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By: Ella Luebbe

May 25th, 2011

Red Class

Many empires were

remembered in history for
changing the world. Some of the
most distinguished empires in
history were the Roman
Empire, the Egyptian
Empire and so on. What people
tend to be ignorant about are some other empires such as the Mughals,
because they didn’t conquer all of Europe, or they didn’t build the
greatest architecture in the world. Some of the greatest stories and
legends are hidden among these empires. People have become
uninformed of these flourishing empires during their heights.

The Mongol empire was founded by the Great Khan Temujin,

renamed later as Genghis Khan, in 1206. Genghis Khan was the person
who united all of the people in Mongol control and formed one
invincible empire. The growth of the empire started as the Mongols
went around brutally defeating everyone who stood in their way.
Genghis Khan was one of their greatest emperors, because he developed
the first trade among many other countries, and continued to conquer
and drive his unstoppable army throughout many countries and even
continents. Another ruler that is not as greatly recognized as Genghis
Khan, was his grandson, Kublai Khan. He ruled the empire at its height,
and he made the market flourish with goods from around the world. He
had strong military forces as well. He made a great contribution to the
empire. One of the accomplishments the empire made was that they
conquered countries from North Korea to Kuwait. Another advantage
they had was that they mastered horsemanship, and could travel up to
200 miles a day. They developed the Silk Road, and were very aware of
trade. The Mongol Empire finally fell in the rule of Timur the Lame’s
son, Shahrukh, died during his rule. Although the Mongol Empire was
the biggest empire in history, another empire was famous for their
unique battle skills and great architecture.

The Mughal Empire was founded by Babur in 1526. The expand of

the empire grew because of Babur successfully conquering different
lands which added to the Mughal empire. One of their greatest leaders
was Akbar. Akbar developed trade greatly, and also was famous for
evening out the impartial tax system for Muslims in the empire. Another
important leader was Shah Jahan. Shah Jahan was well known for his
architecture and his greatest project which was the Taj Mahal. The Taj
Mahal was one of the many projects Shah Jahan was working on at that
time. It was a tomb for his beloved wife, Mumtaz Muhal, for when she
died. One accomplishment that the empire made was that they used
elephants in battle in a very creative and intelligent way. They knew
that many people feared the giants because of how dangerous they
could be when they were startled and of their massive size. So, they
came up with a solution. They agreed to make armor for each elephant
in battle, and also added spears to their tusks to kill people while they
were running through the crowd. They also were in the country of India
where many spices originated and many types of minerals and valuable
treasure had been created, making them the heart of the trade routes
from around the continents. They had everyday trades with many
countries. The empire learned also how to build great architecture.
Many were supposedly inspired by their great leader, Shah Jahan when
he built the magnificent structure of the Taj Mahal. Stunning pieces of
artwork and breathtaking sculptures decorated the cities of India. The
empire finally collapsed after Great Britain took over and forced the last
emperor, Aurangzeb, from the throne in 1858. Even though they were
great architectures and were very creative when it comes to battle,
another empire was better known for being a very religious empire.

The Ottoman Empire was founded in the mid-1500’s by Osman.

Osman was a Muslim who had many followers. The expansion of the
empire grew after Osman and his believers started spreading the word
about Islam to non-believers. Sultan Mehmed was one of their most
respected leaders because he was nicknamed “Sultan Mehmed the
Conquerer” after his great defeat in a battle for Constantinople. Another
great ruler was Suleiman. Suleiman ruled the empire at its height. It was
one of the richest empires in the world. Suleiman stretched his kingdom
all the way to Hungary in the north, to Egypt in the south, and to
Mesopotamia in the east, and Algeria in the west. Some achievements of
the Ottoman empire were that they were intrigued with poetry, and
were also very good at writing it as well. They were also very well
educated and many rulers were intelligent and built many schools and
libraries. They respected any religion and didn’t treat anyone
impartially. They also had great organization of the status that you held
among the empire. The empire eventually declined in 1878 after many
countries fought for their independence. All of the empires were strong
and unbelievable, but the Ottomans paid more attention to religion than
any other empire it has been said.

There are many empires that made some kind of difference for the
world today. Those empires have corrected themselves and have
learned from their mistakes. They have created their own way of living,
and each empire has its own individual rules. In conclusion the Mongols
were brutal warriors that were famous for their skill of horses. The
Mughals were known because of their great architecture and trade
development. Finally, the Ottomans were remembered most by their
amount of respect dedicated to religion throughout the empire.
Although many people have discovered all these great facts about these
empires using evidence, the search will still continue.

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