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A program for synchronizing POSIX threads using Mutex

# include<pthread.h> # include<stdio.h>

# define NUM_THREADS 3 # define TCOUNT 10 # define COUNT_LIMIT 12 int count=0; int thread_ids[3]= {0,1,2}; pthread_mutex_t count_mutex; pthread_cond t count_threshold_cv; void *inc_count(void *idp) { int j,i; double result=0.0; int *my_id=idp; for(i=0;i<TCOUNT;i++) { pthread_mutex_lock(&count_mutex); count++; /* Check the value of count and signal waiting thread when condition is reached. note that this occurs while mutex is locked. */ if(count==COUNT_LIMIT) { pthread_cond_signal(&count_threshold_cv); printf("inc_count(): thread %d , count =%d Threshold reached. \n",*my_id,count); } printf("inc_count(): thread %d , count =%d, unlocking mutex\n",* my_id, count); ptread_mutex_unlock(&count_mutex); /* Do some work so threads can alternate on mutex lock */ for(j=0;j<1000;j++) { result=result +(double) random(); } pthread_exit(NULL); } void *watch_count(void *idp) { int *my_id= Idp; printf("Starting watch_count(): thread %d\n",*my_id); /* Lock mutex and wait for signal. note that the pthread_cond_wait routine will automatically and atomically unlock mutex whileit waits. also , note that if count_limit is reached before this routine is run by the waiting thresd, the loop will be skipped to prevent pthread_cond_wait from never returning */ pthread_mutex_lock(&count_mutex);

if(count<COUNT_LIMIT){ pthread_cond_wait (&count_threshold_cv, &count_mutex); printf(watch count thread : thread %d Condition signal received.\n, *my_id); }

pthread_mutex_unlock (&count_mutex); pthread_exit (NULL); }

int main (int argc , char *argv[]) { Int I , rc; pthread_t threads[3]; pthread_attr_t attr; /* Initialize mutex and condition variable objects */

pthread_mutex_init (&count_mutex , NULL); pthread_cond_init (&count_threshold_cv , NULL); /* For portability , explicitly create threads in a joinable state */ pthread_attr_init (&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate (&attr , PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE ); pthread_create (&thread[0] , &attr , inc_count , (void *) &thread_ids[0]); pthread_create (&thread[1] , &attr , inc_count , (void *) &thread_ids[1]); pthread_create (&thread[2] , &attr , inc_count , (void *) &thread_ids[2]); /* Wait for threads to complete */ for (i=0; i< NUM_THREADS; i++) { pthread_join (threads[i] , NULL); } printf (Main() : Waited on %d threads. Done. \n, NUM_THREADS);

/* Clean up and exit */ pthread_attr_destroy (&attr); pthread_mutex_destroy (&count_mutex); pthread_cond_destroy (&count_threshold_cv); pthread_exit(NULL); }

2.A program for synchronization POSIX threads(PThreads) using a Semaphore.

#include<stdio.h> #include<unistd.h> #include<stdlib.h>

#include<string.h> #include<pthread.h> #include<semaphore.h>

void *thread_function(void *arg); sem_t bin_sem;

#define WORK_SIZE 1024 char work_area[WORK_SIZE]; int main() { int res; pthread_t a_thread; void *thread_result; res=sem_init(&bin_sem,0,0); if(res!=0) { perror(Semaphore initialization failed); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } res=pthread_create(&a_thread.NULL,thread_function.NULL); if(res!=0) {perror(Thread creation failed); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf(input some text .Enter endto finish\n); while(strncmp(end,work_area,3)!=0) { fgets(work_area,WORK_SIZE,stdin);

sem_post(&bin_sem); } printf(\n waiting for thread to finish.\n); res=pthread_join(a_thread,&thread_result); if(res!=0) { perror(thread join failed); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }

printf(Thread joined\n); sem_destroy(&bin_sem); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }

void *thread_function(void *arg) { sem_wait(&bin_sem); while(strncmp(end,work_area,3)!=0) { printf(You input %d characters \n,strlen(work_area)-1); sem_wait(&bin_sem); } pthread_exit(NULL); }

3. A program for implementing the PRAM algorithm for parallel reduction

# include<conio.h> # include<stdio.h> # include<math.h> Void main() {

Int *a,n,i,g,cn=0,j,k; Clrscr(); Printf(enter no. Of elements\t); Scanf(%d,&n); a = (int *) malloc(2*n); printf(enter information\n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { Scanf(%d,&[i]); } Printf(initial\n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { Printf(%d,a[i]); } g=n; i=2; while(g>=1) { cn ++; printf(\nafter %d cycle \n,cn); j=0; while((j+(i/2))<n) { printf(%da[j]); for(k=0;k<(i/2);k++) printf( j=j+1; } );

If(j<n) Printf(%d,a[j]); g=g/2; i=i*2; } getch(); } OUTPUT: Enter no. of elements 10 Enter information 4 5 8 5 9 6 3 2 7 1 After 1 cycle 9 13 15 5 8 After 2 cycle 22 20 8

After 3 cycle 42 8

After 4 cycle 50 */

5. A program for implementating the Parallel Matrix multiplication using Row-column oriented algorithm..
#include<stdio.h #include<gmp.h> #include MatrixGMP.h #ifindef WIN32 #include<sys/time.h> #endif #include<time.h>

#include pvm3.h double sqrt(double x); void error_exit(char *message) { fprintf(stderr,Error:%s\n,message); pvm_exit(); exit(-1); } int main(int argc,cahr *argv[]) { int m,n,I,j,k,l; int tid,ptid,nprocs,*child_tids,info,numchilds; int numrows,divrest,size; // char buf[256]; char *buf; int bufid,buflength,type,source; struct timeval time_start,time_end;/*for timing*/ int dt; Matrix A,B,C,C2,My_A_Part,My_C_Part; LMatrix LA,LB; //Message Tags const int DIMENSION=1; const int MATRIX_B=2; const int SHARE=3; const int MATRIX_A_PART=4; const int RESULT=5; // initialize matrices A=Matrix_initialise(); B=Matrix_initialise(); C=Matrix_initialise();

LA=LMatrix_initialise(); LB=LMatrix_initialise(); //start pvm tid=pvm_mytid(); ptid=pvm_parent(); if(ptid==PvmNoParent) {// root process if(argc<3){ printf(\n\n Error on Program call.\n); printf(usage :%s <matrix dimension><numProcs>\n\n,argv[0]); exit(0); ) n=atoi(argv[1]);printf(matrix dimension :%2d\n,n); nprocs=atoi(argv[2]); printf(total number of processes: %2d\n,nprocs); if(nprocs>n) {printf?(\n WARNING:only %s processes will be created!,argv[1]); nprocs=n; } if(n<=0)||(nprocs<=0))error_exit(negative parameters); //create nprocs-1 additional processes numchilds=nprocs-1; printf(Newly created proceses :%2d\n,numchilds); child_tids=(int *)malloc(numchilds*sizeof(int); info=pvm_spawn(argv[0],(char **)0,PvmTaskDefault,,numchilds,child_tids); if(info!=numchilds)error_exit(process creation not successful\n); //Allocate storage for matrices A=Matrix_create(n,n); B=Matrix_create(n,n);

C=Matrix_create(n,n); LA=LMatrix_create(n,n);> LB=LMatrix_create(n,n); //Fill mtrices A and B with random numbers Matrix_fill(&A); Matrix_fill(&B); //time_start gettimeofday(&time_start,(struct timezone*)0); //convert input matrices to long int LA=Matrix_convert_to_long(A); LB= Matrix_convert_to_long(B); //broadcast matrix B pvm_initsend(PvmDataDefault); pvm_pkint(&n,1,1); pvm_mcast(child_tids,numchilds,MATRIX_B); //tell each worker its number of rows and its part of matrix A numrows=n/nprocs; divrest=n%nprocs; J=0; for(i=0;i<numchilds;i++) { int size=(divrest0)?numrows+1:numrows; pvm_initsend(PvmDataDefault); pvm_pkint(&size,1,1); pvm_send(child_tids[i],SHARE); pvm_initsend(PvmDataDefault); pvm_pklong( (LA.row)[j], size*n, 1); pvm_send(child_tids[i], MATRIX_A_PART); J +=size; }

// do own part of work My_A_Part=Matrix_initialise(); My_A_Part=Matrix_create(numrows,n); // copy my A-part for (i=0;i<numrows*n;i++) { mpz_init([i]); mpz_set([i],[i-j*n]); } Matrix_clear(&My_A_Part); Matrix_clear(&my_C_Part); //receive results from child processes J=0; divrest = n%nprocs; for( i=0; i<numchilds; i++) { int size = ( divrest 0) ? numrows+1: numrows; bufid=pvm_recv( child_tids[i], RESULT); pvm_bufinfo( bufid, &buflength, &type, &source); buf = (char*)malloc(buflength/n); for(k=j; k<size; k++) { for (l=0; l<n; l++) { pvm_upkstr(buf); mpz_init(C.row[k][1]); mpz_set_str( C.row[k][1],buf,10); } } J +=size; } // time_end gettimeofday(&time_end, (struct timezone*)0);

dt = (time_end.tv_sec time_start.tv_sec)+1000000 + printf(Runtime for matrix with dimension [%4d] on [ %2d] processor(s): [%8d] usec.\n,n, nprocs, dt); if(0) { printf (\nMatrix A\n); Matrix_output(A); printf(\nMatrix B\n); Matrix_output(B); } If(0) { Printf(\nResult matrix C\n); Matrix_output(C); } // correctness check If(0) { C2= Matrix_initialise(); C2= Matrix_create(n, n); C2= Matrix_multiply(A, B); printf(\nControl Matrix C2\n); Matrix_output(c2); If (Matrix_compare(C,C2)) { printf(\n!!!Result ok !!! \n); } else { printf(\n!!!>>>>>RESULT WRONG<<<<<<<<<<!!!\n); } } } Else { // worker process //receive dimension n pvm_recv(ptid, DIMENSION); pvm_upkint(&n, 1, 1);

//create , receive and convert matrix B B= Matrix_create(n, n); LB=L Matrix_create(n, n); pvm_recv(ptid, SHARE); pvm_upkint(&numrows, 1, 1); //create receive and convert part of matrix A A = Matrix_create(numrows ,n); LA =LMatrix_create(numrows ,n); pvm_recv(ptid, MATRIX_A_PART); pvm_upklong(, n*numrows, 1); Matrix_convert_from_long(&A,LA); //multiply C = Matrix_multiply(A,B); // send result pvm_initsend(PvmDataDefault); // convert result matrix elements into strings and //pack them into single buffer for(k=0; k<numrows*n;k++) { buf = (char*)malloc (mpz_sizeinbase([k],10)+2); mpz_get_str(buf,10,[k]); pvm_pkstr(buf); free(buf); } pvm_send(ptid,RESULT); } //end worker //Deallocate Storage Matrix_clear(&A); Matrix_clear(&B);

Matrix_clear(&C); LMatrix_clear(&LA); LMatrix_clear(&LB); //abmelden bei pvm pvm_exit(); Matrix_output(c2); If (Matrix_compare(C,C2)) { Printf(\n!!!Result ok !!! \n); } else { printf(\n!!!>>>>>RESULT WRONG<<<<<<<<<<!!!\n); } } } Else { // worker process //receive dimension n pvm_recv(ptid, DIMENSION); pvm_upkint(&n, 1, 1); //create , receive and convert matrix B B= Matrix_create(n, n); LB=L Matrix_create(n, n); pvm_recv(ptid, SHARE); pvm_upkint(&numrows, 1, 1); //create receive and convert part of matrix A A = Matrix_create(numrows ,n); LA =LMatrix_create(numrows ,n); pvm_recv(ptid, MATRIX_A_PART); pvm_upklong(, n*numrows, 1); Matrix_convert_from_long(&A,LA); //multiply

C = Matrix_multiply(A,B); // send result pvm_initsend(PvmDataDefault); // convert result matrix elements into strings and //pack them into single buffer for(k=0; k<numrows*n;k++) { buf = (char*)malloc (mpz_sizeinbase([k],10)+2); mpz_get_str(buf,10,[k]); pvm_pkstr(buf); free(buf); } pvm_send(ptid,RESULT); } //end worker //Deallocate Storage Matrix_clear(&A); Matrix_clear(&B); Matrix_clear(&C); LMatrix_clear(&LA); LMatrix_clear(&LB); //abmelden bei pvm pvm_exit();

6. A program for implementing the Parallel Quick Sort.

#define TRY(aaa,bbb){bbb=aaa;\ If(bbb=-1){\ printf(whoops at %d : %d\n,_LINE_,errno;\ exit(1);} } #include <thread.h> #include <errno.h> #define FAIL 1 #define MINSIZE 20 #define PASS 0 #define size 100 #define SIZEBY4 /************ *Quicksort driver: initialize,sort, and verify. */ SIZE/4 /*verification failed*/ /*Cut-over size for bubble-sort*/ /*verification passed*/ /*size of array to sort*/ /*quarter size of array*/

main () { int a[size]; int i; int check=PASS; int ncpus; ncpus=synconf(_SC_NPROCESSOR_ONLN); printf(ncpus: %d\n,ncpus); thr_setconcurrency(ncpus); /*Initialize sort array to random numbers*/ for (i=0;i<SIZE;i++){ a[i]=(int)rand(); } /* Quicksort the array*/ Qsortr(a,o,SIZE-1); /*Verify the results*/ for(i=1;i<SIZE;i++) if(a[i]<a[i-1]){ printf(INVALID SORT: a[%d]=%d,a[%d]=%d\n,i-1,a[i-1],i,a[i]); check =FAIL; } } printf(/n Sorted array is :\n); for(i=0;i<SIZEBY4;i++){ printf( %13d %13d %13d %13d\n,a[i],a[i+SIZEBY4],a[i+(2*SIZEBY4),a[i+(3*SIZEBY4)]); } If(check==PASS){ printf(\nqsort worked.\n); }

else{ printf(\nqsort test failed!\n); exit(1); } } /********** *Quicksort routine; parallel and recursive. */ qsort(d,first,last) int *d; int first,last; { int lastpos; int temp; int swap; int pivot; int lesspos; int morepos; int I; thread_t pt; void * stat; /* *Once we get to a subrange of MIZSIZE elements,use a bubble sort. */ if ((last-first+1)<MINSIZE){ swap=1; while (swap){ swap=0; lastpos=last; /*array to be sorted*/ /*element range to sort*/

for(i=first;i<lastpos;i++){ if(d[i]>d[i+1]){ temp=d[i]; d[i]=d[i+1}; d[i+1]=temp; swap=1; } } Lastpos=lastpos-1; } } /* *Otherwise,quicksort the element range */ else{ /* Position pivot element such that element before are less than and elements after are greater than. */ pivot=d[(first+last)/2]; lespos=last; morepos=first; do{ while {pivot<d[lesspos])lespos--; while(d[morepos]<pivot)morepos++; if(morepos<lesspos){ temp=d[morepos] d[morepos]=d[lesspos]; d[lesspos]=temp; lesspos--; morepos++;

} }while morepos<lesspos); /* If the less-than list is larger than two elements , hand it off to be sorted by a new thread . Then recursively sort the greater-than list ( if larger than two elements). */ If(first<lesspos){ thread_qsort(&pt,d,first,lesspos); } If(morepos<last) { qsort(d,morepos,last); } /* wait for the thread sorting the less-than list */ TRY(thr_join(pt,0,&stat),i); } } /************ Start procedure for a thread running quick sort . Get the arguments passed to the thread and pass them on to the quick sort routine . */ Void * start(ar) Void * ar; { Int a,b,c; Int *args; /* *Get the arguments passed to the thread and *free up the space used to pass arguments. */

args=(int*)ar; a=args[0]; b=args[1]; c=args[2]; free(args); /*quick sort using the arguments */ qsortr(a,b,c); /*Return successful completion status*/ Return((void*)0); } /* Spawn a thread to QuickSort an array & return a handle to a spawned thread. */ thread_qsort(p,a,b,c) thread_t * p; int * a,b,c; { Int * args; Int rcl; /* Allocate area to pass qsortr arguments in */ args=(int*)malloc(8*3); args[0]=(int)a; args[1]=b; args[2]=c; /* Spawn the thread */ TRY(thr_create(0,0,start,(void*)args,0,p),rcl); }

7. A program for implementing the solution of linear systems using Gaussian elimination
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int n; float a[10][11]; void forwardsubstitution(){ int I,j,k,max; float t; for(i=0;i<n;++i){ max = i; for(j=i+1;j<n;++j) if(a[j][i]>a[max][i]) max=j; for(j=0;j<n+1;++j){ t=a[max][j]; a[max][j]=a[i][j]; a[i][j]=t; } for(j=n;j>=I;--j) for(k=i+1;k<n;++k) a[k][j]-=a[k][i]/a[i][i]*a[i][j];

} } void reverseelimination(){ int i,j; for(i=n+1;i>=0;--i){ a[i][n]=a[i][n]/a[i][i]; a[i][i]=1; for(j=i-1;j>=0;--j){ a[j][n]-=a[j][i]*a[i][n]; a[j][i]=0; }}} void gauss(){ int i,j; forwardsubstitution(); reverseelimination(); for(i=0;i<n;++i){ for(j=0;j<n+1;++j) printf(2f\t,a[i][j]); printf(\n);}} int main(int argc,char*argv[]) { int I,j; FILE *fin=fopen(,r); fscanf(fin,%d,&n); for(i=0;i<n;++i) for(j=0;j<n+1;++j) fscanf(fin,%f,&a[i][j]); fclose(fin); gauss(); return 0;

} Here is the input file for the example( it as 3 2 -3 -2 1 -1 1 1 2 2 8 -11 -3

8. A program for implementing the solution of linear systems using jacobian algorithm
/*must link the resulting object file with the libraries: -lf2c lm */ #include f2c.h /*table of constant values*/ Static doublereal c_b2=1.; Static integer c__1=1; Static doublereal c_b13=-1; Int Jacobi_(n,b,x,work,ldw,iter,resid,matvec,info) Integer *n,*ldw,*iter,*info; Doublereal *b,*x,*work,*resid; Int (*matvec)(); { /*system generated locals*/ Integer work_diml,work_offset,i__1; /*local variables*/ Static integer temp; Extern/*subroutine*/ int matsplit_(); Extern doublerealdnrm2_(); Static integer I; Extern/*subroutine*/int dcopy_(); (in that order)

Static integer maxit; Extern/*subroutine*/int daxpy_(); Static integer x1,mm; Static doublereal tol; /*executable statements.*/ /*parameter adjustments*/ Work_diml=*ldw; Work_offset=work_diml+1; Work-=work_offset; --x; --b; /*function body*/ *info=0; /*test the input parameters*/ If(*n<0){ *info=1; } Elseif(*ldw<max(l,*n)){ *info=-2; }elseif(*iter<=0){ *info=3; } If(*info!=0){ Return 0; } Maxit=*iter; Tol=*resid;
/* Alias workspace columns. */ mm=1;

x1=2; temp=3; *iter=0; /*Form matrix splitting inv(m) and N */ matsplit_(&c, b2, &b[1], &work[mm*work_dim1+1}, 1dw, "JACOBI", "SPLIT", 6L, 5L); L10: /*Perform Jacobi iteration */ ++(*iter); /* Save the current approximation to Xin X1. */ dcopy_(n, &x[1], &c_1, &work[x]*work_dim1+1], &c_1); /* Apply iteration ; result is updated approximation vector x. */ 'dcopy_(n, &b[1], &c_1, &work[temp * work_dim1+1], &c_1); (*matvec)(&c_b2, &x[1], &c_b2, &work[temp*work_dim1+1]); i_1=*n; for(i=1;i<=i_1;++i) { x[i]=work[i +mm*work_dim1]* work[i+temp *work_dim1]; } /* Compute error and check for acceptable convergence */ daxpy_(n, &c_b13, &c_1, &work[x1 *work_dim1+1], &c_1); *resid= dnrm2_(n, &work[x1* work_dim1+1], &c_1)/dnrm2_(n, &x[1], &c_1); if(*resid<=tol) { goto L30; } if(*iter==maxit) { gotoL20; } gotoL10; L20: /* iteration fails */ *info=1; goto L30; L30: /* Iteration succesful, reconstruct matrix a. */ matsplit_(&c_b2, &b[1], &work[mm *work_dim1+1], 1dw, "JACOBI","RECON\ STRUCT", 6L,11L); return 0; /*End of Jacobi */

9-A program for Pack Upper Case

#include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> void main() { Int *b,n,I,g,k,val; char *a,*c; clrscr(); printf(enter no. of characters\t); scanf(%d,&n); a=(char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*(n+1)); b=(char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*n); c=(int*)malloc(2*n); printf(enter information\n); i=0; while (i<=n) { scanf(%c, &a[i]); i=i+1; } I=0; for (i=0; i<n; i++) a[i] = a[i+1]; printf(initial\n);

for (i=0; i<n; i++) { printf(%c , a[i]); val=a[i]; if(val>=65 && val<=90) b[i]=1; else b[i]=0; } for (i=1; i<n; i++) { b[i]=b[i]+b[i-1]; } k=0; g= b[0]; if (g==1) c[k++]= a[0]; for (i=1; i<n; i++) { if (g!=b[i]) { c[k++]=a[i]; g=b[i]; }}

printf(\npack upper case.\n); for (i=1; i<k; i++) printf(%c,c[i]); getch(); } OUTPUT Enter no. of characters: Enter information: Initial: 10 AbCDEfgHiJ AbCDEfgHiJ

Pack upper case:


4. A program for the implementation of PRAM algorithm for Preorder Tree Traversal
#include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<alloc.h> char charat(char [],char[],char); int index(char[],char); struct nod { char ii; char jj; int wt; int rank; struct nod *next; }; typedef struct nod NODE; void main() { int *b,n,i,g,k,val,flag=1,count=0,j; NODE *start,*p,*q; char parent[8]={'n','a','a','b','b','c','e','e'}; char sibling[8]={'n','c','n','e','n','n','h','n'}; char child[8]={'b','d','f','n','g','n','n','n'}; char node[8]={'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h'}; int preorder[8]; clrscr(); start=(NODE*)malloc(sizeof(NODE));

start->ii=node[0]; start->jj=child[0]; p=(NODE*)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); p=start; while(flag==1) { if(charat(parent,node,p->ii)==p->jj) { p->wt=0; p->rank=0; if(charat(sibling,node,p->ii)!='n') { q=(NODE*)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); q->ii=p->jj; q->jj=charat(sibling,node,p->ii); q->next=null; p->next=q; p=p->next; } else if(charat(parent,node,p->jj)!='n') { q=(NODE*)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); q->ii=p->jj; q->jj=charat(parent,node,p->ii); q->next=null; p->next=q; p=p->next; } else

{ q=(NODE*)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); q->ii=p->ii; q->jj=p->jj; q->next=null; p->next=q; p=p->next; preorder[index(node,p->jj)]=1; flag=0; } } else { p->wt=1; p->rank=1; if(charat(child,node,p->jj)!='n') { q=(NODE*)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); q->ii=p->jj; q->jj=charat(child,node,p->jj); q->next=null; p->next=q; p=p->next; } else { q=(NODE*)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); q->ii=p->jj; q->jj=p->ii;

q->next=null; p->next=q; p=p->next; } } } printf("list of successor..\n"); q=start; while(q->next!=NULL) { printf("%c %c\t",q->ii,q->jj); q=q->next; count++ } i=0; p=start; for(i=0;i<count-1,i++) { for(j=0;j<count-1,j++) q=p; p=p->next; } q->rank=q->rank+p->rank; p=start; } p=start; while(p->next!=NULL) { if(charat(parent,node,p->jj)==p->ii)

preorder[index(node,p->jj)]=8+1-p->rank; p=p->next; } printf("\nPreorder...\n"); for(i=0;i<8;i++) { printf("%c %d \n",node[i],preorder[i]); } getch(); } char charat(char n1[],char n2[],char a) { int in,i,j; for(i=0;i<8;i++) { if(n2[i]==a) in=i; } return n1[in]; } int index(char n1[],char a) { int i;

for(i=0;i<8;i++) { if(n1[i]==a)

return i; }}

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