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Islamic solutions to the world’s social problems

THE world is plagued by all sorts of problems – social unrest, political instabilities, mass
poverty and destitution, prostitution, homosexuality, homicides, killings, drug addiction,
alcoholism, family break-ups, juvenile delinquency, suicides and the so-called Acquired
Immune Deficiency Syndrome (Aids).

Aids is currently the world’s most frightening killer disease. Nobel laureate Dr Hoshua
Lederberg had predicted some years ago that “some nations” might lose as much as 40%
of their population over the next few years because of the Aids virus.

Statistics released by the World Health Organisation from time to time show Aids cases
are rising in many parts of the world. Aids victims are usually homosexuals and
prostitutes. The disease is a mere byproduct of the related menaces of homosexuality,
sodomy and prostitution.

The figures and forecasts of this pandemic are daunting, bearing in mind that
prostitution, pornography and homosexuality are not only condoned in many countries
worldwide, but are becoming lucrative sources of living especially in the West. This is
aggravated by the fact that there is now a rising trend for international trade in children.
Moreover, adultery is also on the increase.

Is the Aids pandemic not a warning to the transgressors? More than 1,400 years ago, the
Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhe wa sallam), by the infinite wisdom and mercy of
Allah, had already admonished mankind of the consequences and dangers of
promiscuous sexual relationships:

“Whenever sexual permissiveness spreads among the people until it becomes declared,
infections and killer diseases, as well as illnesses not previously found in their ancestors
will also spread among them.” (Ibn Maja, al-Bazzar and al-Baihaqi)

Similarly crime rates are soaring in the leading democratic and communist countries.
Irrefutable facts show that man-made systems, devoid of Divine guidance, have done
more harm than good to humanity.

The non-Islamic values of free mixing and casual closeness of men and women, without
any legitimate connections (say, by virtue of marriage or blood relationship) have created
a lot of problems including rapes and other forms of women abuse in these societies.

Divorce rates in the West have been rising persistently. Alcoholism has been a major
problem devastating virtually all parts of the non-Muslim world. Specifically, the
Americans and the Russians are among the notoriously known alcoholics in the world.

Another problem affecting many countries all over the world is rising suicide rates.
Available facts show that the so-called developed countries where the citizens consider
themselves highly developed, cultured and affluent, suicide has been occurring day by
day at alarming rates.

The Islamic Law, which encompasses Qur’anic injunctions and prophetic teachings, can
solve the current global problems. Shari’ah literally means the “road to a watering
place,” hence the path of God. It is the body of revealed laws found both in the Qur’an
and the Sunnah which “spells out the precise rules and regulations governing individual
relations with God as well as with fellow-Muslims and non-Muslims.

Thus, it embraces ideally both the religious and non-religious activities of the Muslims.

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