r , 2 ) ,( 2 ,r ) ,( 2 , 2 )(, 3 ,3 ) ,( 3 ,4 ) ,
(4, 3),(4,4) |
( i i ) R , = { ( 1 , 1 ) ,( 2 , 2 ) , ( 3 , 3 )
(c) If { {1, 2]r,{3,4} } is a partitionof the set
A : {1, 2,3, 4lt,write the corresponding equivalence

5. (a) What is the coefficientof x2y3r4in the expansionof

(b) Show that 'rt 7 colours are used to colour
50 bicycles,at least8 will have the same colour.
(c) Explain the law of direct inlerence and law of
contraposition,using suitableexamples.
(d) Give a geometricrepresentation
of l(2,5)l x 12, 51,
with justification.

MCS-O13@ 2,000

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
June, 2006



Time, 3 hours Mqximum Marks : 700

(Weightqge 750/o)

Note : Questionnumber 7 is compulsory. Answer any

three questionsfrom the rest.

1. (a) What is the role of testing in SDLC ? Explain any

four types of System Testing. 70
(b) Explain the following systems. Also make
appropriate diagrams, and give a suitable example
for each of them : 12
(i) Decision Support System
(ii) ReverseEngineering
(iii) DistributedSystem

(c) Consider the problem of developing a "School

Management System". Prepare an SRS (Software
Requirement Specification) document for this system,
and make a data flow diagram of zero and one levels
for the same. 70

M C S - 0 1@
4 P.T.O.
(d) Explain the following terms with respect to system
analysisand design :
(i) Degree of security
(ii) Estimatedloss

2. (a) Give 8 different types of documentation required

during software development.Explain any one of
them in detail.
(b) Elaborate on the top-down approach to system
planning and its implications for system
development.How does it differ from the bottom-up
approach ? Explain this with relerenceto a "Library
InformationSystem". 10
(c) Considerthe following statement:
"Maintaining a Data Dictionary is a wastage of
memory space."
State whether this is true or not' Justify your answer'

3. (a) Define "system Design Specification". Explain the

purpose of the followingsystemdesigntools : 10
(il State machinediagram
(ii) Object interactiondiagram
(iiil Inheritancediagram
(iv) Aggregationdiagram
(b) What is the differencebetweenanalysisof a system
and design of a system ? Can anyone begin to
design a systemwithout analysing? Why or why
not ? Your explanationshouldincludean example' 1 0

M C S - 0 1@
4. (a) Describe two Object-OrientedCASE tools, also
giving their examples. Illusirate, with the help of
diagrams,how they are useful in various phases of
SDLC. 70

(b) Briefly discussthe various criteria for Report and

Form Design,using an exampleof students'records' 1 0

5. (a) Describe the concept and procedure used in

constructingE-R diagrams.Construct an E-R
diagramfor a "HospitalManagementSystem"' L0

(b) Explain the characteristicsof a "Management

Information System". Also describe ihe major
componentsof an MIS, with the help of a suitable
diagram. 10

MCS-014@ 2,000

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
June, 2006

M C S - O 1 5 @: C O M M U N I C A T I OS

Time : 2 hours MaximumMarks: 50

Note : Answer oll questions.

1. Read the following passage and answer the questions given

after it :

For the past ten years, the reach of television and

other mass media to younger consumers in the developed
world has been on the decline. With traditional advertising
techniques gradually losing their ability to tap target
audiences, companies are turning to new approaches to
reach consumers and create demand for products and
services. One such approach is marketing' or
marketing by word-of-mouth...,.

Why has traditional rnedia become less effective in

creating demand for products ? There are three main
reasons. First, the increasing fragmentation : as the
number of television channels. radio stations and

MCS-O15o P.T.O,
consumerpublicationsproliferate,the audiencesplits into
more smaller groups. This makes it significantly more
difficult and expensive to reach out to a particular
audiencethan it was in previousyears.

Second, competition from other media outlets has

grown. Computer games and the Internet have drawn
younger viewersaway from televisionscreens.A research
in the US shows that on an average,householdswith
Internet connection spent five fewer hours watching TV
per week than non-lnternethouseholdsin 2002.

Third, people have grown cynicaltowardsbrandsand

multinational companies. Naomi Klein's anti-brand
treatise,No Logo, continuesto sell in large numbers,two
years after its publication.Protesterscontinue to trail the
meetings of global economic institutionslike the World
Trade Organizationand the InternationalMonetary Fund,
-attracting growing .support for their attacks on the
perceived collaboration between governments and big

And other threatstoo are emerging.... Yet, while the

younger generationis turned off by sleek advertisingand
is highly suspiciousof corporatemanipulation,it remains
highly brand-and-image-conscious. Buzz marketing also
known as'word-of-mouthmarketing','guerrilla
or marketing' has emarged as a way for

companiesto gei on the right side of consumersin the
battle for sales.

(il State the three reasons for the decline of mass

media as mentionedin the abovepassage. 3
(ii) Who are the specifictarget consumersmentionedin
the passage.? 1
(iii) Mention the three terms used for 'buzzmarketing' in
the passage.Explain why they are so termed. 3
(iv) Which one of the following describesbest the main
concern of the passage: 7
(a) Computer games
(b) Internet
(c) Marketingtrends
(d) Mass media

(v) 'proliferate' 'manipulation' in a sentence

Use and
each of your own to bring out their specific
meanings. 2

2. Fill in the blanks choosing the most suitable word from the
choices given :

(i) I bumped - a friend of mine in Japan.

(over/ up / intola g ainst)

(ii) By behaving in ihis strange way, what are you trying

to drive ? (awaylinto /oII/at)

(iii) Please drop _ at my place whenever you

want. (offlin / out/ away)

MCS.O15@ P.T.O.
(IVJ If you hang at the library, you are sure
to meet him. (outlup/over/onto)
(v) The thief broke _ the shop and took
away all the cash. (out/down/intolaway)

3 . Write down the text of a group discussionbetween four

on the importanceof communicationskillsfor
MCA students.(about500 words). 10

4. You are Manu Chand, Manager, Customer Care,

CellwonderIndia Ltd. (a cell phone company).Mr. Vikas
Mehta's cell-phone instrument continues to function
erraticallydespite various repair jobs (during its current
warranty period) done by the service centre of the
company. Prepare a Memo to your boss suggestingany
seekingapprovalfor replacementof the instrument. 10

5 . Write a letter of application,togetherwith your Curriculum

Vitae (CV), for the job in response to the following
"Required Customer Support Engineers having Z - 3
years' experiencein field. Conveyancemust. Apply within
10 days to Microchip, R-97 Narayanguda,Hyderabad.
E-mail:" 75

Mcs-o15o 2,OOO

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
June, ?OOG


T i m e: 3 h o u r s Mqximum Mqrks : 700

(Weishtsge 750/o)

Note : Questionnumber 7 is compulsory. Attempt any

three questionsfrom the rest' AII algorithms
should be written nearer to language.

1. (a) Define the followingterms : 10

(i) Rate of growth
(ii) Time Analysis
(iii) Complexity
(iv) Tree
(v) Graph
(b) Write two programs to reverse a string, using
pointers and arrays,respectively.Also compare both
methodsin terms of time complexity. 70
(c) Write an algorithm to sort the elementsof a linked
list. 10
(d) What is DFS ? Write, and explain, each step
involvedin the DFS algorithm. 70

MCS-021@ P.T.O.
2. (a) Write a program to balancea Red-Blacktree after
insertinga node in it. 10
Note : The program should work t'or qt least
(b) What is a CircularQueue? Write a program to insert
and deletea node in a circularqueue. 10

3. (a) What is space complexity and time complexity ?

Calculate the time complexity of insertion-sort.
Among all the following sorting techniqueswhich is
the best technique,and why ? 10
(i) Radix
(i0 Insertion
(iii) Bubble
(iv) Quick sort
(b) (i) Write one similarity and one differencebetween
an Array and a Pointer.
(ii) What is a sparse matrix ? Which method is
used to representits non-zeroelements? Also
write the algorithm corresponding to this
method, explaining its steps with the help of an

4. (a). Explain the different types of file organisations

available. Also explain one advantage and one
disadvantageof each. 10
(b) What is a'Splay tree ? Write the steps involvedin a
top-down splayingprocedure. 10

5. (a) Calculatethe adjacencylist and adjacencymatrix for
the following graph :

Write an algorithm to find the minimum spanning

tree of a graph. Also, show the outpui of the
algorithm with the help of an example. 70
Write an algorithm for pushing an element into a

MCS-021o 2,000

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
June, ZOOG


Time : 3 hours MqximumMarks: 700

Note : Questionnumber 7 is compulsory. Answer any

three questionsfrom the rest.

1. (a) Describethe file transferprotocol, with the help of a

diagram. 5
(b) Explainthe conceptof virtualmachine,with the help
of a diagram. 5
(c) Write a shell script that prints out the number of
argumentswith which it is invoked. 5
(d) Explain five file manipulation commands used in
Linux. 5
(e) Discuss two network protocols supported by
Windows 2000 for a diafup connection. 5
(fl How are the user accountsadministeredin
Windows 2OO0? Exnlain this. 5

MCS-022@ 1 p:.T.'O.
(g) What is a proxy server ? How does it improve
security? 4
(h) DistinguishbetweenLAN, MAN, WAN. 6

2. (a) What is the structureof a domain name ? How is

name resolutiondone ?
(b) How are input and output redirection,filtering and
pipeliningof instructionsdone in the Linux operating
(c) Draw the model of a network management
architecture,and explain the working of the various

3. (a) Explain the purpose and working of the following

network devices: 12
(i) Bridge
(ii) Router
(iii) Switch
(iv) Hub

(b) Describethe purpose of any four componentsof a

Windows 2000 kernel.

4. (a) What are the differentpermissionsof a file in Linux,

and what do they mean ? Describehow ownership
and permissionscan be changed. L0

(b) Explain the differencebetweena virus and a worm. 5

(c) What is Dynamic Host Control Protocol and how is
it useful? 5

5. Describethe following: 20
(i) Firewalloperations
(ii) Featuresof Telnet
(iii) Five RAID levels

(iv) SymmetricMulti processing

MC5-022o 2,000

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
June, 2006



Time : 3 hours MaximumMarks: 700


Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory' Attempt ony

three questionsfrom the rest'

1. (a) Draw an E-R diagram for inventory management

systemsby selecting suitable entity types, attributes
and their relationship. Also give the relationship
cardinalityand participationconstraints' 70

(b) Considerthe following relationalschema:

EMPLOYEE(Fname,Mname, Lname, SSN, Bdate,
Address,Sex, Salary,SuPerSSN,DNO)

MCS-023o P.T.O.
Make necessaryassumptions,if any. FormulateSeL
queriesfor the following . 10
(i) Retrievethe name and addressof all employees
who work for the 'Computer Science and
(ii) Retrieve the name of the manager of each
(iii) Retrieve,for each femaleemployee,a list of the
namesof her dependents.
(iv) Retrievethe first name, last name, and salaryof
all employeeswho work on project number 10.
(v) Retrieve the SSNs of all employeeswho either
work in DepartmentNumber 2 or supervisean
employeewho works in DepartmentNumber 2.

(c) What are the insertion, deletion and update

anomaliesthat occur in a database? Explain the
mechanismto remove these anomaliesfrom tables.
with the help of an example.

(d) Explainthe 2-phaselockingprotocolwith the help of

an example. What are the disadvantagesof basic
2-phase locking ? How can these disadvantages

(e) Explain the indexed sequential file organisation.

What are its advantages over sequential

2. (a) Considera relation R(A, B, C, D, E) and the set of
F D ' s : A B - + C ,C - + D , D - + A , B D - + E ;
(i) List the candidatekeys for the relation R.
(ii) In what normal form is the relation presently,
and why ?
(iii) Normalisethe relationtill BCNF. 70
(b) Explain five advantagesand five disadvantages
of a
distributeddatabasesvstem. 10

3. (a) Explain the various componentsof a DBMS, with

the help of a suitablediagram. 10
(b) (i) What is a transaction ? Explain this with the
help of a transactionpseudocode.
(ii) Explainthe propertiesof transactions.
(iii) Explain the various states through which a
transactionpassesduring execution. 10

4. (a) (i) What are sparseand dense indices? Give one

exampleof each.
(ii) Can we use Binary Searchtree as an index ?
Jusiify your answer.
(iii) Which data structure is most suitable for
implementingindices? Justifyyour answer. 10
(b) For each of the following, write suitable SQL
commandsand illustratethem through an example: 10
(i) Creationof views
(ii) Creation of a sequence
(iii) Outer join
(iv) To give accesspermissionto a user

MCS-023@ 3 P . TO .
5. Explain the following in the context of DBMS, with the
help of a diagramor an example:
(i) Data fragmentation
(ii) Three-levelarchitecture
(iii) Desirablepropertiesof decomposition

(iv) Authorization

MCS-023o 4 2,000

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
June, 2006


T i m e: 3 h o u r s MqximumMarks: 700

Note : Questionnumber 7 is compulsory' Answer any

three questionst'rom the rest'

l. (a) Explain the three jump statements supported by

Java. Give an examPleof each' 9

(b) What is an Exception ? Also explain when an

exception is caught. What are the eight steps that
can be taken if an exceptionoccurs? 9

(c) Explain any five interfacesof the java'io package' 5

(d) What is the function of commit( ) and rollback() ?

Explain this with an exampleeach' 7

(e) What is an Applet ? Write three advantagesof applet

programming.Also explain two differencesbetween
an applet and a servlet- 7

MC5-024o P.T.O.
(f) Write a Stack class that throws an exception when
the stack is full, and handles the exception and
displaysthe message"Stack is fult".

2. (a) Explain the Java RM'l architecture,with the help of

a diagram.
(b) Write a program in Java that reads charactersfrom
a file and countsthem until it encouhtersEOF. Make
necessaryassumptions,if any.
(c) What is multithreading? Explain, with an example
each, how threadsare createdusing :
(i) Thread class
(ii) Runnableinterface 10

3. (a) Explain any three methods of the Throwable class.

(b) Write a program in Java to compute the transpose
of a matrix.
(c) What is an event ? Explain different componentsof
an event.
(d) What is the stream tokenizer ? Explain four token
types used in the stream tokenizer.

4. (a) Explain the life cycle of a Servlet.Also explain with

an example, the functions of GET and POST
methods. 10
(b) Write a program in Java to simulatea Dictionary.
Define necessaryclasses,constructorsand methods.
Make necessaryassumptions,if any. 10

5. (a) Write a program in Java that acceptstwo integersas
input and displaystheir sum.
(b) What is a Layout Manager ? Explain three layouts
availablein Java. Also write a code with explanation,
to change the default layout of an applet to a card
(c) What is JDBC ? How are statementscreated in
JDBC ? Write a Java code to createand executean
SQL statement.

MC5-024@ 2,000

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
June, 2006

M C S - 0 3 1 @: D E S IGNA N D A N A L YSISOF

Time : 3 hours MaximumMarks: 700

Note : Question no. I is compulsory. Attempt any

three questions from the rest. All algorithms
should be written nesrer to C/C++ language.

1. (a) Check whether the following equivalences are true

or not :

. ,]
(il 2"*' : o(2")
(ii) 2'" : 0(2')

(b) What are the best case and worst case times of
Bubble sort ? When do they occur ?

o P.T.O
(c) Show how DFS work on the graph below. Assume
that the vertices are considered in an alphabetical
order, and that the graph is represented using
adjacencylist representationin which each adjacency
list is ordered alphabetically.For each vertex write the
time it is discoveredto its left and the time it is
discovered to its right. For each edge write its
classificationnext to it, in the diagram.

(d) Why is the dynamic programming approach more

useful to solve a 0 - 1 Knapsack problem than a
greedy strategy ? Elaborate on this, using an

(e) Define undecidable problems. List three salient

features of undecidableproblems. Write down any
two undecidableproblems,explainingwhy they are

(f) Explain any five problem characteristics,which are

analysedwhile choosingthe algorithm to solve that
problem. 70

2. (a) Multiply the following two matricesusing Strassor's
Algorithm :
(t 3\ r8 4)
l[ 5 I
7)\6 2)
(b) What is a heap ? What are its properties? Show that
there are at least f n / 2"n71 nodes of height h in
any n elementheap.

(c) Write an algorithm for topological sort. Give two

purposesof this method.

3. (a) Write a recursivealgorithmto computethe sum of n

numbers. 5

(b) Build regular expressionsand correspondingFinite

Automata (FA) for the following languagesover the
alphabetX = {a, b}. 10

(il Languagein which words do not end with ba.

(iil Languagehaving even no. of a's and even no.

- :n ,
'' of b's.

(c) What is the satisfiabilityproblem ? Find whether the

following Booleanexpressionsare satisfiableor not : 5

(i) ((Xr v X2) v X3)

(ii) (X, n X, n X.)

o P.T.O.
4. (a) Show that the running time of euicksort is e(nz)
when all elements of the array are sorted in

(b) Construct the CFG (ContextFree Grammar)for the

language an b an where n > 1 over the alnhabet
2 : {a, b).

(c) Let M = {k, t, 6, s, h} be a Turing Machine

where U = {g' e, h} is the set of states

(h is the halt state)
) = la, b, #l is the alphabet
(# representsblank symbol)
s q0 is the starting state
and 6 (i.e., the transition function) is given by the
following table :
q (current state) o (currentsymbol) 6(q, o)
q1 a (92,b)

q1 b (qz, u)

ql # (h, #)

q2 a (e| R) .:.
q2 b (e' R)

q2 # (c' R)
Trace the computation of M starting from the
configuratio. (91, aabbba) (where the symbol
underlinedis the current symbol). I

(d) Explain the principle of mathematicalinduction.Use
it to show that 6 dividesn3 - n, where n is any

5. (a) Write the algorithm for Best First Search. What is

the fundamental difference between Best First
Search and algorithms like Depth First Search or
BreadthFirst Search?
(b) Explain the "Halting Problem" for Turing Machines,
with the help of suitableexample.
(c) Write the algorithmfor computingprefix averagesof
n numbers.The numbersare assumedto be stored
in an array.


MCS-031 2,000
MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
June, 2006


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 700

Note : Question number 7 is compulsory. Answer any
three questions Jrom the rest.

1. (a) A Technical University offers courses in the area of

Management and Technology. It requires a system to
keep track of the registration and results of students.
Identify classes in the system and draw a class
diagram. Add at least three attributes and two
operations in all the classes. Make necessarv
(b) What is Object Oriented Modelling ? Explain the
process involved in object oriented modelling. j0
(c) Explain, with an example, the close association
between generalization and inheritance. s
(d) Explain any two notations used in object modelling,
with the help of an example for each. s

o P.T.O.
a functional
(e) What is a functional model ? Explain
with a
model for the Railway ReservationSystem

how a design
2- (a) What is designoptimization? Explain
can be optimizedby rearrangingthe execution
with the helP of an examPle'
the state
(b) What is a statediagram? Draw and explain
diagramfor TelePhoneDialling'

data flow
3. (a) Explain five limiiations of a typical
example' 5
(b) Explain two-way association, with an
a use-case
(c) What is a use-case diagram ? Draw
bank' 10
diagram for cash withdrawal {rom a

three-schema qrchitecture for

4. (a) Explain extended
objects model with a suitable diagram'
with an
(b) What is the notion o{ an object ? Explain'
place between
example, how communication takes,
two objects bY message Passing'

(a) What is a link and anassociation ? Explain

of multiplicity in
multiplicity and the different kinds
association with examPles'
of UML'
(b) What is UML ? Explain five {eatures
the advantage of
(c) What is serialization ? Explain

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
June, 2006


Time : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 50

Nofe : Questionnumber 7 is compulsory. Attempt any

three questionsfrom the rest.

1. (a) Considerthe followinggraph :


(i) Is the graph Eulerian?

(ii) Is the graph Hamiltonian?
Give reasonsfor your answers. 4

MCS-033o P.T.O.
(b) Check whether an = 2n (n - 1) is a solution to the
recurrencebelow or not :
u?*t - 32 an an_ :
, + 48 u?n_r, 2"*n
Also check whether the recurrenceis homogeneous
or not.

(c) A graph has a degreesequence{4, 3, 3, 2,2}. How

many edges will the graph have ? Also give an
example of a graph with the degreesequencegiven
above.Is this graph Eulerian? Why ?

(d) Let ao : 0, a1 = 0. Define an to be the number of

subsetsoI lI, 2,3, ....., nl with at least2 elements,
(il Show that ?n = 2n - 1- n.
(ii) Find the generating function for a,., in closed

(e) Draw the graph G definedas follows :

V(G) = The set of subsetsof 11.,2, 3, 4l wlth 2
elements.For two elementsA, B e V(G), AB e E(G)
i f ( A n B ): 1 .
(t Is the graph a tree ? Give reasons for your
(ii) Is the graph bipartite ? Give reasonsfor your

2. (a) Using an appropriate substitution, solve the
n-1 2
r) n = V , t - 1+ n 4

(b) Let Qn be the hYPercubegraPh'

(i) Find the number of edges Q.,'
(ii) Let S, : {(a' d2, ..., an) e V(Qn) | > a is odd}
Sr: { ( a ' d 2 r . . . ,a , . ,e) V ( Q n )l ) a . i s e v e n }
Show that 51 U 52 is a bipartition of Qn' 6

3. (a) Find the number of integer solutionsto

aI+ a2+ a3= n, where- 1 < dI' 2'
1 = u2< +lus > 2 andn > 0 isan integer' 6

(b) Define edge chromatic number of a graph' Give

examplesof graPh Gt and Gr lor which
X'(G1)= A(Gr) and x'(Gz) A(Gr) + 1' where I'(G)
denotesthe edge chromaticnumber of a graph G' 4

4. (a) Find the solution to the recurrence

an : 6an-1 11a.,-, + 6an-3, n > 3, with
initial conditionsao = 3, a, = 6 and a, : 74' 5

(b) Define a bipartitegraph. For a bipartitegraph with p

verticesand q edgesshow that q< p2/4' 5

MC5-033o P.T.O.
5. (a) The populationof ducks on a,farm is such
that the
increase in it triples every year. Starting
100 ducks and finding 150 of them the
year, the farmer sells20 off. Similarly,
at the end of
each year she sells ofl 20 ducks.If an represents
population of ducks after n years, find
a recurrence
relation for an, n > 0. Also solvethe recurrence.

(b) Suppose in a group of n (> 3) people, any

two of
them together know all the other people
in the
group. Use graph theory to show that
these n
people can be seatedaround a circular
table so that
the immediate neighboursof each person
are her

MCS-O33@ 2,000

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
June, 2006

Time : 3 hours
Mqximum Marks: 700
Note : Question no. I is compulsory. Attempt qny
three questionst'rom the rest.

l ' (a) Explain all the phases of a software Deveropment

Life Cycle.
(b) what is the rerationshipon which estimationmoders
are based ? Explain putnam,s model for
estimationin detail.
(c) Explain the process of organisation of
a web
(d) Explain any five featuresof a GSM. Also, explain

2. (a) Explain the sevenissuesthat may createproblems

the development of Software Requirement
Specification(SRS).Also, list and explain the
that are used for requirementsgathering.

(b) Define Risk Management.Explain all the categories
of Risk Management.

3. (a) What is lhe Formql method, in the context of

software development ? What are the two major
concernsof formal methods? Write the three major
goals of formal method specifications' 12
(b) What is the objective of architectural design ?
Explain the architectural design of a Hotel

4. (a) What is a Formal Technical Review (FTR) ? What

are its objectives ? What are the outcomes of an
FTR? 72
(b) Define the term lJser intert'ace' Explain any three
aspects that are to be consideredduring the design
of a user interfacefor meteorologicalapplications I

5. (a) What is a Gantt chart ? Draw, and explain, a Gantt

chart for an examPleaPPlication' 12
(b) Explain any four categoriesof tools that can be used
for testing.

MC5-034@ 2,000
MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
June, 2006


Time : 3 hours Maximum Msrks : 700

Note : Question 7 is compulsory. Answer any three

questionsfrom the remaining questions.

1. (a) From the followingTrial Balanceof K. Kundu as on

3I/03/2006, prepare Trading A/c and profit and
Loss Account for the year ended3I/03/2006 and
Balanceas on 31,/03/2006. S0

["J;?o''' 60,000
Furniture Ror,,rt
andFixture 4'ooo 2,ooo
tJ::l,ft', Sares
3o'ooo 1'30'ooo
OPening Creditors 12,000

MCS-035@ P T N
Purchases 80,000 Loan al 60/o
p.a. from
Mr. Mehta
on 0l/70/05 10,000

Salariesand Discount 600

Debtors 20,400
Rent, Rates
and Taxes
Bad debts
written off
Interest on
loan from
Mr. Mehta 150
Insurance 800
Cash in hand 3,050
Cash at bank 10,300
Total : 2,14,600 Total : 2,I4,600

(i) Closingstock : Cost price Rs. 21,000, Markei
price Rs. 25,000.
(ii) Of the debtorsRs. 400 are bad and should be
written off. Create a reservefor bad debts at
5o/o on sundry debtors and a reserve for

discounton debtorsat 2!o/o.

(iii) Salaries Rs. 800 for March 2006 were not
(iv) Intereston capitalis to be calculatedat 60/op.a.
and drawingsRs. 300.
(v) Prepaidinsuranceamountedto Rs. 100.
(v!) Depreciate furniture and fixtures by 5%oand
Plant and Machineryby l0o/o.
(vii) Make a resewefor discounton creditors@ 2o/o.

(b) Shriram Enterprisesmanufacturesa special product

The following particularsare collectedfor the
year 2005.
(i) Monthly demandoI ZAB 1000 units
(iil Cost of placingan order Rs. 100
(iii) Annual carryingcost per unit Rs. 15
(iv) Normal usageper week 50 units
(v) Minimum usage25 units per week
(vi) Maximum usage75 units per week
(vii) Reorderperiod 4 to 6 weeks

@ P.T.O.
From the above, compute the following : 10
(i) Rebrder quantity
(ii) Reorderpoint
(iii) Minimum level
(iv) Maximum level
(v) Average stock level

2. Explain the following accountingconcepts,giving suitable

examples| 5x4
(i) Accrual
(ii) Conservatism
(iii) Materiality

(iv) Consistency

3. (a) Explain the objectivesof financialmanagement' 10

(b) What is Capital Budgeting ? Describe the various

stagesinvolvedin capitalbudgeting. 10

4. What is meant by time valueof money ? Also explain the

following,giving examples: 20

(i) Effectivevs. Nominal rates

(ii) ContinuousCompounding
(iii) Annuity

5. Explain the concept of working capital,and elucidatethe

factorsinfluencingworking capitalrequirement. 20

6. Explainthe following,giving examples 5x4
(i) Factoring
(ii) EconomicOrder euantity
(iii) Long term solvencyratios
(iv) TreasuryManagement

MCS-035@ 2,000

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