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Secara sederhana inflasi diartikan sebagai meningkatnya harga-harga secara umum dan terus menerus.

Kenaikan harga dari satu atau dua barang saja tidak dapat disebut inflasi kecuali bila kenaikan itu meluas (atau mengakibatkan kenaikan harga) pada barang lainnya. Sedangkan deflasi itu kebalikan dari inflasi,,,

inflasi adalah suatu proses meningkatnya harga-harga secara umum dan terus-menerus (kontinu) berkaitan dengan mekanisme pasar yang dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor, antara lain, konsumsi masyarakat yang meningkat, berlebihnya likuiditas di pasar yang memicu konsumsi atau bahkan spekulasi, sampai termasuk juga akibat adanya ketidak lancaran distribusi barang. deflasi adalah suatu periode dimana harga-harga secara umum jatuh dan nilai uang bertambah.Deflasi adalah kebalikan dari inflasi

NFLASI Pengertian:Dalam ilmu ekonomi, inflasi adalah suatu proses meningkatnya harga-harga secara umum dan terus-menerus (kontinu). Dengan kata lain, inflasi juga merupakan proses menurunnya nilai mata uang secara kontinu. Inflasi adalah proses dari suatu peristiwa, bukan tinggi-rendahnya tingkat harga. Jenis,Inflasi dapat digolongkan menjadi tiga golongan, yaitu inflasi ringan, sedang, berat, dan hiperinflasi. Inflasi ringan terjadi apabila kenaikan harga berada di bawah angka 10% setahun; inflasi sedang antara 10%30% setahun; berat antara 30%100% setahun; dan hiperinflasi atau inflasi tak terkendali terjadi apabila kenaikan harga berada di atas 100%. Inflasi dapat disebabkan oleh dua hal, yaitu:Tarikan permintaan atau desakan biaya produksi. Inflasi tarikan permintaan (Ingg: demand pull inflation) terjadi akibat adanya permintaan total yang berlebihan sehingga terjadi perubahan pada tingkat harga. Inflasi desakan biaya (Ingg: cost push inflation) terjadi akibat meningkatnya biaya produksi (input) sehingga mengakibatkan harga produk-produk (output) yang dihasilkan ikut naik. DEFLASI Pengertian:Dalam keuangan modern, deflasi didefinisikan sebagai meningkatnya permintaan terhadap uang berdasarkan jumlah uang yang berada di masyarakat. Penyebab:Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada 4 penyebab deflasi:Menurunnya persediaan uang di masyarakat,Meningkatnya persediaan barang,Menurunnya permintaan akan suatu barang,Naiknya permintaan akan uang.

eiya ni pengertian sederhana dari inflasi (maaf,, blum bisa ngutip uy,,) Inflasi adalah fenomena kenaikan harga-harga pada sebuah lingkup ekonomi. Tingkat inflasi biasanya diberikan dalam persentase. Jika inflasi pada sebuah tahun adalah 10%, maka rata-rata harga barang pada akhir

tahun lebih mahal 10% daripada di awal tahun. Atau dengan kata lain, nilai yang bisa dibeli oleh sejumlah uang berkurang 10% pada akhir tahun dibandingkan dari awal tahun. Inflasi dapat disebabkan oleh dua hal, yaitu tarikan permintaan atau desakan biaya produksi. Inflasi tarikan permintaan (Ingg: demand pull inflation) terjadi akibat adanya permintaan total yang berlebihan sehingga terjadi perubahan pada tingkat harga. Bertambahnya permintaan terhadap barang dan jasa mengakibatkan bertambahnya permintaan terhadap faktor-faktor produksi. Meningkatnya permintaan terhadap faktor produksi itu kemudian menyebabkan harga faktor produksi meningkat. Jadi, inflasi ini terjadi karena suatu kenaikan dalam permintaan total sewaktu perekonomian yang bersangkutan dalam situasi full employment. Inflasi desakan biaya (Ingg: cost push inflation) terjadi akibat meningkatnya biaya produksi (input) sehingga mengakibatkan harga produk-produk (output) yang dihasilkan ikut naik. Inflasi memiliki dampak positif dan dampak negatif- tergantung parah atau tidaknya inflasi. Apabila inflasi itu ringan, justru mempunyai pengaruh yang positif dalam arti dapat mendorong perekonomian lebih baik, yaitu meningkatkan pendapatan nasional dan membuat orang bergairah untuk bekerja, menabung dan mengadakan investasi. Sebaliknya, dalam masa inflasi yang parah, yaitu pada saat terjadi inflasi tak terkendali (hiperinflasi), keadaan perekonomian menjadi kacau dan perekonomian dirasakan lesu. Orang menjadi tidak bersemangat kerja, menabung, atau mengadakan investasi dan produksi karena harga meningkat dengan cepat. Para penerima pendapatan tetap seperti pegawai negeri atau karyawan swasta serta kaum buruh juga akan kewalahan menanggung dan mengimbangi harga sehingga hidup mereka menjadi semakin merosot dan terpuruk dari waktu ke waktu. => kayanya ini yang terjadi di ZImbabwe,, nyeremin ya,,

Devaluasi Devaluasi adalah kebijakan untuk menurunkan nilai tukar mata uangdomestik terhadap mata uang

asing. Keuntungan dari melakukan devaluasi adalah membuat harga barang-barang ekspor menjadi lebih murah sebaliknya harga barang impor menjadi lebih mahal. Devaluasi membuat peningkatan ekspor, net ekspor (ekspor dikurangi dengan impor) dan pendapatan nasional sedangkan kerugian dari devaluasi yang utama adalah membuat cost foreign currency loans lebih besar dari jumlah dollar yang dibayarkan untuk menutup pinjaman dalam mata uang asing juga lebih banyak. Revaluasi Revaluasi adalah kebijakan untuk menaikkan nilai tukar domestik terhadap nilai tukar negara lain. Keuntungan melakukan revaluasi adalah biaya meminjam dalam mata uang asing lebih murah, sedangkan kerugiannya yang utama adalah menyebabkan produk domestik menjadi lebih mahal dalam mata uang asing dan impor menjadi lebih murah dalam mata uang domestik. Jatuhnya nilai mata uang tertentu terhadap mata uang lain bisa disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor.

What Does Fund Manager Mean? The person(s) resposible for implementing a fund's investing strategy and managing its portfolio trading activities. A fund can be managed by one person, by two people as co-managers and by a team of three or more people. Fund managers are paid a fee for their work, which is a percentage of the fund's average assets under management.

A fund manager is an investment professional, who manages the allocation of the financial resources in order to achieve optimal fund performance. Typically, a fund manager is responsible for the assets of a mutual fund though a fund manager can manage other types of funds such as a pension fund or insurance fund. A fund manager also carries the responsibility for general fund supervision, as well as monitoring the daily trading activity. Another important aspect of the fund manager position is to sustain nominal risk of the mutual fund by developing prudent investment strategies. Although in general fund manager professionals are considered by many to be investment experts, selecting the right fund manager remains an important task. A worthy fund manager should have a proven track record of facilitating adequate fund performance and generating returns. A fund manager is sometimes referred to as portfolio manager.
portfolio manager is the asset management professional who makes investmentdecisions for a portfolio. For example, in a mutual fund the portfolio manager would be the person with ultimate responsibility to decide what to buy, hold, and sell to achieve the objectives of the fund. Many mutual fund investors focus directly on the track record of the portfolio manager rather than the fund itself. They will avoid or sell out of a fund that

has changed to a new, unproven portfolio manager. A pension fund, hedge fund, orREIT, among others, generally all have a portfolio manager. If the portfolio is large, multiple individuals may share the portfolio manager role, perhaps each managing one portion of the portfolio. An important credential for the portfolio manager, especially with a mutual fund, is the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation.
The FTSE 100 Index also called FTSE 100, FTSE, or, informally, the 'footsie' (pronounced /ftsi/) is a share index of the 100 most highly capitalised UK companies listed on the London Stock Exchange. Although FTSE is jointly owned by the Financial Times and the London Stock Exchange, the initials are no longer an acronym nor an initialism and do not stand for "Financial Times Stock Exchange", although that is the etymological origin of the name. They are a hybrid borrowed from FTSE's two parent companies. The index began on 3 January 1984 with a base level of 1000; the highest value reached to date is 6950.6, on 30 December 1999. After falling dramatically during the financial crisis of 2007-2010 to a low of below 3,500, the index has recovered by a significant margin to 6,091.33 on 8 February 2011, its highest level since mid-2008. It is the most widely used of the FTSE Group's indices, and is frequently reported (e.g. on UK news bulletins) as a measure of business prosperity.

The index is maintained by the FTSE Group, an independent company which originated as a joint venture between the Financial Times and the London Stock Exchange. It is calculated in real time and published every 15 seconds. FTSE 100 companies represent about 81% of the market capitalisation of the whole London Stock Exchange. Even though the FTSE All-Share Index is more comprehensive, the FTSE 100 is by far the most widely used UK stock market indicator. Other related indices are the FTSE 250 Index (which lists the next largest 250 companies after the FTSE 100), the FTSE 350 Index (which is the aggregation of the FTSE 100 and 250), FTSE SmallCap Index and FTSE Fledgling Index. The FTSE All-Share aggregates the FTSE 100, FTSE 250 and FTSE SmallCap. The constituents of the index are determined quarterly; the largest companies in the FTSE 250 Index are promoted if their market capitalisation would place them in the top ninety firms of the FTSE 100 Index. Component companies must meet a number of requirements set out by the FTSE Group, including having a full listing on the London Stock Exchange with a Sterling or Euro denominated price on SETS, and meeting certain tests on nationality, free float, and liquidity.

With only historical exceptions, the companies listed on this index must by law include the abbreviation 'plc' at the end of their name, indicating their status of public limited company. Continuous trading starts at 08:00 and ends at 16:30 (when the closing auction starts), and closing values are taken at 16:35. [edit]Weighting

Simply put, a stock represents part ownership of a company. Anyone who holds a stock of say, Reliance, can claim that he has a stake in the company and has a proportional share in the companys assets and profits. The reason why we use the word proportional is because the level of ownership depends not only on the number of shares a person holds but also on the total number of shares that have been issued. For example, if you were to hold 5 shares of Reliance, and had Reliance issued 100 shares, you would have a 5% ownership of Reliance. Most companies also give voting rights to all its shareholders which gives its shareholders a proportional vote in certain major company decisions.
In today's financial markets, the distinction between stocks and shareshas been somewhat blurred. Generally, these words are used interchangeably to refer to the pieces of paper that denote ownership in a particular company, called stock certificates. However, the difference between the two words comes from the context in which they are used. For example, "stock" is a general term used to describe the ownership certificates of any company, in general, and "shares" refers to a the ownership certificates of a particular company. So, if investors say they own stocks, they are generally referring to their overall ownership in one or more companies. Technically, if someone says that they own shares - the question then becomes - shares in what company?

Bottom line, stocks and shares are the same thing. The minor distinction between stocks and shares is usually overlooked, and it has more to do with syntax than financial or legal accuracy Anonymous
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Shares are the incremental amount of stock you can own. In other words, you say you own stock in IBM and someone asks how much, you would say that you have 10 shares. Anonymous
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There is no difference between A Share and A Stock, they both are same things. Ankit Srivastava
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Its nt a same thing.both r different thing stock,it means refer ownership certificate to any particular company.and share it means refer to ownership certificate to a particular company, like eg slice and pizza Anonymous
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