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Raj Yoga found as 7th (Kendra) House Lord Moon and ‘st (Kone) lord Saturn in 10th house Libra (Tula) Raj YOGA Present: Along Raj yoga Planet Venus Lord of 10 and Lord of Sth House in Sth house Raj Yoga found as 10th (Kendra) House Lord Venus and 9th (Kone) lord Mercury in 5th house Taurus (Vrish) Gajkesari Yoga Present as Jupiter (Guru) is in Kendra House : (7th house) And Rashi: Cancer (Karkat), Gaj (Elephant) Kesari (lion) both are powerful and influential animals. According to Rishi Parashar if this yoga is created in anyone's chart he becomes capable, efficient, get all luxurious, comforts and conveniences and occupies a higher position in his profession, This person may also be proficient in creative arts, arguments, debate and may be very intellectual Hans Yoga Present as Jupiter (Guru) is in Kendra House : (7th) And Rashi: Cancer (Karkat). This is one of PANCHA MAHA PURUSHA YOGAS OR THE '5 GREAT YOGAS' The person born in Hamsa Yoga is said to be very attractive with prominent nose, highly virtuous and knowledgeable, learned, kind hearted, long lived, and very lustful Shash Yoga as Saturn (Sani) is in Kendra House : (10th) And Rashi Libra (Tula). This is one of PANCHA MAHA PURUSHA YOGAS OR THE ‘5 GREAT YOGAS'. The person born in Shash yoga will be highly placed in the society, having state authority and powers, very intelligent and having leadership qualities and blessed with all materialistic things in his life Kemdrum Yoga Present as there is no planet on 2nd House(Scorpio (Brischik)) or 12th House(Virgo (Kanya)) from Moon. Person born in this Yoga will be dirty, sorrowful, doing unrighteous deeds, poor, dependent, a rogue and a swindler. The person will feel lonely and lead a rather difficult life. Daridra Yoga Present as Lord of 11th House (Mars) in the Rashi Chart is in 6th House. Person born on this Yoga will contract huge debts, will be very poor, will suffer from auditory troubles, will be mean and will commit sinful and criminal deeds Ubhayachari Yoga Present as Jupiter, present on 2nd House (Cancer (Karkat)) of Sun and Venus, Mercury, present on 12th House (Taurus (Vrish)) of Sun. The person born in this Yoga will be is sweet tongued, extremely famous, scheming and extremely wealthy Vasi Yoga Present as Venus, Mercury, present on 12th House (Taurus (Vrish)) of Sun. The person born in this Yoga will be will be happy, prosperous, liberal and the favourite of the ruling classes. Vesi Yoga Present as Jupiter, present on 2nd House (Cancer (Karkat)) of Sun. The person born in this Yoga will be will be will be fortunate,happy, virtuous, famous and aristocratic. Amala Yoga Present as Jupiter is in 10th Position from Moon in Cancer (Karkat), Person born in this yoga will be philanthropic and benevolent attitude towards mankind, may have career in the social sector

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