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In puRsuIT of ExCELLEnCE, suCCEssfuL sELLInG

BasIC pRInCIpLEs of CommunICaTIon

RETaIL Is dETaIL and dETaIL Is Common sEnsE

Dear Rado associate Even though your job is exciting and rewarding we know it is not always easy. You need to remember the basic, like being genuinely friendly and enjoying what you are doing. Lets work together to assist you in becoming one of our best seller. a professional who is at the customers disposal every moment of the day a great listener, an excellent observer and a friendly helper an expert in interpreting and reacting to human signals like voice tone and body language, coupled with an excellent knowledge of Rado and its products To become one of our best sellers you will need to work hard to achieve ultimate customer satisfaction by taking initiative, being proactive and enjoying what you do every day. Rado need your dedication your passion your professionalism and your team spirit. Ready for the challenge? Rado wishes you all the very best enjoy. Your Rado retail team.

EvERYThInG CounTs whEn IT ComEs To CusTomER LoYaLTY

There are three specific things that customers say they will never forget about when shopping they do not forget attitudes. Each member of the team is an extension of the sales and customer service experience customers do not forget what happen after the sale. The best marketing tool available to a business is the customer s satisfaction after the sale they do not forget how a business handles issues or misunderstandings. When customers have an issue or misunderstanding more than any other time a business has the opportunity to develop a bonded relationship Customer will become loyal if the sales and customer service team develop a no matter what its takes attitude, keep its promises, quickly address issues and take care of them after the sale. If a business does all these things, customers will be glad to come back for more. Remember: everything counts

ouR ImaGE: BasIC pRInCIpLEs of CommunICaTIon

3.1 COmmuNiCaTiON basiCs Effective communication it is two ways it involves active listening it utilizes feedback it is free of stress it is clear

3.2 COmmuNiCaTiON basiCs we are giving off and receiving information all the time. Communication is a two way flow of signals: non verbal: non verbal messages are communicated with our bodies, silence, time and space verbal: the words we choose para verbal: how we say the words (tone, inflection, speed) These three types are used to: send clear, concise messages receive and correctly understand messages sent to us american surveys have found that the total impact of a message is about 55% non verbal, 38% para verbal (tone of voice, inflection and just 7% verbal (words only). The verbal component of a face to face conversation is less than 35% and over 65% of communication is done non verbally. What you say is not nearly as important as how you say it

3.3 NON veRbal we are giving off and receiving information all the time. Communication is a two way flow of signals: facial expression body language eye language non verbal messages Look at yourself and understand what attitudes and behaviors you express. Look at the customer and understand something about the people with whom you will be meeting. Body language examines aspects of non verbal communication in everyday life. what people say is often very different from what they think or feel. a persons gesture are accurate indicators of his or her attitude, thoughts, desires or emotions. Trough our body language we are always communicating whether we want it or not. You cannot NOT communicate facial expressions body language

3.4 veRbal words phrases questions verbal messages are: brief succinct, and organized free of jargon do not create resistance Type of questions: closed ended questions are questions that normally are answered with yes or no. They do not allow further/ open discussion. may I help you? Open ended question on the other end allow the customer to talk about its needs. It improves communication with the client. what / how what are you looking for? how may I help you? what kind of watch are you looking for? how do you see your watch? what do you see as color / shape / material? 3.5 paRa veRbal voice tone talking speed verbal expression para verbal messages: a sentence can convey entirely different meanings depending on the emphasis on words and the tone of voice. for example the question how can I help you? has different meanings depending on which word is emphasized. how can I help you? how can I help you? how can I help you? when we are angry or excited our speech tends to become more rapid and higher pitched. when we are bored or feeling down our peech tends to slow and take on a monotone quality. when we are feeling defensive our speech is often abrupt.

ReaDY fOR The ChalleNge, leTs gO!

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