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2007 Summative (Core Case Paper) 1) Juvenile chronic arthritis Non articular features? Differential diagnoses? Treatment?

nt? Multidisciplinary approach to management? 2) Breast Cancer Differential diagnoses of breast lump? 2 features on examination? What does triple assessment involve? Gene testing? 3) COPD Differential diagnoses? 4 features of pleural effusion? 2 drug classes and examples? Non drug treatment? 4) Menorragia (heavy & irregular) Worrying features? Lab investigations? 2 considerations in primary care? 1st line drugs? 2nd line drugs? When to refer? 5) Schizophrenia 3 psychotic symptoms/signs? 2 lab investigations to exclude an organic cause? 3 differential diagnoses? Management? 6) Pre-eclampsia When is someone at high risk? Cause and effect of late decelerations? Key investigations? Colour of meconium? 3 methods of analgesia? Which drug would help the hypertension? 7) Prostate cancer Differential diagnoses of lower back pain & bilateral leg weakness? 3 features of management? Investigations to confirm the diagnosis? If cancer is diagnosed, treatment? 2 other therapies?

8) Lung cancer 2 imaging investigations? 2 drugs for the chest pain? Pt has chemotherapy/radiotherapy, then develops hallucinations, constipation and confusion. 3 reasons why? If the above symptoms are due to drugs, how? 9) TURP (Pt has a pacemaker due to prev drop attacks, on diltiazem and clopidogrel, has urinary retention) What is important in the pre-op assessment of this patient? What meds should be stopped and why? Prophylactic treatment? Why cant you give a spinal? Pt develops post-op SOBwhy could this be? Investigations to do? Drugs to give 10) Death 3 things that confirm death? Who can certify death? What 2 conditions must be present for someone to certify death? 4 reasons to refer to the coroner?

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