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Firda Luthfiani «| TASK © ‘Untertrotely, Some Ftopla. Ywine trot the miss ynivterge competition 16 rot in bing with \edonas'on culture - Thefect that Hre Competition HIS cach Contestant to waar A Swimsuit is stir extremely _ treccaralie 10 \vdonesan Cuture = | 0ofat, lowaouse tra wise univer Competition JS Mo tn accordance ee ree ae with donesion | Cultora wich, 1S famous for maaring Closed clothes A moeerceca is rok dengams - ndeoor devas ove coreprour | Sasioc igh school shidans, bekwaen IS ond 1+ Years old, terd |p sread, show of ond sanarolly fut Urangawas ta far too mon] orpgous sitvalions. Ogf02, vecavce mos Cue riders Should bo aquired to va liarse © deve and drive Sfaly, and high Khvol Students should rot ride 0 motorcycle. if Hay c dor't rove a driving \iconce Crpegioly Just 0 chow Off or SPoza, on tnt streets Ke PAPFRIinT *: ) ase 13 ‘ } | the tue discussed = 2 Video gnites 2) po list of ormumants > + video gama Fill -Cilacan's | tendon | ord Refresh trair micas Ft “ating school day + Thaw opens encore Childcan to te reo L craotive beacnce the — 4Ores Cralerg crildcan tp win + The Goma Srortan Lair being 3) con list F aqumants : + Video gomas discouroga Childean for Sesdying + Soidants find it difficuit Conagtvore on Yes leston because trey always thine OF ideo Gomes a + Come ciildcon Dien crip Wair qxisocuc cular ackyitias fo ploy gare Nia games tn onl exces Cnidran (osrolore | U)RO Paation of tre writar hb Pro agoingt video Gora > || TACK 14 a: Ywe Purpoce. OF the Poragromn's kya video Gomes has more AisodNontoges thon advontoges fd for Poranks must be careful to their children in Playing vida games and Srpuld Pay attentien OM tam and Stlack Wa ores Brot Apmstcke 49 tha anes 2) TASK 1} a Wha koyic of te text i¢ about inkerask on aduicotion Purse "|| & the wo oF tie internat in CAveo¥ion 15 Con find ouk tha. information to mene Your knowladges |e. iE Con waprove seid aah Mrromy woys . tt Opens { se GANCouONG rasourcas ia. Wa con improve Cuc Krowladge | Ot Our Firgactigc, —_) © Ba Corafat with firding iNformation pn eran Cans

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